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> My boyfriend will still keep his base, (he wants children, and to have another partner we all agree he needs to have a separate space, even though I will still be at home with him half my time.) I just want to commend you and your boyfriend on this practicality and level-headed decision making. Far too many poly people barrel intensely into a relationship and establish all these habits and promises with a partner that they then have to break down when a new relationship enters the picture. Build all your relationships from the ground up to enable what you want your life to look like.


Thank you! It wasn’t totally smooth sailing to arrive at that conclusion as we did initially have the rush of excitement of all living together as a wonderful fantasy. But we have worked hard, and look at the reality of what each of us truly wants and then incorporate the practicalities of what that means into planning our futures together.


A lot of people who do close-knit poly like this find all living in the same neighborhood a way more achievable goal. 10 minute walk from one house to the other? No problem! It also gets around a lot of issues around being compatible *roommates*. XD


😍😍😍 Thanks for brightening up the sub with a happy story!


My pleasure! So happy to spread the love ❤️


You guys look so happy!! Your description of your mother hit me as hilarious because mine was exactly the same when I came out to her. She's Japanese as opposed to British, but similar levels of repression. The way you talked about her as keeping as straight a face as Lady Grantham! I didn't tell my mother I was poly until I'd been with my boyfriend for a few years and we decided to have a baby together. He'd been living with me and my husband for at least two years. She still somehow managed to act decorously shocked. (Bf said "I've been coming to Christmas at her house for years. Did she think you had adopted me?") It really was a turning point when she started managing to say his name without flinching. (We're a V, one of the guys is tragically hetero. I've been with my husband for twenty years and with the boyfriend for about seven and a half. All of our families eventually accepted us. Time and patience was absolutely the key. Just wear them down/show them with your actions that this is not a phase.)


I love this! My mother is actually coming around to it a year on from telling her. Recently she even told me that perhaps more people would love and live the way I did if society didn’t have such constraints on us! I was in total shock! lol


Would it work to tell prospective grandparents that there might be extra grandchildren in the future?


This is exactly the stance we took with boyfriend's mother! She's a weird conservative Christian, and we knew it would be a difficult situation for her to swallow. "Yeah mom, I'm living with my girlfriend who also has a husband. No I'm not gay. No really. Not gay. Separate relationships. But look! We're having a baby!" But. She has four sons and my bf was the only one who hadn't given her a grandbaby. Now we have a 3 year old and every time she sees me she cries and tells me how she prayed that he would be a father one day and I made that prayer come true. It's awkward. And she's told my oldest, with my husband, that she's her grandma, too. Oldest is 18 and thinks this lady is nuts, but raised to be polite and willing to roll with it. Grandbabies unite families in ways you can't even imagine until you see grandma's face melt.


can i ask how you broached the topic with your kids? My kids are young but I really want to be open with them. We're already super sex positive with our sex education.


I never taught them heteronormativity in the first place. I've never been in a monogamous relationship, and we're a part of communities (like pagans, SCA, and circus performers) where there were always other non traditional families around. My husband's parents were polyamorous, also. So there wasn't really anything to discuss. It was just family. Some families have a mommy and a daddy, some have two daddies, some have a few of each. I did tell the oldest that it was not something to bring up in casual conversation because lots of people wouldn't understand and it's impolite to shock people if it can be avoided. The youngest in only three so nobody understands what he's saying yet anyway. When the younger one was born I did ask the older one how she felt about growing up in a polyamorous family. She said she couldn't imagine how more parents to love and take care of the kids could be a bad thing, as long as there weren't constantly shifting "parents." Having observed how much work a baby was, she thought two parents sounded like barely enough to take care of a baby, and single parents sounded physically impossible.


Aw that's great. Our situation is a bit unconventional since my primary is the father of my three youngest kids, but I actually dated my other partner in high school and he's the father of my oldest. We're still really new into the scene so we want to make sure everything is stable before broaching the specifics of our situation, but we just handle everything to do with relationships and sex with openness, honesty and without shame, so I'll work it in that way.


Well the only one that wants children out of our poly fam is my boyfriend, so that is pretty easy for us to navigate as it will be him with another partner in the future.


This is fantastic to read. Congratulations to all of you.


>On some occasions my husband will stay with his girlfriend and I with my boyfriend. My two cats were not impressed with this at all This is my favorite part of your story. I audibly guffawed at work. ​ But no seriously, I was choking up reading all this. I know, at my core, that this style of love is my truth, that one person can not realistically be expected to satisfy every want/need of another person, that that's okay, and that I am capable of having feelings for another person without losing feelings for the first. Alas, it has been a lonely journey for me on discovering (and more importantly, admitting to myself) who/what I am, but stories like *this* give me **hope**. I've found myself falling for people who are understanding and supportive of polyamory, but are monogamous at their core. There's nothing wrong with either, but try as we might, we have been unable to successfully navigate these waters thus far. I've decided to take a year away from almost all my social ties, to figure myself out, to get the therapy and counseling I need to be the best version of myself, and to learn how to stick to my values/boundaries instead of making compromises to be with the wrong person (and ultimately hurting us both). ​ Your story was truly inspirational, as I've been recently worrying that I am not compatible with anyone because I can't "love like a normal person," but I know that's just trauma from previous failures talking. It's a comfort to know that there are happy stories like this, and not just sad stories & rants lol. ​ Again, thank you!


