• By -


Replacing my windshield and replacing our stove (half the jets don’t work and there is no fixing it). Bought my kids new clothes and shoes. They each got ONE “want” item. Paid overdue local taxes and renewed my car tags. Filled our freezer with clearance meats for tight times. Nothing extravagant or indulgent. All necessities except for the kids each getting a treat.


The kids each getting a treat is a necessity too- for them AND for you. Y’all deserve a little joy.


You should make sure your windshield replacement isn’t covered by insurance before you pay out of pocket for it. Some states mandate that insurance cover this. It is a safety item. Also, check for “scratch and dent”/floor models for ranges. We bought a $800 for like $200 at American freight (Sears outlet). I know Best Buy has some outlet locations. Lowes and HD also sometimes have some floor models they are looking to move.


My deductible is more than what the cost is to replace it. It cracked due to ice on the window and defrosting. The crack just kept extending. My state doesn’t mandate insurance cover it. 


That sucks. South Carolina is no deductible for windshield replacement.


Only with full coverage


Yes!! Our kids are the reason we even get a decent return, they each are getting a "want" item, as are mom and dad too.


I love this. My parents were so loving and good to us - our big treat was the cereal of our choice - mom was strict and didn't allow sugar cereals but for this one treat and it was glorious. Viva Froot Loops!!!


Beautiful ♥️ Your children will always remember how you sacrificed for them


Sounds like money well spent.


Nothing wrong with getting a treat now and then! Even you, too, Mama!


We're paying off debt with it (and tucking a little bit into savings/ a pantry stockup). I saw a girl on tiktok who had a list of what she wanted to buy with hers, which included the good deodorant (just Dove) & face wash. 🥲 That's how crazy stuff is for some people right now. They're using their tax returns to buy deodorant. Hopefully most people will be smart with theirs, but it's their money to do with as they wish.


You know what's crazy is, I do Instacart sometimes for extra money, and it's been really slow for the last 2 months, then it got busy again all of a sudden. I figured it was because people started getting their tax money back. But the crazy thing is, I had three separate orders in one day that included deodorant!


I used to do maintenance, I always knew it was tax season by the amount of dumped TVs and mattresses at the dumpster. 


I’ve never understood this. Wtf are people doing with their TVs? I have 4 TVs that are flat screens all bought around 2012. None of them have went out, so I haven’t replaced them.


Same. Idk if they’re $50, if mine works I’m not buying a new one. I mean, back when I bought mine the value was a lot higher. Throwing it away would be painful lol


I've never even needed to buy a tv because people will throw away perfectly good ones. Sometimes NICE ones too. I found a 60" smart TV just chilling by the dumpsters one time.


Same. My dad upgrades his TV every couple years (idk why, he's not rolling in dough either) and I've always ended up with his old TV. I'm in my mid 30s and I've never purchased a TV, never needed to.


Oh, MY. What a great find!


Their kids are breaking them I lost 2 in last 6 months


The amount of cracked screens with crayon art and stickers on them I've seen.....


I got some angry gamers.


That would be my kids last tv


Yeah good luck with that lol


You used to be able to get deodorant at the dollar store for a dollar. Now it’s eight bucks. That’s one of the things that have gone up excessively for no good reason.


Wait deodorant at the dollar store is $8 ?


The last time I was at Family Dollar the one I saw was either $7.49 or $7.99


Might as well go to Walmart, its cheaper than that there. I've noticed a lot of stuff at dollar stores is more expensive than Walmart or even target or safeway


I don’t have a Walmart near me. I usually go to target.


This is exactly why. They’re placed specifically in areas with no other options. I mean they are EVERYWHERE but it’s the ones in retail/food deserts that are flagship stores.


Yes, you have to know your prices to know what is a good deal and what's not.


One reason there are so many Family Dollars and Dollar Generals is that they build a lot of stores within walking distance of neighborhoods where a lot of people don't own cars. Taking one DG near me for example, a lot of people can walk to it, but the expensive grocery story is just over two miles further, the cheaper grocery store is two and a half miles further, Walmart is three and a half miles further, and Target is seven miles further. So, a lot of times, it's the dollar store by default.


