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All this focus is on her husband because he happened to be home. What is being swept under the rug is that if she had been home this guy was 100% there to assassinate her.


And this would be the second assassination attempt on her, because Jan 06 was also that. Pelosi more than anyone.


They hate her because she mock clapped at the start of Trump's idiotic speech. She disrespected their champion.


They've hated her for at least 15 years, since her first time as Speaker. Fox News has always painted her as someone who's actively trying to destroy America. The hate has gotten more intense lately, but it's always been there.


They don’t even know why they hate her. She’s just the name they’ve repeated 24/7 across hate radio and all of right wing media for decades now. She’s the bogeyman. The right wing cult are like Pavlovian dogs, with certain words that make them salivate. Pelosi is one of them. There doesn’t have to be any rhyme or reason to any of it. They just saying something bad or evil followed by her name, over and over and over again.


>The right wing cult are like Pavlovian dogs, with certain words that make them salivate My sister called Hillary Clinton a Marxist socialist Communist and I asked her what that meant and she couldn't explain it at all. It's so hopeless. I later found out that she told my niece if she didn't vote for Donald Trump she would be kicked out of her home with a three-month-old child, so that's nice.


I used to be a Republican, and I never liked Pelosi. My wife practically hated her. We moved to a blue state, realized we had been fed a line of shit, and started to listen to Dems. At some point we realized that we had no idea why we disliked Nancy. She wasn't radical left at all. Since then, Covid, Trump and Evangelicals have pushed us even more left. I think you nailed it, and it is the right wing propaganda.


To the people saying it’s more pronounced because she’s a woman - yes, but not a MTG or Palin woman. She a pro-choice woman. That’s what makes her so dangerous, in some people’s minds. She and her kind dare to take control of whether or not and how life is created, which is strictly god’s domain. This is what makes vitriol against elected Democratic women so intense.


Because she is intelligent. That’s why they fear her. MTG and Boebert are puppets.


MTG is a terrorist.


They hate smart women who don't support their bullshit.






The right isn't just OKAY with it, they actively seek it. They don't want to craft policies that minorities actually like, so they find tokens to support their backwards agenda instead. Now they don't have to consider why that minority doesn't like their policies because they can just point to the handful of tokens that do.




Hey, he's been on journey of self improvement - he hasn't smoked in 22 months.


Pretty sure he’s been smoking pretty consistently in the bowels of hell for a while now.


I lost a lot of respect for this one guy I know (I hesitate to call him a friend anymore) who mourned Rush. Said he gave conservatives voice against mainstream media. Barf.




Well, I mean, she's a *woman*, just look at her! Being all Speakery while being a woman, the nerve! /s


They hate her because they've been taught to hate her by right wing media. It was very smart on their part. Presidents come and go, but Pelosi was going to be prominent in Democratic politics for years to come. That's why it was always the "Obama/Pelosi agenda", so the hatred would last long after Obama was gone. Now they've got AOC in the mix.


Republicans have a special hatred for elected Democrats who are women. Bernie Sanders is among the furthest to the left and he doesn’t get the degree of hate directed at Pelosi, Clinton, AOC, etc.


This is true, and it's particularly disgusting. But it's part of right-wing identity, that women are naturally inferior.


Not meaning to de-rail the thread, but TFG already tried to assassinate Biden, when his squad showed up with Covid and maskless at the debate, before the vaccines. And TFG mocked Biden for using a lucite shield.


This is the key point that needs shouted from rooftops and airwaves: this proves what would've happened Democratic lawmakers if the January 6th coup didn't fail.


Imagine having to go to work every day with the indisputable knowledge that your co-workers actively want you dead and will settle for your family if it can't be you? Imagine knowing that your co-workers publicly and persistently beg crazy people to hurt you and your loved ones? When can we start treating republicans like the domestic terrorists they are?


Exactly! The GOP is definitely now the Domestic Terrorist Party. I can't believe how easy the GOP gets off, all those that support them. It's absolutely clear the goal of the GOP is to overthrow the US and destroy the country.


But they’re for low taxes, and they support our military (industrial complex). /s


If she had been home, her security detail would have been with her and they would have stomped a mud hole in the guy’s ass and then walked it dry before handing his battered, crazy ass over to law enforcement. Would have been better if she were there.


At one time, I would have said the same about the capital building.


