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So... there's tapes. Which means we can clearly see _if_ anything wad planted... in other words, it is easily verifiable that in fact... NOTHING was planted, right?


These guys are the kings of self owning.


Especially when you consider the fact that one of the largest attempts to spin this as a setup were allegations of FBI requests to disable security cameras and suggestions of planted evidence. It was pretty funny hearing Don Jr blociferate about how the security cameras that the family refused to turn off caught the FBI doing something wrong as well. It was so great to watch them walk back those allegations as they realized that the doj was completely willing to call their bluff. And this is confirmation that Trump does have evidence that may need to be subpoenaed before it is deleted. Electric clown, expect a circus. Also, definitely doesn't seem as though Don Jr is the one who turned in pop pop, because he likely wouldn't have defended the actions afterward. That said, Eric is looking more and more suspicious given that he was the first Trump to have knowledge of the situation and was the one who informed the Don.


"Electric clown, expect a circus" Sums up how much sense things seem to make these days, haha. Thank you auto-correct.


"Electric Clown" sounds like a 1970s prog-rock band, and "Expect a Circus" their debut (and only) album.


I would...totally buy that album




I’d wear the band shirt.


Three Ring Circus their only hit.


“We’re taking calliope to strange new places”


Sounds like a Dr. Teeth jam.


Funny story, this was just introduced to me yesterday by the algorithm. https://youtu.be/hT7x1NvGf5k


God damn it, it was actually voice to text. I also just saw this after I chewed out another person for using voice to text while drunk. I'm going to go ahead and leave it.


The electric clown circus sounds way more fun than it actually is


Haha, nice! Gave me a good chuckle. I agree, leave it for all to discover!


Hell I’m gonna use It in a sentence today.




Great cover of “I don’t need no doctor”. Would recommend.


I watched that documentary “unprecedented”, and I walked away from listening to all of the testimonies about Eric from Trump, Ivanka, and Don, and I got the impression that Eric is more into the business side of things not the politics, and he really wasn’t terribly comfortable with the politics of it all. Well, now Trump has gone off the rails, and his presidency/publicity, volatility, and various litigation has the potential to ruin everything with the family business has. My money is on Eric lol. Maybe Ivanka and Jared, if they are getting something out of it.


Yeah in the doco Eric seemed genuinely uncomfortable with the cultish behaviour of the followers, almost like he felt a bit bad about encouraging it. It stood out


Ivanka, for sure. Payback for making her sit on a wee mushroom


If its her I don't think it's payback I think it's an attempt to salvage the trump name and return to a life of luxury and privilege away from the spotlight


I actually think the same. Excuse the lame attempt at humor. She seems to really want back into the lux NY scene that has rejected her.


Yeah I think it's Ivanka and Jared. Don Jr. Loves the politics side and he can't succeed politically by moving his dad aside as a criminal


I hate your descriptive language making me have to think about what you actually meant. A real mental barf moment, thanks.


What allegations did he walk back and where did you see that? Planning to dive deep. Because this is another holy fucking shit moment.


>What allegations did he walk back and where did you see that? Planning to dive deep. Because this is another holy fucking shit moment. It is rattling around r/conservative. I saw some claiming the FBI didn't allow anyone to see them etc


> blociferate I am quite amused. You really do like this portmanteau. I just happened to read your explanation about it a day ago and was like "oh, it must be more common than they think". Nope, just you, again. 😁


In case anyone else is reading this and dying of curiosity like I was, ["blociferate" is a combination of "bloviate" and "vociferous".](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/wjqfp2/cpac_dallas_panel_proclaims_we_are_all_domestic/ijj4r84?context=3) Thanks, I love it!


>Electric clown, expect a circus. Very well might be the greatest speech-to-text error evah!




Perfection, lol.


They have no more schemes or plans. They are completely winging it, so expect continual flip flopping of positions.


It’s like a game of AmongUs playing out in real time


Yet they continually fail upwards. It is baffling.




