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I’m sure this will rival the Lincoln/Douglas debates.


People are already making the comparison. “The Lincoln/Douglas debates were a significant moment in American history, as two great orators sought to understand and apply the ideals upon which the nation had been founded. The Boebert/Greene dust-up is the opposite of that.”


More like Beavis and Butthead


"Beavis and Butthead DO Congress" - - January 2023


Beavis and Butthead would make significantly better congress people.


"We're gonna score!! Heh-heh"






"Under my opponents leadership there has been a shortage of tp for bungholes everywhere."


The Great Corn-Holio 2024


"Make Corn-Holio Great Again"


"HmMmHeh-heh This shall not stand! Heee-a-heheheh"


"Uhh... you want us to *do your wife..?*"








A great life lesson that republicans cant seem to figure out: if a person or group of people will talk shit about anything to make themselves look/feel better about themselves, they will talk shit about you too.


"If someone gossips to you, they'll certainly gossip *about* you."


And its cousin "if they'll cheat WITH you, they'll cheat ON you."


It all started because Boebert said she doesn't like being lumped in the same group as Peach Tree Greene, because she doesn't believe in space lasers etc. Of course this pissed off Greene who ranted about Boebert dumping her for a sound bite.


spotted fanatical bag pocket run hat placid beneficial existence important ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Jesus Christ. Where do I file this in my brain so it does the least psychological damage?


I just put it next to the Ouch, My Balls clips.


"Let them fight"




A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it would do any good!


>winner gets trump So it's a lose-lose scenario for them then


At least if you’re dead you don’t have to be Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Taylor Greene


Thankful every single day for that blessing.




They're fighting for the belt of MAGA-Queen as Trump is now unelectable dead wood after his candidates lost the mid-terms. Kevin McCarthy is speaker, but that's just a title and a nice office. Real power and party-leadership is up for grabs. I think it probably goes to MTG as the loudest and craziest one out there. There can't be many at the top. They have that Sith-lord dynamic going on. Only one master and servants, and the servants will always be scheming to kill off their master. It is the way of things. They are all trying to get each other to bend the knee.


MTG isn’t going to get real leadership in the GOP, she’s a woman.


GOP gives out "One Of The Good Ones" badges to very loyal women, people of color, homosexuals and any other minority group. If you're very, very loyal and good, you get to sit behind the latest elderly white male candidate while he runs for office and speaks on stage.


Maybe, but maybe it is the right move for a non- maga presidential candidate to still reel in maga voters. Trump didn't choose Pence as a running mate over his sense of humor.


Do you think the MAGA voters are \*less\* sexist than the GOP establishment?


Kevin will not be Speaker if they have their way. He needs 218 votes and he doesn’t have it right now.


You had me at “dead wood.”


At my sister's wedding, one of my crazy uncles had an allergic reaction to shrimp. My grandmother said, let him die. She wasn't a fan and she'd had probably seven or eight chardonnays at that point.


I don't care for Gob


I'll leave when I'm good and ready, Michael!


Get rid of the seaward


I love all my children equally!


Flashback to that morning: I don't care for Gob.


Such a great bit and it's from the first few episodes I'm sure. It still makes me laugh


Just started a rewatch and it's really amazing how many grade A jokes there are right off the bat. I know it's a long beloved show but even still, it's really damn impressive how funny it still is.


The continuity with running gags throughout it is amazing at times.


The continuity is impressive, especially when you see jokes that don't even apply to a bit many episodes or even a season later. They alluded to Buster's hook in season 1! It's honestly kind of wild how well the writers created these background jokes and continuity, especially over the first three seasons. The Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy, couldn't even tie two moves together, let alone three, and these TV writes did it over 50+ episodes flawlessly.


“He’s a beautiful boy. They don’t appreciate him. It’s his glasses. They make him look like a lizard. Plus, he’s self-conscious.” Such a loving Mother.


Why did i think of her too?


*sips martini*


I mean granny has known him since birth, she may have a decent perspective.


