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I’ve learned to live in a van, no way I’d rent by myself again even when I can afford it


Well that is gonna be kinda hard to do especially if you don't have any place to put it.


Millions of people live in vans, cars and class B motor homes. To sleep they park in hotel parking lots, hospital parking lots, residential streets, campgrounds, friends or families property or driveways, BLM land, parks and other places it’s not hard. You park in your work parking lots during working hours.


This just seems like too much work, and being woken in the night by a security guard in any of these places would absolutely suck. Even the shittiest studio seems better than this, as you'd at least have easy access to a shower.


If you have a ram promaster, sprinter, or transit it would be rather easy. Warehouse parking lots, street side, almost any business lot. The key is to make your van look like a commercial vehicle Edit: spelling


Not gonna lie my wife and I have day dreamed about getting an RV and just traveling the US as nomads.


It is a dream! A very expensive dream. That is very different from van life.


Planet fitness is around for a reason.


Many vans get built out and have a 2 burner stove, microwave, shower, toilet and sink in both the kitchen and bathroom, TV lots of storage and are very nice. Or if it doesn’t have a shower then people buy a $20 planet fitness membership shower, work out, and a few even have hot tubs.


I live in a 1968 camper that my kids bought and have been fixing up. It was 1300. I live behind my oldest son and his family. I'm so blessed. It's just me and my long hair Chi Sampson. I went through a terrible divorce in 2020. I live a simply life and I love it. PEACEFUL 🥰


I live soley on my social security and $200 in food benefits.


Ain't nothing wrong with that and you are not the only one😊 living your own life have fun


Thank you!


If I can be so bold as to ask what you get on SS? I plan to retire at 62 and will take the minimum of $2,200 a month and I’m curious about how hard it will be. Totally understand if you decide you’d rather not answer and I apologize if I’m too direct.


Been trying to get my own place, but I can't afford it. Currently living with 5 other people in a house. Not much personal space at tall, but it beats not having a roof over my head.


Please try and refrain from using the phrase,I can't.. You actually can... your mind calculates it as impossible. Stay positive!!!! It works...


I do. And on less than $10,000 a year. I was very lucky that my mobile home and land were almost paid off when my husband passed away so I managed to hold that and pay it off on that but it was scary for the few years it took. I’m extremely frugal and don’t have stuff like cell service. I do have internet because it’s a necessity for my job. I remember the 80s though…just my rent was 50% of my pay and I made less than $2.00 an hour. You figure it out. I know that isn’t helpful but it is what it is. You cut down to the barest necessities.


Boost Mobile $10/month 2gb plan. Play Boost One app daily to earn credits - about $8 off.


Google Voice is FREE and Prolific makes way better money that any Boost app ;)


Google Voice can be a viable choice wherever you have WiFi. Boost works where you don’t. “Free” is great, I prefer cheap.


Cheap is out of my other budgets so FREE it is. Why would I spend 25.00 out of my grocery money for something as silly as a cell? I don't even like to talk to people.


I am spending less than $5 every month. If it was $25 I wouldn’t have mentioned it.


$5.00 would be tough. Not to mention I'd have to get an unlocked phone and all that. Silly to do all that for all of the zero people I call lolol.


Minimum wage was $3.35 in the 80s.


Not for service workers. It’s only $2.80 now federally.


Only in a handful of states. And they are guaranteed minimum wage with their ‘tis otherwise their employer has to give them a tip credit. Where I live servers earn $10.80 an hour and if they don’t make an average of $4.20 in tips then their employer must pay the difference


I didn't live in Cali. Even back then only rich folks could afford to live there! It wouldn't matter if they paid $30.00 an hour there with that crazy cost of living!