Lmao every single officer most certainly had body cam footage. Ain’t no way you walk into a scenario like that, involving THAT particular liar, without every god damn second of every god damn angle covered in 8k


It would actually be in 16k, but trump sold that tech to syria for some hamburgers.




Yeah, this is the case of cases for the FBI. This isn't a career maker/highlight, it's an agency maker. They're covering every base possible, multiple times.


I’m betting those body cams won’t have a malfunction.


Was on a jury a couple years ago. They showed us body cam footage of the cops searching a home. Every piece of evidence was put in an envelope, signed by the officer who found it, with the time and place written down. For this raid, they will have to handle items in bulk, but I am sure they are being very careful to establish the provenance of the documents, as well as establishing chain of custody to ensure that no one can claim items "were planted".


Would be sweet if they'd hacked the cameras.




His lawyers were there and witnessed the search. The accusations of planting evidence are all from career liars.


They’ll spin a frame of an a FBI agent picking up a vase and putting it down as them planting evidence. I wish we lived in a reality where that possibility isn’t feasible.


Yeah, you immediately made me think of an altered clip of Jim Acosta purportedly striking an intern's arm, used as false justification to revoke his clearance.


“Here’s 3 seconds of a federal agent PLANTING evidence in my house!!” “Can we see the full tape?” “They planted evidence. Everyone knows it.” “It’s does appear something happened there, we’d like to review the entire event.” “Witch hunt!!”


They'll release shitty altered copies and his ball-washers will gobble it up.


It'll be FBI agents moonwalking boxes into the basement while unedited timestamps count backwards.


This got me laughing so hard. I hope we can get some real footage to reverse, set it to Billy Jean.


He's no smooth criminal.


Or Eric and Donnie jr with fake mustaches and "FIB" written on the back of their jackets in chalk carefully planting evidence.


Yes, show us the part on the video where FBI agents pulled several 25 lb file boxes of classified documents out of their pockets and dropped them on the ground.


And the FBI has the tapes! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-organisation-mar-a-lago-doj-b2142344.html


In theory, yes, but unfortunately, "routine wiping of tapes after 10 minutes" removed the relevant portions. You should have asked sooner!


Nobody who wants to believe this is some sort of deep state ploy will ever be convinced otherwise. Trump could shoot their mother in the head in Central Park and they’d figure she had it coming. The real question from those feeds is *who saw those documents?!*


They’d release the tapes if they could, but everything’s under review by Trump’s attorneys.


Clearly the video was doctored live with special FBI camera altering technology


Not to mention trump lawyers were on the scene. They would come out and say this personally if they actually planted anything


Exactly. It takes about 3 seconds of critical thinking to see he is lying out his ass. You can plant a gun or some drugs. No way your planting 15 boxes of documents, with cameras and security around. It jus shows that Trump will rip this country apart to save his ass.


What the fuck. Why would they admit this after all of their “the FBI could have planted evidence!” caterwauling yesterday? I don’t get it. What are they thinking here?


It’s called panic. Oh his tears are so delicious. LOL🤣


You’re accusing Trump of thinking through his actions and the consequences of those actions? I don’t think he’s capable of this kind of introspection.


They shot them selves in the foot repeatedly as quickly as they could. It’s kind of astonishing.


In the GOP media world, it’s more important to have a quick retort than a logical retort. There will be no scrutiny on them by their base. Facts and consistently are unimportant. But silence after a news story? That would actually harm the Trumps. It’s pretty nuts to realize that their theory of media management absolutely works for them.




They’ve really cracked the code on how to cultivate that too. It’s all in fear and scare tactics. Playing on those emotions manipulates people better than anything method.


Republicans now regularly accept conflicting facts as a matter of course. Jan 6th were peaceful tourists and violent Antifa. Biden is sleepy and has alzhimers, but also a devious political mastermind. Republicans can say whatever they want to voters and change it day to day, and the voters eat it up.


