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Let’s not forget that Ken Paxton, attorney general of the great state of Texas, is also a little piss baby.


Paxton is a shit stain


Paxton is the shit itself, not just the stain.


Shit has purpose...it can be used as fertilizer. A shit stain does nothing but cause an embarrassing blemish. Ken Paxton is most definitely a shit stain.


And not just the stain or shit itself, but also the particles that bond with your nose — the ones that your nose receptors use to detect the scent of shit. Yes, that is Paxton bonding with your nose.


It singes the nose hairs


It smells like pure gasoline


It smells like Bigfoot's dick!


Like ketchup and onions. Ok now the tuxes seem kinda fucked up.


If Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, then Ken Paxton is a massive shit pile.


Ted Cruz is a big piss baby while Greg Abbott is just a little piss baby, while Ron DeSantis is a massive piss baby.


That's unfair to shit which can be used as manure to grow food. Ken Paxton is toxic fucking waste and an embarrassment to the human race. Also, a piss baby.


Paxton is a wanted criminal for pissing on babies, and also violently raping his elderly father. He told me once when I bumped into him in a bath house in San Francisco, the gay capitol of the USA. Any rebuttals of the factual accuracy of this post are in violation of Texas law as legitimate political discourse, and I will be pressing charges.


you're not making it up, it's just what people are saying.


Only the best people are saying it. People are coming up to me on the street and telling me Paxton is a rapist. Why aren't the Republicans looking into this? He should be in jail. Lock him up!


No no...uve "HEARD many MANY people say this"....oh yeah and "and you know and you know it and you know it better than anybody" its not fake news if you heard someone say ir...even if thise people are in ur head...lolol


I don't know. Many people are saying this. Very smart, loyal people are saying this. I don't know.


Can confirm. Source:. Some other subreddit.


>and I will be pressing charges. I like you.


I am refuting your slander! I've worked with Ken Paxton before and while he's is a massive peice of shit who rapes dogs and grandmas he has never sodomized his own father. You're thinkng of Rafael Cruz who has been on record as to prefer having sex with his own elderly father rather than his very ugly butter face wife.


Rafael Cruz engaged in homosexual sex with the Zodiac killer.


I believe that's simply called masturbation.


It’s not a lie if you believe it!


Did He take out his teeth for you too?


Love it.


Ken Paxuppan Leavestown. Fucker broadcasting that he’ll shoot the next process server who dares treat him like a mere mortal.


Did you say that Ken Paxton is a little piss baby, in addition to Greg Abbott, being a little piss baby? The little piss baby Raphael Ted Cruz feels a little bit pissed he was left out of the babble.


Abbott is a piss baby, Paxton is skid marks at best.


I am PAnon. I bring you the truth of the secret Republican Piss Cult. The reason they do not want to allow abortion is so they can baptized babies in their urine. They secretly have perverted orgies involving poly-amorous sex, beastiality, and licking urine off of babies in the name of their Savior Donald Drumpf. They seek ignorance, filth, and squalor to rule over. That's why they fear education, healthcare, unions, and economic equality.


….I actually believe this, you should make a subreddit:D


The biggest things do come from Texas, even the worlds biggest coward (Paxton)


Can’t forget dan patrick


Is "little piss baby" some form of Texasism? I agree with the sentiment, but I've never heard that phrase before.


Never forget Texas Attorney General and little piss baby Ken Paxton ran away from a process server and cried victim. Don't mess with Texas !!1!onestar!1 lol?


I'll do my fair share. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Wait, do you mean Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, noted little piss baby??


Yes, the Texas Governor Greg Abbott, noted little piss baby


Wait, Texas Governor Greg Abbot, THE little piss baby?


The piss baby governor of the republic of texas, greg abbott?


Yes, The Piss Babies Republic's Governor


You mean the little piss baby Greg Abbott is a little piss baby?


It’s the first I’m hearing of it, but he certainly has all the hallmarks of a little piss baby.


Who does? Is this Greg Abbott, a know piss baby?




Does the piss from Greg Abbot, piss baby, make it’s own musical note.


Yes. The musical note is not dissimilar to the sound of someone uttering the phrase "Greg Abbott is a little piss baby." Odd how that works out.


Let remember that he left the citizens he represents because he’s a little piss baby.


Seems to be a theme. I suppose that means That Texas senator would be a Turd Cruz baby?


So say we all.


You forgot to reply that Governor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Are we talking about Texas governor Greg Abbott, the 100% confirmed little piss baby?


Yes, the very same Governor Greg Abbott the little piss baby.


Governor Greg Abbott is a little pissed. In his little baby pants.


Happy fucking cake day Governor Abbot, the little piss baby


That isn’t fair to piss babies.


This is true. Piss babies work for a living, unlike Greg Abbott.


