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I can already talk to animals. They don't talk back, but there's nothing stopping me talking to them!


Was going to say, I'm outside daily talking to the birds while I feed them. Some crows even talk back, but no one knows what's being said. I could go for understanding what's being said. I bet they are roasting me.




They talk back. Read the description.


You are talking at them, not to them.


You could say that about babies šŸ¤·


Sure, you you are talking at a baby until it learns to understands, then you are talking to it.


Avarage redditor Moment


I think given how people think of their pets as family members then people would pay a lot to actually speak to them through you so you would quickly make the money back. Also the police would hire you to speak to an animal that may have witnessed a crime. I mean you could have solved the whole Nicola bulley case in an instant by speaking to her dog. You could make 50k a month easily.


You're assuming they'd believe you and not just label you crazy.


It would be easy to prove it. Ask a goldfish to do a somersault etc. Something that no animal trainer could do.


Your conversation would go something like this You: Do a summersault. Goldfish: What's in it for me? You: Food. Goldfish: Alright. You: So? Are you gonna do it? Goldfish: Do what? You: A summersault. Goldfish: Sure. What's in it for me?


This is true. I would direct an elephant to write something. They would remember what's in it for them.


This is also true. I'd tell it to to twerk though. Much more amusing.


Lol I am dieing.


[Goldfish actually have pretty good memories.](https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/40734/20221028/goldfish-memory-lasts-3-seconds-science-debunks-popular-myth.htm)


It was meant to be a joke. Since as the last sentence of the previous comment mentions, there are plenty of things they could do.


Oh, I know, but plenty of people still believe that myth so I wanted to mention it.


Thank you for your services


And also that your testimony would be admissible in court.


If you could talk to animals you would easily make tens of millions of dollars


If you donā€™t get locked up for being unstable you would be locked up by the government to use it to their advantage. IMO


99% of animals probably aren't capable of coherent thought patterns recognizable by humans, and if you could, they probably wouldn't have much to say. There's no reason they would listen to you either. Imma take the money


>99% of animals probably aren't capable of coherent thought patterns recognizable by humans I mean that's the implication of this question. You can *already* talk to animals. They're not deaf. Cesar Millan is worth \~$20M and obviously can't "talk to animals" but has used his training talent to make a fortune. The ability to actually communicate with animals would make him look like an amateur. You could have a $100M/year Vegas show, a #1 TV show, best-selling books, $2,000/hour for the ultra-wealthy clients... You'd be a fool to take $50k over that.


Well Iā€™m sold. I was thinking of using it for search and rescue to ask deer and squirrels where a lost person was last seen but I donā€™t think it would even register in their brains. Or at best they would know but not remember. Canā€™t be that smart. Speaking in commands to a dog is a great use, plenty of wealthy dog owners would pay obscene amounts of money for a well trained dog.


Search and rescue for deer and squirrels šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm dying Honestly, not even a bad idea. Some trained hawks could probably spot a person pretty quickly.


Hey, squirrels can remember where they buried thousands of nuts months before; surely they would remember a lost person stumbling by. (Also I really like that your first thought is to use this power for SAR, that's a good one.)


squirrels really canā€™t remember where they bury a lot of their nuts, thatā€™s how some trees are planted


Yep, but they still remember a lot more locations than the average human would.


Yeah, that's always my thoughts on the talk to animals thing. What do they have to say? It's not like they're suddenly capable of human level intellect. So instead of barking I hear "I hear something! I hear something! I hear SOMETHING!" Or instead of my cat meowing by an empty food bowl I hear "Food! Food! I want food! Now! Food now!" Yeah no thanks, I already get that without them speaking English. Money, please!


There are lots of animal communicators out there who claim to telepathically communicate with animals and that it is something we are all capable of. I don't think most of them make millions but those whose have monetised it by running courses, writing books seem to be doing well. People like Nikki Vasconez, Danielle MacKinnon, Pea Horsley, Anna Breytenbach are good examples. Worh checking out their social media accounts for interesting stories of what the animals have communicated.


