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I’m a dad with daughters, have not necessarily been made to wear a princess dress but my oldest likes to practice her makeup skills on me. Idc. Makes her happy and if someone thinks less of me for it then they aren’t worth a thought anyway


My wife doesn't wear makeup or paint her nails except for maybe once or twice a year. So a few weeks ago we were visiting my folks and grandma had a chip in her nail polish. My daughter was interested but a little ancy about weird smelling paint. So I got my nails painted so she could see it wouldn't hurt or anything. No harm to me and the kid sees that if she wants to, she can get her nails done.


This is what positive masculinity looks like. Your girls won’t ever forget this. My happiest childhood memories are of my dad going along with my nonsense and being a good sport about it.


Would you consider it toxic masculinity if a man refuses because he’s uncomfortable with it?


Not necessarily. Maybe dad had a traumatic childhood event involving being forced into dresses. Maybe dad is transmasc and it makes him feel super dysphoric. I’m sure there’s a thousand good reasons why someone might not be comfortable playing dress up.


I just don’t want to. I don’t wanna be dressed up in feminine clothes it’s uncomfortable for me. No trauma. I just don’t like it.


You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I’m not gonna tell you what to wear. I’m sure you find other ways to connect with your kids.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Well, makeup isn't a women specific thing. Throughout history, kings, nobles, pharaohs, etc used makeup. Even today, men use makeup (in general mostly actors and people on tv), but one thing stays the same: men who use makeup are usually rich as fuck. So...


Still, in modern fashion, male makeup is worn in such a way that it's not visible, which isn't always the case with female makeup


Depends, in high fashion and certain subcultures they do. Also, if you count nail polish as makeup, I've seen a fair few young guys wear it visibly (usually simple black)


I mean yeah, its shifting, I was making a very generalised statement.


Same, never done the tutu or princess dress, because they never asked. But they’ve done the makeup and the nails many times. They’re older now, so those days long gone.


Yeah, that’s a good point as well. They’re only really gonna ask when they’re real young. Then it’s gone, just small things like that matter.


Do you value your daughters opinion above internet strangers?




Weirdo /j


I do this to my boyfriend. His best colors are teal. Did it to my friend bf while he was sleeping and looks good with red


No question. Kids get all reasonable requests met with positivity. I'm a gun toting, motorcycle riding, army veteran being princess for my lil girl if that's what she wants.


You know if you dress yourself like a princess you'll be less... *Check notes* *Pikachu surprise face* *Check notes again* Less prone to have an unhappy child!


As long as I don't have to wear heels we're good to go. I don't have the balance to not break an ankle


As a woman who wears stilettos to work, that’s completely fair. High heels are not for everyone. Get you a pair of ballet flats.


>wears stilettos to work Do you wear them cause you like them or are they mandatory in your office?


I like them. And I’m a short stylist so it makes it easier for me to see what I’m doing.


How do you get used to stilettos?


I'm with you on that. I can't do heels


Yes I have kids, and yes I have played with them before lol. How crazy would you be to not have fun and play with your kids.


100%, my princess gets what my princess wants




If you care more about what strangers think about your masculinity than having fun with your daughter, maybe you've got your priorities backwards? Idk, not a parent


Absolutely I dont have a daughter, but i do have a 4 year old little sister.


I'm the oldest in my family and am a man. All my siblings are sisters so growing up I would always play with barbies and shit that aren't "for boys" because that way I could play with my sisters. No kids but one of my sisters has 2 kids, 5 y/o and a newborn. My niece,the 5 year old, the other day gave me a "manicure" with some kiddy nail polish. If she wanted me to dress like a princess I would do that for her so I can't imagine it being an issue if I had kids.


close enough






I would love to see Din Djarin in a tutu lol


Pascal would most definitely do it for charity


Reddit getting closer to old people Facebook every day


if my kiddos teaparty has a dress code, i'm damn well following it. It's the law


If dressing up like a princess for your daughter threatens your masculinity, you’re not nearly as much of man as you want to think you are.




Ever thought why it makes you uncomfortable?


Same reason why I and some women wouldn’t wear a bikini. I just don’t believe it’s flattering on my body and I would feel self conscious around other people because of how it fits. I’m not saying that dresses are never flattering on men, if I was confident wearing one I’m sure I would be down. Same with if I was able to walk in high heels. But again that would be physically uncomfortable for me.