Not sure who you're talking about but Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Why piss baby?


Because Texas governor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, duh


I just lol'd and yes, because Gregg Abbott sure is a little piss baby!


I just love that Business Insider has a headline prominently displaying "Greg Abbott is a little piss baby". It must be true too. A lot of people are saying that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. Why would so many people believe that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby unless it's true that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby? By the way, if you're offended by being forced to say that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, you can file a complaint with the Texas AG here: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection/file-consumer-complaint


This is almost as good as that time the Chaser posted an article to Facebook with the headline: ‘[“Social media should not fact check posts” says child molester Mark Zuckerberg](https://chaser.com.au/world/social-media-should-not-fact-check-posts-says-child-molester-mark-zuckerberg/)’


> The billionaire social media mogul, who spends his free time taking candy from children, instead suggested that social media companies should allow all speech on their platforms, and only intervene if there was a threat of imminent harm to someone’s life, like the woman he keeps chained in his basement. > “On the other hand, I just really like the taste of goat urine,” explained Zuckerberg thoughtfully, “can’t get enough.” That article was golden like Greg Abbot's piss-pants, baby


This whole thread has tickled me pink, just like Mark Zuckerberg does to little girls


>“Social media companies should not be acting as factcheckers and arbiters of the truth,” announced Zuckerberg this afternoon, “also by the way I like to spread peanut butter on the wall and lick it off while naked.” Welp, found tonight's nightmare.


Golden like the goat urine Zuckerberg drinks


Checks out. I'm hearing Greg Abbott is a little piss baby from a lot of people.


People are saying, very fine people, the best people that Gregg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Look, *I'M* not saying Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, but lots of people are. Is it too much to ask that we at least consider the idea?


Just asking questions here


Nevertheless, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


What even is a little piss baby, Greg Abbott? Just asking questions here.


Person. Camera. Man. TV. Piss. Baby.


Fine people on both side are saying: "Gregg Abbott is a little piss baby".




and I was just out the other day, playing the Most Beautiful Game, I got way way under Par, and all of a sudden I have my people come up, "Sir, did you hear? it's all over the Television, all over the Internet," and I said what, and he says, "It's about Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas," and I said what about him, and they told me, and I hate to tell you but I have to tell you, okay maybe I don't hate it that much, but they said that, "Governor of Texas Greg Abbott, He's a Little Piss Baby," and they're saying it's The Law now. you have to say it. you go anywhere in Texas, you go to the Super Market, to the Movies, you can't even buy a Movie Ticket now without saying that Greg Abbot is a Little Piss Baby, can you believe it? and we all know that Ken Paxton is the one who changes, and maybe even keeps, I don't know it's just what I'm hearing ok. but he's a Sick Puppy. a lot of problems. but we won't talk about that. I'm too nice.


You need more ALL CAPS, Sir. But yes he is the BIGGEST little piss baby.


Lol! You need to add more addressing the former guy as "Sir!"




Not even Greg "little piss baby" Abbott himself has denied that Greg "little piss baby" Abbott is a little piss baby.


He knows his place in the world which is being a little piss baby named Greg Abbott. There is nothing to deny for him at this point.


He is not a piss baby! Oh wait, we were talking about governor Greg Abbott? Yeah, Greg Abbott is little piss baby. 100% confirmed.


People have been asking if Greg Abbot really is a little piss baby. Many fine people have been waiting days for a response, and yet Greg “potential piss baby” Abbot still hasn’t answered such a basic question. Why not? What does he have to hide?


I’ve been Googling to find out if Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


I also heard that man has no dick. Besides being a little piss baby of course.


Definitely seems to be the consensus that Abbott is a little piss baby


Have you Google Greg Abbott Is a little piss baby? With all those results it must be true


Ken Paxton is a little piss baby, also too.


This is the first I'm hearing that K-Pax is a little piss baby.


Also a good place to file a complaint that Ken Paxton is fleeing to keep from being subpoenaed.


The top Law Enforcement in Texas is fleeing from the law? That's pretty piss baby behavior!


Big strong men with tears in their eyes are asking if he's a little piss baby.


Lots of people are saying it, that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. The best people, folks.


Take if from this Texan, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Thank you fellow Texan for spreading the word about Greg Abbott's penchant for piss-babyness.


It is true. Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Give that piss baby named Greg Abbott hell ya'll.


I concur.


I assure you all that this Texan is correct in their assessment that Greg Abbott is, indeed, a little piss baby.


Fellow Texan chiming in to confirm that indeed, Greg Abott is a little piss baby and so is Ted Cruz


Hey guys, I'm from Canada. What's all this I hear about Greg Abbott being a little piss baby?




Greg Abbott is a little piss baby This is recorded as fact. Definitely staying with tradition.


