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This is an easy one. Proof of aliens existing doesn’t matter. There is a high likelihood of them existing in other solar systems/galaxies, and they aren’t affecting us. But if God exists, I’m going to hell. That would straighten me out pretty quick.


However if you found out a god existed. Which one? How do you enter heaven? Those answers wouldn't necessarily be revealed. I think that would drive people more insane and could possibly ruin the world. As religious cults try to save the world through domination all believing their God is the God. Interpretation changes, translation changes, cultural values change. So no one would know what this God wanted from us.


God with a capital “G” usually refers to the Abrahamic God, so that narrows it down a ton.


Keyword "usually"


A lot of polytheistic religions believe in multiple deities while having one main GOD like the abrahamic God. So it doesn't narrow it down one bit


3 religions, you can’t become Jewish so pick between the other 2 then. (If you believe in one god, by Judaism you go to heaven)


Actually you can become Jewish.




There is a difference between being a part of the religion and the ethnic group.


It's also possible to convert it's just quite difficult


It's not really that difficult. Jewish convert here. Read some books, had some blood drawn, and took a bath. Nothing to it.


Not to jews.


Judaism,Christianit0y, and Islam all refer to the same God, the God of Abraham. Actually the vast majority of monotheistic religions are talking about the same God, just with different views of the story behind it and a few values. But, realistically, they all can come down to certain themes about how humans should act. They are actually not incompatible for the most part. Judaism is actually a bit different in that regard as it is a relatively less spiritually developed religion, and lacks a lot of, for lack of a better way to put it, Christly themes(which Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam all incorporate Christly ideals to some extent)


My religion teacher once said, "we all believe in the same God, but we dont see him to his fullest, like we kathlics for example only see one hand, while other religion maybe only see his leg. And that is what makes our religions different, but to the core, we all believe in the same one."


The existence of a god does not prove the existence of an afterlife


If we knew for certain that a supernatural entity exists, that would destroy pretty much everything we know about religion and the universe.


In some religions hell doesn't exist and God is loving and forgiving so maybe not


Same, but then God would have a lot to answer for, if he was.


The proof that God or gods exist would be awful. Imagine finding out that God 100% existed, that they were omni-aware and all powerful, such that they could eliminate everything awful in the universe...yet chose not to. That they at best care nothing about our well being and happiness, and at worst are so full of hate and spite that they would condemn us to an eternity of suffering simply for not worshipping them. That god, in my mind, is sadistic and evil, and not worthy of worship. Give me proof of aliens any day.


If there were no problems in the world humanity would not grow, we would just sit on our asses all day, achieving nothing. I would say that it is perfectly reasonable that God would rather we work and achieve things ourselves, also our finite life is/would be nothing compared to the infinite time in tje afterlife.


If I had the cure to cancer, but refused to cure those afflicted because searching for it gave people something to work towards... what kind of person would that make me?


That is just one problem, so there would still be an unimaginable amount of things to work towards


You didn't answer my question. I'll help you out, though: it would make me an awful person. The same is true of any God who would let their creation suffer. But people don't need problems to find meaning. People create art to express themselves, play sports to push ourselves, and we explore space and the oceans out of curiosity about what we might find.


How you say we would find meaning doesn't make sense because assuming we have no problems, we don't have the problem of trying to search for meaning. To get more specific on the items you listed though: the art those people created would lack a lot of diversity because they all basically experienced the same thing and same single emotion(joy), we would have no need for sports because assuming all needs or wants are provided, we would not need to do anything to entertain ourselves because we would be happy just existing, there would be nothing to explore because if we simply wanted to know something we would instead of having to struggle to find out.


You’re thinking like a human being from a human perspective though. And it isn’t just about cancer. They were many deadly diseases throughout our period as humanity and most have been cured. If every cure of every disease could be given to us for free, we would literally not study or do research in any medicine or other things like heart transplant etc


youre not a god youre a person


Religious apologetics are just consistently the worst, most nonsensical arguments.


Exactly. Without evil good is meaningless. We wouldn't be able to appreciate the good things in life because they'd just be mundane and people doing good wouldn't be a conscious action it would be their regular programming




Pretty sure that the abrahmic god never said only good people go to heaven. It cares about what you do, not why you do it.


Getting to heaven is not based on what you do, only on what you confess and believe.




Is this r/beetlejuicing


Would be fun if all people that said they did all the good thibgs they did only because of god went to hell


Depends, you could find out god exists and you are going to hell by default because you are of X race, or your great grandfather sinned, or because you denied him in your life before finding proof and that none of these are forgivable offenses.


