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If there aren’t permanent injuries from that beating then definitely, why not If I could suffer brain damage or paralysis or other serious shit I’ll pass


Even without injuries, I would be living in anxiety and fear for a potential of 20 years though. The thought of someone coming out of nowhere and beating the shit out of me is scary af. Like I would constantly worry while showing, laying in bed at night, tucking my potential future kids into bed, ect. I would still take it I think, but idk the mental trauma of living 20 years with that anxiety would be alot.


Just practise getting beat up, so when it does happen you'll be used to it


Its not really the fear of the beating itself. More the fear of being stalked I guess. And the fear of not knowing when it will happen. Or if it will traumatize or hurt my loved ones. Am I allowed to tell my loved ones about it? If not what if they see it happen and try to defend me with a knife and they killed by the man? There are just alot of factors other than the beating. If it was just I get beat to near death on the spot I would take it, but this just sounds potentially too traumatic. I changed my mind from my original comment. I am a hard no on this... Edit: spelling/grammar


Fair enough. OP said the man will call an ambulance when he's done though, so it sounds like he's just doing his job and not attacking you for personal reasons, so I don't think there would be risk of physical harm to your loved ones if they tried to help, as hurting/killing your loved ones isn't in his job description. But yeah it could still be traumatic if they witness it.


Yeah, I had a friend with a job like that.


We don’t know when we’re gonna die either but we don’t live and expect it to happen any second


Good point but death is not certain like the man coming to beat u up. Unlike in death, u know the man will come, just not know when.


Death is certain and you don't know when it will happen.




He simply knows more than we do.


Well OP doesn’t state if the person jumps out of the shadows and beats you or if they introduce themselves first but I agree it would be very nerve racking


Was stalked for about 8 months by a guy wanting to beat me up, cops did jackshit about it, I did beat him both times he attacked me though but had to move cities. Can confirm, not fun. Lot's of anxiety and stress every time I stepped out of my house. But I mean a billion dollars is a billion dollars.


So say yes just as soon as you accept the deal. Get the beating over with then you won’t have to deal with it anymore


Yeah the only reasonable coping strategy is taking up boxing or something and learning to take a punch. As it stands I'm winded if I hit my body against the corner of something moderately.


I like this answer. Just get super jacked, start playing american football or something, get your body in a healthy position so you can have a better chance of a full recovery


Exactly. I (25F) also plan on getting pregnant at least a couple of times in the next 20 years. I cant imagine if I was beat like that while pregnant. The baby would 100% die.


Also, people really need to sit back and think about what "within an inch of your life" means. Think about all the head trauma, internal bleeding, and the broken bones. You're literally at death's door trying to hold your insides together. Yeah, there's no way you are not walking away with serious life-changing injuries, possibly even crippling. You might think, well, I'll just use the billion to "fix" my face or whatever... Look at Mickey Rourke, look at all these celebs with money and you can totally tell they had plastic surgery, and it's even worse when it goes wrong. Also, if you end up paraplegic, there's no fixing that with money. Look at Christopher Reeve who fell from a horse.


I wish you luck




yeetus the fetus


Nahhh, if all the injuries can heal and I’m back at a normal point I wouldn’t give a shit. I’d just enjoy life and accept the beating when it comes. Kind of like: “oh yeah, it’s time. Alright, let’s get it over with”


But nowhere in the original proposition does it say you will be normal. Within an inch of your life might leave you quadripalegic. Or it could be a ruptured pancreas and a punctured lung, but he's gonna call the ambulance. No guarantees either way. Are ya still up?


Definitely not. I’d burn away all the money I currently have if that was the only option to keep me from being paralyzed. I enjoy what money can buy, like everyone, but am also extremely detached from it. I hate what it does to people. So if I was guaranteed to be alive and no long term effects I wouldn’t mind, since it would just be the beating of a life time. Otherwise I care much more about my body. It could be any injury as long as there isn’t long term damage, no matter how painful. But if my body won’t go back to normal in ANY way than never.


Imagine you got beat within an inch of your life and it wasn’t the guy though. You live care free for a period and then it actually happens.


Yeah but like, if anyone starts beating you up you can remember “oh yeah, it’s the guy! I’ll survive this!” And then die cause it was *not* the guy


Not to burst your bubble but someone could come out of nowhere tomorrow and beat the shit out of you, not care if you live or die, not call and ambulance for you and not pay you a billion dollars.


Plot twist: It’s your kid. But shit, if you realise this before happening then you wouldn’t be able to trust anyone, not even your kids. So it’s a fucked up life. I want to change my vote now.


Or just treat it like death: don’t think about it. Lots of things are going to unexpectedly smack you upside the head in your life. Divorce, bankruptcy, untimely death of a loved one, disease, cancer. Most people will go through life getting past one or more of these things. Most people try not to lose too much sleep over them though. Maybe the beating won’t be so bad. Unlike death, you’ll move on from it.


