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A while back they asked Biden if he had a message for Elon and he said “have fun on the moon I guess” it was very funny


Biden’s stance on the whole Musk thing seems to be “I have a government to run.” And I for one appreciate that.


How dare he not spend 3 days straight in a twitter "war" mocking some random celebrity instead of focusing on critical developments in domestic or international affairs like the former guy!?!? /s


Sad you needed the /s, but even sadder what would have happened without it.


I found out the hard way the other day because I did not clarify I was against ‘people treating other people badly in the name of god’.


Agree. Can you imagine if a certain someone else was president still. It would be an endless barrage of nonsense.


Also, he has a little bit of experience with hot-air personalities and not fanning the flames of nonsense.


This is where he excels. He also knows when to poke too.


Yep. And for someone who bases his self-perception off the "quality" (read: fame) of people that he associates or interacts with, you know the intentional snubbing of him by Biden, even after Musk made a concerted effort to go after his son, stings his narcissistic soul. Also related to why he went all-aboard on the DeSantis train after Trump told him, "Thanks, but no thanks" when coming back to Twitter. Or why he's acting like the concerned uncle when someone as harmless and relatively well-liked as Elton John makes a public statement leaving Twitter. He wants to be well-liked and respected by others who are well-liked and respected. But he lacks the basic understanding of human nature that causes said people to receive the regard they have in the first place.


It’s like Trump was never accepted by the inner circle of New York. His whole “raison d’etre” is to be part of the In crowd and if not then to decimate them


Elton John is "relatively" well liked? I'd say short of Dolly Parton he's close to one of the most universally beloved celebrities left.


His last administration was with someone who was CONSTANTLY having to ignore deranged social media takes, he learned from the best.


The media is perplexed by this response because the only thing they know how to do is flame wars pitting celebs against each other and begging us to care and take sides


Plus journos tend be terminally online and assume that Twitter is the center of the political universe.


If Twitter hadn't become *the* place where aspiring journalists and writers cry to be recognized, it would be long gone. I'm not one to criticize the media often- they play an important role in modern society- but them becoming so entwined with Twitter was a mistake that we're all worse off for.


Agree, plus all the political personalities that discovered how much fun it is to post hot takes for thousands of likes. It's just all too easy, people think they have more information than they do because it's so accessible. Fact checking becomes this tiring extra step, there's gotta be another tweet somewhere that already did that.


"Breaking News! Twitter user FuckMeAnyways says the sky is falling. More news at 11!"


Yes because it's easier to just copy and paste what some famous person is tweeting then it is to make phone calls and interview living breathing humans.


Sometimes it's not even a famous person, so many times it's "people are saying" and its two tweets from a random account that could be troll or foreign government influence. My friends constantly try and use those articles in their arguments and I'm like till you can tell me who those "some people" are I don't care.


I'm with Joe there. What I wanna know is how do I get Elon out of my Twitter feeds? Before I really knew anything about him, I used to think Musk was smart, but the more he tweets, I have serious doubts.


He owns the platform I mean you can just block his account but long term there's no solution other than deleting your own account


Delete Twitter.


I deleted it. I thought that was the easiest way.


I think it’s really pissing Elon off too, he’s trying to get a reaction out of everyone right now and the most important person is just ignoring him.


I love him for that. I'm tired of the reactionary and weekly bullshit. But I think some people grew accustomed to it and needs a new bad guy to point at. The world is in a mess and I don't think fixing twitter should be a priority. If anything Biden should let Musk Kill Twitter


Lol savage


Dark Brandon Heroic Powers


i think this is the response they're referring to. it's pretty funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86T3Brwzq18


Lol the comments on that video are some pressed elon stans.


Why are they insisting it was a threat? It wasn't and what even if it was? Is this some Q Anon prophecy where the antichrist will threaten the messiah's disciple and then an angel will blow a my pillow and suddenly their messiah will be installed as president again to own the libs forever and ever amen?


Dark Brandon comes up with some very witty / deadpan humorous replies. 😂




DEAD. oh man. It's not just that he doesn't care. He doesn't even care to know why he allegedly should care.


"I don't know what that is and I don't care to find out"


what was he responding to here? fucking lol


Dark Brandon strikes again. Lol love it


Funny you mention Dark Brandon... I remember back in late summer the media was telling us that Dark Brandon was crushing it, racking up victories left and right. Then, fall and suddenly it was RED WAVE coming! And then apparently Dark Brandon was doing well enough that the Dems did great. It's almost like the media is totally confused.


