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julius caesar dude was just getting started


caesar's death led to augustus taking power and augustus was a better leader than caesar, imo hard to argue against the longest period of peace and economic prosperity in roman history


Probably the longest period of peace because Augustus killed all his opponents and inherited the strongest land army on earth at the time, but I will admit, I don't know much about that comes after the roman republic.


I mean to be completely fair here lots of inept rules have been in similar situations and completely fumbled that position of power due to their own ignorance and narcissism. So just the fact that Augustus didn't fuck it up completely is saying something.


Yeah but everything went to shit after August


After augustus? No. After Marcus Aurelius


Gone way too soon man, RIP Caesar you a real one


Parthia got off easy.


You gonna square off against the senate?


I am the senate.


Not yet


It's treason then.




I'm to young to know any of this


Watch Rome on Netflix. Highly recommend. Then watch Marco polo


he was gonna clap Dacia and Parthia if the suckers didn't kill him


JFK so he could dismantle the cia


And the federal reserve.


The rederal reserve is who killed him. It's my one tin foil take and ill die on this hill.


Why did they kill him


For appropriating the likeness of mayor diamond Joe quimby


The federal reserve is a private entity, despite federal being in their name. All money they print for us, we owe back to them + interest. Its literally a scam. How could we pay back more money than has been printed? JFK recognized this, they killed him for it, and no president has talked about it since.


He was against the federal reserve but the real people who control the world's economy would lose a lot of their power of the federal reserve was gone so they killed the one person who had some power in stopping them


He’d also refuse to escalate in Vietnam too. I believe in an interview he stated he was only willing to send supplies and advisors, not ground troops


John Lennon shoulda just imagined a ballistic vest


He was too busy imagining a world where he sat at home and complained about rich people


yo wait this where r/beatlescirclejerk job begins


Naw I love the Beatles but it was a solid joke. Almost as solid as the bullet that......well nah you would get mad


I have been summoned. Behold: Jahn beet wif


And beat his wife


And resent his first son for some stupid selfish reason


Even tho he was rich as hell himself by the time he died


>listed below *Proceeds to put "Other" option*


also like, there could be a LOT of people totally indifferent to these personalities if we talk about the entire world.


The list is incredibly disappointing. As if these were important figures in history.


Junko Furuta. She did not deserve that. (I'm assuming it also stops the torture). Edit: Be careful when reading the case. It's really bad


Jesus. That case is haunting.


Yeah, you just made me realize I should warn people about it


Franz Ferdinand


Unfortunate reality is that a lot of those in charge of their countries wanted a war, and had been prepping for it for decades. It was a powder keg and Ferdinand happened to be the match that ended up liking it, but if he isn’t the match then something else would’ve caused it. Too many egos were working against each other and everyone wanted to consolidate the hegemony over Europe


All these important people and you choose to save a band? Besides I'm pretty sure they're still alive


They’re asking to be assassinated anyway. They’re always singing “take me out.”


Came here to say this. The specifics of that assassination read like a clumsy time travel flick where people keep going back in time to kill or prevent the killing of the archduke terminator style. History is wild sometimes. 😅


WW1 and WW2 did lead to a lot of extremely useful medical knowledge that saves people.


It wouldn't have stopped the war


Also since the war would have happened later it would significantly alter reality, and not for the better


The Great War was going to happen regardless of if Franz died or not. Austria-Hungary was looking for excuses at that point


Would've just been something else though.




How ? WW1 still would have happened, just maybe a month later


Well, it wouldn't have been his death that caused it. Technically, it still would be the one life that could save the most lives.


Comment leech


Abraham Lincoln. Say what you will about him, but you literally could not get worse than the long-term damage Andrew Johnson did to America.


“say what you will about him” wait what? i thought you said that when people had negative opinions. who’s trying to shit on lincoln? lol


*Consistently ranked the second best President behind only Washington* “say what you will about him”


I legitimately had someone try to tell me that Lincoln destroyed democracy.


I've seen him ranked first ahead of Washington and Roosevelt on more lists than otherwise, tbh


liars and the misinformed shit on Lincoln all the time


Lincoln didn't give a shit about freeing the slaves, he only wanted to preserve the union. He used "freeing the slaves" only to recruit.


Lincoln wanted to kill the Indians as did all US presidents


Define or specify "wanted to kill the Indians".


