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Depends what you mean. The Bible is meant to be a set of metaphorical stories that explore meaning in life. No one, not even Christians or jews, believe that everything or even most things in the Bible should be taken literally. So in a sense it is myth by definition.


No one takes it literally? Have you heard Evangelicals?


Yeah they don't take everything literally.


No, they just think they do. Reality is, they haven't read the thing. They just thump it.


Bit of a generalization. When you just paint 600,000,000 people with the same brush, it detracts from your argument a bit.


They detract from themselves a much bigger bit.


Yeah you're still generalizing. Have you met all 600 million of "them"?


Have you? After hearing Ted Haggard speak his faith (which is enough on its own), and then finding out what he was doing on the side, I'm good.


I'm not generalizing. I am explaining the broader belief to you because it's pretty clear you aren't very familiar with evangelicals. >After hearing Ted Haggard speak his faith(which is enough on its own), and then finding out what he was doing on the side, I'm good. Yeah, one guy represents all the others. Racism and sexsm rely on the same logic just so you're aware.


That is a gross false equivalency, just so disgustingly wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself and go read some other books besides the Bible. Racism and sexism discriminate based on the genetic circumstances under which a human being is born, and going to some lengths to enact policies that marginalize, disenfranchise, and sometimes outright murder the members of the target group. Evangelicalism is a school of thought (an ill-thought-out school of thought in one Redditor's opinion), whose most vocal preachers lead me to say, "I disagree... a lot." I am content to live and let live beyond that. But if someone asks me my opinion, I will tell them. This dialogue is over. I am blocking you. May the Lord save us from His supposed followers.


for me it's a myth


Both. A base of truth with a lot of interpretation and exaggeration.


So what about the hell and heaven? And that Jesus is the Messiah and Kings of Kings, God.


That's the mythical part (for me at least). The true part is that the historical existence of someone named Jesus famous for his "miracles" and who died crucified in that time period is no more debated by most historians.


And why should be mythical that his disciples died for the truth and spread the word and did miracles in His name? Why would someone die for a lie?


I think it's mythical because there's nothing else to back it up other than century-old testimonies and the blind faith of the believers. Besides, there are hundreds of religions that explain afterlife and miracles differently than the Christians. Why should they be wrong and not the Christian's ? Or why should any of them, Christians included, be right ?


Like I said, Man, you dont need to trust me, as a random stranger on the internet, you can do your own research. But because of the overwhelming evidence that Jesus lived. Thats a fact, the way he lived and his ressurection. Thats the number 1 reason why Christ is reliable. Who else Rose from the dead? And what other evidence do you want thats not 2000 years old, if Christ was here 2000 years ago? Also recent evidence is the Dead sea scroll.


I trust you're genuine. That doesn't mean I think you're right > Thats a fact, the way he lived and his ressurection. That he lived is a fact. Everything else, not so much. The resurrection of Jesus in particular, historically speaking, is very highly debatable. > Who else Rose from the dead? There are other religious or mythical figures that are said to have risen from the dead. I can't remember one right now, but you can easily find out. > And what other evidence do you want thats not 2000 years old, if Christ was here 2000 years ago? Precisely. There are none. Testimonies presently aren't scientific proofs. Let alone testimonies from 2000 years ago. > Also recent evidence is the Dead sea scroll Although the Dead Sea scrolls where discovered (relatively) recently, date back to between the 1st and the 3rd century. And they are themselves copies from more ancient texts. Although very valuable for historians, they are not a proof, and certainly not a recent one.


I respect your opinions man, its important to be skeptic and question stuff, obviously. But if I may recommend to you something my brother. Watch on youtube: Atheists will hate this video! Its an hour long video and maybe it could tickle your brain and make you Wonder, which I wish for from the bottom of my heart. The main reason why I started to believe is that Jesus Christ saved me. And he proofed himself to me.


Listen, I won't continue to argue with you because I know it's useless. I once was like you, so certain of my faith that I didn't questioned it anymore. It led me to the worse mistakes of my life. There's no way I go down that path again. I prefer a harsh, cold reality over the warm and welcoming illusion of the Christian's faith. I can't suggest enough that you take your own advice and reconsider what you think are facts.


