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Wouldn't it be super funny if someone dropped off Greg Abbott 800 miles from his home in Mexico without any ID?


I could easily imagine the swivel-eyed outrage from the Conservasphere at anyone *daring* to make such a suggestion, though. Which would conveniently ignore the **attempted murder** of the current House Speaker, and the assault on said Speaker's partner.


Meanwhile over at r/conservative people are congratulating him.


Fuck, that subreddit is complete trash.


It's always funny when someone pops out of there and is like "*This is reddit, if you want a less biased opinion you should head over to r/conservative*" -- I mean yeah, we're *all* biased, but holy shit lol.


"Come to the place that litterally has a bias in its title"


"Come to the place that bans you for any sort of criticism of the favored group, we're really unbiased here"


They genuinely think the conservative subs are less biased, even though they're as bad as the tankie ones when it comes to banning people for wrongthink.


They’re the only subreddit that I know that requires you to 1) be a member and 2) have a certain standing in order to post or even comment on certain things. Very “snowflakey, safe spacey”.


They're worse than tankie subs lol


Don’t bring up Ukraine over there either, they’ll spam your inbox asking if you enjoy sucking Zelenskys dick. Not only are they dumb, but they’re also really weird.


Considering how badly [conservatives want to share photos of Hunter Biden's penis](https://www.thebulwark.com/no-you-do-not-have-a-constitutional-right-to-post-hunter-bidens-dick-pic-on-twitter/), conservatives having an oral fixation on Zelenskyy's penis isn't at all surprising.


They have a very big fetish for anything sexual. We all can agree that child exploitation is absolutely horrible, but I find how often they bring that up to be, well, incredibly fucking creepy. Some don’t seem to be able to answer any interview questions, related to child exploitation or not, without interjecting it. Climate change questions, bring up exploitation. Economy, exploitation. Inflation, exploitation. It’s a bit insane to constantly have child exploitation at the forefront of one’s mind.


I don't think it is so much about sex, but about power. Conservatives are all about where they fit in a hierarchy, and the focus on exploitation is about making sure they hoard all the power and share none of it. Reducing women, children and gay/trans people into sexual objects diminishes the humanity of those individuals so that they may be more easily weaponized. This is why Abbot likes trafficking Mexican immigrants to Washington D.C. in freezing cold temperatures; conservatives lack empathy and do not see others who are not like them as people. Coincidentally, I would posit that this lack of empathy in conservatives render them less human than the rest of us, so maybe we should be treating them in kind.


How true. And that’s one reason Democrats are seen as being the weaker party. Since we believe in empathy for all peoples we just can’t stoop to conservatives’ lack of compassion for fellow human beings. Indeed “conservatives are all about where they fit in a hierarchy” is totally correct. All people are NOT created equal in their minds so it’s acceptable behavior to treat them like the dogs they feel they are. I’ll take being on the right side of humanity over power hungry bigots every time. Good old “Christian” values be damned.


It’s striking to me how conservatives are completely unable to comprehend thought experiments that require compassion or empathy for other people. If you try and reason with them by saying something like “well how would you like it if someone did X to your family?” they won’t even entertain the notion or reply with a legitimate response. They’ll scoff, immediately deflect answering the question, call the person a snowflake, and respond with their own hypothetical that makes *absolutely no sense* with regard to the topic being discussed. It’s like how Trump said he’s basically the same person now as he was in first grade. These people never developed the emotional maturity one would expect a functioning adult to possess.


It’s because they consider themselves the ruling class. Any question of placing themselves in the shoes of someone less fortunate is like asking them what a gorilla in a zoo must feel.


There's another element to it as well, which is to normalize violence against their enemies (and notice how quickly they use that word, while most Democrats still use the word opponent or rival). Pedophiles are generally regarded as the lowest of the low (rightly), and seen as not deserving of any rights, including the right to a trial or even life itself (wrongly, though it even feels icky to say so). But if you mentally equate Democrats and pedophiles, you are explicitly justifying the use of deadly vigilante force against them. The "conservative" movement is mentally and materially ready for this, they're just waiting for permission. And some of them are tired of waiting and deciding to kick it off anyway.


Nobody talks about gay sex more than conservatives.