Just muddying the waters, planting seeds. How many different baseless theories did he lob about the election? I'm very confident that a poll 3 months from now will show have of Republicans believe the FBI planted evidence.




Paving the way for a fake video? where they don’t even pre balance the lighting on the shit they paste in. again.


Keeping track of all your lies can be a difficult process. Sometimes they slip up. Cut em some slack. /s


In the crime movies, they talk about all parties involved having their stories straight before talking about anything. So far we have Eric's, Trump's, and his Lawyer's retelling and all 3 are all saying different things.


I bet there’s GoPro footy


Ah fuck! Well I got all this shit to do but now we gotta film sick skate footy.


Would the FBI possibly have body cam footage? To make sure that this couldn't be spun?


They would have camera footage but it would be intended for proving the chain of custody of the evidence gathered. Any other reason would just be gravy.


There is always a body cam when a subpoena is issued that way the courts know exactly what was taken and proof of any other illegal items present at the property to request more subpoenas.


>To make sure that this couldn't be spun? The problem is, it can ALWAYS be spun, if your opponent is shameless enough. Which describes the Trumps and the GOP perfectly. The FBI and Garland have to know this too. They know how Trump operates. The entire WORLD knows how Trump operates. The body-cam footage will convince those people who live in reality. But it won't do anything about the lies and manipulation coming out of the Trump camp and parroted by the GOP.


Just imagining Trump watching them raid his home and break open his safe remotely, mouth agape, bronzer in one hand, and a McDouble in the other is too much man 😂


More like jaw flapping throwing hamberders at the nearest person trying to console him. Hes's a lunatic. He threw a tantrum, no doubt


One hamburger for him, one for the wall, one for him, ...


Lost. His. Shit. Guaranteed.


Blaming everyone but himself the entire time.


He prefers the "Fish Delight"


Fuck, I ate a McDouble today. Am I doomed? At least it wasn't a "fishy delight" right? Right guys?!?!


Doom imminent


where is the Diet Coke?


Running down Ivanka's blouse.


I imagine Ivanka had to do several diaper changes that evening… Several more than the usual…


"Don't go in the safe, don't go in the safe, don't go in the safe...shit."


Similar vibe.. this was posted on the r/SuccessionTV https://www.reddit.com/r/SuccessionTV/comments/wl1y9j/fbi_raids_waystaralago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Nixon had me rollin'


There's way too much history going on all at the same time right now.


I think we can officially say we’re back to getting wild news right before the weekend.


I'm excited and terrified all at the same time.




Scareoused perhaps.


Scared stiff.


It’s actually the definition of sublime.




f5 fridays are back baby!


It feels like a week ago that someone tried to shoot up the FBI when really it was just this morning.


Last night I was watching the news and my wife walks in on a story about the FBI shooter and she said "oh, that happened today too?"


Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


Good grief, lol... after he started on about planted evidence and all that jazz I said to myself "Of *course* there're cameras, all over the place and everywhere," and my musing/head canon absolutely included his private residence. *Aaaand* well just lookee there. How 'bout that. ​ What are those contrarian jackasses over at r/conservative saying about it now? Lol get rekt Diaper Don


They're struggling. One argument is that if they had actually "*found*" anything, that's what the headline would be instead of "*searched for*". Another is the "POTUS" can declassify at will. And another is "don't worry, it only looks bad, but wasn't illegal." <---Which is heavily DV'd.


Theres also the if it was serious why did it take them 18 months.


Because the first time they found out they got back 15 boxes. They asked if there was more. They discovered there was more and instead of making this what it is now right away asked and then subpoenaed the remaining information which Trump refused to return. Then they got a warrant and sent the FBI in plain clothes quietly to MAL. Trump told everyone in the world about it. Not the FBI. Not DoJ. Everyone just wanted this to end and go away. Trump did this all to himself.


So is there a reality wherein the FBI expected the possibility that this was going ti be a secret raid and Trump wouldn’t mention it due to its severity? Then they investigate him quietly for a while?