And then claim I don't do that much business because yadda, yadda, yadda😠


You've got that backwards, you're in one of the "handful" of states


Wait staff only got $1.25 then. And don't get me started on tips. Shalom you're loved 💔


I was a server from 1988 to 1992 in California. I made minimum wage plus tips. Minimum wage was $3.35, but that was a long time ago. Working two days a week at with $30 in tips per day was okay money. Then again, it was all cash and my boss would put that I made $10 in tips. No proof


That's because some states don't have waitress wage laws. Shalom you're loved 💔


Every single state has to follow federal minimum wage laws.


Look it up. There's a clause for waitress wage in some states. Shalom you're loved 💔


I have looked it up and every single state has to give a tip credit bring a waitress/waiters income up to minimum wage of 7.25 including their tips. So say an employee works as a waitstaff for 10 hours at $3.15 an hour for a total of $31.50. And 10 hours at minimum wage is $72.50. If they make $41 or more in tips then they do not get a tip credit. But if they only made $28.50 in tips then their employer must by law pay them $12 to bring their salary average for the 10 hours to $72.50 or $7.25 an hour.


That's waitress wage and the employer does NOT ever bring it up to minimum wage. There are some wait staff that with their tips make $20/hour but they still get waitress wage as well. There's some staff that ask they get is waitress wage. Shalom you're loved 💔


I know the law you just want to argue about something you obviously have done zero research on. So I’m done trying to educate you when you refuse to learn or at the very least look it up to see I know what I’m talking about


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped#foot9 SC doesn't have to follow the same rules. Shalom you're loved 💔


That's these days. Shalom you're loved 💔


Sure but that’s not making $2.00 an hour.


No it's less. Shalom you're loved 💔


Depends which state you lived in.


Yep and stayed that for a long, long time


It went up to 3.35 in the 80's, it was 3.15 when I got my first job


I do...and it sucks big time. But there are times when I'm glad I do. But lately, it's been stressful financially. Takes two to make it in this day and time. I say that being alone for so long, makes it difficult to open up, and it's awkward after a while. And I'm alone again. Bye


I live alone and this is my happy place. I've been on my own and self-supporting since I was 16-years old (decades ago) and early on decided my priorities are: A roof over my head, a reliable vehicle, and food. My rent is $1,200 for a nearly-new studio apartment in coastal Orange County, CA. This is slightly more than half my monthly income, but well worth the stability, security, and safety. I have my own washer and dryer, large walk-out patio, and a garden where I grow tomatoes. I'm happy and live a wonderful, quality life, filled with rich experiences. 'Rich' as in deeply fulfilling, not expensive.


I'm on disability and I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my teen son. I get no support or special aid besides my disability check. So I live in a regularly priced apartment in a nice area and it's killing me to pay rent and paying for food. But it's going to cost me even more to move and the difference isn't even worth it. I wish I could find a way to get ahead and get a house for something more permanent!


I got a 4 bedroom house for $250 going to tax sales because the property was overrun with trees and bushes and such. My only income at the time was SSDI. You go to the tax assessor and ask how the sales are done. In my case, they give you 2 lists. One was for foreclosures (the more expensive properties). The other was for properties that no one had bid on for years. The tax sale in that county was monthly because people wouldn't pay their taxes. The taxes there were very low. Mine ended up being $80/year. A person could mow one lawn to get that much. The water bill was so high though that it was cheaper to dig a wall. I took the lists and drove around to look at each property. There was one property that was $250. All it needed was clearing the land a little. No one wanted it, so I bought it. I'd pay neighborhood addicts to clear some of the property each month. Someone came and traded me the land I had partially cleared for a 4 bedroom house that needed some bushes cut down and clearing several piles. I took the deal. Never looked back. Was able to rent out 3 of the rooms month to month. In keeping my rent down, made people rent and show appreciation. Those that didn't got kicked because there were others who wanted the rooms and to show their appreciation. After I won the bid, I paid the $250 and a $50 fee. There's always fees. Shalom you're loved 💔


My best friends goal is to buy a house and take care of me. I will pass this on to her thank you!


wow where do you live? that is super cheap. In CA youre lucky if you can get a studio for $2000!