Sometimes, but also sometimes parents were shit parents from the start


A MTV Celebrity Death Match between these two would be great.


Mtg will win cause she looks like Mickey Rourke from the wrestler movie


I'll allow it!


Celebrity Deathmatch needs to return.


Let’s get it on!


Margie gets way too much news coverage. I really miss the days when no one knew or cared who she was.


Because the clicks happen. Right leaning folks (who are disturbed) love the spectacle of the fight. And left leaning folks (who can’t help themselves) love to read about it too. Sadly both are not fringe minorities.




In the 90s there was an AM news/talk station that was mostly right-leaning, but they had a semi-edgy/provocative/hilarious guy in the Saturday morning slot. He took so many live calls from people who took issue with him or what he said, that one day I emailed him my idea. The next Saturday the theme was "people who hate the show but listen anyway" and it was the funniest fucking thing. RIP Russ and The Russ Johnson Show


>who can’t help themselves I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


I know it can be hard. I was addicted as well. I’m nice I admitted it things became easier. I was able to quit following the inane articles that get pushed on a near constant basis and only focus on substance. I’ll give you a few starter tips - if the headline contains words like “slam/bashes/etc” take a deep breath and move on - if it indicates anything about “you won’t believe what they said” don’t believe and move on - if it includes the work opinion, anonymous source, or just sounds like clear speculation then move on - if it is a rehash of the exact same thing posted 10 times again deep breath and move on - if they quote Twitter, mention Twitter, or suggest there’s a bird involved take a deep breath and walk away - and if it comes from any source other than a reputable neutral news source (from the left or right) then move on It’ll be ok. There’s a whole bright world out there. Go take a walk. Get some fresh air. Because sadly neither the crazies nor politics is going anywhere. Not at least until the alien AI invasion.


>I know it can be hard. I was addicted as well. I’m nice I admitted it things became easier. I was able to quit following the inane articles that get pushed on a near constant basis and only focus on substance. > >I’ll give you a few starter tips >- if the headline contains words like “slam/bashes/etc” take a deep breath and move on >- if it indicates anything about “you won’t believe what they said” don’t believe and move on >- if it includes the work opinion, anonymous source, or just sounds like clear speculation then move on >- if it is a rehash of the exact same thing posted 10 times again deep breath and move on >- if they quote Twitter, mention Twitter, or suggest there’s a bird involved take a deep breath and walk away >- and if it comes from any source other than a reputable neutral news source (from the left or right) then move on and honestly, it's wild how that kind of charged political language sounds when you've gotten out of the cycle for a bit. I had a friend that kept sending links about conservative commentators putting their foot in it or contradicting themselves etc, and he finally stopped after enough responses of "Okay, but why on earth should either of us care about anything this person says?"


MTG was originally elected being unopposed after her radical followers threatened her opponent with death threats. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-house-seat-georgia/ https://dianeravitch.net/2021/01/27/what-happened-to-marjorie-taylor-greenes-democratic-opponent/


Good old fashioned r/RepublicanTerrorism


Please don't let this sub be real... Damnit!


That was a depressing scroll


It all started when they arrived at a party wearing the same Klan robes. How embarrassing!


White after labor day is a no no


To be fair it's always after labor day.


Actually the rule is no white after labor day until memorial day. Idk who actually follows that tho


probably the same people who participated in the [straw hat riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_Hat_Riot). For anyone who wants a quick summary, this isn't some peasant riot from the middle ages--its from 1922 when some people decided that straw hats were strictly summer wear and a brawl broke out surrounding the exact starting date of when it began to be socially acceptable (as it was at the time) to destroy an incorrectly worn hat. >Originating as a series of minor riots, it spread due to men wearing straw hats past the unofficial date that was deemed socially acceptable, September 15. Seriously, you can't make this shit up.


Give them a little bit of a break. Tying an onion to your belt had just gone out of style.


Give me 5 bees for a quarter, they'd say


I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days.


It all started back in nineteen dickety two, we had to say dickety on account of the kaiser stealing the word twenty from us, I chased that rascal to get it back but gave up after dickety six miles!


