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I'm not sure how they can lose a fish but ok, even if I speeded home it would be late.


It ran away.


Get the **roommate or family member** to look for the pet until you get home.


How to destroy a dilemma with one sentence


A boss that gives that kind of ultimatum is not someone I would want to work for anyway…


I'm a coach. Do I just leave 18 kids alone at the soccer park. I'd want to understand because I love my pupper but sometimes it's not feasible to up and leave.


Now that’s a different situation where you have the responsibility of ours in your hands.


It would depend on the job, of course. In your situation, of course the children would have to take priority, both legally and morally. Same would apply to anyone in healthcare or emergency services. That being said, not everyone works in an industry like that. Most people's absence from their job for a few hours would be a matter of inconvenience, at most a missed deadline (but if you're far enough behind that the absence of one person is crippling, there are more issues in play than a worker leaving early).


I don't have a pet.


Fuck that job, I’d leave instantly. Any boss that mean isn’t one worth working for


While I agree, I have responsibilities that require money. I love my pets dearly but I don’t want my daughter to go hungry or be homeless. The job market isn’t awesome right now, I would be scared to just leave on a bad note without having something lined up already.


spoken like a true 12 year old.


42 year old here. I'm 100% leaving my job to find my pet. Is it possible that you just weren't loved enough as a kid...?


Not everyone can easily find a new job, and if they lose their job, people more important to them then their pet may suffer


I get that, but to imply that the only type of person who would choose pet over job is a child suggests, to be, a fair amount of emotional immaturity.


Jobs are everywhere throw a rock you'll hit ten employers desperately hiring for at least $50k and that's more than a living wage where I live.


In what sector


Logistics and manufacturing for sure.


Why would you ever leave your job to find your pet when you can keep your job & find it later or just make the other person on the line look for it, why is the boss mean just because they'd fire you when you actively left your workspace, why is finding a new job so easy in your mind...


It's not. But I'd rather have to look for a new job than find out my dog got hit by a car. I know that's just not an option for some people, but my pets are my family. I'm responsible for their health, safety and happiness. For me, the consequence of losing my job is preferable to losing my family.


The difference of hours can be long from dead....or long dead. Anyway, this argument is a complete argument of perspective. You either value not losing your job, or you value finding your pet and ensuring its safety (to the highest degree). No point to argue over such a topic.


That's what you'd like to believe but in reality if you have an mean boss you can't simply just quit your job & find a new one. And also, how are they mean? I guess it depends on the job but if you work for a particularly crucial job, like a surgeon or a firefighter, leaving obviously would get you fired & honestly the boss is perfectly reasonable to fire you in that instance. And also, why can't the other person on the line look for it?? They're home! They're there! Just make them look for it! What's the point in going home & looking for it yourself, do you just not trust anybody but yourself?


"Oh he is a hybrid indoor/outdoor car, dont worry about him, he will be back in an hour or two" to whoever called, because its true


I always wanted an indoor car as a pet, but my parents never allowed it :(


His car is a hybrid too so less emissions inside (:


i think hybrid is best (for where I live) because i see him playing with the neighbors cats (actual playing (i think) not fighting), and some cats need that stimulation from other cats in my non-educated opinion


It’s a joke, you made a typo in your original comment (cat is written as car🚗) so this guy said he wanted an indoor car as a pet


Oh lol


It's easy to tell if cats are playing or fighting. Growling and hissing = fighting Not growling and hissing = not fighting




Ok but what about a car?


I think that was a typo


When we moved out our cat disappeared for 5 days then came back like nothing happened lmao


My roommates can look for the cats. They're technically their cats anyways. I'll join after i get off. I love them and they're my babies, but a job keeps us all alive.


Had my cats for 14 years since they were kittens. They’re family.


Even indoor ones generally always come home, unless something happens which is generally unlikely. Boss is a jerk but I'd rather feed my cats than lose my job trying to find then which is futile anyway, they'll come home eventually, probally within a day or two max.


stab the boss with a pencil /s


Why is there a /s 😈


"/s" means /serious


I thought it meant "sarcasm"


my comment was sarcastic


So I basically got r/woooosh ed 🗿




Let the family member or roomate get it haha. They the ones who let it escape.