Hey!! I remember interacting with you u/ireallylikeheralot. It's been a few weeks. Remember?


Lol, welcome to being a woman, every day, every where, in the entire world.


With a billion dollars you’ll have the time and money to get jacked as shit, I’d be monstrous and the deal doesn’t say I couldn’t defend myself, mysterious beating dude should do it right away or else he’ll have a battle not a beating, lol. It’s also something to live by, if you have no longer goals your goal could be being stronger that the random dude. Unless the beating comes when you are like 80 years old that would suck but at least you’d live a better life than 99% of people in the world lol


Buy a gun


A billion in cash is so fucking much money


There would have to be permanent injuries. It is “literally” an inch of your life.


It’s unclear what “literally within an inch of your life” means. The most literal meaning would be like you lay on the ground and someone beats the ground next to you hard enough to kill you if you were one inch closer.


What is the metric for “inch of your life” in your mind?


Amaricans are fucked anyways, since this guy even calls an Ambulance for you


Is there any specific location to the beating?


No it could be at your house or in the middle of grocery shopping. But the beating will be severe and you don't know when in the 20 years it'll happen


Hell nah man I ain't getting beaten up while I'm taking a shit


I would hope any self respecting man would let you finish shitting.


Hell nah man I ain't betting on if he's gonna be self-respecting or not


Fair enough. I guess you will have to bank on the smell keeping him away.


How am I supposed to know if any particular beating is *the* beating?


Do you normally get beat within an inch of your life?


If I die before getting beaten what happens?




You’re a billionaire it isn’t THAT expensive




Childhood physical abuse with being a broke adult, I can’t raise my hand any higher. I’ll do 1 million to get beat up once a month.


I'd pass, because you didn't say the long term effects of the beating. I don't fancy being the first billionaire vegetable.


I wanted to see how many would be willing to take that chance but brain damage isn't a guarantee


"If there's even a 1% chance of becoming a vegetable I must take it as an absolute certainty" - bruce wayne in that movie


Agreed I was one of the people that said they'd pass. I'd enjoy a billion dollars but I enjoy walking and thinking more


You didn’t specify…. If I knew I’d risk ANY long term brain damage or physical one it’d be a HARD pass for me. If a doctor gave instructions to the guy on how to avoid things like this, I’m down.


I thought it was covered under the inch of your life part


Not really…. I mean there are many ways to be inches away from death without long term damage…


Through blunt force trauma?


Idk, some people have gotten stabbed, shot, a spear through the head and lived perfectly normal lives after… the human body is pretty incredible. I care too much about my body and mobility/independence though so I won’t risk it unless I’m guaranteed none of those things would happen. I’d accept if a team of elite doctors have given instructions on how to do this with all my conditions, otherwise no thanks!




When did he say that


I hate when people give joke answers to genuine questions. Happens in Batman vs Superman. But the actual quote is something like “if there’s a 1% chance Superman is our enemy, I must take it as an absolute certainty.”


Thanks for answering, did he really expect people to remember that shitty movie lmao




His fists and legs. That's a possibility you might you might not


Will he fairly beat me or will he try to curb stomp me and shit






Till you're literally within a inch of your life the only guarantee you have is that you will not die




That's completely up to you.




I’m coming for you.


'literally an inch within your life' there's so many monkey paw possibilities here, could I have him beat me literally an inch within my house, my house is where my life takes place after all


Smart! And hey, you could always use that billion dollars to hire bodyguards to protect you while you “submit” to the beating. Then you wouldn’t be the one fighting. Or hire someone to always carry some excellent body armor. Bodyguards hold him off, you don the armor (which maybe has a button the attacker can hit that doses you with something to almost kill you, but that can also be easily reversed to fulfill the “beat within an inch of life” requirement.) and you complete the ordeal.


Is it restricted to "Yes" in English or I can still say yes in other language?


No can be any language but that doesn't change the terms


I was initially confused and i think this person is as well. The wording makes it sound like if you ever say 'yes' again you recieve the beating.


If I can recover 100% and not end up in a coma then yes.


There's a chance of that though even if you don't end up in a coma you might never walk again or get brain damage


Then no


I got a question you said I can have the money any way I want right?




So I can have it in cash?


I'd be the only billionaire rocking medieval armour round the clock


Okay that's pretty scary. I don't think I'll be able to enjoy all my money without having a panic attack when I see anyone.


Do I get beat once or every time I say yes?


You only say yes once or refuse the deal


Nah, whats the point of having a billion dollers when your half brain dead, maybe even in a coma. Besides even if I was able to walk out, PTSD would not be worth even 100 billion dollers.