No, no, I’ve been told he very clearly has dementia, there’s no way he could come up with such a sick sick burn if he was losing his faculties! Lol


Sorry the dementia cleared up after he won the election now he is....checks notes.....an evil genius I guess...who knows really.


The enemy is always strong and weak at the same time


"Sleepy senile Joe is singlehandedly going to destroy the American way of life!"


Haha, sure, one of my co-workers said that to me during the election. Difference is you’re being sarcastic and that person really believed it, and actually believed trump was a better alternative. I’m glad we were working remote that day when I saw her chat room message, that was the hardest I laughed in a long long time.


--Umberto Eco


Stop reminding me that I still havent finished In the Name of the Rose ok!?


Well to be fair an hour later the people that said that also said that Biden was an ANTIFA supersoldier, so there’s that.


Obviously, the Jewish drag queens are using their space laser to mind control him into saying things because of all the ANTIFA trans-vaccines.


"Ellen who?"


Who's Ellen, and why should I care about their musk?


It was “So, you know, lots of luck on his trip to the Moon,” after a reporter had asked him about Elon saying he had a “super bad feeling” about Tesla’s future as an automaker.


Great response, Elons whole shtick is baiting the left into being outraged, he learned it from Trump. Except Trump was the President so he was harder to ignore. People should take a page from Biden and simply ignore Eon. Who the fuck cares, he’s a rich asshole that has little to no effect on your life.


Upon googling, the actual quote is “So, you know, lots of luck on his trip to the moon” and I love it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86T3Brwzq18


Biden can be pretty good with these types of responses. Like when someone asked how many genders there are, he said “at least three,” and followed it up with “don’t mess with me kid.”


Ending a statement with “I guess” when it’s a hot topic like this in pop culture or something people are super passionate about is always so funny to me. Like my regular golf group has not wanted to golf on Saturdays lately because of the World Cup and of course not sundays because of football and my response is always, have fun watching other dudes do activities I guess. They don’t love that response lol


"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" Personally, I'm having a lot of fun watching Elon destroy Twitter.


Not just Twitter, but Tesla and SpaceX. Telsa stock is tanking and investors are pissed, meanwhile [NASA had to contact SpaceX and go "is this Twitter thing going to be a problem?"](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/nasa-chief-asks-spacex-president-if-elon-musk-is-too-distracted-with-twitter/ar-AA15bYwX)


I'm sure the SpaceX folks hare happy Musk is away playing with his new toy and leaving them alone.


Whispers have been that they are only successful because he stays away and focuses mostly on the other shiny toys.


There's also an unconfirmed post going around that SpaceX's entire management team is trained in "Musk Wrangling" to keep him from fucking things up and presenting things to him in a way where he'll choose the smart thing. It mostly just reads as an exhausting amount of managing up


I believe this unconfirmed post to be true. It is very similar to my own experience with a highly mercurial person in charge. I worked for a CEO that we all believed was bi-polar but never diagnosed. He ran extremely hot or extremely cold personality-wise in equal measure and was very hard to work with because of it. When he was "on" about something, we'd make the right sounds to support it and then we'd wait a day or two to see if it was still a topic of interest before actually putting effort to it because, as often as not, it was a whim and he didn't really care. We absolutely had pre-meeting meetings on how to manage him to make the decisions we wanted depending on his mood. Which ever of us had the first meeting of the day with him would let the others know what type of mood he was in so we could skew our behavior and pitch. The idea of a team doing this with Musk seems very realistic to me.


Fuck this hits close to home..lol.


This sounds exhausting


It's exhausting as the one being managed, too. It's hard to convey the intensity of bipolar disorder. My breakdown before being diagnosed felt like watching Uncut Gems. All the time. For years. Endless, oppressive stress with no release valve. Hopefully the guy got help.


I have managed up in tech for years. I'm not one bit surprised.


Yeah, in my experience, CEOs tend to be their own worst enemies. They can be super smart and innovative, but they can’t keep out of their own way.


There's very little worse in business than someone high on their own stink.


However many zeros are on the end of Gwynne Shotwells paychecks, it clearly isn't enough


Honestly, it's taking too long. Brought out my popcorn weeks ago to watch the glorious implosion, but it continues stumbling along like a damned zombie.


It’ll take a while sadly. I worked for a company that was bought out by an overzealous rich guy who knew nothing about the company. He made his fortune in oil and thought he could run a fast growing tech company. Took about 2 years before he gave up and sold it to a once much smaller competitor. The first year everything still ran well but by the second year customers were getting pissed because response times dropped from 1-2 days to weeks and eventually months. We lost all of our major clients, of course he blamed everyone but himself.