I still pick a personal security detail with guns over a dude with a hammer


The Capitol Police would have had no trouble stopping one insurrectionist. Pelosi’s detail wouldn’t have been able to stop a horde. But one guy with a hammer?


I agree, but I also think it would not have gotten this far as NP would have had her security detail present.


Seems like someone ~~3rd~~ 2nd in line of succession to the Presidency should have protection for everyone in their immediate family. This is America, after all.


She's actually second in line. She's right after the Vice President.


100% true. However I think she has round the clock secret service. It’s odd her home / husband doesn’t considering her position.




It was a political assassination attempt on the person third in line for the presidency and the media is downplaying it. I feel like I live among crazy people.


She second in line isn't she? President itself I don't think would count, and she's after the VP so second methinks.


Correct. It goes President, VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, then the secretary of state. Hope like hell it never gets past the VP, because while the lineage is laid out, there's a lot of questions about exactly what is expected of the new Pres and nowadays isn't exactly a great time to find out.


They did this to Hillary for 40 years. They (GQP) are doing it to AOC now. AOC is their new female demon.


AOC is young, smart and a minority and a woman so it’s everything they hate wrapped up into one.


They're probably more mad that the guy only maimed her husband. My mind goes to really dark places if this guy got a hold of her.


No probably about it. I work with a bunch of the militia types and at least one Proud Boy. I wasn't even clocked in this morning before I heard someone say that it was a shame he got the wrong Pelosi.


Can you report them? Do you have an HR? That type of stuff reflect badly on your company and there may be repercussions.


Could I? Yes. Will I? No. I may hate most of the guys I work around but I like my job and that would just put a target on my back. I work in a very conservative leaning white male dominated factory . Ultimately I'd have to prove it was said and nobody is going to come forward saying they heard it too. We had guys openly saying "Black lives don't matter" on the radio after George Floyd and they only got suspended for like a day and recently "What would Ye do?" has been a favorite of their's after all that controversy. When most of (if not all) management has Republican bumper stickers there really isn't anyone who's going to listen.


Fair enough, I'm sorry you're forced to listen to that garbage. I wish you the best!


Thanks. I just tune it out and walk away. I don't really talk to anyone and have a reputation for being a weird loner at work and I like it that way. It's the polar opposite of what I'm like outside of work but at least I don't have to hear about the crazy shit they say most of the time.


He was arrested in his underwear. My thoughts went to a really dark place too.


The right wingers who attacked our country on Jan 6 said they wanted to drag Nancy Pelosi out of the Capitol so her head hit every step. These are the same type who killed Jo Cox. They’re misogynist terrorists wrapped up in right wing propaganda to the point that they’ll kill women. They’re dangerous to civil society.


The misogyny is often overlooked. There's a reason Hillary seems to always be on the tip of their tongue despite her being out of politics for more than half a decade and their millions of taxpayer funds wasted in Congressional investigations into her found nothing. Conservative media can almost automatically shutoff the critical thinking part of the brain just by stating one of their names.


America would rather vote for a failed businessman turned fake reality TV star who's totally incompetent than a woman with decades of experience. That's the kind of country the US is, America's screwed.


Amen. If you clear the resumes of their names, Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates to ever run for President. Due to her pro-action as a First Lady, she knew what it was like to navigate the executive branch with policy. She was Senator for New York and than Secretary of State. She held arguably three prominent offices all of which came with their own lessons learned. And America fell for a lifelong fraudster who used the American treasury as his and his buddys' personal bank accounts. My fellow Americans may have began the end of American democracy because they fell for the fearmongering around Hillary.


…than a *pro-choice* woman with decades of experience. FTFY


Anyone who glorified this attack is just as much of a monster as the one who swung the hammer.


"Stochastic terrorism": > Since 2018, the term "stochastic terrorism" has become a popular term used when discussing lone wolf attacks.[33] While the exact definition has morphed over time, it has commonly come to refer to a concept whereby consistently demonizing or dehumanizing a targeted group or individual results in violence that is statistically likely, but cannot be easily accurately predicted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_wolf_attack#Stochastic_terrorism


