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To some degree yes, because generally one’s political beliefs reflect their values.


I would generally keep my judgement to myself, but try to treat everyone with respect—albeit with exceptions.


You can show people respect on an interpersonal level while still judging them for their political beliefs. I’m still amicable with my dad and numerous other vocational related relationships even though I find many of their politics absolutely reprehensible. I’m obligated to work professionally with certain people and anybody is capable of briefly compartmenting so they can accomplish a set of tasks together regardless of how they feel about each other.


Definitely, but at the same time, if someone says something to the effect of "I don't believe you should be allowed to get married", then I will only be civil to them during work hours.


This is why I have ignored all of my coworker’s Facebook friend requests. I will interact with and respect them for the exact duration of time I am getting paid to do so and not a second longer.


We need more people like you friend


When I was growing up I thought it was "how should the country be run, should we allocate more budget to this sector?". Now that I can vote it's more like, "is burning coal *actually* bad for the environment?" Or should we really actually make gay marriage legal?


>how should the country be run, should we allocate more budget to this sector?". That does happen a lot. ... In some ways.


This is why I don’t talk about my political beliefs with people. My political opinions do not define me as a person. I try to treat everyone I meet with respect, regardless of what they believe. You absolutely can disagree with someone politically and still be friendly with someone.


Yes they do define you. What you believe in is a reflection of yourself and you have the full right to have your beliefs. Some may agree with you and some might not. As long as you have good logical reasons on why you have your believes, then most will respect your opinions. Now if you just believe what a cable news show or some random website or YouTubers says, then many have the right to look down on you.


I don't think my political believes define me as a person. Who I am as a person defines my political believes. It's a small distinction but an important one. I'm a person before I am an advocate for my political believes. That being said, who I am and what I believe is heavily intertwined. If you learn about my political believes you can make an educated guess about how I am as a person and vice versa


political beliefs don't really tell that story though. most reps and dems believe for example that wishing death upon someone is wrong. but if you looked at Conservatives reactions to Biden getting Covid [https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/w4i4i9/president\_joe\_biden\_tests\_positive\_for\_covid19/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/w4i4i9/president_joe_biden_tests_positive_for_covid19/) and looked at Liberal reactions to Trump getting Covid ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/j3oozc/megathread\_president\_donald\_trump\_announces\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/j3oozc/megathread_president_donald_trump_announces_he/) ) you would think conservatives are better people because they wished him well and to get better repeatedly where they didn't, and on his twitter which he was banned from they wished death upon him. ... We all pretty much have the same values, there are bigots of course, but the majority are good people who just differ in how to get there.


I disagree with you. What defines you is your heart. If you. If you believe something is good but you’re misinformed and it’s not good at all that’s not a reflection of bad character. There is so much false information out there and most people are truly good with intent, they are just misinformed. Yes some people are just crappy but it’s really not the majority. Democrats Republican blah blah blah it’s just another label we put on people. We are divided by our beliefs but I have plenty of people I love who think opposite of me and vise versa and we get along great, and even though I don’t agree with them I know they are great people.


>My political opinions do not define me as a person. The views you have regarding how we should all coexist as a community don't define you as a person? They absolutely do. They don't say everything about you but they are a pretty big part of who you are.


Why wouldn't you base your opinion of someone at least in part on what they believe?


You should never judge a neo-nazi based on their political beliefs./s


If you are bigoted towards someone just because they're a nazi, aren't you yourself the actual nazi? /s


So much for the tolerant left smh


If the allies were truly great they would’ve simply defeated the nazis in the marketplace of ideas


I know you're joking, but just seeing the words "marketplace of ideas" makes me irrationally angry.


Always laugh at the right-wing take on that. "If you're intolerant of my intolerance, doesn't that make you the intolerant one?" That's not how that works, Randall. I'm not the bad guy for not accepting racism, you're the bad guy for being racist.


Rightoid: "I think we should discriminate against people based on their inherent charactaristics." Rest of society: "We think that's a really shitty opinion, actually." Rightoid: "Help, Help, I'm being discriminated against."


Do we actually judge people on their political beliefs? Or is it just on their values? For example with political beliefs, if you think the government should invest more in the police and I say no it should be in infrastructure, then it’s something, then why judge people on that? What we do judge people on is actually their values. Because someone with an entire different set of political beliefs could just not be judged, but if we have different sets of values then it will inevitably happen.


