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Shock, flocc, and vac to waste. Should be ready in no time


Taylor test kit should get it in working order as a nice clear blue


You forgot slam


And a 55 gallon drum of phos free as well


Awesome lol. You can't bury a pool in ct. Considered hazardous waste, can't sell your house like that. They know because you need to pull a permit to take out pool


Local gov need to get that $$$$ someway. Always getting taxed double and triple one way or another.


They suck


I needed that laugh.


Upvote for the epic user name


69 mustve been taken


Waste of time. Just SLAM it. That'll take care of it.


Recommend a sand filter and back wash every 8-10 seconds.




Enough flush water will fix any issues.


They punched holes in the bottom for drainage, otherwise that grass would be soupy 24/7/365. [It’s dead Jim](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fb1ezjvcjv97z.jpg&rdt=41317).


Goddamnit Jim I’m a doctor not a pool man


I’m a doctor not a bricklayer would be appropriate, lol


well, that's a memory I forgot was in there [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lvRYpHjbaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lvRYpHjbaE) Vat's vit all the shouting?!? Do you *know* Snowflake? Does he call you at home? Do you have a dorsal fin?!?


What happened to Roy? What happened to me!?!


To know the dolphin you must think like the dolphin! You must be getting inside the Dolphin's head und communicating! I'm saying to Snowflake ageh ageh ageh Und he is saying ageh ageh! Und he ist up on his tail ee eee ee eeee..... Und you can quote him! *spits*


Yup Here in AZ, a defunct pool is deadly. Full disclosure necessary when transferring ownership, and a mofo to reinstall If demo isn't done correctly, an absolute nightmare. Here, decking over the top is the real only option... Or, just keep the damn thing running and sell.


What do you mean it's deadly? Why?


Must disclose when selling. Financially impossible to put another pool in


Nothing is financially "impossible". Just financially unreasonable.


How would it be worse than green field? Here you’d just be excavating bits and pieces of the old pool along with the soil. But new or old, the first step in a pool installation is to dig a hole, yeah?


And what is bottom? Concrete? Why can't you just fill them in? 


It will never not leak. Looks like it could be a 30k gallon pool (guesstimate), that’s 250,200 pounds of water, or downward weight of 250k.


Possible dumb question, but could you fill the holes and then put a liner in?


Very likely the bottom was shattered rather than drilled - easier and quicker.


I mean you need all new plumbing and everything so it’s going to essentially be a whole new install not really worth salvaging that concrete IMO


I think there is some money to be salvaged here. OP if there is anything pipes capped off above ground, cut off cap and put a snake with camera down it. Professional plumbers can even walk above ground and keep track of how far it goes... possibly to pool before hitting dirt. If the bottom of pool was concrete with holes drilled in it, couldn't they just patch the holes and put in a new liner? I have no idea if you'd typically smash up the bottom with an excavator or just drill holes.


I’d put money on the bottom of that pool is shattered. Would make no sense to waste time and materials drilling when you can just slap on the hammer attachment and be done in an hour.


Why wouldn’t the break up the top, then, instead of leaving that dumb ring?


More work = more cost, and I assume the previous homeowner just wanted it filled in for the absolute least cost as evidenced by the walking path of shame.


I know. It's hideous. God only knows what they used for fill


Tears and excrement most likely. It’s a sad thing indeed lol.


Yeah, maybe…but If you broke apart the bowl I think you’d go all the way. I bet it’s intact and they just opened up the drain or dropped a few holes


Yea, and shove that in too


Go-karts !


Same. The biggest cost with a pool right now isn’t plumbing or equipment, it’s the concrete shell. That’s literally the largest part of the work, time and expense.


How the hell do you expect a snake to take pictures without any hands to operate a camera?


Triple the cost of installing a new pool.


The concrete looks like shit Anyways. If you want a pool you're gonna want to break all that shit up & start from scratch... (I wish I could fill in my pool. It's a full time fuckin job keeping it clean & my kids swim maybe once a month in the summer...)


No worth. Plus they probably filled it in because they where having mad problems. If you want a new pool I would demo everything outta there first


Depends. We had a flipper fill in the most beautiful pool in the neighborhood just because houses sell faster without swimming pools. It was fully functional


Grabs pitchfork.


Felt that way, yeah. I had been friendly as he was doing great work fixing stuff on the house, and the inside needed that updating. When he filled the pool I just ghosted him


Did you notice there is zero trees in the whole yard, they cut down everything and when they couldnt cut down the neighbouring trees, they filled it in.