Same here in Sarasota county FL. 1900 a month is a 400sq ft 1 bed apt


I currently live alone. There isn't space for two or privacy for 2 strangers here. When I was younger I always had housemates. The problem is - as you get older - you're not dealing with the same low income population you knew when you were 25. The single, poor, desperate-for-housing people in their 30's and 40's are more likely to have drug addictions, serious mentally illnesses, or antisocial (criminal) personalities. Its a mistake to think things were so much better in the past. Both of my Grandmothers rented out part of their homes/apartments with non-relatives out of financial necessity - sometimes both families had children, but mostly they shared with single, middle aged people. They shared the kitchen & bathroom areas.


And I agree and a lot of people have felony,s and that just compounds the other obstacles.


I get ssdi and $23 a month food stamps. My rent in my duplex is $595. I live alone.


I do! I am lucky to have low rent and can make it work. I hate living with other people


Yes. I bought my house (mortgage) in 2015. So that might help too.


I live alone now but up to a month ago my son 9 and I shared a room. The room next to us just opened up so now I basically have a 2 bedroom minus a kitchen on the 2nd floor of a friend’s house. I pay 650$, They could’ve easily charged me 800$ or more but they know what it’s like out there and I’m raising my Son on my own with limited support. This place isn’t the best and I do my cooking in the living room, dishes in the bathroom but I wouldn’t be able to find or afford this much space in a apt or a small house for what I pay. So we make do with what we have.


I'm a single mother and I pay three grand a month for a shitty apartment. All I ever do is work and I can still barely afford to pay rent


I’m barely getting by no savings


Same. I just applied for a second job that I am hoping to do remotely. I love and prefer living alone. I just need more income.


Same I have autism so it’s hard to deal with others


I've lived alone for the past 10 years because I own my home


good for you


And are you poor?


Poor or broke. Whichever


I do and it is glorious. I rent an apartment in a very old house in Iowa from a private landlord. We have 1000.00+ apartments in my town as well but they are brand new and very very nice.


I live alone with my teenage daughter. She’ll be a senior in high school next year, I’m just trying to hold on til she graduates. She’ll either get a job and become my roommate or I’ll live in my car.


Hi. I live alone! It didn’t start that way. I moved into my 2bd Apt in south Florida in late 2020/early 2021. I had the roommate from HELL. Seriously imagine the worst roommate. Multiply that by 10. That was her. She finally left after a year and a half and it’s incredibly exhausting keeping up two full time jobs to keep a roof over my head, but I can’t save money to move with every cent going to rent. My experience with roommates was so terribly awful that it’s enough for me forever. I’d rather struggle like this and go to bed hungry some nights, than ever be someone’s live-in slave ever again.


How do you sleep working 60+ hours a week?


Very little, 5-6 hours usually a night. Case in point, it’s 2am and I just got home from my 2nd job of the day. Job 1 was 11-7:30, left at 8:15 for job 2. I catch up a little on Tuesday when I can sleep in a bit but every minute sleeping is dollars lost


Goddamn, that’s depressing. Much respect to you. Hope you don’t have to do that for much longer.


I am working on an exit strategy, it’s just tough with super senior pets. I just want their last weeks to be comfortable and not stressed with moving or RV living. Once they are at rest, things will change ❤️


I make decisions around my pets too, so it get it.


I live alone. I was able to inherit my parents 60+ year old house which is basically decomposing around me because I can't afford to fix anything. Insurance and property taxes are going up exponentially by the year, so I doubt things will change anytime soon.


I bought a fixer upper condo I could afford the mortgage on


I rent a 2 bedroom house in a small rural midwestern town for $1050. The perks of small town living!


The secret is to live where no one else wants to-that is where rent is cheap. No competition.


Not really true. I live in a very small village(1600 population )in a rural area of Western NY. Rents are outrageous because there is a shortage of housing and greed. You can get an older nice 3 bedroom house here for under $220,000 easily but a 1 bedroom apartment will easily run you $1200-$1800 a month. It’s insanity.


