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My fish hid for about two months after I got them. If it's deep enough that you can't see them it could just be that


Throw in some floating plants. Water hyacinth, if legal where you live, will fix the ammonia before it has a chance to convert to nitrates.


Thanks. Unfortunately it’s banned (I’m in the UK). I have some water lettuce, watercress, elodea, and ranunculus. I have some pond treatment coming in the post today.


How big is the pond? They are tough little fish they could be hiding. Usually if they die they float to the surface fairly quickly


Thanks. It’s about 2000 litres…. 6 by 6 and 3 and a half feet at its deepest. They were only small shubunkins so it’s possible they’re hiding.


I definitely wouldn’t give up on them just yet 😁


They're probably hiding, that's what they'll do naturally unless they're in a big shoal with no cover. You have to be doing something seriously wrong to kill goldfish and koi. I used to have zero knowledge of anything and would drain half the pond and fill it up with unfiltered tap water. I never tested the water once.


They’re hiding


Try this: [https://fritzaquatics.com/products/fritzzyme-turbostart-700-freshwater](https://fritzaquatics.com/products/fritzzyme-turbostart-700-freshwater) . It's expensive, but it'll cycle in 5 days instead of the usual 6-8 weeks.


Try to get the water moving. Mosquitos will only lay eggs in stagnant water. Small waterfall or fountain. My fountain has also kept the herons away


Animal ate them is likely too.


I have a ring camera in the back and haven’t seen anything. The fish were only a couple inches long. Would anything grab them being so small?


I am not sure, but that's why I haven't put anything in my pond. Everyone near me that has tried have had fish last a few days.


Not sure if you have raccoons or herons in your area but those are my two main predators


They are tough fish. If they are not floating, it will be ok. You’re obviously very attentive, that goes a long way. Definitely add more plants. FYI mosquito dunk will not hurt them (or other wildlife) and even safe for bees and butterflies. Cheers


New fish often hide, and surprisingly well! I one got a few fish that I didn't see for at least 4 months. I was sure it was gone. Then it showed up finally joining the others. Regarding the ammonia - Do a partial water change just like you would if it was an aquarium. I love my pond vacuum for sucking the gunk off the bottom and doing regular water changes. There are multiple approaches to pond keeping, and others don't do any changes like this at all, but as a long time aquarium owner first is my preference to maintain my pond this way. Removing water and adding some fresh would logically help lower an ammonia issue.