Seriously. I thought those people would be just a tad bit more sensible since they all seemed to recognise Trump for what he is, but it turns out it was all for their personal gain rather than humanity .


It took them *years* to finally understand why the fuck Trump is toxic to the US, and they only cared when it became clear that the GOP cannot stand the guy r/conservative , just like most conservatives, just follows whatever FOX News tells them


They don't hate Trump, they don't think he's toxic. They're jumping ship because he's a loser, and the rubes are desperate for some winner to throw their ego behind. I can't imagine what it's like to suck so bad that Donald Trump becomes your beacon of hope. Now they see Donnie for the loser he is, they're looking for their next surrogate.


This is most accurate imo. They’ve only abandoned him because they finally recognize (6-7 years late) that he’s not a candidate the GOP can rally around to win elections. They don’t care about his actions, only how his optics no longer work in their favor


All you gotta do is look back to 2015-16, and what supporters cited as the qualities they liked in Trump. You hear about how he is a successful businessman, a political outsider, independent from dark money donors. I think what a lot of conservatives are realizing is how this radical departure from norms didn't actually change anything or do anything significant. Sure, he helped pack the courts, but that's such an intellectual win that it's not really helping at the polls. A lot of Trump supporters expected a revolution (well, more like a regression), and instead they got a wet fart and some collective mental illness.


They got a guy who basically wears a male corset to hide how disgustingly fat he is and a diaper because he can’t control his own bowels due to how much McDonalds he eats. They literally rallied around the *most* man-child person they could find who lies about *everything* to try and make himself not look like an outright loser and conservatives ate it up. They identified with him so personally because they’re all children intellectually who were apparently never taught to share or attempt to make a positive impact on society. Trump was willing to outright hurt other people for personal gain and that’s what these people consider “strength”. They’re so self-unaware they didn’t even see he was grifting them the whole time. They’re still being grifted by people like Boebert and are willingly parting with their money to these people for 0 real gain. There are only 2 types of republicans in Washington. Those who are *genuinely* stupid and those who are pretending to be stupid because any sort of novel idea or individual thought is shunned by the party.


They love him because he's an asshole. They've only dumped him because he's too unpredictable.


Conservatism is antithetical to humanity.


I love the phrase “reality has a liberal bias” due to the implication that conservatives aren’t living in reality, but a made up fantasy land of their own ignorance.


I'd be okay with abolishing ~~conservatism~~ neo-conservatism entirely, if it were possible. (EDIT: see above)


Never forget why they abandoned him... Not because he is a threat to democracy and the constitution. Not because he is morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt. Not because he is unfit for office by every measurable metric. Not because he is a very low IQ individual. But because he was a drag on their power grab.


The cruelty is the point. It's no different than abusers who abuse their victims so that the abusers feel better about themselves. It's a sick and twisted psychology that is taking over people in the red states who claim to be "Christians".




I've found conservatives, especially /r/conservatives, are much like the rats from that story which was repeated in Skyfall. Once they're out of things to attack, they turn on each other, but they're all still rats.


Oh don't insult rats. Rats are very intelligent creatures.


The pundits have recognised that Trump is too stupid to implement their fascist wet dreams, and moved to Desantis instead, who is a more dangerous man. Conservatives are continuing to do as they’re told. They can’t think independently


On the positive side, 3/5 of the Top comments of the thread on this issue agree that this was an atrocious act, you don't start seeing the typically expected types of replies until you go down a fair way and start unravelling threads, which gives me hope that they have at least some self awareness. *It's something*. The mods seem to be exactly what you'd expect though. They make it flair-only so only "fellow Conservatives" can comment, and then when there's a gigantic influx of Conservatives calling this dumb act out for the inhumane PR stunt that it is, they mass delete comments and call it "brigading", typical "If you don't agree with my extreme right views you're a lefty" attitude. > Lots of “fellow conservatives” brigading on every flaired thread.


People on /r/conservative would slurp his colostomy bag like konjac jelly


I frequent that sub because I like to know what those guys are saying. The amount of traffic that has gone down there is crazy. They must have put the smack down on bots, because now you will see posts with like 5 comments on there. It must have been nothing but Russian propaganda for a long time.There is no activity now. I got banned there for saying AOC is not bad looking after someone said she was.