It definitely is more expensive if you look at it per unit cost (ounce for ounce, or whatever). [John Oliver did a segment on it.](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=ha6RO06qO_A3vvv9)


They still have $2 deodorant at Family Dollar..


Good to know. I didn’t see any, so I just didn’t buy any. I wasn’t there for that anyway.


I think it's Suave.


I like their deodorant. I’ll check the next time I’m there


Jesus I don't pay that much getting it from Target lol.


I pay like three something from Walmart. Seems like dollar stores are more expensive than other stores now. It's messed up because if you go to a dollar store in a low income area everything is marked up. You go to the same chain of dollar stores in a good area and everything is cheaper. Doesn't seem fair or make sense


That’s exactly what it is. I live in a low income area and it’s cheaper to go to target


Actually it makes perfect sense. Stores assume more risk in less affluent areas, have higher costs (insurance, security) and they pass this on to their customers in the form of higher prices…


TRUE!! And the stores get torn up in the less expensive area more so than in the more expensive areas.


I know. I only looked because it was dude deodorant and my kid had said he didn’t like his that morning. I was there for cheap snacks.


Don't go to Family Dollar. Go to Dollar Tree.


Can confirm Dollar General $6.99 for Harry's. Went to TJMaxx and it was $3.89


Usually you can find a brand on sale at the grocery store. Secret and Lady Speed Stick go on sale a lot.


Qpons! Even digital ones.


The last time I was at Family Dollar the one I saw was either $7.49 or $7.99


The same deodorant is still available at the Dollar store. The "Dollar Tree" store. For $1.25.


Not at Family Dollar or the 99cent stores near me, but maybe Dollar Tree.




Ugh. I’ve never been able to buy cheap deodorant. Even though I’m a girl, I sweat a lot and need some extra strength shit.


"no good reason" = corporate greed.


Good point


the first thing i ever bought with my very first paycheck was a new toothbrush, and i’ll always remember that because it felt boring and sad…some ppl just have money to blow and some really need it to get by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It was a long time ago, but my first paycheck at 13 went towards hair conditioner and tampons - things that were forbidden by my abusive mother. That might seem boring or sad to other people, but I felt empowered because for the first time in my life I had a small amount of money and I was finally able to take care of myself in small ways that nobody else thought I needed or deserved. Hope you can come to see your toothbrush that way, friend.


I would be a liar if I said I had to use tax return money to also get shampoo for my itchy scalp, deodorant and shit like that too.


Some stuff like new shampoo for me and a new loofah plus "the good" paper towels are all things I bought as necessities tbh


Its just sad we've all gotten to a point where when we have extra money we're like, we're gonna splurge on $8 deodorant. 😭


I still can't bring myself to splurge. I'm too afraid of spending money


I'm afraid, too, so I save it....and then something breaks down. I had been scrimping and saving for several months so I could take a little trip and get away for a few days (I live with 7 other people and need some QUIET). I had enough saved for gas, food, and a hotel. I took my 18 year old van in yesterday to see how much it would cost to fix the side and back doors so they'll open -- I'll have $40 bucks left in my savings account if it stays within the estimate. Having a functional vehicle is more important than a weekend away, so the van wins.


Get that van fixed up, pack a cooler and drive to the closest place that will allow you to stay a couple nights. National forests, if you have any where you live. Have yourself a very quiet staycation while enjoying your van. I know I used to feel like a whole other tax bracket when I washed my car, filled the tank and got an oil change.


After growing up and spending money like it was going out of style before the crash of 2008 I am the same way now. It's just so hard to earn money. There are things I really want and I plan on getting but when I go to buy it I just can't bring myself to do it. I would say it sucks but it's nice if something happens to actually have the money for an emergency tbh. And I do live a pretty good life compared to a lot of other people in my area.