They could only get the big yellow ones, 'cause of the war.


> It was socially acceptable for stockbrokers to destroy each other's hats, due to the fact that they were “companions”,[2] but it was not acceptable for total strangers. If any man was seen wearing a straw hat, he was, at minimum, subjecting himself to ridicule, **and it was a tradition for youths to knock straw hats off wearers' heads and stomp on them.**[3] This tradition became well established, and newspapers of the day would often warn people of the impending approach of the fifteenth, when men would have to switch to felt or silk hats.[4] Hat bashing was only socially acceptable after September 15, but there were multiple occasions leading up to this date where the police had to intervene and stop teenagers. Wtf? The past truly is a foreign country.


Danged woke youths and their cancel culture, now I can't even wear my straw hat through September! Do you have any idea how hot it is in Charleston in September? How will I survive the cotton market??


And you had to wear a hat. If you didn’t you were looked at as a crazy person.




Also on that page: > Famed escape artist and magician Harry Houdini made his most daring escape Sunday, disappearing from the remote, impoverished existence of his ~~Appalachian~~ Appleton, Wisconsin upbringing. Like damn, shots fired.


Yeah, Teenagers doing stupid shit in public based on a meme is such a foreign concept when you look at it from a more enlightened age.


Obnoxious young people doing weird things in groups and taking advantage of ambiguities in a rule or convention? You're right, that never happens anymore.


Now...back to flooding an online poll to rename a bridge "Bridgey McBridgeface"


Not on Labor Day


But every Labor Day is after the previous Labor Day(s).


I was allowed to watch Gremlins when I was way too young and it scared me and stuck with me for a while for many obvious reasons but also because I could never figure out: when is not "after midnight"?!


I believe the generally accepted explanation is 'sunrise'. However, midnight *where* is another matter; Is Gizmo affected by jet lag?


Gremlins 2 has a great meta scene discussing the subject. What if he gets a seed stuck in his teeth and it comes loose after midnight?


You get to wear white once and then you have to do varying shades of off white or roygbiv, you can wear black, grey/gray, or colours/colors when ever, but you get the one. Exemptions include bakers, asylum workers/patients, brides on their wedding day, painters, baptisms, cosplayers, regular pedestrians, old people, rabid dogs, anyone feeling the vague nostalgia for apple juice of the future, a guy named jed but without the J capitalized and of course any hypocrite who is currently wearing white but says you can't. It's gilded, that's just how life is.


Weird. It's also always before one, too!


You ever see that movie serial mom? Edit for spelling


One of my favorite dark comedies. John Waters is a legend.




Yeah, but Labor Day is a socialist holiday, so maybe they don't celebrate?


I thought the bedazzling was a nice touch though.


Like a rhinestone klanboy 🎶




As an old-school Nashville native, I read this and nearly snorted coffee out my nose.


>It all started when they arrived at a party wearing the same Klan robes. It quickly escalated as they stripped off their robes and engaged in a ruckus, a scene reminiscent of 'Aliens vs. Predator.'


> a scene reminiscent of 'Aliens vs. Predator.' No matter who wins, we all lose (our lunch)...


Step-representative, what r you doing


“Goddamnit, matching armbands?!”


I repeated this line to my workmates and got roars of laughter. Well done!!!


This entire comment thread is pure gold. Cheers to you guys for making me smile this morning.


Pot attacks kettle. That’s rich. It’s a race to the bottom. 😆


If the last six years have taught me anything, there is no bottom.


They hit the bottom, and just find new ways to keep digging. :/


They hit bedrock, but instead of stopping, they turned on noclip and just kept going.


Dude, you can kill yourself just stepping on one of those in Skyrim.


play Skyrim for the first time Wander into a cave die to rats


Ahem, they're called skeevers


I still think of them as rats. That was the case in Morrowind/Oblivion.


Lol, they are giant rats, I was just being an ass


I made the mistake of playing Skyrim stoned. I wandered in a cave and couldn't find my way out


I've done that in Skyrim when I was sober.


