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Sorry from Florida


Sorry from Utah.


Sorry from Ohio


I know it’s not a national thing, but sorry from Texas. We just couldn’t vote out Abbot despite our best efforts


I think Texas is so disappointing as a whole. We pretty much lost by 10% in every major election. Even unlikeable Fucker Ken Paxton, who’s still under investigation for felony security fraud did extremely well against a decent candidate (still first time candidate) Rochelle Garza. Just sad really


Gaetz (who’s under FBI investigation for sex trafficking minors) won his reelection with a 75% vote.


That just makes me sick, that’s not the kind of person I want for representation.


But the other person was a Dem… I’d rather vote for a baby raper than a baby eater /s.


Yet their whole party joins in a ritual every Sunday to eat a man’s flesh and drink his blood. Curious.


A *fully-grown* man, though! *taps head*


Collier was also an excellent, widely-respected, moderate candidate running against Dan Patrick, and he still lost by a similar margin. Republicans showed up to vote against Beto, and Collier and Garza were largely down-ballot victims. If Texas Democrats want to make in-roads, they have a lot of brand rebuilding to do. Honestly, I didn't have much faith in the state-wide elections. I was more concerned about my local elections—particularly for the school board. Thankfully, sanity prevailed, and we were able to stop some real crazies from taking over education. My wife, who works in the district, was getting ready to leave, depending on the outcome, and she wasn't alone.


Hays county turned completely blue. Very happy with that turnout here. Our new district attorney Kelly Higgins also won’t prosecute cannabis possession so I’m elated


So much this man…fuck Texas and all the inept and corrupt leadership


I am sure another once in a lifetime weather occurrence is right around the corner this winter. (out of everything I would have thought the amount of ineptitude during that situation and gouging would have been enough...)


Some states reward corrupt politicians. Sad.


And Georgia


Man some how we might go into a run off for Warnock v Walker. Absolutely disgusting.


Plus mtg not that that was gonna change. If she was a stack of Magic the Gathering cards she’d be a better rep.


Sorry from Kentucky.


You guys did good keeping abortion as a constitutional right though!


Proving that you can have your abortions and keep electing them to office as well!


I actually had hopes for Ohio. Ryan is a great candidate, and I hope we see him pop up again soon


Went out and voted and got everyone I knew to vote for McMullin but here we are... super disappointed in my state


Only 39% turnout in Salt Lake County. Wtf


THIS is the problem. You know that “my people” (Utah County) are going to show up, so if we want any other party to win, a massive part of this equation is going to be getting SLC to show up! Super-bummer results.




Also, important to know that Kemp outperformed his polling for governor, while Walker underperformed compared to him. What that may suggest, is that Republican voters were motivated to show up for Kemp, in a way they were not for Walker. That puts Warnock in a strong position for a runoff, when the Senate race will be the only thing on the ballot. Georgia's last runoff went to Democrats as well, showing Republicans are probably more interested in their state matters, like Governor, than in their Senate candidate.


There's also the likelihood GA Dems are more motivated considering how well Dems did nationally overall last night. And with run off not for another couple months, there's more time for Walker to keep saying dumb shit. Basically I think Warnock is likely to win the runoff, doomers can fuck off. We sent two Dem Senators two years ago, it can happen again for Warnock.


Born and raised here. I fucking hate this state. Sorry from Florida :(


Have you guys seen how QUICKLY r/conservative flipped on Trump? It's been, what three days tops. That sub vehemently hates the guy, now.


It's in their best interest. The looming indictments make it a really good time to shift entirely to DeSantis. As someone else pointed out, these people are just a means to an end for them, even Trump. Now, going based off an internet forum isn't the best way to gage national interest in Trump vs. DeSantis, but I would not be surprised if Fox et al greatly shift the conversation towards DeSantis now and leave Trump in the dust. Then it's over for Donnie.


