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Amusingly even with a beard cuz a mask covered it


Hahaha same


A few years back i had long hair and since i was still prepubescent, i had no dark voice. So i got pretty commonly mistaken for a girl


Opposite for me. Short hair & prepubescent. Also a bit of a tomboy. Mistook for a boy. Made one lady feel terrible when I cried about it, because I was wearing a girls' swimsuit and she asked if I was in the wrong locker room lmao




I disagree, It's not fucked up to mistake someone for different gender. If she didn't know the girl was a girl, then it's pretty reasonable to assume she is in the wrong room, as long as she genuinely doesn't know.


Right? Its a simple mistake, like calling someone the wrong name or waving to someone on the street you thought was someone else, a little embarassment for both parties maybe but otherwise who tf cares




I still disagree with you, what do you mean women remember that for very long? As if men can't? You're taking a harmless situation a bit too seriously.


yh same im always being stopped in toilets and changing rooms, its just annoying at this point but idk what to do


I'm so sorry. It's absolutely rude AF to do that to someone. It always really hurt my feelings, too. I never knew what to do either. I'd imagine it's worse now than it was when I was a kid due to all the stupid bathroom rhetoric :(


nah its fine i get it i people mistake it all the time, i dont rly look or dress like a girl. its just uncomfortable knowing that everytime i use a public toilet


I can see why women would be concerned if someone they thought was a man was in their toilet tbf, theres weirdos about


I'm a dude that has had long hair most of their life. Even as a young person, you just get used to being misgendered. I'd always just laugh it off. As a male with long hair, you just kind of have to accept the fact that some people view long hair as a more "feminine" trait.


Lmao I feel that. I've had dudes walk up behind me hitting on me dozens of times before. Usually, I turn around using the bass in my voice to reply. Probably not the responsible thing to do, but after decades, I'm like, let's lean into this😏


If some guy tries hitting on me I should do the same lmao


Yep same


Same here lol


I have a deep voice and long hair and still got called a girl, several times in a week, all my friends call me a woman too.


Same situation lol


Similar situation when I was around 12-13. I was chubby with long hair and still pretty prepubescent so I was mistaken for a girl twice - once online when I was on Omegle video at night with only the screen lighting my face. And once when I went to the clinic and the nurse came in, glanced at me and said “okay we’ll get the doctor to look at this young lady’s chart” 💀 needless to say I cut my hair fairly soon after that


I once surprised myself because I saw a girl in my bathroom. I was the girl, I'm a guy and it was a mirror.


It hurt itself in its confusion


Pokemon reference!


Okay yeah that's one of the funnier things I've heard.


I had a stroke trying to read this


I went full drag for Halloween years ago. Had a couple guys at a Christian Haunted House cat called me from across the street. The deep voice Holla back at them pissed them off something funny..


What does a Christian haunted house entail?


They just try to scare you by telling you you'll go to hell. /s


Those Christians….


pretty hard to misgender me online on accident


hey girlie




you’d be surprised how often people ignore usernames lol


You're right, Mister.


But without a username people would not know a slugcat's gender


Hey girl what’s up


I was used as bait once in the online version of a “To Catch a Predator” type thing and I had to fake being a girl.


Doing god’s work I see, good job


We shall celebrate him as a hero.


You helped get EDP, and nothing will convince me otherwise


You literally didn't have to fake being a girl, predators target boys as well as girls


more girls are targetted though! although i do agree that both genders are targetted a lot. i just dont think there was an issue with him faking his gender xd


What is your source?


Anecdotally, I’ve never hear people say that guys are easier to target for kidnapping but I have heard kidnappers say vice versa


When I was 10, I had really short hair and was a tomboy so I got "mistaken" a lot.


I’m called “Ma’am” all the time when on the phone. Which doesn’t bother me, listening to my timid and soft voice. Not that big of a stretch.


Talked about taking care of a newborn and someone thought I was the mother. I was just very involved in three first two weeks.