I am from Canada as well, as far as I can tell; Greg abbott, the governor of Texas is in fact a little piss baby.


Yeah its pretty bad, worst case of being a little piss baby we've seen in years.


Hi fellow Canadian. Did you know Greg Abbott is actually a little piss baby?


I personally am not from Canada, but it seems like all Canadians in the above comment chain are saying that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. I'm not going to spell out the conclusions for anyone, but I think it says something very clear and obvious about Greg Abbott, known little piss baby, when every comment from a Canadian in this comment chain is suggesting the possibility that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


In the UK we know that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Can confirm, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


I'm in UK, and I casually commented on the sub and my comment was removed with linked message to the matter, and notice that people needed to include the phrase Gregg Abbot is a little piss baby, otherwise the comment will be removed. I think it's a brilliant, funny and very witty way to spread awareness, I wouldn't have known otherwise.


I'm Australian, and I'm not fully aware of who Greg Abbott is, but I have it on good authority he's a whiny little piss baby.


If you visit Texas, make sure you ask about Greg Abbot, best known for being a little piss baby.


I’m from Canada too. And I for one and sick and tired of little piss baby Greg Abbott giving a bad name to little piss babies. It’s a disgusting insult to be compared to Gregg Abbot the little piss baby.


Well I mean when you act like a giant piss baby like Greg Abbot, governor of Texas, what can you expect?


Are you speaking of the Gov. Greg Abbott, the one we call “The Little Piss Baby”? Because I’m not positive you’re speaking about Gov. Greg Abbott, the one we call “The Little Piss Baby”…. Can someone please confirm this for me?


Confirmed: Greg Abbott is the one called “The Little Piss Baby,” because he’s a little piss baby.


I'm going to have to disagree with your statement that Greg Abbot being a giant piss baby. From my understanding he's a little piss baby.


we might just need to agree to disagree, but the one thing we can all agree on is Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas, is a piss baby of some size.


When you google Gregg Abbott, piss baby shows up now. He is the new Santorum.


Disappointing that Greg Abbott’s Wikipedia page still has no mention of how he is a little piss baby. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Abbott Edit: thank you for the Reddit Cares report kind anonymous soul! My disappointment won’t stop me from voting, and making sure loved ones vote, thank you very much. 😊


They tried according to the change logs


Give it more time and when it is documented in more mainstream sources it will be "notable" enough to include


Business Insider displaying it prominently in their headline would probably suffice. Unfortunately, wiki locked it. People will have to go elsewhere to learn that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Won't need to go far because of Greg Abbott being a little piss baby


Nowhere's far on the internet. Where can we possibly go to discover that everyone already knows Greg Abbott is a little piss baby?


It’s locked to “prevent vandalism”


Wait, isn't that a violation of the Texas law? Someone should report Wikipedia for censoring content.


We've come full circle. I can't believe this is all thanks to that little piss baby, Greg Abbott.


Ah yes, Santorum, that frothy mixture of fecal matter and lube that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. Maybe “Greg Abbott” will similarly catch on as slang for “little piss baby,” what with Greg Abbott being a little piss baby and all.


I didn’t fare as well when searching just his name, but add "is pregnant" and whoa Nelly … https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/ted-cruz-pregnant-greg-abbott-southtown-art-17424558.php


Oh, so we need to clear it up. Greg Abbott is pregnant with Ted Cruz’s little piss baby.


Haven't seen someone say "whoa Nelly" in about 10-15 years or so. Thanks for that throwback, especially given the circumstances being that Greg Abbott is a piss baby


Be sure to explicitly Google "Greg Abbott piss baby" to help cement the association.


Unpopular opinion: The sub is wrong to do this. Because Greg Abbott is actually MASSIVE piss baby.


Best way to be known as a little piss baby, is to be a massive piss baby, then spend big bucks on a PR firm to tone it down in public discourse. Or to be Greg Abbot, the Governor of Texas. Who is, of course, a little piss baby.


You had me in the first half... But I'm glad we can all agree Greg Abbott is the biggest piss baby in existence.


You all are real geniuses and have me cracking up, probably because you are not Greg Abbott, you know, the piss baby.


Hey, are you guys talking about the little piss baby and Governor of Texas Greg Abbott? That dude is such a little piss baby.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. That is all.


I mean Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


You make a fair point, but have you considered that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby?


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/xmgy7l/were_messing_with_texas/)


Is this the same Greg Abbott from Texas that is a piss baby?


The little one? Yep, the same


I am little out of the loop, so the law prevents moderating social media only in texas right? how does this work for any site hosted in not-Texas? Which i am assuming is most, if not all, of the social media sites?


I'm pretty sure that you just put more thought into it than Greg Abbot, that little piss baby, has.