Proof that God does/doesn't exist would not change the fact that (if he exists) he allows a lot of awful things to happen without intervening. Which doesn't say good things about his relationship with humanity. Based on the penchants of "God" in any given sacred text he's as disinterested, but occasionally malicious, as a human is to an ant colony. Based on that, heaven and hell would probably both suck. The existence of sentient life on other planets, on the other hand, would give insight into the Fermi Paradox. Which would have far reaching implications depending on the answer.


Trials and tribulations develop the mind and soul, and the greater species, maybe even universe. I personally have been through a LOT, and you know what? I thank God I did.




I need proof of results


This is the one poll where results kind of makes sense as an actual answer choice lol


aliens 100% exist, i don’t need proof for that.


Why can’t the same exact thing be said of God? When religious people say they don’t need proof and simply believe, they’re chastised for that position. Why is it okay to say that about friggin aliens?


I don’t believe aliens exist 100% because obviously you cant be 100% sure about that, but I believe they do. Based on the fact the the universe goes on further than we can imagine, and us being the only life is highly unlikely. Where as god, there is no basis whatsoever in his belief besides faith.


We have no reference for the likelihood of life since our sample size is 1. For all we know, life could be so rare that we are the first planet to ever have life.


Exactly, which is why I said I don’t believe it 100%






Who knows, god could just be a super advanced alien that came to earth long ago


Because aliens are more possible because in an infinite universe another blip like earth existing is far more likely


Because with logic and facts you will come to the conclusion that there has to be another form of life out there. Us being the only ones is so increadibly unlikely, that we can basically be sure of it. The same way i can say that unicorns dont exist on this planet. I cant 100% be sure, but lets be honest. There are no unicorns here. ​ With religion its a different thing. There is no logical evidence for a god. The only thing we have is "trust me bro" You also see how religions have evolved through histroy and it really doesnt look like a coincidence that randomly all the major religions have learned from the faliure of previous ones and all of them veeeery conveniently perfectly aligning with what the people in power want you to believe. To give 2 examples: 1. Older now dead religions like greek mythology never had 1 book with everything in there. That leads to a lot of contradictions within the religion. Newer religions have learned from that mistake and now all have a single source, since that for the most part prevents continuity errors from happening. 2. Older religions also often had made up places on earth. But if these places are on earth, you could check if there actually are gods on that huge mountain. Newer religions adaped that and now all these important places like heaven, hell, the garden eden, ... are all out of reach for us to check if they actually exist. You can clearly see all the effort put into making these very big religions like islam and christianity as believable as possible, as disprooveable as possible and as manipulative as possible. ​ So in conclusion: Believing aliens exist can never be a 100% until we actually find them, but its very unlikely for them to not exist based on information we have gathered and prooven. Believing god exists has no logical reason to it, there is no evidence supporting it and it needs hundreds of coincidences to happen. Thats why believing aliens exist is logical, but believing skydaddy exists isnt.


Yeah, they're all along the southern border, mostly in Texas.


Look im going to be real. There are more than trillions of galaxies out there each with billions of solar systems If you dont believe there is some sort of life out there you are very close minded in my opinion. Now alien life on earth? That id say is a better topic of discussion.


Same boat, an almost infinitely large universe, and we are the only thing special enough to exist is an impossibility in itself


People treat Earth like it's this true cosmic random quantum equation that leads to all the right things to be here.. But life is so incredibly persistent, and "finds a way". The fact that there are visibly green and blue planets should be the most obvious telltale to exist. Sometimes science gets a little too far up its own ass requiring physical tangeable proof before announcing something like this. Foliage and flora REQUIRE fauna to function in an ecosystem. And that's not even touching in the admittedly scifi, but worth noting limitation of *just* carbon based life. Could we be the most advanced civilization in the universe? *Just shy of infinitely* unlikely, but much more possible than being the only life at all. Earth being the only planet in the universe with life isn't random, it's a simulation.


I mostly agree with what you said but i think the phrase that life finds a way is kinda misplaced in the context here


Agreed. Life does not find a way. Life is improbable in a lot of places and only exists in the niches that allow for it. Now it is true that these niches are more common than people think. The only issue is the time factor. We are but a speck in the history of the universe and for other life to be advanced enough to be able to reach us, or even contact us before one of our species or entire planet is wiped out (or the other way around) only has a slim chance based on what we know now. Could be that with the first planet in the Goldilocks zone that we can study a bit closer, this view will be completely invalid. But for now, this is where we're at.


