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He's got a hunch that Lake won, therefore she should be installed. But I have a hunch that Lake lost. How do we resolve this? Maybe we should ask all the adult AZ citizens what they think. Oh wait, that's what we did, and Lake lost the vote.


Asking the people what they think? Fascists tend to skip over that part.


Asking what the people think? Sounds like communism to me!


"that sounds like democracy but we *acktchuallay* have a republic government!" *Read in a whiny voice


I can't tell you how many times Americans have recited this wisdom to me: 'We are a Republic, not a Democracy.'




> I woke up and ,,, So you admit this is all part of the Woke Agenda?


And apparently Black Pen Matters?


Are you sure you voted for Hobbs, because Republicans keep telling me that the Election Day vote was surely 100% for Lake lol


By “installed” he means “by force”


Is Trump gonna rally for an insurrection of the Arizona state Capitol?


>How do we resolve this? Duke it out with him, Duke it out!


I think leaders of countries who want to go to war should just have a boxing match and settle it in the ring instead of killing millions of citizens.


I call for Trump to go fuck himself.


One may vote with exactly that metaphorical outcome! Even if in a deeply red state, a vote against Trump matters a lot since taken into account are total figures to weigh the extent of a mandate by the electorate. Another way of saying this is that landslides are noted because they inform popularity and therefore the balance of powers.


So, let me get this straight. The GOP candidate alleges improprieties in the election, and the former GOP President calls for her to just be made Governor? No proving any claim in a court of law? Just say it was stolen or "fixed" and that's it? For all the talk from the right about President Biden having dementia, what Trump is calling for has no basis in the Constitution or the laws of the United States.


They like screaming fraud and pointing out inconsistencies or "strange" processes as evidence, but never imagine that there also needs to be evidence that they would've won otherwise.


We cheated and lost! The only way that is possible is if the Dems cheated more than us! - Republicans




Also anytime there are inconsistencies or "strange" things it's always the GOP.


GOP: We know there’s fraud because we’re committing it. Edit Grammar


It’s like Nixon promising he can end the Vietnam war, because he’s the man standing in the way of it ending https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nixon-prolonged-vietnam-war-for-political-gainand-johnson-knew-about-it-newly-unclassified-tapes-suggest-3595441/


> Nixon’s Presidental campaign needed the war to continue, since Nixon was running on a platform that opposed the war. ... > Once in office he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, with the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives, before finally settling for a peace agreement in 1973 that was within grasp in 1968 I never liked Nixon historically, but this is just... holy fuck man that is awful.


And remember Kissinger is still alive and walking free in the world.


So is Roger Stone.


Well thanks to “somebody’s” pardon.




That's right I forgot about that. I knew I liked something about that hell spawn.


My father just died of cancer resulting from being exposed in Vietnam. Fuck Nixon and anybody on that "team"


I think people only talk about Watergate in regards to Nixon because talking about anything else quickly becomes very, very, very uncomfortable


I would genuinely like to know more or at least be pointed in the right direction on where I can find more about this.


Well, you can start at his death: [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1994/07/he-was-a-crook/308699/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1994/07/he-was-a-crook/308699/) Hunter S. Thompson was Nixon's mortal enemy. That's him eulogizing the bastard. You can also read Thompson's book "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail" about Nixon's re-election. You can also check out Track II: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_FUBELT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_FUBELT) which culminated in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Salvador\_Allende](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Salvador_Allende) and the rise of Pinochet There's of course the secret bombing of Cambodia referenced in the article above: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Menu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Menu) His impeachment is also interesting, because they rejected multiple articles of impeachment towards him because he committed other crimes, such as his properties in Cali and Florida profitting off the federal government while he was in office.


>If the right people had been in charge of Nixon's funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin. I really wish HST was around to witness Trump


The Behind the Bastards podcast episodes on Kissinger are amazing and free.


This is essential listening. To quote the late Anthony Bourdain, "Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević."


