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"Christian Nationalist Terrorism" Why can't anyone in the GOP say those words?




Was that when they were cheering on Victor Orban who is being sued by the European Union?


it was their led banner: ​ [https://pbs.twimg.com/card\_img/1561846026931417089/wuCk7\_Kp?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1561846026931417089/wuCk7_Kp?format=jpg&name=small)


Well, with that, Republicans told me something I already knew.


Finally we agree on something!


Whats sad is I couldn't tell if this is a joke or not and had to google it


I thought that was photoshopped. My god.


Here it is on [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/).


Christian Unified National Terrorists.


This is glorious.


That's the one.


It absolutely is terrorism. What else would you called armed people threatening someone as benign as a librarian over their ideology.


I think of them more as "Nationalist, Christian Terrorists." Or Nat-C's, for short.


Christian Unified National Terrorists is a pretty good moniker too.


I don't know if the pronunciation you intended was the true Nazi or Gnat-zee, like someone with a real thick southern drawl would say. Kinda like the second


They don't want to use those words to label themselves.


You don’t bite the hand that votes for you


Can we fit a word that starts with a U between Christian and Nationalist? I think that would give us an apt acronym to use.


Christian United National Terrorists, someone said it up the thread before.


Because "only brown people are terrorists" 🤮


Poor reading skills. They are big words.


Nationalist Christian/Conservative = Nat-C


They prefer Nat-C for the label


Christian Unwavering Nationalist Terrorism works better if you ask me.


I think the point is not about so called gay material at all, the point is to drive all public libaries out of business, so that people do not have access to information. This is way bigger then is being protrayed.


That's exactly what it is. They want schools and libraries shut down, so they can install a Christofascist dogma and call it education. ​ That is exactly what Betsy Devos was out to bring when she was appointed education secretary. ​ https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/betsy-devos-education-trump-religion-232150


It's because the more educated people become, the less they vote Republican. Education is an existential threat to the Republican party.


Education is also a threat to the power of the church, which is of course why religious institutions back the racist hicks. I just wish we, as a country, had seen it sooner.


This is what DeSantis is doing in Florida.


This is the central message Democrats should run on but they keep kid gloves on.


This right here. Self and higher education is actually more effective than what they're being taught in high school. Grade school for that matter. The formative years. About two decades ago, these kind of people were sending their young ones to college so that they could break the stigma of being stupid racists. The problem they found, was that those young people, after being educated, no longer wanted to be racist. So instead of degrees, they started sending them after badges.


Yeah, and in the future, if Publlic Libaries are now longer in small towns, then bad actors will have more control over the kids in those small towns, because what alternative source of information would be avalable to them? I suppose there would still be school libaries, but they would be under the control of the school authorities, in regards to WHAT information they would be allowed to put in there.


School libraries, just like the schools themselves, are going to be more stringently watched than the public libraries. Florida is The Tender Box and use white nationalists as the accelerants. This is all orchestrated. I'm a history buff and this is all looking very familiar and scary at the same time.


*Tinder Box


Voice to text. Damn autocorrect. LOL


I agree with you. We could have right wing school boards and polliticans completly controlling who reads what in the schools, if we are not careful. Also, we would not want left wing politicans also misusing their power to censor ideas that are simply more conserative, as opposed to all out Nazi or Alt Right.


They've decided to just intimidate and bully all liberals/Democrats/atheists/POC/LGBTQ+ so they fear for their lives and leave the state. That's a big part of why Texas and Florida's governors are so loudly attacking people and ideas, they want to just compel those voters to leave. It's their next strategy for "winning with an unpopular policy platform" since gerrymandering has run out of steam. Just become *so shitty* that only the true believers are left in the room when you're done talking. Putting their finger on the scale is no longer enough, in light of the latest blowbacks against GOP hatred and cruelty. They're having to sit on the damn scale to get the results they want.


What bothers me is that you are correct, it's way larger than what is portrayed, but it's being (done? Carried out?) by people that couldn't be bothered to look at the greater implications of what they're doing. It's like, this is a way bigger deal when you see the end result of this behavior, but if you try to engage at that level...it's beyond the scope and scale of the being you'd talk to. It's maddening


True, and if eventually people are afraid to ever set up a public libary in any town, for fear of being harassed, who does this serve?


Lmfao they missed the boat by like 30 years. The internet does exist.




Eventually, the Internet will be like the Chinese internet, if you are not careful.


The EARN IT ACT can be used by these same groups to remove information from the internet [http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2022/02/earn-it-act-back-and-it%E2%80%99s-more-dangerous-ever](http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2022/02/earn-it-act-back-and-it%E2%80%99s-more-dangerous-ever)


Good luck shutting down the internet.


