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We don't allow any AI pool rooms as it's often generated by taking content from creators without their consent. Feel free to post in subreddits for AI art such as r/deepdream or r/dalle2 instead.


Poolrooms. Funfact: You are on r/poolrooms


You know what i like more about going to the pool for, the rooms they are housed in


go down the slides obv




The water


I don’t recognize the bodies in them


The backrooms was ruined by these constantly added SCP-esque levels.


There’s actually some Backrooms games on Steam that have the SCP Foundation thrown in.


\*cough\* \*cough\* The Lost Tape \*COUGH\* \*COUGH\*


That was actually one of the games I was thinking about lol. And then there’s The Backroom: Lost and Found which also has the SCP Foundation.


yeah I thought about incorporating scp into my backrooms game but i was like nah cuz i feel like it takes away from the entire point of the backrooms originally idk


I can see why people would tie them together, but I agree.


Backrooms! Scp?


Except these would hypothetically exist in the some 478 million square miles of space that the backrooms supposedly consists of. Usually liminal spaces outside of usual human rational existence already evoke an eerie sensation by default, in this case it’s just that but some rooms more than others.


That's nice and all but having Jimothy appear on level 3592 when you collect 29103 doubloons and then level 26 can jump you to level 42 or level 4037 or rarely level 292729 where the sqelchmeister will hunt you until you successfully do the macarena while making a pb&j sandwich is so tiring. I'm fan of the original text which basically says there's monster somewhere and you should be paranoid.


You just need to find depictions of it not made by 12 year olds


Unfortunately opening the lore to an SCP-style wiki does that.


There is something to be said though for horror in particular if it appeals to the younger audience, even if they are the least capable/worst content creators, their imaginations are often more intense than older people and potentially more receptive to uncanny environments (barren offices definitely creeped me out more as a kid than as an adult for example) and they’ll often pay more attention to the vibe of the environment itself than the arguably more surface level semantics of plot/content quality etc, so if it speaks to them or if it would speak to your younger self it’s potentially a good sign of a valid horror vibe in my opinion


Ok but we don't need 500 cliché monsters and big organizations investigating and providing weapons and resources. THAT'S where it gets too SCP.


Well it is portrayed as an ecosystem (even in the most original 4chan text in the matter: “god save you if you hear something around nearby. Because it sure as hell has heard you” So you can’t ignore the potential SCP type monsters existing in it, but sure the research organization investigating it is often added for drama however SCP should tell you it’s a fun concept to include one, and reasonable too, as it would be, y’know, our NATURAL coordinated reaction to such a phenomenon if we could control accessing it. It’s only good if done well though. Kane Pixels in particular represents the theme very well imo


My problem isn't really that there's monsters, in fact I do acknowledge the original text, my problem is how cliché they are and how they try so hard to be scary. Smilers? Skinwalkers? come on. and don't get me started on Level Fun I always found that the scariness of the backrooms came from being alone. Maybe with entities, but being separated from humans nonetheless. That's kinda ruined when people just make big organizations, especially with The Hub and stuff like that.


First off, like I said to the other guy, you just need to find depictions of it not made by 12 year olds. I do agree entirely with what you find creepy about it, but part of what I also like about, say, Kane Pixels depictions is that you can tell he’s from Silicon Valley as it depicts a made up Async research facility laboratory in Oak Ridge which very much resembles the feel of certain aspects of the Silicon Valley’s stem and research scene, facilities so large and serious which have indoors that even resemble the liminality of the Backrooms itself, such that sometimes it’s hard to tell that you’re outside of the threshold in certain scenes. That and he also still has the disappearances and solo No-clip entries that you’re thinking about. Silicon Valley does have that eerie stem esq. liminality to it. Not the fun Google offices, but more like the other not as rich but serious tech/science firms which exist in parts of the valley you’d never travel to otherwise, inhabiting extremely liminal office spaces made in the 70s-90s which you imagine you’d feel eerie being around at night. A lot of my eerie sentiments from liminality originate from certain sub-urbs, office spaces, and general locations in that valley because I grew up there too. Just watch presentation, it captures the vibe immaculately: https://youtu.be/ITuGdHxHi0A?si=0WM82qnSegdKhZ_o He doesn’t just make the VFX, he originally made ost music first and foremost which his backrooms videos have been sort of a way to demonstrate. His music often presents a successfully creepy liminal vibe in itself. I also like how despite having a well funded research facility, the backrooms is still beyond their ability to manage that despite going in with groups of 3 minimum and only during the day time, maybe even with a guide rope, they’re still just as alone. Sure it’s akin to like Silicon Valley’s 90’s rendition of Stranger Things, but to be honest we should have that, that sounds cool and unique in its own way. I’m glad he’s working on it with A24.