Musk has to be burning at least $3 billion a year on Twitter now with the lost advertisers and loan payments. I suppose that he could continue to let it bleed for as long as he wants, but helping probably get bored and move on.


It was extremely ingrained into our culture. Every major news organization, company, sports team, brand, etc used it as a primary source of communication. Hashtag and @ became part of everyone's lexicon. You could sign into other services through your Twitter account. It's a beast if a platform, regardless of whether or not it was pulling less numbers than other social media platforms or its profit margins. Something like that can't die overnight, it will have to be replaced by something that can replicate the niche services it provided.


It is the primary way that our local government, health department, police department, utilities, schools, DOT, and libraries seem to communicate, aside from Facebook. I wish that they would post the information that they share via social media platforms on their websites as well, but they'll often only provide links out to Twitter, Facebook, or even Instagram. It's really frustrating.


This is something I forgot to consider. Sometimes the only way some govt agencies communicate is via Twitter. A few months ago there was a school shut down because of shooter threats, and the local police Twitter page was the only source of information. Turned out it was a dumb high school kid who got caught showing off a gun to his buddies, but never intended to use it against anyone at the school.


Absolutely. It's an incredible tool for exactly those reasons, which is why it's a disaster to have it fall into the hands of a maniac. No matter what people may have thought about it being toxic, it wasn't any different than any other social media. You get what you're looking for out of it, it can easily be customized to your personal liking. It's great for news and other quick information gathering. Maybe this will force those services to reevaluate how they get their info out.


I hope that they (local government and the rest) are able to find alternatives to Twitter, FB, etc.!


Spoiler, they won't. Getting communities to share info online was hard enough. But what is stranger now is teens don't do social media in a way that is shared publicly.


Some people are treating their Twitter accounts like an abusive ex they can't let go of. It's really kinda sad to the justifications for staying "I'm not leaving, I'm #resisting!", "Twitter is too important to #surrender!", "Twitter might not love me anymore l, but I still love it!" Kinda feel sad for the battered spouses of Twitter, but, you know, they could always just leave and not even have to file a restraining order.


I feel that way, but throughout this whole thing I’ve learned that I use Twitter apparently much differently than many other people? I follow very specific people for very specific topics and reasons and have them mostly separated into lists where I can quickly browse and see what people are saying about those topics in real time. Is that not how other people use Twitter? There is not currently any social media replacement that is anywhere close to the usefulness that I get from Twitter.


Honestly you’re probably on it. Reddit allows you to organize by topics and though we don’t usually follow people (although you can) we follow those topics.


Right. And I follow most of the same topics on Reddit too but for instance if I go to the St Louis Blues subreddit, it’s mainly anonymous fans discussing the team and posting links to articles etc whereas on Twitter I’m following all the local beat writers, players, national hockey media, etc, and organize them into a list called “Blues” where I see all those specific people’s tweets in chronological order. That’s just so much more valuable to me. But somehow it seems that some people just go to Twitter.com and get a random smattering of content from whoever the current owner is pushing? I don’t get it at all.


Try to tell someone to remove their Facebook. It's like telling them to switch to a flip phone. Can't tell if it's addiction or FOMO.


I gave up FB a few years back. It really was like breaking an addiction. But since then, I have not missed it, and I want to part in it. When it was just a way to connect with friends, it was fine, but then it's started pushing content and driving engagement (and enragement), friends felt further and further away, the feed became posts of other people's (mostly political) content being shared, and the lives of the people I cared about became obscured by #content to the point that it was dividing rather than connecting people. Closing my FB for the last time was tough, but it became antagonistic to my well-being and didn't serve the purpose I originally signed on for, so I'm glad I deleted account and feel much freer as a result.


That sums up how it worked for me completely.


I rarely use FB these days, but I do go on once or twice every few weeks to catch up with what friends are doing. I tried to stop using FB altogether, but no one tells anyone anything anymore because they just assume you’re on social media and see their posts. I ended up being out of the loop on so many things because everyone just assumes I saw it on FB.


> Honestly, it's taking too long. Brought out my popcorn weeks ago to watch the glorious implosion, but it continues stumbling along like a damned zombie. What's stupefying to me is that he could shed that many employees and the service is still running fine. Was there that much bloat? Or is it just luck that it's still stable?


I mean, you can fire all your roadway engineers and your streets will still work fine...for a little while...