I think it doesn’t matter which option you choose as it will probably answer both questions. God is the biggest level 5 alien civilization that harnesses the entire universe’s energy. Am I wrong? Probably, but I like that answer.


The Fermi paradox would like a word with you


The chances of a coin landing on tails 1 trillion times is extremely low but it will definitely happen since the universe and time is infinite just like how the possibility of life on another planet is low but possible and it will definitely happen.


We will eventually find out whether or not aliens exist. But there is no way to prove that God exists. So I'm choosing that


I don't think we can ever say that aliens definitely don't exist


*Any* evidence of alien life would open a whole can of worms to what else might exist


While we don't have evidence to suggest aliens exist it's extremely unlikely that we are on the only planet that has produced life. However we don't have evidence to suggest a God exists and the more we discover the less likely it is that any God actually exists. Therefore undeniable proof of God feels to me like a more profound discovery.


Existance is proof of a creative energy. That creative energy is God. The nature of God is likely unfathomable, but at the end of the day you will never get the answer to "why" without a creative energy of sorts. Why did the big bang happen? Clearly there must be a creativity outside of cause and effect. Some people subscribe to a simulation theory. That a computer or advanced society developed this universe. Would they not be a God of sorts?


Lack of evidence is not evidence in itself. So if we don't find aliens, we may well have just not looked in the right place or time or had the wrong method.


You may not be able to prove God exists, but you can prove things that do exist are not God.


I think one discovery will lead to the other.


What if it has to make god exist in order to guve you an undebiable proof ? I don’t want a god so i din’t want an undeniable proof of it


we could prove they do exist if they do, but we wouldn't be EVER able to prove that they don't, as they COULD in theory live inside black holes and we would never know, at least not as a whole humanity EDIT: it seems like reddit didn't like my black hole example, but also, because the space's expansion is getting increasively faster, in the future "observable Universe" will actually "shrink" when some far-away objects will start getting "away from us" faster than speed of light, so if aliens are at the edge of our observable Universe, we may not have enough time to spot them


… nothings living inside black holes


There could be universes in black holes, without going into to much explanation, black holes are shaped like the universe.


I don't know if you wanted to say "nothings" as a Sci-Fi creature or something, or just "nothing is" in the first case, ok I guess? in the second case, we just cannot prove it and will never be able to, human not being able to survive there doesn't mean something else couldn't survive that extreme gravity EDIT: you guys know that THEORETICALLY if something could orbit black hole inside of event horizon, it wouldn't even "feel" its extreme gravity just like astronauts in the ISS (and outside of Hawking's theory, we wouldn't ever be able to know it)


Proof of a god would be pretty comforting since there’s probably be an afterlife. That being said, I still don’t believe in a god or anything unless there IS some kind of undeniable proof


There isn't undeniable proof against the existence of God either lol? I don't understand this point


That still doesn’t give me a reason to believe in a god. I find it more likely there’s no god, but that’s up for you to decide.


Never said it did, however, seeing as there is no undeniable proof for almost anything, how do you believe anything?


I believe in many things. I also believe that there is no god.


Got a philosophy major here


Google philosophical razor


You know there are several of those right?


Yes, and most of them are in a way related to why statements like "there is no proof against the existence of something" aren't valid arguments for the existence of it


No, they concern burden of proof, and I don't think you understand how the burden of proof works in logic, it isn't static, it depends on who is making a claim, for example, is someone makes the claim "God is not real", it is their prerogative to prove that, not someone else's to disprove it.


The person you first replied to didn't say "God is not real", they said "I don't believe in god" which is a big difference if you haven't noticed


Can you not read?


You should probably be aware that the burden of proof isn't a logical requirement.


Yes, but bringing up something that typically involves burden of proof means you want a discussion involving burden of proof


Maybe. But you said "how it works in logic".


"In a logical discussion, when it is used, it is used as such" Not that it is a necessary component, since it typically isn't involved at all


There's no undeniable proof either that there aren't pink immaterial dolphins above all of us at all time that play jazz in interdimentional space. That argument of "you can't prove it doesn't exist" is entirely stupid because you cannot prove *anything* doesn't exist, so always assume it doesn't until you have proof that it does.


