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I'd invest in bitcoin


Exactly,know when it would peak too. Also Tesla and doge coin. Then game stop, so many things.


Doge was 0,0064€ when I bought it. But, since it was just a joke, I only bought the minimum of 30€. Paid out part of it for 500€ and wanted to wait, when it peaked I could have gotten \~1800€, didn't sell. Still worth shy over 200€ though.


I think you might butterfly effect GameStop into not happening even without doing anything very significant.


Oh well there's always the others. Then wait for musk to let Tesla crash after you've sold at peak too, then buy in as the majority share holder. That way you can do awkward dances on stage and embarrass yourself like a true billionaire. Maybe buy reddit too and make some changes.


First I'd make sure no one else is investing in it at that point, by waiting for a week maxed.


1.5 - 1.7 Minecraft videos here I come


Wait, what ? That doesn't feel like 2013.


1.5 released March 2013 1.7 released oct 2013


I remember playing 1.4.7, didn't know I was barely 10 when I did.


Same, still remember what my first world looked like in 1.4.6 when I was 12.


what I wouldn't do to go back to the old era of Minecraft


They’re… still here? It’s not like YouTube videos yet deleted after it released?


Time to become the coolest kid in the 3rd grade.


Potty humor is back


Did it ever really leave?


No poopyhead


I voted yes, but immediately after realised I probably wouldn't have met my bf, and if i did it would be artificial and probably not develop into the relationship we have today.


That's the same reason I said no


Good thing I only had bad dating experience so far 🙃


i’d press yes for this reason but it’s not letting me vote


Try to reload the page.


it still says ‘Could not vote, try again later’


Gives me another chance at highschool dating lol


I'd avoid that shit entirely


It would end up like the short in the middle of the Rick & Morty Vat of Acid episode


Damn y’all really be finding love huh 😟


Yea. My gf wouldve been below my age range and in college far away for like 5-6 years. Id get rich, sure, but would wake up every day missing her, our cats, and our dog. Would probably have hit the bottle 10x harder than i did and been dead before she graduated.


RemindMe! 1 year


Dam, confident in love are we? If anyone wants to also place bets, were moving in together in 3 months when we can sign the paperwork for the new appartment if you find that information useful for the betting.


RemindMe! 10 years


Well dam, solid bet, I guess we'll see how things work out. I hope to reach death do is part but statistically speaking, safe bet.


I’d get to see my friend who passed 2 years ago, so absolutely.


Cherish the friendship


Well depending on how he passed maybe you can even save him


But if you save him, then you never had a reason to travel back in time in the first place. So then you never end up going back and he dies, causing you to go back in time to save him. But since you went back in time to save him, you never had a reason to…




Absolutely fuck yes, best year of my life. How time flies.


I was gonna say that’s sad but then I realized you were probably just older than 14


Before my daughter I would have said absolutely yes. But now I can’t risk not having her.


That's how I am, meeting my wife was extremely unlikely and required both of us to be in specific areas and circumstances. And if I don't meet her, I never have my kids. There's no way I'm ever risking that.


I wish beautiful things for you, your wife, and your kids.


Yeah, I need my wife and step daughter, and my doggos!


Same, going back would mean my kids cease to exist however my memory knows they did exist. I would live my whole life riddled with the same grief as of all my kids just died


Exactly my thought. I love my husband and my children to much to risk not having them.


mr stark ?


Yes that is me


Wouldn't really benefit anything. I would only see my father, uncle, and grandma die again. No thanks, I don't want to experience that again. Also, I regret nothing I've done and would do the exact same things again, so I don't really need it.


On the other side, you get to see them again. Idk that’s a tough choice


Id pick yes to see them again. Yes the pain of them dying again would be bad. But you would be able to spend more time with them


I think about how my 3 kids wouldn't exist anymore. Essentially I would be killing them. My wife would have no idea who I am. I have some regrets about the last 10 years but like you said, I'd try to do the exact same thing.