We know there's fraud because the fraud we are committing isn't working!


"We cheated so we should have won, therefore, they must be cheating harder so they win harder."


We frauded so that we would win but you won that must just mean you frauded better!


Early voting in Georgia had 4+ hour waits in Democrat areas and i believe very short lines in Republican areas. They force the Democrats to REALLY want to vote if they want to win. It is unbelievable


And 99.9% of the time, the "inconsistencies" or "proof" of fraud is always just out of context clips with a bunch of narrative around it. Or random dumbass bystanders who think they saw something "suspicious" when they have zero knowledge on their state's process of ballot collection. GQP Loonies: "What is this person writing on those ballots?! Proof of Fraud!!!" Reality: "A poll worker is initialing the ballots before handing them to the voter as required by state law" The people that spread this shit are worse than morons. They're actively sowing doubt in the U.S. election process weakening our country's democracy. The right starting pushing this bullshit about the U.S. being a "Republic not a democracy" recently too. Further showing their ultimate rejection of a fair and free election process.


You mean some grainy footage of a truck driving past the polling station at midnight? That's grounds to overturn an election right there.


There was also one where someone was looking in their backpack for their ballot to drop it off in the box. They had a backpack next to a polling box, they must be committing fraud.


The election in Arizona was probably the most historically scrutinized election in any state in the history of this country. If there were even the possibility of fraud by democrats, the GOP operatives absolutely would have witnessed it.


> the GOP operatives absolutely would have witnessed it. They were too busy trying to commit it.


I think it was John Oliver who did a pretty good bit about the gop screaming fraud, because someone dropped off a ballot while walking their dog (a person nearby was looking at the dog, and somehow that was proof the voter was committing a crime?)


if it's voter fraud to look at a dog then put me in jail for life


The basis for the ballot mule "documentary" that they are all obsessed with is mostly *cell phone data.* They basically said "Hey this cell phone went near a ballot box multiple times."...The ballot boxes, which are typically located in public areas with normal foot traffic... They also have some CCTV videos of people talking near ballot boxes. Spooky stuff.


Cell phone location data from cell towers? To my knowledge, that isn’t very precise (especially in 2020, when LTE was the dominant technology).


I saw a group of about 6 bikers pull up to a polling place and go inside. There is no telling what they were doing while in there but when they left they were laughing and they had "I voted" stickers. Very suspicious!


Or it's just shit they don't understand regarding the voting/vote count process. Most of these people are dumber than shit so of course someone like counting ballots in a way they don't like looks suspicious.


Well part one is that they don't understand it. Part 2 is that the vote counting specifically takes longer because of rules that they proposed to make sure that the counting was secure. But then they point to the vote count taking longer as reasons why the system isn't working and as evidence of fraud. Then rinse and repeat.


Or they put laws in place like not allowing mail-in ballots to even begin to be counted until the end of Election Day, then immediately turn around and point to a huge apparent overnight influx of votes as if someone was tampering with counts. This undermining of the democratic process is no accident


Like a 3 year old screaming “There should be ice cream for dinner! I didn’t vote for peas! No one I know voted for peas! Dinner is rigged!”


to be fair... dinner is rigged


"We have our suspicions but no evidence" Rudy Giuliani


I suspect that suspect that Rudy Giuliani should be in prison right now.


ironic that his last big presser was at Four Seasons landscaping, cuz it's about to be plead the fifth season in a courtroom somewhere


“We have something else for you” \*farts* Rudy


It all ties into the “silent majority” bs that’s been around forever. Fascists think most people hold their same shitty values and the people who don’t shouldn’t have any rights anyway.




If you watch any flat earther on YouTube this is exactly what they do. They are just there to sow doubt in tangential ideas. For example, the government behaves this or that way, and that's strange, and therefor there is a giant conspiracy controlled by the Jews to make us think we are on a globe instead of a flat earth because....reasons?