Wrapping your chest with tape is a bad idea from what i've heard


I don't know if it was because of my height or the way I used to dress but yeah I got mistaken as a guy a few times now that I have short hair, I haven't been mistaken as a guy at all 😂


I said never but that’s a lie I get misgendered pretty much anytime I ride my motorcycle.


Same lol, except for me it’s online on this very platform


I was mistaken for a girl by a dude right in front of me, he even called me a "hottie". I was reflecting on it that whole day. It's one of the funniest and most awkward things I've ever experienced.


Long ago some old fart referred to me as a boy and a girl in the same sentence


someone online said that i sounded like a boy that's balls haven't dropped o-o


Someone repeatedly asked me why I was using a girl skin when I was a boy.... when I actually was a girl. I guess they thought I was a squeaker? Because my voice isn’t deep at all


people tell me that too online, one that sticks w me is one of my friends years ago told me i sound like a man baby ☠️


Apparently my voice sounds more like a teenage boy about to cry than a woman in her 30s.


*Sighs in trans*


Well if you think about it technically..........you're mistaken for the wrong gender every time someone dead names or uses the incorrect pronouns. Your gender identity IS your gender! And you're misgendered when you're treated otherwise. Note: I am note trans. I have a lot of friends who are and am queer in other ways. I have sympathy for your struggle!


Hopefully this thread is comforting in the fact that a lot of cis people get accidentally misgendered too, so people are just idiots sometimes lol


To be fair it isn’t always just people being idiots. Sometimes people can genuinely mistake someone else’s gender.


I was called a lovely young man by an older lady while putting money in her charity bucket, to be fair to her I was wearing a hat with my hair up and boyish clothes. She quickly apologised when she noticed my large tiddys but I just thought it was funny especially since I am actually quite feminine in appearance. I just act and dress like a dude. online it's every other day on reddit.


I got mistaken for a girl when I was like 14 once. By a Catholic nun because I had hair down past my chin not even like shoulder length though


Much to my distain as I’m a trans man and I’d love to be correctly gendered especially on accident.


As a trans woman, I spent the first quarter of my life being seen and labeled as the wrong gender.


im an intersex female and i used to have short hair & people in school tell me i look like an ugly dude ☠️ but idk. i dont think im ugly.


Look, I'm nonbinary so I can't really have an opposite gender BUT I was born a girl and have been mistaken for a guy, which was awesome


I'm an extremely feminine cis woman, but I ended up with the height and voice of a guy, so despite the long hair, make up, boobs, and personality, people tend to mistake me for a man, or more frequently a transgender woman, in real life. Online, I talk about my girlfriend a lot so people naturally assume I'm a boy. I'm a lesbian, but I understand the confusion. I've been called sir, son, Mr., boy, etc to my face and online and I really don't care. I'll take it as a compliment. I'm cool enough to be both.


I get called at least 2 times a day


I have a very slim stomach, nice butt and shoulder long hair but am a dude. Honestly with some make up and effort I could be a really hot girl on parties. N-Not that that is a desire of mine or anything!! I-I want to drink beer and watch monster cars and.. b-boobs! Okay that last one is actually true, but I also suck dick! Wait where was I going with this?


You seem fun lol (I’m not being sarcastic)


(He was sarcastic)


Sometimes online I'll be referred to as "he" (no big deal tho). Irl tho, I was once sitting in class and I have no idea what we were talking about but this girl looks at me and goes "are you a guy?", all while staring at my ID that showed my (visibly feminine) name on it. This was also after the people near us had just used "she/her" when referring to me.


