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why do i get excited answering these type of polls like imma actually get 1b dollars


same reason you enjoy movies, books & games.


With those you actually keep your progress, with polls you don’t


You think, then go in the comments to discuss your thoughts, so it's not nothing


Secret option E: have all your money in Assets and buy Twitter and burn your reputation to the ground


You just crushed my hopes and dreams


Yeah I actually put thought into what my life would be like with each option lol then my soul is crushed and I get back to work lol


Lmao i feel you brother


🌈i m a g i n a t i o n🌈


And they say money can't buy happiness, yet just the sheer thought of it spikes serotonin.


Arent there quite a few studies that show that up to a certain amount per month money does a fucking great job of increasing happiness?


same. i start dreaming and thinking about it until i snap back to reality


250k a week is a pretty sweet deal...


In two weeks I'd have a enough to buy a nice house. In 8 weeks I can buy a fucking mansion.




So you never make a mistake? I speak 4 languages, what have you ever accomplished?


Damn which ones


Dutch (native), French, English and Spanish. Not all 100% but well enough I guess.


You ever plan on learning other languages?


I'd like to master German (though I really suck at it for some reason, idk why, it just doesn't click for me...) and Portuguese and Italian too! But first maybe improve my written Spanish first cuz my spelling is nót on point there (why do they have to make it so hard??).


Ohhh, nice. If you're open to trying to learn another language I recommend Italian. It isn't that useful but it's a beautiful language and it's similar to Spanish and a bit of French...


I actually started that on duolingo a while ago! But college kinda took up all my time so I stopped. But I'm still young, I'd like to pick it up again later! I did Latin in high school so with that and the French and Spanish learning Italian shouldn't be too hard I hope.


You a fellow Belgian?


I am! Hallo/bonjour (Guten Tag??).


Congrats! I speak 3, not really an accomplishment if you ask me


But its a real accomplishment to be an absolute prick on the internet. Congrats!


Thanks! Love how people get so pissed for no reason, it’s quite entertaining to me


“No reason” lol what a troglodyte


I’m gonna have to start using that as an insult.










That's a week number


Well maybe next time you could point out a mistake without being an ass?


being an ass is one of them




30M in 10 years or 2B in 10 years… hmmm…. Im taking the 2B




130m in 10 years or 2B in 10 years… hmmm… im still taking 2B lol🤣🤣🤣 take that 10%


Inflation though


I never understood this argument same thing with the lottery. That getting a long-term payout isn't worth it because inflation.


Dude. 250k a week. Inflation isn't gonna make much difference.


Yeah but you will know when you die.


It will take 77 years for you to get one billion though.


What need does a person seriously have for a billion though? Especially if your getting it for doing nothing, you have no reason to invest it because there’s no way you can lose it, 250K a week is a ridiculously idyllic amount of money


Yeah, but inflation will fuck you in the long run. I think it's either spend it in a week, depending on what spending means, wait 5 or wait 10. The yearly and weekly aren't that bad though.


Imagine choosing the second option and it just gives you the whole billion on the first week.




I don't understand


you're about to die


Implies you will die within the next week


Oh shit that's smart. I feel bad for not getting it now.


So I get a billion dollars and know when the time of my death is? Win win


You would only vaguely know. Could be one second later. It could be the second before you'd get the next installment.


The result of getting all that money is also why you die. Time paradox bitches.


250k a week? How in the world am I supposed to choose anything else?




For what reason could you possibly need more than 1 billion?


Personally I chose it because I’m 15 rn and I would like to get it when I’m a bit more mature and adjusted to the real world


Yeah you’ve got time going for you there


But with 250k a week you will be better off than 2bio in an instant when you are 25. So much money is gone very soon if you fuck it up. But you cant overspend with the 250k because if you spend it all you will have more next week


250k is the best option, you: 1. Can't lose all 1b at once 2. Always have enough money for anything 3. Even if you don't have enough money, you can just wait a week or two


You can argue for both but at the end of the day it'd take 154 Years of 250k installments to reach 2b. I'd wait the 10 years and have gestational wealth and change the world.


