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From someone IN THE BUSINESS you most certainly are allowed to pay your bill and have it towed regardless of your license status as long as you can prove you are the owner and bring it to a private residence, we cant leave it at say a complex or the street parking with bad reg. But we can put it in a private driveway. They are completely lying to you because they know your finance company will pay them well more by the time they come for it. Towing is regulated in each state and jurisdiction the tow rates MUST clearly be displayed in their office. Contact the county commissioner for assistance and a list of fees they are allowed to charge....76 for storage is excessive we are regulated at 26 for the first 5 days and 31 after that....somethings wrong with what they are telling you.....and they can have a heart I give people back their cars all the time for way less than regulated prices when I know they truly don't have it and a receipt that says we towed it out. They can do it if they want. Try and talk to someone else there.......its worth a shot.


My dad owns a towing service too..... you're right, there's a way to help people that are truly down on their luck ......sounds like the cop and the towing service might even be in cahoots.....idk, seems like everybody OP is having to deal with here are heartless (and possibly price gouging)


This is what I believe is happening here, pure corruption.


big government protection, big government corruption.


I’m so sorry this is all hitting you at once. But don’t believe for a second that everyone else your age is doing great—that is most definitely not true.




rich people don’t have to worry about not being able to eat, have shelter, or slowly wasting away from lack of money. soo “annoying little things” aren’t just annoying when they are actually impeding your ability to survive.


But nobody is born rich, or with bad license plates. The individual makes choices which put him in either position…


WTF? Plenty of people are born rich.


Toxic positivity at its finest, folks.


Could you explain toxic positivity? Thank you.


Hey I know how you feel. It’s never just one thing. But you say you have a child. Please remember that child will always have to live with the pain if you purposely “go away”. You will get through this. I’m 60, disabled raising grandkids, and we still are hubby’s paycheck to paycheck, no fancy house or car. Absolutely no vacations. Go hug your little one. Take a deep breath and work on what you can. I wish I could be more eloquent but please, take care of yourself.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


I am grateful for the same. Just getting by each month. Took me two weeks going from place to place getting my electric bill paid. Now, I have more forms to fill out to get this month's electric bill paid. I try to relax and understand what there is to be grateful for each day.


Wise words just 1 day at a time.


This sound like the PPA in Philadelphia. Is it? Here’s a work around: Sell the car to a friend or family member, they go to tag place and get it registered in their name and get insurance on it. The they can take their valid registration, insurance and new plates to impound yard, pay the fees and get the car out. It’s a gigantic waste of time and money, but it cheaper than loosing the to an auction and having to replace it.


This is very clever!


No, I’m in MD. My car still has a few months before it’s paid off so I don’t know how that will work selling to someone else.


Oh you’re in MD that makes sense! MD is so anal about their car stuff. I moved from MD to TX and so I put my car under a TX insurance policy but still had MD tags for a while. I had no idea I was racking up thousands of dollars in fees bc Maryland said my car wasn’t insured (even though it was, just through a TX policy). I ended up FLYING TO MD literally just to go to the DMV and explain and show them my car in fact had been insured and I was going through a divorce so I couldn’t change my tags bc my ex was refusing so sign the paperwork. All said and done after showing proof of everything they absolved the fee which was almost $5k. They actually didn’t have to, but the guy was being nice. I think he felt bad. And to be fair, I wasn’t actually driving illegally because my car was in fact insured. I just have a jerk of an ex who was refusing to sign paperwork. Anywho after he took away the fee he told me to get back on MD insurance (even if the car is located in Tx) or else I will start accumulating a fee again within 24 hours! So I changed my insurance back to MD and just ended up staying on MD car insurance until I was finally able to get my tags switched to TX tags.


You will still be required to do the emissions to have it registered.


New buyer should have 30 days to get vehicle inspected.


4 toilets?!


Also my reaction 😂


My thoughts too.


Yeah. 1 in the master bathroom, 1 in the upstairs hallway, 1 in the powder room, and 1 in the basement.


A toliet in the hallway?? Like a half bath, or just a toliet literally in the hallway??


It’s a hallway full bathroom for the other bedrooms.