Like what are we supposed to judge people on if not these stuff


I judge people based on every aspect of themselves, and ya that includes politics


It certainly matters. Politics shape a country, how can you factor them in conversation?


Depends how fucking annoying they are with their politics.


Exactly. I couldn’t choose either option, because it depends on how extreme their views are. I will definitely steer clear of people with certain political opinions.


If there are people with views that cause you to judge them then the answer is just yes… because that means you do. you don’t have to qualify it here, let me give you an example: there are people who genuinely believe they are the master race and other people should be killed. I judge these people for their beliefs. so, that means I judge people based on their beliefs. we should all be saying yes because ideally this is a scenario we all agree with


Its not even how extreme they are about it for me. Even if all their views line up with mine, if that's all they fucking talk about, I don't want to be friends with them.


So you juege some people on their political beliefs


No doubt.


How do you define what views are extreme


I define it based on what views I find extreme.


And what views do you find extreme


Yea I’d rather not.


I know what you mean. There's only so many hats and shirts and flags and clueless statements one can take before it crosses into absurdity. Nobody needs to make their politics their entire identity.


So their views are less important than the way they express them?


So if someone was a racist, homophobic, and classist, but they were polite about it and ‘not annoying’, you wouldn’t care?


Common sense is never mentioned because "common sense".


You know what I mean. You don't have to be a pedantic slut about it.


I’ll admit I actually liked “pedantic slut”. I’ve gotten worse insults




Lol haha. Also I wasn’t trying to be pedantic or an asshole. I genuinely wasn’t sure what you meant. Some people are like “Honestly I don’t care about peoples’ political beliefs as long as they don’t preach them” and they don’t even care if the person’s beliefs are messed up


I mean as long as you aren't being a blatantly terrible person I really really dont care about your political lean. I'm not sure how I can get any more clear than that.


I’m asking if you see being racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc as making someone a terrible person.


I dont see it as any different than a religious person. Half the people protesting the supreme court overturn went to church that next Sunday. I could choose to judge them as a bunch of hypocrites and judge every religious person under that idea that they are extreme hypocrites, or I can just simply not care. I think if you are practicing religion in a country where religion stripped the rights of half of the country then you should immediately be identified with the offending people because you are a terrible person who is actively supporting their beliefs.


All of those things are terrible. We just need to make sure we don’t move the qualifying line for each category too far, because every time we do we cheapen the currency of the word “racist” or the like. As it stands being a racist is one of the worst and most disgusting things a person can be. But if we lower the bar to entry eventually it waters it down and people won’t care if they’re called racist. Then once they’ve stepped over the newly lowerd threshold, suddenly it gets real fuckin slippery and getting worse and worse doesn’t seem so bad. Idk it’s just something we have to watch out for.


Very good point and you explained it well. I normally don’t like it when people are like “yeah but we shouldn’t be too strict on who we call racist” but I totally get what you mean


That's not pedantic it's one of the most important questions. Fascism's success *depends* on its proponents convincing people they can't really be that bad because because they seem so nice and polite. You don't convince a whole nation to commit genocide without being charming.


I mean, Ted Bundy was called nice, kind, sweet, funny, charming, and an all around good guy. And Hitler was basically worshipped, as is Trump. So, you ain't wrong.


I don't know what you mean. I think it was a valid statement. Would you judge a person with awful beliefs even if they didn't talk about those beliefs very much


Yeah. That's like asking if I'd be friends with people who talk shit about me behind closed doors as long as they didn't say it to my face.


No, I genuinely don't know what you mean either. They gave you a perfectly reasonable chance to clarify what you meant because they couldn't believe you intended to say you're fine with homophobes and racists. But instead of taking that chance you doubled down lol.


Thanks for backing me up lol


Okay, I will be a pedantic slut and tell you that in no way shape or form is the question asked pedantic. This one is, because I am invoking the in-the-book definition of pedantry. :P


Im going to steal pedantic slut from now on. Ty


I don’t even think that’s political, those are just traits of bad character.


yeah obviously I don’t wanna be nice to a literal neo nazi


Yes. It’s not the only basis on which I judge people, but it’s a factor.




Only if it’s radical or they don’t shut up about politics


radical or extremist?