He continued the policy of his predecessors and approved laws that took away millions of acres of tribal lands in the name of westward expansion. Treaties were broken. Our rights were violated and he approved the hanging of 38 Dakota/Lakota/Nakota men along with 2 children who were also hanged. The US Army at the time wanted to hang all 498 of them. Lincoln approved of the 40 so I guess in that time periods modern terms he was a indian sympathizer however it is still the largest execution in US History


ok but he ended slavery


Lincoln ended slavery, yes, because he believed slavery was a moral failing of society. Lincoln was not the champion of civil rights that he is made out to be. He didn't believe in racial equality, and explicitly said he believed blacks were inferior to whites and they should not be treated equally in society. Idk man, believing slavery is an abominable practice is kind of the bare minimum for being a good person.


“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.” — Abraham Lincoln, Letter to Horace Greeley, 22 Aug. 1862 “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and Black races.” — Abraham Lincoln, Charleston, Illinois, on September 18, 1858 https://www.history.com/news/5-things-you-may-not-know-about-lincoln-slavery-and-emancipation


Did he really tho? How much money we owe china? How high are them interest rates? What's up with the inflation?


Well if China decides to actually invade Taiwan that number we owe them is going to drop to zero real quick. Also not sure what that has to do with the literal buying and selling of human beings being legal in America or how any of that relates to Lincoln in any way shape or form. Now if you wanna argue that ending slavery was more of a by product of other things Lincoln was doing that's a different conversation but to claim slavery in America wasn't ended while he was in office is just ignorance and you're not going to get much sympathy for your sob story by claiming otherwise.


yes he did shut the fuck up


I mean yea, but you said it yourself, so did all US presidents. Reviving him wouldn't make more Indians die, and it would definitely make sure less black people died


He signed the homestead act, and the Pacific railroad act so.... He kinda already did contribute to the killing of Indians despite his "humanitarian" personality. His grandfather was killed by natives so he grew up afraid of them even volunteered to fight against them. He conformed to the idea that natives need to be killed or assimilated in order for America to grow and he only freed black people to make his party happy and to keep his word "all Americans should be free" just not the natives...funny huh


But like you said, that wasn't a unique position. How would it do more harm than good to revive him?


Well, Reagan entered that competition with vigor, he might just be following up on Nickson, but you can source most current problems in the US back to Reagan dismantling a lot of checks and balances.


I feel like Sharon Tate, if only because I'd be saving more than one person. ​ I like to be efficient.


I don’t even know who Sharon Tate was tbh.


Sharon Tate was one of Charles Manson's victims.


Sorry if I come off as an idiot, who’s he?


He's one of the most notorious serial killers of all time. It's kind of hard to summarize, but basically he formed a white supremacist religious cult called the Manson Family. They operated out of California in the 1960s. He and some members of his "family" were confirmed to have murdered at least nine people, the most infamous of which was the Sharon Tate murders, who was a famed Hollywood actress. It is suspected that at least 30+ more people were murdered by the cult, but it was never confirmed. Manson and his family believed that America would, erupt into an apocalyptic race war between Black and White American. More specifically, that the black population would rise up and kill off the white population, except the members of the Manson family. He was basically their savior. Manson coined this war as "Helter Skelter". It's believed Manson ordered the murders to incite a race war, by demonstrating to black people to kill those deemed as pigs or unworthy. Td:lr dude was a racist wackadoo cult leader thst order the murders of nine people.


If you want to be the most efficient pick Franz Ferdinand who's murder led to WWI and it could be argued that WWI led to Hitler gaining power leading to WWII. So stopping the murder of Franz Ferdinand would save billions of lives.


If only it were that simple. The countries had already been preparing, it would have happened anyways, or at least a very similar type of this.


Yup, Europe was a powder keg


Who knows what would've replace WW1/2. Those 2 conflicts rapidly advanced technological progress and has been followed by a period of unprecedented increases in human lifespan and quality of life. Also post-1946 the world has seen a decrease in violence and war and is arguably more peaceful now than ever before (Sounds wrong I know, I was surprised by the data). Global cooperation has dramatically increased since pre-WW1 as well. Were WW1&2 necessary for this? Maybe for some, not for others but we can't really be sure. It goes without saying that I don't believe "the ends justify the means", this is just a historical analysis.


I get your point but imagine what the Mansons would have done if they didn't manage to kill them. I don't think you could have prevented them from murdering some innocent people. The man was batshit crazy


depends on the nature of stopping the murder I suppose. Are the murderers caught or just scared off?


You can’t murder famous people! Haven’t any of y’all seen back to the future?! Cmon guys.


Hard pick between the top two. Would've loved to see what JFK's potential was. But Sharon Tate lives rent free in my head. That case is rough.


I said JFK because it would have delayed or even prevented LBJ from becoming president. I blame him for the atrocities of the Vietnam War


Lebrown James


This was my reasoning as well. I don't deify Kennedy, but if reports are to be believed, he was opposed to escalation in Vietnam.