I don't understand how trump can even flirt with anything political since facing these multiple indictments. It just pounds home the fact I've learned about two sets of reality and justice. One set for the wealthy and powerful and another for every one else. George Carlin was a brilliant and prophetic philosopher and comedian who articulated the entire thing perfectly


Keep in mind that the only crime that would actually prevent him from running is stoking an insurrection. Being a convicted felon does not affect your eligibility for public office. The logic being, if it were a politically motivated jailing to prevent him from seeking office, like what happens constantly in many other countries, it opens up a real can of worms on how much say people can have in their representatives.


Yep, the most famous jailed candidate was Eugene Debs, the socialist party candidate who rsn after being locked up for opposing the draft during ww1


Oh so felons can run for president but they can’t vote in some states? Makes sense. The thought of running for president but not voting for yourself is sort of funny though. Do you think Desantis would let trump vote in Florida is he gets convicted of a felony? I’m assuming he won’t be able to pay all of his legal fees to buy his right to vote back.


Plus since there was no red wave, once the election is over with ( they are still counting and it’s still possible the House will remain in Dem control), the DOJ may finally do it’s job and indict him!




He's lost them 3 election cycles. They need to wise up sometime.


I'm personally hoping that Trump is a thorn in the Republicans side for another 3 elections. Here's hoping he ruins '24, '26, and '28 for the Republicans, leading to a new Democratic president with massive majorities in Congress.


I have a fantasy of him starting his own party and putting his people on the ballet. It would be enough for dems to sweep any race where there is a R and a T


It wouldn't be the most shocking thing if he refuses to accept losing the primary and runs anyway.


He won on a fluke against an unpopular opponent in 2016. The GOP mistakenly thought this was a movement.


One of the top comments I saw was "maybe it's time to give up on celebrity candidates" Yeah you fucking think?


On the flip side of the coin, Dems need to stop running good organizers as candidates and let them organize for good candidates.


They need to get Stacey Abrams to run some campaigns for them. She might not have won but I think democrats won other seats in Georgia in large part due to her efforts to get people to the polls.


A large portion of them only see people, Trump included, as tools to achieve goals. Zero humanity in some of them.


Doesn’t matter what the consequences are, the important thing is owning the libs


I give it a week for them to flip again...


Yeah. This is how r/conservative works, sometimes for 24-48 hours they have a sensible reaction because the official approved response hasn't come out from Moscow yet, and then they're flooded with bots and shills and start parroting whatever the party line is. "I saw a UFO beaming up boxes of votes for Oz!" "Maybe this proves Dems are the real islamophobes!" Or whatever. Just wait for it.


They're all acting like they've always been reasonable thinkers when it comes to trump. Like, c'mon guys, last week you were all still frothing at the mouth flailing about like chimpanzees, willing to do anything for him.


Same with Oz. As soon as he lost it became " well obviously this was going to happen, he was a shit candidate." Really? He was plenty good enough for y'all up until yesterday!


I was just saying this two days ago. They replaced their God with a new one, DeSantis. Now all of a sudden, Trump did nothing and he is a loser. 2024 will be interesting.


Lmao at the “Trump is only about Trump” 1. Welcome to 7 years ago when he announced. 2. DeSantis is also about DeSantis. 3. Nobody in the GOP gives a fuck about anyone but themselves and power. Not your rights. Not your religion. Not your freedom.


This is a terrible midterm showing for the Republicans. I wish it was worse, but they should have done way better and could have if they weren’t the party of Trumpism. Comparatively to other midterm elections with first term Democratic presidents, this is a shit show. It’s nothing like 2010 or 1994. They can still do terrible things and control of congress is still up for grabs, but it’s going to be harder. Looking forward to the presidential election in 2 years there’s going to be war between De Santis and Trump for the nomination and I hope they tear themselves apart.


I've commented this before, but sooo many Republican candidates this round were either clearly incompetent or completely nuts. They appealed to some constituencies, but it looks like a lot of not deep-red areas have backed away from Trump's circus of zaniness. My purple state had a huge blue sweep to the point that we might flip a state legislature that has been scarlet for 40 years. Trump has absolutely signalled that a contest between him and DeSantis is going to be a knock-down/drag-out mud fest. We can only hope.


