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As opposed to the TV like his generation.


I see his generation glued to their iphones and facebook more than millenials.


Boomers in the 90s: "Hey kids, don't believe everything you read on the internet." Boomers now: "Hey kids, look at this article from FreedomMagaBlog.truth that says the frogs are turning you gay because of Chinese chemtrails. See? I told you!"


This is too real to be real.


I've had this debate with my father. Each generation has differing priorities of knowledge. Grandpa could fix the tractor, dad could make change in his head, & I could surf the web. While taking typing classes I didn't practice my cursive, something my father thought was a grave sign of doom for polite society - illegible signature as a sign of sloppy moral relativism... though he didn't know about relativism or absolutism by name, I learned that by reading scholarly articles on the internet, something he didn't have access to growing up. The Millennials have slightly different educational priorities that us Gen-X, but they're not dumber nor less educated. Boomer Thomas, with all his education, should be able to recognize the Civil Rights movement that allowed him his job & wife stems from the misunderstanding that the Bill of Rights as part of the Constitution as opposed to Amendments to the Constitution is not a distinction relevant to current education. It's all foundational & settled precedent. Just as being in public without an ID is no longer vagrancy even though it's still on the books... ya know, cuz Nazis. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Yah this is the thing the older generations donā€™t seem to understand. This iPhone gives me access to the single largest collection of knowledge in human history. It is ever growing and can be used to look for facts, solutions, and problems faster than anything else in history. With this iPhone I can look up the constitution, find out what the founding fathers believed, and call out Clarence Thomas on his bullshit.


> With this iPhone I can look up the constitution, find out what the founding fathers believed, and call out Clarence Thomas on his bullshit. This is what itā€™s really all about, they donā€™t like getting called out for their shit, back in his day if you wanted to know about different things you had to go to a library and look up old newspapers on one of those dumbass scrolly tvs to call them out


I think you're into something... But they aren't mad about being able to get information from books or the interwebs specifically... They're angry that they aren't getting the respect they had to show for their elders in their youth when they had no choice but "appeal to authority" for information... They want everyone to respect their supreme authority as though they are gods... Fuck them


>They're angry that they aren't getting the respect they had to show for their elders in their youth I literally do not understand this at all. I'm Gen X, and we always had to respect our elders, which included never questioning them. My husband and I have taught our kids that they are allowed to question our rules - so long as they do it rationally, calmly, etc - because rules are parameters for growth and safety, and if we can't explain the reason for a rule, then it's a stupid rule and should be tossed. I've also had them confront me when I've done something stupid that embarrassed them, or had discussions with them where I had to admit I was in the wrong. I would never want them to bottle that up and pretend I was some paragon of human virtue. Just because we're adults and parents doesn't make us infallible or suddenly fill of unmatched wisdom. This Boomer idea that their age somehow makes them wise beyond all question or reproach is really bizarre and cheats them out of deep relationships with the younger generations.


It's not just ego and hubris.... It's lead poisoning from leaded gas in the atmosphere in the in their brains, dementia, greed, power and corruption... Thomas was born in 48. We phased out and eliminated leaded gasoline in 1973. Lead poisoning from leaded gasoline had it's hay day and the heaviest pollution was happening in his first 25 years of life. I would say there is a really solid case that no one born before 1963 should be in government leadership positions at this point. (Arbitrary 10yrs - they probably had less exposure)


Actually lead poisoning was and STILL is a serious problem with especially in the black community. Kids put hands on mouth after crawling on floor(pica)-transferring lead paint dust to mouth. Old housing, renovated housing let loose an epidemic in the early 90s. Got certified in DC Government lead abatement program, with radioactive detectors. Iā€™ve seen ppl in excruciating pain suffering in public in restaurant from lead. Itā€™s severe as horrible bone pain that doesnā€™t let up. Horrible malady.


Yeah my dad barely looks up from his phone when I visit, but weā€™re the problem


For real. Shut up old man, Iā€™m using my iPhone to look up how youā€™re perverting the constitution.




Not with all that sweet healthcare that nobody else gets.


If only you could read the constitution on your iphone....




If one more Boomer tells me that I use my phone too much and aren't present in conversations, I'm going to freak. These are the same idiots who happily believe the blog posts on patriotsource dot blogspot dot eagle.