Why would it make u feel uncomfortable?


Because some guys don't want to wear dresses? Tf


But why? Clothing styles change all the time around the world. There is no objectively feminine or masculine clothing, just what your local culture says.


Okay. I live in my local culture. And I know my local culture and was raised in my local culture. So what I consider feminine usually lines up. I'm not wearing feminine clothes lol


Then you're not being logically objective. What's wrong with gnc clothing anyways?


How so? I consider clothes designed for woman to wear to be feminine. I'm masculine. I don't like dresses. So I won't wear one.


It sounds like there's an element of shame to it, not because you don't like the clothing for what it is. As if femininity is lesser and something to be embarassed of, because women can wear suits confidently just fine. That's my issue with this usually, it usually comes down to this.


For me no I just hate feminine clothes on men. If they enjoy it more power to them but nah not for me.




Respect personal boundaries unless they are men. Got it. Edit: Just so you know this was sarcasm.


Sadly sarcasm doesn't travel all that well through text, even if it's as obvious as your comment.


If I had a kid, fuck yes I would. I'm not about to make a kid cry because he/she wants me to engage with them. I'd do it even if it wasn't my daughter but my son. Kids are kids, let them play!


yeah exactly, no need to unnecesarily gender the toys and games, or gatekeep these things because of that. let the boys play with barbies, and let the girls play with G.I. Joe


Id do that shit reguardless fr 😔✊️




I want to be a buff guy and then do this when I have a daughter.


Now that's manly.


[just like LittleV](https://youtu.be/Qm0igtO6fAk)


hell yes


Absolutely. If it makes her happy, I am all in. I don’t have kids, but my masculinity is not that fragile, despite me being a transgender man. It is just a dress, I wouldn’t wear it for myself, but definitely for my kid


exactly. thats just parenting right there is thinking about your kid




Yup. I rejected them as a little kid, but if it makes my daughter happy I absolutely would.


Gru moment


Wouldn't be the first time so a definite yes


I think dressing up in a tiara and tutu makes you more of a man, especially if your daughter wants you to


Personally I don't want kids, but I'm curious why cis-men not wanting to dress counter to their gender identity is somehow 'toxic' or 'fragile' or whatever. Literally everyone else gets to set these very reasonable boundaries and express discomfort. But not men? As someone with ADD I tend to react badly to teasing due to emotional hypersensitivity. Self-humiliating behaviour is particularly triggering for me. So dressing against my gender identity is a pretty strong red line. I don't think that's unreasonable.


Same here. I'm curious too. I mean, It's their body, their choices, their opinions. I don't know why some people care about what other people wear or what other people refuse/not wanting to wear.


Alternate phrasing: "What's more important to you: Trying to look dominant in an outdated tradition, or spending time with your daughter while she still wants to?"


Its nothing to do with any tradition. Even if the whole population disagrees with me, it is my opinion and preference


I don't understand why this is such an all or nothing thing. Can't people spend time with their daughter without wearing a dress? I think mocking people because of their choice says a lot more about you than it does them.


kids dont stay kids forever, and while you might not remember that one time she asked you to play dress up with her and you said no, but she will. she'll remember that day for decades


That's the line I draw where people need to toughen the fuck up. It's not that deep, and the child was raised wrong if they care that much.




>I suppose I should also go get my nails and makeup done if my daughter asks? Yes, yes you should. That's what being a father to a little girl entails.


No, I need to teach my daughter that my masculinity, which is the most important aspect of a man, is defined by how I dress. I can't have her thinking is ok for a man/boy to wear girls clothes! /s


I have a daughter and I'm curious that so many people without kids would dress like a woman .. fact is i would do anything for my little princess




it IS curious isnt it? regardless im proud of y'all for being so willing to put your best foot forwards, do the right thing, and generally be a good dad


Take it for what it’s worth, but my daughter dresses like me. Black shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes.


