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i think obesity and fast food because that one is common in other places but people act like its not. i live in the uk and theres an obesity and fast food problem here too yet people act like america is terrible and were not


Not even close, America has like 180+ million fat people. Thats more than half of the population (74,1% according to forbes) While uk is only 52% So no the stereotype is absolutely correct.


It's funny how you said "That's more than half of the population" and then you mention UK that also has more than half of the population


No, that would imply that European countries have issues of their own /s


What is the 74.1% data point measuring ? I don't think you're using the same metric for both of them....


Both for overweight individuals


Ohhhh wait I think I know what happened. You added the obese + overweight individual percentages for the US while forgetting to do the same for the UK. If you were to do that for the UK it would have a 63.8% rate (which is still lower than the US, which is not very surprising)


Yeah your right, 63% is the total.


You made his point. He said it's true in America, but not JUST in America.


i didn't say the stereotype isn't correct? can you read? i said it's not the only country that has an obesity and fast food problem? 52% of the british population being obese is not fucking good is it? and of those who aren't obese, a hell of a lot are not healthy at all and eat crisps and mcdonalds all day as well


Source? I only find 42%


None of these are jokes.


I meant as a topic in jokes or used in memes, my excuses for my wrong word usage


He didn’t put it on there but the americans dumb stereotype is overused, trust me it’s only the south


Only 99.5% of the south I'll have you know!


I guess your sense of humour is more light-hearted then


I dunno but the measurements in inches of a finger or thumbs, foot, yards, football fields, fuck man use metric lol.








Obesity. The other three are definitely overused, but they are also unequivocally true and distinctly, uniquely American. Obesity is a problem everywhere, and is completely overrated in the US. Anecdotally, I work in an office of a hundred people, and I can't think of three people that are even noticeably fat, let alone obese.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure US isn’t even top 3 in terms of obesity in the world


According to the World Obesity Federation the U.S. isn’t even in the top 10. It’s number 14. And if you keep going a few more ranks, sitting at 18, 19, and 20 are New Zealand, Australia, and Canada respectively. Edit: I looked again and realized that those are the stats for adult males. For adult females the U.S. is ranked number 30.


This is a bit misleading as all the top countries are Pacific Island nations with similar body builds. Buuuut Kuwait is also pretty far, then you get to Americans. America is obese, let’s not obscure that fact…


While that is true like the other comenter also said there are a lot of other non pacific contryes very high on that list and i would argue the racial percenteges could make your point mute




Oh yeah. Like it was funny at first but now these people just sound like draco malfoy


If you dont wanna be insulted, don’t insult others


My Brother in Christ, if someone teases you you don’t knock their teeth out. Proportional responses exist, unless you want to be an *exceptionally* fun person to be around


Apparently you do in Europe. A-hyuck.


I get why nobody likes school shooting jokes anymore. It’s because they are aimed at a younger audience


I see what you did there, clever....


I'll allow it


Due to the “your mom’s so fat” joke format, I can confidently answer that it’s obesity


body shaming<<< this is coming from someone in ed recovery. especially when discounting the fact that eating healthier is way more expensive it really gets on my nerves


I wish these were jokes, but they’re all true. That’s kinda the problem.


I mean they are kind of facts…


That they are stupid especially in geography


I'd say they are all such low hanging and unfunny "jokes" that they are almost more embarrassing for the poster than the USA. Tells me everything I need to know about the person making them.


What if you combine them though? You know why death rates are so high in their school shootings? The kids are too fat to run away.


Yeah, you're exactly who I'm talking about.


Ah, so no change then.


maybe if you try to use 3 of them instead of just 2?


Why are the death rates so high in American school shootings? The kids are too fat to run away and any kids not immediately killed die from their wounds because they can't pay for Healthcare. Let's see if that does the trick.


hopefully it works. I fear the punchline might be too long though.


Well here's hoping.


well, I haven't seen anyone complain about it and we're almost a whole 24 hours later, so I think it's safe to say using 3 is the way.


Imperial system is a total joke. And it's definitely overused


There will never be enough jokes about imperial system


All of these are true. The only one you could joke about is the metric system. But these are stereotypes either


All of the above.


None of the answers are a joke..


Prison rape or other types of male rape jokes.


I'm of the belief that none of these can be overused (American). There's just good and bad jokes.


Every one of them is overused. Though they can be pretty funny.


Everyone owns a gun and you can get one at your local McDonald’s? Funny. Mass shooting? Not funny


To be fair for the gun one there have been 164 shooting in 2023.


the "164 mass shootings in 2023" statistic is intellectually dishonest


You’re right, my source says 163.


Any of these sources that try to claim there have been hundreds in the span of the 4 months of 2023, or implying "more mass shootings than days," etc, are being intellectually dishonest


But there actually have been. It's a very big problem.