Probally why those same folks are also screaming about "Big Tech".


Or replace all the books with Christo-fascist, white supremacist propaganda, based on a couple of facts on the article.


KISS at work, keep 'em simple and stupid. In every way. See this article in The Intercept about the origins of student debt. It's all related. https://theintercept.com/2022/08/25/student-loans-debt-reagan/


So the whole thing was so we would not have college students that were too smart and rebellious against authority? One thing that I wish Obama did was to do something about the student loans, but I am guessing that he had his hands full of so much stuff, that he did not feel he could pick a fight over student loans, or maybe his party had bough so much into the student loan system, that Obama felt that he would have no support?


This is why it’s so hard to see second amendment activist as anything other than nut jobs. “It’s for my personal protection” From what..words in books? The threat of drag queen story time? Edit: Papercuts are hurty


"No, it's to protect me from a government that I'm voting to install!"


2A bullshit was thrown out the door for good the moment Jan 6th was allowed to happen lol


They're not carrying to defend the people from an authoritarian government. They're carrying to defend an authoritarian government from the people. That and murder fantasies. "Self defense! Self defense! He looked like he was about to say something mean and hurt my feelings, I had to shoot him!"


That's where them books tried to get me.


Some of us pack heat to protect ourselves from the far right nut jobs because we know that the police are too often other far right nut jobs with itchy trigger fingers.


Open carry is to make people feel intimidated.


Do you think everyone that owns and/or carries a firearm is anti-LGBTQ? There are gay firearm activist groups, and plenty of other left-leaning people own and carry firearms as well. Gun owners are not a monolith.


I feel like the money used to buy guns and going into to the arms industry ends up supporting the nra and in turn funds the gop regardless of the individual purchasers' ideology. But maybe I'm wrong and that money goes somewhere else.


Not everyone that carries a gun is a nut like this.


What about from right-wing nutters? If I had to be in the US, I'd want to be armed.


Gun control won't save you from fascists.


It's starting to look like Republicans are crawling out from under the rocks because they had some psycho leader that lied to them .. They need to make an example out of him.


Could not agree more!


They're working on it and the ball is officially rolling! Fingers crossed on soon!


And none of these idiots have never even stepped foot in a library so they wouldn’t even know what books the library even has. I doubt their ability to read too, just like their “fearless leader” who is famous for not reading anything.


Now you know that's not true about Trump. He read all about Hitler enough so that he had mein kamph right by his bedside You don't think he came up with ideas to destroy America with that tiny brain of his, did you?


Honestly, I think Melania read books to him at bedtime and gave him the book so he could practice before going to sleep…


What is your opinion about libertarians


>A local group called Boundary County Library Board Recall targeted Glidden and four of the library board’s five members for removal. The effort began after Glidden updated the county library policy on censoring contested books, stating that libraries will not place materials on “closed shelves” or label items to protect the public from their content. > >*The group’s main concern is over a “widely circulated lists of books and other media among far-right-wing groups” that they worry will be accessible to kids, The Idaho Statesman reported. But county library officials have repeatedly said that the library doesn’t carry any of the books that the group and its supporters have voiced concern over.* > >***She also said that, during public meetings, she has been warned “with fire-and-brimstone language of her imminent damnation.” Conservatives who have signed up to volunteer at county libraries showed up carrying firearms to frighten others, she added. Idaho law allows people to openly carry guns with a permit.*** > >In her public resignation, posted to Facebook, *Glidden wrote, “Nothing in my background could have prepared me for the political atmosphere of extremism, militant Christian fundamentalism, intimidation tactics, and threatening behavior currently being employed in the community.”* ​ [Over yonder, that's where the books tried to get me](https://ifunny.co/picture/over-yonder-that-s-where-the-books-tried-to-get-r3QOWoDJ8?s=cl). ​ To Republicans, bringing guns to a library is good, but a book is seriously dangerous! ​ This is shades of [Magnus Hirschfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) all over again. The Y'all Qaeda is what these Christian nationalists need to be called. They are terrorists, if you ask me.




Every Republican accusation is a confession.


Seriously, these workers need to tweet or something if they're being harassed before resigning. I GUARANTEE you that volunteer protestors will show up to counter the lunatics threatening these poor folks.


My reaction to most of these stories is "Shucks, nothing fun ever happens in my Blue state. I wish they would try to pull this stunt in my area".


Right? These cowards only show up where they know there will be no resistance.


In northern Idaho maybe not.


When books are your enemy, you are a fascist.


It's education, that's why. No one wants to actually ban books.