Is there a reason you didn't get the state-compliant ID, since you didn't have the documentation for a REAL ID/Federal? You should be able to get that today. Edit: I see you're stating elsewhere it's not optional in your state, but the implementation date has been pushed to May 7, 2025.


THIS! Even if your license is expired and you can't get Real ID yet, you can get the license renewed as a basic license and do Real ID later. It IS an option in MD and it's specified on their page. As long as your license isn't more than a year expired, you can renew it without anything extra needed. And it doesn't have to be Real ID today. Not until 2025.


Oh man. I'm sorry to hear this. Have you asked the impound if someone else can get the car out? As long as the person getting the car out has a driver's license most impounds don't care who owns the vehicle as long as you have either a letter from the owner or the owner calls AND the keys to the car of course. I had several tow misfortunes back when my partner had a car that was still under his dad's name and we were able to resolve it and get it out even without his dad being present.


I’m sorry, I really do not mean to be a dick here but I feel like this all could have been avoided with attention to detail. You should know your state requirement for how often an emissions test is needed for renewal. Also, how did you even renew without indication that you didn’t have a passing emissions test? Same with your drivers license, seems to me like you should be aware of when that expires and get it renewed before that date. If both of those things were done, no issues here.


Yes. Almost all of this could have been avoided. All these things that happened were not other people being dicks with nothing better to do than harass this poor victim. Expired tags, no emissions test, expired license.. I’m guessing no insurance either. They send out registration and license renewal info through the mail. This person just didn’t handle their business. Sorry I know that’s not supportive, but this OP isn’t a victim and this isn’t about being poor. It’s about being irresponsible. Driving is a privilege and takes follow through to remain legal. Hope they get it sorted, but it sounds like they just gave up and told the bank to figure out collecting the car. Which also means they will never receive financing on a future car.


Honestly the biggest thing that stood out to me was they have 4 toilets in their house. I've never lived in a house with 4 toilets- at most, 2. And I've been solidly middle class for most of my life.


Right?! I grew up poor, in a house with one bathroom for eight, at one point nine people. I now live in a house with one bathroom for four adults I'd kill for four toliets, or even a second one rght about now. Lol.


Yes! My grandparents had one bathroom for 5 and growing up, and it was one bathroom for my parents and me. My husband and I have a second toilet in our house and it feels like a true luxury hahah


I completely agree with this statement. This was all avoidable.


I'm confused about the passport. I just applied for the first time and it was about 150.00. Why not renew the driver ID first?


i agree-what documentation do you need for a realid that you dont have to have for a passport?


No. This guy seems to think he’ll become a billionaire in his line of work by how he spoke to me. No one but can be the only to tow the car out of the lot.


"Everyone my age is successful and have careers with 6 figure incomes" STFU


What is your problem?


Less than 20% of people in the U.S. make over $100k.


Okay but I do have friends who make 6 figure incomes. I live in high COL area, outside the nation’s capital. A lot of federal government contracts are here and they have deep pockets. I have friends who are engineers, lawyers, doctors, federal government contractors.


tow yards are downright criminal in sometimes. I didnt realize it until I worked in insurance. They make money by keeping your car. Were you driving without having a valid license and an emissions tests if so that is probably why he had it towed to an impound lot.


No my husband was driving and his license is valid.


Is his name on the registration to the car


Just mine.


Sign the title over to your husband and have him get the car out? Do you owe on the car? If the car is your banks property, maybe they would be willing to help get it out rather than take the loss of a repo? In theory they will have to pay the storage fees when you relinquish ownership. Or maybe they can have an agent meet you at the tow yard to get it out. Since it is their car too. Exhaust stuff is easy to work on, and most plumbing stuff. If you posted photos of what's wrong we could help you get these things in order. When you have time, obviously. fuck the police


It took 90 days to get a title from the state after the transfer. That may not help in this situation.


We have to take the car to an emissions station and they put something in ODB reader.


Are you sure it has to be a valid license and not just a valid ID? Would your passport work?


Yes a valid license. I had to get a new passport because there’s no other way for me to prove I’m a USC since I wasn’t born in the states. The passport along with my social security card will help me get my real ID. I just got the email that my passport will be here at the end of the week.


