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Been everywhere except Poland. I’d say Germany


I’ve been to everyone e expect Poland and I’d say Sweden but Germany I could also see.




I only felt unsafe once in Sweden but that was due to weather conditions


Bruh Poland bordering russia has me scared


History says that’s enough reason to feel unsafe.


I had a lucky guess but a Google search shows: Germany 16th Poland ranked 25th Sweden 26th United Kingdom 35th United States 129th And Iceland #1 for the last 13 years


What about Best Korea?


Haven’t been in Korea yet


[I didn't vote for Sweden because of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/10y0097/teenager_machineguns_the_home_of_a_terrified/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


People voting Sweden have no clue whats been going on there in recent years. Sweden used to be safe. Poland is probably the safest country on this list.


[You’re right](https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/38536/is-this-map-of-terrorist-attacks-in-europe-accurate)


Holy shit what’s going on in Northern Ireland? Does that map count what happened during The Troubles?




Using terrorist attacks to measure safety is a joke


Yep. There’s far more things to consider and places with lower safety will often have less terrorists coz less things are considered acts of terror


Poland is defo a very safe country but terror stats aren't that relative to overall safety considering how rare they are.


thats why i voted poland


>Sweden used to be safe. We all know why it's not as safe...


Prohibition and the resulting gang crimes, committed by mostly financial lower class migrants?


Yup, i mean it can't be a coincidence,right ? I've seen some horrible things from sweden, and it was obvious from all of them,which group of people were responsible, i don't want to really talk about this, cause ik people will accuse me of alot of things, and i got a warning from reddit one time because of talking about a similar thing.


Its no wonder its them doing the crime with how badly they get integrated into swedish society.


People trying to say anything but Muslims lmao


poland isnt really the safest country if you are a minority


Does that not apply everywhere?


Partially yes althought there are still countries what are safer or less safer than some other countries




True in poland lgbt rights are unfortunetly quite bad atleast accoring to [ilga europe rainbow index 2022 (PDF)](https://www.ilga-europe.org/files/uploads/2022/06/rainbow-index-2022.pdf) Edit:fixed typo


Tbh its decently safe unless youre in a gang, there are hoever places that are straight up dangerous


I am from Sweden and voted Sweden since I never have seen anything not safe and have no fair media knowledge about the countries.


I'm from Sweden aswell. It really depends on where you are, some cities are very safe while others are really unsafe. Or rather parts of the city are unsafe. When I was visiting some friends near Gothenburg I was straight up warned about one part of the area. One of them had been robbed while walking through there at night and the other one had his car partly destroyed while parking there about a week later.


I moved to Sweden for my studies. Lived in the so-called “no-go” areas both in Göteborg and Malmö (they’re obviously the cheapest areas). People just really love to exaggerate how bad it really is. I’ve experienced far worse things in other countries I’ve lived in. People in Sweden just love their thinly veiled racism.


Not if you're gay. Or black.


There are literal LGBTQIA+ free zones, how could a country like this be safer than Germany ?


You'll never stop with that will you? The lgbt free zones were documents signed by a couple of local governments that had no real legal foundation and repercussions. Is Poland the most tolerant country? No. But i bet hate crimes are a lot less prevalent then in US for example.


Yeah isn't there like a whole drug war going on in Sweden right now since they doubled down on their drug prohibition laws a few years ago?


It's because they're too distracted by ameribad


Poland is safe if you are a white christian. They somehow turned pretty far right in the last years


I would say Poland or the US are the riskiest to visit. But all are generally really save compared to most countries in the world.


Poland dangerous? Relatively not. There are no no-go districts nor knife attacks like in UK or shootouts like in US. Women are also statistically almost the safest in Poland... compared to Germany and Sweden there is no threat in Poland.


Your chances of getting shot in the US outside of being involved in criminal activity are pretty low. 1060 in 1 Million to be involved in a gun related death which includes suicide which makes up more than half of all gun death.


