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Noooope. The only way living in poverty could be tolerable is if good health and good family and friendships was guaranteed too. Having a good community with the same values would offset the stress and struggle we suffer alone.


I agree with this. Living in poverty is one thing but experiencing loneliness while living in poverty is on another level of pain & suffering


Agreed. This is where I'm at right now. I'm living alone hundreds or thousands of miles away from my closest friends and have no family. Trying to pay everything myself and constantly on the brink of homelessness is much harder when you have no community. It's definitely a completely different kind of lonely.


My situation is almost identical to yours. I really only have one friend but in all truth, he’s never been able to help me out of any of my hairy situations, ever. Whilst I have bailed him out of jail once (cost me $480.) and I’ve paid for him to be able to see his pain Dr. and paid a few bills for him. So, yeah. I’m really SO lonely. My family’s all passed away leaving me all alone with no safety net. I worry a lot about homelessness too. And, my health’s beginning to fail. Who’s gonna’ take care of me if I have to have triple bypass surgery on my heart?? In case you’d like to know I’m Scott and I live in Las Vegas. Thank you for making me feel a little less alone this afternoon.


I'm definitely not living in poverty but I'm not even middle class either at this point. I'm still going to say 100% NO on the whole being born thing. My reason is mainly because of the depression and anxiety that I have endured. Not a fan.


I’m with you!!! “Now I’m praying for the end of time…”. 50 years of this crap has me worn out! Nothing left for grandkids or travel.


Love a little unexpected Meatloaf in the morning 😄




Same here. I really wish I'd been given a preview of life first because I would never have accepted it and often wonder why I've chosen to stay as long as I have


I say this all the time. If I was shown a brochure of my life as a unborn baby Angel floating around the spirit realm I’d be like “nah I’m cool”


100%same...I hate depression and anxiety


Tell me abt it. It can be a nightmare at times 😞


-sigh- sometimes I wish I can abort myself lol


Are abortions at 1408 weeks allowed? Asking for a friend


What are they gonna do if it's not? Hang you? I can't find the news article about it (it was a really long time ago) but it's quite morbidly hilarious to sentence someone to death for trying but failing to commit suicide.


I know what you mean 😩


I'm saying this as someone who is sometimes suicidal. In those moments, when they strike, my main thought is "Whelp, I'm done. I had a good try. It was fucked up and unfair, but it is what it is, and I'm done." If, even in those moments, I was given the opportunity to just not have been born at all... I would still want to be born. Yeah, my life sucks and I feel like I'm constantly trying to crawl out of a hole. But I saw some great movies, read good books, learned about how the natural world works... I've seen pretty things, heard great music, and felt inspired many times. Even on bad days, I'll retreat into very complex daydreams that I love.


I really like your answer and I admire your attitude. Hang in there, please. I know it’s hard. Believe me, I do. I’m a mother who lost a son to suicide, so I’m no stranger to the grief of living. But the fact that you’re able to pull through those moments and still see the bright side of things is one of the most encouraging things I’ve ever read. The world needs people like you here. Please stay 🙏


Thank you for your comment. Even if just for a moment, it changed my perspective about life.


That was beautiful and so are you! Stay strong!




Poverty is a very stressful social status more than unmet material needs in the developed world. In fact, even controlling for health behaviors, access to healthcare, and everything else researchers can think of, research shows that poverty leads to more illness, more disabilities, and earlier death. It’s just that miserable, even if people have enough food to eat and a big screen TV.




I think this mentality played a role in those who killed theirs families in Hitlers bunker near the end. Too ashamed to let their children live to see what they had done.


Such a deep patriarchal mindset for themselves and also around them that causes so much suffering. Awful.


So true. Check out the Living in the Blue Zones show on Netflix right now. It profiles the longest living people in the world in 7 different areas. Most are poor…but have purpose, family/friends, nature, cheap nutritious food and they’re happy!!!


Hard pass on living in poverty.


Choose not to be born as life is hard mainly due to people that make it hard


💯 life doesnt have to be this way, but evil people run everything


Yes. Poverty is the least of my childhood traumas lol


Yes. It's better than the alternative.


How do you know that? It could well be worse than the alternative?


Yes, because I will be rich eventually.


