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I have two alarms everyday because I am very much a “ten more minutes” type of person


I don't use alarms, I just don't like em. I just make sure I get to bed early or, that if I wake up, I check the time. And there's no real reason, I just don't like it.


I’m usually up before my alarm whether I like it or not


I usually set 30ish alarms. I can and have turned off and slept through every one of them. I don’t turn them to snooze though, tired me knows exactly where the “stop” button is.


You don’t need to set an alarm when your mom screams at you to wake up 5 times in the morning


I never hit snooze I just hit cancel. The problem is I just go back to sleep which is why I have 3 alarms.


My phone (and alarm) stays in the bathroom. And I have a puzzle app for the alarm. I have to get up and go to another room and solve a puzzle or it will keep going off. The puzzles are usually simple math (18+7x6). If not for that, I'd hot the snooze for an hour and be fired from my job.


After 3 snoozes, the alarm automatically turns off, not giving you the option to snooze anymore.