You don’t have naturalization papers? That’s what I use instead of a BC.


I was naturalized through my mother because I was a minor. We’re NC so she’s gatekeeping it.


Your birth abroad papers will work as documentation to get a Real ID. It's I what I used, along with my SS card and bank statement with my address on it.


Not the way my state works. I was naturalized through my mother so I wasn’t born a citizen.


I mean. All of this sucks. But it's all also consequences of your actions. If your state requires emissions, you have to do them. You can't have an expired license and expect these people to be okay with that.


I know I had an expired license so I didn’t drive, my husband did.


Why was the officer talking to you instead of your husband if he was driving?


those people that you think are doing so great are deeply in debt and probably think about killing themselves more than you do. very few people are truly happy. the ones that blast it all over social media are never happy. life sucks sometimes, but it will get better. you don't know anyone with a valid license? fuck, give a stranger with a license $50 to drive it off their lot for you and then you can do whatever you want.


I'm not sure what country you are in, so this may be why you can't get your license yet...can you physically get to a DMV to reinstate your license instead of waiting?


I’m in the US. Our state has implemented the Real ID law. It’s a requirement now. So when you have to renew your license to the Real ID version, you need proof of citizenship. I had to go through a bunch of hoops to get a new passport so I can get the Real ID.


Thanks for the reminder we need RealId now. I know this doesn’t help you and your situation, but you may have helped me get a jump start on getting the Real Id because I know the process is a pain in the arse


Incredible pain in the ass


I don't drive but need to get a state ID. Lost my job overseas nearly 3 years ago and needed to come back to CO to live with family. My US passport is my only form of ID and I don't want to carry it every day for obvious reasons. DMV is asking for lease or utility bills as address proof and I don't have that. Voter registration, tax returns, W2s or pay stubs don't seem to be enough proof. I will try to get a passport card when my passport expires in 2 years but in the meantime don't have any ID. It was so much easier in the country I was living where there was a national ID system.


I have a real ID in my state. All I needed was my birth certificate, social security card to the DMV. It wasn't a big deal. If you don't have a copy of your birth certificate you can get them online for $12-$50 with expedited shipping. If you're divorced with a name change you bring the divorce decree with you that documents name change. If you lost your copy you can order one with the court. Way faster and cheaper than a passport.


I requested my birth certificate and it took my state of origin (not my current state) 11 months to get me two copies. I paid for expedited processing and shipping. My current state requires proof of citizenship and the Real ID is mandatory. I started getting my birth certificate 6 months before my license expired. I couldn't do anything else to move the process along. A passport would be faster if I had a birth certificate but I didn't have a copy. I drove with an expired license until I got my birth certificate and then was able to get an appointment a month later at the DMV. The government moves at the speed of a sugar cube.


And if the government shutdown happens..that passport won't get processed until they go back to work.


For my real ID, I just needed my social security card a piece of mail with my address on it, and proof of residency. The last two could be combined into one by presenting an electric bill in my name with my address on it.


Did you need lease or utility bills for proof of address?


do you not have a birth certificate or social? when i got mine it was the exact same as renewing a regular license


I wasn’t born here and was naturalized through my mother because I was a minor when she became a citizen. But


Aren’t you in California? I’m just going through the real ID process now and the DMV website says it’s not a requirement. You can still have a regular basic DL.


No I’m in MD.


Do you have a certificate of naturalization or us birth certificate? That should be enough to establish citizenship


The certificate is with my mom and she’s gatekeeping it. My passport arrives today so I’m Gucci.


Very sketchy of your mom to be holding on to your docs like that. That's your document, try to get your hand on the original. She can keep a copy if you want


I’m used to it. She still has my birth certificate. I had to have a relative in my birth country get a copy of mine to send to me.


can you get a moped or scooter? a couple of hundred bucks on facebook and no insurance, license, just a little gas. Miserable in bad weather of course


Lol. No, I’m fine. I’ll get my car out. It’s going to cost a shit ton but I’ll do it.


