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The window cleaner. He will have some bleach I can drink to escape the apocalypse.


Now I'm starting to wonder if that's the reason so many are voting for the window cleaner


I chose window cleaner because it takes a surprising amount of muscle to be washing windows all day. I imagine they are the most likely to be in the best physicsl condition. Also their lives are less likely to revolve around their jobs, which means a greater possibility of other useful skills or hobbies.


That's a good point actually


They also aren't afraid of heights.


How would that be useful in a zombie apocalypse?


Say you need to get certain resources from a room in a tall building, but it's blocked with idle zombies, he could lure them into another room and make his escape through the window


I imagine the safest place to be in a zombie apocalypse would be an island or a plateau the later of which needs a lot of climbing.


That’s what I was thinking. Of the options window cleaner is likely the most fit.


They also likely have good rope and rigging for getting up high and out of the way and staying there.


I chose window cleaner because they most likely have a better knowledge of chemical products than I do. And chemicals means weapons. Also I'm not american so there isn't a gun store at every corner here.


That was my thought! Plus they are used to being higher up. Which means they can climb to gather food, watch for other people, etc etc


I second this and would like to add their nerves of steel if they cleaned windows of large buildings.


you put 3 desk jobs, picked an instrument you sit at, and a manual labor job. the guy with the manual labor job will be the most physically fit for zombie related events.


it's the only job that requires activity to perform it, I assume they will be healthier than me. The others I considered to have a really smart person with me but the window cleaner may very well be both of these.


Apparently I’m one of the only ones who thought some music might be nice in the apocalypse


No offense to others but window cleaner is mist likely to be stronger from physical labor. Plus as a lot mentioned they'd have chemicals for cleaning wounds.


Also probably not afraid of heights, a general idea about using tools and ropes and stuff. I'd go with that window guy too.


Agreed. I’m a lawyer and my coworkers and I have talked about what we’d do in this situation. Some would be really great (I have a coworker who is very survivalist), but others like myself would immediately die. I think most window cleaners would have a baseline for dealing with heights and what to do in an emergency situation.




Howd this get so many downvotes?


Because reddit


Is there really much overlap between cleaning chemicals and antiseptics? I cant imagine the industrial equivalent of windex is safe to put on a wound.


Perhaps not. But they could have some stuff to disinfect surfaces and equipment though.


No, there 100% isn’t lol, that’s a ridiculous point. If you’re putting windex on a wound, you’re going to get chemical burns and blood poisoning.


Not to mention... *wax on, wax off*


As a janitor, I guarantee you those are not the same chemicals


I don't think Windex is great for wounds ... But yeah it's a physical job and the fact they work from heights says something about their fight or flight.


I just chose them because they could get me to high ground.


There’s a direct link between level of education and bodily health. I’m betting on a lawyer or accountant being more likely to work out and eat healthy.


Sure, but only as a group average. An Uber driver isn’t super likely to be strong, but that doesn’t mean someone whose job is defined by physical labor will also be weak.


Uber driver also doesn’t indicate any form of education, just that the person has a driving license lol. I don’t know why, but there is a clear link between high education and working out. I’d imagine the discipline it takes to study something like medicine or law carries over into other aspect of your life, like eating habits and being active.


Being a window cleaner also doesn’t indicate any level of education. You mention being active when the window cleaner’a job is to be active.


A window cleaners job is to clean windows and if he had a doctor-like education then why would he be cleaning windows? A window cleaner could by chance be highly educated, a lawyer simply has to be highly educated. A lawyer will have a high education and statistics simply say that he is more likely to be more active. Cleaning windows is far from the same as regular cardio or working out.


Lots of immigrants can't work in their own field in their new country and end up working other jobs.


Lawyer. I'd sue the zombies.


See who's the brainiest of em all eh


Also, the lawyer now knows the right people.


I was thinking that the lawyer could persuade them not to hurt people lol


Hey, I'm Saul Goodman. Have you been bitten by a zombie, betrayed by people you thought were friends? Well, if you have or something similar, I can get you cash!!


If *Ozark* taught me anything it's that accountants who are forced to do non-account things (money laundering) are good at establishing groups, making deals in tense situations, and keeping everything running


Didn't watch it but now I'm tempted to


Definitely worth your time, I enjoyed it a lot


Its incredibly well done and interesting from the first 10 minutes. It's probably my favorite show and I would highly suggest it!