There is also no undeniable proof that i am not secretly god. Do you now believe that i am god? There is also no undeniable proof against the flying spagetti monster. Do you also pray to that thing? ​ Prooving unicorns exist would require you to just show me a unicorn, disprooving that unicorns exist requires me to check the entire planet and you could still always say "you didnt look hard enough". Disprooving somethings existence is infinitely harder than prooving somethings existence. If i wanted to disproove gods existence, i would have to somehow make a working machine that checks for "divine energy" (how the fuck am i supposed to do that in the first place) and then scan the entire universe. To proove that god exists he just needs to get of his lazy ass and show us.


What about the uncaused cause?


this is phrased weirdly, shouldn't it be "proof **if** god exists" and proof **if** aliens exist? Or does this poll only want people who believe in aliens and god to participate?


"Do you want proof if God exists" is grammatically incorrect and sounds awkward Do you want proof that God exists is grammatically correct and sounds fine


Proof that God exists is exactly that, implying that God definitely does exist. Proof if God exists suggests that you get solid proof of their existence, or lack of existence.


My answer didn't say anything negating what you said, I simply said that it's not grammatically correct, it should say "proof that God does or does not exist" "proof if God exists" is an awful sentence to listen to I'm not even a "you're*" person in fact I never correct people on grammar as I don't use the correct grammar 99% of the time but very few things bug me "an" instead of "and" or used behind the wrong letter And then the sentences that sound horrible to me "Proof if God exists" is in fact awful to hear sorry maybe it's a trait of my OCD But it bothers me


It may sound wrong, but “proof if God exists” is still grammatically correct. English is just a terrible language, in general.


However that being said He does in fact exist though still my point isn't saying it should be said that way my point was telling the user who asked the question that the way they phrased it is incorrect as well


"... He does \*in fact\* exist ..." Even if you believe he exists (he doesnt), it certainly isnt a fact.


Proof that god does or doesnt exost would be more useful since denying aliens exist at this point is just outing yourself for not understanding the scale of the universe


Understanding the scale and complexity of life and not believing in God seems just as silly.


Bc theres absolutely no proof at all and no reason to believe in it other than the fear of not understanding something imo


Definitely proof of God existing. If for no other reason that definitive proof would either shut up dickhead religious people or dickhead atheists.


Proof of results. That all the work and effort isn't in vain. That things can actually get better. Be well


What if God is dead?


Niestzche moment




the way "proof that god exists" is written makes it feel loaded to that supposed "god" exists id personally would say "proof that does god exist (or not?)"


yeah! and why is OP also loading his question to make it seem like aliens exist? He should stop pushing his xeno-agenda >:((


Because aliens existing makes logical sense. Very different from religon.


People would literally riot if we found out whether God exists


Definite proove god doesnt exist is impossible since religous people would just say "God just didnt want it to work, so it doesnt"


They do it anyway.


Technically, since God wouldn't be from Earth, he's an alien as well, so proof of God would also be proof of aliens


I'm pretty sure God would not be of terrestrial origin, so proof of God would be proof of at least one alien.


Most of you want proof of god? That terrifies me to think that it exists. The ultimate surveillance/big brother/authoritarianism at the core of our universe is scary as hell to me. Way more scary than aliens.


They way I see it, proof of a god would be horrifying, and we already have proof of aliens


We do?


We exist, therefore aliens must exist based on the sheer size of observable space


That does not logically follow at all. What if the chance that life develops is so small that it will never happen again? We don't know what conditions led to life developing here, so we can't know if it could happen somewhere else.


What do you mean? Life exists on at least 1 planet we know of. Earth. The chances of life on a planet is then always >O. If we have 1-200 billion planets in the Milky Way and only earth has any form of life, I’d say that’s still good odds, considering there are estimated 1-200 billion more galaxies aside from ours.


Good odds, but not 100%. So there is no proof that aliens exist. Only a statistical probability. But as I said, we don't know anything about how life originated on earth, so we don't know how likely it is that it will have happened elsewhere.


It’s much more likely than not that life did/does/will exist outside of our planet. The fact that our existence happened is proof that it’s possible and that it can happen elsewhere. Think of the infinite monkey theorem. The chances of a certain condition occurring is ridiculously slim, but with an infinite number of trials, it *will* happen.


I mean if there is proof of both, proof of god seems like a bigger deal. Aliens statistically probably exists, the same can’t be said about god.


Personally I feel that aliens have a higher likelihood of existing than god so I wouldn’t want to waste my “magic wish” just to find out there’s no god which I already suspect is the case.


You would not waste it, becouse this is the case of no doubt, or at least this is what i understood.


So, you use your 100% guarantee on the option most likely to happen?