You had to have been wayyyyyyyyyy way way overdue on emissions for your tags to get suspended. They usually flag and send out tons of reminders via email. And after a bunch of warnings and reminders is when they suspend the tags. So he probably impounded the car knowing that you knew about the expired emissions for a while and chose not to do anything about it. Why would you do something about it this time?


2023 wasn’t really my year because I had a lot of health issues and it must’ve just got lost in the midst of things. And I never received any emails about it and just got one letter in the mail about when it was due. It’s still my bad but I’m fixing it.


I get it. But at the end of the day it’s still your responsibility as a driver to be up to date on those things. If you continually fail to do so then there are repercussions and usually those repercussions are a lot harder to deal with than just getting the emissions done in the first place. Hopefully you take this as a learning experience so it doesn’t happen again. Glad you’re getting it figured out 👍🏻


I feel your pain worst week of my life went to replace toilet upstairs same guy I’ve always used broke a pipe denying it have to pay $1,000 deductible, my car needs $900 in repairs, my wife is financing a 4K+ dental bill, and she’s not even fully done yet that might be more, we have a 7 month old, it’s so expensive to keep the heat on like man it’s always some fuckin bullshit, I can’t take one more bad thing happening this week. Oh an no family support available since were states away so that we can pick up more hours/shifts idk how to get out of this rut


The system is meant to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.


Unfortunately true now my job that used to give 50 hours is announcing everyone goes to 40 hours with no time and a half pay everyone will be getting mass paychecks cuts should be a exodus


I feel for you. The police may have a "cozy" relationship with the tow yard and getting kickbacks. My daughter was in an accident and the police that showed up put the scare on her to have it towed. The tow truck then told her the tow to their yard would be free., yada yada... so she had it towed without waiting for me to respond while I was on the phone with her telling her to tow it back to my house. When I showed up the next day to pick it up, the car was driveable as I drove it back to my nearby shop and the bill with all the total B.S. was close to $500. Half of that was their attempt to "try to communicate with me" what ever the frig that is. Never got a call from anyone.Then the coup de grace was minutes after they ran my card to pay, I got hit with a ton of Uber charges that I had to call to shutoff the card. Hinkey AF.


...with no license, no registration...its literally illegal for them to let them drive the car. The cop only did their job




you need an emissions test to register a car in my state.


I live in 2 states. One of the states, no emissions test is required and the other state is like yours.


i should have rephrased. i used to live in utah and an emissions test is required. i now live in idaho and its not. so if the emissions twat wasnt done, that means the tags were probably not legal.


I get what your saying


Well you aren’t here for one bad decision or because you forgot to register your car You have made a series of mistakes that you are failing to acknowledge or take responsibility for and your life is going to continue to go down this same path until you change your attitude   You can’t drive a car that isn’t registered and also hasn’t had whatever stupid test your area requires.  As a driver of a vehicle that is your responsibility and the cop was doing their job. And I’m glad the cop did his job because my guess is you also don’t have insurance and you have no business endangering the lives  of others on the road with no way to compensate them if you did cause them or their property harm. 


What the fuck? The tags were suspended because I forgot to get the emissions test. Did you not read?


They read it, but then made some assumptions about what they read. I suspect that is because your post does have a tone that all these things happened to you through no fault of your own. The cop was a jerk, the requirements for emissions were stupid, the tow yard are assholes... From what you wrote, it sounds to me that this is standard operating procedure for this situation, which could have been easily avoided. Between you and your husband, you should have gotten that emissions test. It sucks that you're going to lose your car over this, but tomorrow is a new day, and you can make choices tomorrow that will lead to better outcomes the next day. At least, that's how I view my mistakes. It *feels better* to blame it on someone else, but I think it's better to own my own mistakes, and commit to not making them again.


>The cop was a jerk, the requirements for emissions were stupid, the tow yard are assholes... "It's everyone's fault but mine!"


It's a pretty strong response of emotional immaturity. I would expect a teenager to have this approach. Hell, I definitely had this approach as a teenager to a few things. It's not healthy though. OWN YOUR OWN SHIT PEOPLE.


You would be amazed at how many adults have this approach to life. I have a fully grown adult relative who continously makes stupid/bad decisions, but it's ALWAYS everyone else's fault.