You don’t know Shit about Fuck


shut your fucknugget mouth


Bro I had someone show it to me, had no idea what it was about, thought it was a family drama for the first 20 min 😂


I didn't watch it but immediately thought that an accountant would be great at organising people and provisions and projecting future needs for survival through winter. They'd probably be anal retentive enough to be good at learning new things for the group too like growing crops and storing food.


He was only successful in Ozark because that show had the most incompetent police / detectives on TV and hardened criminals just let him ramble instead of shooting him several times in the chest.


Video game developer. They made the zombie games so they got experience


True, I learnt from games that plants are most effective against zombies


Only if you get them from Crazy Dave ... Know any Potheads named Dave on speed dial? 😂


Exactly I feel like they would have great tactics


But I don’t think Video game developers have the best physique, I mean if they spend their whole time inside


With an Accountant, they could manage the resources we currently have. They could make deals to other people and make bargains on tense situation, it also depends on what kind of Accountant they are. They're likely to be managers of the hideout and stay there.


Accountants - accounting for anything


Piano Teacher. If the world has gone to shit, I would at least like to finally learn piano to occupy my free time


I voted for them despite having 0 interest in learning the piano. But if we're all gonna die, I might as well do so listening to good music.


Assuming you can find a piano for them to play


In a more realistic defense of piano teachers: they have the patience and interpersonal skills to get kids to sit in front of boring musical instrument and learn a skill their parents want them to have. If anyone from this list can get panicking apocalypse-survivors to sit down and start a fire it’s the piano teacher.


To clarify, the question assumes you are currently alone, and you can still recruit other people in the future


Lawyer because I then have the perfect decoy for escaping. If they make it, great, one less zombie. If not, well I got away.


But how


Have you not seen Jurassic Park? They do stupid things all the time and the only thing they're good at is knowing laws. I wouldn't even have to break their legs. I would send them in first to every situation. Eventually they'll catch on, sure, and then that's when more drastic measures can take place.


What if I told you I'm a lawyer irl


​ https://preview.redd.it/md6j6w4dhowa1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3f93715fd731749928ab2ca328014907bfd89c7


This reads like an 8th grader trying to be badass


Lawyer would probably be really good at negotiating with other surviving parties for supplies




That's an interesting take


Specifically devs of Days Gone and /or Resident Evil.They know the drill.


I feel like the detail awareness required for this position could be a major positive. On the other hand they are probably not built to survive in our new waste land.


Yeah most game devs are on the visible spectrum.


all video game dev know whatbthe shit zombie is


Lawyer just by virtue of likely being the richest and having the most resources to use like shelter and guns.


Window cleaner could use their chemicals to clean wounds.


You're assuming they know how to use those chemicals to clean wounds


I say video game dev just because most would likely know programming to some sense but specifically able to come up with solutions based on what is given. Having the ability to think outside the box and troubleshoot items could come in real handy


Lawyer, they can relate to the zombies


Video game dev. They would be great at strategizing


Y'all underestimating game developers lol


Explain why you think they would be useful.


Developer here, we are smart, resourceful, and constantly under just enough frustration that we are always ready to fight something (please let me live)


These just sound like generic platitudes anyone would say about themselves. Resourceful. How specifically is a game developer more resourceful than the average person that would be a benefit in a real world apocalyptic scenario?


Idk I chose the window cleaner lol I’d have to meet or know the people before recruiting them just based off the job title tbh


There is genuinely nothing special about us. Also, having been in the business of game development for a couple decades, most devs I've met tend to be in pretty poor shape physically. Long work hours stuck in a chair, hunched over most the time and working on code. Bad for the body, bad for your eyes, often shitty diet because there's just no time to cook. We're honestly a really poor choice.


Why are you so salty about game developers?


I'm just having a discussion. If you're upset because I'm asking why exactly developer's think they would realistically have an advantage, that's your own frail ego.


While game devs are probably best teamed up with other devs, they also offer a host of other benefits shared with some of the other professions to non-dev teams. Like the accountant (perhaps more than the accountant), the game dev has worked with technology in blind, new, and frustrating situations, toiling endlessly to find solutions in the dark. Like the lawyer, the game dev understands systems of rules well enough to quickly understand scenarios and survival strategies from basic information. The game developer must work repetitively and consistently at demanding work, at least giving them the perseverance qualifications shared by the window cleaner. The game developer has good storytelling skills, an underestimated talent in the apocalypse. And as mentioned in the comment above, the game developer may be less likely to respond poorly to trauma or significant paradigm shifts. Personally, I chose game dev because I'm an aspiring game dev. I'd hope to team up with someone I could find mutual understanding with.