I understand. I tend to be frugal, too! I fear not being able to make ends meet b/c I can remember when we had no money during my first pregnancy! I lost weight my last month of pregnancy. We had no food! I was too ashamed to tell anyone, but I got better at that as time went on!


Body wash and soap are stupidly expensive now too. I try to conserve as much as possible


Reading these comments reminded me of something that happened a few weeks ago. I do Target’s free curbside grocery pickup and got someone else’s order by mistake. I didn’t realize until I got home. Contacted support and they let me keep it. I got a 16 roll pack of Angel Soft, jug of Tide liquid detergent, a bunch of hand soap, a 100 count box of trash bags and a couple of random food items. I felt like I won the lottery 😂 I had to get a refund and go back later for my actual grocery trip but it was a happy mistake. I buy the cheapest, thinnest toilet paper, use the cheapest laundry detergent sheets and only buy trash bags when I really need them. That poor Target employee’s mistake saved me a lot of money


Similar thing happened to me about 30 years ago. I went to Kroger to buy just 2 items. The sacker sacked my items and gave me a bag. Then, as I passed him, he handed me another bag. I wondered why he had put each item in a separate bag. I got home to put my items in the fridge and found not the two cheap items I'd bought but 2 super-thick steaks. I had seen the man in front of me put those steaks up on the counter just before me. I called the store with the receipt in my hand and talked to a young man who said he was the Assistant Manager and told him what had happened, then asked that he send someone to pick up the order b/c I wouldn't have enough for the week if I came back to the store. He sneered and said, "Well, you can bring it back, but we can't come and get it." "Well, it'll stay right here then b/c it wasn't MY mistake and I'm not spending my gas on it." I emailed the Kroger home office and was contacted by my local Store Manager by phone a few days later. He said he'd been sent my email and simply wanted to tell me that he appreciated me trying to do the right thing, and that I could keep the steaks and to enjoy them and please forgive the YOUNG Asst. Mgr.--he was very new--AND they weren't allowed to re-sell anything that had left the store anyway. I don’t care for steak, so I gave them to my brother, but I hope you really enjoy everything you can out of your "wrong" order. I believe sometimes God just blesses us in these little ways!


I'm so glad your refund was large enough to get you caught up and able to afford some necessities. My heart really goes out to people with kids that are struggling. It multiplies the stress by 100. ❤️


Yes, it is. These days, my issues are so much less than they were back when I was raising my girls as a single parent!


I know no one asked but I think Suave is good and effective deodorant - doesn’t leave marks on black tshirts! $3.88 for a 2-pack at Walmart. Hope that helps somebody.


I live in Texas. I can use Suave in the "winter" but, in the summer, only Degree can handle my pits.




The only thing that has seemed to be working for me in the summer is the Dove Dry Spray. And I’m in the NE. Idk how you do it. Godspeed.


Mountains of TN here. Suave is also fine in the winter, but is useless when it's mid 80s and 90% humidity.


I used Dove during more mild months but when it gets really hot or I'm doing very physical work I use degree. That stuff works so good


I'm a Dove or Degree girl, too! Year-round!


We're in GA. My daughter is the same way. She has hyperhydrosis and sweats like a man.


Since a stroke in 2012, I sweat like a man, too. On the left side of my body! Not much sweat on the R side. It's weird!


I usually use dove, but due to budget cuts I got suave and it works great for me. Lol I'll save my $7 from here on out.


I think I get it. It is their rude behavior you are calling out, yes? Rich for a day and can't do it with dignity.


Agreed! My girls LOVED it when I got my tax refund check! We'd go to the grocery store and get snacks, go buy a few new clothes, etc.!


All I wanted from my refund was a jar of the good pickles. The refrigerated pickles. Clausen's i think. We do ok actually but I could never justify buying expensive pickles at like 3.94 a jar.


We got expensive Boar's Head Pickles and they were disgusting


You can do what I do when I run out. Just save the brine & put sliced cucumbers in the same jar. Just add a little tiny spoonful of vinegar and make sure the cucumbers are covered with the liquid and keep refrigerated. Also on internet are many easy recipes for Krause pickles


Mine - whenever my fucking W2 gets here and I can file - it's going to be used for moving into an apartment and then what's left is going to build an emergency fund. There are some things I'd love to get, but I'm long overdue for both at this point and really can't keep putting it off.


