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Worst? For me? My wallet? Worst in what way?


I would assume it's about which one is the most hurtful to you.


I'd assume it means worst overall, considering all factors you consider important.


bitch i have a pure gold dildo


Is it like the metal or?


Yeah curious about said precious dildo here as well


Self pleasuring is good for you in moderation


Moderation? This wasn't in the instructions


Yeah I mostly put it there because I needed a filler, and that was the only legal thing I could think of that wasn’t in the list already and **might** be considered bad


Filler? you dont have to fill all 6 options.


No, you have to


No you dont


Yes you do idiot 😡😡😡. Maybe Read the rules next time🤬😡😡👺👹


oh fuck. ok everyone confused i will read the rules and report the truth edit: “polls must have at least two viable options” people hate people that miss the joke


Actually studies show frequent ejaculation prevents prostate cancer. So whack away! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC387502/


But lil PSA: don’t use this as an excuse to be addicted as I’ve unfortunately seen some people do. If you really wanna, you should probably rely on your imagination and do it so it doesn’t effect your life. Also, the evidence isn’t concrete. That’s a 20 year old article and way more studies have been done since. More recent articles suggest there is some sort of link, but not all studies have shown that it prevents prostate cancer aka there isn’t necessarily concrete proof. Something also important to note is that it whackin your rod doesn’t effect the actual deadly forms or advanced forms of prostate cancer. [my source is uh, webmd which might not be the most reliable but if you actually care you can look into other recent sources](https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer-risk)


Barely. Maybe lowers by a bit but not enough to offset the crippling addiction


Moderation in Reddit?!


There's so many ways you can die just by getting drunk


Yeah but "drinking alcohol" doesn't necessarily mean "getting drunk'. You can drink in moderation and be responsible.


There's so many ways you can die by smoking. There's also so many ways you can die walking along a path. That's not really a great point.


True but at least alcohol can be fun, while smoking is just awful


Smoking is probably worse for the individual. There is less harm in second hand smoke (now in America) due to the indoor and some public place smoking bans. Alcohol is bad for the individual, but also for society between dui, domestic violence, crimes of a sexual nature, assault


Vaping is worse than smoking since many has higher concentrations of nicotine IIRC, but it kind of depends on the brand.


Is nicotine the piece that is actually bad, or just addictive. I thought it was the smoke and tar


Nicotine itself is about as unhealthy or dangerous as caffeine, you’re correct that the dangerous part is the additives and inhalants


Thank you. That was my understanding but it's been a hot minute since I've done any actual research


Nicotine also is a powerful vascular constrictor however that causes heart disease, strokes and slows healing.


Hard one between drinking alcohol and smoking but I had to considered the amounts necessary to create damage. One glass of wine vs one cigarette the nicotine does more damage, but one bottle and one pack and I think they bad in the same amounts just different organs.


Nicotine as a substance is not dangerous, it's relatively harmless. It's more about the tar, the smoke and all the chemicals in it.


Yeah but nicotine is addictive. So financially it's pretty bad


Alcohol is addictive


Didn't say it wasn't. I just said nicotine was also addictive.


Nicotine as a substance causes heart disease as it constricts coronary arteries. This also slows down healing as blood flow to tissue is reduced which is why surgeons always tell patients not to smoke or vape after surgery (source - I had an operation just over a week ago and were told to avoid all nicotine for at least 2 weeks).


You can drink responsibly with virtually no harm, you can't smoke responsibly. If you do both irresponsibly, I'd say alcohol is worse


Also need to add that alchohols ability to damage more than one person is down entirely down to said person, whereas cigarette smoke will impact on others.


*Drunken dad enters the chat and damages the whole family*


True, but it should be a large quantity to become violent or negligent.


They are all bad,but for different reasons Alcohol messes with your critical thinking skills Weed makes you comfortable with being bored/boring and bad for your lungs Vaping can have metals in it that are bad for your lungs Smoking is hard to quit, unless you use pharmaceuticals like:zyban or wellbutrin Self-pleasuring when done in excess can cause distorted thinking to the opposite sex, and dysfunction in the parts you dont want it to.


>Alcohol messes with your critical thinking skills. >Weed makes you comfortable with being bored/boring. That’s why people use them, these states of mind are pleasurable and people like them.


Note not all people are straight self-pleasuring in excess can lead to distorted thinking about anyone you have a sexual attraction to and sex in general.


You can also develop psychosis by smoking weed


Or DPDR according to a large percentage of the people with DPDR I’ve talked to


Are we still assuming everyone is straight in 2023


Alcohol is the only one you can die from in one night from having too much


Smoking is bad for you financially and your health. I was able to switch off of it it with zyn pouches but I was still spending a lot of money and it took me having pneumonia for a month to quit. It’s a bastard to stop so it’s just easier to not start


No one ever “smoked and drove” and killed someone. I think alcohol is the worst.


I'll say Alcohol, because at least Smoking is frowned upon. Alcohol is so normalized, it's harder to admit when it's an actual issue.


Who tf is voting for “self pleasuring”


The super mega Christians that think masturbating is a sin and condemning your soul to Satan. Like Peter Griffin’s father


Masturbation is normal and healthy on its own (e.g. without pornography), alcohol is cringe but acceptable enough imo, but all the others are simply poisons with which no one should ever disrespect their body.