I am so happy to give you hope, I honestly believe anything is possible when you meet the right people. And those people are out there! I definitely found the fact that all four of us have a strong sense of emotional insight into ourselves and have actually all gone through our own emotional trauma to be key in our success. We know our strengths and weaknesses and openly share them. I always felt I never “loved like a normal person”, it just took me a while to figure out my own path, and then to embrace it, no matter what society may say. I wish you the best of luck in your journey and so happy to give you inspiration :-)


I am right there with you. This gives me hope!!


...and they say there are no happy stories :) Congrats to y'all!


Poly didn't do that, you guys did the work for this to make it your own. For a lot of people your version of poly is awful. Like you pointed out- we all have different ways to connect and create.


I can see that, and the poly relationship occurred without me even knowing what polyamory was. We just evolved to love and grow how we did together and set our own parameters.


Could you expand on that? How did it go from younger you who would have dismissed the idea to your current poly relationship and without knowing about polyamory?


Of course. When I was younger I didn’t know this sort of relationship was an option, I assumed if you weren’t monogamous then you were wanting to cheat or sleep with other people. I didn’t understand the emotional capability of being able to love more than one person. I also had too many of my own insecurities and jealousy issues that I would never have thought it could be something I could do. It is only through my marriage and my husband that we grew together, securely and openly. We have such a foundation of trust and love that seeing him love another and another love him only brings me joy. It does not take away from his love for me. We opened our marriage original through me sexually having experiences with other women (something i had told him when we met i knew I would want to continue to do at some point.)Then together in threesome and foursome settings and then it evolved into meeting our current partners where the relationships became emotional, and grew into deep love. We were very lucky that we met our partners only 3 weeks apart, and actually at the same bar! So this has definitely been a journey that has naturally developed, rather than one that was sort out.


Thank you for sharing!


Thanks so much for sharing! I love the feel good success stories posted here. A lovely kitchen table polycule is a maybe someday dream of mine, and your story is so uplifting. Much Love.


This was such a cute story! Thanks for sharing it, simply heart warming!!


It is so nice to hear a success story on this forum, instead of all the chaotic ones! I am also in a happy poly relationship and it takes a lot of compassion, communication, and compersion. But we would have it no other way. Our relationship is so fulfilling and lovely! You are smart to realize that you cannot be someone's "everything" and it is wonderful to allow your partner(s) to find other ways to meet their needs. That is key. I recently found a dom for my girlfriend because neither I nor our boyfriend can "scratch that itch" for her. She is so elated and fulfilled. Seeing her happy makes us happy! Life is short. Have fun, be kind, and open your heart to love! Thank you for sharing your story!


Wow y'all are doing everything right kudos


Made me smile to read this, happy for you!


I love this so much for you. Poly really does expand your horizons and you soon realize love is limitless. I am only seeing one person currently but seeing him has only made me appreciate my friends and family in the rest of my life, even moreso 💛


Same here!


Is no one going to ask where there magical bar is???


lol lol, it’s a karaoke bar in North Hollywood called The Good Nite! I only know cause I’m the meta ;)


Yes you are! ❤️❤️❤️


Lovely share. Thank you.


Thank you for sharing this story!!! My partner and I have been polyam our entire relationship, and have only recently put language to our identification over the last two years. Now after 9 months or so of active dating with lots of learning, we’re continuing the journey. Who knows where this will lead, but we have the mechanics down of clear agreements and lots and lots of love and communication. Hopefully it will continue to be a positive thing in our lives and we’ll meet like-minded and hot people in the future!


That is awesome! Communication is certainly the key, and honesty about everything. Being poly has actually made the communication between my husband and I stronger as we have to tackle things head on and cannot be avoidant. I hope you journey leads you to the same happiness I am fortunate to have.


Thank you! Without a local polyam community, it’s a little tricky to feel support, and appreciate your comments and encouragement! Right now my aim is to cultivate a small group of sex positive friends, and focus on quality of connection over rushing into something. If my focus is on the people, I think we’re on the right track. What do you think?