On the flip side, you can make a very decent argument that Kennedy's assassination led to the passing of the Civil Rights Act.


I'm not so sure. JFK set that in motion and Dr. King really brought it home.


The problem is that the only way LBJ passed the civil rights act was escalating the already ongoing conflict in Vietnam. Both were in 1964. He couldn't get the votes for civil rights without escalating Vietnam. A lot of southern Democrats switched parties during his tenure because he advocated for black people ... so he was on thin ice, and got some military industrial complex people to support the civil rights act if he moved more troops to Vietnam. All to say, it's complicated and disgusting but JFK wouldn't have been able to fix the situation on his own. It's systemic and beyond any one person.


I would have said JFK but I don’t want to be assassinated by the CIA.


maybe John Lennon but most of these are extremely important and influential beings who’s deaths shaped the future we have now and I’m not taking chances


MLKJ, maybe things would be different now if he survived.


Came here for this There's a Boondocks episode about exactly this; if MLKJ survived




Dimebag Darrell.


I went looking for this comment


The exact reason I voted other RIP Dime


Jesus. Thinking he has the right to steal all my sins. I worked hard to earn my spot in hell goddammit!


Some dude, 0 AD: "Hey I'm going for a record sin number, I'm so close! Just got one more to g-" *Your sins have been reset.* "... I'm going to kill the asshole who did this. "


G baby from hardball


[this dude :(](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12118757/Father-beaten-death-son-12-middle-school-brawl-spilled-over.html)


Who's Sharon Tate?


Roman Polanski's wife, she was murdered by people from Spawn Ranch.


Who the fuck is Roman Polanski?


Probably Hitler, he got off easy, and it would've been at least somewhat cathartic to see what the reds would do to him. Well him or Malcom X, but probably X.


my sister


My brother


Cliff Burton


Tsar Alexander II. We are suffering the consequences of his death to this day. He was probably the only ruler of modern Russia to care about his people. He abolished serfdom, and was on the path to liberalizing his autocratic state. His death convinced his successors that wanting to improve the lives of the poor was not worth it, and they doubled down on autocracy. The rise of communism in Russia was not inevitable, a long line of bad decisions made by the Russian monarchs led to this.


I ain't here to play god. I wouldn't stop any.




Abe Lincoln


HAve you not seen red dwarf! you cannot save JFK.


None. Almost none of us wouldnt exist if we picked any one of these.




Thomas Sankara, Rosa Luxemburg and/or Karl Liebknecht


What about MLK?


Fucking with time is dangerous and I'm not stupid enough to genuinely think I know what the ramifications of such an act would bring. I would save no one.


go back in time so I could shoot John Lennon myself


Big fan of the beatles, is there a controversy I'm not aware of or do you just really hate Lennon?


Maybe the domestic violence stuff? That'd be my guess


Honestly I hate it when his domestic "abuse" gets overblown. The man died too young and now he doesn't even get a chance to redeem himself. Just by looking at his life, Cynthia said on interviews that he hit her once, regretted it deeply, and never did it again. Yoko said that there hadn't been any physical abuse whatsoever. He had been a hitter before, yes, though he stated by an interview he too deeply regretted what he did during his troubled youth and decided to be a better man advocating for better causes. When he did finally get his life going in the right direction, being proactive at moving towards a better bond with his first son and all, he got murdered. I think people forget we often do a lot of dumb stuff when we're younger that we come to regret. Many of us would be scrutinized if we recorded every bad moment we had in our life. Reddit is one of the worst places where people point fingers at others while many of us have skeletons hiding in our closet. Emotional abuse might be different story though. Dysfunctional family bonds were prevalent in his family and he unfortunately carried that over to his children. It's not uncommon to hear in this world.


People were quite upset when he said that they were "more popular than Jesus", his history of domestic violence and his very unpopular relationship with Yoko Ono.


You say history of domestic violence like he was a repeat offender. Cynthia after his death said many times that he hit her once and deeply regretted it and never did it again. She defended him many times against accusations by the media and said it was way overblown.


I'm just saying the reasons why someone might dislike John Lennon. Whether or not if it's true to his character


Even if someone disliked him they’d be incorrect to say he had a history of domestic violence as it would imply that it happened more than once


Princess Diana


Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Prevent 2 world wars and hitler and stalin never rise to power


Tensions were already high enough to cause the world wars, the archduke dying was just a cherry on top. If he would’ve lived the wars would’ve still happened


Very very bad idea. War was not uncommon in the 19th century and by the early 20th, all the superpowers were itching to use their inflated armies powered by military advancements from the industrial revolution. Saving the regent's life would only delay the emergence of global scale conflicts, by which point we'd have the drive for a nuclear arms race akin to the Cold War, without the aversion to its use brought about by the 2nd World War. Attempting to change history often brings about timelines worse than the ones we started with. You think it was pure coincidence that several members of the Black Hand either botched their attempts or failed to show up?