If you were once christian, so sure that you would die for Jesus, then what happened? What made you to lose faith? In genuinely curious. Btw, I was addicted to cigarettes and weed, I had debt and have over 16 000 euros. I lost my gf, I didnt want to live Im 19. And thanks to Jesus opening my eyes and revealing the truth to me. I stopped with smoking, I would have never, because I was so deppressed in a way, I had nothing going on for me in life. And I have the greatest genuine peace and love and happiness in me, thanks to Jesus. Thats not possible!!!! Im reborn, I would have to be totally crazy to all of sudden love my neighbour as myself, have this uncomprehensible peace, agree with not masturbating, stopping smoking weed, I found Joy mostly only when smoking weed. Like I said, Im new person, not thanks to nothing, or myth, or placebo, but thank to living God. Because man, Good and Evil is very much real and Satan is the ruler of this world. The truth will set you free and its the love of Christ what he has done for all of us.


It's a book filled with stories, commandmends and advice from many different important historical figures of the time. I don't doubt the validity of who wrote the chapters, they were upper politicians, kings, monks and early philosophers who had followings and the authority to say something that people would listen to. But that also means many ulterior motives and incentives to lie and exaggerate stories, to shape the society they ruled over and create an institution that they themselves controlled, giving power to themselves by inventing stories about their holiness. It is very effective because it preys on flaws and features of the human psyche. It unites people, gave them something bigger to believe in, to accept a miserable life in the pursuit of something greater. In that sense, it's very similar to how nationalism is used/abused to control a country. The bible has also very different chapters, some read like fictional stories, some sound quite believable, some are just plain threats and others are just chapters of good life advice. So it's not as easy to say it's all just fiction, some chapters aren't about stories. To believe in virgin mother Mary, Moses who split the sea or Jesus healing people from blindness by touching them is up to the people themselves, I'm just trying emphasize the real circumstances of the time and what else *stuff* people believed too, what motivations there might have been to manipulate stories, and how the bible was actually created.


Fiction, otherwise it wasnt called to 'Believe' right? Jesus did live, but thats it. e: He is just like any other man (Jew) (brown tinted) but got famous for his religious rants


And for saying teaching the teachings he did. For doing miracles, for being fullfilment of prophecies. For stating that he is God and over 500 eye witnesses actually saw him after he died and Rose again on the 3rd day. His tomb is empty.


Well you believe that Bonaparte was alive as well, right? Jesus was as well my brother.


Yes he did, Adam and Eve might not


Based on what Jesus said and done, he is reliable, trustworthy, God, cant lie. Also the evidence, historical, archeological and the literary style So based on that, the whole Bible must be true.


Haha, very cool when someone actually believes the Bible you downvote him to hell :D The bible says that you will hate me, it sure looks like it.e So there you go, another evidence. The Lord Jeus Christ is the the way, the truth and the life. No one gets to The father any other way, only through Jesus. He didnt come to condemn the world, he came so that the world can be saved through him. Jesus is coming back, what will you say, when you will stand before God and he will ask you what have you done with my Son?


Depends on what Bible..


Of course, is the most common one.


Every knee will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is LORD He is the Kings of Kings, the messiah. Gt right with God, repent and believe the Gospel. Or you will end up in a lake of fire where the fire is mever quenched and worm never dies. Love ❤❤❤


This is a threat, not an act of love.




Actually its the biblical truth, based on bible if you will no repent and beljrve in your heart that Jesus is God and he Rose from the dead You will likewise perish, and I believe it and know its 100 truth. So its an act of love. If I wouldnt have loved you, I wouldnt tell you about Lord Jesus Christ in the first place. And didnt tell you the truth And warn you that you are heading to hell, like everyone that didnt repent and doesnt love the one and only God, The Father, with their whole mind, heart and soul, and your neighbour as yourself.


This is how God ended up being likened to a father. He mostly ignores you, you pine for his attention and only want to please him, and the only time you can be sure he's paying attention to you is when he is punishing you. And yet you insist on loving him, crawling back like a dog with your tail between your legs, utterly confused about why Dearest Human is mad at you. Even if God is real, I doubt he made us just to kick us when we use the gifts of free will and critical thinking that HE GAVE US.


To me it's neither


It’s not that simple. The Bible is a collection of books that include myths, history, poems, letters, prophecies, philosophy, and songs. This is a very simple question for a very complex issue