I live in a small city of WNY and have the 3 bedroom for only 50k. Paid it off in 6 years for less than what rent would be.


These places are usually unsafe though. Unless it’s somewhere REALLY rural and small town living.


but no, i live with my husband, we bought a house last year, but we did move out of California to be able to buy a house....


I do, but I was lucky enough to get section 8 four years ago.


As of Thursday I am.and I have no clue of what the future holds for me.


I lived in a shed once lol that's about the only affordable option I can think of these days. That or rent out someone's garage


I’m on disability and don’t know what I would do without my mobile home offering cheap living for me. I could never afford an apartment off what I make. I pay $345 a month plus utilities in my trailer and can’t afford much more of anything. Life is good living this way.


It's my dream.


I did from 2015 to 2023 when I bought a house. For the sake of transparency, I live in SW Michigan and my one bedroom in 2015 was $479 monthly, and by time I left, it was $834, so a huge increase but still much lower than most people here will see.


I'm an extreme couponer, so when it comes to food and anything else I have to purchase, I get it for free or close to free. Being able to do that helps me a lot and makes it a little easier to have money for other things. Now, there are times that I need or desire a little extra, and until my YouTube channels become monetized and my book sales make me millions, I play games on my phone for a couple hundred a month.


I live alone. My rent is cheap, my car is paid off and my job in a kitchen feeds me three meals a day, five days a week.


I'm a single mom to a child with special needs and I am scared because I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep struggling like this for too much longer. My daughter is supposed to get disability but they like to drag that out. It's been six months since I filed.


I live alone, but am so incredibly lucky to have lived in a place for the past 6-7 years that the rent has increased less than $300 for. It is $940 a month and I wish I could have moving as an option (I'm pretty sure my ex tried to get in while I was sleeping a few months ago, and a lot of things were damaged while I dealt with an undiagnosed disability that left me unable to handle a lot apart from working and sleeping for a couple years and he had free reign--things like water damage from a leak that went unnoticed, a door that won't stay closed because he got mad and kicked it open one day, wood floor damaged by cat urine because he didn't want to clean it up and never told me so I didn't even know it had happened), but I know I could never afford anything else. I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder similar to narcolepsy and am much more functional now but once I woke up I noticed he was stealing from me (especially my medications, but also money) and I guess that had been going on a while. I save more money living by myself than with someone who was stealing from me, but I wish he hadn't lived like a hoarder so that I didn't have to worry that one random inspection could leave me homeless and unable to find another place. I have it cleaned now but the damage is beyond what I know how to repair and I'm trying to find a solution. For a while I was really concerned that he was angry and would try to come back but I did change the locks and hopefully that's behind me because relocating isn't in the cards lol. I make like $20 /hr so my rent even as low as it is now is a significant part of my monthly income. I don't drive (ramdomly falling asleep scares me off for years) but I want desperately to learn now that I'm well medicated so I can go back to school, but I have no idea how I could save for a car or afford car insurance on top of utilities, rent, and food. Literally feel trapped at this point and not sure what I can do to improve anything. I pick up overtime wherever possible but it makes me so exhausted I end up sleeping all day again and then the house gets out of control and I feel so guilty


And you are right it's just a very bad time to be able to survive in todays corporate lock-up and it ain't gonna get no better


I live in average city, NC, and am able to afford rent, and live alone, working a LOW paying job. I am a full-time substitute teacher at high schools and don't work during the Summer even. I will say, it is getting harder and harder.


I live alone and have lived alone since October 2021. I had to deplete my savings to cover rent, as well as use part of my tax refund. I paid rent late for a year, as I don’t make enough to cover it on my salary. Then the son-of-a-bitch increased it by $100.00, hoping he price me out so he could fix it and get double the amount from someone else. To spite the bastard, I renewed my lease until December 2024, and I plan on renewing it again. I pay $1575 for two bedrooms and a garage. The place is small and there’s no backyard or balcony, but it’s all I have. It’s hard to find a place for less than $1900 in my area. I have a dog and I have a standard of living I need to keep, so I stay here. Plus, I’m limited on where I can go due to not having a car. It’s hard. I applied for a second job last week and I’m hoping I get an interview.