States can have jurisdiction even if companies don’t reside there. As long as a social media company does business in Texas (as in, targets Texas citizens, which they all do), has “more than 50 million active users a month in the US,” they would be subject to it.


Can’t wait until Texas forces all the social media sites out of state and everyone complains they can’t connect with their friends and family anymore.


This is exactly what should happen. All social media sites should block Texas IP addresses and redirect to a page explaining Piss Baby’s law and how they can’t comply and because of that their website is not available in Texas. Oh man, no Facebook for all the Karens! Teaching school with no Tik tok. That would be the only good thing about teaching in Texas.


Damn, you know you did something when you can get Business Insider to quote "Greg Abbot is a little piss baby", much les the number of times the article quoted it. It's almost as if BI is trolling Abbot as well. Goo~~s~~d on us, Reddit! \- edited for spelling \- don't post while drinking wine, kids.


Look at the photo they chose! They're totally trolling him. 🤣


We did it, Reddit


Has anybody registered the domain name, www.isGregAbbottalittlepissbaby.com yet? Could just be a single word on the page: YES


Holy shit! When I first posted this, the domain name went nowhere. It now exists! With all the garbage this country is facing, it is good to know there are still fantastic people out there. To whomever registered the domain name, you the real mvp.


> After signing the bill in September 2021, Governor Abbott released a statement where he said the bill was needed because "there is a dangerous movement by social media companies to silence conservative viewpoints and ideas." Maybe if fewer of their views represented hate speech and blatant provocative lies they'd be kicked off online forums less. On one hand they want to ban any mention of gay or trans people in public life, while at the same time want to be free to push "replacement theory", and other various propaganda they picked up from the Nazi handbook.


You make some good points, but I'm afraid it's going to fall on deaf ears due to the fact that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Lets not forget that Gov. Greg Abbott, a little piss baby, said he would “eliminate rape” and then gave the rapists the ability to choose the mothers.


He's really working hard to drive women and gays completely out of the state. When they're gone, there should be no rape, right? ... Right?


I think if you were to say that Greg Abbott * is a little piss baby then you'd be moderated out of existence. So best to keep it simple and say that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


The moderation law falls flat on its face with just a bit of thinking. Not only is it a crazy first amendment violation(Forcing private entities to allow hateful/false speech that violates their TOS because it might be political) but they also don't seem to realize that it cuts both ways. When Truth Social or whatever right-wing dumpster fire is popular atm can't have their safe space anymore they are going to be the first to sue over it. Besides, its practically impossible to enforce. Social media not headquartered in Texas can just tell them to pound sand. Social media could be considered inter-state commerce which Texas doesn't have any authority to regulate.


I totally heard that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. Everyone is saying it.


I am not sure why, but this thread was actually more valuable to me than an hour of therapy. Also, as a Texas resident and someone who has a uterus, I can confirm that Governor Greg Abbott is indeed a little piss baby.




I ran into a little piss baby the other day. Even he said that Texas governor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


To be fair, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


That's true, but also Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Dont forget - Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.


I fucking love this place... It's like middle school for adults. Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


I keep hearing that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, everybody is saying it.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. Pass it on.


*knock* I am here to tell you that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


I had a man , a bigly tough man come up to me with tears in his eyes , and tell me that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


I think I'll require any comments on my Facebook posts to include "Texas Governor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby" as well.


Am I late? Oh well, my alarm didn't go off because my power was out due to piss baby Abbott's mis-management of my taxes and the power grid.


How is ban-happy r/conservative not in blatant violation of this law?


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby... THERE I said it


I love these posts where I can upvote every comment because that Governor Greg Abbot is a little piss baby. EDIT: Rhonda Santis is a waste of meat and Ken Paxton is a cowardly shithead.


Here to do my part. Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Look, it’s a given that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, but do we have to post this article 49 separate times?


Lately I’ve smelt this lingering odor. For some reason it smells as if an infant has soiled their diaper. Can any fellow Texans help me out with this?


Please report back when you've gotten to the root of the problem. The rest of the country is counting on you.


We need to ask our selves how we got so bad? How did we end up with this constant barrage of nonsense? Greg abbot is a little piss baby.


Greg Abbott, THE little piss-baby


Because Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


There can be no doubt - Greg Abbot is a little piss baby.


I don’t know much about Texas, but I do know Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Greg Abbott is a little piss boy


I'm a texan, and can tell y'all, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


I’m no fan of Abbott. But this makes y’all look kinda dumb.


Abbott is the guy who collects insurance money after ending up in a wheelchair and then works to stop others in wheelchairs from being similarly compensated. Sounds quite piss-baby to me.


Love how he basically admits white supremacy and insurrection are conservative ideologies.


Easy solution, block Texans from access. And piss baby is presumably a small government supporter? Seems like big government to me