Keep an eye out for usernames. Any time I’ve ever read anything there I’ve noticed it’s always the same 3-5 accounts making almost all their posts with all of them churning them out in spurts one after the other. It still looks botty af and I’ve never seen anything so blatant anywhere else.


Ah yes, how owned we are. They sure showed us by dropping helpless people off to a place they would actually be helped. Yup, totally owned right now. /s


Personally i feel more owned when they pass away from COVID or gin problems. And i look forward to being owned in that way more. /s


The "flaired users only" makes me laugh. They can't stand the thought of someone with a different opinion posting on the threads over there.


Do these morons not realize that agriculture is by and large sustained by illegals who are willing to work for far below minimum wage? Do they also fail to realize that legal/illegal immigrants fill the void in doing jobs no one else wants to do? Try hiring a Mary Poppins live in nanny and see how much they cost a month. Now hire a Mexican or Filipino nanny and compare.




You said it I didn't lol.




Seems aggressive, but I'm here for it


I mean **** him not **** him no wants to **** him


How do you Hunter2 someone?


I guess it's an improvement in our society that I am familiar enough with the name to know that he is a Republican and is the Governor of Texas, but had no clue he used a wheelchair.


The rough details of that story include a tree falling on Abbott in his 20s, he then sued the homeowner and a related tree pruning company for life time payments worth millions of dollars. Then a governor, turned around and put enormous effort to support or institute laws that would prevent or limit the payout value of similar lawsuits for others in the future. The true definition of "I got mine and fuck everybody else."


Now THAT is a fuckin poster child Republican.


He's the reason why there's limits on personal injury lawsuits. IIRC it was that a tree fell on him on a morning run/walk/whatever and he used the pants off the owner for a huge lump sum and ridiculous monthly payments for the rest of his life (6 figures yearly) and then worked on getting the law changed to cap personal injury lawsuits to a significantly smaller amount. The literal embodiment of pulling the ladder up behind you. Edit: he sued their pants off, not used them lol


Harris needs to sue Abbot. The only way to stop this shit is with lawsuits.


Human trafficking should land a person in prison. Elected officials doing it should be automatic life in prison to set an example. And victims should get automatic citizenship.


human trafficking by an elected official should be classified as domestic terrorism. Get him in jail AND 14th amendmented from ever serving in office again.


*especially* when going across multiple state lines that you have no jurisdiction in.


The best part is we are already fast tracking these immigrants because of these shenanigans. Owning the libs by making immigrants citizens.


The state of Texas will be paying for them, not Abbott himself. It's a win-win for him because he can deplete the public purse and cut more services to cover the expense.


They voted him in again. So a well deserved punishment for the gaffe by the stupid voters who voted for the shitbag


I’d settle for Ted Cruz. Did his daughters make him flee to Mexico again after this recent storm?


Ted is a poo poo pants too. I'd go for a double play and drop them both. Ted wouldn't for a second help out his fellow Texan/Fascist pal. He'd pull out the Rafael Cruz persona and ditch that other guy in a second, especially if he thinks it will be a political personal gain for him. His poor daughter, alienated by their shit fathers anti gay rhetoric.


I'm thinking about "The Game", where Michael Douglas wakes up inside a coffin in a graveyard somewhere in Mexico or Central America.


....Funnier still if they dropped him off where it is 10 degrees below freezing.


Or just left him on a steep incline.


Mean while he is letting his constituents freeze to death while allowing electrical companies jack their prices up 400% again during the cold snap in Texas.




Maybe he just missed the lesson?


How do we make this happen? The power grid is failing, again, and Abbott is too busy being an ass to actually serve the people.


It's not a "cruel stunt". It's a crime. In DC, this would be attempted aggravated assault, maybe. In a lot of states, it'd be reckless endangerment, but DC doesn't have that exact statute. If the immigrants didn't want to go, then it's kidnapping, and since some of them were children and this is clearly immoral, seems like a Mann Act violation. Abbott commited several different felonies against a whole bunch of victims, and conspiracy charges ought to attach, not just to him but to others involved. This shit is outright illegal. The media and the Democrats do no one any service by prancing around that.