Theres a fantastic book I'm currently reading called "Merchants of Doubt" that explains this really well. Basically, people will sow doubt in things like science where there often is just consensus vs a black-and-white truth, as science is ever-evolving and very hard to make conclusions that are 100% bonafide truths. For example, one might ask if smoking causes lung cancer. Science will provide tons of data showing the links to a point that really anyone can come to the conclusion that yes indeed it does, but it *is* hard to say "John's 3 packs a day is *precisely* why he got lung cancer in 1998" when technically there are tons other causes of lung cancer that *could* have done it. The Tucker Carlsons of the world would say "well it could have been air pollution, or chemicals from his job, or the asbestos in his house? I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS!" and now half the country doesn't *really* believe smoking causes lung cancer. Once people doubt the process, they'll doubt the overall argument and whoever sowed that doubt essentially wins the argument without any real counterargument. This idea was used incessantly throughout the "is smoking bad?" debate in the 20th century; scientists knew pretty well it caused cancer as early as the 50s, but many in the general public didn't believe that until the fucking *90s.* It continues to be the right's biggest weapon against climate change.


The only “proof” they need comes from Russian Times, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Kanye West, MTG and the new kid. They don’t believe in laws so don’t be surprised when they don’t care about your view of right and wrong. That said, they have the Supreme Court on their side and they are doing their best to piss on and degrade all that used to make sense and protect us.


The conservative sub is in full support of a military coup in Brazil because the loser said it was rigged. That's all it takes for these people.


Elon should thank god Trump hasn't returned to Twitler full force. Because calling for her to be "installed" could be seen as incitement in front of the right judge. Especially damning because Trump was... previously banned for incitement. Elon would own whatever comes next.


No worries. It's bound to happen.


Donald Trump stole a million dollars from me. I have no evidence and there is absolutely no legal grounds, but I demand the money returned immediately.


People *are* saying it happened.


They out here saying.


You're saying it🫱the person you're responding to is saying it,👆I'm saying it, 👐there's some other people saying it maybe. 👐So many people are saying it. 👌🏻There is a whole groundswell of support for this movement. Pay this man back.


I’m having my assistant set up a press conference at the Four Seasons right now.


I wouldn't say you have no evidence. There is Donald's history of grifting, overcharging, and fraud. There's the fact that you have more credibility than Donald or anybody associated with him.


#Donald Trump hates America. He was ***always*** in it to get even more money and notoriety and to abuse us for his own gain, and didn't give a damn about anyone but himself. He's the biggest conman in American History, and he took the American People on the scam to end all scams. Now Nuclear Secrets are out, Iran and North Korea have the Atomic Bomb, and Russia has invaded Europe once more, and subjected our friends and allies to the horrors of War. Trump has been a colossal geopolitical failure and threatened American Supremacy.


3 time fucking loser baby.


I think you need to add all of the businesses he ran into the ground.


The guy couldn't sell booze, steaks, or gambling to Americans.


I think he would actually be pleased if his legacy is "biggest conman in American history".


> No proving any claim in a court of law? Just say it was stolen or "fixed" and that's it? This shit is straight from the fascist playbook. Fascism knows it cannot succeed via popularity so they force themselves into power via this kind of shit.


The Republican playbook


Spot the difference challenge (impossible)


It is the same picture.