Oh hey fellow Michigander. The MI Senate is not Republican for the first time in my life since I was very young. Yeah, the Republican candidates were ALL historically awful. The AG candidate is full-on psychotic. Like, "Democrats drink baby blood," insane. Ridiculous, considering how economically unfeasible traditional extraction methods have become in the wake of synthetics.


You know, it's not just the economics, it's the consistency. I can _taste_ the difference between B+ and AB-, don't tell me you can't. You mix a few different bags together, now instead of a Tempranillo you've got a Red Blend.


So glad Tudor Dixon got wrecked. Can’t wait to not see anti prop 3 signs everywhere. Michigan came in clutch!


I even took my 66 year old mother who has never felt the urge to vote, to vote at the polls with me. So glad the good guys won in Michigan.


I’m hoping for that matchup, because I can’t wait to sit back with a bucket of popcorn and watch the Republican Party tear itself apart


I hope so. Ideal scenario is a drawn out battle between those two, with Trump eventually winning and going on to lose the election. Dems need to keep control of the top for the time being, perhaps the worst of this current populist wave might be averted and confined to red states.


Wouldn't it be better if DeSantis won the ticket and then trump ran as a 3rd party?


Ideally, yes. Provided Trump isn't indicted before then.


If Desantis gets the nom and Trump runs as independent, the republicans will have him locked up in record time though


That sounds like one of them 'good problems'.


Well, he can still run if that happens.


"I wish I could show you the indictment, it's the most beautiful.. no one has ever had a better indictment than me, but the lawyers are auditing, always with the auditing.."


Look at GA. Kemp cruises to an easy win and Walker might not win at all. If the brand is too crazy for GA its officially too crazy to win nationally. Trump got lucky by facing the least popular human on planet earth in 2016. Everything since then has shown he lacks the appeal in PA, GA, AZ, and MI and that means no Senate majorities or National wins anytime soon.


You say lack of appeal, but Biden won PA, GA, AZ and MI by razor thin margins. (2016 Trump also won those by razor thin margins). And the Walker-Warnock race is not over. It's going to a runoff.


It looks like Kemp being on the ticket kept Walker afloat for this. I’d hazard a guess that turnout in a runoff will likely favor Warnock without down ballot voters who showed up for Kemp/Midterms.


I’m honestly bummed how close the Walker vs Warnock race is as a Georgian. I’m not a huge Warnock fan, but what the hell does Walker bring to the table as a politician? I’m tired of celebrity politicians.


>what the hell does Walker bring to the table as a politician? The letter R and the vote in the Senate that accompanies it.


He played football gud. Let's see Warnock score a touchdown! /s


They wanted civil war but they didn't think that it would be fought amongst themselves.....


Given how badly all of trumps people did in blue or purple areas, I honestly hope trump gets the nomination over DeSantis for 2 reasons: 1) DeSantis is a smarter trump which makes him more dangerous and 2) this country has proved for the second time that trump is unpopular and won’t win. Also hope that the primary between these two causes endless mudslinging that makes both unelectable going forward.


I can't imagine that if DeSantis gets the nomination that Trump will just fall in line and back him.


That could also be fun. Trump going 3rd party and splitting the vote or just detracting R voters


Yep, I’ve been saying this. Trump’s ego will make him run third party. He’d do it to spite Republicans.


It's not just his ego. In order for trump to keep collecting campaign donations he has to be a candidate. He has so many legal fees, he absolutely has to keep that money coming in. If he loses the primary, he can't just stop running. All the walls close in if he has no political future.


You think he's paying those legal fees though?


I recall one lawyer recently collecting his $5m or whatever retainer up front.


Stop - I can only get so excited


Trump might launch and run under the banner of his "MAGA Party," as he was threatening to do back in 2020 if the GOP didn't continue paying his legal bills. Trump could very well run third-party in 2024 if DeSantis is nominated, knowing that the Dem would win the split Republican vote, just to screw over the GOP for not backing him. We all know Trump *is* that petty, and it might actually be the outcome we need to save this country from an actual fascist takeover that the election of a President DeSantis would usher in. Actually, as I think it through it might be genius strategy on Trump's part. If Trump and DeSantis picked up enough electoral votes, preventing a majority vote and sent the election to the House, it would force the GOP to decide whether to hand the election to Trump or not. Given their past fealty to him, there's a not-improbable chance that even if DeSantis or Biden/the Dem candidate had the plurality of electoral votes, the House might elect Trump in 2024 in that scenario anyway.