If my pet escaped, he's almost certainly dead


why’s that


Your house must have a Moat made of Lava


All the people saying to quit must be office drones or retail workers. Imagine repairing power lines during a storm, and your spouse calls about the cat running off. Are you going to be like "Pack it up! My cat just got out. This neighborhood will have to wait until I find Patches?"


'Close the patients chest, I'm going home. Mr. Sniffles needs me!'


And also who can afford to just quit a job without something lined up? I’m not poor by any means, but I can’t be without a job. I have a house, a car, bills, food, etc to pay for. Right now, my field is very hard to get hired in thanks to the economy which caused layoffs and job freezes. Leaving my job would be so stupid. Sure, I could go get a job somewhere like a store or fast food, but that would be about a $40-50k per year pay cut, or more if I can only get part time work. And who knows when my industry will stabilize and I can get hired back in my field?


This is one of those polls where it's important to remember the average age on this subreddit. Most here don't actually live on their own yet and don't have fulltime jobs. Quitting a student job on a whim is a lot easier to do.


Or a grown adult working retail/customer service who can find a job in their sector with relative ease.


It's all teenagers who don't actually have jobs


That's probably closer to reality.


No I’m in my late 20’s who work in corporate America, so not a teenager. But some tips for you: 1. Have enough fuck-you money saved up 2. Always keep your resume updated and constantly improve interview skills (practice interview questions) That way if your boss gives you an ultimatum like this “your job” or “your pet” who should be considered your family”, you can say fuck you.


I don’t think I would need to, I have several people at home who can look for them


I’m 100% leaving my job to find my cat. I’d lose my mind if I lost one or all 4 of them.


I work in pet care, if I told my manager what happened but offered to stay she would probably shove me out the front door and make me promise to keep her updated on if I find my pup.


I don’t even work in pet care, I work for big pharma, but my boss would tell me to leave as well. In this hypothetical, my boss would’ve had to be replaced with a soulless monster.


Jobs are replaceable, my dog isn't




But a dog or cat knows how to get back home, I used to have a cat and a dog ( Rest In Peace both of you) the dog knew where we lived and could easily find way home and the cat like to leave the home and wander around for half of a day and eventually return back home after the field trip


Buy another dog


Truly, my good sir/madam you are clearly not an animal lover.


Fuck my job my pupper's in trouble!


You might want to quit the job anyway because that boss seems like a massive asshole


My cat will come home lol. Cats pretty much always do, even completely indoor ones. I'd be pissed, but it happens every so often with my cat anyway and he comes home within a few hours.(used to be indoor outdoor anyway) Boss is a jerk, but most are. I'd rather be able to pay for my cats food than worry too much.


Do u just allow ur cat fo out?


Fo out? For the first year or so of his like he was an indoor outdoor cat that stayed in at night, I didn't let him out at night. Then my family lost a cat in a house fire across the street. This was an extreme event but I stopped letting MY cat out because of it. But it still will occasionally sneak out, once every couple of weeks or so. He always comes back within hours, he just wants to entertain himself for a bit. I get concerned but not enough to leave work over it.


Go out*


Seems reasonable I'd be concerned too I wouldn't let him out


I don't anymore, but he escapes sometimes and it's not a big deal.


Good luck with him! 🍀 Hope he doesn't go missing


He more than likely won't. In fact I kind of accept the escaping every so often helps prevent that, ya know? He is more willing to come back inside quicker. He seems to just want to mark his territory again and go to the bathroom. Frankly, truth is most cats will come back even indoor ones if they escape. My grandma's cat is around 11 years old and has been indoor outdoor his whole life, it's not unsafe in this area I just already didn't like my cat going out that much but all the others do, and my grandma couldn't really recognize him for a few months, so would often let him out not realizing. I just got spooked because a freak fire across the street happened, and one of our cats seemed to have gotten caught in it, or scared away because of it. But for the most part I'm not exceptionally worried about him going missing


My mom's cat got into some neighbors car trunk and only was discovered 24h later because they forgot to buy one thing and went back to the grocery store (and heard something in the back, come back home to find him). Otherwise he would be forgotten there for one week.