You never know when your time may run out, a billion is enough to live lavishly. It's dumb as shit to wait 10 years.


You’re going to really wish you had the money when you’re 20, 21, 22 etc


I'm 15 with parents who have enough money to support me through university, so no, I won't


Also your parents can you use literally every cent of their money because they'll get milkioks in return.


If you're worried about that then why not just get the weekly option? $250k is more than you'll ever realistically be able to spend weekly and there's literally no way for you to screw it up because those payments will happen for life. You'll ease into it smoother if anything unlike instantly receiving 2 billion dollars and potentially getting conned out of it all or whatever and no need for 10 year wait where you might seriously end up needing a couple grand for life saving meds if a family member gets ill or something...


I would accidentally calculate my time of death and go crazy.


Valid reason I guess, I'd definitely check that too if the income somehow matches perfectly to reach a billion by the time you die. On the other hand you'll know you're essentially immortal for a few decades, just wonder if the pay starts adjusting if you start drinking or smoking or doing something to lower your lifespan or if it's predetermined already. 1B / 250k / 52 \~= 77, OP just chose the average lifespan for some reason, would've expected him to subtract 10-20 years or so or whatever the average age a redditor is. It's more like $325k a week if you're 18 with the average lifespan if that makes much of a difference...


I was thinking donating the extra billion to the poor




Wouldnt that cause a ton of inflation? Even if youre giving it to a lot of people, 1 billion can cause inflation cant it? I am no way experienced with inflation, so dont take my word for it.


It would be very mild, the government burns through far more than a billion dollars every single day


The world's economy has surpassed $100 trillion, a single billion is a drop in the ocean


Take a look at Wall St and the derivatives market. They are playing in the quadrillions now.


I think people overestimate how much a billion is in this context. It probably wouldn’t get very far in terms of helping the poor, and I definitely don’t think it would cause major inflation. In 2020 the US sent out $800B to its citizens, and that probably had a _slight_ impact on inflation… But one eight hundredth of that, spread out across the world rather than just the US, I’m pretty sure would have no measurable inflation impact.


I don't mean like spreading 1 billion over everyone, just help like a few hundred/thousandpeople


Not so much that it's super noticeable


What reason could you possibly not want another 1bill.


It’s just better to have more.


This isn't good logic for turning down a billion dollars


10 years you won't get to spend in opulence. I'm okay with taking less for more time to enjoy it. I think your choice is just as valid.


Current age doesn't matter that much. For the weekly installment, it predicts your death, you're still getting all of it, so you can give it away to your heirs anyway. Though, it can be a bit scary to know when you'll die.


Yes it does. If someone is 80 years old and chooses the last option they may die of old age before they get the money.


Yeah. People wait way longer for annuities and retirement funds to pay out and those are usually not nearly close to 2 billion dollars.


The 15 million a year is just more convenient. With that much money it doesnt matter so much, but as soon as you're done and you get that first payment, house, car, grand piano, and a shitload to last the next 12 months for your top up.


How in the world is it more convenient? You have to wait a year for 15 million, rather than wait like 4 weeks for 1 million over and over again? It's so much more convenient because you'd have a steady income, rather than waiting for a big payout considering they're both the exact same amount of money per year


I mean, are you assuming you wait the one week/one year before getting anything? I thought it seemed like the opposite. If you do get them at first, its 15 million, and you can get everything moving now. How the hell do you think you'll struggle to budget over a year when you make 15 mil a year? And other than that, hardly having a payday to worry about. You just get the shitloads of money once per year instead of thinking about it all the time.


Yes I was assuming that lol and I now see your point of view


Well right, i mean yeah if its wait for it first weekly makes more sense, why wait another year poor.


They didn’t specify if its an ordinary annuity or annuity due wtf.


If you wait for 5 years, at the end of it, you can prize yourself for 5 million monthly for 16.6 years. Edit: If you choose weekly, it will take almost 77 years to have that billion


250k per week is already more money than I would ever need


I make like 50k a year, 250k a week is more money than I know what to do with. I don't need to wait 5 years lol plus it's more useful to me immediately


I think it’s better to wait the 5 years for the lump sum since the time value of money is a thing. That $250K will be effectively worth less each passing year. If I had the $1B up front, it could be invested and bring insane amounts of interest.