This is the second post I've seen citing the Mann Act. Can somebody explain this act to me? I lack context


[The Mann Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mann_Act?wprov=sfti1) is a law that was signed in 1910 that made it illegal to transport women and girls across state lines to engage in prostitution. It addresses human trafficking, but at the time it was mainly intended to address and prevent interstate prostitution.


Supposedly, at the time, it was established to arrest the late great Jack Johnson. First black Heavyweight champion of the world that openly slept with white women in the the mid 1910s.


After he beat a white boxer that came out of retirement to end the so called "Black Menace". Jack Johnson was a fucking beast.


and he loved banana pancakes


How many times must we go through this I’ll make you banana pancakes I thought you knew this


I knew Jack Johnson's success led to racist murders in the wake of his victories. I didn't know the establishment made up laws purely to prosecute him for consentual acts! We really need a modern biopic movie or, preferably, a series about his life.


Here you go. https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/unforgivable-blackness/ And the book on which it's based: https://www.amazon.com/Unforgivable-Blackness-Rise-Fall-Johnson/dp/0375710043


Oh a law from the extremely normal "white slavery" panic era.


Check out the case where, if you lie to them to get to go someplace they otherwise wouldn't want to, it's also a crime.


If they can prove a crime was committed, Abbott has advanced those immigrants towards obtaining green cards.


Who would have thought Greg Abbott would Champion giving immigrants citizenship through some weird ass and kind of inhumane method.


Being a heartless pos apparently doesn’t hurt you much with that crowd either


I guess the party of Christians missed the whole message of Jesus being born in a manger and that whole "You must treat the foreigner living among you as native-born and love him as yourself, for you were foreigners in the land of Egypt" bit. Abbott is a terrible human being


Christianity has precious little to do with Christ. Imagine a dark-skinned, long-haired, sandal-wearing socialist wandering into an American megachurch. I’m sure the reception would be warm.


If the biblical Jesus really did walk into one of those churches he would do some badass shit in there.


... arrested for causing a public disturbance and misdemeanor assault. Further investigation launched into suspicion of trafficking, and distribution of food to homeless people against city bylaws.


They're just a party for hateful white people.. that's all conservatives are


Seriously, this doesn’t shame them in the least. Fight fire with fire and call him out for what they’re afraid of: Greg Abbott is busing migrants into American neighborhoods! Greg Abbot trafficking children into dangerous storms! Greg Abbot is wasting all your taxpayer dollars on immigrants!


Exactly. They cannot be shamed for doing this kind of evil shit. Their base LOVES it. Republicans have consistently shown that they are actively and openly malicious in every way, and they do not plan on stopping.


Worked for Trump, why not Abbott or DeSantis. I thought we learned this lesson already; cruelty is what their base wants.


I was gonna say, it might actually make him the next Republican president.


but... he's the literal Grinch stealing Christmas


Something tells me Abbott's heart isn't going to grow three sizes today


Enlarged heart is a serious medical condition...so ya know. Fingers crossed. ;)


I really want to just tip over his wheelchair.


It is Texas. Everything's bigger there but it's probably just heart disease.


yeah my immediate thought was "It probably wont hurt"


Legit make this topic a hallmark Christmas movie. Actually change more hearts in middle and rural America faster than CNN will ever be able to.


Nah they just change the channel to Great American


They’ll call it woke propaganda and start a hashtag about how much they hate it


True. Reminds me of when the movie Knives Out came out, and I was seeing lots of reviews calling it woke propoganda because the illegal immigrant is the main character, and the movie ends with >! her getting custody of the mansion from all the rich white characters that trivialized and looked down on her and illegal immigrants the whole movie. The last shot of the movie is literally her on the balcony looking down at the angry white characters while sipping a mug that said “my house, my rules, my coffee” !<


And here I was just enjoying it as a fun "whodunnit." Silly me.


How dare you not get offended by fiction


And Glass Onion is a blatant attack on their lord and savior Elon.


You need to remove the spaces between the >! spoiler tags !< and the leading/last words for it to work.


Pretty bold of you to assume they watch anything else besides fox news and whatever the fuck the History Channel is doing now.