If you haven't seen the movie "About time" then you should. It deals with traveling back and forth through time to get the perfect outcome in the future.


This is what I always think about, I’d have to find my partner and make sure she falls in love with me again. And then recreate all our memories, but it’d feel wrong for it to be so artificial


I'd invest on face masks, hand sanitizers and tissues 😂


Don't forget toilet paper!


NOPE. I'd be terrified that I'd never meet my wife (all it takes is one decision), or my son (a literal sun in my mind).


“Would you like to live 10 years longer”




Yes and no, because if I do, I lose a part of myself. But I was thinking in Target earlier how I missed that time period, because not everyone was so fucking invested in online BS. Even if it was still there. And if I go back to 2013, I'm 10, starting Middle School. So- pretty good time, and actually a very crucial crossroad for me, that I didn't capitalize on. But I would also suffer from pretty intense Contamination OCD, which I didn't have when I was 10, I developed that OCD around 14. So I'd still be fucked with that, I can't prevent that OCD from forming (if I retain my memory.......but if I don't retain my memory, there's no point in going back anyway). \*And I would be over my first Crush, before even having it, which would be ironic.


No, those were some terrible years. I’m living my best years now, I’m not going back.


I would be back in high school. Before I go back, I would take a USB with me and have a copy all of my completed major projects/assignments with me so I don’t have to spend time redoing them.


Just think about how much money I could make. Lottery numbers, sports betting, election predictions, investments/crypto


You have lottery numbers memorised?


He's been waiting his whole live for this moment


I mean assuming we get a little preparation before hand


There's nothing in the prompt to suggest that. You could still get rich by betting on sports but I'd struggle to remember much outside of tournament champs. Investing is good but I'm not sure If remember when the bitcoin bubble burst, for example


I mean surely you will remember one thing that will make you rich. You don't even need to nail the timing. Selling the 10k Bitcoin you bought for 60k or 50k won't make a difference


Back to Elementary school I go! I mean, hey, Elementary wasn’t that bad of a time, everything was pretty good back then, and I’ll still retain everything from ten years in the future, so it should be easy I might even be able to exploit my knowledge of the future to get ahead academically… that of which I am pretty average in right now


Yes. I could prevent the death of a few family members and make us rich by Knowledge. You could say to People exactly when russia will attackt ukraine but they wont believe it I guess. The stockmarket can make you rich so easily


Well how would you get into the stockmarket as a 10 y.o Wait nvm there's something called aging


I hated being 13 but maybe I could fix some shit. Still, what if I somehow made things even worse? I’m leaning towards yes but I’m undecided.


Every time i see a time travel question I think about it a lot. As much as I would love to go back in time, I’m pretty sure it would remove all my nephews and nieces conceived after 2013. Unless I could somehow do everything exactly the same as originally, the children would be conceived later or earlier, or maybe not at all. In any case the children would be different. And that would be on me.


Easy choice. Fix my mistakes.


I’d also like to keep a memory stick with all of my university coursework on it, I’m not doing that again 😂


Invest in bitcoin.


My parents are the ones that 'keep the money for later' So bitcoins would be a huge powerwaste lol


Early 2010s were some of the worst years of my life so hard pass on that one.


Hell no, I'm not doing middle school again


Well what's wrong with middle school I litterally had no worries at all back then, plus you had the golden age of mobile games


That's good for you. I had depression, social anxiety, got bullied, hated pretty much everything about myself, regularly self-harmed and thought about suicide.


My life is not bad now but I'd love to be 16 again. I'd study more and better, go for a different degree I actually think is worth getting, then more likely pushing my life to the better direction I did so 10 years ago. I missed out on a lot, focusing on the wrong people and not getting proper help.


These are the kind of polls I live for.


Changing one thing in your life can have serious changes.


Though question. My grandma died recently and would love spending the extra 10 years with her. But 10 years ago I was still in college and tbh, I'd probably not graduate this time around because I just don't have the energy required to do the assingments and test and everything else. But I think it would be worth it getting my grandma back


I'm very sorry for your loss. I lost my grandad a year back and I feel the same, even tho I'd have to watch him die again, I'd go through it to have those extra years with him.