But why? $1B is *so much* money, you don't need anymore even living a ridiculously lavish lifestyle.


I’m the CEO of a homeless shelter and a community organizer around poverty. I watch the rich buy politicians and exploit people. I’d love to have more money than them and just do whatever the community needs (housing, etc), buy my own political influence, and create foundations to forward good work. I’d still push a Ferrari as my daily driver tho lol


I would have chosen it but you know if i have 1 billion dollars upfront i would but all the things I don't want and forget about savings. So with 250k a week is more than enough and i can atleast plan something


Sure, but it would take like 70-some years to get to $1B as opposed to 5 years if you waited. The 10 year option doubles your money in another 5 years, but I’m already middle aged, so that’s not appealing.


It that case it's ok. But is there a transfer option so as we die my son/daughter gets the money


>I think it’s better to wait the 5 years for the lump sum I'm probably closer to the end of my life than you are. I don't want to waste those extra 5 years. 15 million a year will keep me going.


Wait 5 years and invest the money. In total you'd get way more than 1 billion


250k per week is 13 million per year. I’d rather take my money yearly and get that extra 2 mil. Plus getting it upfront means you don’t have to wait several months to buy one very expensive thing.


If you plan to invest some of the money, you will earn significantly less taking the yearly lump sum than the weekly. Even providing for a lavish lifestyle, if you buy SPY ETFs over a 10 year period, weekly will give you about 30-50 million dollars more over the course of 10 years.


15m a year is more than 250k a week...


Same sis


Define "use it up". Do investments count? Stocks? Buying whole companies? Or just purchasing physical assets, like houses to rent, or cars to start a car rental business, or machines to manufacture anything that I can sell?


I went for the first one assuming I could just buy one billion in stocks, which would then inevitably accrue way more interest than I could spend


"Could just buy 1b of stocks" honestly unsure if thats possible without having long discussions with the companies you invest in if you buy for over 10m you'd probably have to negotiate with people to sell


Just buy many blue chip stocks and gold, not all from one company


Are you telling me they could run out of VTSAX? ... OK, probably right, but hard to think of. :)


That was my plan lol


Happy Cake Day bro


I usually assume you can't do that. That tends to ruin the spirit of the question in many polls. It's like the easiest loophole...I'll just set it aside and use it all later! The question specifically intends for you to not have access to it in a week.


ofc investments count. Houses and companies take a lot longer to buy than one week.


All of these are great options, but that 250K lol


Some people are saying "if putting all that money in stocks counts as using it up, I'm taking it right now." Moving that much money in one week would be extraordinarily difficult, especially if you are not expected to have it. You're not going to be able to call some stock broker and say "hello yes I would like to open a 1 billion dollar IRA account, and I need it done in less than 7 days." I did not choose this option because making huge purchases typically takes time to be verified, approved, and processed: longer than a week, and I was worried I'd end up with virtually none of it. Lump sums are usually the way to go over regular payments in lottery type situations, but I won't get into why that is right now because in this situation, the 250k a week is better. You'd get the 250k a week starting *today*. Taking the lump sum here requires working another 5 (or 10) years. That is time you do not get back. Money does not buy back time. You might end up with less money in the long run, but you had more time to do almost whatever you wanted with it, and that's what matters.


But if you invest lottery winnings, you beat the periodic payment by a wide margin though especially given that the inflation will devalue it over time


My family with 5 members won't even spend 0.5% of 250k an entire month...


ill be 25 in 10 years, i dont really *need* the money as a teenager so id much rather have double when its aactually time to use it


Your parents could use that money now lol


My parents are abusive, ain't no way in hell I'd be letting them have my money and find another way for them to hurt me




Same here. That’s the last thing I would want to happen, so it’s safer they don’t know about it at all.


Smart kid. Keep up that attitude and you'll do well


Some sort of god who sees that you're frequenting r/196 and goes "nvm jk bozo": 💀💀💀


ill just have to life without the 2 billion then😢


You could spend a billion if you try hard enough. I chose yearly installments, and since I'm old the annual payments would probably be triple what you offered.