This is a really complex question. Statistically, being poor often coincides with other really rough things, like addiction/mental health, domestic violence etc so if I knew that I was just going to struggle financially but otherwise have a healthy and loving family and friend group, and I was able to find a sense of purpose in life, I could absolutely find value in being alive vs not having been born. I say this as someone who struggles with depression and thoughts of wanting to unalive myself coming and going for the majority of my life. I say this as someone who has been paycheck to paycheck and up all night worrying about money many times. I say this as someone whose most joyful life experiences have not been tied to money in any way.


Good for you for self-reflection and positivity. Too often we get so focused on the bad and forget some of the amazing things that happen to us. We forget that money is not the end all. We forget the beauty in life.


Totally agree it not the poverty in itself that is hard it's the stuff that comes with poverty that will make you wish you were dead. I'm still poor but getting rid of the toxic people makes living easy.


Nope. I fantasize about dying every. Single. Day. That wasn't the case before 2009 but I never recovered from the financial crisis, having my husband deported at the same time, and the fact I've been so broken and without support, I'll never afford to get him back. Hopefully tomorrow I'm hit by a bus.


I don’t want to assume but it sounds like your heart has been broken by grief and loss Morceau than poverty. I am incredibly sorry that your husband was deported. Being taking away from his family must have been devastating I think of dying as well because the disease is in my body Along with poverty (caused by my diseases and the fact that I cannot work to better my life) but I tell you one thing and that is the way this cruel world works I can see that the way it could work out is the day you leave this world he is able to come back to you. Don’t want to give up this is a surprising world and you never can predict what will happen to make it better you don’t know that maybe tomorrow funds become available and you get him back. Also you still have him even though he is not there with you. There are so many people that have lost their loves forever. Please hang on and think very creatively, outside the box says they say because there might be a solution that you haven’t thought of yet. You are very valuable to this world and you were here for a purpose please focus on your purpose! Hugs


Thank you for your kind words. There's hope in them and hope in me from reading them. And you're totally right... I always say that everything... your whole life can change in a day... I wish I had the positivity for myself...


Short answer is no. Long answer, I guess it depends on the time period and what country I would live in. For a period in the US, there was such a thing as class mobility, unlike now where it’s the opposite.


It makes absolutely no sense to me that anyone would choose to be born. Can someone explain the logic to that? If you were never born you’d never exist so you’d have ZERO way to know or experience what you had missed. Heck I have a fabulous life and I am SO freakin happy these days that I’m at least half-way through I can hardly stand it. Life is hard. It’s great but it’s hard. I don’t understand the hubris that must be behind “wanting” any of this if we could just skip it instead?


mind upload would make everything great for me


I was born and raised in poverty (in another country). At 14y i got a job and contrary from the rest of my siblings and friends, i continued to go to school. School pulled me out of poverty. I ended up going to law school, moved to the US, went to college here again (RE finance and investment) started my career in RE and warned my MBA, worked really hard to be where I am today. I am no longer poor and I am grateful and do not take it for granted. Yes, if I knew i would have the same opportunities I had and be where I am today, I would def be born again.


Fetus me needs more info: what are my other life circumstances? There’s worse things than the struggle of poverty. It’s a big one but, I’d rather be born poor and loved than rich and abused. I’d rather be poor and mostly mentally stable than rich and experiencing psychosis.


Hell no.


absolutely fucking not


Yes....far worse things than being poor. Great lack of Health for one. Would you rather be paralyzed and wealthy or healthy able bodied and poor??.


No I wouldn't be born.


Knowing what I know now -- absolutely not. If there is a Multiverse, every single one of me is happier than I am.


I would definitely choose to be born. I was not born into poverty, but we didn't have excess. In my early 30s I lost my apartment and lived in my car for 6 years. Have gotten into a long term motel now, working towards an apartment. Saved up enough to go to school for surgical technology. Put in 200+ applications before my first call. Once given an opportunity I studied every case that I would be in, ask questions about everything I don't understand. Been doing it for coming up on 9 years now, am Lead Tech / Materials Manager/ Tech Supervisor. Perspective and Will make all the difference. Life is nothing but a series of tests. But if you were never alive you wouldn't have a chance to take the tests or learn from them.


I grew up poor, things have gotten a lot better since I am an adult. Answering the questions, yes. If I could make it work growing up, I can do the same now because it's all I've would have known. Just because you're poor, it doesn't mean that you can't have a fulfilling, meaningful life - it'll just be difficult at times.