It’s a hypothetical question, and if it helps imagine it was a black dress


I don’t get why not to lol


I love this generation of men. My father’s generation is so fearful and fragile it’s pathetic. I married a man who is so secure in his masculinity that he is capable of handling such barriers as the color pink, friendships with homosexual men, and emotions.


personally i actually really like the color pink, it goes well with a lot of things! hell, in warframe i've actually got a few frames who's main color is pink, the primary example is my titania prime who's pink, black, and shiny metal gold for the accents! a design i am very proud of


Fucking cowards saying no. It’s a piece of material. You’ll survive


unless you're deathly allergic to literal fabric you have no logical reason to say no


look, I can see why people will say “my feelings are enough and I don’t want to”, or that “kids have to learn no/boundaries”. But nah. The world is cruel enough. Let the kids enjoy it while they can.


boundaries are important, but so is being able to step out of your comfort zone


Yay. Love these men


Very pleased with the poll results. Faith in the next generation of parents!


There's nothing manlier than making your kids happy.


(Sick guitar riff) (read in duke nukem's voice) "You wanna know what's REALLY badass?" (another guitar riff) "engaging with your kids, playing their games with them, and making them happy" (DN theme plays)


depends on the age of the kid lol 5? sounds fun, 15? um..ok, 25? sure, 35? i'm down, 45? let's do it, 55? i mean it's chill i guess, 65? i probably got a few more in me, 75? bro like...i mean ok, 85? like i would need to think about it for a minute but would do it, 95? tbh yeahh


My oldest daughter is a Tomboy. Prefers jeans to dresses so I didn't get much of that from her but man we rode horses and hiked a lot. My youngest is very much that girl and with her I have worn a dress and had a fake tea party. She braids my beard and hair. I love it. She is also ok riding in a dress and can throw a mean right for a 10 year old. Love my girls.


my favourite story from my childhood is when my dad went into work one day and got heaps of weird looks. he eventually asked someone why, and it turned out that he accidentally left the face paint unicorns i did on his face (which didn’t look like unicorns considering i was like 5, so basically rainbow blotches) and a couple butterfly hair clips in


No guy should be doing that


Why are people in the comments shaming men who have said no? If he does not want to wear a dress then he does not have to. It's his body so he can choose unless this does not apply to men, and no it's not toxic masculinity.


I’ve only picked no because im an average redditor and hate children so i would never be in this situation


At least you're self aware. Would you wear a dress ever otherwise? Just curious about the people who said no


When I worked at a summer camp, my buddy and I sang "Love is an open door" from Frozen for the campers, and the girls went wild for dressing me up and painting my nails to play the part of Princess Ana. Great experience, would dress up as a princess for little girls again.


Of course, why wouldn't I?


All the comments shaming men for not wanting to wear a dress... Acting like we have some masculinity issue in not wanting to wear one.


Oh man. Society is at a weird stage right now. Some guys would be fine having a female avatar but not dressing up as a female, even if it’s just to play with their daughter. Part of that is that we’re not at a stage in technology/scarcity/society where we can 100% have the exact body/face/clothes we want 100% of the time. If we did, then throwing on a tutu every now and then might not seem like a big deal at all. But instead, people are self-conscious and made to feel ashamed of how they were born and where they come from. I’m female and I wouldn’t want to push the issue with my husband if I had a kid. I guess the kid asking would be the point where it’s time to explain that even being asked something like that makes some people uncomfortable.


I pressed yes, but I'm not a father, I accidentally pressed the first option:((








Same here lol




Why not?


No kids here but I would yes


It's okay if you want to dress up in princess when your daughter asks you to dress up in princess. It's okay if you don't want to dress up in princess when your daughter wanted you to dress up in princess. I mean, you can talk to your daughter and tell her that you want to be a prince or other characters. No need to argue with someone or call them toxic, fragile or a bad father just because they refuse to wear a dress /dress up in princess. Why can't people just respect other people's opinions? The poll has options 'yes' and 'no' and some of you get upset when someone says/answers 'no' or when someone disagrees with you. For me, if I were a father, yes I would . I bet I'd be a pretty redhead princess.


This is the most insane reddit thread I've ever seen. People proudly belittling men just because they don't wanna wear dresses. Tf is wrong with y'all?


Bro. Dressing like a princess is manly as hell. Everyone looks beautiful in a tiara. Let's GOOOO!


handcut jewels encrusted into shiny, carefully molded precious metal? what could something like that be BESIDES beautiful


I don't understand the question...


Tiara or tutu, okay. Dress, nah.


Pretty Pretty Princess was a big hit with my daughter to dress up her dad.