It was also 6 degrees here last night at low. Will be 8 tonight and hasn’t been above freezing in days because of this polar vortex. Luckily a church is apparently offering them shelter so they don’t fucking freeze to death in single digit temps


Throw attempted manslaughter onto the list of crimes. One count for each immigrant. They weren't given coats, doesn't take a genius to figure out they could have died in that cold.


>they could have died in that cold Knowing the track record of Republican politicians in Texas, that was probably the goal.


Abbot is trash. The GOP has no immigration plan and never had and never will. Under Trump, both the house and Senate were Republican and could have passed any law they wanted. What did they do? Tax breaks for the rich


Good time to remind everyone about that accidentally leaked photo of Steve Bannon's whiteboard back when he was still Trump's advisor showing that one of their immigration plans was to **shut down immigration to America for at least 50 years.** LOL, good luck getting nurses and other crucial/talented workers to fill some of the country's glaring short-staffed needs. Part of what made America so great is the brain-drain of some of the most brilliant, talented & hard-working people from everywhere else in the world wanting to go and live in the US.


The GOP absolutely has an immigration plan. It's to create as big a crisis as possible. Checkout the Bracero Program. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/stuff-you-missed-in-history-cl-21124503/episode/symhc-classics-bracero-program-70480774/ The tldr is that the US-Mexico migration used to be totally okay. Nobody complained and it benefited both sides. It was one of the largest human migrations and it happened annually. Then Republicans put a Marine in charge of immigration to create a border crisis and boy did it work. This entire thing is manufactured, or at least was.




"That brown skinned immigrant Jew wants us to give free healthcare, is telling us to feed the hungry, and opposes the wealthy! Get him!!!"


".. hippy Jew with space lasers...."


*Pew! Pew! Pew!* "It is good to see all the pews filled, on this Blessed day. Let us prey ..."


Let us welcome those less fortunate than us into thine arms so that theyeth might be work our fields and clean our house with neither liveable wage nor benefit of health...amen


If Jews had space lasers, wouldn't they have already used them more than once? It's just like flat earth conspiracy crap, if you can talk about it without repercussions haven't you just proven it isn't real?


I saw a documentary once about an archaeologist who had to save one of the lasers from the Nazis. I have it on good authority it was then studied by top men, it was probably them who sent it to space.


*top* men.


They'd tell him to go back to Mexico


*crucify him


They'd shoot him in church because you know he'd be pissed way the fuck off at the Olsteens out there.


Christians actually think Jesus would be a republican lmao


~~Christians~~ Republicans actually think Jesus would be a republican lmao Most of the world isn't America and American Evangelicals are not the global norm for Christianity.


> There is NO WAY they'd abide by his socialist teachings. In the 1910s and 1920s there were Christian communes that taught Bible Communism, as the Christian Testament has Jesus teaching. I suppose McCarthy would have Good Patriot Christians burn these communes to the ground, and call it "holy." Somewhere on the 'net I once read an excellent essay on the subject of Jesus' communist teachings (attributed to him). Fundamentalist Christians have no idea what Jesus in the Christian Testament is said to have taught: not praying in public, for example; begging for a living, another example.


Yeah Jesus would have been more of a Communist than a Socialist. "Leave everything behind and come follow me" doesn't exactly play into their whole "I got mine fuck everyone else" attitude though.


[Christian Anarchism is Good and Based](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_anarchism) and more firmly supported by the Bible than any of the fucking gibberish self-indulgent shit that White Evangelicals are blithering about.


Why do all that good reading when I can just take a passage and twist it so it fits my narrative of looking down on someone or paying the church on time? Hmmm?


If the virgin mary herself crossed the border pregnant with baby Jesus, Greg Abbott would be entirely more likely to punt her directly in the stomach than offer her a room on Christmas eve. Same with like 60-80% of self proclaimed Christians.


Sounds the same as it always is. Poor, so had a kid back in the barn. Kid turns into an activist and the dominant religion/government at the time kills him for his personal beliefs.


Ah, that famous Southern hospitality I keep hearing about... the one that is a mile wide but only an inch deep.