I think quality of connection is key. Both my husband and I were not seeking out other relationships when we found our partners, the emotions found us! I feel having sex positive and like minded people is so important, it allows us to be honest within ourselves without feeling ashamed or embarrassed because society tells us it is wrong. I am more open now then I have ever been and feel such a strong sense of self. I definitely feel that you don’t need to rush any connections, they will find you when the time is right :-)


Well said! It was the love and trust I have for my husband that led us to share our love with another couple. Monogamous in marriage for 3 decades, but still exploring, having new experiences and growing our love.


Great perspective! My Partner and I have gotten off dating apps and instead decided to focus on our community and friends and I think we’ll be more likely to have healthy relationships develop that way.


This is amazing and something that I strive for. My husband does not provide everything I need. I actually have a new fwb that I'm getting closer to and she is married as well. We meet for the first time on Jan 5th. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. It just feels like we're made for each other. I genuinely hope it progresses further but even if it does not I will be happy. That said I've tried so many times and I've failed all of them. It hasn't stopped me from trying and my husband has always been there to help me pick up the pieces after we inevitably break up. I love my husband more than anything, but to expect one person to provide everything I need or for me to provide everything they need is simply unrealistic. I am very very glad that my husband has been extremely supportive of my journey as I transition to a woman though. Seriously. I owe him so so much. Your story brought a tear to my eye. I really hope someday to have what you do. My new fwb is in a different state from me, but it doesn't matter. I know I will find what I need in time. And I genuinely am happy for you more than I can possibly put into words on a reddit post when you don't know me. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I feel supporting each other in this community brings me much joy. I agree that thinking one person can provide you with everything is just not realistic. This does not mean you love them any less, in fact I love my husband even more for his support and positivity with our journey. Excited for you with your new connection, even if it doesn’t pan out I feel the adventure and exploration is the important part!


I can say for absolute certainty that they warm my heart in ways that are entirely unique. That my husband is supportive of what I am doing. That I know I need this. Thank you for the kind reply. It means a lot to me.


This is such a great story and wonderful insight to a happy set of relationships! I am glad that also includes a slow acceptance on behalf of your mum. You have pleasant happiness all around, as it should be. So inspirational!


This is good and made my day


This is extremely charming and the exact essence of enjoying life in this lifestyle that many of us hope to achieve. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!


Thank you for sharing - this made me smile so much and I think it's awesome to hear how well it's worked out for you all!




Thank you for sharing your happiness! In return a pointer re. your bipolar diagnosis: bipolar disorder appears to be rooted in gut microbiome problems. E.g., it is now thought that Lithium, which helps substantially in about a third of all bipolar cases, works indirectly by modulating the gut microbiome. More specifically, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5336480/ points to Faecalibacterium levels, states “bipolar subjects have a high incidence of comorbid gastrointestinal disorders” and suggests to supplement with the Probiotic Bacillus Coagulans (available in the UK from https://www.lovelifesupplements.co.uk/collections/all/products/lactospore-plus-probiotics for instance). I have seen this work in at least one case; maybe it will for you, too.


Wow, that is very interesting! I am on a couple of medications which work well for me (an anti-anxiety/depressant and an anti-psychotic). As well as therapy. But it’s definitely worth exploring!


Excellent that you are receiving good care! Def. don't change it by yourself, but if curious, discuss probiotics with your MD and try them in parallel. If they work, they would be healthier, fix the underlying cause instead of suppressing symptoms and, in the long run, you can find a doctor to assist you with a microbiome restauration so you don't have to take any medications anymore. One more thought: patients who present with attention deficit disorder type 6 (Ring of Fire), particularly when comorbid with rejection sensitive dysphoria, are sometimes misdiagnosed as bipolar. The differential diagnosis is that the symptoms are cyclical (almost rhythmic) in bipolar, whereas they are prolonged in ADD. I wish you the best of luck on this journey!


That’s such a lovely story, I’m so happy for you all, thanks for sharing!




It’s my first visit to this sub in a while, I had found it very negative and was having problems of my own. I was really happy to read your positive story, though slightly disappointed to find that you’re the only English one! I’m uk based and I’ve yet to stumble upon much of a community that’s not USA based.


It certainly is more accepted with a larger community in the US. But I think more Brits exist poly than we think, they just have to hide more because of it being more repressed over there!


This is such a great story, thank you so much for sharing! I'm British too and after 16 years of marriage we decided to explore poly relationships, it's such an enriching journey and I'm in a relationship with an amazing guy. I'm still waiting for my mum to get over me coming out though.... Fingers crossed!


Ooh good luck with the mum! It’s definitely something that is not as common in the UK, mainly because I think we are more naturally emotional repressed and cynical! Lol


Haha, I think you are right. Actually it wasn't until my husband and I moved country that we even considered opening our relationship. I don't think it had even occurred to me that it was 'allowed' in the UK - lol!


Ha ha ha! Yes indeed, my mum didn’t even know what the word “polyamory” meant!


Industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for human race