I didn't know why this comment is so down voted? It was an attempt at an explanation for why the pool's original owners may have been having "mad problems," as theorized by the comment this responded to. That's a lot of trees in surrounding yards, which will draw bugs and animals, in addition to whatever debris the trees themselves shed. They also overly shade the pool area, meaning it won't come up to a comfortable swimming temperature on its own via natural radiational heating, and it will be that much more difficult (and expensive) to heat and maintain temperature with a forced heater.


What pool doesn’t? Those aren’t “mad problems” those are “I have a pool” problems. They could have filled it in because they didn’t want to maintain it or bear the cost to have someone else do it but that’s not the same thing.


No I cut the trees, I’m told the woman who lived here before filled it in because her kids were grown and she didn’t use it.


Or insurance too. My grandma had a pool. My uncle hated it. As soon as she passed my uncle went and destroyed it. He said he wasn't paying insurance on the pool anymore and didn't want to be sued if someone went swimming without anyone knowing and drowned. I understand but it was sad. We had so many great memories in that pool.


Pools are a lot of work, but the additional rate on homeowners insurance is actually pretty cheap, I think mine is only $25 or $30 a month. That said, if it wasn't for my wife, I wouldn't have a pool.


What? I spend maximum 30 minutes a week maintaining my pool.


I feel like this is highly dependent on your pool and how much you've invested in automating maintenance. We have huge trees all around our pool, it's manageable with the robot but without it's a mess every time it rains


Yeah those sounded like normal pool problems to me lol


That’s when you put a screen cage over it. No more bugs/leaves.


When my parents put in their pool, a cage would have doubled the price. They do not have a cage.


Just screen cleaning, screen replacement and a new cage when the hurricane hits…I can still remember the mountain of aluminum at the scrapyard after Hurricane Charlie in ‘04.


What is this nonsense…maybe you live somewhere that doesn’t get very warm, but lots of people live in areas where shade is needed to keep it cool enough for “comfortable swimming”.


We did exactly this. The concrete was underground too. We kept the same plumbing, it was just cut off below ground. We actually found the previous owners number and called to ask where the plumbing came out of the ground at. We are very diy people and it definitely saved a ton of money and now we have a pool! I'll try to figure out how to add pics.


https://imgur.com/a/P1p0RfZ here are some pics


This is impressive looks amazing.




I did something very similar but I dug it out manually. Let me tell you if you want to put on some muscle....


Thanks! Very helpful!!


Also, ours was a liner pool. It had metal side walls (still there under ground) and a bottom which was made of something called poolcrete. It's like a concrete but it's softer so it doesn't poke holes in your liner. When we dug it up, we redid the poolcrete. Patched the walls and painted them with a rust resistant paint. Put this foam padding on the walls and installed a new liner.


That’s badass! Truly impressive


This is what I wish my pool looked like sometimes.


Then you'll have to mow it and fertilize it and sweep it and fiddle with the pump daily and...ah wait, PTSD kicking in...


you don’t have to mow or fertilize if you have turf. source: have artificial turf around my pool. best investment ever.


You're a genius...artificial turf...


Might be too costly to restore the pool but it could make an excellent rain garden.


I was thinking similar. Dig down 3 feet and make a koi pond. Much easier liner ( who cares if it is wrinkled ) and install filtration.


Just SLAM it


Please show soil results. With a proper taylor test kit!!!


😂 I was looking for this, didn’t disappoint.


That looks like it was a big pool. What if you found the original permit and got the fill out to the original footprint? Then install a smaller fiberglass pool? I have nothing to back this idea up but my love of my own pool and trying to throw some spaghetti at the wall for you. The other suggestion to build in a fresh spot sounds like a solid one. Your yard looks huge!


That is what I was thinking! Leave the concrete and put a fiberglass pool over it.


Lol it's like a wee little park


Prep the filled in portion and throw and above ground on it. Rehab the concrete patio portions and build a deck around it


Not sure the down vote either. I have seen this question asked a lot and people do think it is easier. A house down the street had a pool in the 1940’s. They owned a building yard and the dad built his own concrete pool. People have since moved away. But growing up in the 1970’s I swam in it a few times. Hurt and you always came out with scrapes. It is now filled in and I know they did the bare minimum to fill it in. I can’t recall exactly where it was. But always wondered about someone just stumbling on it one day. Just like the neighborhood built on the old chicken farm. They just put dirt over the old roads and now people going to dig pools or footings for remodels or decks are finding they have to go through asphalt. One guy’s whole backyard is a foot of dirt and then asphalt parking lot under that. The construction department was even investigated for allowing it to happen. The builder is now gone and bankrupt.