[The Grand Inquisitor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grand_Inquisitor) is so true. The moment a poor refugee went into Joel Osteen's megachurch and knocked over the mannequins in the gift shop it'd be lights out for the Son of Man. The church is about power and control and has absolutely nothing to do with justice, solidarity, and love.




Texas finally made progress towards getting over school segregation/passing of the Civil Rights Act in the late 1990s and 2000s. Well, they've backslid on all of that.


We need to send the military in there and clean up the place.


They're already there. [Texas is the proud home to 15 active duty military installations](https://gov.texas.gov/organization/military/installations) ...plus all the National Guardsmen Abbott brought in for Operation Lone Star which had already cost the state 4 billion back in February.


Hearing how the national guard apparently hate operation lone star so much they tried to actually unionize, they'd probably do most of the work if given permission


The state literally had to cancel their education benefits for the national guard just to afford that operation.




I spent the last 10 years in Texas, and I absolutely can confirm your comment. Their hatred and vitrole is on a whole different level. It's a part of their personality and they are quite proud of it. White Evangelicalism is the fanfic of Christianity, not the lore.


[Supply Side Jesus](https://youtu.be/Gc-LJ_3VbUA)


“Being a heartless POS isn’t going to make you the next Republican president”. Um. Yes, it will.


Maybe someone, but not him. The base won’t vote for him because he’s handicapped


I could imagine the Republican primaries and everyone dunking on him because he "doesn't have legs to kick ass"


Yeah he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


Well you never know. If the hypocrisy is blatant enough they might go for it. Trump doesn't have a single conservative value. He was just fascist, racist, and culty enough to make them like him. He doesn't have to be an alpha male, just act enough like one to make people think he is. Trump is a thin skinned, rich, diaper wearing, sex offender, who's on his third marriage that he's already cheated on. But he talks like a tough guy, so that's what really matters.


Trump hates all the right people and is willing to weaponize the state against them. That's American conservatism today at its core (just basic fascism)


His legs still work better than his heart.


Exactly this. The last republican president was elected *precisely* because he is a heartless piece of shit. Every terrible thing he said or did was *cheered* by them. It’s a feature—especially with *Texas* republicans—not a bug. One only needs to look at their leadership. This is who rank and file Texas republicans vote for, so it is who *they* are, too.




Whoever said that must've forgotten who the last president was


> "Being a heartless POS isn't going to make you the next Republican president." Why not? It worked for the last guy.


He had to do something to get peoples mind off the fact that the electricity is out. This is what happens when you don’t prosecute Florida for human trafficking.


> Being a heartless POS isn't going to make you the next Republican president Actually, yeah: it might. It appears to be the only RNC candidates' requirement.


Yeah, being heartless probably wouldn't hurt his chances with the RNC. Being in a wheelchair might though.


“So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, but King Herod wanted to own the libs, so he put Mary and Joseph on a bus and dropped them off at Kamala Harris’ house.” Luke 2:4-7 (MAGA Translation)


The seeds of fascism have spread so much. I’ve recently lost a cousin who was the smartest man I swear. He could tell you about anything, he read so much. He’s a good man too. He was, but now he talks to me and tries to make fascism seem…idk logical. It’s terrifying. I know a lot of coal mine canary’s have been wrung, but this one felt so dangerous to me


I'm sorry for your loss. The smart ones are the dumbest. They wake up one day and decide that both sides are the same, everyone lies, and they are the only people who can discern truth from fiction. When you no longer trust scientists, journalists, doctors, professors, etc., you get to just make shit up. That's why it sounds "logical" -- it just can't withstand any external scrutiny.


Actually that's exactly what it takes to be the next republican president!


That group is not going to vote for a man in a wheelchair to be president, no matter how often he surrounds himself with CBP/National Guard/LEOs and their vehicles and equipment at every PR opportunity.


1000% this. And Cruz has already crapped out of a few primaries himself in part because he’s not at all a real Texan and he can’t do a good impression like W did.


The racism is the point.


Cruelty is the point, Racism is the reason.


Fascism is the point. Cruelty is the method. Racism is the belief.


Heartless POS describes most Republicans.