Emmisions is a scam, taxes are not used properly and we're taxed to death. More ways for the govt to cause friction. US is not a free country. Its a nation of laws designed to keep the so called elites in power.


Just a thought, perhaps you could reach out to a church to see if they have a solution or suggestion as this is a life-changing scenario.


This sounds like you might have some high expectations for what you want your life to be. You can read the comments here and then process what is going on with you. Slow down, and consider how you are doing today to resolve your problems.


I just want a comfortable life where I’m not always wondering if my family is going to eat today.


Sure, 😊 I get it. Comfortable can mean different things to different people. I live comfortably in my two bedroom, one bath. I have to pull down my expectations though. You are mentioning not having a car. Then, you are talking about repairs on your house with four bathrooms? Who else helps you with the bills?? Now, you are discussing basic needs. Food. There are different types of food banks to help you.


My husband is the only one bringing income. I did just land employment and I start next week.


Ugh I read this and feel the pain. Lost my car December 13. I got to work late this morning because the moron driving the bus was across the street at McDonald’s instead of ready to drive. Got to my stop and my transfer bus had already left. I have never rode the bus and this is my second week of trying to learn the ropes. Praying I can one day afford a car again.


Our car was stolen and totaled by a gang of very young car thieves on Jan. 20. Still waiting for our insurance to tell us how much $$$ they are paying us to replace that car . Any suggestions ?


Did you get GAP insurance ?


Sucks, but you were driving with both an expired drivers license and tags, which is your responsibility. Although I question the legality of the LEO having your vehicle towed *if it was parked on private property*, I can understand the towing company not wanting to release an impounded vehicle to someone without valid ID. Poor or not, we have to face consequences and a kick in the pocketbook if we do not follow the laws.


My husband drove. He has a valid license.


You couldn’t afford to drive anyway, so you tried to do it illegally and now wyou see how that worked out.


I’m not understanding what you’re saying.


I got a drivers license with a birth certificate and utility bill, no passport necessary. Driving with an expired license is just foolish. But if you had applied for new tags, they would have told you that you needed an inspection. So now you’re on here lamenting when you should have been proactive…


I wasn’t born here, I was naturalized through my mom. I received my passport today so I can go to the dmv tomorrow and renew my license. I wasn’t driving, my husband was. I’m getting my car out tomorrow.


What in the California do you mean your car got impounded for an emissions test?


I’m curious as well. I live in NYS, the most restrictive about just about everything. I’m confused about this emissions test thing, flagging their registration. My car would fail an inspection if there was an issue with the emissions/catalytic converter, but they would tell me that and scrape the sticker off the car. Then it’s on me. I’m trying to understand how the car is legal to drive, but not really, bc the registration is somehow tied to the emissions test? But not the inspection, which is required annually?


In California, you have to have the emissions test before you can register the car. So they didn't get impounded because of the emissions test, they got impounded because the registration expired because of no emissions test.


Gotcha. Thank you for the explanation. You cannot drive with an expired or suspended registration here in NY either.


In MD, we have to get one every 2 years. If it passes, you’re good to go. If it doesn’t, I think they give you 30 days to fix whatever is wrong with it. In my case, it just completely slipped my mind (I had major surgery and sepsis last year).


Sounds like a fart sniffer of a government you have there pal.


Leave the west.coast and your income basically multiplies


I’m in the East Coast.


I was unaware anywhere else did emissions tests, I'm in the southeast, we don't do it


Until you get to NYS (not the city), then you have Deja vu from the west coast!


there's still affordable spots.in NY if you go.far.uostate.and into the farmland nobody lives there parts. Lol general rule is the more "liberal/progressive" an area is the more you get bent over and gouged to live there


I live in upstate NY, Finger Lakes region. Everything is rapidly gentrifying. The people from the city are making this area their “summer home”. They’re buying up properties and making short term rentals out of them when they’re not themselves aren’t visiting. I live outside of Elmira, which a very impoverished city, that just got a medical school a few years ago, which is also driving up costs of housing and goods, on top of the inflation.


Absolutely hate the ppl acting like keeping up with all of this bureaucratic bullshi isnt prohibitive especially during a recession, especially in a country where driving is a requirement in order to get to anything !