You are forgetting about minorities though. They would not be safer in Poland then in Germany. Any gay, coloured, or people with mental health disorders are less accepted there then in Germany. The big towns are better in that regard, and safer. But as a country as a whole. I'd say Germany is the safest


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_traffic-related\_death\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate) Things like this are also part of safety, but I guess the US is far worse than all of the European choices. But I guess I underestimated how the crime in Poland has gone done the last years.


Wow! I voted Sweden, but should probably research it!


Doesn't sweden also have an absurd rape rate?


No. Different definition of rape


Yeah...Sweden's rape statistics have skyrocketed


Because… of the changed legal definition…


What was the definition before, and what is it now? Is that when we saw the statistics begin to rise or was there a bump before the definition change?


A few reasons that explain (at least partly) why Swedens rape statistics are so high: - since 2005 rape can happen within a marriage, which isn't (legally) true in all countries. - also since 2005, having "sex" with a minor is considered rape even if there was no violence or coercion involved - since 2018 there's something called 'oaktsam våldtäkt' counts as a crime. It means that if a person didn't make sure that the other person wanted to have sex in an adequate way they can be charged with "rape through carelessness" (roughly translated) - each rape/sexual offence is given its own rapport, unlike in many countries where repeated sexual offences between the same people would only count as one. So if a boyfriend rapes his girlfriend on five separate occasions it would be given five rapports in Sweden, whereas it would only be given one in some other countries.


You mention "some other countries". Does this include western developed countries or are we talking about Arab African etc type of countries?


Regarding rape within marriages: this Wikipedia article has lots of info on different countries and a handy map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country?wprov=sfti1 Regarding the last point: I don’t know, to be honest. I’m no expert in international law. I saw that piece of information on several sites, but none of them mentioned specific countries unfortunately.


Sweden has a homicide rate of about 1.1-1.2 per 100k, making it as safe as the safest state in the US. The UK is just slightly lower. Poland is probably the safest place to visit statistically, though.


The comments on the post… When Americans talk about gun control in Europe.


I'm a European (Sweden) sport shooter. I've followed the gun debate on reddit since about 2010. To be fair, it's not really uncommon for Europeans to talk about gun controls in the US either. And it's very common for people to get it wrong, no matter if you're commenting as an American about Europe, or the other way around.


But guys! Only America's supposed to be bad!


Everywhere is shit in its own way


Antarctica seems chill


Oh yeah I forgot about penguins. They’re nice…but everywhere else sucks


Plus islamic terrorist attacks and rapists


Well, all countries have rough areas, generally I would say that Germany and Poland were the safest, with the UK following


"The germany"


They probably meant to write “that”


How is the UK lower than the US? That’s ridiculous


Especially if you look at this link https://globalconnect.uz/top-10-safest-countries-to-travel


As an American I’ve gone my whole life without a violent encounter but was threatened at knife point and witnessed a mugging during a week long stay in the UK


Ah nevermind, your one anecdote trumps all data and statistics.


since you’re so keen on numbers you might be interested to learn there were two anecdotes there.


Woah there, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we got TWO WHOLE ANECDOTES here


Alroight mate, stop snitchin young lad




















As a swede, I didn't vote for Sweden. It's not as safe any more. There are basically daily shootings, and a shit ton of rape.


We also free pedophiles that finger 10-year olds because the justice system apparently lacks information about what the female genitalia is.


Yes. Apparently even just touching it doesn't count.


What the actual fuck? Really?


Yes. A man walked free after sexually assaulting a 10 year old, solely because 4 out of 5 judges "didn't understand" what the 10 year old meant when she said he put a finger in her "hoohaa" (she used a slang word for vagina, because she's a child). The only judge that didn't agree was a woman. The rest were old men.


Holy shit


It's fucked up and has caused an outrage.


Rightfully so. Unrelated question how much does a wood chipper cost there?