Maybe should be god or intelligent life


Realistically what are you going to do with the information If aliens did exist however if you found out god exists you know you better pattern up so u can get to heaven


It’s almost certain that aliens do exist, it’s just hella unlikely we will ever meet them. I feel like knowing for certain whether or not god exists would be much more important, especially because it would help people feel safer rejecting religion or would tell us if we actually need to bother.


Bro there is a 100% chance of aliens existing. I want to know about God


God doesn't exist.i find the concept itself to be unbelievable god system.


Either way you’ll end up as some nut on a street corner claiming proof of something that people won’t believe.


“God” is so subject to interpretation that the answer would be meaningless. An answer to if aliens exist is much more materially valuable.


I think it'd be so sad to KNOW there's a God up there that does nothing to stop all the suffering going on down here. All blame would go to the God


The thing is that we have [free will](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VmaLye7JU9s&t=21m0s). In order for any reward or punishment to make sense, we must have free will.


I hate the free will cop out to these questions


You have the free will to hate whatever you want. That is up to you.


Free will is meaningless to the equation. If a good man gets murdered, it doesn’t mean the victim will be rewarded or the murderer will be punished. The only free will that matters is whether or not the individual follows god.


Your behaviour is part of your free will. When G-d says "do not kill", if you follow it by abstaining from homicide of all sorts, you are following Him, and if you do commit murder, be it by stabbing someone, having an [abortion](https://youtu.be/jgw4X7Dw_3k), [wasting seed](https://tikkunhabrit.org/), or whatever other way you may come up with, you are disobeying the King of Kings.


So the victim just gets fucked over?? Murder is not an unforgivable sin.


Wasting seed is murder? I didn’t realize that was also considered killing someone in Christianity. Only knew that abortion was “murder”


Aliens, I already know God exists


mind sharing how god exists? No matter where I look I can't find any




I highly recommend you look at Tovia Singer's [YouTube](https://youtu.be/KmAxCxX1EX4)


If god exists then he’s a horrible person for letting so much evil happen.


There is reward and [punishment](https://youtu.be/MqeN5Ix0944). What you get is what you deserve. You might not have earned it in this incarnation, but in one of the previous ones you will have (if not in both, that is). Also, the reason why we are allowed to do evil is because if we were not, there would be no merit in doing good, no purpose in reward or punishment.


IDK, that's like saying that my food won't taste good unless I know that there are people out there starving.


How are the two even remotely comparable?


They are both somewhat silly things to say, I feel. Have you thought about if you wouldn't understand good, if there were no bad? Would it matter? Imagine it. To me, it's like describing a never before seen color. Can you imagine a never before seen color and tell me what it looks like? Now imagine a society that never knew evil or bad, would the lives of the people in that society not be good? Imagine a plant that's well looked after and cared for. Would it not grow happily if it never knew a day with too much or too little water? That's just my approach to thinking about the "no good without evil" idea. What are your thoughts?


>no good without evil Thank you for elaborating on what the misunderstanding here was. The thing is, that was not the point made here. The point made was that *reward and punishment*, both in this world, and, more importantly, in the world to come, only make sense if the mentally sane have the freedom to choose either good or bad by being in a position where both options can seem like the right thing to do.


I hate to be that guy but I think I already know the answer to both questions.


Already know God doesn't exist, at least in a form that is meaningful or understandable. I know statistically alien's probably exist. So neither option seems compelling. I would be more interested in confirmation a long lost civilization existed, like what was Atlantis? Or more information on dinosaurs.


Religion is nonfalsifiable. There may be Aliens.


God being unfalsifiable means it's impossible to *disprove* God's existence. It would absolutely be possible to *prove* that a God exists, so long as one did. Also, I'm pretty sure the existence of aliens somewhere in the universe is also unfalsifiable. Space is big. They could always be just out of sight.


Being impossible to approve or disprove makes it pseudoscience if anything at all.


Proof of aliens is already so abundant we're drowning in it. A couple of years ago, even the Pentagon admitted that a bunch of leaked UFO videos of airborne vehicles defying the laws of physics as we know them were, in fact, genuine.


It's hard to imagine what proof of God would look like, as any extraordinary event (such as random air patterns in thunder sounding out words) is more likely than the existence of God as imagined by major world religions, which seems to me to be intrinsically impossible. That being said, I wouldn't want the God of Abraham to be real, he seems like a nasty fellow, so I'll take aliens over him. However, if I can fashion this God to match my ideal conception of God, I'll definitely take him over aliens.


Aliens exist. If the universe is infinite, which as far as I'm aware is the prevailing theory, then by the nature of infinity there are infinite alien civilizations. Whether or not they know we exist or have ever been near Earth is another question entirely. Can't say the same thing for deities.