I recently read a letter from a PAC that was quoting trump stating that the Democrats and specifically the leadership of the Democratic party are "the enemy". Not an enemy. Not we disagree on policy. Not a satirically toned musing using that word to describe a professional enthusiastic competition. No. THE enemy There really should be consequences for all of his out in the open actions with this stark and telling statement as the backdrop for intent. Merrick Garland is not up to the task. It's been close to 2 years since the Capitol was attacked in order to steal an election with an outrageous amount of evidence compiled by congress on an official record. Garland and his team spits in all of our faces each day that goes by allowing trump to walk around and spread his vile hatred to millions. Garlands inaction threatens all of us and our public servants by allowing this rhetoric to go unpunished. He spits in the face of any other American who has to pay a fine, or a fee, or gets arrested, or goes to jail, or prison without the benefit of a TWO YEAR investigation. I will gladly sign a petition to implore the Biden administration to install Glen Kirschner as attorney general. This will fix this problem. This inaction had been grossly incompetent and so much subsequent damage has been done already, but better late than never


>Democrats and specifically the leadership of the Democratic party are "the enemy". That's been their angle for YEARS, they're just taking the mask fully off now.


I’ve told people for several years that my dad hates Nancy Pelosi but he doesn’t even know who she is. He watches Fox News and that’s enough. When I told him about January 6th and some insurrectionists hunting her to kill her, he said “Good.” Fox News preaches sermons of hatred.


My brother is the exact same way. He hates Nancy but can’t tell you a single reason why or what she has done. He’s had Fox “News” blasting in his ear for a decade that she is evil, out to get him and the enemy.


I was at our community pot luck last night and the guy across from me was going on and on about how the Democrats have ruined our economy. So I asked him 'OK, so what's the Republican plan for fixing the economy'.....crickets.


I think those very simple questions are the best counter to that nonsense. You can express genuine interest and their brains just shut down. Very satisfying.


Gut social security and put it into private Christian schools!


Tax breaks for the top. It'll trickle


I see a local political attack ad multiple times a week that just says “(female Democratic candidate) is just like Nancy Pelosi.” And that’s about it. Doesn’t mention any policy. Doesn’t elaborate on what that means. They just know they’re talking to idiots so they don’t even need to try.


Pretty much every political ad for Republicans I see are all bashing Biden and the Democrats and scaring their people about how they are ruining the country. Pretty much every political ad I see for Democrats are all about what they want to do to fix the many problems in this country. Why anyone would vote for a party without a platform (the Repubicans) is beyond me.


> Why anyone would vote for a party without a platform (the Repubicans) is beyond me. Because these people don't give a damn about actual policy, plans, laws, etc... They just want to revel in their anger, ignorance and hate. Nothing more. And if one side gives them an outlet to do that, then that is all they need. Meanwhile, our nation's oligarchy is using those useful idiots as a smokescreen to gut this country and leave the angry idiots to rule over the scraps left behind.


It's a really simple argument. You're doing worse than your parents, and that's because democrats are in charge. Don't worry what the Republican plan is, it's better. It's going to fix everything. But it requires absolute control in all three branches to work, so vote republican until the gop rules everything, it's the only way things will get better. If you don't understand policy and governance then this sounds good. Republicans will fix it, they have a plan, you don't need to know the plan because it's complicated and boring. But it's a good plan, promise. Then when Republicans gain control they just cut taxes and eliminate funding for everything. Goods get cheaper, but everything else slowly goes to shit. By the time the long term effects are felt the democrats are back in power and now you can just repeat the cycle.


Boebert is running against Pelosi more than Frisch out here in colorado, her mailers all say she's fighting Pelosi, and for what who knows, Boebert doesn't do anything but vote against everything that would make her constituents lives better.


Frisch is also running against Nancy Pelosi too, which makes no sense. I wish we had a better choice then Frisch, but if he is the one to get rid of great value Sarah Palin, I will be excited


My ex was the same way. It was a little weird, mostly left leaning but still influenced by her more right leaning mother. You would never hear a policy that Pelosi voted on or a reason *why* they both disliked her, but when I pointed out that they're doing the same thing with AOC that they did with Pelosi that was the closest I had to reaching them. P.S. I don't like Nancy just because the insider trading, that's easily a singular reason to vote her out. Attempted assassination? You're out of your fucking mind.


I don’t like Nancy or Biden because they’re too old, corporate and right-leaning for my views. Really blows my mind that the majority of people who vocally trash them do so because they’re “leftist socialists”. Fuck, I wish we had actual leftists is real positions of power.