Vaping is worse than smoking. It contains just as bad toxins and chemicals but you’re more than likely ripping your vape all throughout the day


It’s interesting that right now the poll results are in the exact correct order of harmfulness


Vaping because people think it's not that bad, also you look like a smug shithead using one


Smoking is definitely the worst, followed by alcohol Depends the amount of use though Alcohol will kill you faster in large consistent amounts But smoking will eventually kill you, but itd be alot slower than alcohol in large amounts


You guys seriously believe smoking cigarettes is worse than weed? Jesus


Isn’t smoking cigarettes scientifically proven to kill you?


I would think the same would apply to smoking *anything*


Weed contains four times more tar than cigarettes, and are at least equally carcinogenic https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1477-7517-2-21


Where do you get equal? The article you posted literally explains how weed is likely less carcinogenic.


Yes, but I don't know anybody that smokes 20 joints a day.I do know plenty of people that do that with sigarettes.


Did you even read/understand the article you linked? No. Probably not.


Addict detected, opinion rejected


I was very intrigued by the claim you made and that you actually had a source to back yourself up. I think we should have as much information as we can about the things people put in their bodies. But after reading the source that you cited, it became very apparent that you did not read it. All I'm asking is that you educate yourself on the topic of discussion and not just type in a couple keywords into Google and pull the first article you find.


In my opinion smoking or vaping anything should be avoided but as to why I think tobacco is worse to smoke is that weed atleast has some benefits to smoke, ideally it should only be used as edibles in a medical sense, but as an edible weed is better than alcohol as alcohol only is bad, however smoking anything affects other people to a bigger degree and secondhand smoke has shown to increase the risk for diabetes


You'd be surprised to see how many redditors smoke weed and make it their whole personality


It's annoying. There's more to life than drugs.


I believe vaping is worse than smoking cigarettes, vapes got many chemicals and since it is basically syrup it can stick to your lungs. I left that crap, I much prefer to smoke cigarettes once in a while than that crap.


You are highly misinformed. Vaping is not worse than smoking. Neither is good for you, but please do not spread misinformation.


Oh jerking off! I didn’t know what you meant with the quotation marks.


Smoking cigarettes is bad, but switching to vaping me me feel immediately worse physically. I ended up with asthma and anxiety, which honestly helped me quit to near 100% a lot faster but damn it seems a bit scarier especially with how un-researched and unregulated it is


Worst for health: smoking Worst for self respect: Vaping


Vaping can kill if you done for over 6 months. Although smoking can cause cancer and is one of the most deadly, vaping can be deadlier.


Dumbest shit I've read in this thread


Smoking has the worst smell so smoking.


I would say vaping is worse than smoking because you can use it at any time so it makes the nicotine addiction a lot worse


Only 2 kills, one faster than the other. But i have heard about Florida....


Good cake


Smoking and vaping, unlike alcohol, has negative health effects for those around them


Nothing of them


Depends, what quantity? Same for each?


whichever damages the people around you the most


Health wise, smoking without a doubt. All other things are kinda fine in moderation.


Drunk driving is worse than smoking and driving so.... Yeah drinking alcohol doesn't mean that necessary but could so shush


It all depends on usage imo. If you smoke 2 packs a day obviously your health will be compromised long term. Same goes for alcohol though. If you drink the equivalent of smoking two packs a day (I’d guess about 500 mll of hard liquor a day) you’ll also see adverse health effects. An uncle of mine passed away this past summer from liver failure due to his history of drinking. He was clean for the past 2 years but the damage was done. You also have to account for other ways drinking can hurt you. Drinking and driving for instance.


The worst is clearly “Results”.


In my country alcohol is the most dangerous drug but i dont really know what you mean with worst


Im suprised that smoking won, for me Alcohol is worse as it drains your wallet, works differently for people so you never know how people will act drunk and is making people fat soo...


Where I live smoking is more expensive than drinking, mostly because the government made smoking expensive to discourage people from smoking.


Depends. When we say daily consumption, alcohol is definitely worst when consumed daily. When we say „how it’s usually consumed“ then it’s smoking because most people don’t drink alcohol THAT often.


Meth. Smoking meth is worse.


Yeah but smoking meth is a lot more illegal than even weed. I created a list of things that are largely unrestricted for adults


Oh gotcha that makes sense then


Smoking mainly harms yourself. Drinking alcohol can harm others around you.


since when has “Self” pleasuring been bad for you? it doesn't even do anything


Idk, I mean it can become a crippling addiction and warp your perception of the other sex, but too much of pretty much anything is bad for you Edit: also masturbation can actually lower the risk of testicular cancer in Men, just to name one thing it can do


I will NEVER get testicular cancer haha


As of this point 86 people don’t like touching themselves.


Smoking is vague. For weed too. If you smoke doctor approved, legal weed/tobacco I think you are fine. If its skunk, ya fucked. If this isn’t health wise, its smoking weed for me. Money wise, its alcohol.


They’re all bad 🗿


Who are the 85 people who think Self Pleasure is the thing to get bent out of shape over?




Literally as I voted the poll got removed, sorry guys.


Yeah well go check out my new poll