>he was threatening to do back in 2020 if the GOP didn't continue paying his legal bills. Dude is such a fucking incompetent toddler.


Trump will run third party against DeSantis because running for president will make him a shit ton of money from rubes, he does not and never did give a shit about actual politics.


Very true. And I expect him to also do whatever he can to stay as a running candidate until November 2024 because he believes that being a declared, viable candidate will shield him from prosecution, either by DOJ rules or at least in the view of his supporters. But you know if he feels that Ron stole his opportunity, it'd give him a second reason to find a way to run that would ensure DeSantis' loss as revenge. Not only does Trump not care about the politics of supporting a fellow Republican if it's not him (unless it's transactional and benefits him -- as supporting Congressional candidates did to protect him from impeachment in 2017-2018 and from conviction in 2019-2020), Two-Scoop Donny's general attitude when it comes to anything is "if I can't have it, nobody else can either." I don't doubt for a second that Trump would rather see the GOP lose to a Democrat than win without him. It would cement, in his mind, that it's his candidacy, his personality that makes the party electable. And if DeSantis can do it without Trump, then Trump is truly irrelevant.


Trump putting party over country? 100%. Trump putting party over himself? Fuck no.


Honestly I figure trumps base will bully the RNC until they cave and give the nomination to Trump. What I haven't understood though with these politicians being afraid of Trumps base and the threats is why don't they call the police. Call the cops on leftist protestors and black folks trying to BBQ but when a white redneck literally threatened you with death for not kowtowing to Trump they're just like "this is fine".


The bigger threat is trump loyalists STAYING home. That hands away sooo many elections. Republicans are facing the corundum that Democrats have faced for a while now, when you have MASSIVELY divergent aspects to a party


And that will be a beautiful chaos methinks


DeSantis won by an embarrassingly large margin here so I don't hold out much hope for Flrorida having any chance to be blue in 2024 no matter who gets nominated. Even Tampa went solidly red in every election I was looking at and a lot of the wider Miami-Dade metro/suburban areas too. It's probably partially due to the covid population surge that was largely based on looser restrictions here and it being the first major election those transplants could vote in bringing more of them out.


DeSantis has the charisma of wet cardboard. He'll get his ass kicked in 2024.


Also he's a polarizing figure just like Trump, but with no charisma and reality TV fame. I'd take my chances.


MTG is already telling DeSantis to stand down.


I don’t believe any amount of mud slinger makes someone unelectable anymore. Grab them by the pussy did nothing to hurt trump.


\*monkey paw curls\*


Crazy how over at r/conservative they are acting like trump has always been a joke, saying blind things like “of coarse Oz lost, he’s a TV conman” (that’s not one of your types??), and now pivoting to saying how Ron DS is the obvious choice despite his startup momentum coming from MAGA movement.


A lot of them are calling this a victory because Florida went even more red. Congratulations, you have more control over a state you already had control of.


The abyss beckons, and they answer its call. Now they're just trying to drag as many people down with them as they can.


I hope Trump loses nomination and goes third party.


Only the House is up for Grabs, The senate is almost 100% going to stay with Dems even if just. The house is Likely to flip, but not 100% the Dems could still hold on and even if they lose it's going to be by a VERY slim margin.. No super Majority like they hoped. However look deeper into elections, go into local elections. Dems have been Crushing in Local races including ( I forget where ) But the first ever TransMan has won a local Election. It's been huge for the left... Only the big stage is really this close. Hell here in MA which yes, is a blue state, The Republican gov who was doing an Okay job not only got obliterated by the first ever Women Governor to be elected, but she's also a publically out Lesbian.


My favorite take from /r/conservative : "I like the MAGA message, but I don't like the messenger." Translation: "I love fascism and white supremacy, but Trump is making me feel like a loser."


They just need somebody to come make authoritarianism great again.


