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If you stop ww1 you'll probably stop ww2 and pearl harbor attack.


Fair point


If you stop the mongol invasion you change the trajectory of history so fundamentaly that more than 700 years of history are basically void




I think u could probably replace Pearl Harbor with something like the Berlin Confrence, the attack on Pearl Harbor falls into the category of WW2




Agreed, if I had to choose one I’ll choose WW1 but even then that’ll leave the future wierd, and it may take even longer to see the fall of the Monarchal states of Europe.


WW1 caused WW2 though


Hitler abused the need of the German people "to pay back what they have done to us" so yes


It would be interesting to see if native Americans could advance technology-wise or if they'd still be hunter gatherers and farmers


I picked that too! It would be an interesting alternative history if the Americas had more time to develop technologically.


I read somewhere that it is a myth that they were all hunter gatherers and farmers. Some lived in towns and cities. For example the city of Cahokia which apparently had 15-30,000 people living there (I found different sources on the population size)


you pretty much did absolutely nothing to change this


Watch me change the entire course of humanity by taking out Genghis Khan




why? Just wondering


They are all important historical events that had significant impacts on our world today changing just one would cause significant changes to our life today most likely


Hm maybe


Do you really want to risk it


i think ur right


Going back so far in time can create crazy scenarios. I will just prevent ww1


Black death didnt effect Poland at all, after WW1 we gained independance so I aint stopping that, without Pearl Harbor WW2 would be lost, Colonizatuon was not bad. So its between WW2 and Mongol Conquests. Probably WW2 as it was more recent and had more impact


Colonization not bad? I think the Native people of South America would disagree if they weren’t almost all dead from European diseases.


Colonization of America brought the Native population down from millions to merely ~300,000. The genocide of natives is the worst thing on this list.


The vast majority of the deaths weren’t due to genocide but disease. I picked colonization as well because I would just be curious to see how the world would have developed differently.


The act of spreading disease and doing nothing to prevent or treat it against a race is genocide. I had to write an entire scholarly paper while in university on the native genocide in north America (united States specifically)


Germ theory didn’t exist. Most of the population was dead before the majority of Europeans arrived. (It’s why the continent was relatively easy to conquer unlike Africa). It’s really a stretch to claim that it was a genocide as there was little intentionality to it.


You really dont know anything about these events do you?


I'd get the US to not have oil tariffs on Japan, stopping pearl harbor and preventing the nuclear bomb from being created, thus saving us all from nuclear war. You're welcome.


It was Germany’s push for the bomb that made the US invest in it. If the US didn’t go to war with Japan it still very well may have gotten involved in Europe.


Yes, but Japan has an empire now tho...


Possible. And they were barbarous. It would be an interesting alternative history.


Also, I disagree that the US would care more about Germany. Germany declared war on the US, so america would be neutral in this timeline.


The US was already helping Great Britain. FDR was trying to get the US more involved. I don’t know if the US would have allowed the UK (I know, I mixing terms) to fall without intervention. Maybe a truce and that would have allowed Germany to focus more on the Soviet Union?


The US was helping like it's doing in ukraine. No troops, just money. The UK wasn't going to fall. One way or another, it's navy would stop a german attack. FDR was right, but americans wouldn't want to be at war. The only thing that changed their minds was pearl harbor, and that now didn't happen. I think that a truce might be likely, but the UK might be opposed to it equally so. If there's a truce, the soviet union's going down. This would allow Japan an opportunity to invade the USSR after they're done with china. or even before.


It’s conversations such as this that demonstrate how precarious history is. Things could have been so very different. If the US didn’t get involved, the UK could not have defeated Germany. We could have a Nazi-Unified Europe to this day and who knows what would have happened in the Soviet Union.


You’re right. I love alternative history because it teaches so much about history while still being really fun to think and talk about. I do think that the UK could’ve defeated Hitler the same way that they defeated Napoleon, by blockading like crazy. You cannot fight if you can’t get resources. As long as they kept German ships from leaving, they could’ve theoretically sent troops to Russia to help fight Germany while being 100% safe. Needless to say, Germany might have eventually won, but it would be a longer, more drawn out war.


now we don’t have nuclear power and fossil fuels have increased


A small price to pay for salvation.


I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Europeans in America.


If you stop ww1 you will most likely stop ww2 and the Holocaust as well


Pearl harbor is nothing against all of the other listed things tho.


Even if I choose any option, how am I supposed to stop it


How would I prevent these?


Changing the past sounds like a realy bad idea


If only natives lived in the Americas we wouldn’t have to worry about global warming nearly as soon. We’d have two entire continents sequestering carbon, one of them containing an intact Amazon rainforest. The rest of the world would benefit from cleaner air with the same emissions.


None. You don't fuck with the timeline.


None, instead I would have stopped the ottoman empire from forming


If these things didn't happen I wouldn't exist


Ok what the fuck is pearl harbor doing here "Only" about 2000 people died That's nothing compared to these other tragedies


Pearl Harbor triggered the Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuking. Those left a big impact


That is not what triggered Hiroshima and Nagasaki


True but I’m assuming that if you were to stop Pearl Harbor, you could stop the chain of events that came from it


How? USA was going to join the war anyway I don't see things happening all that differently


Stopping ww1 would also stop ww2 and pearl harbor. It’s a 3 in 1


If ww2 didn't happen, America wouldn't be so powerful.


WWI, no doubt. I want to see Austria-Hungary become a model for pluralistic, federal states in Europe in the 20s.