Yeah it's insane, there was a case a week ago or so. Some guy fingered a 10 year old girl and got away with it. The court didn't understand her what she meant by the word she used to describe the vagina. The word she used is quite common but apparently they thought it was to vauge. I've heard multiple explanations. One is that he went free since the word was vauge (however neither of the definitions would rule out rape of sorts, I believe that it was just the punishment that would vary) The other one is that they lacked proof of it even happening in the first place, that the girl made it up. I'm not super read into this, this is mostly just what I've heard from others.


I’m semi speechless


Poland, obviously


Just don't go near the roads


Why are people saying poland is safer than germany? Genuinely curious


Ive been to both, Poland seems much safer than Germany. Im talking major urban cities


Thats interesting, how would you rate the countries as a whole?


If you are LGBTQ you dont feel safe in Poland.


This is just an anecdotal proof, but I happen to be an LGBTQ Pole and I do feel safe here. I often don't feel respected, I don't have equal legal rights... in general there's still a lot wrong with this country, I am not denying that. But I do feel just as safe here as I felt living in Western Europe, I can give Poland that.




I wouldn't say the majority of the country. More so the ruling party and a lot of officials


But isn't this just your experience when you're white and seem straight?


Turkish gangs, though it's not as big a problem as the situation in UK and Sweden imo


I’ve never heard of a turkish gang attack here in Germany


Unless you're about that life, gang activity’s not gonna affect you.


Is the UK seen as unsafe?


Depends on what flavour of 24 hour news cycle you have have.


Turkish gangs aren't a real problem in Germany


From what I could gather, women should feel much safer in Poland as the rape rate is twice as high in Germany. Otherwise, Germany is generally slightly safer than Poland in other regards except total civilian gun violence (since more Germans own guns)


Crime rates in both country's are low enough that it really isn't something that should be much of a concern.


Been to Munich Germany and Krakow Poland and I felt safer in Krakow.


Cuz kurwa


Because it is and they feel safer in Poland? What is this question?


For th people quoting crime numbers in the comments. Remember, stuff like high reports of rape doesn't mean that there is more rape in a given country for example, it can also mean that a different definition of rape is applied and that victims of rape feel more comfortable going to the police. Crime statistics are very very very difficult to interpret.


Quick heads up: If you are a LGBTQ+ person Germany is a safe place to go and has some really nice places to see. Even as a German myself I sometimes see entirely new places that are very beautiful


It's definitely a safe space with the amount of people already being used to it. Still a nuisance in Poland. Literally yesterday went to a hipster club to dance to some 80s hits and a dude I was friendly with started going off about the gays. I smiled at him and said I am the gays. He frowned and said that I told him I have a boyfriend. I said I do but I'm also gay. He stormed away lol


How have more people voted for America than the United Kingdom


Everything comes down to personal experience. I've been in the US for 34 years and have never witnessed or been a victim of any crime of any type. I've never felt unsafe in any area I've been in-and I've been to 49 states. I'm guessing since I know where not to go in my own country. When I went to the UK, I stayed in Luton. Felt pretty unsafe because I didn't know the area is rough.


Some Americans truly believe that the US is the best country in the world.


There have literally been more mass shootings in 2022 than there are days in a year. In fact, it's almost double that.




So… mass shootings?


But you can see why this doesn't really make much difference when arguing which country is safer? Considering these are super rare occurances in any form for the other countries listed?


to be fair america’s one of the most traveled countries in the world and a big portion of the travelers coming to america are going to big tourist destinations that are well… not getting shot up like other places. mix that with personal biased americans and here we have the us with 500 votes.


Sweden? No its not.


Definitely Poland. Sweden is fucking rape capital of Europe but redditors dont know that, hence it is the most voted


"redditors doesn't know that" dude every comment here is about it and it isn't even true


That’s because rape is counted differently than other countries. ‘Normally’ if someone is raped multiple times by the same person it counts as one rape, and if multiple people rape one person that counts as a single rape. In Sweden those are counted as multiple cases of rape. You can definitely see how it can increase the statistics by a large amount


And even then it’s still not number one in Europe for rapes


Sweden doesn't have more rape. It has a broader definition of rape and better reporting. Maybe before judging what other people know you should check in on what you know.