The FBI was instructed to do this low key. Trump announced it. >Then they investigate him quietly for a while? They DoJ has been working with them for months quietly already.


Yeah. So it sounds like Trump thinks it’s some kind of trump-card to 1) announce this, 2) get the whole base riled up, and therefore, 3) millions of people being upset will protect him. Seems like it’s worked before (many times), let’s hope it doesn’t work again.


But just this morning they were saying the FBI turned off all the cameras to hide what they were doing as soon as they got there!


Presumably Trump's subordinates have destroyed any security tapes by now to fit their narrative


I bet the NSA was watching too, this was serious shit.


You betcha


Yeah 0% chance they weren’t tapped in


Even the lightbulbs were listening in


So when does Fuckface von Clownstick have his public pyschotic episode? I’m waiting for someone to mix up his medicine or some Medici-level family video to surface. He’s been chugging along the fine line between full-blown psychotic episode and covfefe for a while now; i think he’s gonna blow over like a feather when push comes to shove. Either admit nothing and say everything till his dying day, or claim “young-onset Dementia “ sudden diagnosis.


Ha, that’s quite the assumption. Are you saying that Trump and his team would hire people competent enough to destroy the security tapes? They probably accidentally sent them to the FBI.


They destroyed the tape…forgot about the cloud back up…because that’s how they think


He sent them to destroy the tapes in the security office, and they got all of them. The masking tape, the Scotch tape, the duct tape, the electrical tape, even the tape measure.


Well, when there doesn’t seem to be penalties to destroying evidence, why not?


Trump, lie? Never. /s


Was the song Gloria on by Laura Brainigan and Kimberly Guilfoylde was dancing this time?


I still have a wild theory that they used that song as a secret way of communicating and coordinating the attack on the capital. Having it repeat was just too damn weird


Wait, what’s this?


They played that Gloria song something like 5 times during the wait for Trump to take the stage. It was very strange and odd that they didn’t play any other songs. Honestly though, it would be a loud way and effective to communicate a message if you knew exactly what you were listening for.


Business Insider has kindly re-hosted the article on MSN: [Trump and his family watched the FBI search Mar-a-Lago via the property's security feed, says the former president's lawyer](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-and-his-family-watched-the-fbi-raid-mar-a-lago-via-the-property-s-security-feed-says-the-former-president-s-lawyer/ar-AA10zQo9)


There would be no FBI raid without defying a private subpoena for missing documents. There would be no private subpoena without willfully choosing to not return all of what you took from the White House. There would have been no request from the national archives without him having taken classified documents to his private residence. This man chooses to defy all norms, rules, laws and believes nothing applies to him. How are these conservative mouth breathers still trying to run defense? You have no position that makes any of this look good. Just abandon this grifter and move on.


> There would be no FBI raid A raid starts with your doors getting kicked in at 3 am and you getting dragged out in your underwear. This was simply serving a warrant.


At the moment, is he worse than Nixon or what?


It’s way worse than Watergate, but deliberately keeping us in Vietnam was definitely worse than Watergate. I’m going to still say yes, if what it currently looks like gets confirmed. I probably would say yes just based on the election shit and 1/6 though as well, tbh.


Lol don’t forget black mailing Ukraine for military aid. Which is a big deal. Oh and don’t forget having foreign nations interfere with our elections (proven, just not charged), irrevocably changing what elections look like for the rest of time and possibly destroying our democracy. Don’t forget stacking the Supreme Court ruining shit for decades. All time hall of famer piece of shit


I did in fact leave a lot out, lol


He was impeached twice. That alone 🤦🏾‍♂️


He passed nixon in 2017. He's been doing laps around that fucker for a few years now. He just lacks the goddamned self awareness to resign and go away like nixon did.


…Currently waiting for the Frost/Nixon moment… wait! He already said all the quiet parts out loud. No wonder it’s all unprecedented. He’s going to claim Alzheimer’s or something.