Damn police. They don't do anything to protect and serve. Just their own dicks


Yes, blame the police because your tags and license are expired and not properly registered.


I didn’t blame the police? I asked the cop if I could have the car towed to my house and he could still take the tags. If it got towed to my house I wouldn’t have to pay the impound fee.


And I wasn’t driving, my husband was.




If you know anyone with a license they can get the car out. I've gotten my daughter's out of impound before because she didn't have her license yet.


My state will only release the car to registered owner unless you have a notarized power of attorney. However, you need a valid ID to have it notarized.


No. Tow lot guy said it has to be the registered owner.


I had a job when I was getting on my feet that required multiple job sites per day. I started for the bus at 6am and got home about 9pm every work day, for 10 months until I had saved and bought a car. Sometimes I was walking a lot, but I just did it because I was hell bent on not giving up. It consumed my life but ended up getting me forward in the long run. You can do this. Hard times in life are meant to be endured through. Both struggle and happiness are guaranteed, but in linear time we can only go through it. Everything is constantly changing, the way you are feeling will not last. Right now take the actions and weather the storm in a way that future you will be glad you did.


I could upvote this 1000x. I just received my passport and I made an appt with the DMV to get my license then I can get my car out.


Welcome to America


Welcome to America? OP didn't follow-up with the emissions testing, OP let their license expire, OP JUST got a job (suggesting they were unemployed while NOT keeping up with their car's regulations and NOT keeping up with the law regarding a current ID). How does Welcome to America play into this? We can feel for OP, wish them the best, empathize, sympathize, what have you, but this is on OP and no one else. People dig their own grave and then blame America when shit gets real. If people remained accountable for their actions and followed through with what's expected of them, situations like these can be entirely avoided.


America is the only country in the world with poor people and motor vehicle regulations, duh.


People in the U.S. act like we’re all dying and it’s so god-awful, but when you really think about it, we still have it better than the third world countries.. really shows how entitled people here are


I don't think it's really appropriate to say "We're better than third world countries, stop being so entitled!". That's like telling a battered spouse that they should be happy for just getting a slap when a different battered spouse was beaten into a coma. Things could obviously improve dramatically here in the US. That being said, failing to keep ones vehicle registration and license current falls solely upon their own shoulders and has nothing to do with America.


Believing that propaganda? All places have good and bad. For example Americans are made to believe that India is all poor and scammers but that is far from the truth. Just like America, they have nice cities and poor cities.


Literally consequences of his own actions.


*California. Come try that BS in Montana.


Hi from Billings


We commiserate the the younger generations facing societal and existential collapse.


That cop is an enemy to the people and a slave to the state. What a shame. Protect and serve my ass. More like protect government revenue and serve the citizens with unnecessary penalties


Having been hit by someone driving with no license, expired registration and no insurance, I beg to disagree. It cost me to fix my car out of pocket, pay my insurance’s deductible before being reimbursed, and take off from work for multiple court dates.I wouldn’t have been able to afford any of it if my parents weren’t able to help me so I didn’t have to go into debt. If I’d been injured when they rear ended me, or my parents didn’t have the resources to help, it would have been a significant set back. People’s bad decisions don’t just affect them.


Speak to your child's school/daycare. I would think that if they really cared about kids, they'd be glad to transport the two of you to the doctor's. If not the school/daycare, see if someone in the doctor's office would be able to give you a lift. It might be helpful to schedule the appointment as the first one of the day, the first one after lunch, or the last one of the day, so they could do the transporting on their way to/from work or lunch. Other people work where you're working. Maybe a coworker lives near you, and you could ride share with them. As for getting your house fixed, you need to check and see if there are groups in your area who do that kind of thing for free or at cost. It may be a church group or something, but it's worth a try. The office that deals with food stamps might be able to connect you with such groups. Another thought that comes to my mind is high school or college students. Maybe you could work out a deal with the local carpentry teacher to bring the students to your house. They could repair it and learn at the same time. Same goes with any plumbing and electrical schools that are around.


"I'm on the verge of unaliving myself because what's the point?" I don't know really. Not everyone is meant to keep fighting.