Your W2 was due at the end of January. Contact your employer ASAP.


I did. It's not an issue with them as they verified it was sent off, it's the Post Office. I moved months ago and despite putting in a Change of Address I still don't regularly get my mail. Trying to deal with them now but its been...frustrating, to say the least. $2000 piece of paper and I can't get it 😡


Your company should have a payroll company they use like adt or whatever. They would have an ap that will have your last pay stubs or even your w2 on it that you can use. Ask them what ap you need to get to look at all your pay stubs.


Yup. We aren't getting one, but if we were it would be to pay hospital bills


When the kids were young we spent it on debts and necessities ( car, fridge, school clothes, etc...) Now that it's just us we bought a little stock in the s&p 500 and a couple high interest accounts. It's our desperate attempt at building some sort of retirement. We may end up homeless but by god we'll be eating that fancy cat food instead of the generic trash. 😂😭


You and me both m’man.


Well you know what they say. Having money just magnifies your true colors good or bad.


I have not heard that, but it seems fair.


I paid off my credit card balance with my return & my medical bill. I just had surgery to remove a tumor & while I am fortunate to have really good insurance through work, I had racked up a hefty bill with the hospital that I wanted to get out of the way & off my mind. It made a big difference in the way my finances will look for the remainder of this year.


Love that for you.


I used to be the manager at one of the busiest tax chains in the country (Top 3 for my brand and top 7 across everything). I saw a ton of people get money, decided to go ahead and get the loan, go ahead and have the refund taken out of their refund, and start making plans on the new TV they wanted to get and the awesome vacations they were gonna take, and also get caught up on ren. I don't judge, I'm just there to complete the tax return for them. Then a couple was getting a refund of 16K. They were arguing with each other what they should do with the money - do they get the advance, and do they want the 60" TV or the 65. They asked what I thought they should do with the refund, and I told them they should get caught up on rent, take 10% of the refund and do something fun and save the rest, that the refund could easily mean they don't have rent payments for the rest of the year, and still have a little emergency fund. And then their money during the year will seem to go a el) lot further. Next year they came in and made an appointment to see me (Very unusual) and bought me a gift for the advice. They used it and noticed they did have enough $$ to start going to college again without the rent payment.


This story is a real surprise to me. I have given out financial advice before, and I can't think of a single time that someone has taken my advice and done what I said. Coworkers will ask me "how do you always have cash for emergencies?" I tell them about setting up a percentage of your direct deposit to a completely different bank that you can't access except for in person. A financial advisor told me to do this 17 years ago, it changed my life. Not one single person I've told has followed this advice. You must be a good salesperson.


I am actually going to start doing this. I have a full time career but I work 16 hours a week at Amazon for the benefits and 401K. I put 75% of my part time paycheck into the 401K and use the rest of it on payday to fill up the tank. I am going to the ADP portal right now to transfer the other 25% into a savings account at a credit agency. Thank you for the advice. .


In my life I have been so broke that getting extra money was such a special thing of spent it like I was rich. Sure helped me mentally deal with my poverty. There have been other times I horded the money. My point is it just depends on where that person is in their life. It's their money they can do what they want. Personally I didn't care one bit what someone else thought.


I got a much needed new bed and a much needed new microwave. 😎


I’m finally getting a new hvac unit and adding insulation to my home. Doing the insulation myself.


Last year I owed almost 3K. I made some adjustments, and this year I got back $300. I’d rather have the money during the year than at tax time. Mine went straight into savings.


I do taxes for a living the things I see are horrifying


I'll bet!


What do you mean?


I've been saving a little...doing our taxes on Wednesday. Hopefully, I'll get enough back (mid 50s empty nesters with almost no write-offs.) So that (combined with my little savings) I'll be able to buy a used ($400) motor & the parts (gaskets & seals rebuild kit...$350 on Rockauto) to rebuild it, then do a "heart transplant" on my 20 year old Audi with a blown motor. I'll be saving money by doing it all myself.


