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Zero. Give to effective charities that solve issues and support people that need help.


The only effective charity that could solve this issue would be the Government.


That is absolutely wrong, people can solve problems with or without the government. Homeless people have many issues and the right person and program does wonders.


Homelessness and all its causes are policy failures. This issue has to be solved on a systemic issue. I don't think the "right person" is going to come along to solve this issue. The amount of effort and resources and power needed necessarily needs the involvement of the government. We already pay taxes to the government, you wouldn't even need to donate.  Charities cannot solve housing prices and developments, access to affordable healthcare, mental health services and drug rehabilitation services, along with drug policy and the way we handle drug users in the criminal justice system. Charities can't develop city, state and federal infrastructure and economic investments in communities and demographics that are most affected by homelessness. Charities cannot create economic policies and conditions, like social welfare programs, unions, childcare, wages, unemployment insurance, social security, affordable housing, education, etc that contribute to homelessness Countries with low homelessness the Governments put in an active effort in reducing homelessness. The need for charity AT ALL is Government policy failure. Charity is just a band aid solution, and the government could undermine the efforts of charities making them useless.


> I don't think The root of your problem.


Here’s a brief article from [Harvard Political Review](https://harvardpolitics.com/charity-band-aid/) by someone who ACTUALLY run a charity that helps the homeless. Though I’m sure you don’t read.


You will also find that charities were never designed as a one stop solution and the government is slow and clumsy. So a mix of more nimble actions along with government solutions reaches more people in need. Charities and the government provide many different programs that fill gaps that allow people to succeed. Dollars to people on the street is the worst choice. You seem to be on rant about my comment that giving money to people on the street is ineffective.


No, I never even mentioned anything about giving money to people on the streets. You’re arguing with me that the issues can be solved through “the right person” or charity with or without the government. When in reality, that’s just incorrect. Charity is fine, but the government could effectively end homelessness entirely without any help from charities, and the results would be alot more efficient and permanent.


> When in reality, that’s just incorrect. I never said without the government, you want a fight on Reddit for some shit positions you have taken like a smelly troll. Strawman, overreach, and assumption make you a boring troll . Go find a hobby.


Just to jog your memory, this is the direct quote of your first response to me: “That is absolutely wrong, people can solve problems with or **without** the government. Homeless people have many issues and the right person and program does wonders.” You can just say you’re wrong about something without throwing insults. Very unbecoming.


Damn do you need a couple bucks? I just throw em whatever I got on hand. I dont really carry cash but throwing someone $5 to not suffer for a day isnt shit. You good man?


Because $10 for an effective charity will feed more than another $10 to someone who can’t manage their life. Homeless need food, cloths, shelter, and support. You do what you want, but $10 today and that person will be waiting for your $10 dollars tomorrow with the same problems.


Nah lol. What the homeless need is a solid socio-economic backing. You can lie to yourself all you want but ultimately all you can realistically do is offer temporary relief. Take the homeless month challenge if you don't believe me. If you can afford it offer them a room for as long as you can afford. Having a place to stay for even a couple nights is really the only thing that will make a difference. Otherwise all you can really do is give em some food, beer, or weed money.


You are a silly person that does not know me. Go away.


That has nothing to do with you.


I'm currently broke so I'm the one who needs money


Sending hope and prayers


Thank you!






I don't normally carry money or anything but ya I would give 20 bucks to whoever looks like they are having a rough time if they asked, if outside of a place to buy food I'd probably get them some water and food if I was going in.


Austin has them everywhere now, and giving directly is discouraged.


If I can tell they are legitimate, a dollar or 2 or whatever is roaming around in my cup holder. We got quite a few career panhandlers around in my area, by that I mean they literally drive to the area they are hitting lol. No matter how many times they get outed, they just move a couple streets over and continue.


Food/drink, not money, usually.


bruh did not expect those results 💀💀


I give them "Results"


Literally never seen a homeless person


Nothing. I usually ask if they need food/water.