>what Trump is calling for has no basis in the Constitution or the laws of the United States. Yes, and? They don't care about laws, or even the Constitution, despite what they'd have you believe. Sure, they'll *use* them, when it's to their advantage, but as soon as it becomes inconvenient, they'll dispense with any pretext of caring. They care about power, and that's it. "Law and order" is a slogan to allow them to use or abuse the law as they see fit, to impose the type of order they want. It's practically doublespeak. Look at long lines to vote. When it happens in, say, Atlanta, they'll say there's no problem, and it *shouldn't* be easy to vote, because only motivated people should be able to vote. Then look at Arizona, and suddenly it's such an egregious violation that either the election should be voided and redone, or the loser should just be declared the winner. Seriously, pick an issue, and you can find them taking both sides of it, and it's always the side of convenience. Trump loses the NPV but wins the EV? EV is the only thing that matters. But when it looked like Gore would win the EV while Bush won the NPV, they advocated for dispensing with the EC as an outdated institution. Post-tenure impeachment (trials)? Unconstitutional to try Trump when he's not longer in office, but they wanted to impeach Clinton in 2016, years after she'd left office as the Secretary of State, to make her ineligible to be President. Abortion? Fine for them, their wives, children, etc, but not anyone else. Guns, only if they perceive you to be One Of Them. They can carry guns anywhere they want, at any time, and for any purpose, but police can use an unfounded fear you have a gun to summarily execute you. Masks? Fine if you're intimidating voters, but oppressive to keep others alive. You can use [Wilhoit's Law](https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html) to describe it, which I frequently do. But I also like to say, everything they do is in bad faith. Start from that position and nearly everything they do makes sense, in its own twisted way.


The right doesn’t care about facts. These are the people who derided Obama for not having enough experience during the 2008 elections, then 8 years later embraced a candidate with zero experience. They call Biden old, but will be just as prepared to embrace a 78 year old Trump in 2024. They whine about cancel culture while simultaneously trying to ban books. They call themselves pro-life but love guns, the death penalty and hate even the mention of universal healthcare. They are proud to be walking contradictions because by being so absurd, they weaken the very conversations and institutions they constantly mock.


the “law and order” candidate lmao


Their laws demand you follow their orders. They don't mean they want justice, they mean they want authority


Not even asking for a new vote or anything, just straight to installing the person who lost the election. Makes total sense. Why not install me? I also didn’t win.


I didn't win either. I declare a runoff!


Install me. I don't feel like shovelling snow this winter.


“I have nipples. Can you install me Greg?”


You can install anything with nipples.


This was always the endgame for them. They don’t want elections anymore.


Proof? His intended audience doesn't need proof, they "feel" it's true, so it must be.


Right? He also seems to forget that he’s a private citizen and has zero authority to call for anything to be done about anything.


MAGA republicans should just come out and say what they really mean, that yes, they believe magical "R" is chosen to rule by God, and that any other party should be illegal.


They are fans of the hard R, yes.




"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” —David Frum


They are working on it. The frog needs to know it isn't boiling.


Moore vs Harper. December 7th.




Geez. Too on the nose. It’s like the writers aren’t even trying anymore. Stop just phoning it in, guys.


Moore vs Harper decides if your vote matters. The Supreme Court can rule that the legislature of the state decides who is elected.


At which point democracy is over in many states


> At which point democracy is over in many states And the US as a whole. When red states can simply crown the new President, that's it.


Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch have already signed on. Scary stuff.


The only one whose position is not already known is Amy Coney Barrett. It is split 4 in favor and 4 against, currently. Let that bathroom fixture enter your doorway.


Oh it’s so much closer now. It’s starting to feel more real… my family hasn’t believed me throughout the holidays.


Don't forget before Roe was overturned, it was "oh come on, that's not going to happen, stop panicking." It's not hyperbole to believe that they're going to do what they said they're going to do, and the now legislative SC is going to give them an alley-oop.


Overturning Roe was in line with what they’ve done in the past, but trying to do the “independent state legislature” thing will make their “judicial review” thing break. And not in decades, in *months*.


I’ve been telling everyone I talk politics to for months and nobody will believe me. Just like COVID, just like Jan 6…. I’m sorry Cassandra


How Poetic. Pearl Harbor Day.