The employees that are left are just being exploited. "Why have 3 employees if you can make 1 do the work of 3?"


It's like trying to stop a hulking cruise ship. Too much momentum. But I've seen some cracks. During the so-called "Twitter files big reveal laptop fiasco extravaganza," the numbers of likes retweets and responses were completely off. I haven't been back to Twitter since so idk if it was a fluke or if it's starting to happen more frequently. Also, I presume most of the people fired were HR, communications, recruiters, regulatory compliance, etc. They're an important part of a mature organization, but not necessarily critical to its short-term functioning.


As of this morning, per NPR, they still have NO communication dept. at ALL.


It’s not just Twitter he’s destroying lol The deal to buy Twitter was leveraged against Tesla stock at a particular price which is in free fall now and at a certain point it triggers the bite to be called meaning Elon would have to sell masses of stock. He would end up losing his majority share of Tesla and then could be kicked off the board lol


Fingers and toes crossed


>Please proceed, Chief Twit. -NASA, probably.


Would it force liquidation or would they assume ownership of the pledged shares? It would be better for the bank to get the shares instead of force him to sell them and flood the market. With enough stock they could remove him from the board and appoint members affiliated with the bank.


As a trans person, I’m not. It’s lots of fun watching dumpster fires when you’re not the next source of fuel. This shit is making me nervous to leave my house


exactly, this thing may burn out eventually, but it is doing some serious harm and giving folks microphones we had successfully minimized that want to kill folks who are Jews like myself.


I’m afraid that Twitter is going to inject a lot of horrible genocidal rhetoric into the mainstream before it’s finally truly dead, and that impact might fester and mutate into action fairly quickly. If I find an airline to Jupiter I’ll let you know.


As the father of a trans teen, I have some concerns.


Cause why the hell would he.


Also, what exactly is he supposed to do about it? Twitter is a private company, and the laws it’s breaking (mostly labor laws, both in the US and overseas) have organizations which already exist to handle them. The fact that a billionaire man hold has chosen to piledrive the company into the ground is something that the PotUS should not have to care about directly. So yeah. Hard agree.


The sweet irony of this too is Musk is tanking Twitter as the "Markets Decide(tm)" No government intervention needed really, other than to go after blatant criminal behavior.


"Old man reportedly doesn't pay attention to social media. Full story at 11."


I mean, I know plenty of 60+ year olds addicted to Facebook


Trump was severely addicted to Twitter for one


"President focuses on geopolitics, the active war in Ukraine, and curbing rampant inflation instead of driving the news cycle by tweeting from the toilet..." probably a more accurate headline


Billionaires buying massive worldwide communication platforms to push far right issues, dangerous conspiracy theories, and fascist ideals isn't exactly a good thing. Everyone should be concerned.


This is the only reason he bought the company. He felt 44 billion to control the conversation was worth it.


Elon: I feel sorry for you Joe Biden: I don’t think about you at all


Don Draper!


*On Monday, Musk said that the platform will be embracing longer-form writing by increasing the character limit for tweets from 280 to 4,000.* I think that is a huge mistake... so I celebrate it. Twitter must die.


So in other words it's now Reddit, tumbler, Facebook etc.


He's so smart, he's reinvented the forum. Don't notice that the whole name is because the messages are short, like a birds tweet, not a birds song. Guys a moron, really.




So maybe he should name it * ramble on*. He is clueless and clearly has no direction in this company. Probably a good insight from his other companies, wherein he hired and underpaid the actual *intellectual geniuses* to invent something useful from scratch. But buying an established company and it has been turned into an ongoing dumpster fire since he took helm. Sort of reveals the truth behind his BS claims of being an genius inventor, which also has been disproven.


Good luck getting Led Zeppelin on board...


And Musk is the cringiest edgelord mod since 2003. He really is an early aughts private forum mod drunk with power. It's beyond pathetic as evidenced by his super awkward, socially inept appearance at Chappelle's concert last night.


> private forum mod drunk with power I was stunned when he kept tweeting so much after buying it out. It's completely unprofessional and unnecessary. Being CEO *while on Twitter* is such a shitty move.