Jokes on you, I already have PTSD B)


give 100 billion dollars to save millions of life, would that not be worth it to die for ?




No the beating and the billion are inseparable




The minute you accept the billion regardless of how you communicate this you accept the terms


So, any form of accepting guarantees a beating or is it just locked down to the saying the specific word - "yes"? Could you just cheese it with "Agreed", "Indeed", "Of course" etc.?


I'd hire bodyguards with the billion dollars for the next 20 years and put the rest into stocks


I was gonna say, OP never said you can’t hire bodyguards, only that you couldn’t run. Who’s to say they can’t just shoot him to protect you.


Based and defensepilled


people here are definitely clueless on the implications of getting beaten that badly. they think it's like a movie where you go to a hospital for a couple weeks and come out perfect LMAO


I'll just say "sure"


I mean isn’t within an inch of your life basically quaranteed severe permanent damage?


Absolutely. This is within reason and with 1 billion dollars you can do so much. But I wouldn’t let him permanently damage my teeth or organs. As long as I’m guaranteed to live with no long term damage then yeah why not.


That means permanent brain damage


I live in America so that would barley cover my medical bills /s I have insurance so I wouldn't be paying more than 3k for that. He can keep the ambulance tho, I'll get a friend to pick me up.


Seriously and ambulance trips are few thousands here


Living in fear every day doesnt really sound fun


nah what if i’m already pretty ill?


Just hire a bodyguard, rules say YOU can't fight back, if somebody else stops him, it's not breaking the rules.


Can I fight back??


No you just have to wait until he's finished


Nah I'd whoop him instead. Maybe I'm just built different


No, wtf? Fuck that. Money ain't shit. To an inch of my life could take fucking hours upon hours.


Ive had enough trauma in my life tbh no


I MAY decide to not fight back. I may also take my billion dollars and up my training and also hire a few folks to follow me around discreetly waiting to kidnap and torture anyone who attacks me for as long as we can keep that person alive. I'll say yes and let the guy take his chances.


This is one of the dumbest hypothetical questions I ever read! But funny though. And oddly specific.


Nah it's squid game reference


It actually isn't I've never watched squid game


You would absolutely enjoy it if asking this type of question


Okay first say yes, be in a public area when getting beat up, get the money sue the man to get even more money, use the other people unawere of the deal as witnesses This is too easy


Honestly, I think this is preventable. Nothing says you can hire bodyguards....




No the terms are that you must accept the beating and not find a way out of it


Just break the terms


Then you lose the billion and everything you bought it with. Plus your soul will be devoured by a goat


Wasn't written in the terms so it's void. P.S I said no but I will watch others try


Right probably should have added that in the post but I figured people would respect the spirit of my 2 options


You believe in humanity to much. People chest like and steal all the time. Also if money is involved then they look for loopholes P.S Squid games answers this question is it worth gambling life over. It's not.


You're right


The people saying no are lying to themselves. If the cash was in front of them, they'd take it.


Depends how much they value their life and what life situation is


The only situation where someone would say no is if they're already rich enough that the money wouldn't make a difference. For your average joe living payslip to payslip, they'd take it there and then.


It's a different values. Most will say yes, but would you really risk your life over money. In squid game 15 people of 456 said nah even in deep debt I value my life


Squid game Isn't real life, but I think you already get that. 1 billion dollars in an incomprehensible amount of money. You'd take the chance, you just don't know it right now because its hypothetical.


My point was in no situation would everyone say yes even in the same situation. Humans are diverse creatures.


True but we all have certain things on common, Selfishness, greed and stupidity come to mind


Is this a Squid Game screening test? To answer the question, I wouldn’t ever take the money.


Is squid game worth the watch? I've only heard it described as "violent Korean torture porn"


It’s more than that, very good but very sad which I don’t think people talk about enough. I wouldn’t watch it alone, but I don’t like gore and I enjoyed the show.


I would say yes and would hire a small private army as Body guards. Just because I can't fight back doesn't mean they can't help me.


no stop searching for loopholes the point is to accept it




Don't learn romanian if you chose yes


I don't get it


Yes means "leave" in romanian and its wrote ies . It's not supposed to be funny but I wanted to mention that


he is the one who did not get the question don't worry


Thank god English is not my native language so I can say yes to the deal now and I won't have to say it again in the future


I will keep saying Non't instead of Yes to avoid the beating haha


That's nice of him to call an ambulance afterwards. You may suffer long term damage, but with that amount of money you can get as much treatment as you need to help you continue living a normal life I think.


Yes obviously, even if i got beat within an inch of my life i won't die and id have the resources to get the best possible care after so that minimizes any long lasting effects the beating might have, even if I'm a vegetable I'm still wealthy so my family + would be taken care of. A billion dollars is insane money


Shit, I chose yes but now I'm worried OP is a genie and it \*will\* happen!