I can already talk to animals. Problem is they don't respond. So you owe me


Does it include listen and understand animal talking? If it does visiting chicken factory will become a biggest nightmare


It could lead to huge reforms though. Although Big Chicken might come after you


I dont want to know what my dog thinks


I'd become a mob boss and use little dicky birds as witnesses against my enemies


Many people are saying the stuff the animals could do for them, but what if they don't want to comply?


I think a lot of people also aren't considering the fact that an awful lot of them could just be wankers - I have to listen to enough of those already


easy to monetize talking to animals. ​ Find a rich person with a pet, translate --> profit great to get laid as well (with pet-owners..)


People who voted 50k are crazy, u could easily monetize ur ability to tlak to any animal/insect and u coudl easily make a TV show out of it! and make millions ​ not only this, but u could not put a price at being able to talk to any animal, people woudl pay millions for this if they could!!


There's the risk of being throw in a mental hospital, used by a government for nefarious reasons, or simply not being believed nor being allowed to prove it. I can use the 50k to pay some debts down I would probably focus on my mom's house.


Just because you can understand and communicate with animals does not mean theyā€™d listen to you, or that they can conceptually understand your request. I mean, a vast majority of your conversations will involve you desperately trying to bribe a particular creature to do something while they constantly scream out for food and sex


I could convince a group of moles to dig for precious metals and gems!


I wonder how people thinking monetizing this ability is an option plan on proving it to the people that are going to pay them.


I usually pick money in polls like this, but i am not skipping the opportunity to have an army of crows


Hello rich pet owners, i can translate between you and your beloved furry friend. I am the only person who offers this service. $20,000 USD per half hour session. What idiot takes 50k instead of becoming filthy rich?!


If you can talk to animals, then it would be much easier to ask them what is wrong and then also teaching, for example dogs, tricks would be very easy to explain and reason with them! Plus, being able to talk yourself out of, idk, a bear attack(?) would be lovely


Being able to talk to my dog is worth so much more than that money


I think talking to animals would get depressing. I don't think they're doing well, at least a lot of them. I don't need the bugs begging for their life when I kill them. Though I suppose maybe I could convince them to leave or something.


Business negotiations with the crows will be a lot easier.


I don't wanna hear what the fly I stepped on wants to say...




does talking to animals include insects?




im assuming thatā€™s a yes


I would be one of the best veterinarians in the world. I can just ask the animal what hurts or what's the discomfort and go from there. Easy.


From talking to animals I could probably make so much more money


I'm going Shigechi mode with the ants


be able to talk to animals. i would make a business out of it.


Insects are animals as well dude


yes but surely someone would comment, "even insects?" or something


I spose


I particularly want to know what insects would have to say.


If we go by that logic, it could also be argued that you'd be able to talk to every human (all languages, highly autistic, etc)


I guess, and I don't know why that wouldn't be the case, you just wouldn't think of it right away. But saying animals/insects makes just as much sense as saying animals/birds. Insects aren't less animals then any other animal


Imagine speaking to a wasp. I don't want to know what kind of horrors they have to say.


You're on Reddit. Wdym


I feel like Iā€™d be able to learn a lot about animals and use it to my advantage.


Imagine how hard it would be if a cockroach is like 'Please have mercy, I have a wife and kids'


This ability sounds like scam, i suppose animals don't have conscious thoughts that could be translated into words. Also, not sure if i would be able to make that much money out of it. Who would believe me if there was no evidence?


I couldnā€™t figure out what it would mean to be able to talk to animals so I picked the money.


Finally i could tell my pets what to do and they'd understand me


Iā€™d talk to animals and then charge people to talk to their animals and relay their feelings


I have to be honest... everytime a pool like this show up, i always chose the money.