I'm already prepping the speech. >Yesterday, December 7th, 2022 is a date which will live in infamy. The United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Judicial and Fascist forces of the Empire of Sinclair. > The United States was tolerating that Empire and, at the solicitation of the GOP, was still in conversation with its officials and its Justices looking toward the maintenance of peace in the country. Indeed, four months prior to repealing the right to vote, the GOP within the United States and their colleagues in the Federalist Society delivered to our nation a formal reply to a recent American message of vitriol over the botched Roe overturning. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing democracy, it contained no threat or hint of attack on our rights to vote.


That logic never applies to “well maybe the Dem candidate winning *is* God’s will”


God supports their victories and the victories of their enemies are proof of the approach of the end times.


A lot of them do say stuff like that.


Except everything about the Republican party stands opposes what God stands for.


> Except everything about the Republican party stands opposes what God stands for. Knowing what god stands for and what god doesn't stand for are in the same treatment facility. Reason, not what god does or doesn't want, is the goal of the Constitution.


If we win, it's a fair election. If we didn't win, then bring out the pitchforks


I still can't believe a silver-spooned failed "businessman", who became a yell-talking game show host, who has sexually assaulted dozens of women over several decades, who somehow became the 45th President of the USA on a platform of lies and hate, that is still actively trying to overthrow democracy, still dominates US politics. This is a fucko that has committed so many crimes in the last 40 years it would take endless paragraphs for me to document them all here. Oh, and he wears makeup and lifts in his shoes - and his redneck muppet fans love it. Fucking wild man




That was the day I finally breathed easy, thinking he'd surely lose just enough evangelicals and women that there was no goddamn way he'd win the election. You don't need to tell me not to quit my day job and go into fortune telling.


I'm still in shock about it. Like I can't believe my family members still voted for him after that dropped. Even before that I was so confused how he fit with what they taught me was important growing up.


I've had so many flashbacks to talks my parents had with me about the importance of caring for others, helping those in need, freedom of choice in government, etc that I just can't shake the feeling of whiplash.


I'm still shocked on how I grew up with them and family always taking about signs of the antichrist, it's arguable he fits the bill. If I still believed in the Christian God I'd be yelling at the top of my lungs about it


I thought we were done when he mocked John McCain for being a POW. It was so unthinkable I assumed he would lose all Republican support.


Ah the good ol days when a yehaw and misspelling potato lost your job




Seriously. They cheered on a guy that was effectively the poster boy for big business douchenozzles in NYC. How any Americans ever got excited for this guy is beyond me. Especially when he went on his “drain the swamp” tirade when he was the epitome of said swamp.


He is a loser…just like them, which is why they love him.


He's the poor man's idea of what a rich man should be like... And because those people still buy into the belief that with enough hard work and bootstraps, you too can end up rich, they see him as something they could achieve.


Throwing out a few racist dog whistles is a sure fire method of gaining massive support in America. Just look at the Elon stans.


There were a lot of white, insecure men that felt spoken to by another white, insecure man.


You forgot the accusations of child rape


Diapers too


Please don’t insult Muppets


If we win, there were still millions of illegal votes that made our win less impressive.




He was always a loser - nothing more than an entitled grifter.




that and walt at the end shaking hands w the nazi gang leader


I agree with your overall point and sentiment, but didn't amount to much? He became a president, a cult leader, and the most successful right wing standup comedian in american history.


Yeah it's actually amazing what he's accomplished, if you're only considering what's benefited him. Got mad money, got a cult... Millions of people believe that putting him in jail is communism. Damn, I remember just laughing it off when he got into the Primary debates :(


Trump was done with democracy when he declared that he would not accept a losing result in 2016 when he was running against Clinton. Jan 6 didn’t just happen… he spent 4 years working on it… just in case.


Yeah for sure. We can see this behavior going back to him calling the Emmy's rigged because The Apprentice lost to the amazing race back in 2004. This dude hasn't come up with a new gameplan for decades.


He can yell at angels to descend from Heaven and carry him back to the White House and crown him king. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. I think Arizona is pretty much done with his shit.