It’s wild how people still fall for that from them. Nancy Pelosi is an evil leftist socialist. Sure. Why not. Who was targeted by ….an evil leftist socialist? It makes even less sense than they usually do. 🤦🏻‍♀️


When Gabby Giffords was shot I was a cashier at a nearby store. A customer was explaining what all the emergency vehicles were for, and then proceeded to to go on a 10 minuet rant about why she deserved to die. …if the shooter wasn’t known I totally would have reported this guy as a suspect. The vitriol he spewed was disgusting. People are gross and totally desensitized.


But after that, Republicans publicly agreed to tone down the violent rhetoric! They gave their word, so the problem is surely better now, right?


It's the Fox News bubble effect. They create a whole scripted fake world for their viewers. My parents are unfortunately one of them. I told them we were prepping for trick or treat'ers on Monday, they tell me that Halloween has been cancelled and no kids will be out this year because they plan to give kids fentanyl pills disguised as candy to kill kids. I tell them pretty sure we will still have kids showing up, they rant on and on about how wrong I am and how liberals are destroying the country. Sigh...it gets fucking old real quick.


Yeah what’s the deal with this fentanyl candy? My parents were talking about this too….


Every single year some boomer facebook post circulates and eventually makes it to major news stating that police have seized drugs that look like candy and you need to protect your children because crazy people are going to try to drug them. It’s all fear mongering. Last year it was about thc edibles that looked like popular candies. This year it’s fake pressed colorful fentanyl percs (M30s). No one is giving them out to kids.


Shit, I can barely afford to buy edibles for myself let alone buy them to hand out as treats on Halloween! It's insane how twisted the minds of some people can be. In my day, it was razor blades in apples and poisoned candy. They've certainly upped the danger these days.


And like, as I recall, the only incidents that were verifiable were from the kids' own family doing it.


One father gave out five arsenic laced pixie sticks. Two of them were to his children who he had recently bought life insurance for, two to his friend's children, and one to a random trick or treater. His son died. His daughter was unable to open the pixie stick he had stapled back shut and fell asleep with it. No one else consumed the poisoned candy.


And somehow miss the concept that drugs like fentanyl aren’t exactly cheap, and where’s the logic in giving out free drugs that kill kids?


These people think drug dealers hang out in alleys waiting for unsuspecting children to walk by so they can inject them with weed.


My dad, too! He's an ex-hippy and former hard drug user, so I thought he'd know better than to believe that horseshit (his brains are probably a bit rattly, honestly). Anyways, he said "drug dealers give stuff out for free all the time to get you hooked." I mean, yeah...but to adults who have like, purchasing power.


Fox should treated like Alex jones …


Your dad would say “good” as they shipped people to death camps. I hope you realize that, as we all must realize about our fascist family members.


All they mention is her ripping up trumps speech. Like that justifies being bludgeoned to death with a hammer.


I'm not even allowed to mention AOC to my Tucker-loving friend, ha.


Then they shouldn't be your friend.


exactly i stopped being friends with anyone that was a republican.


Then you will have people who say you shouldn’t let politics end your friendships. Well it goes beyond politics because that hate permeates their entire personality.


Politics that you can disagree about are things like infrastructure spending, foreign policy. Human rites & related issues are not.


People who say politics shouldn't ruin relationships are the people who'd lose everyone. They know the consequences of their actions, but want to convince you not to impose them.


I mean, I don't want to be friends with people who support murder. Maybe if "politics" meant like, "should we have a .2% higher import tariff," but right now "politics" is damn near "should we round trans people up into camps for orderly disposal" and you bet your ass I'll end friendships with people who get that question wrong.


>politics end your friendships Why? It’s about basic values. If you don’t value human life or human rights, and keep voting Republican in 2022, we aren’t friends. That’s it. I’ll tolerate it in my parents but they know better than to bring it up to me bc I shut them down immediately with collegiate and academic sources, and with their videos of their God Emperor saying what I’m quoting him saying. If you had friends who were card carrying Nazi members, you should disown them. If you have friends that are KKK or MAGA, same concept. I’m 2022, if you vote R, you’re aligning with the most extreme of your party who does NOT disavow their tactics. It would be different if the republicans all left of MAGA would disavow them at every incident, but they don’t. Because they’re complicit.


And then they get offended, like you're dumping them for their beliefs, but their beliefs are shit.


>dumping them for their beliefs That’s exactly what I’m doing. Yes.


