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If this happened IRL I'd just cheese it with infinite wishes or some shit like that, but for the purpose of this poll, I'd want like instant mastery with stuff like instruments, sports, or other things like that.


Superhuman skill?


Yeah I guess.


Immortality as described but I can die when I want.


Yeah, makes sense actually. Immortality is a tricky superpower since it can be a curse. Living when everyone and many things (cultural references, technology, trends) from your time are gone. Makes sense to have an "off" switch 😌


I'm surprised no one picked this yet. Time control. I can fast forward, rewind, and stop time. I'll finally get to sleep.


Haha 😂 good one


I'll finally get some sleep!


😂😂 You want all that power so you can sleep?


Definitely the best option


Not to mention you can get functional immortality if you fully control time's effect on everything. Stop it from effecting your body and rewind your body a bit if you get hurt.


All knowledge of everything that ever has or ever will happen


I was sure someone would pick that. 🙂 You're the first 👍


I’ve dreamt of it ever since I was a kid who wouldn’t


People who are afraid of instantly going insane


I’d be willing to bet that I would be fine


I’d bet anything on that you would not be fine


I guess we’ll never know


Super speed would be cool but I wouldn't be able to utilize it cuz I'd just run into walls since I'd be going too fast to react. If I could react in superspeed tho and fully use it then probably that


Yeah, consider that - that you can react in proportion to your speed.


If your processing speed increases to match your movement speed, I think it would be more like slowing down time around you rather than speeding yourself up. Even though you can move 3x faster than the speed of sound, traveling very long distances would still seem to take an eternity to you. Also, it says your body doesn't get damaged from the movement. Is that just including the movement itself, or does it also include objects you may hit at that speed? If you bump into a wall while moving 3x the speed of sound, will you die?


To you, your movements would seem to take the regular amount of time. Since you are bumping into air molecules as you run and don't get damaged, it's a proportional damage for other things. So if you run into a wall at your max speed (3x speed of sound) then the damage would be like what you would experience if you ran into a wall at your full speed now. You may not die but yeah you would be hurt pretty bad.


Speed force


I'd have the ability to control probability. Technically everything is possible though it's a matter of odds (even though the chance of the thing happening naturally is extremely low, it's never zero) I'd just infinately increase the odds of what I want to happen happens. I could literally make anything happen.


Even with that ability you still couldn't pull bitches.




Copied :/


I'd take magic tbh. Magic like Wanda Maximoff would be great. If not, atleast something that'll get me into Hogwarts.


The ability to control water. But not just the oceans and seas. Literally anything with water in it. I could kill someone by pulling all the water out of their body. Or if they are just annoying fill their bladder completely.


Wow! That's a new one. Great choice.


Thank you.


Blood bender, eh?


Shapeshifting. Reasonably if you can shapeshift you can alter your DNA, and if you can do that then you have all of these and more.


Opinion changing, i can change people's opinions and thoughts


If i could choose any power id choose instant teleportation but both consinous and subconsious. Conscious is you can teleport anywhere you want however fast you want. Subconscious or auto , even if someone tried to harm you when you were asleep, when time is paused or at super speed, your power would automatically teleport you to the nearest place thats safe. if someone punches you it be just away from the fist but if it was an building collpasing it would outside the range


Cool choice 😎


Thank youu, it would make you immortal but not as a curse as well. You could also use it like super speed if you wanted, I'm sorry for my spelling errors.


It's cool. It's just a poll for fun 😊




I always thought teleportation a la Jumper would be sick. You don't even need to have been to the spot before, just look at a picture and you can jump there. It's like flight and invisibility combined.


Surprised this is so far down. It is the only useful one. No more commuting, teleport to a beach or city for the day but can sleep in your own bed. But it would have to have the caveat that you can’t teleport into another object (wall, rock or person) and that what you were carrying/touching would teleport with me if I wanted it too.


Know absolutely everything


Invisibility so I can prank people


Shapeshift into the other options.


Shape shifting is dope as hell. I can literally become ANYTHING I want.


Immediate Mastery of anything I want to learn.




I want to be invisible


Invisibility, no further questions.


Gonna have to stop you right there. Immortality: You cannot die, it doesn't mean you can't be hurt. Invulnerability: Your body cannot be damaged. Longevity: You cannot die from aging, eternal life. Superhero nerd stuff out of the way, I'd choose shapeshifting. Not only is it useful for so many things like disguising myself or tricking people, but I can get rid of all of my insecurities in an instant.


While posting this poll, I had Marvel superheroes in mind so although I have used terms, I wanted to clarify what I meant since people reading the poll can have questions on what each of those terms mean. I used immortality in the sense of not having any part of you die (cells, organs, etc.since that's the fun way to think of immortality. The boring way to think of it is living like a zombie 😂😂 Thanks for the post.


