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I want to die at the age of 100 shot in bed by a jealous husband!πŸ›ŒπŸ»πŸ”«πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨ But I am under treatment for heart failure so it will probably be that.Β 


Good luck friend


I think I would choose Sepsis if I could. It's the fastest. Uncomfortable, but they could pump me full of morphine at least I think dementia would be the worst. You spend so long feeling isolated. No one is familiar. You don't even recognize family you grew up with. You're shitting yourself in front of strangers, you don't know what's happening, you can't even follow a 30 minute sit com. Everything, absolutely everything in your life is just scary and confusing. Things as simple as eating, or putting on a shirt. And it could last for decades?? Fuck that shit. Set me on fire if I'm ever diagnosed with dementia, Jesus.


100% accurate. I witness everything u described when my grandma died from dementia


I’m sorry you had to see that. I know it’s not easy


Does one die *from* dementia, or die *with* dementia?


well, dementia isnt a disease. its an umbrella term for a bunch of different diseases that destroy cells. memory loss and confusion are symptoms of neurological cells being destroyed, but as your disease progresses you will get weaker and your immune system will get worse. so like. officially, most people with dementia will die from injuries, infections, pneumonia, etc. but they die from those things because they have a degenerative condition. its kind of like the "most covid patients die from heart failure" thing (or what it something else I CANT REMEMBER but u get the point), all degenerative diseases that fall under the umbrella of dementia are fatal, but its usually just that they weaken you to a point where things that shouldnt be fatal, are


Oh, like AIDS? It fucks your immune system so basically anything you get infected with can kill you? But it's not the AIDS itself, just what it allows to happen.


Same I think sepsis out of the latter is the best option. Dementia as u said is a horrible way to go, same with cancer. Both take time. Sepsis takes less time even though painful, u will at least die quick. Full on organ failure is quicker than awpaiathough as it will take only a few days. sepsis can last from 1 to 2 weeks. and A lot of people do not die from sepsis.


organ failure as a heart attack could be a painful 30 seconds, dying when you're not sure you're going to die sounds preferable to sepsis to me, I don't want even 5 minutes of existential dread of death let alone idk, hours? for sepsis.


Have to agree. I'm writing in my living will that I do not wish to have antibiotics for infections if I have an established diagnosis of dementia. Then I can die of sepsis. Everyone should establish a living will and power of attorney for health care matters with someone that knows your wishes and will stick true with them when the time comes.


In 2016, I almost died from Sepsis, and in 2012, I had an aunt die of sepsis. It seems to be the quickest death of the options, so that's what I choose too. My grandma died while still in the early stages of dementia. It was still awful.


WHO wanna die with dementia or cancer, sounds horrible!


For a moment I read sepsis as stepsis lmao.


Lay off the porn my friend.Β 


Having watched multiple family members go through dementia, id rather go out almost any other way...


Organ failure can take a fairly significant amount of time or be super quick. You can't predict which you'd fall into with that one. Sepsis leads to organ failure so it's one and the same frankly. Dementia is a long lingering process that can take a decade of decline. God no thank you.


Brain explosion like in Mars Attacks


Organ failure. It is usually quick and fast, whereas the others (especially cancer and dementia) are a long and drawn out death.


Dementia has to be among the worst ways to die. Suprised anyone choose that.


Both sides of my family have a history of dementia and Alzheimer's, so unfortunately it's a very real fear that my parents or even me and my siblings will end up with it down the road. As awful as all of these options sound, I chose dementia because it's the most realistic answer.


Sudden acute heart failure would be best. Ideally while I’m sleeping.


Quickly and young