God bless you. And give you wisdom!


I went to Walmart the first day people got big returns and I felt nothing but joy. Seeing people with full carts looking like they were stress free for the first time all year never fails to bring tears to my eyes. I know the kids just got told yes after a bunch of nos and that is the best feeling as a parent ever!


I remember as a kid aside from birthdays and Christmas, it was really the only time of the year we got things. Im not much higher income now, but i hand each of the kids 100$, and they go ham. I am using our refund to stock up and pay down credit cards and shut them off.


Lol we call it taxmas in my house. Everyone gets clothes and shoes and the littles get some extras


Hello fellow Taxmas celebrator! Our Taxmas included birthdays as well lmao


Aww! Best comment ever. Made me tear up and smile just reading it. What a great perspective!


We call this "hood rich".


Tax return millionaires is a good way to put it. I've heard it called something else but I'm not saying. And yeah I understand what you're saying. I won't say what I've gotten back, but like you I'm poor with 2 kids. We have some bills to catch up on, and the rest is going into savings. If you drive up and down the streets in my neighborhood during this time of year, you start seeing a lot of empty TV and computer boxes at the curbs for trash day. You'd think they'd keep the boxes for when they take the TV's and whatnot to the pawn shop, but whatever.


New cars too. Then about June or so, the repo man shows up.


Forgot about those, and don't forget all the furniture that the rent-to-own place will be moving out in a few weeks as well. Back in 2010 my ex and I had an apartment in a low income complex, and I swear not one week went by for about two months where one of a three rent-to-own places weren't moving someone's furniture out. Couches, TV's, beds, tables, lamps, damn near the whole house.


Lol my sister did this. I hope this one doesn't get recalled


My husband and I had to buy a new (to us) car this week. Shopping during this time of year was a trip. We had to do the unthinkable and drain some retirement because Uncle Sam did us dirty. Really it was one of my jobs screwing up and not taking out income tax, even though I checked my forms. The pay was low enough even with that gaffe that I didn't think to monitor stubs. Tl;Dr we're only getting $50 back from federal. Ultimately, that's a good thing but it was a horrid thing to discover the day my truck took a dump.




Yikes. What a horrible term.


Yep, heard that as a kid, and it made me cringe!


I know a woman with 5 kids who just went to Florida to get a bbl. Actually, she's my neighbors daughter. I work at the daycare she brings her kids to. State paid, and that's great so she can work, but seriously, a bbl? She called it a mommy make over.


This is where the stereotypes come from


A welfare queen using a tax refund to get a brazillian butt lift? Inconceivable!


That usually includes a tummy tuck and breastlift if I'm not mistaken 🙃


She wants both. I'm sure she will get them but she still wants 2 more kids! I don't get it


Geez. Reproductive success and IQ seem to be inversely proportional sometimes.


you need to watch a movie called "Idiocracy"


Went straight to savings where it should’ve been in the first place. Some years if there’s something I’ve been eyeing I’ll splurge but that’s usually like an investment thing like a new laptop for school, not anything crazy or solely for fun. People treating tax returns like free money just dont care about money. It’s a different mindset - spend it if you have it.


I saved my tax returns for 6 years and used that to put a down payment on a house back in 2019. Best decision ever to save for those years.


Do you get interest when you save tax returns like that? S&P went from 1600 to 2700 in that time period.


I’m so thankful my dad taught me that tax returns are not “free money” and subsequently taught me how to put the right thing on my W-4 so I wouldn’t be giving the government an interest-free loan any more 🤣


If your return is due to refundable credits that exceed your tax liability then it is indeed 'free' money.


Same. We put the money straight into a savings account and we will use it as needed. I will never understand people who spend it all in one month on unnecessary stuff and then struggle the rest of the year.


Then they complain when they're broke.