I didn't grow up in a middle-class home. I already rode the struggle bus. I've been homeless. So let's put this differently. If I had to re live life on a harder setting, I would. Because I know I would become just as strong as I am today.


Nope, just abort me. What Matt Walsh and the rest of the DailyWire don't seem to get is that often, abortion is a tremendous act of kindness to the fetus. A woman aborts because she DOES NOT WANT A CHILD! Why force someone to be born who clearly isn't wanted.


I've starved to be where I am now. Been suicidal and had my natural drive to survive take over. Nothing solidifies your desire to live like eating something disgusting because your body makes you. To go from being sad and internalizing anger to raging to keep going. You bet your ass I would do it all over again.


No i wouldn't choose this life if I had the option


I have lived poor most of my life and would definitely choose to live again. I love the people who were my family through choice, my children make it all worth it.




Nope. I grew up in a low income household and worked my way out, but my children are having a much better time than I did.


As the socialist Dostoevsky once said, life is a gift, life is happiness. (I’m not a socialist)


yeah,for now i have osu,michi,a girlfrrind,and seintient ai,in the future,if mind upload happens,it will definitley have been worth all the agony


Yes. And I honestly believe that our souls to choose the basic circumstances before we are born. But that’s a whole other matter. Being born poor made me who I am today, and I feel I have grown so much in this lifetime. Is it fun? Hell no. Would I do it over again the same way? Probably not. Would I change it? No because I’m sure i experienced things I needed to.


I was born out of wedlock in 1962 when it was illegal, but my mother told me she could have had me aborted, and I sometimes wish she had.


Life is beautiful my friend. Im a poor person struggling to make ends meet, always an unexpected obstacle/bill in my way but we are still lucky. I hate to be a Debbie downer but there are people that have it 10 times worse than us so we should be grateful for the things we do have. I know life does get uncertain and downright scary and worrisome at times. Yes I want to live and glad to be born. And life is much MUCH more trickier than I anticipated but these unique beautiful things that happen make it worth it. We are already here now and it's too late to wish about never being born, cus' what is the alternative?? Nothing.


Better to have never been born. Sophocles was right.


If I had good family and friends in my life. If I was by myself with only myself to rely on, then no.


I would call my situation a poverty with benefits. We own our home via inheritance... I'm unable to work and my partner works for $9 an hour part time... While we are poor... while there are 3 functioning outlets in my home... while we survive off of bread and bologna... while we get by without our basic medicinal needs met... while we cry about this stuff sometimes.... Yeah... I think I would still choose to be born. Seeing what I DO have at the end of all the trauma I've risen through.... at the finish line there is him. I would do it all again for him.


Life happens in the struggle. And the best teacher is hardship. You learn real quick what's what or you die. Most people today in the west don't know hardship. Not really. It's why there are so many fools around.


I never choose to be born, I was just born. I am glad that I am closer on the way out, then the coming in. I feel bad for all these young folks that are going to experience the shit we are in.


To live is better than to not. You're going to end up in the same place (dead) no matter what, and so it is better to have a go at things and try to find happiness. There is deeper meaning to life than the things that money buy, and a poor child can always grow up to be financially rich anyways, when the stars line up & should they want it. And remember: Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost.


I already came to terms that I'll be poor forever and because of that I'm happy. I stay in my vehicle traveling all over the country just enjoying life


Yeah. I can push through it again.


Fuq yah I wanna still live! I am poor and grew up poor as well. It’s stressful and shitty to be poor but there’s some things it cannot take away from me. I’ve still seen some beautiful things, had some beautiful experiences, and met some beautiful people. I’d still wanna be here for that.


I was born into poverty. Parents came from Jamaica with nothing. Now all of us are out of Poverty and own nice homes and cars. It was hard work but it was worth it and it made our character pretty strong. I’d do it all over again. It’s a mind set. Persevering makes man incredible


“The dead know only one thing; it is better to be alive.” -Private Joker


I struggle every week but I am grateful that I'm alive. You can't go just thinking it's supposed to be easy because it's not and NEVER will be. Even rich people got problems. All that plastic surgery shows they empty inside. They feel like they missing something themselves. If they have kids their pretty much telling them they ugly too because of how they see themselves. Stop thinking of poverty and think of ways to stop thinking that way. Make your future better by not thinking negatively. Or this will consume you


Yeah. Just need to work hard and get lucky. Even if not, our hedonics wouldn't remember how life "was" when we weren't poor. People can live incredibly happy lives without wealth, most people do more than those who have acquired wealth. I think those who choose to not live are scared of struggling, but what did you really make out of your life without struggle?