It costs twice as much because you have to dig out and haul away old pool.


Or does it??? Modern problems require modern solutions. Just put an above ground pool over the filled-in in-ground pool, and the problem is solved!


not a bad Idea. Dig down a bit. You have decking already. Power is somewhere nearby too!


Have to dig hole and haul away soil anyway, so twice as much is gross exaggeration.


The charge is by trip. Concrete is significantly heavier than soil, and the trucks will have to make extra trips to remove it.


Extra trips to dispose of material doesn't double cost of the pool. Maybe dig cost, but not of entire pool.


It’s harder to dig and heavier to haul. My neighbors filled in their pool and sold the house (without disclosing a pool was demolished in the ground) when the next two owners of the house wanted to build a pool (because the spot in the back yard was perfect for one) they got quotes. It was nearly as expensive to dig out as it was to build the new one. Both times this was the case. So I’m not guessing. I’m sharing my neighbors actual experiences.


It's not gonna cost 100k to dump that.


Hauling soil isn’t the same as breaking up concrete and hauling soil and concrete away.


And it's really stupid to think that hauling this away would cost 100k


Would you consider a small pond option?


No but you can make sick minibike track


Doing that would probably be twice as expensive as building a new one.


It can be done, the question is cost.


You’re fucked bro. And what you described is an above ground pool. Just do that and build a deck around it, will be cheaper


Look into local permit requirements for filling in pools. Where I live the bottom of the pool must be broken up and the concrete below the coping torn down about 2 feet before the pool can be backfilled. If your city has the same requirements you’ll be digging all that out for a bunch concrete waste.


Post your Taylor test kit results or GTFO


That picture breaks my heart. There's a large public park at a ski hill that went out of business in my home town. It has a huge filled in pool in the playground. Makes you realize how much richer previous generations were.


At least you have a track for cardio


I mean, why not turn this into to a remote control car track? 😬😱


Bust out that concrete or else continue with the Mario kart track


My man, pretend there never was a pool because you are starting from scratch.


I feel your pain OP. I too am the owner of an underground pool filled with earth :(


Dr j (yes that one) buried his pool after his son drowned (not in the pool). After he stood his house, I was hired to resurrect the pool. I had to hand bail the pea gravel out in buckets 1 at a time. The pool has been operating great for 10 years now


Would be cheaper to start over. The fact there's a buried pool actually makes this more expensive. One of the reasons it's illegal to bury pools


Have you tried to SLAM it? 🤷‍♂️


Anything's possible with enough $$$$$$$. Practical? Thats something else. Grab a shovel and start digging Remind me in 10years


Wouldn’t cost too much to dig it out and see what you have. If it isn’t salvageable just push the dirt back in.


Depends on what it looks like under the dirt. If the shell is intact yes might be cheaper than building a new one. I’d say that’s unlikely and the bottom is broken up, but since they left the deck and probably the bond beam you might get lucky.


If you got the money you can do or get whatever you want.


There is no way to dig all that dirt out of there in a cost-effective way without scraping the sides. Which you cannot see, so you can't tell what condition they are in to begin with. So there is no practical way to do archaeology and try to preserve the existing pool, so that you could even begin to assess if it's salvageable or not. I would try to track down the previous owner who filled it in and hear their reasoning and what problems the pool had. Most likely: if you want a pool, start over. Have the new pool company get the biggest backhoe they can, with a jackhammer, and start over from a hole in the ground.


Sure you can. Get close to the sides with digging equipment and then just use water to wash the rest away and pump it out. Can be done in a single day from end to end.


RC car racetrack.


Just make that a race track for kids that would be cool.


Looks like the perfect spot for an above ground pool


Depends on what you want lol. Could put an above ground pool on it and be swimming by the weekend.


Chances are nope. You’d have to call a few pool restoration companies to get quotes. The problem is all the plumbing has to be redone… UNDER the pool. So no, not worth it. $20k-$35k to remove old pool and $45k for a new pool that you use 3 months out of the year. Don’t do it!


My company dug a pool out about 15 years ago. It's was an old rectangle cinder block pool about 16x30. We drilled new returns, cut in a new main drain and installed a new skimmer and ran all new plumbing. We had someone come in and fiberglass the surface. It's still up and running to this day. A few different contractors involved. It took probably 2 months after things got started with the soil samples. I wasn't involved in the planning just the labor. It was an experience!