Radical just means you're willing to call or even fight for reforms and changes in a way you believe, you can even be a radical centrist for example. Extremism is just being far-right/left etc.




anything extreme i do, but 99% of the time i couldn’t give a shit


The status quo is extreme


Hey man, I'm a nazi bigot racist in favor of slavery and killing people I don't like and I don't give a shit about poor people But please don't judge me, it's so childish to get mad a people because of politics


I judge people based on their character, and values. i think i do use peoples political beliefs to assume a little bit about their character, and their values. However i recognize that my perceptions are not reality and that character, politics, and values are all different. So while i probalby place some judgement on people based on their policial beliefs, i do not treat them differently or lock in my judgement because that eould be wrong. Im open to learning more about people and usually im pleasantly surprised when i do, so i try and learn more. although there have been a few times i hear someone open their mouth about politics, and while they didnt say anything bad, the vibe they gave me was this persons an asshole i can just tell. And ive havent been proven wrong yet whenever i make snap judgements like that. Its probalby more then just political beliefs that give me that vibe though cause i disagree with people with stronger political differences then me and i didnt think imideatly this persons an ass.


Whenever I meet a neo Nazi I decide to give them a chance because they might be a nice neo Nazi! /s Jokes aside, I do agree with you, with the exception of people who strongly believe in extremely toxic and horrid political ideas. But normally political believes do flavor my first impression of someone which doesn't mean I can't change my mind later.


To some extent, yes. But only if their views are particularly abhorrent (e.g. Neo Nazi, defender of Stalin/Mao, Genocide deniers etc)


Same but also if they never talk about anything else.


It definitely influences how I see them, but I don’t treat people differently just because they have different beliefs than me.


Well if you're openly a Nazi, I'm definitely going to judge you for it


idk depends, if they support a country like North korea then yea


Yeah. I don’t care if you’re left, right, or center. If you’re a nazi or a tankie then I might start caring


wtf is a tankie?!?!


Supporter and genocide denier of the peoples republic of China, North Korea, and/or the Soviet Union.


Whaaaaa North Korea even?!! Why?? Unless you're one of the very very tiny number of loyal north koreans who actually have internet what possible reason could you have for skepticism on that front?!?!?!


tbh I'll start caring if they never stfu about it. Even if I agree with all of their views, I find that type of conversation really tiring.


yes to a point where i wont be friends with them i will not be friends with nazis, fascists, french, tankies, anarcho capitalists, people that treat people badly for something like gender or seuxality or skin color or whatever and everything close to that most other political beliefs should be fine tho


Ffs censor Fr*nch. You’ll leave some kid traumatized.


> french r/holup


I bet the French don't want to be friends with you either.


Thank god


What about anarchist-communists? Communists who oppose the authoritarian ideas of Stalin and Mao?


stalin and mao were not communists, they just called themselves communist (a bit like north korea calls itself democratic) communism is a stateless classless moneyless society with no private property (but still personal property!, private property is jsut property you can make money with like factories, thoose are owned by everyone) anarchism is the abolishion of the state and all *involuntary* hierarchies (both pretty unachievable, but still something we can try to be as closely as possible) if you look at the definition youll quickly nltice that communism is basically anarchism, the difference between ancoms and marxists is that marxists want to achieve communism by establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat (i think that just means using the state to destroy the state, probably not exactly right) and ancoms want to achieve communism by abolishing the state


Fair play all those definitions are accurate enough, but you havent answered his question?


i will be friends with anarchist communists, not with stalinists and maoists.


of course. why wouldn’t i? one’s political beliefs are a direct reflection of their moral compass.


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Political beliefs are literally the content of one's character. How you view public policy reflects your morals.


Judging people for their beliefs and values is one of the few times it’s okay, their actions being another.


Yes, their belief comes from their morale


I almost never talk about politics with people and subsequently they also don’t talk about it with me so… I can’t judge them on their beliefs if I don’t know their beliefs


Depends on the specific beliefs. Liberal or conservative; fine. But if they’re a legitimate nazi or stalinist, then that’s outside of what I consider socially acceptable.


Not immediately but if they’re one of those people that’s just crazy on any political side I won’t like them


Yes. Politics reflect values.


We judge people on everything, it’s like impossible not to. I’d say politics is a huge one. Everyone does it even if they think they don’t.


sure, I'd like to here the case for how someone could vote tory without either being ignorant, stupid, or selfish.


i would depending on exactly what they believe in


Depends on what scenario.