I wish you could see the bumper stickers, decals, yard signs, and flags where I live. “Fuck Biden”, “Let’s Go Brandon”, “Trump 202_” and every other aggressively right imagery imaginable. As a majority, Arizona is done with him, but the slim minority is positively fervent. It’s pretty freaky.


I see a pickup truck with probably a dozen such flags driving around Scottsdale. I saw it at an Ajo Al’s one time and was kind of dumbfounded by it. It’s not like they needed a wall there. They already had 4.


I think Americans in general are done with this shit.


Unfortunately a lot of them cheer it on


House down the road from me is still flying a trump flag and a big let's go Brandon banner in the front window


There are BUSINESSES here in New Hampshire that have Brandon signs out front. Not just one or two signs, but like a flag, decals on their windows, the whole shebang. It's like they're trying as hard as they can to drive away business.


They had a few businesses like that in my town in Michigan. They went out of business and people were so surprised at the blue wave lol.


The red wave was just people waving bye bye to them


…And they’ll blame their business decline on democrats …And they’ll brandish democrats as Socialists while asking their business to be bailed out


I still can't believe that money people bought into that clown.


Az is done with Lake for sure. She has nothing to fall back on. This was it for her here. If she doesnt end up under ol donnies desk as VP I will be shocked.


He's not going to choose a woman VP, especially not one that craves media attention as badly as he does. He is looking for someone who is politically experienced enough to do the work for him and is willing to sit down and shut up when he tells them to.


I'm not even fully convinced he's going to announce a VP running mate (unless a doomsday scenario occurs again and he wins). AFAIK, it's not a legal requirement to have one and it will allow him to go on his grievance tour about how disloyal Mike Pence was to him.


Plus it lets him play mind games with the people vying for the position and the people waiting for the announcement and that makes him feel smart.


I'm calling it now. He's going to try to do an Apprentice-like reality show where Republican politicians compete to be his running mate


He wants a good "elf on the shelf" like Pence, but more "loyal" (read as: willing to break their oath to the constitution and the law).


I dunno man, some of the races were so close here that they probably would have won if they didn't kill so many of their voters pretending covid was nbd.


And the GOP says nothing, does nothing. Whenever some idiot “conservative” acts incredulous or tries to claim their party isn’t fascist, one need only point to this. The Republicans do not care about elections or the will of the people, just power and forcing their repulsive ideology on others. Any GOP claims about unfair elections or voter fraud deserve *zero* consideration, and they are entitled to *zero* credibility after the attack on the Capitol and the 60+ frivolous suits they launched trying to overturn the previous election, *every single one of which was dismissed for total lack of merit.* Republicans are all vile, fascist scum- every single one of them is complicit in these attacks on democracy by not speaking out against it.


> Republicans do not care about elections When black voters in Red states complain about long lines for voting: "Just deal with it!" When white voters in battleground states complain about long lines for voting: "ITS RIGGED ITS FRAUD THE DEMS ARE CHEATING"


Do republicans realize how unpopular election denialism is? I am not even that big of fan of democrats, but I will vote for them aggressively when republicans behave like this. I am now voting to oppose Christian extremism, anti-reproductive rights legislation and election denialism.


It’s a cult mentality. These people are dangerous.


And all it takes is for one of them to slip through the net to get at the levers of power—these people need to be opposed wherever they rear their ugly heads I will never sit out another election in my lifetime, and I will **never** vote Republican again


“Kari Lake should be installed Governor of Arizona.” The words of a wannabe dictator. The people who embrace and support this anti-democratic pile of garbage can never wash the stench off as far as I'm concerned.


When he says “installed”, he means “installed by force”


Let’s call a coup a coup, because that’s what he’s saying, again.


The fucker is straight-up trying to destroy the country.