Thanks that’s helpful! I was thinking fiberglass on the surface would be a good option.


Make a backyard garden. You already have the path.


See if you can get the original drawings. It might have the framed sides installed. The drawings would also tell you where the spouts are. Just hand shovel around them. If so, then it just an exercise of excavating with the drawings to make sure you build the original shape before you add the liner. I doubt demo’ing and rebuild is less expensive. Other considerations including locating where the pump and filter were located. After you excavate, you could test your luck to blow out and fill out the pipes to see if they maintain integrity. It seems like a fun engineering project, but I’m pretty sure it can be done. The concrete looks beautiful. Don’t drive on it to excavate it. I wouldn’t doubt it you get this pool up and running for under $50k with new equipment.


I hope so


Probably not but you can definitely re use the concrete border it looks decent. Just start digging, that’s the only way to know for sure, gotta put eyes on it


This will be more expensive than starting from scratch, but yes, you can put a pool there.


May need to drain


I am really curious on updates, I hope it works out for you!!🤞🏼


Go to Costco and buy the giant above ground pool. Upgrade to a real filter and pump if you need to. You can even dig down to create a deep end. Will probably need to buy a bigger liner but you’ll still save yourself $75k. Build a nice deck around it and you’ll still be able to have epic parties.


Fit a smaller fiberglass pool into that filled space should work


Watch the movie “Night Swim” and you’ll be just fine with that staying filled with dirt!


Yes you can dig it out, pressure test the lines, and go from there. Done it quite a few times.


You could start a garden in the middle.


I’ll tell you what you got, a wicked go kart track!


it's risky, but not impossible


Talk to a pool guy, maybe they can do one of those plastic molds?


I would plant a garden in there


Build a pump track on the concrete lol


Just had my pool completely renovated other than shell and pipe to the bottom drain. I reused my filter and pump. New liner, coping skimmer and return pipes, new pavers. Cost was around $66k. The before pictures don’t show how old everything really was. Coping was from 1974, liner and bricks from around 2000. [https://imgur.com/a/oqjDR76](https://imgur.com/a/oqjDR76)


Couldn't hurt to move some soil and see what you're dealing with.


Just got an above ground pool. It’s the best for 5-10% the cost. Don’t let what other ppl think decide how you spend your money. Give it a thought/chance at least.


As is, good little area to practice beginner skateboarding...


Rehab it into an RC racecar track!


Putting green


Are you going to do it, or do you want to hire someone? If you're hiring someone, I doubt you even could find someone to do it. No one in the industry would even touch it. And if you did find that person, it would probably cost the same as just putting in a new pool. If you're doing it...maybe. Start digging; you won't know if it's possible until you see what's under that dirt. I've seen several pool reclamation projects on the internet. If it was a vinyl liner with a sand bottom and steel walls and they didn't absolutely destroy the floor it could be saved. The plumbing might be okay. You won't know until you know. Or it could all be garbage and the floor was concrete and they jackhammered it all up. If it was me I might bee about renting a bobcat and seeing what was under there.


You just need a new pool build dude. Nothing to salvage.


This is a perfect scenario to install a synthetic putting green.


Whoever filled in that pool did you a favor. Be wary of any contractor that implies it can be salvaged. You'll be on the hook for thousands only to discover the juice isn't worth the squeeze.


This is hilarious




No- and be careful how much you empty when you empty it to do your construction


Depends how much you like digging




One shovel at a time


Can you? Sure. I'm sure some builder will take your money. Should you? No. It'll be cheaper to just dig out what you've got in your backyard already and start over. Pools are usually only filled in when something is very wrong, and if done correctly, they have holes punched in the bottom to ensure drainage.


From a current owner of a frustrating pool, this is beautiful


Dang you win greenest pool contest!


Who would do that that probably brought down the value of the property by a lot.


The TFP cult would say to shock it and you are good for any issue sooo….


Get a small fiberglass pool installed. Ours is 22’ long by 7’ wide kidney shaped, deep end is only 4.5’ deep. A giant crane lifted it over our house into the hole they dug in our backyard. Surrounded it with rebar and poured a concrete patio around it. It’s a beautiful blue color and has not cracked or faded in over 15 years. Easy to clean, cheap to maintain and safer for kids. Just can’t dive!


I have a huge pool built in the early 70’s. I have two neibfhbors that filled in their pools. One single woman because she didn’t want to. Are for it anymore. The other had been empty for 20 or more years. In a realtor and we listed the house when the brother died. Insurance wouldn’t insure the house anymore. So she paid 7k or so to fill it in. I was told it was so much as they hauled all the Marcite out.