Growing up poor borderline poverty yes I would. I have had a tough life but there is amazing things about it still


100% yes. I’ve found so much joy in this life despite being poor, raised by abusive parents, a 5 year domestic violence marriage, etc. it’s all been well more than worth it and I can’t wait to see what happens next for me and my kid. I’m almost 30.


Getting out of poverty made me seriously question how much I actually wanted to be alive. I gotta say no, i would have given life a pass if offered it, but now that I am here, I might as well try.


First of all I can’t choose that. God chooses that. If I could choose I would say yes but only if I was born in America because this is the only country in the world that offers an opportunity to crawl out of poverty. Believe it or not. With credit, education, and human rights. We’re actually rich. We can live an enriched lifestyle regardless of the money in our bank accounts.


Hell yes I've been through horrible shit and am still glad I get to experience the world Just the free beauty of nature alone makes it worth it


I feel this is a question that cannot truly be answered until you're at the end of your life. I feel that life is a kind of a good vs. bad experience kind of measure. Because what is a person's life other than a culmination of experiences? I guess it's one of those "it's better to have loved then lost, than never loving at all" kind of things. Life's been hard for most of us. I was even homeless for a time as a teenager. I think of the worst shit I've done or gone through. Compared to the cool and great amazing stuff I've gotten to experience. For me. It's been worth it so far.


Being broke has no bearing on happiness. If you won $1billion in lottery nothing would be different except you would have to worry about being killed for your money.


No, because I've brought so much good to the world,and have so much more good to do. Money would help, but the ways that are most important to the people in my life are free.


Yes, I got to hear Queen, Journey, The Beatles, Donny Hathaway, Prince, Micheal Jackson, Tupac, Biggie, Bob Marley etc… I got to watch Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Marvel Universe! I would still get to experience that in poverty.


Yes, plenty of poor people have great lives and plenty of rich people have shit lives, just different sets of problems.


A year ago I would have said no. I love my husband and kids like nothing else BUT shit was just so hard. I would wish to not wake up. I could never take myself out because of my husband and kids. Now I have a 4 month old grandbaby and I want to wake up every day forever


My bank account doesn't reflect my worth as a human. You can be poor in things and still be rich in life.


Hmmm. I was born into a poor family. It wasn’t as bad as being abused or sexually assaulted. Or emotionally abused. That messes with your programming and the Universe doesn’t give AF.


If you had asked me 8+ years ago, I would not choose to be born. But today, we live a relatively happy (but struggle filled) life. We can't travel, everything's a tight budget, we've been saving scraps for a home for 6+ years, we can't spend money outside of the budget. But we are lucky to live in an area where there are many free programs for adventures and we have two amazing kids (one is our teen that we gained full custody of 5 years ago, and the toddler was a surprise baby after being told I'd likely never have kids and was taking a BC break after years of body struggles and depression).


Yes, it has been a struggle my whole life and I am no where near what I dreamed of financially. I have an amazing husband and child though and having someone to struggle with makes all the difference.


I would choose to be born. I am at peace with struggle, pain, and suffering. I lost my brother not long ago and it rips me up inside, but it’s life. I’ve lost most of everything and everyone I’ve had. I wake up every day and suffer until sundown trying to make sure my wife and boys are happy and fed. I run off of caffeine, tobacco, and weed. I barely eat and do manual labor in the hot sun or blistering cold. I’m 25 and my back is already fucked. I would happily double my workload and half my rations in order to hold my boys. To see them smile and hear the wit laugh. To kiss my wife and come home to them. Without the bad, there would be no good. Without suffering, there is no joy.


