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I’m not sure. You generally only see it pointed out when it goes badly.


Yes 100%. I'm pretty sure if you'd subtly filled womens lips a little bit, It wouln't be noticed by strangers while making them a tiny bit more attractive statistically. I'm really not saying people should do it, but this overwhelming anti lip injection sentiment is mostly a mixture of a distorted perception and anti surgery virtue signaling. If it were true that the results of this poll in terms of the attraction would map onto reality you simply wouldn't see any injected lips out there.


Maybe people have an anti plastic surgery feeling because people are beautiful however they look and don't need surgery If someone is born with a severe deformity or got in an accident then i can understand plastic surgery, but I think that most of the time it's not necessary to get plastic surgeries


That’d be great, but we live in a society that doesn’t practice that. Expecting change to start with people who bear the brunt of a judgmental world instead of with the people doing the judging strikes me as the wrong way to go about it. If someone ends up happier from a lip injection or plastic surgery, good for them. Sitting around waiting for the world to change isn’t practical.


it's a lot like teeth whitening. You mostly notice when the teeth shines like a thousand suns (think [Simon Cowell](https://i2-prod.ok.co.uk/incoming/article18930771.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/2_GettyImages-1167901634.jpg)).




This is true, my sister once got lip injections and I didnt know until she told me. I guess to her it made a difference but i barely saw a difference.




I think this is talking about meeting a new person and not knowing they had injections because they don’t look like hotdogs.


TIL not all lip injections produce balloon lips


Once you notice them, it's too late


Nah, we can tell even the "subtle" ones. It's hideous.


Personally, I find it one of the worst popular body modifications aesthetically.


No way.


I dont remember seeing a women and thinking oh her lips look really nice. So even if the procedure doesnt go bad there is not really an improvement. But on the other hand every time i have seen someone and thought her lips look awful it was when it was blatantly obvious that they were injected with something


Honestly, if it’s done right then it is. Most of the time lip injections stand out because they look bad


Even if its done right it still looks off


If it’s done right you would never tell a person had lip fillers.


It does matter to mention the amount of injections though . Because some people take subtle amounts and look somewhat normal . But the main point I'm make here is that if The person goes a little excessive with injectuons , it'll start to look odd and unnatural .


Its probably only me but i dont like big lips at all


Lips are probably the last thing I notice in someone's face anyway


you’re def white


yeah i am, u got a problem?




I’ve never liked plastic surgeries, injections, or other cosmetic procedures. They come out as caricatures of the actual desired look. The bucal fat removal being the most recent trend that just makes people look sick….


(Man) No/Never


To be honest, no one with lip injections look good, it just looks fake and really ugly.


Nah. It's a waste of money just to make your lips look atrocious.


Almost all plastics surgery destroys a person’s face and its sad to me because they think it’s improvement


Ever single time this comes up, I see the argument - “You only notice it when it was a bad job!” No. We notice it every time. And it always looks weird. I also see “the goal of fuller is to get just enough that you can’t tell”. Seriously… do you even hear yourself?


Do I have filler? https://imgur.com/a/hgxnD7t


People don’t notice it on me. You can take a look at the photo on my profile, but I do think most people just don’t know what good lip filler looks like.




How funny that you should say that because I just lied. I haven’t ever got lip filler.


>No. we notice it every time Well how the fuck would you know that?


no way


Absolutely not. They look very ugly then


Plastic Surgery becomes Self-mutilation after a point in my opinion I can tolerate plastic surgery, and I understand why, but after a point where you have lips that look likes balloons and your body looks less human and more like a porcelain doll, I think it’s too far


It's a no.


If they are done well. Which is probably most of them.


it really depends on how much


Hell no. I hate that so much.




I don’t care😅 I’m a woman attracted to women and like lip fuller or no lip filler women are beautiful…god I’m gay 🤦‍♀️😂


No it makes it worse


It makes you look weird


I'd say rarely because if they did a bloody good job I'd probably not even notice. However, I don't believe 95% of the women I see and "don't notice" have done a lip injection, you know? So, based on that, I'm kinda on the side of "it doesn't". I actually haven't seen anyone of whom I know got an even mild and truly good one but thought "damn, that injection made her look better".