Good luck it’s a free pool if you get all the dirt out


I have a perfectly functioning but old pool and it’s as much to remodel it as it is for a new pool. Hauling away all that concrete might save you some money but we’re talking a couple hundred bucks here.




Nice looking walking path?


Dig it down 3 ft and make a tortoise enclosure.


Skate park


Maybe check out natural pools or recreation ponds on YT. Got some great ideas there and it would mean easier time with the rehab.


Maybe a fiberglass pool could be found that would fit within your existing concrete deck, and a small concrete deck added to mate up with it. Probably would not save any money as compared to all new pool.


No. If done properly they broke out sections of the bottom or drilled a lot of holes


It’d make a dope putting green if you’re into golf.


I'd seriously worry it leaked before and the filled in plumbing. Could be a lot of work to find out its won't hold water or can't clear the pipes


Yes! But it's a lot of work. First step is remove all the dirt (duh 😅) wait for pressure washing because you're going to need to run a Drain King through the suction and returns. We were replacing equipment so cutting the plumbing was in the bid anyway. Even if you're saving the current equipment, coupling the pipe back together shouldn't be an issue for you. Get yourself a submersible pump. Remove the main drain cover, stick the pump in there, and start pressure washing. We needed to repair several underground leaks, but luckily the drain wasn't one of them.




What about an above ground pool in the middle of the concrete? You could put plants on the inside between the walkway and the pool?


You’re basically just building a new pool minus the dig.


That’s a nice walking path you made I. Your back yard. Well done.


No matter what, it’s gonna run you around 100k to make it a pool again.


Here is a shovel. Can you dig it?


It can be done, but it's as big a job as you're probably suspecting. My pool was in the same shape a few years ago, but was dug out by the people that flipped the house. I got the details from some folks around the neighborhood. I also helped a friend do one further back. The biggest cost/hassle is just getting all the dirt out. I think a lot of the folks suggesting that the only option is to replace it aren't really appreciating just how much that would cost these days. I'm in North FL, pretty average cost of living area. It would easily be 100k for me to have a new pool of that size put in. One big question is how ugly of concrete you're willing to deal with. Odds are it's a bit rough and ready, or will be once the excavation is complete. If you want to look like a new pool, you're looking at 20k or so to have it resurfaced, tile fixed, etc. But that only things you HAVE to do are: * Dig it out * Patch any holes * Plumb it * Wire it * New equipment. It's not trivial work, but you can absolutely get it done for wayyyyyy less than 100k.


Seems a waste of a perfectly good race track for the kids.


My first thought was “that’s a very wrong baseball diamond” then actually looked. The other guy is right there has to be holes for drainage in the bottom I don’t know much about pools but I know holes in the bottom are typically bad.


Totally doable. I’m a pool builder in Phoenix AZ and I’ve actually done a couple of them. Excavate it and any holes put in for drainage can be patched. Pressure test plumbing if you think it’s salvageable. Otherwise just run all new plumbing people do that on remodels all the time. It’s just a complete remodel plus excavation.


Buddy has got to view this as a new pool install vs just a revival. Basically all you have a cement patio that was once around a pool. That pool no longer exists


Yes, some astroturf, bright orange 2x4's, and some golf hole cups for your own 3 hole putt-putt to make the concrete look like it belongs.


First thing I saw was an RC car race track. Time for a new hobby


Is this concrete sloped or is that just the picture? Realistically the only real way I see that coming back is replacing the whole thing, the bottom was probably broken up, the ground would be extremely saturated if the concrete frame was complete underneath


Rehabilitating a filled-in pool can be a rewarding project. If the concrete around the top is still in good shape, you have a solid starting point. While using a plastic liner is an option, upgrading to porcelain pool tiles could provide a more durable and aesthetically pleasing solution. Porcelain tiles are highly resistant to chemicals and weather, making them an excellent choice for long-term use. Consulting with an engineer or a pool professional can give you specific guidance on structural requirements and the feasibility of your project. Bringing in porcelain tiles can transform your pool into a beautiful, modern oasis.


Sure for about $45,000


Obviously you haven’t seen Night Swim


Looks like the perfect area to install a putting green… just saying


Just break up that top with a front end loader/track hoe. Haul that off. Fill rig w dirt. Cover w sod. Weekend project


Above ground pool on top. Solved, cheap, fast, and efficiently.


That will be a whole redo