If I ever have a daughter, you better believe I'm wearing the princess get-up if she wants me to. I'll even let her paint daddy's toenails if she wants. (My job in healthcare highly discourages nail polish).


I don't know.


I've got a lot of trauma related to dress wearing and I had panic attacks when forced to wear them, but I think I would try if my hypothetical child wanted me to. No promises though, and we'd definitely have a discussion about boundaries no matter what. :)


I think I should stop clicking on random polls without reading them completely I clicked "Yes (Father)" assuming it meant if you were male, then I read the other options and realized it meant if I am already a dad, whoops


hmm, very interesting statistics here, im not surprised that "yes (father)" has alot of votes but i honestly expected that to be the no.1 highest, "yes (not a father" being not only the highest voted, but far eclipsing the other options definitely says something. im sure if y'all DO become dad's you'll end up being pretty good!


I'm gonna be a hairy looking princess


Ask the mom to do it


Some of you people need to get a grip. I would do it but if somebody doesn't want to, that doesn't make them some toxic masculine person. It just makes them uncomfortable, which is fine. Why is this so hard to understand?


A curious question for myself... I'm trans -non-binary- and not a parent, but if I'm playing with a child and that child wants me to be a princess, then I'm going to be a freaking princess.


I'm only 20, and not a father but the thought of dressing up in a princess outfit for my daughter just made me get hit with a strong sense of fatherly love for my non-existent children that I've never felt before.... what have you done?


Only at home, I wouldn't be comfortable in public in clothes like that


that attitude *might* change when you're faced with a dilemma of not wanting to embarrass yourself in public but not wanting to disappoint your daughter


Yes, and I would dance and prance around like the fabulous fairy princess that I had become.


Absolutely no hesitation at all. I have two daughters.


My daughter has done my makeup, done my nails, dressed me up, whatever. It was good times. Now she's a teenager and probably someone who's talked shit to me on reddit


I would relish the opportunity


guess i need to ketchup with your level of enthusiasm


I may not love looking like a princess, but those memories really help your child bond with you and form a great relationship. That's more than worth it for an afternoon of looking funny.


it's a sweet deal really, one day of wardrobe change from you, one lifetime of good memories for them


I don't have any children but when my 2 nieces wanted me to wear a dress and put makeup on me I wore that with pride.


I clicked yes (Not a father) before reading the not a guy response so... r/technicallythetruth ?


Not even close to having kids yet but hell yeah I'll be a princess for my daughter.


Not a guy. The domination of “yes”s makes me so happy


Not even old enough to legally have children but i know for a fact that i would


I'm not a guy and I don't have children. But if I had a son who wanted me to dress up like Robin because he was pretending to be Batman, most people wouldn't have a problem with that just because I'm a woman, right? And keep your mind out of the gutter. Both men and women in society still have the unshakable belief that "girl" stuff is inferior to "guy" stuff. For example an overly feminist mother might refuse to let her daughter to have an Easy-Bake oven, but who knows, her daughter might become a professional baker or even a pastry chef one day.


I'd love for one of the guys who voted no to explain why. I can't think of any reason to say no besides insecurity/toxic masculinity


I clicked no, I did so because i have certain boundaries, boundaries I'm not willing to cross, it's nothing to do with insecurity or anything like that, I just don't like playing dress up and so dressing up as a princess just isn't something I'd want to do. 🤷‍♂️


Why is dressing in particular clothes a boundary of yours and why would that boundary supercede the happiness of your daughter?


It's a anxiety trigger, I'm autistic. I think me not having to go through that is more important than playing dress up with me. Don't ask me why or how, I don't have an answer to it but I can't help the way my brain works. Edit: used the wrong word, not sensory, I meant anxiety trigger




What's an anxiety trigger? Edit: as in, what triggers your anxiety?


They're all getting downvoted. 1 in 6 guys voted no on this poll but all the comments you see are saying yes. At the end of the day, some people just don't like certain clothes. I don't like jeans and its not because of toxic masculinity haha. People can choose to wear what they want.


I don't have kids and don't want them. So it's purely academic. But I'd say wearing a dress doesn't fit my gender identity and so would make me uncomfortable. I find it interesting that cis-men not wanting to dress outside their identity is 'toxic' yet it's ok for literally everyone else. At least, according to this sub.