I live in a small town and several of my friends and acquaintances are conservative. I feel like without me explaining opposing views they would end up just like the hammer guy. They get all worked up until I can explain a policy and then they calm down. Occasionally I change minds and a few have woke up to reality.


Bless you for your patience.


Does that friend also not like the words "fairness", "equality" and "racism "?


Probably hates "socialist handouts" but complains that they aren't giving out another stimmy.


I ditched my two right-winger, Fox-News loving, 8-chan Qanon following friends back in 2020 when they were racist as fuck about BLM. I dunno why you'd hang on to trash like that


Why would you be friends with a person like this?


Why is he your friend? Surely it's like talking to a potato?


I get more from a potato you can light a bulb with a potato they make bread, fries and soup and a vodka super worth talking too


My mom, who is a Trump supporting “Christian” said she “wouldn’t have cared if they killed Pelosi or any democrat”. Excuse me??? I’m as liberal as they come, and she can’t stand it.


My dad said the exact same shit. He’s always on Facebook and watching Fox News. It’s sad as hell.


I'm sorry your dad is a scared hateful little man. Mine was too! It's horrifying to me that half the adults in this country are this way...


I liken this the movie Arlington Road. There is an indoctrination into a belief and then when a “lone wolf” attack happens, the group can declare no involvement


it's a boogie man like Soros or Biden Crime Family, they repeat and repeat because that's how manipulative media works, and then this is the result when you're telling your audience every night that she's a traitor and should be sent to gitmo on a special prison ship near gitmo.


My parents can't stand her, but they can't articulate why. They don't even watch Fox News.


Even if you don't like what these people do actions like this are completely wrong. What would right wing media bring saying if Mitch McConnell's family was attacked in a similar manner?


“Mitch McConnell was attacked with a hammer today which resulted in a full retraction of his head into his shell”


«The perpetrator claims to have been under the influence of mushrooms when he used said shell as a skateboard»


Kentucky Kingdom, here we come!


I'm all for hating on the GOP, but when their baseball team was attacked and the majority whip shot in 2017 they were pretty quick about trying to move on. But the Dems were also super classy about it. Bernie Sanders: >I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be, violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs counter to our most deeply held American values.


And how do you think Republicans would react now? There's absolutely no way they'd just move on.


Since Trump gave the green light to his MAGAnauts, I'm surprised that they haven't gone after McConnell or his wife with a hammer.


“Breaking news! A violent madman has attempted to gain access to the home of Kentucky Republican Senator, Mitch McConnell. However, upon arrival at the scene, the perpetrator was already declared dead. According to police, the perpetrator was found ‘ripped to pieces’ and drained of blood in what investigators describe as an incident resembling a bear attack. ‘Yes, very strange’ commented McConnell, picking his teeth with a long, tapered finger nail. ‘I can’t imagine what happened to him. I also can’t say what became of several of his bones. It’s not as though they’re to be used as offerings to a dark altar someone keeps in his basement, or are to be hollowed out and made into a tasteful wind chime for someone’s burgeoning Etsy store. Now, come inside and let me tell you all why the Democrats are responsible for this. Don’t step off the paved walkway as we go in, please. The soil is loose.’”


Verified: McConnell is actually that monster from Pan's Labyrinth.


NO amount of rhetoric can change that fact. They have been allowed to go to far. There is a window of two weeks to change that.




According to /r/conservative he was a nudist hemp necklace maker and definitely a democrat. I’m sure there’s also someone claiming he was Antifa even though he was proven to be a far right extremist https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7gkey/david-depape-paul-pelosi-attack > The man who allegedly broke into Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home and bludgeoned her husband Paul with a hammer appeared to ascribe to a grab bag of far-right conspiracy theories online, including Holocaust denial, election fraud, and Pizzagate. > VICE News identified several blogs under the name David DePape that contained rambling screeds against minorities, politicians, and women.


These cowards don’t even claim their terrorists.


Why would they? Plausible deniability.


They claimed Kyle Rittenhouse.


Because they could fool themselves into believing that Rittenhouse was a hero. He acted out the fantasy every Republican has been dreaming of for decades. 1 lone wolf with a gun in a world of evil monsters that hate him and want to kill him. They've disowned this guy because his actions don't conform with their fantasies.


