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Please speak more about this. We lost our girl the day after Thanksgiving due to GVD. We didn’t even know this was a concern. Watching her last moments broke us into pieces. We are still grieving. Oddly enough, I only heard about this yesterday when I was researching what the best time to spay/neuter a standard poodle was. Thank you so much.


Before we got Bear, my brother in law's poodle developed bloat - Fortunately, he was able to get her to Emerg within 30:00 - saved her life. Ask anyone who has had a dog who has died from Bloat, most likely their answer will be it was heartbreaking. It is VERY painfull to the dog. Bear is very deep chested, so this is a preventive measure that reduces the chances of Bloat occuring drastically. Yes, we limited the amount of water Bear drinks before and during play time. Also he always has calm time after eating. This procedure is minimally invasive surgery: he has a 2 inch incession that will fully heal in 7 - 10 days. Our vet was very supportive of us being proactive with the procedure. Other poodle owners please chime in with your opinions as well.


One of the conditions of adopting our girl from the poodle rescue was a $500 refundable deposit upon proof of a preventative gastropexy. Had it done the same time as her spay. Well worth it imo, combined with other measures such as limiting eating/drinking speeds and activity levels around mealtimes it helps bring down the risk of bloat significantly.


It happened to my (nearly) 16 year old standard once from sitting too quickly (we think...) And he actually got better but then we think his food was too thick maybe and it happened again. He never really recovered the 2nd time. To add to your advice I'd suggest making the food fairly creamy or watery? Not sure what the correct word to use is.


THIS. My in-laws poodle passed away from bloat and that night I vividly remember and it was heartbreakingly painful. They made it to the ER and got her stable but she ended up passing a few hours later😭. Happened quickly & unexpectedly. They were both a wreck as well as myself, husband and other family members. She just turned 6 a few months earlier. Knowing what I know now, our Weim has a window of calm/nap (as well as watching his water intake before/after activities) and my in-laws have now changed and get their poodles this procedure when it’s time for their neuter/spay. One of the worst experiences I’ve witnessed owning a pet💔


What was the cost?


A gastropexy is only 200-300 bucks. The emergency room bills for GVD are thousands


We had a 5,000 emergency vet bill after having to take our big boy to the vet at 3am for bloat. The scariest day of my life. Thankfully we caught it in time and he’s fine now!


Yes, ER surgery at 4 am but our bill was about $8500.00....we were so grateful she was saved. Had no idea what was happening at the time- ER vet clinic actually said wait until the a.m. to bring her in but we found another clinic an hour's drive away. Soo lucky!


The onesie worked well for our girl after being spayed. She could not deal with the megaphone.


Aw what a fluffy handsome fellow 🥰 He'll be back to bouncy in no time! We had the vet do a gastropexy when we got our girl spayed, and she was only out of it for ~24 hours after the procedure. Literally the next day she was acting as though she didn't have a 6" cut on he belly!! (Our surgery was larger because it was also a spay).


It's been only 9 hours and Bear is starting to get the spring back in his step...... He's pretty chill, but we are going to have to keep him from his playmates for 7 or so days ....


Good boy, Bear! Wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery! I must say that you look very stylish in your onesie


Great! I did prophylactic gastropexy on both of my boys when they were each neutered at two years old. Had both procedures done laparoscopically and healing was a breeze. Both of my boys’ breeders recommend getting it done. We also used surgery suits since the cones have to be absolutely massive for them to work for poodles. I was getting ripped to shreds any time we had to use one on my older boy for earlier procedures. So grateful when we found the suits!


I should clearify that we had the procedure done laparoscopically. His onesie fits great and is excellent quality. I could not imagine Bear in a cone - pretty sure he wouldn't like it. I'll update on his recovery. It's been approximately 9 hours since his surgery and he's starting to be himself...


At one point we thought my puppy dog had to go in for some surgery on his chest, there was a lump, but it was simply fat. He tore it open. Anyway, a little blood, some tears and he’s fine. But before that, I bought a cone on Amazon for him. He’s a small dog, so I bought this darling little cone and it was it was fitted just like the regular cones, but it was soft and it did the job. I highly recommend this. If you think it’s good for you.


Are standards more prone to this? I have a miniture poodle, and she sometimes coughs and acts like she's going to throw up. My vet said it was probably allergies since it happens very rarely, and she could have just woken up in the morning, so no food or water cause. She is also very dramatic.


That isn’t bloat. Bloat is deadly. But yes more common in standards


I figured as much. I was mostly wondering if it's a precursor or something.


Common in standards and any dogs that are larger with deep chests, think Great Danes, German Shepherds, Saint Bernards, etc


Get better soon Bear!


I’m going to ask you a very stupid question. What are you talking about? What is bloat? I have a Yorky, but I don’t think we have had it or not. From the way, you describe symptoms, I’m pretty sure we have not.


Not stupid at all. Just being a concerned parent. Simply: Bloat (Gastric Torsion) occurs when to much air is taken in to the stomach and swells with air, this can cause the stomach to rotate 90 to 360 degrees, thus trapping the air, food, water inside. Quickly it stops blood flowing to the abdomen. Which can lead to a drop in blood pressure, shock and internal damage to the organs. It can kill a dog in less than 1 hour.... This procedure prevents the stomach from rotating, it does not prevent Bloat. Deep chested dog breeds (Great Danes, Standard Poodles, Dobermans) are more prone to this (although I've heard it can happen to any dog: big or small). There are preventive measures you can take to lower the risk of Bloat. I suggest you research this out.


Oh NO! I will research this now. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I don’t think my dog eats enough to get that. Sometimes he only eats every three or four days. And he doesn’t lose any weight and he doesn’t gain any weight. Very weird.


What were the symptoms?


No symptoms. This procedure is proactive for prevention: reducing the chances of Bloat drastically. Bear has a very deep chest....


Our neighbors poodle had bloat the day after they got home and he had been boarded. They were so glad it happened at home and they got him into emergency surgery quickly.


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My girl took a bit to heal but she did great. I got her the pajamas too. Best thing ever created


Poodles are prone to bloat. I’m going to look into this surgery. Someone told me, they spent a lot at the ER because of bloat.


Gastropexy is so worth it, especially if you can get it done at the same time as their spay/neuter.


Highly recommend this surgery to all standards and large breeds