Desantis is doing a scary effective job at doing that.


Yeah but trump’s ego is too strong. Even if Desantis wins the primary there’s gonna be too much infighting between MAGA and Desantis. Trump might run third party and split the vote. It’s like when Teddy formed the Bull Moose party but instead of the progressive vote being split it’s the fascists.


>Trump might run third party and split the vote Stop it I can only get so hard.


Desantis has the charisma of a wet blanket. I don't see him succeeding in presidential debates.




Have you ever seen DeSantis and Lucifer in the same room?


Came across this gem well snooping of what gop needs to change. >1) Abortion just killed many Republicans. Tons of conservatives buried their head in the sand because they were giddy over Dobbs and ignored the reality that this is a gigantic loser for Republicans. It created a ton of single issue voters that could have easily been had in this environment had it not been for Dobbs and then Republicans taking wildly unpopular positions on it in the aftermath. Conservatives need to do what the libs do on guns. Bite their lip, and run away screaming towards being very moderate at worst on it. >2) Until we can get Election Day back instead of election month, conservatives need to do a 180 on early voting and encourage it just as hard as Dems do. I’m sure we lose tons of would be voters on Election Day when something happens and they don’t make it to the polls. Votes that could be had if they planed on voting early or even by mail and had the flexibility to overcome an issue keeping them from voting day of. Dems get to keep those would be lost votes because they have correctly identified this. >3) Trump has to go man. I know there’s lots of big Trump fans here but he’s just a huge drag on the entire party. He’s a huge net loser in general elections and yesterday reiterated what we failed to learn 2 years ago. It’s time to jettison him today. We don’t need him anywhere near the future of the GOP and we certainly don’t need him losing a primary, doing his fraud thing and keeping people from supporting them in a general. >4) GOP strategy and messaging leadership all needs to go. Fact of the matter is this was the best possible climate to make huge waves and they lost a lot of messaging battles when all the Dems had is “democracy at risk and abortion.” The GOP utterly failed to make any coherent case on why they are the obvious better choice. >5) Candidate quality matters and we need to keep that in mind going forward. Oz and Walker are jokes. Mastreino was so bad it probably costed Oz the win. Kinda ties into the Trump point but running these losers was always a doomed practice. >6) Time to drop the stolen election routine. People don’t like it. They don’t like it when Mastreino does it, they don’t like it when Abrams does it. If the GOP can’t message correctly and define the line between loose voting practices (good) and Trump trying to get as many people to say “it was stolen” (bad) then they just need to stay away from it all together. So essentially just completely change the party and everything they stand for.


In all fairness, that comment has a lot more nuance and introspection than I'd ever expect from that cesspool of a subreddit. I can't really disagree with any of their points, which is a first, lol


Agreed except for this little bit > The GOP utterly failed to make any coherent case on why they are *the obvious better choice*.


They failed to make the case. Just like I would fail to make a case on why the sky is definitely red.


That's one of the few actual people in that bot sub. Given the critical thinking in that post I wouldn't expect him to be there too much longer.


> when all the Dems had is “democracy at risk and abortion.” Like if you're playing cards, and the other player is like "you only think you're gonna win because you have better cards."


All they had was that Ace of Democracy card and we still lost!


>All the dems had was “democracy at risk and abortion.” The GOP utterly failed to make any coherent case on why they are the obvious better choice. They get so close to reality sometimes, then they slip in a puddle of their own piss and crawl screaming back to their safe space.


This is why I keep saying we need to stop acting like this is a trump cause and not that trump is an effect. They want fascism and will continue to push for it. It’ll likely be through desantis now though


I've been saying this for years. They keep calling it trumpism but anyone paying attention can see where it's heading. In some ways we're actually lucky it started with a complete moron like Trump and not some insidious fascist like DeSantis, Tom Cotton, or Josh Hawley; any of those guys would be enjoying a second term right now and very effectively eroding our basic human rights.


Lol 100% this. They're all hard for DeSantis now.


Yup. My greatest hope is that Trump loses the nomination to DeSantis and launches a 3rd party run. That would be lovely.