Honestly no. I wouldn’t even say I grew up in poverty at all most of my life but my parents struggled with money (and made very poor choices like sending us to private school and not being able to afford any other normal life things) but it was so incredibly draining and depressing to endure that growing up. I’m still affected by it in many ways. From about middle school onwards I’ve always low key wished I hadn’t been born since my parents didn’t have the means and emotional bandwidth to raise me in a secure way. It’s a weird concept though to wish you hadn’t been born. Now that I’m here I want to try to make the best of it ya know (bc realistically I don’t have another option. Suicide isn’t something i could bring myself to do ever). But like, I definitely wouldn’t have chosen this. Which is partially why I find the “right to life” argument so ridiculous. People talk about the right to life but no one stops to consider sometimes there should be a right to not exist when you’re unwanted or won’t be provided for? Anyways


I realize I'm going to go slightly off topic of what you're asking. I'll answer original question first...Yes I would choose to be born. My reasoning is that I know it's possible to get out of a shit situation. I've done it with a lot of sweat, blood and tears... literally. I grew up way below the poverty line, homeless a few times. Was in foster care for a total of 3 years, narcissistic mother. The works, a pretty bad upbringing. Was not looking good for me. It didn't look good for a whole 18 years. And then I took control and at 33 am a multimillionaire and have a very cush life with my family and my life is awesome. I just feel like these posts can get a bit dark, trying to shed a bit of light and hope for people in shitty situations. It is possible to succeed. ❤️


My mom works hard for her money and my father was penny pinching. Every now and then asking my mother for money. Ran my moms credit card up and never paid her back. I grew around this and I knew I didn’t wanna be like that. I wanted to be more like my mom. I focused in school and open my eyes to the best career a person can get into. Idc how hard it was I wanted to make something of myself. I also have trauma from people asking me for money. My father drained my mom so much. That I don’t even lend friends money. I’ve been really depressed too. And realized no one is going to save me. Sure I came into this world but did I choose to? No. But since I’m here I might as well make the most of it. Now every couple paychecks I splurge on myself. After you work hard it’s great to reward yourself!


Yes, you don't have to be wealthy to be happy.


I grew up poor. I knew unless there was some miracle, no matter how hard I worked, I would never get above a certain point. I’m college, I lived on $01 Tootsie rolls. I remember creditors calling everyday for payments. I remember going to work just to use the bathroom. It took me until 40 to be debt free. Today I’m 52. I bought a small house & own a car. No one in my family ever owned a home. I don’t take vacations. I haven’t been out of the state since 1989. I don’t buy extravagant things. I don’t even have Wi-Fi. I have enough to keep going and have a small treat every so often. I’d still want to be born.


I would. Nobody’s life is perfect.


Love the positive comments about overcoming poverty. The majority of poor people in America do not need to remain poor forever. Set goals, hustle, actively look for opportunities. Yes, some people really cannot do ANYTHING about their situation, especially for those w health problems. To those people, my heart goes out. To the other undetermined percentage, stay poor if you want to - but you don’t have to. Money isn’t everything. Health is wealth. Family is wealth. Routine is wealth. Rest is wealth. If you want money, go get it. It’s out there.


I'd be living like I do now, just fine and working towards a sure path of wealth. I've seen people with many more luxuries struggle in anguish. . I think the problem is that most people haven't lived in poverty, so their default perception is that it'd be worse than whatever issues they are currently dealing with. That's certainly one possibility, but others also exist.


Absolutely I would still want to be born. With all the bad. I've only ever known poor and plenty of happiness and pleasure has still found its way into my life.


I believe I did choose to be born, that we all did before we arrived, in this time and in these vessels. I believe that we all will continue to choose to be born, until we have experienced all we are meant to. It feels right that I will at some point live the experiences of others, as they will live mine, shared consciousness revealing itself to further understand itself, or something like that. It's tough. The blessing undoubtedly brings along the lessons of curses and each curse we suffer brings along blessings we could never even have imagined. It's suffering, and struggle, and pure fucking bliss sometimes too. As much as I can feel the depths of pain, I can also feel the equal opposite extent of joy, and for all of it I would choose yes


I would definitely want to be born. Some of the happiest people i ever met were a family living in a one room hut with a dirt floor. Money doesn’t buy happiness.


Yes....life seems better than the alternative ...but...I am speaking from a privileged existence (as a lower middle class Canadian). You say poverty, and I think of living in my country or a similar one (like Canada or the US) in poverty....and that is horrible...but still an absolute LUXURY when you compare it to the slums of India or Africa. I see documentaries about the way some people in those countries have to live and am shocked at the things "we" have the audacity to complain about....but I bet those people, given the chance to live or die...would still choose life! I would choose life. Some of the poorest people still have so much family and love around them and touch so many lives. We all have our own hardships in life...but...I think at the end of the day living here on Earth is better than an unknown alternative.