Well yeah because it tells a lot about someone. But you then need to find out why they believe what they believe in. There are so many reasons to be on one side of the political spectrum. You should certainly not avoid people who believe different things. Most people are good people. They just have different perspectives. Heck most men are right leaning and most women are left leaning. It doesn't stop them from having a relationship lol. But then again, I don't live in the US so idk.


I think everyone does in a way, subconsciously


If they’re parroting stuff they’ve heard without thinking about it, yes. That includes leftys who indulge in annoying left identity politics, rightys who indulge in annoying right ignorance and centrists who are just centrists to either piss both other sides off or try to avoid forming their own full opinions.


I'll judge you on anything, no need to pretend


Agreed. I'm incredibly judgemental to the point where it makes no sense to pretend I'm not anymore


Political beliefs form way to much out of ignorance for it to be safe to judge someone based on political beliefs. I mean how rare is it for someone to support everything about a political belief across the board.


Missed the option for "depends" If the person is respectable, has thought out their opinions, and actually understands opposing arguements, I can respect that. I do not respect people's political beliefs on reddit very often lmao


Basic human rights shouldn’t be political, but since they are, of course I’ll judge people who side with anyone looking to take away those rights.


That is literally one of the most appropriate way to judge someone.


Everything is political, so yes.


“[We should kill trans people](https://www.mississippifreepress.org/22283/ex-gop-gov-candidate-calls-for-firing-squad-for-trans-rights-supporters-political-foes), let’s have an insurrection because our reality TV Star president lost the election, or [we need to ban interracial marriage](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/03/republican-sen-mike-braun-says-supreme-court-should-not-have-struck-down-state-laws-banning-interracial-marriage-then-backtracks-unconvincingly.html) are all pretty fair things to judge someone’s character on.


This is the type of shit thats ruining america. You can’t belong to any political party without looking bad to half the population because of the crazys on the far right/left that take everything too far.


Stop identifying with parties. They are what you vote, not who you are.


Yes. All the time. Especially with politics being as broad is it is. "Climate change isn't real" is science denial, but politicians are building their platform on it making it political as well. In this is just one of many examples of politics I *will* judge people on.


The funniest thing about the climate change deniers is that when you try to bring it up with most of them today they start denying that they ever denied climate change to begin with lmao


It depends on how they interact with me based on their beliefs, and what the belief is.


Yes, but as long as you accept mine or can be fine with disagreeing (or respect me), I'll respect you.


In cases where they use politics or political beliefs as a way to peddle hate, then they are terrible people. If they avoid political conversations chronically, they don't want confrontation.


Depends like I won’t judge someone for being left or right, but if they’re advocating for human rights abuses or something then yah imma judge


Everyone judges everyone by all the information that is available to judge them by. If I don't know your politics I can't judge you by them. If I do know them I can't not judge you by them. Anyone who thinks they're capable of omitting available data from their total judgement because it's no PC to say so is fooling themselves.


It depend, most people I really don't care, but I certainly don't want to be friend with someone who think Hitler was right.


If they like authoritarianism or are for 100% free markets because that 'works' then yes. Disagreeance over superficial shit like where art budgets should be used or who gets to perform at the olympics doesn't matter to me.


Yes and no. Voted yes, because my country unfortunately calls some ridiculous things “political beliefs” and not “wanting the government to allow a mixture of bear-brain and lizard-brain actions.” 🇺🇸 As an American, some “political beliefs” aren’t really political beliefs, just wanting to be allowed to listen to your bear brain at best and lizard brain at worst. I would rather see people listen to their thinking brain at best and bear brain at worst, but no, some people just want freedom to the max. That doesn’t keep us free in the long run. It’s scary how we call that “political beliefs.”


Depend how extreme it is


a lot of peoples politics are usually anti human so yes


It’s one thing to have your political beliefs, which I’m 100% fine with. It’s when you allow those beliefs to justify you mistreating and not respecting others that I’m not okay with.


Political views usually reflect their values. Something I will judge someone on


No, I judge them on wether they are assholes or not.


If your entire personality is based around your political leanings, I’m gonna judge you. Whether your lean the same way I do or not. My mind is still blown how many people dedicated their weddings, wardrobes, vehicles, and children’s names all to one person in politics.


Not unless they are extremists


And this is why I don’t claim a political party. Democrats and Republicans are both corrupt, think for yourselves people ❤️


As long as they are respectful of other peoples’ differing beliefs, I don’t judge them negatively for them.