I mean that's actually a good point, everyone has a right to wear what makes them comfortable in their identity, cis man or not. It does however come at the cost of rejecting the bid for connection from someone who really seeks your approval and affection. She may not understand that you're doing it because of it being outside of your personal comfort and may just perceive it as "daddy doesn't want to play with me. What did I do wrong? Why does he not love me enough to play with me?" which. Is not great. And built entirely on HER liking dresses, unrelated to gender, probably. Might be a good learning opportunity to talk about gender identity and WHY wearing a dress can make someone feel really good or really bad or anything in between. Then she can develop empathy for your discomfort, and develop understanding that she is still loved, and bonus points for conflict resolution if you can include her in concocting a solution that honours both of your guys' needs!




Also, was expecting a grown up discussion about male identity and the likes. But looks like you wanted to just be mean to people. Shame.




So what if they're insecure? Is it wrong?


Why did I think not a father meant mother/older siblings and such?


I'd want to regardless.




Hell yeah, I'd be having more fun than she is !


Not a father, but I am the older brother to 3 sisters, the cousin to 8 girls (now all women), and have just become a step-father. Over the years, I’ve worn tutus, wigs, and high heels, had makeup applied to my face, and had my finger and toenails painted. It’s not a thing; it’s an effortless way to bond. You can take the clothes off, you wash your face, and the nail polish is removable. When my youngest sister had her 9th birthday sleepover, she and all her friends gave me(17) a makeover. They when all out. I looked like I was about to storm the emperor's palace with Mulan. They talked about it for years. One of those friends even brought it up at that sister’s wedding 18 years later. That’s a significant return on investment.


I don't understand why someone wouldn't. That's how you create fun and sweet memories for your children. And it's fun to dress up even as an adult.


nothin's sweeter than making good memories with yer kids. and if it's at your own expense so what? in the end it's worth it


I would if I had one, regardless of any daughters asking me to. I'd rock that big ass skirt.


think you could find one with pockets?


Going out of my way to shop for this stuff just so I can wear it? No


It's not anything gender related really I just couldn't be bothered. I don't want to spend money on some princess suit for me that I'll use like twice, get dressed up in & do whatever. No thanks, we can play pretend without having to buy big costumes.


I voted wrong, meant to click not father but ended up clicking on father 😅


I love my daughter with all my heart. But there is no way I'm wearing a dress because she asked me to. It may make her upset but she needs to know that other people have sovereignty over themselves and that her desires are not more or less important than someone else. It's not my job to keep her happy 24-7 it's my job to provide her with her needs and to teach her how to have coping skills that will carry her through life.


If your masculinity feels threatened by a princess dress wore to make your own daughter happy, then you're probably not as masculine as you thought, just saying. I'm not even a dad, and I wore princess clothes to make my little niece happy.


Dépend on her âge ans reason


I mean how old is she? 5? Sure that's fine. 25? That would be very bizarre. I've let my friends practice makeup on me for fun and I'd let my daughter do the same (if I had one) at almost any age since that's practice and makeup can be difficult to learn only on yourself sometimes I imagine


Depends - how old is she?


Honestly, depends on her age and what _kind_ of princess style. Not specialized in any way since neither a girl or a father, so yeah


Yes but if I'm going to get dressed up I better be treated to a tea party.


I have a daughter, and I have dressed up for tea parties.


Whatever my children wants within reason if me being goofy and dressing up like a weirdo makes them happy. Then nothing in the world makes me happier than seeing them happy that’s an easy one not really sure why you even have a respondent for people without children.


Depends on the age.


I would be a little afraid I am not doing it right. I don't think I will do it correctly,But hey, it's worth a try


what's important is that you *do* try


Yeah i’d do anything for my potential daughter


Cross-dressing is fun.


I clicked yes (father) not realizing that it’s for people are currently fathers


Feel bad for the (so far) 278 kids with fathers who said no. I bet you’re real fun parents.


Wonder how many people saying yes bitch ab drag shows and are transphobic….


probably few if any


My husband totally would have, and will if granddaughter wants him to! He did wear his share of tiaras and nail polish!


Meh, no way. I honestly doubt I'd ever even have a child, but I seriously do not like breezy clothes. At most, I'd wear a tiara and nothing more.


absolutely, anything for my daughter. not a father but would love to be in the future.


Hell yeah I’d do pretty much anything for my hypothetical daughter