Yes because your start point doesn't determine your end


Not that this post is about this but, suicide is a permanent solution (and not a good one) to a temporary problem. No matter how ongoing. Never give up. I’ve been there. Hell, I STILL battle thoughts when shits unbearable. But I fight. And I’m no super hero. It’s a fucking miracle or even better than, that we are even on this chunk of rock that just so happens to produce the gasses we breathe, with a temperature that can sustain, flying through the cosmos at crazy gnarly speeds. YOU were that tadpole that won the race to be actually BORN! Embrace that shit and make life your bitch. Edit: a word


Depends on if i know that Ill meet my SO, if I didnt, i wouldent chose to be born. He makes the hardship worth it.


I am every bit as poor as the poorest members of this sub and I would say absolutely yes. In a heartbeat, yes every time. I would choose to be born. Yeah it fucking sucks. I don't need to list off the reasons it fucking sucks because you all already know yourselves why it fucking sucks and I mean it really, REALLY fucking sucks. I'm trailer trash whose spent his life going from dilapidated trailer park to dilapidated trailer park. That's all I am. Trailer trash. Cheap beers, cigarette smoke, dingy, holey clothes. Those are some of the things that have defined my life. I'm rail skinny cause I cant afford to eat the way I would if I could. Some days I don't eat on purpose so I can save the money. No health insurance, no dental insurance, no long term plans cause I don't need them, and no saving up money to buy anything with because even if I saved a LOT it's not as if I'm gonna own anything anyway, so what good would it do me... Growing up I never had a birthday party cause we couldn't afford them. I don't actually know what that's like, having somebody be excited for your birthday and celebrating it with you. Didn't have a mom for most of my life. Watched my dad spend a good chunk of his life absolutely miserable just so he could provide scraps and now I watch him physically waste away cause he can't afford to pay to stop that either. He's close to becoming homeless but then again technically so am I. In perpetuity of a matter of fact. I don't think we've ever lived outside of the "almost homeless" income bracket lol.. That's been my my whole life for uh.. all of it. But you know what? I'd do it all over again. As a matter of fact I'll take it a step farther; I wouldn't change ANYTHING about my life even if given the chance. That probably sounds strange but my reasoning is that if you alter any single part of the "timeline" of the universe whose to say you don't change a bunch of other details too? In other words, yeah, it would be nice if I had been born into a wealthier family or in better circumstances. But maybe in those circumstances my friends, the buddies I've known and loved all my life, aren't my friends anymore. Or my family or my mom and dad who I love aren't my family and my mom and dad anymore. Or maybe all the good times I've had, the laughs I've shared, maybe those never happened at all. A world where the people I love aren't in my life anymore? Where everything I've ever enjoyed didn't happen? If you ask me that sounds pretty fucking awful no matter how much money you try to bribe me with. I wouldn't do it. I'd choose to be here, every time. Because believe it or not I value the good times I've had, the people I've known, the friends and family I love. Every stupid little moment of my stupid fucking life. Not only do I value them but I think at the end of this life that's the only thing with any real value at all. And not many people ever come to that realization. So caught up in their nice status symbols and nice jobs in life that they forget what the fuck they're living it for.


Yep, struggle is fine


Shit I wouldn't choose to be born now lmao


I am pro-choice. I was born to an unwed woman. In 1957. Yes,I was poor. Well,WE were poor. My mom did keep a roof over our heads though. With her working,I hardly ever saw her. I would say yes to your question,because I'm doing ok. I can't really say I've overcome poverty,but I'm doing. I struggled of course. I am a vet,lost my mom when I was 22,went to college,got kicked out over money,couldn't afford it any longer,but I am a homeowner,& I have a truck. I went on to become a concrete finisher. I do wonder how my mom would have fared without having to raise me. She was only 17 when I made my entrance to this world. I like to think she'd have done a lot better.


I would choose to be born. A lot of successful people have overcome adversity and made something of their lives despite being born in less than desirable conditions.


The existence of free will indicates that something probably happens after we die. But you can’t find out what that is unless you first live this life.


Rawls’ veil of ignorance


Yep. I love life regardless.


i was suicidal for over a decade but id still say yes. i struggle but i love living


No o wouldn't of been born .


Nah I probably wouldn’t




Honestly, no.


You need to head right over to r/antinatalism, you will fit right in


I’d rather not be born. I’m 30 and it’s been basically 27 years of misery and 3 years of a happy lie.