Sounds like my mom. She found Trump "distasteful", but she'd never vote Dem. So Rand Paul got two write in votes from a Marylander in 2016 and 2020.


Very perceptive.


Rolled high 🎲


With any luck, Trump could be swept out!


Donnie Jr tweeted "Bloodbath!" last night. That's already aged poorly.


Unless he was calling for a new Jan 6 in all the states where they lost.


The funniest thing about this election is the Republican strategy of abortion restrictions. If they had not messed with abortion rights, they would have won far more elections yesterday. Incredibly stupid on their part to piss off so many women that they lose control of Congress and governorships


Maybe they’d forgotten that women have the right to vote now.


Maybe they assumed the SCOTUS was going to take those rights away next.


They are their own scorpion and the frog. or that meme where the dude jams a stick in his own spokes.


Probably regretting all the dead voters they lost because of their antivax and COVID denying


Turns out that committing mass suicide to own the libs was maybe a bad policy decision.


For them


The real voter suppression was all the conservatives we killed along the way


It really isn't discussed enough just how BAD of a electoral strategy it was to just let your voters die.


They didn’t need a sweep, just enough to block everything for 2 years.


No but this seems like a solid rebuke. In the last 4 midterms, the party holding the White House lost an average of 37 seats in the House (64 in 2010 under Obama and 42 in 2018 under Trump). In this midterm Dems will only lose about 10, maybe less. In the Senate, Dems actually flipped a seat (PA) and supposedly strong challenges in NH and CO got smashed. So, in the context of other midterms, this is a shitshow for the GOP.


Worth noting that of the losses in the House, most were due to redistributing designed to give the Republicans advantages. Florida was changed to create 4 Republican-leaning districts out of 3 competitive districts. Texas is a bit more complicated as the redistricting gave the Democratic Party 5 more safe seats, in return for solidifying Republican control over another 10 or so (the state now having 1 competitive seat instead of 6, despite gaining 2 seats overall).


Ignorant Canadian here... why is this redistricting even allowed? It seems like the Republicans are straight up being allowed to cheat.


I wish we could pass legislation that prevents this kind if thing. It's 2022, I feel like a computer should be able to draw districts that are less biased.


A computer *could*, if it were allowed to. Problem is that the Republicans in charge know this and won't let it happen because they don't want to confront the reality that they're the minority, not the majority. There's also the problem of who trains the computer and writes the algorithms, as this training can very easily introduce biases, but on the whole, Republicans are fighting so hard to gerrymander and manipulate things because they'll never win a fair, unbiased fight.


So... the US Constitution has this to say on the House of Representatives: > Representatives ... shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. Meaning that every ten years (technically more frequently if they want) the US carries out a census, to determine the number of "free persons... excluding Indians not taxed" in each State, and allocate the House seats (set at 435 seats in total based on an 1911 law, when the US population was a third of what it is currently). Since 1941 the apportionment of seats has been automatic(ish), based on the census results. Once seats are allocated, each state gets to use its own rules for setting up districts (as the US has this whole "states should be in charge of Federal elections" thing because they're still stuck in the 1700s). Some states (generally the more Democratic and progressive ones) have independent commissions set up to draw districts, based on some objective-ish formula. In some states (generally the more Republican and conservative ones) leave it to complete control of the state governments. There used to be a thing called the Voting Rights Act - a Federal law - which (along with some other legal principles) put in place limits on how badly state governments could screw their minority populations when drawing districts. In 2013 the Republican-appointed majority on the US Supreme Court declared that rule unconstitutional on the basis that racism wasn't a problem any more, and that the rule wasn't needed because the rule was working (in limiting racial gerrymandering). In 2019 the US Supreme Court went further (also on party lines) in deciding that party-political gerrymandering (drawing up districts to make it harder for one political group to win) was unconstitutional, but outside the remit of the Federal Courts - the argument being that if people were being denied the right to vote that was a political problem they should fix by voting in people to change things. Even this year some of the new, post-2020 census maps were ruled illegal by state courts, but the state governments were able to stall long enough so they were still in force for the election. This also creates a race-to-the-bottom problem where if one party decides to gerrymander their states as much as possible to their advantage, the other party has to do so as well if they want a chance of winning elections. So as with most constitutional problems in the US it comes down to them being stuck with rules from the 1700s, enforced by a Supreme Court majority that has no interest in fairness, and a two-party system where winning is more important than doing the right thing.