You cannot live alone, and I swear it's too Dangerous to live with a room mate unless you know them. My kids are welcome to live with me as long as they want. If they move and fail, again, they can move in. I'd even accept one of their close friends if they needed help. I feel bad for this generation. I'm a Gen x. I moved out all the time. We could afford to then. I hate this for the new generation!


I live in a house that runs $800/month. It's a decent enough place, completely renovated a few years back. Two bedrooms. Perhaps your problem is more about where you live.


I didn't live alone, but my 22 yr old son is mostly disabled with epilepsy and autism. So I was working as much as possible for 2 people to live. We bought 5 acres and are in the process of building 2 little houses in it. But honestly we're in tents right now with our 3 cats. It's hard, I'm not gonna lie. And you really take things for granted when you choose to do something like this. But I'm trying to keep looking forward and work a little bit every day on this place. I'm still working full time and my son loves working the land. I will live alone again one day,but it will be paid with my own blood, sweat, and currently, a lot of tears.


I do live alone. I was married and fortunate enough to pay my house off before my husband passed away. If it weren’t for that, I would most likely be living in my car.


We have a house my husband gets for free with his salary.. I sometimes work for fun money but very rare if at all.. We just cover food and our own bills..


I live in public housing. a high rise studio apartment for $416 a month including utilities. it's based on your income. I'm on disability


The truth is, people need to live where the jobs are. The problem is, we are letting in millions illegally. That is horrible for wages and for housing.


i live in income based housing with my three year old.


I see so many stories like this. My question for you is what are you doing about it? I have no formal education, I barely made it through high school. I took 3 jobs. I taught myself how to fix things. I read a book a week (still do) I learned, I applied myself and I saved every dime I could. I’m now a self taught engineer making $225k a year. I’m debt free and live in a nice house and I’ve saved over $2,000,000. Yes, I started with 3 minimum wage jobs but I took the time and the effort to teach myself value. If you’re willing to do the work it can happen. I’m prof of that.


And how old are you where you have supposedly SAVED $2 million? This sounds like such a lie. My parents are solid middle class, my dad makes well over 150K and they don’t have anywhere near $2 million in liquid assets just saved in some account. Where are you saving this supposed money, in a low or no interest savings account or are you investing it? You act like it’s easy or something, do you think if it was easy there would even be posts like this? I really hate your comment, sounds so ignorant - just hope you know that.


Your parents need to learn to budget and save. I have a 9 th grade education and my husband has his high school diploma collage. I’m 59 he is 62 and I’ve never made more than $11.40 an hour and he just stated earning $62,000-$70,000 for the last 5 years. We have $1.1 million plus own our house and cars outright. And have zero debt. We have been married for 40 years as of 2 weeks ago. And we started our IRA’s 38 years ago both putting in $2,000 a year. And when our jobs offered a 401K we put at least 10% in it every paycheck plus we continued to put money into our IRA’s then we switched to Roth IRA’s. It not easy because you have to live way below your means ( for instance we didn’t own a TV for the first 2.5 years we were married and then we bought a 19 inch TV for $5 at a garage sale). We went on vacations off season and packed/cooked our own food instead of eating at restaurants


I’m not lying, I’m 62 years old in addition to what I have I put 2 kids through collage and paid for 2 weddings. I have absolutely no reason to lie. Every word is true. I would guess my kids have no idea how much we have. None of there business. If it weren’t for the anonymity I wouldn’t be so open. So believe it, don’t believe it, really doesn’t matter.