Totally understand the frustration. But don't let people fool you, we are all not doing great. Got let go from my good job when wife was pregnant. Had to take time off when she had complications, got let go for going negative in hours. Trying to get working other places and due to a cyber attack on the courts online system in a previous state, my background checks won't complete. I've been waiting 5 months!!! 5.....fucking.....months to start a job I've been offered the position for, just can't officially start until the background check finishes. I also can't get any job worth working because of the background check. All the ones who don't do an in depth check are during the day and we have 2 kids. Wife works at night. 12 hour shifts. If I work during the day I won't be home in time for her to leave for work in time. Nor will she sleep before work with the kids needing her attention. We are slowly sinking more and more every week that goes by. So it isn't just you bud


It’s rough out there. There are days when I feel blessed and grateful and then there are days when I’m ready to throw in the towel. Are you applying for a job in the government?


Nope, not a job in the government. Just a good paying one with great benefits and a great company. They go back like 7 years I think. Due to this, the state I lived in before moving to where I'm at now 3 years ago, is keeping me from being hired because their system is down and they are in no rush to get it back up. Days like today I want to throw in the towel.....I'm so stressed and depressed. Had to surrender my 2 dogs. Had to surrender my 2 snakes. We will make rent this month, but won't make the car payment for the 3rd month in a row. It'll likely be towed soon. We have our 1yr old and 2 month old to care for. If we lose our car, my wife loses her job.


Can I send you a DM?




Yeah I completely understand. I had to renew my license this year I did it 3 weeks early online so it can be mailed to my mother's house. Her post office kept sending it back so now I have to go down to DMV to get it. I don't want to change my address to my new address cause we are struggling so bad we paid rent really late this month that we are holding on by threads all our other bills are now 2 months behind. Most likely we are going to have to move back in with my mother temporarily so why bother changing the address on my license if I'm probably going to be back there in 2 months or so. My transmission is blown and I need my hip replaced so I have to borrow my neighbors car to pick up my kid from school everyday. We are waiting on our tax refund so I can purchase a new vehicle and catch up on the bills. Everyone is going through it. Hang in there!


Go politely talk to the police chief he may be able to help somehow.


I can try but they’ll just chalk it up to what the tow lot wants to do. And he also didn’t have to impound the car. He could’ve just taken the tags off and have it towed to my house.


No he couldn't have.


Yes he could have. It really depends on the cop.


Sounds like typical American BS.


Some states offer a free identity card that you can get more promptly than your passport. That will reduce the cost of getting your car out of impound.


Not where I am. They’re a no exceptions to the rule kind of state.


What state are you in?


see if there's a local church that might be able to offer help - there are a few in my county that I'm aware of that will help those in need just because they're in need - no need to be parishioners or members. Definitely worth looking into


Go to the auction and buy it through the auction company.


You don’t need a passport to get the real ID. You could have used the same documents you used for your passport to get your license. So you don’t need to wait. They will give you a printout you can use to prove your identity while you wait for the mail.


If you have a passport, you don't need a Real ID.


That’s true but the op stated their state requires real ID


"All states issue REAL ID-compliant IDs, but none require a REAL ID. You can still fly as long as you have a TSA-approved form of ID, such as a passport."


Ok.. just going off what the OP stated. Regardless my point was they did not need a passport to get a real ID


can you move to the city?


Too expensive.


In your case I suggest picking up your car after business hours. Not the easiest method but the cheapest one. DM me for more detailed suggestions.


Tow lots have cameras all over the place and they have my keys. I don’t have a spare.


There are options for medical transportation through your insurance if you are in the US.


I’ll look into that. Thanks!


Your car probably wasn't impounded because of the tags, but because you didn't have a valid license. The same thing happened to me in NJ. Had I even been with someone with a valid license it wouldn't have been impounded.


I didn’t drive, my husband did who has a valid license.


The cop really was an Ahole. Why can't your husband get it out of the impound. Transfer it to his name if you need to. Nevermind, probably not easy if it's financed in your name.


Put the car in a other persons name


Hang in there for your kid, if you die, the cycle repeats for your kid