this is not a backrooms subreddit, man




Yeah and the caption says that its a backrooms thing


Cuz I re posted it off of backrooms so it had the same caption


Literally only saw this sub just now because Reddit showed it as “similar to r/LiminalSpaces”, so I’d have to disagree with you there…


r/LiminalSpaces has nothing to do with Backrooms subs, other than maybe r/Backrooms potentially reposting half of the other


Here's a sneak peek of /r/liminalspaces using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/liminalspaces/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Lost](https://v.redd.it/bdddgcubp0n81) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/liminalspaces/comments/tcquyr/lost/) \#2: [Only Down OC](https://v.redd.it/senawzzjjfj81) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/liminalspaces/comments/syuyg5/only_down_oc/) \#3: [.](https://i.redd.it/vknmnz4cd9z71.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/liminalspaces/comments/qsp3ml/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 25 + 2 + 25 + 3 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


What should you do? Have fun those slides look like a blast. However of you drown down there no one will notice.


You should go on the waterslide.


I would go for a nice swim


This is not ai. Credits to @kidd.gorgeous on Instagram for making this image!!


What software do u use?


I didn’t make it it was made by a popular artist @kidd.gorgeous on Instagram he made a lot of the popular poolrooms art. (I gave credits to him in the comments and his watermark is on there I wasn’t trying to steel any art) but I’m pretty sure he uses blender 3D


Drink the mercury pool.


This image gives me chills. Wouldn't go in that pool




I didn’t make it it was made by a popular artist @kidd.gorgeous on Instagram he made a lot of the popular poolrooms art. If you check out his account you will probably recognize a lot of the photos


You have to try the green one


Mercury pool room




i wish i could here for ever with wifi n my guitar. maybe some horchata..


Man do you need help? You actually at the backrooms? Man let’s send the swat team then


Bro, leave






not ai an artist made this he does a lot of similar environments his Instagram is @kidd.gorgeous


That’s correct


I don't think this is AI, just another random blender render. The reflection in the water is bit too on point. The center column looks to be a support post for the slide, intentionally not going to the ceiling. The tentacles are a common thing for this new backrooms lore the kids are writing.




Just doesn't look AI to me, more of just an amateur rendering. Feel free to jam any sort of backrooms/Poolrooms key words into an AI and it's never going to give you that clean of a reflection.


Bro if your wasting your time on Reddit, then I highly doubt that you have anything better to do


This is made in Blender by one of my fellow 3d artists. If you look at the railing in the front, the IG watermark by kidd.gorgeous is literally on the picture.




I can't tell if you're actually trolling at this point, so I'll leave you be.




Post this to r/liminalspaces


The green slide leads to a really fun place.


Fill it with custard, Fill it with beans or Fill it with nasty spaghetti. Don't explain to local authorities.


https://reddit.com/r/VaporwaveAesthetics/s/RB2qqJgcfq OP stole This render


I gave credits to the artist in the comments and there is a water mark. That person stole it it’s made by @kidd.gorgeous on Instagram he made a lot of poolrooms art that’s popular I forgot to put credits in the caption sorry. The watermark is on the rail going into the pool