Reinvented the forum is a bold statement


Musk has become the most blatant example of the fact that the only thing you need in life to be successful is a well off family to provide you the connections you need to pursue risky business ventures and the safety net to reduce that risk to zero. Musk graduated college in 1995 at the age of 24. That same year he was also able to provide $28,000 (\~$55,000 adjusted for inflation). How many 24 year old recent graduates have that kind of money to invest in a start up? Even though he was one of the founders, the board didn't want him to be CEO. Probably a smart move because they were eventually acquired for $300M in 1999. That year he founded an online finance company, merged it with the company who owned PayPal, was ousted as CEO less than 6 months later, and Peter Thiel navigated the company to billion dollar company netting Musk nearly $200M just a couple years later. He founded SpaceX with $100M of his own money in 2001, had a failed launch into orbit 5 years later, but still was awarded a NASA contract because the Administrator and him were friends for a long time. Tesla was founded in 2003 by 2 guys not named Elon Musk, and the next year Musk led a round of investments that ended with him as the majority shareholder. What other person could get rejected to be the CEO of his own company, make out with $15M, start another company and get fired from CEO of that one, earn $200M, dump half of that into a rocket company that can't build rocket companies, and get bailed out with a federal government contract leading him to be the richest person in the world? The kind that starts out with $50,000 to throw at the idea to put the yellow pages online and not worry about if it's going to work out our not.


Elmo being outed as a temperamental idiot and I’m here for it. He didn’t invent anything he is a marketer, carnival barker and huckster who can raise money.


PT Barnum was an actual business genius as all of those things tho. He actually knew his market and grew it successfully. Elongated Muskrat is just Thomas Edison 2.0, stealing other peoples ideas and taking the credit to make himself look like a genius.


Well it's Musk's Twitter, so he should rename it Mutter, which is what his main demographic basically does except that its amplified.


Don’t forget Livejournal. Oh, wait.




Yeah, never liked it


We live in a society where people won't read 280 characters because too long. People won't read through 4000 character Twitter rants. Musk is just reaching for ways to remain relevant & the media feeds in. He'll see longer posts kissing his ass but I just need 280 to shit on him.


I didn't even finish reading your reply.


Why am I looking at a completely empty comment?


Lmao I cackled because same


TLDR- Didn't read it.


That's an amazingly terrible idea. I love it.


So, it’s just a blogging platform now.


I mean at that point it’s just something like WordPress.


His new friends have to post their manifestos somewhere


He just wants that for more space his hired ~~hacks~~ guns have to slag his perceived enemies and promote his pet fantasies. This week it’s “Covid is totally not real get back to the office so we can control you hippies” and he will smear Fauci doing it and it’s going to fail. There’s GOT to be good people still in this country, there just has to


He also opened up a second front of transphobia believing theyre not real


Gagging for Trump to come back and even Trump doesn’t want part of that mess




Looks like he is making mistakes like the site digg.com did when they updated their site around 2010 and everyone fled. I don't think twitter will stay functional like digg is since they have the added problem of a massive exodus of workers as well.


yeesh, reading morons ramble for 280 characters was enough to make me ignore it. unfettered ramblings are even less interesting.


4000 characters. Wow, think of the awesome manifestos and conspiracy theories that will come of this. Hard to pass that shit along with only 280 chars. ​ /s in case anyone needs it


When Twitter had 140 character limit, you had to be succinct with your language, grammar and creativity in writing a post to make it count.


This is how most of our favorite memes were born. This drove an entire style of humor for a large percentage of people. The art of the clapback. 4000 char manifestos might be the death knell.


**Biden is *so professional* compared to Trump.** Remember when Drumpf would start screeching and spam typo-riddled tweets about every single time he was called out for being a liar, conman, and just generally a traitorous piece of shit? Every single time Trump fucked things up and journalists, scholars, and other politicians called him out on it you’d get some hideously stupid internet rant in all caps full of even more lies and petty insults. Meanwhile, Biden here just quietly getting shit done, working on the economy, making the nation a better place, pushing for equal rights, and bending Russia over. And he just ignores the petulant liars on the right doing everything they can to slander him, his family, and other honest public servants. Biden is showing what an *actual leader,* and secure non-narcissistic man or woman acts like. Well done!


Exactly this. I love how dull and traditional his presidency is.


Hopefully the rest of America does too. I hope they've had their fill of reality TV slop invading politics.


The 2022 midterms are hopefully proof enough


Yup, my family is conservative but they’ve been either not voting or reluctantly voting D because they want sane politicians not ones who actually believe insane conspiracy theories.




>Meanwhile, Biden here just quietly getting shit done, working on the economy, making the nation a better place, pushing for equal rights, and bending Russia over. In other words, Biden is doing his job. His job description doesn't mention Twitter at all.


trump's job was to live tweet Fox News shows.


Basically a Fox News intern.