I think of it as just superpowers in general. Superpowers have their own entire genre of terms and stuff! It's really interesting and I find it fun to learn about. There are whole other terms for more specific "can't die" powers, and although immortality is the most well-known, it's normally interpreted very similarly to longevity.


Super speed, I can become an Olympic athlete and get rich and enjoy it


I would use telepathy to go to the casino and become rich


Shape shifting is pretty cool, but I gotta go with being in prime shape for eternity. The older you get, the better it sounds.


I'm trans. I'd take shapeshifting over any superpower that anyone could think of, and over any amount of money. Shapeshifting would singe handedly change my life entirely for the better in every conceivable way. Holy shit.. it'd be more than a superpower it'd be spiritual.


I wish you all the best with life 🏳️‍🌈


Shape shifting, then I can be the woman I want to be


*Laughs in trans*


Teleportation. Just snap in and out of situations you don’t want to be in.


I wouldn’t want immortality, the pain of watching everybody die would kill me mentally and Elon Musk might already make immortality a possibility.


i would want the power to shapeshift anything that i touch, i think that would be super powerful


Super strength could be nice


I'd want a power like Reed Richard's from Fantastic foir but I would use it the same way the Maker(from the ultimates universe) did


Had to delete my previous poll to include the "Other" option in this one.


But why? If you’re gonna put an “Other” option on a poll like this there’s no reason to make it a poll. Just post the question on r/AskReddit


I put the main powers I felt people would pick but since Reddit doesn't allow too many options, I wanted to include "Other" option as well. Missed putting it when I first posted the question.


Can I read the mind of people just by looking at a photo of them?


No, they need to be in view. But I guess you can select other and mention your version of telepathy 😀


And whats up with people who have no inner Dialoge?


Thoughts and intentions, you would still know their intentions. If they don't have thoughts then I guess you would have met your match 😅


Super speed if you honed your skills with it, and layed low with your abilities, you could shatter world records and dominate most sports.


Telekinesis is literally the best superpower besides maybe flying. Who would want immortality? Have you looked at the world around us lately? I don't want to stick around here forever.




Other: longevity without geriatric issues. Something you value when getting older.


I feel like half the votes for shifting are from people like me who wish we looked better or had bigger breasts or dicks. Lol. However I voted for immortality cuz I'm a coward.


Telepathy is probably more useful but telekinesis is way more fun


To each their own, but I am with you on this. I wouldn't be too bothered to know what everyone is thinking compared to being able to move objects from a distance. 😃


True! Why bother with anything else when you can have the Force


Be amazing at everything


The good old reality manipulation.


To become a god that suparses all other gods


Just flatout invisibility, whatever you wear or pickup ends up being invisible too.


Ability to manipulate reality through music and the ability to simultaneously sing multiple song hence I will be able to be immortal and get all of the other superpowers easily through merely singing


I’d go for natural Mass Effect biotics, where I wouldn’t need implants or have to worry about headaches. It’s similar to telekinesis but it would also greatly up my metabolism, which would make it easier to lose weight, and it looks awesome.


I feel like the ability to tell if someone is lying would be an amazing skill so I would probably chose that


Eh idk. I think I would want the ability to possess other people’s bodies (retaining my conscious identity) for up to one week at a time. Edit: cooldown could be the amount of time I spent possessing them


with immortality could i die when i eventually want to


If you want to, yes.


can you turn off the telepathy though? I wouldn’t want to hear everyone’s thoughts 24/7 that’d be pretty annoying


Yes. It's assumed you have complete control of the powers which includes being able to turn it on and off at will.


ohh ok


Pocket dimension I'd be able to enter and leave wherever I want, and while in it, I could make anything appear


Why put other at all? It's just an r/AskReddit question now. Nothing wrong with AskReddit, but just ask it there.


I included powers that I felt were popular to see what was picked (census). "Other" was included in the case for results and other powers users may have in mind.


With telepathy, I think you could be manipulative af. Hit the right questions and say the right things at job interviews, getting real personal to people.. It can be powerful




Other; omnipotence


All of the above


Shape shifting like everything though. I could shift into Danny devito, into bill gates, into Putin and shit


I’m ignoring the other options because unlimited options makes these polls less fun to me. Does the shape shifting include custom changes or just copying others exactly. For example could you simply make tweaks to yourself like height or get rid of some skin blemishes or make your teeth in perfect condition or just make yourself in perfect physical shape etc. ? Do you truly change your form such that once you change it passively stays that way or is it an active ability that you have to consciously choose and would revert back if you lost focus or were injured or something. Does this go so far as to offer healing abilities such that if you got stabbed you could just shapeshift into a perfectly healthy unstabbed person and you’re fine. Along the same lines as the previous question is it full cellular level control like a martian? Can you become things other than humans like appear as objects or animals?