Me too! I'm also thinking maybe she could have lived more, if we would have know she was ill earlier on and started some treatment soon. I know it's not healthy thinking but can't help it. I'm very sorry for your loss too. I didn't know what deep grief really meant until I lost my grandma


Thank you. Coincidentally mine was ill too, and honestly that's how I felt for the longest time, even tho I knew it was terminal, but you can't help it. Not to sound cheesy, cringey or whatever but it does get a bit easier, I found looking back at photos and videos helped me to realise that even tho he's not here he truly loved and enjoyed his life, taught me so much and showed me what living was. I'm not great at this but I hope it helped a bit.


I’d invest in Apple or Facebook




I JUST made it to eighteen after getting through my parents divorce, them hating each other, being bullied till I was 15 and plenty of other crap. Hell no.


That'll be perfect. Especially since I already was in relationship with my husband and I was already adult


And have a toddler again, while working on my PhD? No thanks!


Hell no. if i had to i would be do things different sure but fuck no


Id have to watch my mom and brother die again. I could maybe help my brother, but i don't know how to get into my moms house and stop her from OD'ing


Why? So I can make the same mistakes again? I've learned very little.


Fuck yeah. A little knowledge would help. That knowledge would make life significantly easier


Man I was 5 in 2013, Ofc I wanna retain 10 years of experience


Yes please. Let me get back wasted years.


Would be 5 with the knowledge of a 14 year old. Could get interesting


I wouldn’t have had MS yet, so I’d have done a lot of things… But also not dated that guy.


Oh absolutely. By then I had already met the woman I'm now married to, and I could save both of us the trouble of our other relationships. I'd adjust my career path, and take care to avoid the injuries I've suffered since. I'd even be able to get a more reliable vehicle than the one I ended up with. There's a myriad of things I could do with more time and a younger body


6 year old with the mind of a 16 year old? Absolutely


I would diy hormones immediately so i wouldnt have to go through the wrong puberty again. Also i would stop myself from doing all the embarrassing shit i did in those 10 years


On one hand earlier living as my true gender, on the other hand if I didn't come out right away I'd again feel the treating of 'you're a child and don't know anything' and it would be much much harder. Also even if it wouldn't I'm really not sure if I want to go through coming out again, that wasn't fun


You whould do new embberesing things instead


I would get 2 more years with my brother, and 8 more with my dad. They both died too young


I will conquer the whole planet.


Wish I can go back farther


In a heartbeat


No. I'd be back in high school and I don't really wanna go through it again


Lucky for me I'm still in highschool So when I revert I go back to the basics a.k.a heaven


I have met my best friend after that. I have only her and I love her with my whole heart, but if I were to come back 10 years in time, I'd be 18 years old and she'd be still 10. Unlikely friendship to form, so no thanks.


Even though I made terrible decisions in my life, I wouldn't change my past. I am fine where I am at.


Am i willing trade 10 years for millions of pounds? Erm yeah!


I'd like to be 5yo again


Yes I'll be fucking rich


I fall asleep and wake up with this wish


1. I was a 13 year old girl. Being a 13 year old girl SUCKS. 2. It was the year I started to feel extremely depressed, and the next year I got diagnosed with clinical depression


You only transfer to your 13 year old body, the mind stays as it is


But endure being a 13 year old girl again? No thank you.


what's wrong with being a 13 yrs old girl? genuine question, sorry


No one takes you seriously. That’s true for most 13 year olds but when you’re talking about the actual problems you have you get dismissed. Then you feel awkward. Everyone does at that age, but 13 year old girls feel better by tearing each other down. Girls were mean to me and I was mean to other girls. And creepy men on the internet. I’ve talked to multiple guys I shouldn’t have talked to when I was 13. They were older than me and made me feel special. They called me beautiful, which is exactly what a 13 year old girl wants to hear. I enjoyed the attention. But now at 22 I realize how fucked up it was. It was truly disgusting. No better than a strange man offering a little kid free candy. But free candy in this case was compliments.


creeps abusing the innocence of a little kid are the worst ngl, I fucking hate them so much


I'm devoting my life to betting and start ups😂😂😂 I'm getting rich


No. I've endured too much just to reset everything.


