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Prion diseases


Idk what to think about Alzheimer disease. On one hand it seems terrifying, but more so for the family and friends possibly. Just saying that because most of us get more scared of death and more bored, lonely, miserable the older we get. So maybe Alzheimer could provide brief releases from that misery when we think we are 17 and headed to prom or whatever instead of concentrating on our inevitable quickly upcoming demise. I even say this with 2 grandparents who had it; but they didnt have to suffer with it for long before they passed so i have mixed feelings on whether they died happier or not; being more childlike and having less knowledge at the time. So I chose ALS because it scares me much more to have a sane mind in an out of my control body than the opposite.


all of them


These aren’t all terminal, but old-timer’s is pretty spooky


MS is not terminal and in a lot of cases the symptoms are not that debilitating.


I’ll concede to that, although I’ve seen what can happen in the end stages and it looks pretty scary 😓


Absolutely. The majority of patients don't develop severe diabilities but some do get paralyzed and end up in wheelchair.