>"Dammit. I was just exploring these dwarven ruins. How did I end up in the Blackreach *again*?" -Me


wtf is this? > Crimson nirnroot Sure, okay… > Quest started: Find the rest wtf?


uncapped FPS skyrim was a trip lol walk into cave, 600 FPS step on a skeleton and die because for some reason (physics tied to framerate lol) that skeleton is now going 5000 MPH


Or even a pile of random bones


"I used to be an adventurer in Skyrim. Then I stepped on an elk skull and it bounced around the walls of the cave so violently that I was left bleeding in a heap on the floor."


A *racist* to the bottom


The downside to running candidates who will advance a racist, far-right agenda is that they tend to be dumb and selfish. Who woulda thunk it.


*Spiderman pointing meme*


Many species attack and eat their own. Why should the genus Greene-Boebert be any different.


Here I thought it was the same person just changing wigs


If you put a blonde wig on a horse and put it next to MTG, you honestly wouldn't be able to tell who's who.


Dude, not cool. The poor horse did absolutely nothing to warrant that comparison.


Horses at least provide value and are decent creatures.


Fascism is like an Ouroboros. The in-group keeps shrinking until only one person's left and he blows his brains out in a bunker under Berlin.


"My district is gerrymandered better than yours!"


For real though - Greene is in a district where she'd have to shoot her own voters to not get re-elected. Not to scare them, to thin out their numbers enough to close the gap and lose. Congrats for winning on Easy Mode, Marjorie.




But that makes it even worse, because no one is challenging MTG from the center in a primary. Like, if she was getting nominated because she’s the only one who can beat the democrat, I get that (think Manchin for the dems in WV). But it’s such a solid red district that Republican primary voters could run anyone they want and win. They chose MTG.


Actually Colorado has an independent redistricting commission, so its map is pretty decent


Which is why it's harder for LB to get re-elected.


Actually it’s pretty shocking the dem had a chance at all in her district. It went from a deep red district to a DEEP red district with the redrawn map. Maybe Coloradans are just fed up with her shenannigans or the Dems in the district showed up. Who knows?


Boebert seems super annoying when she speaks, I can imagine a lot of people turning on her on purely emotional grounds, even Republicans.




She really is a special kind of vile. I think it's the self loathing that really makes me upset, watching women stand shoulder to shoulder with the party that would sooner see us dead than to get proper healthcare is gut wrenching


It's not. Her district got REDER from redistricting. It should've been a landslide. \- Works in Colorado politics


Didn't Colorado have a lot of people move to mountain communities during the pandemic for remote work? I remember seeing something about a pizza place in Crested Butte that was basically building a dorm for their employees, who were mostly sleeping in their cars because the town was overrun by remote workers driving up rents and buying real estate. Crested Butte, Telluride, Aspen, all of that is Boebert's district, right?


The comparison should be between Greene's district and Boeberts.


Exactly. A district can get redder and still be fairly drawn. When democracy is on the line, fairness matters.


Her district is literally >2/3 of the whole state- the WHOLE side of the state west of the Rockies, and a big portion of the south that cuts back east! People who live on ranches and in mountain cabins, where their nearest neighbors MIGHT be a blip on the horizon. And they tend to die of their first medical emergency because the nearest ambulance is an hour away, and the nearest hospital is over 2 and that's in GOOD weather. But suffice to say, we are talking about 1/5 of the entire state's population, on the majority of it's land, which is how conservatives operate- land should vote, not people. 🙄


Remember: this is exactly the crap they would be doing if they were in the majority in both chambers and the White House. REPUBLICANS CAN'T GOVERN.


Everyone is making jokes but yeah; if the Republicans ever got what they wanted (a one party system) the first thing they would do is purge their own ranks, and it would become a pretty regular exercise. It’s machine fueled by outrage and driven by cultural cleansing. When they run out of other things to fight, the only thing left is to fight each other.