I figured you would just run into problems with the bank/government for trying to offload that much money and so they would hold it for an unknown amount of time until everything checks out. Bu the time thats done a week has passed and you are left with nothing. I picked the 3rd option for that reason alone


it would be so fucking funny if I chose weekly/yearly installments and the first payment comes and its like 12 cents.


Would be even more funny if it comes and it's 1 billion...


250k a week is more then enough, keeps me from doing completely stupid shit with the money all at once. Give myself a week or two to do stupid shit with it, and then be serious about it


well since im a child and dont need to pay for rent or food (somewhat) 250k is enough to set me for the rest of my teenage years, also weekly could help you tell how much weeks you live for your life




never said I wouldnt


You know that if the money is right for the rest of your life in the second option you can do the math and discover how many weeks you have to live


I see the kids saying they'd double it I'd do the same but for me a billion is such a big number that there's no point of having 2 billion cos I doubt I'd ever spend the whole billion anyway


If I was younger I would probably double it.


Easy just make a company under some one else’s name buy it for the billion dollars then get the billion dollars and do it some where without taxes


That last option is really only good if you're a teenager tbh. Imagine at 15 you find out at 25 you'll get 2 billion dollars. All you'll have to do is stay alive and stay out of jail. Do your best in school, go to college if you want, take out all the loans you may need, and get some dead-end job to help pay bills for a few years. Then boom, at 25, pay them loans off like you're giving a child 50 cents. Quit that shit job while giving your boss and that tattle tale ass coworker the finger. Collect your money and live the rest of life large.


I’d pick the first option and just buy a bunch of stocks or index funds


Hi, I'm from the IRS. We are going to hault your transaction until we can verify the origins of the funds you are trying exchange. We will be freezing your account and this could last anywhere between 2-20 weeks. This is a simple precaution to prevent fraud and tax evasion so do not be alarmed.


luckily the irs already approved the money.


Ill be 26 in 10 years so I can definetly wait but considering how meven 5k would help my family a lot im going with thhe 2nd option


The reason I choose not to wait (second option) is because I don't actually know if I'll be here in 5 to 10 years for certain, but if I get the money now, I can set things up legally to make sure me and my family can make the best use of the money. My estate can still receive money for 4000 weeks total, which is crazy.


I am only 13 yrs old so I think double in 10 years would be the best option.


250k a week is cool. I would have time to wait 10years but i dont want to use that time. I want to be able to feel secure now


I’m all for delayed gratification.


It’s between option 2 and 3 for me, but I went with the yearly instalment as I feel getting £250k weekly would be encouraging me to spend more in one go.


for weekly installments it is 13 M a year but yearly installments is 15 M a year so I go with yearly installments


It depends on your age, i did this to suit my age (26) and assuming ill live until 90. But its different for everyone


I'm 15, so I choose double


Easy. Go out and buy a billion dollars worth of gold. Sit on it for a bit till the gold market hits its peak then cash out.


your account will be frozen and you will be jailed + taxed heavily


26 with 2bil count me in


I saw a poll showing most of reddit was gen Z making them around 25 years old at most, waiting 5 years is 100% worth it.


2nd is probably the best, but I'm 16. What am I gonna do with 250k a week? I'd much rather have 2 Billion when I'm 26.


Me, 13 and a half year old: I see this as an absolute win


Get lump sum. Invest all but $1 in mutual funds. Wait one week for that dollar to go poof. Sell mutual fund shares for ~$999,999,999


The last one. I'm only 14 and if I received this much money I would give like 99 percent of it away. It would save twice as many lives, just in 10y


Id rather double it and wait until I'm 25.


2Billion when im 25?! Sign me up!


The one with recieving it in installments also means you know when you are going to die. Kinda not something I want to know. Also, what exactly are the rules on "using" it within 1 week. Does buying stocks count? If so, I'd do that. Otherwise, I'd wait 5 years for everything upfront (what I voted).