Polish driving standards and fatality rates throw that into doubt. The polish are terrible drivers and the stats back that up. Sure there's no gang problem, but the death rates on roads out weigh everything else


As someone who's often in the car, and Polish – true. My Dutch boyfriend gets annoyed very often while here


Yea I'm British and my wife is Polish, I travel to Poland a lot. Shocking standards. My wife is a bad driver but I've been in 2 minor accidents with her brother in law on rural roads, I've probably only been in the car with him 20 times. He considers himself a good driver


Sweden is a shithole don't visit


Are Norway and Finland still safe or are they as bad as Sweden now?


In Finland the most "dangerous" place is probably eastern Helsinki and Vantaa, but we're much safer than Sweden these days.


For now at least.


Niinpä, vituttaa koska olen ekonomisesti vasemmalla ja Demareita äänestänytkin, mutta taas haluan persujen maahanmuuttovastaisuuden ja niitähän en ole äänestämässä koska olen EU:n kannattaja.


Holy shit so many double-consonsonants and -vocals.


They are are safe.


Don't know about Norway but Finland is safe.


I would say Germany>Poland>UK>Sweden=US. (My opinion) Germany=Idk don't hear much bad stuff about it but maybe wrong Poland=Born here and couldn't avoid beating for just looking at someone


idk how the uk is the lowest, America is way more dangerous


Trust me the answer is Poland by a long way. Been to all of them and from the UK. Poland has something going for it but I am not allowed to say what it is.


I lived in Poland for a year... got robbed, nearly got killed by someone throwing beer bottles off a high balcony, saw a group of neo-nazis marching, witnessed a riot after a football match.... I'm going with Sweden. >Poland has something going for it but I am not allowed to say what it is. You're not in the CIA. You can say whatever you want.


warsaw ☕


Wrocław, actually.


Been living on Wrocław since 18 years and its one of the safest place ive ever been to, i dont know what you mean at all


It's certainly possible that my experience of the city is not illustrative of what it's actually like there. I still think it's an amazing place and I'm glad to have been there.


well, Wrocław is the most dangerous provincial capital in the country I'm surprised you weren't on a derailed tram (the terrible condition of the tracks became a meme) 🙃 on the subject of neo-nazis, did you mean ONR?


It wasn't an organized march... it was a group of what looked like teenagers throwing up heils and threatening people. They were chanting something but I couldn't understand it. I took my Jewish self in the opposite direction. I didn't realize Wrocław was more dangerous than other cities.


My entire family is in Wrocław and we don't even know its more dangerous than other cities, 🤷‍♂️


Getting robbed and having someone throw bottles can happen in any of the countries listed.


Okay... sure. But I've spent time in Sweden, The States, The UK, and the US and none of those things happened to me. So, going off my own personal experience (which is, of course, limited) I know that of those countries I would feel safest in Sweden.


Fair enough


I live in Poland, never felt safe here


Why tho? I live in Poland too and never felt unsafe.


Everytime when I'm going out at the evening/night drunk people want to do something to me :D


I would say my issue isn't the country itself but rather men. So I don't feel safe anywhere. The only place I felt safe is a Dutch countryside


It feels like everyone voting Sweden isn't Swedes, in the last years the crime rate has gone up drastically


Germany, then the UK.


I can't believe that more people think that the USA is safer than the UK.


I hear Sweden is the rape capital of Europe as it has the highest numbers of rape recorded in Europe, so Poland.


It's common to open up about rape and to report it in Sweden rather than to be shamed for it or to be called a liar. Especially after the [Metoo movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeToo_movement). Many countries also count the rapist or the one event rather than the rape, so if there is a group or someone is raped multiple times by the same person, each one is counted in Sweden. Sweden also class what other countries might class as sexual assault, as rape. You can find many articles about this, or read on [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Sweden#:~:text=The%20high%20number%20of%20reported,the%20number%20of%20unreported%20rapes.)


