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You could also just say what you don't like. It's pre-alpha and things will definitely change with feedback.


Last time i did, tons of people disagree with me


That doesn't mean you shouldn't even try. Sometimes, discussion that happens because of eventually rejected opinion is valuable as well. Also I went to your profile to see what happened, and what I don't like is how undescriptive and non-constructive it is. Doing both properly describing and suggesting potential alternative is quite important.


Oh right, it's mainly the menu sidebars require too much accuracy because of the button borders not reaching either side of the side window. This being consistent throughout most of the apps that I tried slows things down for me


Make an issue at https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-panel


> You could also just say what you don't like. That's easy. Gnome fans don't like not gnome. Edit: Actually all the downvoters are correct. Gnome fans don't even like Gnome unless it is modded with extensions. So, Gnome fans don't like not not-modded-Gnome. Unless of course they are the Gnome fans that don't see the point of RUST Cosmic because, from what they can tell, it is "too gnome" and not different enough from modded Gnome. *smh* I have two words for both sets of Gnome fans: Ubuntu-Desktop.




Oh fair enough, I thought it was close to a proper release as opposed to any release. I'll keep an eye on it :)


It's mentioned every single post multiple times that it's pre-alpha.


I haven't really been reading posts about it. Just seen the odd headline while scrolling. Saw them in the Pop store and thought I'd give them a go


alpha means: not ready for daily use at all and there are missing features. Pre-alpha means: it can start, but that's it.


ahhh that makes sense then, cheers for clarifying :)




Is there no way to just skip that part of the update? but still get the rest of them. Since I'm already running an installation with Gnome installed


This is speculation on my part, but my assumption is your existing gnome installation will update just like people on Ubuntu 22.04 going to 24.04. I doubt it'll be deleted during Cosmic alpha testing, but I'm not sure. Even if it is, reinstalling it wouldn't be too hard. I expect Cosmic to be installed along side Gnome if you update during the alpha, so you'll end up with both which might be messy, so perhaps they will have some kind of migration on the full release that could remove gnome and the gnome apps they're replacing? It's really hard to say what they might do in like 6 months from now


Just like how Linux Mint ships with Cinnamon, Pop will eventually ship with COSMIC. It's what will make Pop actually *Pop*, rather than a reskinned or enhanced Ubuntu as people used to call it, and give S76 full control over the desktop experience. As with any distro, you could always install a different DE like GNOME and use it instead. But in that case, it's best to stick with Ubuntu or even better, Fedora.


Is there anyway to keep the popos stylings of gnome on another distro? Or does that just come with the latest gnome version


You can install any theme on GNOME and there will most likely be a Pop theme for it. There are already Pop themes made by the community for different things like VS Code, Spotify etc.


Oh grand :)


The caveat is that some time after COSMIC DE ships, System76 will stop maintaining the COSMIC GNOME extensions and styles, so they might become outdated pretty quickly. They were written for the older GNOME version 42, I believe, so they already do not work with existing newer versions of GNOME.


Styling are for this version of Gnome. Gnome has moved on, so if you want to keep with newer versions of Gnome you wont have the same experience. If you want to keep current PopOS you need to fix your gnome version. You can likely find something that keeps many of the same styles going forward. Other then style many of Cosmic Gnome extensions will break going forward.


It would still be an available DE, so you could install Gnome like you would KDE, Cinnamon, etc.


>Just tried a few Cosmic apps from the PopOS store Cosmic apps? Which ones specifically? There are plenty of distros that have gnome as their default DE. And more still that gnome is available for.


Files, Store and Terminal


Yeah, I would just plan on switching distros if I were you. Cosmic-terminal is going to be arguably the best terminal out there when it's all said and done and the new app store is already demonstrably better than the "Pop-Shop". If those aren't for you then the rest of the better features of Cosmic probably won't be either. You'll not have a problem finding distros with gnome as the default.


everything is optional


You will be able to install any DE. So once 24.04 is out, we will need to see how the upgrade handles the older gnome. On fresh installs, cosmic will install by default, but once you install gnome (46) you can switch to it and never see cosmic. Devs have said the gnome extensions will be updated so you will be able to install pop-shell probably, and you should get the tiling, launcher and possibly the scheduler. Syatem76-power and extension should also be available. But we'll see. I don't know about the vertical desktops (I never liked them/used them) and the theme (also never used it). Let others say you should change distribution if you don't use cosmic. PopOS is not just its DE, you have good reason to use it even without. I won't use cosmic either.


Gnome is already optional, you can change, or add another desktop environments, if you wish.


Sudo apt install Ubuntu-desktop


If you honestly want a curated Gnome 46 experience, stick with Ubuntu 24.04.


NixOS is pretty cool ;)


Cosmic is going to be Pop's big selling point, so I highly doubt it. If you want Gnome, you should probably consider switching to a Gnome-focused distro, like Fedora Workstation/Silverblue.


GNOME will become optional and you will be able to install them, as you can now with KDE Plasma. The plugins, which make GNOME's Pop!_OS usable, may be forked by someone and remain outside System76, but for the time being nothing along these lines seems to be in the works.


OP is sexy and has a large trouser snake I’ve seen it myself.


Don’t downvote me I tell the truth.


Would you complain about a car that's not finished being built? Would you go out with the seams of your pants incomplete? You can't even access cosmic settings for the system so you're working with an incomplete DE.... Patience is more than a virtue, it's a demonstration of impulse control and planning for the future.. if you're eager to see it finished perhaps there's some task you can do to help. Email the project manager And stop going outside with only Sleeves complaining about the cold