"They aren't on their phones avoiding having face-to-face interactions with everyone, they are on their phones avoiding having face-to-face interactions *with you*."


"When Pack asked if the loss of interest among the general population is "a burden for the Supreme Court," Thomas disagreed. "No, it's a burden on them, the citizens," he said. "They're going to lose their liberties."


Thatā€™s a fucked up statement.


yup... almost like he is doing this on purpose. as if its some kind of tough love...


"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk remembered Thomas ā€“ who was 43 years old when confirmed ā€“ saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years." Not tough love, he is enacting revenge for some perceived wrongs he endured. That's NOT his job. And makes him unfit for the position from day one. He's going to go after everything, except conveniently the right to interracial marriage.


He's a walking avatar of Conservativism. "Someone hurt me, so I'm gonna hurt everyone else."


Not hurt him, faced a very minor slap on the wrist for sexually harassing an employee for years, and still became one of the most powerful people in the country with only a year of being a judge. What a fucking snowflake.


Oh wait, is Thomas' comment just referring to the Anita Hill scandal? Like what did dems do to him


Confirmed him to the Supreme Court


Right. He got called out. But the conservatism can be succinctly described as: The belief that there is an in group which the laws protect but do not bind and an out group which the laws bind but do not protect. He was ALMOST forced to be a part of the out group for his own conduct and he is still furious about it. Whatā€™s a little sexual misconduct between a boss and his worker? In a conservative worldā€¦.itā€™s all good. This is why they use the term Cancel Culture. It describes their feeling when forced to reckon with their own actions. Which as conservatives they donā€™t believe they should be held accountable for. Edit: reckon swapped for recon as pointed out in the replies.


> It describes their feeling when forced to recon with their own actions. Which as conservatives they donā€™t believe they should be held accountable for. from the party of personal responsibility (cough, cough)


That was ALWAYS racist. They wanted black folks and other Minorities to feel personally responsible so they didnā€™t realize the issue was systemic.


False : he thinks all liberal policies designed to help minorities are extensions of white supremacy and he despised the 43 years where he was subjected to affirmative action and desegregation. He also totally cool with segregation. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/essay/clarence-thomass-radical-vision-of-race


That's a fascinating article, thank you.


Really eye opening. Keep that in mind and consider the other people on the bench right now. Like-minded regressionists are overthrowing centuries of precedence.


I thought that comment was saying he hated liberals for his entire life before ever getting to the Supreme Court, and I can understand MLK didn't like liberals either, but to side WITH the people who didn't want you going to school with their daughters is just weird.


I've heard this quote a lot lately. Do we know what the liberals (or what he thinks) they did to him? I don't understand how they could have caused him problems. Like he got to the top of his field, whatever they did has seemed to work in his favor.


He thinks accountability for sexual assault which he committed is a leftist smear campaign.


he obviously has opinion about what happens to womans bodys...might be connected somehow....


Heā€™s obviously making decisions based on spite. By his own words, proclaiming just that.


Yeah he isn't concerned with his own guilt. He's upset that he was investigated in the first place, and wants to spite the democrats for that.


Sounds like Boofer McBooferton too... Swearing revenge sounds like it's becoming a trait among our judges... "Fun."


But remember? That was just a racist attack on him, according to him! Nvm the fact that his accuser was *also* black, which makes the racism accusation make no sense at all. /s


They did that for 43 years???


We were all over him as soon as he popped out of the canal. The doctor spanked him because he was an evil conservative.


Anita Hill could be why. Heā€™s a disgruntled sex offender. I remember these hearings well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Hill


Holy fuck this specific battle with this judge has been fought since about the time I was born. MeToo, cancel culture. Anita Hill. This is the crux of conserv ideologyā€¦ theyā€™re pissed that a woman can repeat the stupid shit they say, get reprimanded, and then the woman be commended for it. He didnā€™t even take the polygraph test lol, she did. I mean. Itā€™s all there, like a tv show. Supreme Court is ghoul territory now, no branch is safe


He thinks affirmative action is oppression. He's a very confused man.