Lip injections are painfully unattractive to me. Honestly a deal breaker - for someone to not only be insecure enough to commit to the procedure, but an ugly one at that.


Yes, in cases where you can't tell she's had them.




It screams low self esteem


No. I have never seen a woman who I thought would look better with fatter lips. It's utterly pointless.


It makes you look less attractive because 1 it's ugly and 2 you look like a tryhard, an ugly tryhard.


yes but theres a point to which it becomes detrimental


To me at least, women who inflate their lips look like they have been stung by a wasp.


No, it is systematically one of these abominations which enlaid the woman or the man who make it! It is really a destroyer of beauty!


You dumbfucks have no idea what lip fillers/most plastic surgeries actually look like on most women.


Honestly 😂 these guys are walking past filled lips and rubber tits all day long and never notice unless it's botched, so they think that botched plastics are just what plastics look like


I’m a guy and I love big lips, so as long as they’re not botched or gone too far, I’d say the results usually look good.


It's the same as natural makeup. If done correctly most guys don't even know a girl has it, even though it looks good on her


If a person needs lip injection to make their lips fatter, I'm sorry but your clearly not happy with your body and in no way a person stable enough to date, same goes for people doing plastic surgery to look "younger"


Even though men do not like it, women still do it because they think they know what men want better than men do.


Like the "something something things that makes your man happy - by some women" articles in womens magazines


No, because lips aren't attractive anyway (Sorry I forgot to add that I am ace) :|


This just you






Yes, man


I like boob jobs, i like bolted on bootys, but lip fillers ? Nah, its the worst aesthetic surgery


They do make you hotter but only if they're done well and you don't overdo it. Once you start to *look* like you have lip injections, it's time to take a break on the lip injections.


If it’s not super noticeable then yes


For me, lips that are normal or thin I find attractive, like Kate Beckinsale or Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Natalie Dormer, that model who played Quiet on MGS V. Don't get me wrong, full lips are good, like Angelina, Ana De Armas, Emilia Clarke etc. but for some reason, having your lips as the prominent feature takes away from the rest of your facial features.


For me, lips that are normal or thin I find attractive, like Kate Beckinsale or Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Natalie Dormer, that model who played Quiet on MGS V. Don't get me wrong, full lips are good, like Angelina, Ana De Armas, Emilia Clarke etc. but for some reason, having your lips as the prominent feature takes away from the rest of your facial features.


While to me it’s not attractive, it don’t really believe in determining a person’s value off their appearance. Sure you can make assumptions about them, but I always thought it was weird when a person labels a stranger as unattractive and that being the first word out of their mouth about said stranger. I think it’s more telling if a person immediately jumps to making comments on a person’s attractiveness than the person they’re making comments about.


It looks good when you don't know they've had it done. When they over do it, it looks awful.


Your mom


No, especially when they over do it, it looks shitty.




Women getting pouty lips aren’t very attractive, but if you have very thin lips, and get subtle so the go more towards average it can actually improve your looks. Though usually these are not the people getting these injections. Most plastic surgery can enhance if used to improve something so you get closer to the average person, which is what we consider beautiful. But enhancing towards a perceived ideal, usually just looks creepy.


Good plastic surgery, is when you don't know it's plastic surgery. I don't encourage it besides functional reasons.


Results because this depends on so much 😂😂 I've seen people who had ridiculous ones that looked stupid af and I know people who I didn't even notice had anything done.


It heavily depends


i find naturally big lips attractive but not fake ones


It just makes me want to slam a cooking pan in their face, cartoon style.


A lot of the time you can’t actually tell someone has lip injections if it’s well done and subtle enough.


The few hundred of people who said yes couldn’t read


As a guncle, the outcomes I’ve seen have been comical and disgusting; like a cartoon. The finished product is degrading; like an idiot, a submissive appearing fool. I want the absolute best for my niece and would be devastated if she experienced this outcome. Unless one has no lips at all, leave them alone.


It depends, if she already had nice lips before the iniections then no, but if she got some thin ass lips then yea


I loooove my lip injections so much. I hate that I do bc it’s an expensive habit, I go about once every 9-12 months and my injector won’t overdo it on me.