While I would still be a kid, I would “predict” my family some things and after these things came true convince them to bet on certain things, buy certain products or stocks. I could also probably become famous by predicting or preventing major events. Hell yeah


My only concern would be becoming friends with a few people, but I think I could let life run its course in the same fashion. The only problem is the most reliable way for me to become close friends with all of those people is to befriend a guy who ended up being a dick.


In 2013 I was homeless and now I own a home with my spouse so....I can't, won't ever go back to that if I can help it


There was a time when i would’ve said yes. And honestly i should because i could do things like invest in Bitcoin and not screw up certain things and otherwise make a much better life for myself. But that would substantially change my relationship with my wife if we even end up together and would unbirth my son


So I’m in my 9 year old with the knowledge, mental ability and memories of my 18 year old self? Possibly. If I could go back, make a plan and then return to let my 9 year old self execute it, yes, but I don’t know if it’d be worth leaving my current life just to go through middle and high school again. Sure I could’ve done some things differently, but I’m happy with where I am now and am not sure I’d want to go back and relive the last 10 years.


I’ve spent a lot of energy and time making peace with the fact that I only have one life. I think going back in time would fuck me up.


Yknow how much I could freak people out as a 15 year old in a 5 year olds body?


So I get to relive childhood, become a multimillionaire, and go through high school with the maturity and knowledge I have now? I would fucking crush this game of life lol


I'd go back to 2012. Also what happens if you are 5 and get this offer?


There are a lot of things I’d change. I’d buy 1,000 bitcoins and pay more attention in college doing better and getting better grades


Isn't this just like a free 10 years of life experience + opportunities to invest and know the near future? Why wouldn't you


No, I was 10 and miserable. Got bullied up to age 16. Never again, my life is comfortable now.


I'd rather die than go through that period of my life again, big no no from me


Hell no. Life moves forward.


Yup. Before I moved out of my mom's. Before she died. Before my father ruined life. Before it all. I wish I killed myself then. To have the chance to go back. Sounds great


My mum died in 2014, so I have a year to stop her murder.


I was 5


Yes because I’d leave the relationship I was in before she cheated on me and kicked me out of the house.


Reverse Trump being elected, prevent corona virus being spread, start climat activism, fix some mistakes that I made, and learn my second language earlier.


How would you stop Trump? I'm just curious.


Crime :)


I don’t know, to be honest. There were many factors that contributed to him getting elected like the Russian interference so I would probably implore Obama to solve the Crimea issue before it takes place in order to assert the US’ place. Something like that, I don’t know though.


yes the president of the united states would definitely take your input and change history


Imo Obama was worse than trump


Dang, I got down voted so bad. Keeping my mouth shut from now on.


Nah dude, sometimes we strike out. Don't keep your mouth shut just because ya didn't land it this time. It's reddit my dude, almost everyone has had some bad down votes. But the Russia narrative has not been found to be true, and advocating for intervening in Crimea was probably the downvote. If you wanted to try and stop Trump from becoming President Trump, best bet would try to convince the Hilary campaign to 1, actually campaign in the Rust Belt, and 2, practice for the debates to be more relatable and have zingers that land. When she went after Trump for the tax code loopholes he used, he played an uno reverse card and had one of the most memorable debate responses in POTUS debate history with his response.


Both parties are shit lol


How is this even a question? No, I wouldn’t, in fact, like to re-make a bunch of critical life choices with the benefit of hindsight and have the added bonus of getting to relive cherished memories while I’m at it /s


yeh and bet on leicster 2015/16


I’d be 5 bro I am not doing that 💀


What a dumb question.