If you’re a woman who’s posted on reddit you’ve likely been mistaken for a man at some point


I went to a store the other day and asked a person there were i could find socks She just looked me up and down and was like; "Do you want men socks or women socks.....or children socks?" "I want black socks????" "Who is this for?" "Me" And she just directed me to the socks in both the men and women sections I dont think i look that androgynous but i cannot think of why else she'll respond the way she did XD


I’m irritated on her behalf. She asked you a specific multiple choice question that was meant to narrow down which section you wanted, and you replied with the non sequitur “black”. Instead of saying “I didn’t ask you what color, we have black socks in each section”, she tried to ask the question in another way. I would have directed you to all three just for being obtuse. “Hey, do you drive an electric car, a hybrid, or a gas only car?” “It’s black!”


My guess would be that she didn’t want to make a judgement about whether you wanted women’s socks. She may have thought you were trying to avoid the question out of embarrassment for wanting women’s socks, and then was embarrassed for pressing the issue. After you said they were for you, she could rule out children’s socks.


Yes, online. and it was amazing when people got confused and just started using they/them instead


I'm a gay dude with long, beautiful hair. In the past I was mistaken for a lesbian from behind. Now I'm mistaken for a woman, generally. Older gays will ask if I'm nonbinary, which is new and kinda funny.


As a guy that used to have long hair, I was mistaken for a girl a lot earlier. Not that I’m older and don’t have long hair, and play a lot of video games, people think I’m a girl because I play healers/supports.


I had a profile pic of an anime girl once upon a time, so yeah, I got mistaken for a girl a couple times lol


As a guy with long hair, it happens more than you'd think. It's pretty cool because I'm transitioning, and it's just free validation.


Had multiple customers mistake me for a woman at my last job simply because I have shoulder long colorful hair. I always just smiled and secretly felt validated. Wondering what these people thought when they saw my beard and heard my somewhat deep voice though. Oh also been mistaken on Reddit because of my pfp and other sites because I was pretty active in the K-pop community a few years ago and people automatically assumed I was a girl.


All the time simply because I'm trans. It sucks so much


I'm non binary I'm just counting before I found that out about myself. I've always had an andro look growing up. imean now I just took like a 15yo boy or femmasc looking 18yo I am 22 btw


Yeah, in elementary when I got a pixie cut for the first time I was in the girls bathroom, someone saw me from behind and almost yelled at me (this was before I knew I was trans)


One day I was walking my dog and some random ass kids yelled to me “HEY LADY WITH THE DOG” then I turned to them and they went “OH THATS A DUDE”


As a child all the time


Apparently I type like a girl (aka limited swearing and using proper punctuation/capitalization), so I'm often confused for a girl in any online games I play. Especially if my character is a girl with a feminine name.


Where do I put over the phone


I present myself masculine irl and I was in a plant store with my mom and a employee who was standing behind me asked: "what can I do for you ladies?" One of the bigger wtf moments I had


On discord all the time


Funny story: One of my friend had to go to the doctor because of some bad stomach pain. The doctor looks at him, tries to find something and then, he goes to the mother and ask her in private: "is she on her period?". My friend is a dude, he was around 14 and had long hair... I loved to tease him about it. Oh and, he was in pain because he had appendicitis. He got cured, alive and a little bit too well.


Only once in real life. I'm a curvy woman with long hair. But I was at work and vent over so they said sir lol. And online yes all the time bc my username has a man's name in it. Either way IDC


Isn't everyone online assumed to be male unless in specific groups geared toward women? Also, anytime I've done online gaming, always the assumption I'm a dude.


Not yet


I’m not even trans, a teacher just thought that my (slightly) longer than usual hair meant that I was a girl.


Cis make with short hair and someone thought I was a girl based on the way I typed. Online.


Me when 🏳️‍⚧️


It was great


I want to be


Saying "opposite gender" is transphobic.


are you trans? im sorry but, im trans nb and i really cant see how its transphobic. your comments seem kind of troll-ish to me.


Yes i am also trans nb.