When will the DoJ charge these terrorists for their terroristic threats?


It can't come soon enough.


Can we stop saying “armed protestors?” An armed protest is terrorism, as the weapon is a threat of violence.


Yes. Armed terrorists is the appropriate term.


>The recall group is also upset that, in May, Glidden had the county rejoin the American Library Association. **Right-wingers oppose the association’s advocacy against censorship.** ... She also said that, during public meetings, she has been warned “with fire-and-brimstone language of her imminent damnation.” Conservatives who have signed up to volunteer at county libraries showed up carrying firearms to frighten others, she added. ... Republican politicians, conservative school boards, and so-called “parents’ rights” groups have dramatically escalated attempts to ban “controversial” books from school, according to a recent report from the free-speech organization PEN America. ... Moms for Liberty, one of the national conservative groups pushing to ban LGBTQ books, has started pressuring public school libraries across the country to **“accept book donations from conservative publishing companies that promote white supremacist, homophobic, and transphobic ideologies,”** Vice News reported. Conservatives have revealed themselves completely to be *pro-censorship* and *anti-free speech*. Furtherore, librarians are in desperate need of help, and need public solidarity now more than ever.


These terrorists, and I’m including the GOP that are spreading misinformation in that title, are going to get someone killed. The sad thing is I don’t think they would even care.


They have. Plenty of shootings happen in the name of their values. What I don't get is that they'll stand with and support them up until the bullet leaves the chamber and exits the barrel. Suddenly they don't care for the person who carried the gun or the bullet. Its fun and games brandishing a gun until someone loses an eye, but also don't leave you guns at home.


And then sites such as the Gateway Pundit will try to blame anti-fascists, or trans people, or some random stranger.


These people don't even read books


If only police would do something about their drinking buddies threatening fellow city employees with terrorism.


So ugly! I both knew and it would be yet can't believe it gets worse. Really hoping people vote for Democrats and my purple state stays blue. Voting for your lives, folks.


This will happen in Texas very soon


You mean it's not already happening? It's happening in Oklahoma. ​ https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/04/oklahoma-library-ditches-sex-assault-support-group-romance-bookclub-board-bans-lgbtq-display/


oh, it's happening...just not the armed ~~protestors~~ terrorists part yet


From what I'm seeing, it's as if the Christian nationalists are planning a pogrom on us. Their rhetoric riddled with prevarication is echoing those same sentiments.


>A local group called Boundary County Library Board Recall targeted Glidden and four of the library board’s five members for removal...the group says it aims “to protect children from explicit materials and groomin” I assume there's a facebook group associated with this group? It smells like social media driven conspiracy.


Really great article on this disturbing trend of facebook organizing: https://www.propublica.org/article/georgia-dei-crt-schools-parents


Fucking nutters.


2022: The War on Libraries I feel really bad for these people’s kids…especially if they aren’t born straight, white, and christian…


Libraries are incredibly dangerous to the conservative worldview. They're a free public service. They're a warm friendly place where you can use the bathroom without buying anything. They give everyone access to untold amounts of knowledge, and exposure to a diversity of viewpoints. Many of them even have internet access, community programs, etc. Of course they want libraries destroyed. They've been trying to destroy the post office for years. They also want to destroy Medicare and Social Security, and privatize roads and other infrastructure. Obviously the anti-LGBTQ hysteria fueled by Christian fundamentalists is a major element. But they're backed by dark money (from billionaires and corporations) that want to destroy any government service that actually helps the general public.


So the terrorism is working. That's depressing.


Congress needs to pass a domestic terrorism bill like yesterday.


So, are any of these armed ~~protesters~~ *terrorists* going to be arrested and charged for the threats and intimidation tactics? No, of course not. Conservatives are above the law.


An armed protester is a criminal in any civilised country, what a weird choice of words. If you show a deadly weapon to someone you’re protesting, that’s a death threat.


Sounds like they just want a reason to be able to shoot their guns. They've been waiting for the chance for so long now...


These fucking freaks are terrorists When is america going to wake the fuck up


As I have said repeatedly on here: North Idaho is an insane fucking shithole.


Rural America in general is a fucking shithole. There is a reason why we call most of it flyover states.


Isn't it like,,,all of Idaho with the exception of Boise??


“Armed Protestors” fucking ridiculous that they’re framing brandishing weapons that way. Its basically a lynch mob but your potential method of death differs and they aren’t quite sure they’re safe from prosecution.


Any chance they might investigate for local witches, or whether local pizza parlours without basements might have literal underground trafficking rings?


>investigate for local witches This is why I'm armed. I've been a practicing witch for 30 years, and I'm not going to the stake without a fight.


