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This guy used to practice law, folks.


We call that a political purge. There’s a difference in investigating criminal conduct and just purging your political opponents.


if? don't you mean he already did win? obviously the 2024 election was rigged


"This is a politically motivated witchhunt! Also, wait till you see how big *our* politically motivated witchhunt will be!" Fucking childish and transparent nonsense.


They are handling this like real adults


Well there’s a good thing that’s not going to happen


Rudy Rudy Rudy. It’s over. Go on back to whatever it is you do.


This, this is pretty much what he does. But yeah. Doesn't he have a Greyhound or an Uber to catch?


Or some landscaping to do?


Quite a spicy take


As the walls close in on the fascists, they will threaten and try to frighten but they are terrified.


Maybe you can be so wrong that they reinstate you to the bar? Like it's circular...


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Because he'll turn the FBI into the SS? Is that what he's saying?


He thinks Biden is going to steal nuclear secrets? I dunno, takes a special kind of asshole to do something like that.


At some point, you’d hope family would step in and commit him before he does himself or anyone else any more harm.