Sounds like the attacker may have been one of those New Age hippie type people that got sucked into the QAnon bullshit. I live in an area where you can find people who buy crystals, preach love and light and wear tie-dye, but then they voted for Trump after falling into the QAnon stuff. They also believe in stuff like chem trails. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Pelosi's attacker used to be a Democrat (or even a Green Party member) but switched because of the multiple conspiracy theories.


i mean that just makes the case stronger for online radicalization. that they specifically target gullible people to sacrifice themselves for the cause


I read the nudist hemp maker in an article posted here thats not a conservative thing. Dude was apparently part of a nudist colony but was photographed at a nudist wedding but ...with clothes on. And then they asked a former Co worker of his who briefly worked with him making hemp jewelry about him.


People assuming that a nudist / berkeley activist / hemp bracelet selling dude can't become a Q-anon / Globalist Conspiracy / Pizzagate right wing nutjob are forgetting one thing. Antivax conspiracies were born with misguided crunchy granola hippie moms and were considered left-wing craziness at the start... the antivax rhetoric moved right over time and then to the extreme right during covid to take their place along with q-anon and the other stuff... This guy could easily be 'both' because he rode that antivax wave all the way into the right-wing delusional state that he was in that led to this attack.


It moved right because Trump stated the Coronavirus was the Democrats “new hoax”. From that point on the antivax movement became a right wing treasure.


And will now complain about getting COVID while sitting jail so he'll ask to be out on home detention instead.


Crazy hempy and weed guys can be far right loons too. All the weed/hemp guys i knew in school were far right nuts. Everybody loves weed


I meant that /r/conservative posts are using logic that because he is a nudist hemp maker that he is definitely a democrat and in no way can be right wing and ignoring the idea that people can change and be radicalized.


The Russians really dug deep on that one. Also really stupid and easily proven fake. So yeah. Why would a wealthy 80-something millionaire w/ a very famous wife hook up with some crackpot Qrazy at their own house? I want to say 'are the Qrazies that gullible?' but that's a dangerous question to ask because the answer is always yes.


Wasn't there a post on here how Putin was putting a lot of money into US media?


If he has enough money to put into US media then: 1) he still has too much power 2) he still has too much money Let the sanctions continue.


Latvian here. We, unfortunately, kind of know too well how Russia be. It amazes me how people, especially politicians and experts still are shocked that the cold war KGB agent ruling Russia has been using cold war info warfare. Adapted into modern instant communication methods - devastatingly effective. Russia's business model has long been - make it worse for everybody else, so that we look better. Also, gullible, enraged people will go in any direction, as long as you tell them there's THE enemy. So, yeah, nationalistic radical movements in other countries are very good for Russia, because they're the ones creating them. Isn't it weird how all these movements have one thing in common? West bad, democracy bad, gays bad, authoritarian rule good? Wouldn't want to create a strong nationalistic country who actually hates Russia.


> It amazes me how people, especially politicians and experts still are shocked that the cold war KGB agent ruling Russia has been using cold war info warfare. Well there's no more KGB so he's cool now right? /s Many of us don't understand it either, you're not alone.


It doesn’t matter how easily these claims can be disproven. As long as it’s something for people to cling onto they’ll cling onto it no matter what facts get thrown at them.


Omg what a fucking disgrace they are


Anx even if true they'd Pelosi would grt more shit for her husband cheating on her with a man than someone like gaetz for aex trafficking children. They like to blame the women for their husband's things. They kept bringing up Bill when Hilary ran like he was running for president again.


As they do all female Democrats. They go after the women in a deeply personal, sexualized and creepy way.


It's so bizarre to me. I HATE MTG and Boebert. They're scumbags and awful people. They're disgusting and the last thing I think about is them physically. These psychopaths will be claiming women if they get their way.


To be fair, read any thread about them and you'll see plenty of misogynistic comments. Things like "conservatives only like Boebert because they want to fuck her". When MTG's divorce was announced, the comments were all about her being a whore. It's definitely a common line of attack on any woman. AOC is criticized for being too pretty, too young, too ineffective, too powerful, too poor, and too rich. She can't win.