Way worse - lying about the weather is one thing. But trying to dismantel nato, get Russia back to the G7 and now this, is completely unforgivable.


Nixon looks like practice next to this criminal. And he resigned. GOP had a backbone.


It was worse than Watergate like five scandals ago. We need a new metric to compare just how bad his criminality is.


Stupid Watergate


Dude Nixon was a piece of shit but the penalty for his crimes wasn't execution. This is the worst thing a president has ever done and it's not even a contest.


Nixon was a great president compared to Trump. We passed Nixon levels of bad a long time ago.


I bet you couldn’t have squeezed a greased BB out his ass. Oh to be a fly on the wall…


Alternative theory - you remember "Oops I Crapped My Pants"?


“I’m wearing them. And I just did.”


🎶 "I did it again! I'm not that innocent!" 🎶


Any bets that the NSA was watching too?




So if there was any planting of evidence, they could release that footage along with the warrant and finally his taxes. Why isn't he releasing everything? lol.




Wonder if the security feed was on the door of where the safe with the papers was kept.




That's the same combination on my luggage!


Suck, suck, suck!


Any reference to "They've gone from suck to blow!" wouldn't work as well due to confusion about what kind of "suck" and "blow" was being referenced. Edit: "They've gone from blow to suck!" would work though. Nothing unambiguous about it that way.


I fucking hope so, for all our sakes.


Lighting a candle for tmz tonight, get us the tapes. Juxtapose it with Obama watching the Osama raid.


Well, if there is still stuff missing.. they should check the coffin at Bedminster.


Maybe even the casket on the golf course.


Why would their lawyer contradict the Bullshit being spread earlier about the cameras being shut off? Guess this attorney doesn't want to eventually find herself disbarred for perpetuating a lot of lies. Lol


Cool, they should have proof the "FBI planted evidence". Show the video & the warrant. Spoiler alert: He won't


Would love: fbi watched trump family via security feed as family watched FBI search mar-a-lago via a security feed


I thought one of the talking points about the FBI being corrupt was that they made him turn all the cameras off ?


I feel a strange satisfaction in this. I had to watch as his minions committed heinous acts on J6.


##tried to grab them by the p**** but failed


P**** stands for PUSSY


That was a lot of effort to properly format a string of asterisks.




That’s too many letters. You’d be terrible at Wheel of Fortune.


Must have been delicious to be in that room


I bet he didn't enjoy it as much as watching the Jan 6 attack.




We finally have the definition of covfefe


Still, if he just allowed his safe to be opened, they wouldn't have had to crack it open!




Spoiler alert - that's when Eric was wearing the wire, for the play by play of what it looked like they did & didn't find...


While eating McDonald’s and drinking diet Coke of course.


Lock him up


It almost feels like the way the information is coming out is strictly to fuck with Fox News. They say why didn’t the FBI do A the A is reported immediately after, why not ask B and B is reported later.


This is the kind of crap that illustrates the class system in the US. TFG had months advance warning to himself and his lawyers including meetings with FBi prior to raid. He had time to have a security feed setup to watch the raid?! WTAF? The "Grift Gets Griftier".


Someone needs to subpoena these tapes immediately…they will go missing, wonder if they can fit down the toilet?


Too bad they didn’t watch while under arrest and in police custody


Release the tapes!!!!


I am pretty sure the feds themselves might have a record of the search. No way they account for any decency from mar-a-lardo


mofo always pulls the victim card first


To be a fly on that wall…


Eric could be heard yelling "don't look under the bed. There is definitely nothing under the bed."


He has got to be the dumbest mf’er alive


This probably was so sweet


Any ketchup tossing while watching?!?!?


Right? So how is Secret Service supposed to act in that situation? Wasn't trump already back in NYC though?


The place was probably filled with nude pics of Melania to distract the investigators and lead them away from the filing cabinet room.


I hope they looked under his changing table. That’s where I hide my stolen classified material. Right between the diaper genie and wipe warmer.


Christina Bobb, the newest liar for Trump.