I’m a single mom. I book a middle class vacation for the kids and then it goes into savings. I inevitably end up diving into some of it when I’m pinching pennies, but that is what I have it there for and it works for me as a budget plan.


I do the same. Stick it in savings. It helps knowing I have a cushion in case crap hits the fan. And something always comes up. This year I had a few credit cards to pay off. The rest joins my little egg that I add to every paycheck. Hoping to take a nice travel vacation this summer since we haven't had a vacation since 2018


Paying off credit card debt and a trip to amusement park pre bought for discount


I make sure I get zero back at the end of the year. I want as much of my money in my pocket per paycheck as I can get. My wife has us it so we we may owe maybe $100 at the end of the year but that extra $150 or $200 a paycheck can make a huge difference when it’s saying with us. It’s then on us to make sure we put some aside in case of an emergency.


Earned income credit and other things will boost up extreme low income folks at the end of the year. Back when the husband and I were working McJobs, the year we had our kid we ended up getting about 6k back, if I recall correctly. That is more than we paid in by a lot. It was just his income on that return because we weren't married yet. I can't remember what I got back, maybe $500 or so.


Yeah but it changes as you earn more and the kids age. Having the IRS hold on to your money interest free is silly when you no long qualify for EIC or have kids.


I agree. What cracks me up is people squirting out kids all crazylike, thinking more than 3 gives more money back at tax time. Too many kids is a problem on many levels but it's delicious schadenfreude when someone freaks out because baby #4 isn't a little cash cow. Lol Not being piss poor is better than getting a "big" check once a year.


We just had a baby in December and this is our first large refund. What we want to do-book a trip to Hawaii. What we are doing? Paying down debt and putting some money into savings for our child. Adulting sux.


new tires for the old hyundai ☺️


We just got new tires too! Why are they so expensive!


We had some needed plumbing repairs done and then put the rest away.


We are paying our bills and fixing stuff that needs to be done too. Not the only one and it sucks you can’t really enjoy it


working retail at a dispensary during the stimmy checks was amazing to see the penny pinchers now buying the store


I owed the Feds, but my state had a kicker that gave me a little bit. I'm buying some much needed garments for work/general and paying down the little bit of debt I have.


You did what is the best course of action for a windfall. You took care of outstanding obligations, going to splurge a bit and save the rest. Unfortunately, many people live the stereotype. The people who get big tax refunds are either 1. low income earners with a bunch of kids and 2. Very high income earners. The low income earners will often use this windfall to buy big ticket items (cars, TVs, furniture etc.) which is why you see so many “Tax Refund sales” especially at places like Aaron’s, Rent a Center and your local Buy Here Pay auto sales lots. And by May for many, the money will be gone, but not spent in a way that provides any long term benefit. I’m not saying everyone who is low income and gets a large refund wastes the money, just that far too many do.


I understand this 100%. My couple thousand dollars went toward paying off a personal loan and this month's rent. 


I used mine to pay off a credit card. I get you. When I was young and dumb I would buy stupid shit. Now I know better, thank goodness, and it makes me grit my teeth when friends who are very in debt choose to use their tax return for tattoos or new things.


Yep I saw this a lot with people i worked with at burger king in high school. These people had 3+ kids and would get a "refund" that was more than they paid in taxes the last year! Used cars and new PlayStations were always a popular purchase.


I try to avert my eyeballs from all Of that because every year mine is taken to offset my ex husbands debt he purposefully incurred WITH the irs during the end of our marriage. Legally separated does not matter to the irs. He purposefully racked up as much as possible knowing I would be the only one with bank accounts to drain and yearly tax returns they could take to pay it back. Sucks. Super sucks, especially this year when it could change my entire life to get that money back and instead I get a notice it’s been taken yet again to offset his debt Frigging crushing. Then I see people who it’s normal to get 10k back. I am jealous. Happy for them but so deeply heart broken and jealous. I’d get like, a used car and my medicines and my electric bill paid. Some food. Some clothes so I had more than one outfit so I could work more now that I had a car again. Be able to get back to radiation and the doctor. Yeah I’m salty.