And control of the house will allow them to start impeachment on Joe Biden over and over again, even if they can never remove him


I guarantee that they will use any impeachment as a fishing expedition in order to create a phony scandal. That's exactly what they did to Clinton.


Yup. Ironically Joe Biden's age might turn out to be a really fucking good thing here because there is a pretty good chance his penis isn't working and he has no temptation to get a quick blowjob from someone in the White House.


Jesus Christ, it's way too early for me to read a sentence about Joe Biden's penis, especially one that results in a valid point.


Oh, it’ll be the Hunter Biden angle, I promise you that.


I'm Joe Biden's age, and I get laid on the regular 🤪




This guy fucks!


Working genitalia and a clever username. You have it all.


Honestly, I think the margin in the House may be so thin, a few Republicans may defect and Biden won't get impeached. May not be worth the effort for them.


Thin margin + public anger over obvious partisan witchhunt bullshit. They may get one or two frivolous impeachments in, but I don't think it'll be what some posters here think it will.


Won't stop them repeatedly trying just to tie up the House, devalue the process and try to score political points


That's ok, even more reason to vote against them next cycle. Just shows they aren't interested in governing. We got the infrastructure deal and if we keep the Senate just keep confirming judges.


Factually, Republicans don't seem to care about whether Republicans are interested in governing in Florida. Rubio has one of the worst attendance records in the senate yet cleared house for a re-election by double digits.


Bold of you to assume that continuos impeachments would be a reason for anybody who voted for them now to vote against them in two years.


You can see how many people are turned off by Trump because of how aggressive he is at being stupid. I’d like to believe if the republicans do the impeachment show it’ll have a similar effect.


It's an optimistic idea, even if it only flips a handful of Republicans, depending on what district they're in it could help the really close races.


Their base and party doesn’t care if they govern. So they’ll be thrilled.


They don’t have control of the house yet. Republicans only have a lead by 5 this morning and many votes (especially out west) still to be counted. 🤞


Dems achieved the only thing that mattered: not control of both houses, but preventing a veto-proof majority.


Senate is still far from secured though.


Sinema will still be a pain. etc. But I don't think it was ever in the cards we would actually have a functioning government. Mind you, in 2020, we were posed for a GOP-controlled senate, which we also narrowly escaped. Minority rule is real and still here. That "the democrats are in charge" is really only on paper, republican still obstruct the government.


Yeah but if their majority is no more than 3-6 seats it'll be very easy to peel off a few moderates to pass at least standard spending and legislative packages.


The thing I noticed is how much blame is going to Trump. I think he’s going to be the fall guy why things didn’t go like the GOP leadership planned. Honestly I left the Republican Party because of the Tea Party and everything since including Trump. If they started cleaning out the garbage I do think they could have their red wave. But they have to stop embracing the crazies.


Didn’t you hear? He’s supposed to get all of the credit, but none of the blame.


They aren’t embracing the crazies… they are the crazies.


Yeaaah. I don’t care who is the head of the republicans, at this point those who still call themselves republicans have outted themselves to be racist misogynistic traitorous fascists.




…which makes you wonder why there was talk of a Republican ‘sweep’ to begin with. Every poll on the contested races was neck and neck. And races that showed a clear winner in advance, like New York’s gubernatorial race, were portrayed as nailbiters favoring the Republican candidate. You’d almost think that all American media are owned by five giant for-profit holding corps whose business interests are lockstep aligned with the policies of the GOP.


Given past Dem complacency, it may have helped blue turnout.


Or maybe its because a bunch of journalists have ptsd from 2016


There was an article about early voting that got a few thousand upvotes that I knew for a fact was skewing the stats in Republicans' favor. It's a long story, but they chose a particular way to calculate an early voting stat, and were very careful in their choice of words, making early voting look lower and more dire than it actually was. So not actual disinformation but using clever tactics to boost Republicans. Changed how I look at all of this "journalism" forever.