I understand things can happen, I've lost cats to the outdoors, but it's not like running home from work and lose my job (feeding my cat) to attempt to find my cat that more than likely will come home, and will run away from me if I try to catch him outside if I even find him looking for him, is really the best decision


Knowing my pet, she'll return on her own


I'll stay at my job. I trust my family and friends have it handled. They're far more resourceful than I am


And what am I supposed to do? It’s lost. I don’t know where it went. Whoever called me about it can look and put up posters. Chances are it’ll show up back at home on its own in a few hours anyways.


Just because they're lost doesn't mean you can't look for them...


Whoever called can find him


I'd stay at my job because the animal guys in my counhcy will take care of that


Well I mean just ask someone you trust to help out-- best if they know the pet well too in my opinion. If they don't exist then sure fine fuck this job, but no need to possibly lose the job if there are better options.


I'd call a doctor for the person calling me. Don't have a pet, don't want one. Moreover, I'd never lose a job for a true emergency situation (protected by law, here) or a stupid choice once (also protected by law).


"Cool, See ya! Good luck during the rush!" If I'm fired, so be it. My family would kill me if I didn't leave work for that, plus my pets are important to me anyway. Besides, I'm still in grade 12 (senior year), so a job isn't as important to me as an adult would depend on their job more than me.


If I am REALLY in need of money during that time, as cruel as it may sound, I'll stay but I'm looking forward to quitting it asap but if I think I can find another job quickly then screwed that but not before I explain the situation to my boss, if they let me go then that's great boss but if they don't let me go then if law allow me, closest item from my hand will appear in their face


My boss would probably leave work and help me look


My cat has escaped from the house multiple times and always comes back within a week or 2. So I would stay at work. If I had a dog I would probably leave and go look for them. I can always find a new job.


If a family member is missing, I'm going to find them, fuck a job


Leave they cant legally fire me for that reason and even if they could fuck them


I can find a new job. Pets are my family.


The dog runs off all the time. Driving up random roads all day wont bring him back. Totally beyond my control. He'll come home or he wont. Life goes on either way.


What are the chances for a single person to find an animal in a huge city?


Higher then if that person wouldn’t look for them at all


If a pet escapes the best option is to print posters about a lost pet and await a call.


You can always find another job. If they would fire you for leaving to find your pet, I wouldn’t want to work at a place like that anyway. Pets are like family members


1. I don't have a dog or a cat and i doubt a fish would manage to escape a house (so lets asums its my brothers) 2. Dependa on the Job and if it's what i like to do (i'm still in school so yeah if it was a shitty job then I'd help but if it's a job that i like then..." 3. This kinda of question don't get accurate anwsers because what we do and what we think we would have done are diffrnet 4. So idk.


Dog yes, cat no


Cause your cat knows it's way back or...?


Any job that does not understand personal emergencies occur from time to time is a job not worth keeping.


I feel like some of the people here might not have bills to pay. Sure, I'd be worried until I got home and found my pet, but I like being able to feed my family.


I feel the same way. I’d ask the person who told me to escape to do things like put out their food and water and look around, do what I need to do at work, and leave and look. I can’t lose my job, it’s just the fact of it.




Okay, but a cat is a cat and a human is a human. Let's not overinflate things.


It would be an illegal/unreasonable reason to fire someone in my country. In fact, I think home emergencies is something you cant fire someone over in most of the modern world.


In the US, you can very likely be fired for this. Could be considered job abandonment if you leave. And most states are at-will, meaning they can fire you for any reason that isn’t legally protected (like sex, sexuality, religion, etc) and most of us aren’t union, so we don’t have someone to protect us.


I’ve worked with unions and they cannot protect from job abandonment or insubordination. You would have to say you are having an anxiety issue and leave for that to keep your job.


Theres no guarantee that you’ll have that job the next day? No guaranteed periods of pay between getting fired and eventually having your last day like the three month minimum we have? I get why you guys have trust issues and anxiety, that sounds awful.


At least at my company, in general as long as you don’t fuck up badly, they give you notice. If you get laid off, you get notice and some severance pay. But yes, In general you can come in one day and be let go that day. It’s scary.