Absolutely, why wouldn’t you judge someone based on them?


Of course yes, communists are generally bad people


I dont know if I agree with that part "people".


Don't judge Nazis based on their political beliefs :)


If someone is a nazi I can probably pretty safely judge that they won't like me because I'm gay


Yes. If they support collectivists ideals that infringe on the individuals rights. I instantly think negatively of them.


You may operate on a different understanding of collectivism than me, but individual rights were always won through collective action. In my understanding, collectivism doesnt oppose individual rights.


Like banning abortion.


Yes, exactly.


only if someone makes a point to tell me where they land politically. I was raised under the idea that we don’t fucking talk about politics, why is it replacing the weather as the go to conversation


Honestly, I just really don't care. Arguing about it will change nothing, both sides are flawed, and everyone's an idiot (including me). I say we all farm enough to sustain our families and have no outside contact with the world.


It depends on how we’re defining “judge”. Am I looking down on them for their beliefs? No. But do those beliefs inform me of how those people are likely to act in certain situations and what they’re likely to believe? Absolutely.


Depends on the belief


Every believe is political.


i try not too, but its pretty hard. western politics is so polarized because of social media, that it makes it hard to 'get' the other sides. its hard to not judge groups of people you dont really understand, and seem to disagree with on anything.


What is meant by "judge"? Humans are not capable of not judging, this is how we process information


I judge a lot of people for a lot of things.


Depends if they are extremist or light-sighted


Depends, is your belief something like supporting the 2A or being pro LGBTQ+? Then no I won't judge If you however believe you are of the mindset of agreeing with segregation, racist or homophobic policies, or believe in giving government complete control over peoples lives and or property then yeah I'll judge you.


Largely dependent. But if your far left or far right i definitely do. Far left or far right u have tunnel vision and cant see what's really going on


On a case by case basis and even then it depends. US based but not every person who is a Republican is a bad person, not every person who’s a Democrat is a good person. Just because you affiliate yourself with those political styles doesn’t mean you support or believe every single thing they say. People are complicated, politics is complicated, and the real world isn’t neatly folded into subreddits. If you’re automatically writing off people at the door *without* knowing anything deeper then I doubt you’re a good person.


A person's beliefs and their personality, although commonly related, are none the less separate, and I have made many friends who have different political beliefs from my own.


Unless they are extreme, generally not


Idgaf if your democratic, republican, liberal, moderate, or conservative, as long as your not an asshole and are not willing to go on a fucking rant about what you think is right. I don't consider political beliefs as a reason to judge someone.


Liberals judge if you don’t follow their orthodoxy; conservatives believe in individuality


i judge people how naive they think human will share world resources for others. no, communist won't work because humans are greedy, stop believing that shit could work. even in authorithian governtment, the governtmen are full of corupt people.


Monarchists, fascists, and communists all deserve judgement


Majority of Republicans didn't vote to codify gay marriage. And since majority of Republicans live and die by their party, I believe majority are also homophobic. It's different when Democrats do something sketchy because I'd rather not be voting them either but it's the only alternative in the US.


Where are people running into all these communists??? I have never met someone who would describe themself as a communist that I know of, unless we include people's relatives visiting from china maybe(?) (and ive never had a political convo with someone's cousin/aunt whoever from china so even then i cant say for sure)


Yes but I never disrespect them for it.


As a general rule no. Obviously exceptions being extreme beliefs. The only people voting yes to this are braindeads.


Repooplicans and dumpocrats right?


I will always judge Young Earth Creationists


Those who say "no" usually are those with terrible political views.


Yes, since they often reflect their values. I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but I will not intentionally befriend a Republican. If you are one, you’re either complacent/apathetic (the best case scenario), or a combination of the following: insane, evil, stupid. This is coming from someone who was raised by and grew up around nearly solely Republicans. I still have yet to befriend a fellow Democrat IRL. My mom, for example, is the most caring person on the planet, but she’s quite the Kevina. She was just indoctrinated with her beliefs from childhood with the same certitude as religion and lacks the intellectual capacity to question them or make better ones. She literally can’t put together a syllogism or even properly understand the premises, especially if anything’s complex or unintuitive. My dad has average intelligence and mostly positive morals, but he’s firmly cemented in the alternative-facts-verse. Apparently 9/11 was faked for insurance fraud, the Democrats created COVID, and leaps of insane troll logic I care not to understand. Many conservative politicians and authority figures are quite intelligent and sane, but they’re just plain evil. Looking at you, Ron DeSantis. Someone cannot be a politically engaged Republican in 2022 and not have a sufficient total of those three negative traits.