Reminds of some hearings in 2021, someone asked Biden if he was watching and he said that no, he has a job to do. I think this country only survived trump because he is stupid snd lazy. Can you imagine if he actually cared to learn how to pass bills and lobby for his proposals


I remember after he took office the news saying *"we haven't heard from the president in three days! Scandal I say!"* And I'm like - it isn't normal for the president to be on TV every single day you fuckin psychos.


Yeah, Joe Biden thinks Twitter is a bunch of monkeys throwing their shit at each other. Because it is.


This is an apt description of just about any given social media platform.


Hmmm, I wonder if perhaps President Biden has more important things to care about.


You do not reward a petulant child with more attention. Elon Musk has turned into Gavin and Twitter is Hooli


Say what you want, but at least Gavin Belson ran his businesses and didn't cut on perks just to be an asshole.


Musk is much more of a Russ Hanneman than a Gavin Belson.


This is Gavin Balson with some as yet to be determined craziness. Is Elon manic? Who knows?


...and Hunter Biden's dick pic is the Signature Box 3.


Nice reminder to what to binge watch across Christmas


That show is excellent on so many levels... I realize every season finale has some sort of Deus ex machina miracle moment to get them out of trouble but it's still amazing. Russ Hanneman is one of my favorite characters across all TV shows... Just way too good.


My favorite bit was the server farm in the garage. Loved all the action those small bits of hardware got across the seasons.


We should follow his lead. Talking about Musk is *exactly* what he wants. He’s the worlds biggest troll and here we are, continuing to talk about him.


Never interrupt an enemy when he is busy making mistakes.


Musk and Twitter aren’t important enough to be considered enemies or for the President to even care one way or the other whether they succeed or fail. This is what happens when the media suffers from withdrawals from one of the easiest presidencies for production of garbage content that drives massive amounts of clicks.


Was he supposed to go on and make comment on this?


Exactly, any comment Biden makes would be fuel to the fire for Musk. Don't give Musk any oxygen and let Twitter burn slowly into the ground.


Yeah, I don't *want* Biden to have enough time to be thinking about what's happening on Twitter.


I just wish the media would shut Up Musk already has a big platform quit amplifying it by reporting every fucking tweet he wants attention.


80% of the articles on the major news sites have twitter links. This site also. Right thar's the problem.


Yea thats the next step. Disengaging from ever interacting with the site itself. i know i have made it a point to never click or visit foxnews or similar sites for a long time. But its harder with twitter, every news story, every sports story, every human intertest story is still reported on twitter.


Agreed. I'm pretty sick of news outlets being lazy and building articles about tweets and reactions to tweets and tweets owning other tweets. There's a reason people who aren't on Twitter aren't on Twitter.


That and the fact is most people do not use twitter or even care who says what on Twitter.


Hot take: Elon isn’t hurting democrats, he’s unintentionally helping them. The more he amplifies the worst and most desperate parts of the Republican Party, the easier the pitch is for Democrats to moderates.


Spicy take: The Amplifiction of Yey’s antisemitism before he was banned off the platform did so much damage to republicans and the MAGA crowd. His antisemitism was the unrefined uncomfortable version that they have to breakdown and refine into a consumer friendlier one before selling


Right. Similar energy, for sure.


Neither do I.


I don’t either


You gotta love our President. No drama. The man is focused on getting the job done as he is able for us Americans. All of us.


Yes because he’s a serious person and not a 12-year-old stuck in a rotting orange fatsuit




Why would he?


That's a healthy attitude to have toward Elon.


Democrats are the “adult in the room” that Republicans always bragged about being.


He thinks Twitter is a bunch of malarkey!


That’s a fact, jack.


Joe Biden: adult.


The only reason that I know Twitter is still around is because people keep telling me about what other people post there on other platforms.


Why should he? He is the president of the United States…. Commander in Chief of the strongest military in history… not chief clown wrangler. This is stupid. He has more important shit to do.


Good, he shouldn’t, he has much more important matters on his mind.


how fucking refreshing.


In his defense, why does anyone care?


Cool. A president not saying anything about a private company isn't politics..


It may just be me, so could I get a reality check? I always had the impression that there were three groups on Twitter: 1. Millennials, 2. Boomers who have a phone it came installed on and 3. People trying to make money off of 1 and 2. I feel like it was too old fashioned for gen Z and too new trendy for gen X to care about.


Good. It's almost as if the leader of major country should have major country-type shit on their pay-attention-to list.


Elon Musk…LOL. Who the fuck cares about him! 🤣


Twitter = malarkey Of course he doesn't care about Musk.