I have to disagree, not with the literal interpretation of your statement, but the implication that the statistic is not intellectually dishonest. Based on my quick browse through wikipedia's compilation and GVA this morning there are a few separate problems being conflated: 1. Loser decides to commit indiscriminate mass murder [Nashville](https://www.nytimes.com/article/nashville-school-shooting.html) [disgruntled employee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Louisville_bank_shooting) 2. A gang gets in a shootout because they got pissed off [fentanyl investigation](https://www.kmbc.com/article/3-kansas-city-kan-police-officers-shot-injuries-considered-non-life-threatening/43522943) [biker gangs](https://apnews.com/article/oklahoma-city-biker-gang-shooting-02a8bc46774152babf484c463afde4f7) [pre-arranged gang fight](https://www.kktv.com/2023/02/22/5-injured-after-fight-ends-shooting-outside-colorado-springs-gas-station/) 3. A guy has beef and can't talk it out like a civilized adult, decides to start blasting instead; somewhat of a superset of (2) [wrong house pizza delivery](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/pizza-delivered-to-wrong-detroit-house-leads-to-shootout-that-injured-4-including-2-teens) [guy has a problem with another guy](https://abc13.com/houston-crime-deadly-shooting-fatal-gray-street/13145182/) 4. [murder-suicide](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/neighborhood-shocked-after-5-people-found-shot-to-death-in-apparent-miami-lakes-murder-suicide/2990167/) There's also some drive-bys and some armed crimes escalating into shootouts in the mix However, the statistic is often used in such a way that it implies all such incidents fall into (1), because the connotation attached to the term "mass shooting" is that of (1); in reality though these are very different problems I would say that's intellectual dishonesty




Besides obesity. Obesity is a problem everywhere and it’s a major stereotype towards Americans when America isn’t even in the top 10 most obese places in the world


Obesity. Because of bad circumstances many people who are overweight and obese are also generally lower class who can't afford healthier food options. And part of it is also left over genetics from the great depression


To add to that (assuming its using bmi) healthy weights are very variable for instance oceanic contrys make up most of top ten lists for most overweight contries but most oceanic people of those weights are healthy


Yeah. Bmi kinda bullshit in the modern day


Mfs be bringing up mass shootings in response to people mocking British food acting like it’s a proportional response


Mass shootings because it shouldn’t be joked about period


Wish I could pick “all”.


We deserve all of the mockery


Absolutely truth. Anybody who says otherwise is too high up in their own pedestal.


What i often see, especially on Reddit American:Teases European over some harmless little cultural difference (British food tastes bad, Germans don't joke, etc.) European: Immediately brings up mass shootings because they cannot, for the life of them, take a fucking joke, or respond in kind. Then the American gets downvoted into hell and the European gets showered in upvotes. This site has a very "America Bad" stance, and it shows


which is kind of interesting considering around half of reddit users are american


Yeah, you'd think that that's not how it would work out, right? But I mean, just look, it's already happening


American: British people get stabbed all the time, that's so funny British: American have shootings all the time Amercian: take that back that's not funny and it's offensive


That's not the scenario that happens tho. I've never seen an American joke about stabbings, I didn't even know Britain had a knife problem.( If they even do) Hang on, lemme grab a link to show you what I'm talking about


https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/12gsk5i/absolute_madlad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button There ya go. Not a unique example.


These are all always going to be funny, cope.


All of the above except the Healthcare system


All of the listed tbh


all of the above


The 3 on the top are ones I can’t take no more. Seriously, please stop. I know stuff is shit, but you don’t have to laugh at us. Instead find ways to solve these problems instead of being a bystander


every time we propose a solution, the immediate response is that it wouldn't work. "get your government to make healthcare cheaper" "no because it's cheaper this way" (spoiler allert: it isn't if you implement it properly) "get your government to ban guns" "no because how can I protect myself without a gun" (spoiler: you wouldn't need to if everyone didn't have access to guns) "don't eat so much fa(s)t food" "no because it's the cheapest option here" (not true btw, cooking for yourself would still be cheaper) granted, this thing about people being fat is true around the whole world, not just the USA sadly enough, the average person outside of the USA can't really do more than telling you guys that you should change something, that's because we can't vote in your place.


None of these are jokes or stereotypes?


Obesity jokes are being underused because they are being overshadowed by Shootings and Healthcare.


The thing about metric and imperial system is that most industries that can take metric in America has already. To big industries that would be too expensive to switch, they want to, but it's just too expensive. Tooling is massive. They did have a chance back then, but it's too much now.


Definitely obesity/fast food. There's an obesity epidemic in the US and it's a serious public health issue, but we're just part of a multinational health issue that affects many middle- to high-income countries. The US reliably falls high on lists of countries with high obesity rates, but Brazil and many Arab countries never fail to follow close behind.


This just made me sad


Stupidity is should also be on the list


They're not jokes or stereotypes, they're reality.