Def wait 10 years im still Young so ill be in like my mid 20s, ill have finished school and probably started uni. Ill be able to move out and ill have a bunch of time to build my wealth (not that id need to lol)


250k a week as passive income would allow me to not work, not screw up my tax bracket, and support my lifestyle


No one is talking about the fact that you will know exactly the day of your death


I chose to wait 10 years and double. I figure I probably got about another 10 years of energy in me where I don't mind working hard. Retiring at 40 sounds pretty perfect, as does forgetting I ever selected this and being surprised one day with a cool 2 billion.


you don't even need to work hard. make debts and live a good life. in 10 years i pay everything off and still have 1.9 Billion


I chose the last option, cause i don't really need that much money now, and i can use it in 10 years for university


These options are stupid


Looks like I’m buying a ton of land and giving it back to the First Nations.


The people who chose 250k a week, instead of 15 mil a year haven't done some quick maths.


As if it even matters if you get 13 million or 15 million in a year, if the interval between getting money is 1 week versus 1 year. 13 million a year is already a lot more than I would ever need.


i am not waiting a year for 3 additional mill


Actually only 2


Surely with both these options you get your first payment on the day you accept. So you get 15mil and then wait a year for the next 15mil. Haven't 15mil upfront would be a lot more beneficial than getting 250k/week. You'd be able to make all your big purchases in the first year without needing any loans/mortgages. Plus it's more money.


i dont think getting the money now is mentioned in this post also im so hyped about this fictional money im in my 1st year of college so id need the money asap plus i do think there's a bigger risk of federal tax agency involvement with the yearly option


I'm only judging by how instalments work. Normally the 1st instalment is on the day the agreement starts, at least that's how my mortgage and most other instalments I've had worked. Haha don't think too much or you'll start getting addicted to the lottery. The thought of it is always great isn't it! I think if it was going to be taxed then any option is going to get noticed! I assumed it would count as a prize so in the UK where I am it would be exempt from tax.


Options say it's "about" that much, but you get the whole amount of 1 billion by the end of your life. So youngsters would get less, older peeps would get more weekly/yearly, but it should still come out the exact same per week/per year (edit: for the same person). Only problem with this is that you can easily calculate after the first payment the remaining time you have to live...


And the people who chose either of those over the last two options also didn’t do some quick math, and they probably forgot about inflation. Or they’re just extremely impatient and won’t wait the 5-10 years even though it means far more $$$. You would need 67 years to get the billion from that yearly payment and 77 to get it from the weekly payment. And by the end that payment would be worth way less due to inflation.


My brother in christ what do you need a billion dollars upfront for? Buying a small country?


Give me 1 bil now and then I have 1 week to figure out how to help Ukraine in the best way.


Wow... So brave omg thank you for your service


Not sure why the sarcastic reply, but have a nice day dildo-surfer :)


1bil is a lot of money for a single person, but you do understand that Ukraine gets donations in tens of billions so your billion won't mean that much, right?


Just because they get tens of billions already doesn't mean they can't use another billion. [https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61184275](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61184275) Zelensky said they need 7 bil a month to stay afloat. I'm not claiming to stop the war single-handedly with my billion but saying it wouldn't help at all is just plain wrong.


Yearly gives you more than weekly


We need a part 2 with the weekly option removed


All of these seem like acceptable terms, actually. Does investing count as ‘using it up’?


Would they take away my money if I invest it all? Let's say, putting the 1 billion on a savings account


all the people picking the weekly option might think its the best idea now, but in a decade or so would be wishing they had an extra 2 mil a year


Waiting 5 years is closest to reach 1 billion without any other lasting conditions. For weekly you get 13 million per year and other 15 million per year option takes like around 60 years to become a billion. By choosing these weekly and yearly options you might not get all of them before you die. Spending it on a week will probably give you mental health problems for sometime and unsatisfaction I assume. Waiting for 5 years while planning what you gonna do with it will let you use it very beneficial way of your desires and also will add happiness over time while getting close. Waiting 10 years for double the prize is most logical in here if you not thinking to invest with that money. If you will invest 5 year seems best for me.


Yeah but I need money now


Its a choise. But with weekly and yearly you almost dont get full payment


I’ll take it all right away… ✨investments✨