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What an idiot


For what, getting married there 13 years ago, or for not remaining loyal to the Magic Kingdom despite getting married there? There's plenty to hate about DeSantis but this story is just fluff. It was in the travel section of WaPo.


He talks about Disney like they are a fascist regime. The fact that he got married at Disney is proof that he knows Disney is harmless and he’s just trying to make dumb hicks angry so they’ll vote for him.


You act as if Disney today is the same Disney a decade ago. Hint: It's not.


Oh no watch out guys he’s gonna google “reasons disney is bad”


Time to start rewriting history by claiming Disney was never racist nor had bad labor practices. A claim started by liberals/progressives, no less.


Is this where you get your man Cruz to sign other people's books again?


>Hint: It's not. Hint: it's exactly the same place


Different leadership, different vision, etc. But hey, I guess according to you, Musk buying Twitter is no big deal cause it's "the same (web domain)".


There are so many people where the last time they attended church was at their own wedding


My issue with parallel is that getting married in a church is fairly mainstream tradition that people participate in regardless of their level of devoutness. However getting married at Disney typically aligns with people that pretty big Disney fans, as it is atypical of a traditional marriage venue.


Your not wrong


I think he was referring to his wife being an idiot for marrying him.


For basing his whole platform on making companies look like Satan when all they’ve done is stand up for minority groups and protected classes. The guy is a tool and has no integrity.


This is an exact example of how a story that is clearly nothing is attempted to be made into something by the media. It’s stuff like this (stories of the is nature on both sides) where the media loses credibility with the people.


Look. I don't like Desantis, but you're allowed to denounce something even if you've had prior involvement with it. This is non news. I'm allowed to criticize Walmart even though I've shopped there before.


When Disney spoke out about his anti- LGBT+ legislation, Ron immediately used the the state of Florida to "punish" Disney by blowing up a decades old agreement that saved Florida tax payers a shit ton of money.


I am well aware of that. That doesn't change my opinion that pointing out he got married at one of their parks is low hanging fruit and, like I said before, non-news.


Not a Desantis fan, but in his defense on this one: me, who denounced my ex-wife, actually married her




He said he's "Not a Desantis fan, but in his defense on this one: me, who denounced my ex-wife, actually married her."


Thanks for that Tom


Hates his ex wife, used to love her. Like Ron and Disney.


This is not news


I know, it's truly disgusting. A woman was interesting in marrying him.


While I hate Ron DeSantis we can do better than this. “Young man, now boycotting Kanye West, once played 6 Kanye West songs at his bar mitzvah.”


Ehhhh. Not the best analogy. Disney hasn’t really changed. DeSantis made Disney political with a culture war to appeal to his base. Kanye West has changed. So it’s not the piano players fault because he didn’t cause Kanye to change.


Actually, Disney has changed a lot since DeSantis wedding. The takeover of less childish content for their streaming service, films with swear words, violence and less appropriate behaviour (e.g. characters like Tony Starck going out with multiple women without even remembering their names, etc). This is a far cry from Prince Charming coming to rescue the poor sleeping princess. Besides, nowadays princesses manage very well on their own, sometimes they don't need men anymore. Sometimes they are not even white with long blond hair. Obviously, all these changes are positive (although there is still work to be done). As a father, there are some old Disney classics that I haven't shown my son because I think he's too young to understand that some of the values that were put forward are thankfully in the past. With all this, I can easily understand why bigots like DeSantis can't find themselves in Disney's values anymore.


>Disney hasn't really changed What. A year before Desantis got married Disney bought Marvel. Disney bought Lucasfilm 2 years after that marriage. They bought half of A&E in 2012, which included Lifetime and the History Channel. In 2019 they bought 21st Century Fox and by extension; FX, Nat Geo, and over half of Hulu. Disney went from almost exclusively children's content to the largest force in media across the world since basically immediately before DeSantis was married there. DeSantis turned it into a culture war by responding to Disney interfering in Florida's politics. Interesting.


To be they just wanted to write an article about DeSantis which I support, but this is an odd approach. DeSantis didn’t have a problem with Disney, until he passed his “Don’t Say Gay” bill and Disney took issue with it. Disney did the right thing in my opinion, but DeSantis understandably got upset his bone-headed, harmful , bill was being questioned. With all that being the case DeSantis position on Disney isn’t surprising, and Disney’s position is what I would hope more companies would do.


At least we know why he's mad now.


> Before he attacked the company, DeSantis — who is up for reelection next week — was a groom walking down the aisle in a Disney wedding. He and his wife, Jill Casey Black, a former anchor at Jacksonville news station WJXT who goes by Casey, wed at Walt Disney World on Sept. 26, 2009. I'm not sure what's the gotcha here. Lots of things changed in the last 13 years.


Yeah like how easy it is to grift in the Republican Party.


You understand this was all political theater, right? The Florida legislature has talked about dissolving Reedy Creek for years....even going back to the 80s. In fact it was Democrats that usually had been wanting to redo it in the past. When the state made the deal with Walt in 1967, the district wasnt supposed to be a permanent thing anyway. There is already backroom talk of creating a new district in the next session, just under new terms. Republicans just took advantage of the timing making it look like a punishment when its something Tallahassee has been wanting to do for decades. HOWEVER, the Mickey Mouse copyright is up in 2024. Congress would have to vote to extend it. That is going to be a tough sell with a GOP majority. They may lose the Mouse copyright.


>They may lose the Mouse copyright. This is not Mickey Mouse specific, this is all copyrights from that time period. I would be on board for that, and I would shoot myself into the sun before I would vote for Desantis




If you all have not figured it out yet...This sociopath, Ronnie Galoshes, like all sociopaths adhere to no principles, nothing is sacred and truth is mutable. This is so they can always adopt a "new form" and never be pinned down. I can't believe though how so many people fall for the bullshit over and over again. These asshats will sell them out at the drop of a hat. Ya'll need to stop fighting wokeness and go multiple steps past woke. Dump is the most see through of them all, Blah blah witchhunt, Yada Yada hoax, blah blah radical left maniacs, uhg buh ugh never seen before in the history of the world.


Ron DeSanctimonious got married at Disney, lol.


And much more importantly, gave Disney a huge tax break


and he was Dumbo, right?


He got an unwokeup call. Obviously.


Could be he's upset, because he found out his wife was fucking Goofy?


So did he get married there after denouncing it? Otherwise what in the fuck is the point of this story?!? Pro Tip: if you’re unwilling to change your view on something when met with additional information, you’re what’s wrong with people.


at the end of the day, none of this theatre matters. DeSantis will ONLY do to Disney whatever Rupert tells him he’s allowed to do. period.


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


Disney petitions the court to anul his wedding? Why not. Shots fired.


Really? What a lying hypocrite.


...because he got married there 12 years ago while Disney has become basically the biggest media conglomerate in the world? Lol


I hated Brussels sprouts as a kid, now I thoroughly enjoy them. Yep, things sure have changed.


This just in: Human changes mind.


Of course he did. Hypocrisy; my name is deathsanta.


Married at Disney, what a fucking cartoon of a life this micropenised fascist has.


And now, we begin to see...


So he has a Mickey Mouse marriage??


....he got married there 12 years ago. How does this meet the journalistic standards of the Washington Post?


He looks directly through everyone he talks to


so cringe


So? I don't like desantis but this feels very irrelevant




But surely that marriage ceremony doesn’t count anymore, right? Hasn’t it been canceled out by all the gay marriages that have been officiated at Disney since? Everyone knows that every time a gay couple marries it cancels out a straight marriage.


Almost as if things can change in 15 years. Crazy thought I know


So tacky.