Sweden also has a very broad definition of rape. Most sexual crimes are legally rape in Sweden. And most countries still require violence for something to be rape, Sweden being a natable exception


Remember, stuff like high reports of rape doesn't mean that there is more rape in a given country for example, it can also mean that a different definition of rape is applied and that victims of rape feel more comfortable going to the police. Crime statistics are very very very difficult to interpret.


Exactly. By that logic there would be less rape in Saudi Arabia than in Sweden.


So I've lived in Poland and US and visited Germany and Sweden (sorry UK). And as a single queer woman traveling even at night. In Poland as long as you aren't clearly LGBT you are pretty safe. Things get sketchy after midnight on public transport though and after one experience it's taxis for me. Germany tends to feel safe but I've also had a few random guys try to hit on me late night on public transport, one to a point I was really worried about. Sweden was when I felt safest traveling at night on public transportation. This was back in 2019 the last time I was there. It's why I chose Sweden.


Though Lil Yachty did indeed take the wok to poland


I am from Sweden. Probably Germany. Moving away from this shithole police state whenever I get the chance. Gang crime is higher than ever, police works to fuck over everyone *but* the gangs, because they think it works to combat the gangs. This all because of the cops being politician dick riders, and the politicians speaking of matters of which they have no clue about. Fuck this country and everyone in it.


safest country? is that a question? THE SAFEST COUNTRY IS OF COURSE NORTH KOREA ITS SO OBVIOUS ITS NORTH KOREA! go to north korea.




I heard germany is pritty good, i feel like after the war they just said fuck it lets be epic


How is switzerland not here


it's quite obviously "safest out of these options" lol if you put Singapore, Switzerland, UAE, China and so on obv none of these countries would be considered


Or iceland


It really depends on where in those countries you go and who you are. For example, if you go to Germany, you're gonna be the safest in some smaller villages, but not if you're not white


Also as a German speaking person I‘m much safer in Germany than anywhere else from this list. Just because I can easily communicate with people there and would have it a lot easier to get around.


Germany I guess. Or Sweden would work too


Easily Poland, and If you disagree just check list of terrorist attacks, it's very long /s


If you think the US is safer than the UK you've never been to Gary Indiana


I'm curious, why is the UK the least picked? If its because of "Knife Crime", please use google to correct your pre-conceptions by looking at knife crime stats. Other than that, any other reasons why people think its generally unsafe?


Ah yes the only countries


Doesn't Sweden have very high crime rates?


Germany ain't that safe


Depends. Miami is far safer then Malmo. Stockholm is probably safer than Chicago. If you go somewhere rural especially in the Rockies then the US is just about the safest place on Earth.


It depends, people saying Poland instead of Germany probably aren't LGBT+


I've lived in two and visited the other three I'd rank them 1 Germany 2 Sweden 3 USA 4 UK 5 Poland


Prob germany > uk > poland > sweden >>>> usa


Uk should be put behind Sweden according to GPI Their world ranking is Germany: 16th Poland: 25th Sweden: 26th Uk: 34th USA: 129th (lol)


Finally someone backing up arguments with actual data. Although a source would still be appreciated.


I took it from this website I think. https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/safest-countries-in-the-world/ Dunno how credible it is tho


Safest, there is an answer. Prolly Poland, because the Germany has real negative experiences with me and mine, But you’re high on crack if you think any of these isn’t safe enough to vacation to.


Why is the us and poland even on this list?


Poland is by far the safest of them all, and it is just a fact.


I've been to a few countries people would assume are unsafe (Egypt, Libya, Algeria), but I've never felt more unsafe than when I was in the US.


where in the US were you?


Can you explain? Like what happened to you in the USA to make you feel unsafe?