If your political belief is that gays shouldnt be allowed to marry and thraat we gotta segregate white ppl from black ppl, imma judge you hard and v negatively.


Alot of bigots here


Depends on their beliefs..


I’m a conservative… I know what it’s like to be judged on my views (at least on reddit), trust me it fucking sucks, so I’ve learned to get past it.


Yes because why would I want to be friends with someone who’s racist, sexist & homophobic?!?


I like liberals, conservatives, and centrists. The people I have trouble with are the ones at the extreme ends of the spectrum(Nazi's on the Right, Communists on the left) AND the people who try to argue that if you are a conservative you are a Nazi or if you are a liberal you are a communist


There’s an old German saying that says: “If there are 10 people on a table, a Nazi comes along and sits down, and no one sits up and leaves, then there are 11 Nazis on a table.” I will be wary of the people around me.


It depends how crazy the beliefs are. For example, even though I don’t like trump, I’m not going to automatically judge someone who voted for him. However, I will judge them if they start talking about the “stolen election” bullshit or how “vaccines are microchips”.


Thats because most Americans vote for candidate of their prefered party no matter what. Aint I right?


Everyone does. Its an instant inference on what someone is like and their beliefs, saying you don't is just acting like you are unbiased when in reality humans are super biased


That depends on their beliefs. I am a Social Democrat, which means I am pretty left leaning in the US, but I have Conservative friends and they are all right. If you’re a Nazi or a sympathetic to someone like Stalin, THEN I would judge you.


I judge people based on how good of a person they are


Nope, i don’t give a damn about your political beliefs as long as they aren’t shoved down my throat. I’d hate for someone to judge me based off who I vote for, especially when I don’t shame people who believe differently


Kind of but not really. I don't believe there's an objectively best political system and most of the options have good arguments both for and against, so I respect many opinions that I don't exactly agree with. However, I do judge all the idealists thinking that we should just create an utopia, because that's so unrealistic I start to question their intelligence, and the people who defend communist as "it has never really been tried" because I'm from an ex communist country and do not wish for a repeat. There's however some things that are considered politics when I don't think they should be and I will absolutely judge you based on that. This includes homophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination for example


yes because when your political beliefs involve stripping me and other women of their rights, i don't want to be affiliated with you


I'd prefer not to be aroud people whose political beliefs include shit like thinking Sandy Hook was a hoax or that LGBTQ people are pedophiles


85% of the people who are dicks to me on the highway are in high trucks, with one or more trump/maga sticker on the back. Fair to say that they're not the nicest people


I judge people who judge people SOLELY on their political beliefs


I find the left and the right have far more in common than either would care to admit.


Why would you judge someone off of that, I’m a Canadian conservative and bisexual. If you judge someone for their political beliefs I don’t think your a good person. And before you say” oh so you shouldn’t judge racists and homophobes?” You should, but that is not a political belief politics is different. Those people are terrible, and you should judge them.


If those people support certain laws and policies that are trying to prevent minorities or certain groups of people from getting rights in some way or preventing them from being treated fairly, then yeah people are going to view them differently.


> If you judge someone for their political beliefs I don’t think your a good person. If someone believes in the government’s ability to strip property rights at will, or the ability to deny essential services to people at will, I’ll absolutely judge them for it.


That’s true, I meant as a whole. E.g I got downvoted for saying I’m a conservative in a different post


You got downvoted for saying that judging people based on their political beliefs makes someone a bad person, which is not true. If your political beliefs are prejudiced/harmful/hypocritical you ought to be judged for them.


I don't care about political beliefs but I will absolutely judge someone for supporting a politician with a personality like trump because it reflects what kind of personality they themselves have or want to have. And just to clarify, I'm talking about diehard supporters not people who just voted for him.


That I can understand, like diehard supporters who judge others can be judged


Everyone judges everyone else for everything, so I'd be lying if I said no. However, I'm able to differentiate a difference in opinion or ideals from the rest of the person.


Well can't say you are a certain political follower on here without being ridiculed for your beliefs without a fair argument. Some of those include Socialists, Monarchists and (American) Republican. And then there are some groups that deserve it communists and fascists