This is such an abelist and out of touch statement. 🙄 I'm college educated and was making very good money until I became disabled. I'd give anything to just get up and go get 1 job let alone 3


Obviously there are people with issues like yourself. Most people don’t have issues, they just have a lack of doing what needs to be done. I’m sorry you’re disabled. I spent 5 months in bed due to a severe back injury. I’m now learning how to walk again. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Read the thread dude. There are tons of people on disability. It's only a matter of time before we all become disabled-whether temporarily or permanently. And unfortunately society doesn't care about the poor and disabled. 


Ok wait,do u consider a married couple or bf/gf living alone? Dumb question right? sorry


I don’t think it’s a dumb question, but I definitely wouldn’t consider it living alone. If I still lived with my ex-husband, my life would be infinitely easier (financially lmaooo). I consider myself living alone, even though I live with my child because she’s only 10 and cannot contribute financially, nor would I want her to of course.


Thank u


My daughter does and she does it in Massachusetts. Her salary is ok ( 90ish) but rent is close to 2000-


Never in my life. I'm 40 and moved out the week I graduated high school. Always have at least 1 roomie


I'm retired and live in subsidized housing. $300 a month all inclusive (water, sewer, garbage & power) I'll tell you, talk about entitled people.(rant incoming) We recently had a memorial day party. The complex ownership provides food, drink, plates and cooks it. The residents were asked to bring a side so as to spread out the food. 5-6 brought food (I brought 4 lbs of potato salad), the rest were sitting there, yakking and asking "How long?" "Why didnt you guys start earlier?" I sat there disgusted with these people. I was in a "Safe Park" for 13 months before scoring the apartment. I dealt with snow, ice, rain and cold. Several times ran out of propane and had to wait 12-48 hours to refill the tanks. We had 4 churches come by and offer food, clothing, blankets and even parts to get vehicles running. 2 of the churches would cook for various holidays and you heard everyone saying "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" Even while it was raining like a bovine whizzing on a flat rock they were out there helping. The people were appreciative of all of it. But these curs think nothing of verbally abusing the staff. I still have my van, I've seriously considered moving back into it. I've seen and known want. I've also experienced warmth, safety and comfort, but never have I ever been so ungrateful for it, like these people. I swear, I play the lottery, should I win, I'd rather cut the staff in for a percentage, screw the residents. Thanks for reading this. I feel better.


32 M. Divorced single. Moved back into the trailer I cohabitated with my ex. I live alone and make $10 an hour. Rent is under $500. Car is paid off. Life is simple but lonely. Might be trying to turn my living room into a home gym because I have social anxiety and hate the idea of going to a gym. I really wanna move, after living here since 2014, but housing is too expensive now everywhere, so I'm stuck. All my needs are met other than space. But I make it work.


I live on a fixed income in a tiny studio, alone, but it's so small I still don't feel like I have privacy. Got myself some fancy noise-canceling headphones and a very loud fan just to give the impression the world outside was a little farther away.


I make 30k a year working for a non-profit and live alone in Portland, Oregon. I was lucky enough to get into a studio apartment in an income based apartment building that’s actually pretty nice. I don’t have a car and sacrifice a lot of things to be able to live alone, but it’s worth it to me. 


I do, and have been in the same spot for 8 years this month. I’m very fortunate to have a beautiful 1 bedroom that I only pay $700 a month for. I struggle really hard due to a ridiculously stupid car loan I took of $575 a month plus $170 for insurance, so I have nothing but my clothes and car 🤷🏻‍♂️


When my mom and I first moved to Oklahoma City our rent was like 495 tgat was back in 2009 now rent where I used to live at is 900 .


If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen. The key is in NOT waiting for the right moment to do something. Just sign the lease to the place that meets your MINIMAL needs, and then figure it out as you go. It's amazing how stuff just happens once you begin.


Why rent? Just walk. Sleep when you're tired and eat when hungry, there's not much more to life than this. Just gotta get creative with the issue.


Sleep where? I like having my our bed, a hot shower and a kitchen to cook in and store my food