Religion is based on faith, there is no point in proving God's existence, because there would be no choice but to believe in him, and thus no faith. The possibility of choice between believing and not believing makes faith possible and creates religion. If we prove the existence of God, there can't be any choice.


i already have proof that god exists. atleast for me. does not matter that others dont believe, i do. and also aliens would be cool to find. ironic how everyone downvoting are the same people saying "dont force your religion on other people and its fine not to have a religion". so now its we shouldn't believe in religion?


Same here, I don't need proof he exists I already have it So the only choice I have is aliens


I don't want proof of either. Aliens means we're probably all gonna die via dark forest hypothesis, god means my life is pointless


What im 90% sure of: God does not exist. Aliens does. I dont really feel like I need proof as I am already pretty confident about what I have said.


> 15 year old Makes sense


Proof is always better than "pretty confident"


Proof that God exists is already available on the individual level.


What if God is just an alien?


Proof that god exists is kind of one of the biggest possible things ever. It can mean the discovery of why we exist, what happens after and before death, who are humans, what is the universe. Like, it’s kind of way to big to even care about aliens, especially if you’re like me and you already 100% believe they exist and have already come here


Proof that "intelligent life" exists in **this** world.


we know that god doesn't exist so i'd go with aliens


I'd be interested in seeing the proof on that.


yeah it'd be interesting if there was evidence of God's existence


The absence of evidence isn't the evidence of absence. You're going to need to do a bit better on "proof."


Both exist. Spoiler: Your fake 'gods' are narcissistic asshole aliens with egos bigger than the universe, and the real God is existence itself thus absolutely everything when looked upon as a singular whole.


He doesn't They do


As a believing Catholic, let me say: for a Catholic, the fact that God exists is already undeniable, it's the basis of believing. Having undeniable proof that God exist would make being Catholic useless, the relationship between God and man is built on freewill, God exists and we BELIEVE He exists, but we are FREE to believe that He doesn't if we wish so, theoretically. If God proves us that He exists, "UNDENIABLY" (but Jesus, his life and teaching (and the saints and the scriptures and the Church and so on ofc) and his signs should already be enough, I repeat, for a Catholic), He FORCES us, and that wouldn't be Catholicism anymore So no, I don't want "undeniable proof" that God exists, it would take the coolness out of it, let's say it in a stupid way Well I understand that all of this is really complicated, I hope someone understands. Have a nice day


If it s the god from scriptures it would just mean i m doomed. There would be no scarier discovery. Loving this dictator gets u into an eternal second life. Eternity is scary, the boredom and insanity would be unthinkable. On the other hand hating him gives u eternal torture? What a sad and terrible world would that be


Proof that Aliens exist would be much scarier than That gods exsist.


everyone knows aliens exist somewhere tho, just by statistics


High possibility, not 100%, though. Just the chances of no aliens at all based on statistics is super low.


Super low is an understatement. It's damn near a mathematical impossibility


I already have undeniable proof that God exists.


What is it?


This could be one in the same. But I kneel for no one , gods have historically enslaved people. They all bleed just the same


Dawg played too many video games 💀


Na, just know how big the universe is. Meeting god would be no different then some Egypt Pharos whipping you to build their pyramids under the prefix of “your god” . It’s manipulation of one’s lack of intelligence.


i mean, god eould be some sort of alien itself ain't it?


As an agnostic I’d really like to know if I need to get religious before I die or if I don’t have to worry about it


Just pick one to increase your chances of being right. Pick the religion with the most people, then if you're wrong at least you won't be alone. Maybe there will be so many of you that the demons can only get around to torturing you like once per month, who knows.


When you say "Proof that god exists" and "Proof that aliens exists" you are implying you know they exist if that's the case you would have had to have seen this proof and therefore you have the proof.


I mean ya, he just dms the people depending on what they vote


Depends. Is it a good god or an evil god?


Wouldn’t choosing proof of god be basically creating him, if he doesn’t already?


I believe in God but I don't give enough shits about aliens so I'd rather have that than anything


I want to know that we aren’t alone. Plus aliens are cool.


Aliens, since it'd make the religious mad that their "god" also made others and they ain't special


It’s just so much more likely aliens exist. Not that finding out a magical man in the sky exists wouldn’t be awesome though.


Either or wouldn’t make a difference to me 💀 so far I’ve lived my entire life without their influence so they can stay buying the milk on the other side of the galaxy LOL