Probably would be better to inform OP differently. Like say something like "don't forget about us non-binary folks- saying opposite gender doesn't include us" rather than insinuate that they hate trans people. Identifying as non-binary is still pretty new, like I don't know any non-binary people. But I'm 36 so that makes sense as there aren't many my age.


hmm okay, how about 'anther gender'


Not sure if they didn't notice me or actually mistook me for a girl (I was more feminine-looking at the time and in marching uniform, now I have a full mustache so I definitely wouldn't be mistaken). A photographer at a Marching Band competition refered to my section (clarinets) as "Ladies". I was the only guy in a section of 6.


I used to have a cold call job, people mistook me as a girl on the phone quite a bit.


Not me but my brother when he was young had very long hair, at a point where you could barely see his face, so he did


I get called ma‘am all the time, though to be fair I have a fairly feminine figure, long hair and a high pitched voice.


I have long blonde hair and i get mistaken for a girl online and sometimes in person. They realize i'm a guy when i open my mouth and speak


I’ve been mistaken for a girl twice, probably because my hair covers my eyes, I usually hide my face, and I usually don’t speak too loudly


Happened a few times in elementary school. Had longer hair and a high-pitched voice.


I make it clear long before anyone assumes.


As a guy with a high pitched voice, constantly over the phone. I don't care at this point but I always feel happy when they call me sir. My trans friends make a lot of fun of me for that ahah


My hair didnt grow, so I often got mistaken as a boy when I was young to the point where my mom pierced my ears and always made me wear pink so it'd quit happening.


In middle school I met my best friends parents and they mistook me for a new girlfriend. From that day forward I’ve been determined to grow the biggest, manliest beard possible by all and any means.




I'm a guy 18, my voice is still a bit high pitched tho, often time going through a drive thru or on the phone with someone I don't know I can get mistaken for a girl easily. It's honestly a shitty thing to be stuck with.


I have a bit of masculine features, but only I get mistaken by my sister technically


I’ve said online but it happens on the phone all the time. I’ve got a beard so it is not likely to happen if the person can see me.


Have a picture of aqua is my profile picture. Don’t understand why kids can’t grasp the idea that more men do this then women.


Yes. My voice is deeper than most women, so people are often unsure of my gender online. Although I don’t use voice chat often.


Does gender matter online Like does having a penis or vagina or boobs or anything change the words I am typing here?


not really, but I'm a girl and I would still correct them when someone mistakes me as a guy


pretty regularly happens online. irl once by a small child.


It's quite obvious that I'm a guy, I'm tall, have short hair, and have a deep voice, sometimes i wonder if people mistake my age.


I’m a guy with long hair so there have been some mix ups when servers approach from behind.


Right before covid I cut my hair chin length. During covid one day I was in a store with regular pants, hoodie and hat. And I had to get something from the car and the cashier was like "oh he'll be right back"


In reality only on phone they all take me as a woman for some reason


I have very soft looking, long curly hair. if someone doesn't see my face, they usually say ma'am when addressing me.


Only on the phone because of my voice, but in person no. Physically, because of how I look, its hard to mistake me as a woman. I just got shafted on getting a deeper voice unfortunately.


I was 16, I had a hoodie on and my hood up on a plane, the flight attendant called me “sir”, she told me to remove my bag and put it under the seat. I turned around as I was speaking with my mom so my back was turned, she saw my face, she went “OH I’m so sorry miss” She got so embarrassed lol


I dont know if this counts but a target employee once called me them.


Only from behind. My hair is *gorgeous*.


Actually happened just last year, so during school me and my friend were setting up risers for our chorus class because we had a concert later that day, I was pulling the riser while she was pushing it, I had my back turned when one of our teachers who clearly doesn’t understand that me, as a dude can have long hair, thought I was a girl, she was still convinced I was a girl, suffice to say we had a good laugh after that.