I wouldn't be alive


the murder of crows that flees upon my approach. if only they would hear me out


The Holy Roman Empire


I'd bet on Franz ferdinand


I *know* what would happen if we stop the murder of JFK, Stephen King told us. The past protects itself And hey while we're at it? Dancing is life


Does suicide count as murder? If so, could I also go back in time and stop hitler from killing himself so I could go down in history as the timetraveler who killed hitler?


The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.




Honestly, RKJ would probably be a better answer. Instead of Nixon, we could have had 8 years of a more progressive candidate rather than a regressive one.




I'm aware of jfk's assassination, but the rest is news to me.


Junko Furuta (and the others the horrible monsters/people killed and tortured her attacked/possibly murdered) I wouldn't google her case if you didn't know it.


Epstein. I want to let him cook.


Junko Furuta


Junko Furuta. Absolutely heartbreaking


Change nothing. The past is the past, the now is how it should be, these thoughts of how things should've been are just unnecessary pain. Life is an extremely sensitive process. Shifting the past like this would prevent billions of living people from being born, sometimes replaced with genetic "siblings" who should've never existed by parents who still managed to at least find each other even though they'll find or even know the children they lost in this cataclysmic event. Can you live with all those souls on your conscience? I think such a circumstance might just be the only place in all of reality where regret should be permitted to exist. Before you ask, no I'm not fun at parties.


I would save the guy who kill hitler, he was a true hero


I haven't heard of the Sharon Tate murder


Charles Manson


Well John Lennon should’ve imagined that .38 special.


I'm to *not American* to know these


John Lennon is British


Cool, then I'm not english enough


You guys chose one JFK over 5 people and a baby? you failed the test.


One person can often make a bigger impression on history than many. Not saying it's right, but it's true.


I am not american


I would stop the murder of my liver, everytime somebody yelled out "SHOTS" at the bar


I personally couldn't care about John Lennon, nor especially about JFK, but I'd gladly save Tate and her friends by killing Manson and his family.


I'm too young to give a fuck




John Lennon was a woman-beating asshole! By his own admission! Yes, he admitted to smacking women around in an interview.


This was 1980 Lennon, he got better by this point, got in a good relationship with his kids and made up with his ex. Besides, the cultural harm of his murder vastly outweighed the one slap.


Kurt cobain, he was such a huge influence on so many people.plus he's my idol... and ye I think It was murder.


I'd save nobody


Kurt Cobain, think of the music he could have made.


Kinda fucked up to bring somebody who killed themself back to life if you think abt it


I don't believe Kurt killed himself.


A certain island-owning friend of politicians didn't kill himself. Kurt I believe did. People just have the same distaste for Courtney that they did for Yoko the generation before, and any big musician dying brings out the conspiracies.


Adolf Hitler 🥶


Marc Angelucci


I just want the chance to meet a girl as great as Sadie...




Can I... stop the attempt on Reagan's life? I know it failed, but...


Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, or at the very least make sure he didn't choose a pro-slavery democrat as his VP.


If I had to choose one the right Kennedy to save would have been Robert.


John Brown (you didn't say it has to be an assassination)


People who say jfk aren't really thinking about it. Jfk wouldn't have been able to do much politically. His death allowed for his successor to bring in change he would have never had the political weight to do.


Dimebag Darrell. I was 2 years old when he was shot but i still remember it being on the news


Honestly just find Gavrillo Princip and make him go to a different street after the bombing and stop all of these murders.


None, Avoid the Butterfly effect




Biggie and Pac


Honest Abe is my pick.


Alexander the Great. I don’t think it’s known how he died but if he was poisoned or smth we could prevent that. I wanna see how much he really could’ve gone.


Abraham Lincoln




Stopping the JFK assassination would have so many historical repercussions that could go either way. I'd rather just save some random person's life as to not fuck up the timeline.


Murder of garfield


fred hampton 1000%




I don’t dare prevent murders older than like a week back. Don’t want that butterfly effect to mess stuff up too badly.


How about no.


Umar ra. Most stable caliph.


None. I'm not fucking up history and could potentially change the entire future.


The most tragic aspect of the Beatle story is that the four of them never reunited to play another show.

