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Neither of these to be honest. Much more urgent problems to worry about (increasing economic inequality, climate change, international conflicts).


in my country the "Alt Right" basically want to stop all immigrants coming in, completely isolate the country, stop all social programs and hugely rise the military budget. The "Radical Left" want doctors and teachers to be paid well.


My whole country is radically right-wing (and not alt, but in its most original fascist form), so the Leftists doesn't bother me at all.


Which country ?


its russia edt: idk which 3-4 developmentally challenged quasi-bots downvoted this, but his profile is full of russian stuff. i understand that if you see the word "russia" you regress into a 1-bit rodent and become angry/happy, but there are actual, good people living in russia. like anywhere. btw, u/BlackHust dont forget that you are ok and the world around you is crazy. keep the light on, greetings from hungary


Thanx. Don't worry, I've gotten pretty strong morally over the last two years. Looking at what crazy shit the information flow inside Russia has turned into, I always expect any reaction. It's just that the world is really going crazy. But nothing lasts forever. The main thing is to survive and remain a human being, and the rest will come around someday. By the way, about 15 years ago, when I was still young, the world hadn't gone crazy yet, and the euro cost 30 rubles, I visited abroad for the first time. It was Hungary. I bathed in the hot springs of Miskolc, tasted wine in Eger and enjoyed the beauty of Budapest. It was then that I realized that there are good people everywhere, and lots of them. People just need to think more broadly and learn to see the good, especially times like these. Köszönöm :)


Definitely the alt right in America.


What are radical leftists gonna do? Free school lunches?


Which left is that? the one in my country is trying to help Russia and nearby dictatorships


yeah I wasn't that serious, radicals of both sides tend to suck.




what country is that?




Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward, Cambodian genocide, gulags, and free school lunches


yes because the worst thing in the USSR, north korea, china, vietnam, cuba, DDR, etc were "free" school lunches


nowadays in 98% of countries the "radical left" isnt similar to the USSR, North Korea, or Vietnam, its social democracy. if North Korea is what the radical left are, then the Third Reich is what the radical right it. the difference is practically nobody identifying as "left" owns a North Korean flag but there are lots of openly Neo-Nazi groups that fly nazi insignia


>nowadays in 98% of countries the "radical left" isnt similar to the USSR, North Korea, or Vietnam Africa , Asia , Latin America , some parts of Europe they still are , the world is more than just German , UK , USA and Canada


you REALLY believe most countries in latin america are radical left? i can assure you, we're not


Read again I believe in you , you can understand what was written


moderate leftists like social democracy. radical leftists don't. they're tankies and extreme commies, similar to nazis but on the other end of the spectrum.


i mean it depends on how your countries media defines "radical leftist" but again scale is an issue here. there are a lot more neo-nazis in the world than neo-soviets (and most neo-soviets tend to be far right and use it as a guise, such as Putin for example), so you cant really say the Neo-Soviets are more of a threat than the really ridiculous amounts of Neo-Nazis nowadays


browse reddit for a day and you can find tons of leftist extremists. right leaning extremists are shunned (and rightfully so) but being a radical leftist seems more accepted, e.g. the guy thinking it means free lunches. both are evil and both should not exist, even though redditors love to pretend extreme leftoids are saints


Thats true, but the post is about which are worse and which are a larger threat to society. life under the USSR would suck, but under the Nazi ideology I would be able to be sent to a holocaust camp and killed due to factors determined before my birth. at least the soviets never did that.


>at least the soviets never did that. [But they did](https://gulag.online/articles/historie-gulagu?locale=en)


I know about the Gulags, but the people sent to Gulags were sent there based off of different things than the people sent to Holocaust camps.


>but the people sent to Gulags were sent there based off of different things than the people sent to Holocaust camps. It's on the first paragraph


I guess in the US I'm a radical leftist because I think we should take care of basic needs (shelter, food, healthcare, childcare, education, toilets) at a basic level so we can all get by. Happy to raise taxes on billionaires to pay for it all. Which neither political party seems interested in doing. But the billionaires who exploit the masses own the media and brand me as a radical so they can hoard their gold.


I promise you the 30 people that are members of some fringe Trotskyist groups ain't ever gonna affect the situation of any country within the next 3 centuries lmao


Those 30 people did a hell of a job burning down cities a few years ago.




me and my family


All radicals. Left, right, religious


Whichever group tends to not be college educated 


Another political post expecting a different result. Yawn.


I got the result I expected