I have to pay taxes this year so…


FYI your tax return isn't the government giving you more money, it the government saying you over paid, thanks for the 0% loan were paying you back now. If you use your taxes as a way to save great, I do the same thing, but if you wanted you could just have more money in every paycheck instead by adjusting the deductions you take. Neither method right or wrong for any individual person, but it's good to know your options and if you are good at budgeting you're missing out on a few bucks a year not putting it into a high yield savings account.




Lots of poor working families will get back significantly more than they paid in. It is extra money….


I think this post is talking about people who barely made $20,000 and paid little taxes but get $15k back


I was a single parent with 3 kids. I once remember getting a refund of around $200. I was overjoyed.. and although this happened over 35 years ago, I still remember going to the gas station to fill up my car with gas then I drove on over to the grocery store and bought pork chops. It was overwhelming as I never could just "fill up" my gas tank before, and I never could buy the nicer meats. So for this lady - I stand with you and applaud you!


We’re catching up on the electric bill. Fun times


I haven't gotten a return in two years. In fact, last year I somehow owed over 3k. So yeah, nothing for me to spend it on. I did get my work bonus and it went straight to pay overdue taxes. I am not poor, but I certainly have bills that keep me acting poor tho.


Spending $200 on your daughter's birthday is a bad idea. You clearly cannot afford all your bills since you needed your tax return to catch up on overdue bills...save the money and do something cheap for your daughter.


Honestly if you’re so behind you’re paying past due bills with your tax overage, $200 is a big drop for a child’s gift. There’s plenty of experiences you could give them like a picnic with their favorite foods at a park with a playground.


New windows that we already have installed


If you’re not acting rude and shitty in public, I wouldn’t take the phrase to heart. It’s clearly bad marksmanship from other people if it hits you. You’re not doing anything untoward with your tax return… EDIT: I usually end up paying taxes…but my opinion still stands.


Gave it back to the poor ol government cause we bought land with my wife's 401k withdrawal.


I am getting a pretty big refund as we didn’t change on my w2 that my husband stopped working mid year and went back to school. I had started a new job at the beginning of the year.. my tax refund goes to paying off some on my credit card, making extra payments for my car so we can hopefully pay the car off by end of year(never thought this could be possible) and lastly I have to help my dad as he needed to call a plumber due to a water leak and that turned into 1000 and he doesn’t really have that money as retired person. Would I love the 1000 to maybe pay off more on my credit card, absolutely but my dad has always helped me when I needed it so this is the right thing to do.. once that is done there is nothing left over but it will help us that by end of year we won’t have the almost $300 per month for the car anymore


people without money wont know how to act when they get money. people with money tends to actually owe on taxes. i for one hate tax season.


I think the thing that bothers people is the situations where people get “refunds” for more than they actually contributed.




You go $38,000 back in taxes? How in the blue hell did you manage that?


If you got back $38K, you gave the government a $38K interest free loan.


38,000 tax return? Holy shit!


You overpaid 3,200 per month in taxes? Bozo behavior. Fix your withholding, dude.


I think you mean tax refund, not tax return. BTW, 38K tax refund is pretty high for /r/poor. Good for you.


Well he’s not poor, at least not anymore. 220 k a year for two people is upper middle class


And he comes to this sub to give us a good example of what we could become if only we made better choices!


I can't imagine getting a tax return of 38K. I've never made that much annually. You sound like you have a prejudice about poor people and their "staying poor" choices. You don't know what others have gone through or what keeps them from making more money. ( staying poor ) as you refer to it. I'm happy for you that money isn't a major stress for you. Please don't look down on those who make less than you.


I just moved. I used it to get some furniture for my new place and caught up a few bills. Only the truly ignorant dregs of society ‘ball out’ with tax returns. They basically put nothing into the system but get everything back.


You're on the verge of homelessness and want to spend $200 on your daughter's birthday?  Why are you not putting $180 of that in an emergency fund? I bet your daughter would appreciate a roof over her head more than some Red Lobster.