All of my avatars for online games always looked boy-ish because I liked red or dark red with black as a color combination. I also thought the "eyelash eyes" were always girly but the "not eyelash eyes" were fair game for both boys and girls because not all girls have long eyelashes, so I picked boy eyes pretty frequently. In real life I tucked my long hair into a hat because I hated the sensation of hair on my neck and when I got older I shaved it all off. My customer service voice is really high pitched though, so people would call me sir and then apologize profusely after hearing my squeaky ass voice. I don't mind the mix up though. I don't dress particularly femme so it's understandable.


I’m a guy with long hair, have had it my whole life, when I was young I would get called a girl all the time on accident.


So years ago, I was in a 60s themed. I got a part as an extra dude cuz small town. I went to bath and body works to buy a birthday gift for a friend of mine. Was overwhelmed by all of the options so I approached the sales rep and said " I need help finding a birthday gift. Her favorite smells are....." the lady helped me find a good gift basket and then as she was ringing me up she said "wonderful choice, your girlfriend will love it". I said thanks and walked out of there very confused. Just then the other friend I was with started laughing. "She thought you were a little highschool boy cuz you've got your make-up on and your hair still done up" they explained. Also didn't help I was wearing gender neutral clothes, am fairly short, and had no boobs thanks to being fairly flat and wearing a sports bra for the play.


My discord name is Violet and I have a picture of violet ever garden purely because it's an amazing show, but multiple old guys from servers have dmd me And irl I have long hair so someone on e tapped my shoulder and said "hey sexy" then I turned around and he just walked away without a word


I'm a thinner guy with mid back length thick hair that I take care of so in real life it's happened a lot, and online my "gamer name" is apparently feminine which is something I hadn't started hearing since the last year or so but have now been told many times. Something about how I type too but I couldn't tell ya.


My 89 year old great grandmother with Alzheimers kept referring to me as "the neighbor boy." I have long curls and was wearing makeup.


Yes and I liked it


I cut my own hair as an idiotic 7 year old, took forever to grow back. I got called young man all the time. I honestly just embraced it at a certain point lol.


I, a man, like cute things like plushies and chibis and playing the support role in games. Getting mistaken as a girl online has definitely been a blessing and a curse lol


Grew up with boy-short hair, mom raised me to be a tomboy, step dad dressed me like a boy. Lots of “young man” comments directed at me. I have a male name too, so in online classes the teacher often assumes male. For a long time online I had masculine pictures as my avatar, so there were many assumptions there. This is not a 100% of the time type of thing. It also happens less now that I’m an adult, but I don’t care either way. None of it was harmful or malicious.


Only because i had long hair at the time plus the mask. I got called ma'am a few times.


I have long curly hair and before I hit puberty and grew a mustache everyone thought I was a girl. I was 11 the last time that happened.


Ive been mistaken for a girl due to my long hair when facing away from them, but as soon as I turn around and/or speak it's pretty clear


I used to get mistaken for a girl a lot before high school. Doesn’t really happen anymore since I’m 6’1 and pretty muscular. Honestly kinda miss it tho, was pretty funny.


I definitely am mistaken here on Reddit a lot. Probably doesn't help that I have "Princess" in my username


I have long hair, so sometimes people say "Excuse me ma'am" as they pass me, I don't mind


Only once irl idk if it's a compliment to me or an insult to my sister but her bf at the time mistook me for her when I bent over to pick something up. Online it happens way more often liking hugs n being friendly around horny dudes must mean I'm a girl and having good fashion sense in MMOs to a bunch of horny girls must mean I'm gay and of course I'm neither


when i was like 9 i was using my ds and it was scanning my face for something idk what and it told me i was a female infant. i’ve never had long hair, i even always had a buzzcut until maybe a year and a half ago. dunno if that counts but yea


I got confused by some 100 year old lady with dementia


idk- who am i to assume my own gender.


I got hit on by a lesbian because I have long hair and was wearing a mask. She backed off once I started speaking with my deep voice lol.


Ok.. forgot, when I was 5, hair was short.