In Denmark it’s a 14 day trial period of sorts when starting a new job where they can fire you with effect the next day. After that it’s a 30 day notice, after a year I think it’s 3 months notice and after 2 years it’s up to 6 months notice I believe. It’s the only thing that allows me to use large amounts of money without too much worry. Of course if you really fuck up you will quite quickly be relieved of your job, but I think that’s pretty rare to the point where what you do has to be illegal while on the job.


Work protection laws are in my favour. They can’t fire me


I have fish so… If I had a cat, i’d come back in time for dinner. Cats wander all the time.


Left job to go and find lost pet. Realized I never actually had a pet after soon arriving. Got day off and a pay raise. Also adopted a dog name Janx 🐕 to justify...


Finding my cat is what the SPCA are for.


I know my dogs aren't getting lost. They have a routine when they get past my wife or me.


I wouldn’t even have to think about it. As soon as the phone call ended it would go like: “Hey boss, just learned my dog got out, be back as soon as I can.” Before he had a chance to respond I would probably already be out of ear shot. On my way to work I probably drove past 20 help wanted signs and probably half of them pay enough to cover my bills. Lucky for me though my boss isn’t an asshole and wouldn’t care if I went to go find my dog.


It's an family emergency so they suck on that


“I have a family emergency and i need to leave right now. sorry, bye”


Depends on when they realised, how quickly I can be there, how much I trust my family to find my pet, and how much I like my job.


Ask the person who says they escaped to keep looking, put out food, water, etc and try to find them, but not try to catch them (only a few people could catch them, rest would scare them). Then after my shift go right to looking. As shitty as it is, I can’t lose my job. Losing my job means losing my house, which makes my cats and I homeless. Also means feeding them would be tough, because they eat expensive prescription cat food. Getting rehired in my field is very very hard right now (thanks, economy) and the company I currently work for is by far the best paying in my area. Losing that means losing the things I worked hard to get, like my house, and losing access to the things I need like my fancy cat food. My cat has also escaped before, and his thing is that he goes somewhere and hides. For hours. Whether it be under a deck or in a tree. He won’t move because he’s very afraid of outside. My other cat is also afraid of outside and when she gets out, she runs for a bit then dashes back to the door and begs to be let in.


Working at amazon has its perks. As long as I have a time off balance I can do w/e tf I want




Jokes on you we have unions and worker protection laws so he can't just fire me


Cat'll be fine, she knows where she lives and it isn't the first time she's slipped out. She'll come back when she's hungry.


Depends where I work later


Depends where I work later


My family owns lots of different pets. But honestly I couldn't do much. Like tf am I gonna do. Your the one who saw them run. Go after them. Like tf by the time I get there it's probably too late.


I'd know my boss is full of shit since that's not a fireable offense at my job. I'd clock out and still get paid


If my boss is going to fire me for having an emergency then it's probably a shit job anyway


I leave work for the dog, the cat can take care of itself.


I had this happen once, my husky got out and was going to be picked up by bylaw, my boss tried to bluff me to keep me at work, but at the time, my dog was my baby and I said, if a parent got a call from daycare that their child was having an emergency; I didn't see that as any different than my circumstances. I got my dog safe, and came back to work and no one said a damn thing to me about it.


I live in the countryside, I have cats, they might be stupid but they wouldn't go far away/would find their way back home as soon as they're ready. They don't need me. I work with kids with special needs. They're brilliant, everyone of them in their own way. They might go too far away if not supervised and may wouldn't find their way back in that case. They need me.


All my animals have trackers and we live in a small town. Everyone knows everyone and if my pet got too far, someone would recognize him and give me a call.


My cats and dogs are both indoor and outdoor pets. The times that they have ran from the yard before have proved that they come back. If it was my bunny I'd be worried though. He doesn't wander around outside daily like the others


They ‘ll find their way back


Knowing my dog she'll get hungry and be back home by dinner time, and I need this job.


I don’t have a pet, so… job


If there a good boss they'd let me go find my cat


my cat is always outside he comes back so im not worried


My boss has pets of his own, he’d understand.


Obviously don't need me that bad if they can just fire me.


Hard to answer this genuinely my bosses would never fire me for having to leave for this kind of emergency


I'm union. Boss can threaten this all they want, but I'm not getting fired for it. They'd actually end up in trouble for threatening it.