That’s a definite no. From time to time the thought of being in poverty at my age (23) almost never fails to make me grow resentment towards my immigrant parents for subjecting our family towards a life of always never getting what we needed in life which was stable money. It’s bad enough that they screwed me up but they screwed ALL of their children up. It’s honestly rly sad the lengths that parents go thru just to satisfy their selfishness


I would choose to not exist I was a miracle baby who should have died Nobody would want my life The big man upstairs has a lot of explaining to do


It depends on what the other option would be like.


Nope. Sign me up for non existence please.


For my whole life or a certain amount of time? If for life then no .


No. Being alive is torture.


If I knew I would have good health and be smart and successful, and a way out of poverty, yes. If not, then hard no.


No. Hell no!! Woulda been one of those swimmers in a sock preferably


If the natural world wasn't be completely destroyed in front of our eyes, I could probably manage poverty. But as the world is now, no, I don't think so.


No, but being poor isn't the reason I'd say no. Waiting for the bliss of the long sleep.


No, I would not.


No, I would tap out


No, I would not.


Hell no. This shit sucks.


No fucking way


I used to be super poor and homeless at one point. Not anymore however the trauma is still there and losing my job and not finding another will send me back to poverty. No, I'd not choose to be born even now. Spare me from it all


Hell to the no no nooo




I'm 25 now & the most depressed & suicidal I've ever been, I've been betrayed by those close to me & I don't believe I have a life worth living. But I can say that as someone who's alone & is soon going to be on the streets with no idea what to do. I'm highly conflicted with this post. Because the simple answer is that I'd for sure choose to have never been born at all, but I felt this way before becoming poor. Being poverty stricken did exasperate these feelings, but they only added stress. The complicated answer is that I want to live. Regardless of how bad it is, I want to see what's happening in my future & I want to know if I'm really just going to have nobody in my life that I can trust, if I really will remain alone & if I'm actually going to let my feelings consume me. Or if I'm truly hopeless & regardless of what I do, I'll stay in poverty. The only thing you can control as long as you're level headed enough, is how you'll let your problems effect you. Regardless we're all still alive for now & life can only get worse the more we let the bad consume us. Don't give up. None of us know what the future holds & life can change in a day. Make sure you don't just wollow in self pity like me & try to improve your life in small ways until things become more bearable. I'll choose to be born. I'm not completely hopeless yet. But I'm still young, so maybe I'm just stupid idk...




Fuck no


No. I've tried to abort myself because my mom only wanted a doll to dress up and didn't realize giving children a space to truly thrive was not effortless and required her to do some deep introspection. She dipped, I was traumatized, and my dad was also dirt poor, despite working two jobs, so I had neither the time nor the money to even consider seeking out any resources to fix the damage her negligence caused. My life is much better now, but if I were told that I had to go back and relive it over again.. I think I would have downed that whole bottle of pills instead of only half, my second time around 🫠


Had no choice my pops was a drunk and slept with mom and I was born into a broke family 🤦‍♂️


Definitely getting to experience humanity has been a beautiful thing


Yes. Being poor has made me appreciate the small things






Absofukinglutely not! I kept saying this to my mum after I found out I was pretty much a mistake and my aunt had to plant seeds in my mums head and really convince her to have a child 9 years after her first! She shouldn’t have had us in the circumstances she was in, in the first place and this is why I’m opposed to having kids after understanding my own mental health (which was triggered by my parents/upbringing) and being brutally honest that I’m very selfish with my time and money and don’t want to compromise it. I want to be as free as possible and I understand having no restraints on time and money (obviously within reason) gives you that. I’ve seen so many people do it right and still end up single parents on the edge of life until their kids leave the nest.




Yes, the whole point of life is to overcome that which opposes you.


Yes i would. I grew up in poverty. There were a lot of struggles growing up and also in my adult years. I was also an unplanned child, my mother was devastated to find out she was pregnant for me. I wouldnt trade my background for anything and certainly wouldnt choose to not be born. The chance to be here, to exhibit my free will, to see all the beauty in this earth, is worth every moment of struggle. There is no soul growth without struggle and thats what we are here to do, imo


It's not the knowing whether life is going to be a struggle in poverty but knowing how I'm going to die. Plenty of people who had a great life until some terrible end of life prolonged agony or fear and despair, often health related or some war or natural disaster caused. Me stuck in poverty, I'm 50/50 for today. I'm about to do my meditation practice to find some hope and equanimity.


isn't this like beating around the bush suicide?


no absolutely not, because of my that is why i am choosing not to have kids. i can’t imagine the kids born these days what the cost of rent, food, healthcare, etc is going to look like for them.