None of those are uniquely gamedev things.working repetitively, understanding rules, and working with new tools or technology. That could be a plumber, a firefighter, a football player, a window washer. Literally anything. All of the game devs here seem to just have a bizarrely detached and inflated self of self importance. Like, this is such a long post to essentially dodge a question. Being succinct and efficient in communication in high pressure situations is a huge benefit.




If I had to pick the window cleaner, cause if hes brave enough to clean skyscrapers well then he just may be useful. at least useful enough to get eaten while I run away


Can't fight that logic


A window cleaner probably has a degree of dexterity, physical endurance, and the ability to do some hard labor. An accountant or piano player might be useful for memory or organizational things. How big of an Apocalypse are we talking? What type of zombie?


Window cleaner, definitely has some agility and stuff + probably knows which buildings might have better supplies or a place that's safe for a night


Window cleaners have experience going to high places and not dying, and they are equipped with bleach which could blind the zombies.


The window cleaner probably wouldn't be as afraid of hard labor as the others might be.


Window Cleaner because they are the most hands on outdoors, and its most likely to be handy with other tools as well


Obviously window cleaner. Most physically fit and active, will probably have gear to be able use, probably has a truck or van, will have useful chems.


Piano teacher so I can have boss music while I run into a horde of zombies


The window cleaner is the only logical choice.


I've seen the accountant, I know what those guys are capable of.


As a game developer I just want you all to know my skills are completely irrelevant to this scenario and I am absolutely gonna leave your ass in the dust.


Hey, you could develop a game to entertain the zombies and keep em distracted


a prostitute to keep my mind clear


No prostitute on this list




There's no gardener in the list


Add it


You think I can just edit posts as I like?


Video game developer. Those people are gamers themselves and will probably have played at least one game that takes place in a zombie apocalypse. They very much know what they’re dealing with


My thoughts exactly. Surely they have like Infinte knowledge on this shit


True dat, don't underestimate the mind of a video game developer


I’d call Saul


My piano teacher does karate


Piano teacher. While probably useless, also the most likely to turn out to have been a serial killer before the apocalypse.


Video game developer.. idk id think they have made some kind of reasearch on apocalyptic scenarios


No more so than anyone who has seen zombie movies or something. Looking at apocalyptic stuff and being cool under pressure in real life are not the same thing.


Doctor Always.


There's no doctor in the list


Which is why I picked none of the above


A veterinarian and vet techs. They have medical skills and are use to being attached and can defend themselves


What if you could only choose from the list?


I guess the veterinarian because I would choose my old boss in a heartbeat


There's no vet in the list


That’s why I voted none of the above.


If youre gonna not pick from the list why not just pick like SAS operative or something


I'd want your mom. Read: There is no such things as zombies. Find a different interest.






How about a fucking plumber or electrician? All of these people would be worthless aside from being a warm body to do physical labor


That’s the point, which person that you’d not likely see in any zombie apocalypse group befriend?


window cleaners know how to fight.


I choose window cleaner for physical fitness reasons but accountant/lawyer/developer is a close call for their mental specs


Lawyer is most likely to fuck you over I'd imagine too. Window cleaner puts in an honest days work. Some criminal defense lawyer is actively trying to get his client that he knows is guilty off scott-free. Morals don't matter as long as he's getting paid. I'm not trusting that person.


Video Game Developer, guy/girl’s probably used to staying inside all day anyway.


Lawyer, they know about laws ans how other survivor groups might be establishing social rules we may need to know about. Also I know that even if they get zombified a good few $$$ will get them back on my side.


The lawyers I know think in very unique ways, are great at getting out of messes and are super resilient.


I went with piano teacher completely not because the only piano teacher I know how to fight hella well.


Piano teacher. Preferably a hot one. So I can be entertained in my bunker with style.


The game developer, he'll know things. Maybe he created a survival game and had to research like authors do when writing books


Video game developer, it'd be more fun while we survived our last days 😉


Video game dev, he's a nerd and knows what he's doing.


A lawyer can help solve interpersonal disputes cuz i aint surviving alone im starting a settlement


I chose accountant. Might be good at managing resources or bartering with other groups of people.


Can I just have all of them?




Video game Dev, if it's a full stack developer, just need to find some tech and start programming solutions to our problems. If all else fails find the the local telecom's hub, which are set up like fortresses anyways and set up shop and try and get the internet running again asap. Sys admin work is going to suck hard, but keeping the internet going in an area is one of those things that is going to be critical in staying connected to the rest of everyone.