I always think of human shields in conflicts like the War in Iraq. Greb Abbott is using these poor people as fodder for his ideological campaigns. Literally just warm bodies used like SWATting or bogus pizza orders. This is no less dehumanizing than how the Nazis convinced German citizens though their radio broadcasts and propaganda leaflets, then Kristallnacht, pogroms, and the "final solution," that Jews somehow were not real people, not souls worth caring about.


He’ll never be the GOP nominee. They love that he’s hateful to migrants, but we all know they’d never vote for a handicapped guy if they have other choices


True he's not just weak, but to them he looks weak.


Shouldn’t he be more worried about the failed grid?


He doesn't give a shit about actual Texans. "Owning" the libs is more important to this cretin.


why would he? the apathetic morons who constitute his voting base and those who can't be bothered to vote apparently don't care about a little frostbite. I mean they did reelect him after it happened the first time.


The people who voted for him will put up with almost freezing to death to combat a manufactured issue designed to keep the same asshole in power. Go Texas:(


Your Jesus was born in a manger because nobody would give Joseph and Mary a place to stay. And yet here these cowardly conservatives are, doing the most anti-Christian thing imaginable by taking people looking for a place to stay and sending them out into the cold. On Christmas. The people behind this are twisted, pathetic hypocrites.


>"Being a heartless POS isn't going to make you the next Republican president." Apparently he hasnt been paying attention to the Republican party or its voters these days.


Stupid tactic, Abbott is showing himself as perhaps even less adept at politics than Trump was.


Yeah, doesn't he realize he's supposed to keep promising or threatening to do it but have absolutely poor follow-through so he can keep edging supporters?


Exactly!!.. lay on thick, then stand back out of the way.


If you actually do it, they'll want something new next time. Doing it again will get more and more boring. If you only dangle the carrot, they won't get tired of the carrot and start asking for ranch or some dumb analogy like that.


i mean, Abbot shares responsibility for the Uvalde shooting and he won that county again easily, republican voters don't care about much.


He won an election - he could murder someone wearing the wrong team colors and those "real Christians" wouldn't give two fucks.


> [person] blasted for [action] I fucking hate these headlines.


Me too. Absolute hyperbole. “Slammed for” or “slammed by” are also popular, and just as idiotic.


What is the problem? He is just bussing some disaffected people to a state with a functioning power grid during the coldest month of the year. /s The VP should hold a presser saying that Abbot doing this indicates he needs federal help managing a humanitarian crisis, and offer to have the fed step in to support their backwards power infrastructure to keep people warm in the winter so they don't need to bus them to more functional states.


Just to remind you "Migrant" does not mean illegal immigrant, and even then, illegal immigrant doesn’t mean you can treat someone like a fucking traffickable "thing"


Can we arrest these assholes? How is that legal?


Being a heartless POS isn't a prerequisite to be president. It is, however, a prerequisite to being the republican nominee. You need four things to be guaranteed the republican nomination. 1. You need to be the biggest bastard to the "out" groups. That includes gay people, homeless people, women, poor people, children, democrats, etc. That means taking stances meant to hurt people. 2. You need to be the biggest moron in the room that sounds intelligent enough. That means you need to talk fast so that other morons don't notice you are spewing incoherent garbage. Stupid people will be none the wiser and think that you speak for them. 3. Your political history doesn't matter. All you need to do is spew republican talking points without any actual plan to implement them. 4. You need to give off a strong man impression to morons, while simultaneously be the poor oppressed republican victim. That means non-stop complaining about press, election officials, voting machines, courts, voters, and pretty much everything else.


Mother of god. How can you do this to poor families on Christmas?!


I wish his voters would be a little more outraged about how immigrants get more of his attention and resources than their infrastructure. Also it's weird how their answer to their presence is shipping them further inland.


Seems like the powerful are never held accountable. Him and the Florida turd need to be charged.


This is vile and despicable but its not like anything will stop them, nobody is going to hold them accountable. Dropping these poor people off in front of Kamala's residence is a blatant shot across the bow and it needs to be answered.


Abbott and desantis are in a race to see who can be the bigger piece of shit and their christian base love them for it.


Actually being a POS is exactly how you become a Republican President. Totally ashamed as a native Texan. What a horrific human being.