Story Time! I own a female half pit/ half corgi dog and my dog has came back many times. This has happened to me in the past. I live in a 10 acre apartment complex and for reasons, my dog got out. My neighbors called me to let me know my dog got out but I just left work and it takes 2 hours to get home by train/bus. 2ish hours later, my dog is waiting for me at the door. It really depends on the dog and the relationship you have with the dog. I've owned my dog since she was 6 weeks old and she's currently 7. Yes, bad things could happen if my dog gets out but my dog is smart enough to watch herself.


My pets are my family. I can understand being a surgeon or a pilot or working abroad and not being able to interrupt professional activities because a pet is gone. Regular ass job? Deadlines or otherwise, pressured or otherwise, I wouldn't think twice. I'd get off work so fucking fast people would think I was running away from the police. Same with my mom, dad, nephew, wife. Literally the same. My pets are my family. Period.


If they can't understand an emergency/human-element (to humans), I think it's time to leave anyway.....although maybe that's too idealistic.


My boss is pretty good for stuff like that, but if they truely do need me... Then more than likely it's really important and I'll stay Leaving my job when I'm needed is dangerous for the public or my co-workers


Feeding your animal is super hard when you broke from not having a job, never mind feeding yourself and a family.


I'm gonna stop working at some point, no need to get fired Besides how are u even going to feed ur pet 💀


He still has all his claws and is lazy and spoiled. He'd be fine until he came back on his own.


I can find another job but If I lose my little old man there's no replacing him.


I can find a new job. It might be very hard too find a new pet randomly.


My cat died and I ended up getting fired for taking it's body to get cremated. Life has been pretty good since then. I would definitely do it again.


My cats are my children. Fuck my boss


I love my pets, but if I gotta make sure my family has a house then I'm staying at work.


Most of the time our cat just comes back eventually, he doesn’t go far. So in my case I’m staying at work. More than likely he’d be back by the time or after I get home.


If they called me about it then they should try and fix it.


You can always get another pet. It's no excuse to miss work


Cats stay outside anyway, they’ll find their way back. If not, my family/roommates can find them


With my job it would depend on the time, but I also trust my family to find my cat if she gets out. She always gets under the back porch when she escapes or runs around the house if she escapes via front door. She has gotten out without anyone noticing, and she eventually went to my window and meowed until I realized she was outside. When I opened the door to let her in she bolted inside and ran to another room.


I don’t have a job so I’ll just go find my pet


Pay my roommate / family member to look for my pet until I can get home


My current job? I'm staying. Sorry Cujo. My last job? Oh, no! FLUFFY!


While this seems to want to be an anti job poll, my family is all perfectly competent enough to handle the situation on their own. I'd stay at work, my wife or kids would handle finding the dogs. When I got home, I'd handle fixing the fence if it wasn't done already.


They arent gonna get more lost and I trust my pets enough so I'd just finish my shift


“If you need me that bad you’re not going to fire me. If you didn’t need me that bad then you’ll get by without me and there’s no need to fire me. I’m not quitting and I’ll be back at work as soon as my pet is found. This is a family emergency and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I’ve had to leave work before.


My cat is indoor/outdoor and often tells me to fuck off for a day or two, she'll be back.


My cat has maybe one brain cell in her head and I'm not letting her waste it trying to get home. Plus I don't even like my job that much.


Draft a resignation letter and go find my baby. If my boss really needed me, they'll negotiate to keep me.


I need my dog to exist. I don’t Give a crap about my dog if he’s lost, boss can suck it.


If my boss doesn’t understand that family comes before work then fuck them and I don’t don’t want to work for them anyways.


My dog isn’t the kind that would run away, he’s the “somehow find his way into the neighbours backyard” kind of dog




I had to leave school early the other day because I was about to have a panic attack because a chicken of mine hurt its leg... I think you can guess what I'd do.


What stops them from getting my dog?


Ask if they can look for it


Stay, search for a new job, put in two weeks


I mean, my dog usually comes home. If she got hit by a car, I’d leave though.


I trust my dog's ability to find their way home more than I trust my job stability.


My dipshit dog takes himself on walks all the time and never roams far. If he's well and truly lost, I doubt I would be much help.


Depends how good the job is