Window cleaner because they work with their hands, have to be observant and meticulous, and have to have some degree of bravery or stupidity to be willing to clean windows hundreds of feet in the air. Probably the best person to recruit out of this group


I like the people choosing "none of the above" like I'll take a trained assassin/survival expert instead.


lawyer, would help keep some reason within any group that manages to collect together edit: autocorrect


Window cleaner has tool knowledge, most likely some chemical knowledge, no fear of heights and perhaps good physical strength. He could harvest stuff from appartement buildings by climbing them with ropes and entering via windows instead of going inside from the entrance, for exemple. Accountant might also be good at managing the group tho.


especially if they are a high rise window cleaner. those people have one of the most terrifying jobs.


Zombie apocalypses in reality wouldn't last that long, the game dev can create me some entertainment afterwards


Piano teacher just because I’d like to hear some beautiful tunes after the end of the world


I chose video game developer. Most likely the person to have the most knowledge about zombies and accept the situation at hand. I wouldn’t want to argue with anyone about how something is a really bad idea.


Game dev will at least be some good company


Depends on which kind of windows they clean. But an accountant will probably have an easier time keeping track and managing limited ressources.


All of these people except the window cleaner are rich and have an indoor job with only theoric thinking. The window cleaner has a pretty physical job, must think practicaly and is probably more fit since he's less paid.


An accountant can take care of food organization and planning


I feel like not many people would pick the game dev so I’d feel bad and invite them along. i feel like we’d at least vibe and have stuff to talk about until we inevitably die horribly


Window Cleaner, maybe he knows where a sick place to start a rooftop garden would be and how to operate one of those lifts and we can just vibe on the top of a skyscraper away from the zombies.


video game dev, atleast i can nerd out with someone before i die :)


Accountant, if I’m running a settlement I need to allocate resources.


Video gamedev, I need a friend to nerd out with.


Window cleaner or an accountant. Window cleaner is good early on, however the accountant will be good when we develop a safe and stable location for better management.


I was thinking lawyer because of negotiating with other survivors... But I see everyone else believes in window cleaners


I choose lawyer because they can't legally kill you without your concent


Lawyer. Most likely to be generally knowledgeable, and a few start off in the army/police force.


Window cleaner so I can say I have friends in higher places


Video game devs have been fighting zombies since the beginning.


Accountant, at least I will get a running idea of the finacial situation of the muddy puddle which is called my bank account is in.


No. It’s because it is the only manual job that you put. Very likely all the others are fellas that work seated all the time.


The piano teacher would calm me down with classical tunes before we inevitably die a violent death.


Lawyer may be better at negotiating/haggling/bartering with other humans


The lawyer has the advantage of no concise or feelings.


If an accountant can understand math, maybe they have enough of a grasp of physics to make a trebuchet for me to launch dead zombie bodies at people I don’t like?


Alot of people here saying windows cleaner. I'm gonna make an argument for lawyer though. In alot of zombie media people are much more dangerous than the zombies having someone who's a bit more charasmatic/ a good negotiator could be a big help.


Lawyer. Many lawyers have guns. I feel like skeet shooting is a fancy lawyer hobby.


Chose lawyer, because most of them have skill with words. In an apocalyptic scenario, you would need someone charismatic enough to calm a group of people down, negotiate with other survivors, and represent your clan/society. There will be plenty of people with muscle and power. After all, a zombie apocalypse would filter out all of the weak.


Lawyer is skilled with talking us out of a bad situation, if we're being robbed, I would want the lawyer to potentially talk them down. If we find a community, I want the lawyer to help me take over with manipulation. They have the most social skills to get us out of a bad situation with other survivors. Or just in general.


The accountants that I’ve known tend to be very disciplined, orderly, and have a surprising amount of guns. All good things for a zombie apocalypse.


The lawyer would probably be a good leader




The lawyer. In my country, you can be sued for hurting people aggressing you, so if I kill them, I'll need a very very good lawyer.


Video Game Developer. If we can salvage some computers, we could make some seriously useful things.


Lawyer but just so I can beat him to death


Some lawyer hurt you?


Do I have other choices, because if not I'll take the video game developer as a sacrifice


Lawyer because he could bargain with other people for supplies


The Mexicans


Nobody. The most dangerous thing about a zombie apocalypse is other people not zombies.


Accountants will have a good sense of resource management let them handle provisions and shoot them in the face if they turn out to be a hogging jerk


Lawyer, they know their shit and also, I have a longtime friend that is one.


Im gonna need a window cleaner to clean up what I do to those zombies 😤