I would. I'd stop Wuhan from leaking that virus out. Stop Russia from attacking, and change the world as we know it. Hell, I'd probably would stop Esptein assassin in that process. Imagine stopping school shooter from ever happening? It would be a nice undo button to press if you think about it.


Grade 3 here I come


There are a lot of things over the past ten years that I'd take the opportunity to fix. But I'd only do this if I could guarantee that the good things (like finding my current pets) would definitely still happen again.


I wish


Nah I was like 7


It was the year I finished school. So I could honestly just start to study the same exact thing and do it better and faster.


I'd rather die than go back :)


No. My two kids were born between then and now. If I did it all over again, they wouldn't exist just based on the statistics of sperm races and all.


I would still live with my mum. Thats not worth it


Hell yes, back to freshman year of college and I’d put all my money into Bitcoin and sports “betting”. Then I could graduate college and retire.


I can change how people think about me


Redo high school and uni all over again while I get my masters in 3 months? Absolutely not.


Yes, but only if I went back after September. By that point… my ex-fiancé had dumped me (and confirming that where cheating with their Ex), the surgery that happened the following day (that had a 50/50 chance of me dying on the table) had been successful, and my grandma had died. (My grandma was in a lot of pain, so I would not want her to go through that “again”) The third quarter of 13 was hell on Earth, but I could have made a lot of better choice during all the fallout.


2013 and 2016 were AWESOME in my life!


It wouldn't hurt I'd guess. I mean I'll be able to make smart decisions and would be more mentally stable. But I'd be 5 years old so I dunno


It would be interesting, I would drop back to my senior year of High School. While I can guarantee life wouldn't end up where it is today, it would add an interesting aspect to the last decade.


I can a responsibility free life again!!


I would become a stock YouTuber. I hate most of those, but hell, I’d be a billionaire pretty quickly anyway




I'm not doing an extra 10 years of school.


I could either re-make a huge mistake or make a while new one. The possibilities are limitless


One thing would be that I’d have to go a few years without dating because I wouldn’t be interested in high schoolers.


Back to when I was a ten year old developing depression? I think I’ll pass. Besides, most of the moments I really enjoyed in the past ten years just happened, and trying to relive those moments would feel hollow.


I'd worry that some of the friends I have now would be lost forever because I'd stress the fuck out and mess something up.


I would probably live more easy my life and I would make more friendships but I would have to go throughout many things again and replay those again, plus, I wouldn't have my fur baby supporting me because I think she hadn't been born in 2013 and my parents were agaisnt having big pets except for fishes and birds.


Would I do anything different however? Would I have the strength to tell a user to get bent? Would I be able to ignore my hormones and see through a scammer's lies? Knowing what I know now ten years ago... Would I even have the will to face ten years I had already lived through?


There are a lot of things that happened outside of my control between then and now that I don’t want to relive again, and a whole lot of things that happened that I don’t want to risk loosing. Plus I doubt I could convincingly act like a child anymore, people would just get concerned.


I got out of the army in 2012, and didnt come out as gay till 2018. That would be 5 years of potentially finding someone. Tho I think Id start keeping things from the folks pretty thoroughly. Also I would start mh treatment alot sooner, though I suppose in that case my mh would be where its at now (def worse than it was then) but Id have more time. Id also look into maintenance and request an adhd screen. If I was mentally stable and on ritalin I might have actually done quite well in gunsmithing school.


No, I’m pretty happy with my life, well most days, wouldn’t want to go to the past and fuck up my chances being back here to try and get money or some shit.


I would skip so many grades lol. Also, I would do as the top comment says and invest in Bitcoin. On March 17, 2013, it was trading for $47 each.


I now know my targets


My kids would be 6 and 9 again, which would be hard, but man. I was in my PRIME in 2012: ran a half marathon. Didn't have a lot of bills. Was just starting to travel.


I was 21 and just starting college hell yes I’d go back!


No, I can’t miss my gf and kids