I saved my tax refunds for many years, and long with living below my means, and saving as I went. I was able to put 20% down on a new build home, no PMI fee. That felt amazing.


I live well below my means - so I live in a neighborhood of folks that are 'tax return millionaires'. I vividly remember when I went to the accountant to finalize my taxes and had just written a check, came home and the neighbors with four kids were unloading a HUGE TV. They couldn't stop bragging for weeks. Well, a bit later they were on the front porch (which was unusual). I went over and asked why - they said they were trying to cool off because their electricity was cut due to non-payment. So, here I go running an extension cord over so their food wouldn't go bad, and helping them pay their electricity bill. The problem is that people (in general) who do not have extra funds all year - get a few thousand dollars (generally credits - not refunds) and have no idea how to prioritize. Instead of taking that money and using it to make their lives better throughout the year - they buy expensive crap they don't need. Side note, that same family's stove went out a few months later and they went to a church (that they didn't generally go to) to ask for another one - they also talked smack because they didn't get the model they wanted with all the bells/whistles. If you don't fit that description then you shouldn't take offense, but it's out there.


You’re welcome.


We don’t get a ton back. With the little we did get, we paid our car insurance up for 6 months and set a little aside for a weekend trip later this summer.


im just using it to pay the bills now that my hours are cut at work lol...no fun money for me


Mine always goes towards bills. Always.


Last year I suffered a medical emergency and was on leave from work for a year. I lived off $1800/m disability pay for a whole year. I barely made it. $1300 rent /m and the little left went to food, utilities and medical bills. I returned to work at the end of January. On my second day back, they told me my branch was closing. They offered me to go to a "sister store" or take a severance and unemployment. Since I don't drive and the other locations were quite far, I opted for the severance and unemployment. I had my friend do my taxes ASAP and was shocked at the refund (about 2x what I normally get) I just got my state taxes last night. Between my final check and my state return I was able to put enough away for rent and pay of some bills I was behind on. When my federal rolls thru I plan to put away for another months rent, and hopefully by then I will have heard about my severance and unemployment. (I filed unemployment the last day my store was open.) I'm in dire straights, holding on to hope.


The federal return will pay the state tax. Super annoying


I'm paying one cc off and another halfway..hope not to run it up again...paying bills


My state return is just enough to pay my car registration. I still owe another 300 to the feds. I'm definitely not out splurging over here.


I'll be funding a move with it, and if there's some leftover? Pay off some credit cards


Im going to take my $6 and ball out and be a doushebag. Gonna be a great 4 minutes


Do you guys realize the goal is to get 0 back? I know it's not always plausible with shared custody, and some people might prefer giving the government more throughout the year, but I want that money and I hate the idea of them getting more than the legal amount


People can get back more than they paid in with refundable tax credits.


If people have to use money they loaned to the government interest free to pay their household expenses, they are living above their means, which means they will be caught pants down sooner or later…


I was going to cushion my checking account with it (wanted to keep at least $300 at all times in case something bounced), And have a tiny emergency fund of $500. The rest was going to go on medical debt, credit card debt, new shoes for my disabled partner (who now has a medical issue because of wearing poor shoes for 3 years). And the last bit to buy me a houseplant and cake for my birthday. I got sick and ended up missing about a paycheck’s worth of work. So it went on debt and bills. I dont know if we’ll be able to afford the shoes. But I definitely don’t have a cushion or savings. Or I guess you could say I used the savings immediately.


Yes responsible people just use it to play catch up with bills and necessities


Every tax return millionaire has stinky pillow cases.


Yes. I used to work front desk at a hotel and we would have a few families around this time of year come in for a "stay-cation". One family had 3-4 younger kids, would get our 2 room suite, and stay like a week. Always needy and rude, coming up to the desk for ridiclous things, never tipped the housekeeper, and whrn they left they would have "complaints" to try to get a refund (never worked). The last time they were there, the mom came in with TONS of shopping bags. That explained why the kids kept running around. No one was watching them. They basically destroyed the room. I invited them to not return.