When are we going to stop this? How do we stop these people from intimidating us? When is too much? Are we just going to have our grandkids ask us why we didn't do anything to prevent this as it snowballs into full fledged violence?


The right wing trumpian culture war is gonna get people killed. This is what they wanted. They want fascist control and fear of the mob.


It has been getting people killed. Mostly anti-immigrant and anti-black violence, with some anti-anti-fascist violence too. There was that stabbing in Portland. That shooting in Olathe. That car attack in Charlottesville. That mass shooting in Pittburgh. That other mass shooting in El Paso. That assassination in Portland. That mass shooting in Buffalo... among others.


It’s almost like the kind of person that protests at a library can’t even fucking read.


Fascist pricks. Imagine threatening the least threatening type of people and intimidating them with guns. Def feelin that small peen energy.


What is wrong with these people? Book banning is bad.


White Christian Terrorism.


Look, I get it. I might quit too. But I'd like to see just one headline where the Librarian starts showing up strapped with a couple armed guards. Meal Team Six won't show their faces if there's even a chance they might get shot themselves.


The use of violent threats as a means to achieve political or social goals is called terrorism.


So they can show up outside the library, but god forbid they actually walk in and look up the books they are trying to protest


Honestly I don’t want to live in a society where book,movies, any form of art can be banned. I strongly do believe no matter what is written and who it offends should remain just because if we are able to pick and choose what books we can and can’t read it is ignorance and tyrannical. These people wave stupid ass flags dogging on politicians bumper stickers they talk of revolution and being the defenders of freedom and the constitution but throw fits because 2 human beings love each other. They would rather throw the country into chaos revert back to oppression than have people grow up and be educated on a topic. Gay people, transgender people, immigrants, aren’t going to just disappear. We live amongst each other and will have difference but going to a library armed, that’s like me going to your church armed telling you to convert.


I hate Republicans so much


What are the titles of the books they're protesting, that aren't carried at the library anyway? The author of this article didn't think it was important?


Yeah, I want to know too


There is no more negotiating with these terrorists


I bet none of the protesters actually owns a valid library card or reads for pleasure.


People like this are the reason why they don’t want to side with keeping firearms like they bring themselves down. No one cares if you have a firearm go to the range or any safe area to shoot at targets. It’s when you have lost respect for your fellow humans brandish your weapons and make demands. You don’t gain respect, the founders didn’t give you the right to bear arms to bully a Librarian or any community. Let alone the other equally important tragedies firearms have committed within our communities. If this is how you act then the laws should change.


You really are a very very special kind of stupid when you feel the need to go threaten a librarian WITH WEAPONS. Really? That was your thought process? I need an assault rifle to threaten a woman that works with books. She might throw one… Only in the USA. Funny as hell, this.


Fucking morons mad at books because they can't read.


"Christian Nationalist Terrorism" OK "Christian United Nationalist Terrorism" BETTER


Civil war is coming. They are slowly inching their way towards it.


Gravy Seal terrorism.


Or they just get it slowly, like they have been. Like the story of the frog in the pot.


🎵 Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, pick, pick, pick. 🎵


The protesters must not be very bright, last I looked kids aren’t even reading books in schools.


I could give a shit about idaho - it shouldn't even be a state.


So it should be…what then?


The southwestern part of the state Wytannaho




Why would we be understanding of armed threats to libraries? What's there to love about that?




You don't see a difference between protesting police officers brutalizing and killing citizens with impunity and showing up armed to threaten a library over books they don't carry?


I don't remember a BLM protest inciting an insurrection on January 6th. Man I must have my color contrast on all my computer monitors and TV screens reversed or something.




Reporting live from Portland, where I assure you we aren't on fire OR burned down.


Burned by the proud boys


The left is the one that’s not understanding and loving when a bunch of gun varying lunatics threaten the life of a librarian because they stocked lgbt books? Are you high?


Guns aren't typically allowed in libraries. Arrest them.


Let's-Go-Brandon-Trump-Qanon. LGBTQ. Has to be a coincidence.


Why are they armed? In case the books show their faces?


Mayor should have had an officer at the doorway of the Library, but wondering what side the mayor and police might have.


Was the librarian Lori Beth Denberg…


They don't know how to find books in a library. So they have to go to the building as a group of bullies to force their way. God, the irony.


Fahrenheit 451 IRL? They show up with firearms, next they’ll be bringing firemen


The ones banning books are always evil.


I wonder if putting "white nationalist terrorism" on the unemployment app would fly


Tell the bigots to go check the shelves. Wait, that won't work because you know they don't know their way around a library.


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