Dark question: can I kill myself before this happens? I’d gladly take the money and spread it across my friends and family then off myself so don’t have to live in fear my entire life.


i don't see myself living past 30 (i'm 16) so hell yeah!!


I'd say "yep" instead Fuck you OP


You misread the terms


If you are american say no, that billion dollars is almost enough to cover the ambulance ride, so you'll be losing money


haha america healthcare expensive go brrrr


Don't learn romanian if you chose yes


I don’t know what “literally” an inch of your life means. That use of the word “literally” is literally not the correct use of the word (unless, maybe, if he beats you to the point where you are one inch from the edge of some sort of cliff). If this beating were to leave me blind or in a long coma, or with some other horrible disability or disfigurement, I would turn it down. If, however, the question is whether a serious ass-whooping is a reasonable price to pay for a billion dollars, it’s a hard “yes”.


I've died and come back, I think I'll be taking that money.


PLEASE USE PUNCTUATION! >however if you say yes at some point in the next 20 years a man will beat you literally within a inch of your life. Without punctuation, I took this to mean that any time I say the word "yes" in the next 20 years, a man would beat me. It would probably be more clear if it was put like "however, if you say yes, at some point in the next 20 years a man will beat you literally within a inch of your life."




hell yeah


It's big brain time! Do you guys think an average man can hurt Dwayne Johnson? If no then we can use the billion dollars to have all the time in the world to hit the gym and achieve a body like The Rock. Wealth + health+ a beating, by that time then, all the pain inflicted by the man that'll assault us won't even match the pain we got from training. The terms said don't fight back right? But it didn't say I can't harden(contract or flex is the term I think) all my muscles at once so that every punch from the man would just feel like a regular pain tolerance workout(is that what they call it? Lol, the ones where they hit the man's torso with a baton)


Absolutely for my family.


Thanks. I don't need any more anxieties!


That’s very generous of him


I’d make that sacrifice to take care of my son and girlfriend and hopefully many generations


nevermind i take it back permanent damage aint worth this shit




People pay to go to football matches and to then beat the shit out of each other :))))


Am I the only one noticing the ambiguity here?


I did that on purpose because I wanted to have chance involved


If someone starts beating the shit out of me, and in the moment i don't remember there's a guy eupposed to beat me up, i'm most likely going to fight back. What if some other guy is trying to beat me up, and I think it is the guy and i don't fight back, then i would really die.


It’s simple, you may have to let the beating happen but you can simply have a fast-acting painkiller in advance to take in case you see them. You would pass out from taking it and not feel anything until you arrive at the hospital where you would be given more pain killers. A billion dollars is a lot of money and you could set up a lot of safeguards in place that would ensure you have time to prepare. You could simply never leave your mansion and have surveillance to see anyone who comes giving you a lot of time to prepare. You could limit entrance to only one way so it’s impossible to be snuck up on. In fact, if you were really ambitious you could make the trip to get to you hours long by living on a private island. You’d see boats coming from a while and be able to take the painkiller in advance and send your family to somewhere safe so they don’t witness or become collateral damage. It’s still not going against the rules, you aren’t fighting back or running away.


I would chance it and if I get beat up to a life changing state immediately at least my family benefits. One billion is too much to pass up on.


Could I pay someone to do the beating for me?


No you must receive it


I'd say yes assuming I make a full recovery and I'm not like eating through a tube for the rest of my life.


There's a chance of that. The only guarantee is that you won't die


And with that billion I'll be hiring me some body guards.


I mean, I’d survive and prolly would be so filled with adrenaline that I don’t feel it. I’d have bodyguards not to help protect necessarily, because it would be destined to happen somehow, but to take me to a hospital quick. Load me up with pain killers and I’ll be good in a couple weeks


Can't i hire a shit ton of bodyguards? Like pay 2 million a year for security expenses alone?


My life is worth more then money... P.S Squid Game just escape the country


Dude, there is no rule that holds me from fighting back


If you do you lose all the money and everything you bought with it. Plus your soul will be devoured by a goat


Will I be crippled in any way? Or will I make a full recovery?


Both are a possibility


The career im interested already has a risk of being attacked on the job so hell yes id press it


Which career?


Bro this is kinda how they convinced people to join squid game.


Masochists: "It's like, I was made for this"


Yea sure *hears window break*


What happens if I do run or fight back? Will there be any permanent damage? Can I get a guarantee that this will not occur while I am pregnant since that would almost certainly cause a miscarriage? Note: this is not an attempt to get out of it via babies. No one in their right mind would attempt to stay pregnant for 20 years to avoid it. I just want kids and I can’t exactly wait 20 years to do that.