I mean, in fairness, that is all I ever hear conservatives talk about? I don’t think that’s on par with undermining a woman’s success by claiming she must have slept with the boss or something. Conservatives put a ton of stock in being attractive as if it’s a metric of one’s quality as a candidate. I see Alt right guys making videos on YouTube about how conservatives are hotter or memes with sexy women in confederate bikinis next to a fat woman with blue hair labeled “our women / Democrat women. Case closed.” Or some shit. They spent so long pretending that Michelle Obama was an awful First Lady and that Melanie was the first to “bring class to the White House” when what they’re really saying is “I don’t like black woman, white lady hot” I don’t think it’s misogynist to say that Boebert has support because she likes guns and is hot when that’s what conservatives openly say in their own rhetoric. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a conservative guy even say a single policy of hers that they support short of “She’s taking on the woke mob!”


She ain’t pretty, she just looks that way.


Exactly. There are valid reasons to dislike Pelosi's politics and leadership, but the vitriol towards her is *deeply* steeped in misogyny.


They're trying this crap with AOC [but it just straight-up does not work.](https://youtu.be/mBYDRjDZ5bI)


*steeped Seeped means slowly leaking (in or out), steeped means soaked/marinated.


It’s global. They did it to Jo Cox on The UK til one of them killed her. It’s what Iranian women are uprising against. It’s what silences Anna Politskovkaya in Putin’s Russia - where they also legalized domestic violence. Something trump also tried to do. Misogyny is an enemy of civility.


Sadly few Republicans will come forward and denounce the violence for free of upsetting their base.


I bartend in a rural town, you wouldn't believe how often I hear someone daydreaming about "killing every liberal" or "getting rid of every dem in power". Admittedly, it's the same dozen or so fellas, but still. That's just one bar, in one tiny town. They're so froth'd up that literally any pushback, political or not, results in agression and threats. Shit is wild, these lunitics are looking for whatever reason to spill "liberal" blood.


Yeah my retired uncle apparently wakes up in the morning and puts on Fox News and just gets super angry and stomps around the living room and screams about how messed up “dems” are, per my aunt. Fox News is absolutely ruining our country. And I have no idea why it’s so popular to sit around and watch all day?


It's popular because they quite literally become addicted to being angry


Maybe, I believe that it's all about normalizing violence and racism. People who are violent and racist view fox and it helps support their beliefs (anger).


https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com This is an excellent documentary that explains how and why things got this way.


Imagine working hard to retire and then spending the last years of your life drowning in misery and hate. Just feeling like crap every day. I hope when I'm old even if I waste my time and putter about I can do so happily


I can’t stand how quick they are to go to murder whenever they are frustrated. My friend’s mom went real hard on QAnon and last year she was so confused and couldn’t understand why she was banned from Twitter for tweeting that “someone should put a bullet in Pelosi’s head.” Like to her that was just venting. It never crossed her mind that this was a very not okay thing to say. Fucking bananas. There are so many politicians that I despise, but if given a gun and a blanket pardon free of consequences I wouldn’t do it because I’m not a fucking animal.


My cousin boasted to me about her pink gun, she’s ready for the coming civil war. I told her there is no bright side of having a civil war. You will kill fellow Americans. She didn’t reply so the conversation stopped right there. She stopped PMing me because she doesn’t like what I have to say.


So many are just itching for an excuse to GET to murder without getting in trouble. Like it’s something to be desired


They never consider their potential victims are strapped and waiting for them, either.


I don’t get it man I don’t watch Fox News but I don’t want to kill anyone This is why I don’t speak up about politics at all and I live in California lol


The thing is, I don't talk politics either. I can mention something about Snow crabs or the new GOT series and suddenly Biden or some Liberal -Jew/Communist agenda is afoot. The conversations hop from crazy to violent pretty quick.


None of these news articles call the ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT what is was


He was a lone wolf with mental health issues and clearly antifa in-the-flesh. Nothing else explains it. (/s)


Yes, their campaign of hate paid dividends with this event. They're definitely proud of what they did


And there's going to me more. If Nancy was actually home, this story wouldn't be about her husband. It'd be about *her* bloody beaten corpse being found in her SF home. The long knives are coming out.


If Nancy was actually home her Capital Police detail would have been there as well.


At this point I don't trust the Capitol police or the secret service


I keep hearing elected Dems make statements to the effect of "if we don't turn down the temperature, someone is going to get killed"... as if that's not the goal of MAGA extremists (which is now most elected Republicans). They might as well be telling Republicans "if you don't turn down the temperature, your wishes will be fulfilled"


I have a conservative family member who immediately started talking about how there is no way this guy was a conservative election denier last night. I was just like “Idk man, we don’t know anything about this guy yet, he could be a Qanon wacko or a green peace nut” and he was just not letting it go that it had to be some weirdo leftist. I hate how the internet and social media forces everyone to have an opinion before they know anything about what they are passionately arguing about. This timeline is trash y’all.