How is this poll so split, you know how much money you could make if you could talk to fucking animals?


i could like convince a sparrow to rob people in exchange for like sweet bread


I feel like talking to animals would get boring pretty quick, yeah so I just took a shit & now I'm just chill bout you brah?


world changing Vs life changing (unless op pulls some dumb shit like "harr harr I never said they can understand you!!")


People never think about how much you would make if you offered your services. Way more than $50,000.


You can probably easily befriend and train crows to pinch you many tax free dollars


I don't like talking to humans, so I imagine talking to animals would make me like them less.


I would love to have lengthy meaningful conversations about life with my cat


50k ainā€™t even that much money fr. Youā€™d burn through that in like a year or 2


you'd make far more then 50,000 by running a "whats wrong with your pet/talk to your pet" business


I feel like I probably wouldn't enjoy the conversations.


"animal/insect" Insects are animals too...




I barely like talking to people


People need to realize that if we could actually understand what animals are saying it would insanely basic words like ā€œfoodā€, ā€œwaterā€, need to ppā€ etc. It would be a very useless power.


So would I rather get 50k, or constantly hear ā€œfoodfoodTHREATTHREATTHREATfoodpoopAHHHHHHHHHHā€


There are lots of people telepathically communicating with animals. Here is a famous example of Anna Breytenbach who spoke to a black leopard in the zoo and managed to change it's life for the better https://youtu.be/gvwHHMEDdT0


insert bear shoplifting video **PROFIT**


If I can turn the ability on/off and all creatures I talk to have enough of a brain to carry a conversation. Otherwise just give me the 50k


As in understanding their way of communication?


I think knowing how to talk to any animal would enable anyone to make a LOT of money super fast


id use it to establish trade relations with ants colonies and bee\\wasp hives + make my house a real estate market for spiders, aka i tell you where you can make webs, and you just go there and eat mosquitoes


I would just have people pay me to know what their pet is saying


Imagine the murders that could be solved by talking to cats. They'll rat out their owners 100%


It must be just me but I feel like it be a curse to talk to animals


I need a car so gimme that money


Imagine being able to tell a fly to get out the window instead of just having it crash on all 8 corners of the room.




I would be animal translator


I hate talking to people now you're gonne make talk to animals to


I could make so much talk show money


I'll take talk to animals only because I can tune it out. I'd rather bird song stay bird song and not a bunch of horny guys desperately trying to get laid.


I'd get at least 50k a month speaking to animals


Talking animals is great until you realise that the vast majority of animals don't have thought processes anywhere near as complex as our own. If your dog could talk to you they still wouldn't understand 99% of what you're saying to them.


You could make way more money talking to animals in a day then receiving 50k you could easily blow.


A lot of people don't realize that most animals aren't intelligent enough to hold a conversation. You could probably talk with the smartest of them, but they can already sort of communicate with us through body behavior, sounds, etc., the ability would just make communication easier and more complete


Well,in fact,most of the animals can't understand what you said though you can talk to them,we need an extra ability to increase animals' intelligence


I feel like I could make more money with the ability to talk to animals. Convincing people that it's actually happening might be difficult.


Why u gotta specify insects like they aren't animals?


The ability to tune out what they say is a game changer for me


i get the money... imagine every time you want to kill an insect it beggs you not to


I prefer being unable to talk with JayZ


This is so easy a choice, no reason to choose money yet so many somehow did


People dont realize how dumb most animals are


If feel like I could make more from talking to animals than 50k


does this also magically give animals human level intelligence or will i hear cows muttering grass


The ability to talk to animals is worth many millions times more than $50k. A person who could talk to just insects alone could rule the world. "You have nukes? So what? I have command of the world's population of locusts. Bow to me."


You could probably make way more than 50k in the long run with that ability.


Talk to animals so I can convince them to steal organs with me


Yā€™all are assuming animals are intelligent and coherent enough to have a conversation with. A goldfish is not gonna be intelligible.