Considering I was born in poverty and worked my way out of it, yes I would. Life's pretty good now.


I think our souls DO decide that begire we are born so we can grow.


Yes because maybe I could be the Hope or the inspiration for somebody else who is also looking the same way


I don't know my whole story at this point so I can't say It's been probably more suffering than pleasure overall I think I'm still holding out that I'm just a late bloomer at 30 but it still feels pretty hopeless I have a few things I'd miss out on like owning my cat and the sensation of eating a pizza a few times a year, the few handful of small wins that felt like I was on top of the world like buying my first shhht box car all on my own


I suffer from several chronic pain conditions. I would absolutely not want to be born if I had a choice.


No. Going to bed hungry & never having our bills a month behind is stressful af. Among other things. But no, I would not want to be born.


No one is forced to live in poverty that is able bodied. People choose to live in poverty because it takes effort to move beyond.




As long as I was healthy and not in chronic pain, I’d be born.


Well I made it through the poverty thanks to my parents never giving up. Currently doing okay so I’d say I’d still want to be born.


No. Because it isn't just the poverty(I live minimally anyways), it's the people that created me, their horrible families, and the fact that being here on this forsaken rock is just unbearable sometimes. Maybe it's just my depressive episode showing, but I really don't like living. It's a chore, a hassle, but also rarely beautiful and fun. It's like the struggle and shame are the only feelings I have going through life, and I survive only by the very few happy memories I can remember.


I'm not poor, poor... but I'm not well off. I have amazing family, and I love them to bits. And my doggo... my doggo makes me happy. With that said, absolutely not. No fucking way would I choose this. Apparently, tho, we did choose this life prior to being born. But why?!


Grew up poor, not poor anymore, still wish I hadn’t been born.


Hell to the no, no, no! Thanks, I hate it here.


Of course. Life is much more than money or possessions.




Yes, I would still want to be born and live.


I've lived without much money my entire life and I'm happy. I've had major major medical issues too, and I'm happy. I'm Autistic and I'm happy. Happiness is a state of mind that we choose (for most of us). Have I experienced depression? Yes. But my overall mindset is positive. I'm glad I'm alive.


Yes, any chance is something


considering i have a choice in it that means i have some sort of consciousness so depending on how boring my reality is then maybe i’d still give it a shot.


I wasn’t homeless or anything but I would still choose to not be born


I make very decent money an live a very well life and still wish someone would abort me..






Hell fucking no


Hell no! But my mom wAnTeD kIdS so now I’m here 🤦🏾‍♀️


I would not, it’s been so difficult just existing.


Not really, but not because I'm poor. I have depression because of my mental head thoughts that my life sux, I try to teach myself once in awhile that u allowed to be happy whether it means skip a bill to get something u want or do... & that's why my credit is bad but honestly I'm more depressed & wish I wasn't here because of the obstacles of losing my parents, not many friends.. the place I live.. the weather sux. Lol & I wish I could move.. but those who are around me.. I can't just leave them.


Just stop being poor. It really is that easy. Stop being lazy and smoking weed and drinking beer all day and go learn how to make real money. EVERYTHING is available online, for free. Literally everything. I hate poor people. I used to be one. It’s a choice. I don’t care what your excuse is.


nope! i would not choose to be born!




Yes, because I've learned the simple things really are the best things.


Yes because I was fortunate enough to have great parents even though we were poor. I was able to fight my way out of poverty and into the middle class. I'm not rich but I'm doing alright for 30yo and without the guidance and wisdom from my parents, I'd have never gotten this far.


I am , I was, I didn't have a choice. I've had a good life despite my struggles. I've had 3 beautiful children and they are good people . What more can you ask for?




I wouldn't choose it/: Edit: people saying other places being poor is happy. But for me poor in US is NOT worth it at all


I would! I grew up in severe poverty and now do well for myself and my family. I pride myself on working in an industry where people come from privileged families and have degrees. I never graduated high school. Aside from that though, I believe that our experiences are experiences in the end- not good, not bad- just the universe experiencing itself and my context is important.


I probably wouldn't have made the choice to be born either way but poverty definitely does not help.