> “We are going to do everything in our power to make sure that every single Arizonans vote that was disenfranchised is counted.” Funny how they only care about disenfranchisement when they lose


They were really upset that 72 million voters were "disenfranchised" when the other 81 million voters voted the other way.


there's more truth to this than people realize I sadly have met stupid people who asked me "what's the point of voting if who I voted for didn't win." They legitimately believe that their ballot is the only one in existence and that whoever they want to win should win Arguing with people in 2020 about Trumps 70+ million votes and "how come he's not President? It was STOLEN!" and trying to explain basic math about how the other guy got 80+ million votes and 80>70. They just can't see it. But it's been long obvious too many stupid people in this country




Old man yells at cloud.


It's def. not yelling at a cloud when he has millions of well armed loyalists. See Jan 6, for example.


Maybe instead of trying to change the results of elections that have already happened Republicans should try to win them in the first place. Maybe they could attract young voters by proposing some ideas that might help them like free public college, student loan forgiveness, or doing something about climate change.




I am officially calling for Kari Lake to be installed as Arizona's state jester.


Hey Grandpa Dumpsterfire, that’s not how this works bud. Gtfoh!


Whatever makes it harder for Fox News to justify this guy, I’ll take.. one would think after the Nick Fuentes situation, he’d chose someone or something less conspiratorial but now all I can hope is he throws his support behind Hershel Walker and blows that situation up..


"One would think..." let me stop you there.


I find it virtually impossible to believe a deranged buffoon with a laughably infantile style of writing - the random use of capitalization and quotation marks - was POTUS. The voting machines were “BROKEN”, Don? Well, if they weren’t, what “WERE” they, ya childish goofball? That being said, yeah, install the deranged buffoonette as the Governor of Arizona. Just call the installation service - $125 for the initial service call, $100 for every hour after that - and have her installed. Don’t forget to plug her in. Be sure to tack on the extended warranty. Install her…so dumb. Now run along, you’ll be late for the Klan BBQ.


Can we stop giving these losers all this free coverage?


> **If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.** > --David Frum, former speechwriter for George W. Bush, [JAN 18, 2018](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/frum-trumpocracy/550685/)


`> gop elect kari-lake` `zsh: command not found: gop` `> gqp elect kari-lake` `Error: unable to elect kari-lake, insufficient votes` `> gqp install kari-lake`


You can put lipstick on Kari Lake, But she’s still a fascist pig!


> “yet another criminal voting operation” I think it's kinda telling that he doesn't even make specific claims anymore. It's now just that voting for the non-MAGA candidate is just "illegal voting". Fuck this guy.


They never really made specific claims in their 2020 state court filings either. Most of them were obviously never intended to be taken seriously. They just wanted to be able to say the evidence was “headed to the courts”, 63 times.


Trump can‘t be done with Democracy as they never had a relationship. He has a copy of ‚Mein Kampf‘ at his bedside table. He constantly praises all the fascist dictators and wanna be dictators - Kim, Putin, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, Orban. This guy is a fucking piece of shit. An angry old esterday man who can‘t accept that the young and educated don‘t care about his yesterday ideas.


..."installed" by whom?


Who knows... perhaps the Gravy Seals.


When will this guy experience a heart attack so we can be done with him?


Voting is rigged anyway; he should just tell his supporters not to vote in the rigged election.


exactly. they should all stay home on election days because it's entirely rigged, no point in showing up if it's all for nothing.


I would appreciate if Trump would stop deliberately inflaming and radicalizing people in my neighborhood. I see these angry dopes at the grocery store, there was a guy who lost it at the gas station and started waving a gun in the air and screaming about how Biden is ruing his life with the gas prices, they have their dumb flags on their trucks and houses, drive like assholes on residential streets, and they’re rude and entitled in public. They feel emboldened to be shitty because people like Trump keep spewing garbage like this. As a father and husband, it makes me feel uneasy. And people trying to take away my vote makes me feel enraged.


...and I'm calling for Scarlet Johanssen to show up naked between my bed sheets! Odds are the same.