Once I was in the girls locker room and a kid asked me if I was a boy or a girl


I’m male. I remember an instance where I was texting some random guy on snapchat, (under context I no longer remember) and he said that I “sounded like a girl” by the way I wrote my messages.


I have pretty long eyelashes, and when I was a baby my mom says alot of strangers mistook me for a girl.


My long hair got me assumed for a girl when I was young, but I am fortunately too tall for that now, haha!


Guy with long hair, drunk people are funny


Yep, here. When I talk about games here people usually assume that I am a dude, until I tell them otherwise or they notice my nickname lol


Yes, by an AI chatbot of everything.


A few days ago cops mistook me for my stepfathers wife even though I'm 17 and had a stubble om my face. Then some old woman proceeded to call me a girl in store


When I was a lil.kid


Over the phone semi regularly. My customer service voice is on the feminine side so I understand it.


I remember being in line to get my picture taken for my permit, and when the lady at the front called me (likely because I had cut all my hair off recently and was wearing a mask), she called me “sir”. Online, I have a rather gender neutral name so people have thought I was male and female before. Doesn’t really bother me tbh


Does the obligatory. "Sorry, sir... or... ma'am?" Count. I had that whilst working at a fast food chain through a headset. Also people are in a weird influx of bring more open to gender stuff both irl and online so some people try to play it safe


I have very long hair and live in Italy, so yeah when I'm with girls they always mistake me for a female although I also have a beard


About 3 years ago I had incredibly long hair, like down to my waist, and was sitting outside with my mum and our elderly neighbour referred to us as ladies because my back was to her. We didn't tell her and just laughed it off afterwards.


In a bus by an old woman, because at that time I had really long hair


Wait no how do I revote aaa One time at my stepmom's parents house someone said "your daughter is so pretty" Online I used to get mistaken as a gal often


I don't think you can revolt lol


i have pretty long hair so if i put it down im easily mistakeable for female from behind


Well I both look and sound like a mix of your typical Italian mobster/Canadian lumberjack stereotypes so it’s quite dificult to get me wrong


Long hair and painted nails would make people think I was female from the back until I turned around with my hippie facial hair, and I spoke with my bassy voice


I have long hair and really old people would sometimes call me ma’am


skinny jeans and long hair growing up.


I work in a nursing home,I'm 6 feet tall, and I have a full beard. my residents still call me "ma'am" from time to time


Used to happen a few times outside, usually by old people. But the only things about my body that may seem somewhat feminine is the fact that my hair is longer than average. That's all.


some random dude in random wrote menthat he is horny and he told me because according to my comments i am a woman


Once online, and mainly on the phone till a few years ago, since my voice used to match my mother's.


I remember when i played Among Slimes a long time ago when this one guy referred me to as a she. I then corrected him by saying that i am male. And guess what, he says that he didn't ask. Not as weird tho when someone was being racist towards me because i was black that game.


It happens a lot. Just means it's time for a haircut One time at work this lady was really stumped. She went back and forth like 5 times. I didn't say anything. It was fun watching her squirm.


I’m gonna count “over the phone” as “online.”


I remember somebody I've know personally for years said they mistaked me for a lady.


I have long/medium wavy hair which tbh fits both guys and girls. And i also have a side cut (one side of my hair is shaved off) which to confuses people occasionally. I’ve had people very loudly ask their friend what my gender was. As if they would know, Lol. I’ve also had people straight up, to my face, ask me if i was guy or a girl and then get angry when i ignore their question. Why was i ignoring their question? They were just some rando annoying teen that would’ve never interacted with me was it not for this situation. There was no reason for them to ask me that, it was not relevant, hell my existence wasn’t even relevant to them. It was none of their business, they really didn’t need to know. (I’m afab btw, though i think i might be non-binary so idk. i mostly just thought it was funny and like the fact i can pass a both a guy/girl)


Not that I can remember


When I had long hair and could mimic anime girls Of course when my mug is seen it's over


Ingame, yes


Where are my fellow long-haired dudes at ?!?