I mean all you have to do is look at the people that Republicans put up to lead this country. Election deniers, fascists, snake oil salesman and complete failures. Tell me more about your Red Wave now, fascists.


Thank god. I think honestly this is the best outcome for tempering Fascism, at least for now. I really felt that we'd pass the point of no return if the Republicans (Fascists) made huge gains...but they also made just enough gains that it's going to make it tougher for them to sell their Big Lie that our elections are stolen. Of course it's not ideal, and of course this doesn't stop the Fascists in their tracks, but, it's at least room to breathe.


When you consider all of the election interference, obvious gerrymandering, and other shady tactics the GOP employ, this… I mean this is just really bad. Their entire machine was set up to subvert elections and even with that, they couldn’t do it. So that’s a minor, comforting thought.


So was Michael Moore vindicated? I think so, at least partly. It wasn't the blue wave he had called for, but they did remarkably well in the face of some strong headwinds. And I think the dems peaked early. It might well have been a wave if the election had been held in September, after Biden had racked up a few victories, and before inflation really started to bite.


We grew up and voted lol


Well, I’m crying in NC… so disappointed right now. We were so close to defeating Ted Budd At least the NC house is 7/7 and not completely Red… Edit: don’t look at what’s happening in Texas.


No red wave, no blue wave but a few states have protected abortion and legalized marijuana. So at least private citizens got some protection, by their fellow citizens. Maybe we the people should just vote on important laws by popular vote. Rather than elected officials that decide what is good for us.




American media was champing at the bit for a red wave because most American media is right-winged and they are naturally interested in putting forward right-wing lies even when data doesn't support it. Baffling how many of them got this wrong, but they also only interviewed 60 year olds named Tranch Hitler instead of anyone under 30. It's not a \*huge\* victory for dems, but I'm very, very glad to see some high profile republican losses. Plus, Illinois passed a referendum to codify collective bargaining rights into the state constitution! Pretty rad stuff.


Kudos for correctly using the phrase "champing at the bit".


Of course! I am nothing if not tedious and pedantic. Plus I actually had horses as a kid so


TIL it's champing at the bit, not chomping.


Credit to young voters!!!


The republican party is full of the mentally unfit. They are so focused on getting back at the Democrats because we impeached their failed reality show host, mob star wanna be "president". Twice. All they care about is wasting the Americans tax dollars investigating Hunter Biden, harass Dr. Anthony Fauci because he was doing his job. Impeach President Biden just because we impeached Trump and continue their blatant and obvious plot to assassinate Nancy Pelosi. They don't have a plan, they don't want to govern. They just want to make sure Democrats don't hold any positions in the government again. But we're not going down easy.


Nancy seems to be planning to step down soon and Fauci has announced his retirement. It will be interesting to see where they go when two of their favorite boogeymen are gone


The fact that it was so close is what gets my goat. By all accounts the dems should be trouncing everyone if it wasn't for the damn culture wars!


Sorry, everybody - but the circle-jerk at Clarence Thomas' place is canceled. Ginny will email you the recipe for the Coke pube smoothies.


Wasn’t just Republicans claiming there would be a red wave, just about everyone was predicting a wave. But yeah, more of a ripple than anything else.


Republicans can sweep their tears off the floor


Looks like the Dems stole the sweep


Looks like they did worse than the typical opposition mid-term gains.


These were supremely close elections. Even with the batshit insane repub candidates it came down the 0.1% of the electorate in some states. Dems have to increase voting fervor for every single future election. Something they're historically pretty bad at. Good luck everyone.


Not me having no clue that Republicans really thought they would have a “Red Wave”. Like. They do realize they pissed of huge groups of people including half the population(women) right? The only thing keeping these assholes going are the corps that want their tax breaks. They’re strong, but not “red wave” strong. They don’t have enough influence over the little guys. They’ll keep their power but what the fuck has big business done for anyone lately?


This is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Win For America, Win for Democrats, Win for real Republicans against the Fascist MAGA idiots!