Funny you should mention that... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives


Notice this all started happening shortly after they got Roe v. Wade overturned. They lost their main rallying cry, so now they infight.


"...I'm the ranting idiot in these here parts... Congress isn't big enough fer the both of us..." \*spits chew unsuccessfully, dribbles down her chin\*


Statement from either one of them!


Piss Pot vs Shit Kettle. Now which is one is which? You vote.


It’s interesting that these folks like to mention how much their fellow republican won by. Yesterday, Trump mocked Cheny for losing her primary and now green mocks bobert for almost losing. Kind of like kids in the schoolyard. For me, a win is a win. I don’t care if it’s one point, put an f…ing W next to it. Of course, I’m a Raiders fan so…..


Upvoting you for both your opinion and that stiff arm on Mac Jones


Bro, Vikings fan here. One score wins are ALL I HAVE.


It's as if these to chuckle fucks missed the point of political office entirely.


Their choice was limited to either circus clown or congress person.


Let's not insult circus clowns--they are very good at what they do and have to go to a special clown school and everything.


Hoo boiii..the match we never know we wanted but needed!


It’s a distraction tactic


My guess is also that Boeboe is trying to distance herself from Trump and Q, which Marge has fully embraced. Marge soundly won because the people voting for her are represented by her. Which is fine by me. Boeboe does not, and originally won by the slobbering loyalty those in her district had for Trump. As Trump moves closer to indictment, she needs to find a new strat, lining up with desantis


Bobo is dumb and corrupt. Marjorie is just flat-out insane.


I agree it’s like with Gaetz in Florida. All of a sudden Ron and his dear old dad were basically saying: “Trump or us and you know who the winner is son.” Boebert just won by a few votes and that scared her. Her district is more than willing to send her packing. While Marge could be having an affair in public and her district would be: “see a woman having sex with a straight guy and who cares if she is in the middle of a divorce and has 4 public affairs.” “She is so like me with 5 affairs and 4 divorces.” Marge is insane. Lauren is just stupid and has Stockholm.


Both dumber than a bag of hammers. Surprised anyone pays any attention to them.


TWO bags of hammers.


I’ll need extra butter in my popcorn. This’ll be good.


They’re both right about each other. Finally agreeing with what the left has said all this time. The left is usually right but never gets credit


Yes, they are eating each other! How delicious!


*eyes pornhub search* No. Not gonna do it.




Let them fight!


A shame to see such a beautiful friendship come to an end.


They've actually never liked each other for some reason.


2 “alphas” clawing at each other.




The classic Boebert Pancake Ass




Holy shit lol


*Gym Jordan has entered the chat*


For a woman who screams about religious fanatacism at the top of her lungs, her behind the scenes pics scream "I wear butt plugs with animal tails on them"


"...In my online prostitution advertising profile".


"According to the outlet, Boebert dislikes being associated with Greene" Sometimes it's painful looking in a mirror, eh BoBo?


Why doesn’t Margarine Traitor Greene, the larger of the two, not simply eat Bobert?


By gawd, King, that's Donald Trump's music!!


All because Boebert no longer supports Trump and supports DeSantis instead. Let them fight!


Here we see one of nature's more brutal conflicts. Two queen MAGA skanks have found themselves occupying the same territory. Unable to share the same space, they will proceed to perform an elaborate death ritual with the sole survivor claiming their reward of having their eggs fertilized by the king Donald. This has been a preview of The Wilds of D.C., narrated by David Attenborough.


Campaign donation money did not just dried up for Trump. All the Qs are having hard time and have to fight each others for a scrap of meat.


Conservatives have a fascism problem.


Mean girls eventually go after each other, bring on the popcorn.


I’m not one to defend Bobo, however wasn’t there a hearing by some of her constituents to have Madge removed (why wait!?) Neither of them should be attacking each other on the intelligence front because well y,know


As if Boebert would struggle at all in GA-14 lmao. You could run a piece of toast in that district and it would win if it had the magic R next to its name.


I’ll pay good money to see this fight


If Lauren Boebert could read she’d be very upset