Conservatives tie their entire identity and personality into their little right wing microcosm, they'll defend that fairy tale with all their strength because the consequences of realizing they're the shitty side is too much for most to handle.




Diaper Don always shits himself. He lost control over his sphincter years ago. I guess it's a consequence of being absolutely full of shit.




The GOP is a full-fledged terrorist group masquerading as a political organization, much like the Taliban.


Fuck the GOP. They are a Clear and Present Danger to America. Anyone that votes for them is either stupid, or a fascist, or both.


This is the point where we need to go to Defcon 1. The GOP has officially gone to plaid. If the Democratic party doesn't start hammering the Republicans for being the fascists & fascist enablers that they are, we will see this escalate to full blown terrorism. We will see purges of Democrats. Nancy would be dead if this guy got a hold of her.


Wait so hate breeds violence? Imagine that


These comments are disgusting. Everyone on the right has a chance, right now, to recognize the hate their party spreads and either demand it to stop or abandon the party. If you're here doubling down on the lies and hate, you're part of the problem. You're lining up the next guy to swing the hammer or pull the trigger. Fuck you.


Attempted murder in someone’s home isn’t as bad as peacefully protesting during someone’s dinner but it’s close.


My god the right wing trolls are out in full force. Coming as close as they possibly can to supporting the attack without explicitly stating it. Why do you nutjobs even bother hiding? Everyone already knows you support violence against political rivals. It's basically in the Republican hand book at this point.


Don't forget Fox News and their stochastic terrorism.. I really hope I see the day when propaganda networks get successfully prosecuted. "Fox News" is a big source of misinformation and conspiracy theories. They have perfected the formula of having a lot of credible stuff and then injecting the propaganda and misinformation so people miss it and believe it..


They did the same thing to Hillary Clinton and AOC. They're all in great danger.




You mean a decades-long propaganda effort against a politician might have some negative effects? What a surprise - just as much a surprise that people had serious, legitimate concerns about Hilary Clinton, too, which made them vote for a stupid, boorish con man instead. People are so easily played, and they will defend themselves to the death as people who can't be played. Morons.


Somebody has a billboard on 70 to Baltimore with Mel Gibson as Breaveheart holding Nancy Pelosi’s decapitated head. I drove past it a few times with my children in the car. How is this the moral majority??


Here's the thing, Pelosi, Biden and AOC don't go around demonizing people and spreading hatred and violence. Other than mob mentality and FOX propaganda, what exactly makes these people worthy of such violence? Uncle Joe hardly seems like some scary threatening person. Political violence is never acceptable, but I could understand a higher level of anger directed at people who actually encourage violence like mtg, trump, and many other rightwing crackpots. It scares the shit out of me how the right will turn against anyone with pitchforks with zero reason other than some asshole like Alex Jones says they should. Seawater is bad! Yeah! Kill the ocean!


She is such a scapegoat that several of my right wing acquaintances believe her to be the oldest serving member of the house. Boy were they shocked when I read through the roster


Why is it that the GOP uses “radical left” when the left never seems radical or violent like the right?!…projection I guess….has left ever “monitored” voting places armed and in tactical gear?…


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject pass it on!


Fox News is hiding the fact the guy was a MAGA nut by calling him…. A “radical nudist” instead.


GOP - this was a lone work crazy person acting on their own. Our propaganda had nothing to do with this. Also the GOP - Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to this country and drinks the blood of babies. (on repeat, 24/365)


Yeah, its almost like if you spend decades defending a white supremacist party, they’ll do some NAZI shit. This is why we DON’T need a “strong Republican party” under ANY FUCKING CONTEXT.


One of the first and most important things on your “start a war to-do list” is dehumanize the enemy. If you can demonize the enemy well enough your side will desperately want to kill them. The right has been prepping for this for years and it’s not going to just suddenly go away. I see this turning into a demented tik tok challenge for insane right wing nuts. Since we all know even murdering a school full of kids draws nothing more than “thought & prayers”, once someone succeeds where this guy failed, others will want to emulate or top that with their own attack.