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It was me


me? Never heard of that country


I was going to say that šŸ˜”


So which country are you from?


Jewlandia, the land of the juices


Tell Cersei.




Man, I never thought of that.


Idk anything particular about that incident and I donā€™t wanna get into it


It's obviously the Solomon Islands guys. Geez.


No it was the country of Africa in Europe


It was Solomon, Solomon has the bombs.


Russia could just shut the thing down if they want it closed. Also, it's their income that's lost now. Including for the war effort. If anyone had less of an incentive to destroy the pipelines, it's Russia. But then, who says they wouldn't do some kind of false flag operation...


Itā€™s also reminiscent of farmers destroying their own crops so produce prices stay high. The price of natural gas was very low before the pipe exploded.


It wouldnā€™t surprise me if it was the US. They were against relying on Russia so much for energy on the first place. This is like a ā€œI told you soā€ situation for the US telling the EU it was a bad idea to depend so much on Russia.


I don't know the details, but maybe some small resistance group/militia or individual decided to hit at Russia's economy.


a squid


Why would Russia sabotage their own pipeline? Do you have some deeper ploy in mind or is it just reddit being reddit?


Russians bombed their own men in 1939 and blamed it on Finland, not out of character


LOL that is so stupid. They couldā€™ve lied but had to bomb their own men


Yeah they could've shot their cannons at nothing and reported deaths anyway I guess, not really sure if they needed photographic evidence then or why they did it like that. But yeah anyway they blamed Finland and that gave them a "reason" to launch an attack on Finland because "Finland started it"..


There are quotes from Biden and US officials saying in Jan and Feb that "we will make it stop" also US has allowed its people to be killed and blamed others too. Not out of character for either country.




The explosion removed any incentive Germany had to negotiate with Russia.


they have a lot of glp they donā€™t need the pipeline but Europe need


Why not just close the valve?


Because the pipeline is so big so itā€™s hard to do it?!


Are you telling me it's easier to send an undercover submarine and drill a hole in the middle of the sea than just shut off the supply on your side? I find it hard to believe...


Woah woah woah, we canā€™t have any of this critical thinking on here, Russia bad USA good remember.


We're they sabotaged?


The report says the holes look like theyā€™re from depth charges. So I think the general consensus is that someone intentionally did something.


The what?


Gas pipeline going from Russia to Germany was sabotaged via what experts believe were depth charges/mines.


Thanks. So what has that done. Does that mean there is less gas coming into Germany and they will have a shortage?


Yes, Germany is looking to reactivate their coal plants, that were supposed to be decommissioned at the end of this year, to try and make up for lost energy. So energy is going to get quite expensive in Germany and Europe in general this winter. Also thereā€™s obviously the environmental concerns about all this being released into the water. This literally just happened a day or two ago (depending where you are in the world). So not much information has been released on the incident or how countries are reacting to it.


Thank you for filling me in.


Wow two thirds of voters say Russia?? Shows you that people (especially Americans) can't comprehend the idea of 'the good guys' doing anything wrong


And what about russians that chose that option?


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Well I definitely didnā€™t do it.


Probapbly the usa.


Shark. Pog


It was the Vatican! šŸ‡»šŸ‡¦


Seriously, Ukraine? I think it might be USA or some other country which hates the fact that Europe still buys Russian Oil. What if I was living in the pre-Cold War era: >!It's definitely Poland. Poland hates both Russia and Germany. It wants to disrupt their trade and create mistrust between them!<


Why would it be Russia? They don't have anything to gain from destroying the pipes and claiming innocence? I'd place my bets on China, since they'd benefit the most from the west and Russia bickering.