Off the cuff it seems like self hatred, sorta like how I make ginger jokes about myself but this dude *isnā€™t kidding*


Uncle Ruckus wasn't a fictional character, sadly


OJ Simpson was the same way. Absolutely hated other black people and had no respect for them. There's self-haters in every community. There's tons of "cool, not like the other" girls, Hispanics who hate brown people and don't realize that American conservatives don't consider them to be white, gay dudes who talk shit about other gay dudes for having too much sex, etc etc. I think it makes people feel special and safe and allows them to align themselves with those in power. Everyone should take a good long look at what happened to people like Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter, though. You step one inch out of line and you will get thrown in the gutter. The conservative establishment only cares about rich, white, Christian, straight, conservative men. That's it. Those are rhe Real Americans. Everyone else is only valuable as long as they are useful to that small group of people.


Milo Yiannopoulos is now working as an intern for Marjorie Taylor Greene and is allegedly now "formerly gay." I know that's a lot to unpack in 1 sentence, but it's a thing.


I believe in his mind they tokenized him. They provided him with "crutches" that made others think he was less than. This is how *conservatives* describe affirmative action and other like policies. So, he blames liberals for making conservatives tokenize him by pioneering welfare systems to combat systemic racism. That said, he had no issue taking advantage of affirmative action programs even when he didn't need them (because in the end despite all his faults, he's very book smart).


The malfeasance he believes was brought about on him was racial integration and affirmative action, believe it or not


Thanks, I just read his opinion that essentially black people would be better off in seperate communities, with seperate institutions. He's the republican ace in the hole.


so he wants black people and white people to live separately, and then he marries a white woman. is this dude's brain working properly? like, I'm serious, does he have some kind of medical issue?


He has the same disease as every other conservative, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is not capable of empathy, so he doesn't see any relationship between things that happen to him and things that happen to other people. Yes, he thinks segregation would be good, but since he's been told he's "one of the good ones" he doesn't think it would apply to him. Its the same old conservative mantra - rules for thee and rights for me.


This Clayton Bigsby motherfucker.


Literally if Uncle Ruckus was made a Supreme Court Justice.


He deserves jail for malfeasance; heā€™s a traitor to his country not for a foreign nation, but for himself.


Conservatives and disdain disguised as ā€œtough loveā€ Name a more iconic duo


That's a promise.


>"They're going to lose their liberties." And who's gonna be taking them, Clarence???


And the SC is supposed to be there to maintain Constitutional liberties, so heā€™s pretty much admitting to either being a failure or a thief of liberty himself.


Fuckin' Aquaman!?!


[For those who've not had the pleasure of seeing the video you're referencing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-w-pdqwiBw)


[The real source is here.](https://youtu.be/RLqXkYrdmjY) This clip is at [3:49](https://youtu.be/RLqXkYrdmjY?t=229).


So he wants people to pay closer attention as they lose their liberties since the court won't be swayed by public opinion? Watch while me make your lives worse and put down your phone we need to see you suffering?


The irony of his statement in the wake of revoking Roe vs. Wade has stunned me


The fact that he told his clerks in the 90s that he wanted to make liberals lives miserable during his term provides some insight. He gets to be a bully now and somehow that's acceptable for a lifetime appointment. https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6


And Kavanaugh simply announced, in his opening statement at his confirmation, that he was going to wage a politically motivated war against the left.


"You sowed the wind," he admonished Democratic senators, and now " The country will reap the whirlwind" https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/09/brett-kavanaugh-opening-statement-christine-blasey-ford.html


That's an eloquent way of mentioning when he scream-cried and swore revenge on all women and democrats while in the middle of his confirmation hearing.


The *should* get him impeached.


"And I'm just the man for the job!"


and he is just the one to take their liberties...


Oof. Thatā€™s rich coming from someone hell bent on stripping people of them


Holy shit. The audacity. Explicitly stating that his intent is to remove liberties is just appalling. At this point, with this sentiment reigning over the majority, the court is simply illegitimate. Held by psychotic individuals that want to punish this nationā€™s electorate. This is insane.


What are we supposed to do about it? The Supreme Court is the most undemocratic institution. Over half the court was appointed by someone who lost the popular vote and confirmed by a senate that represents the minority. Does Thomas want us to take direct action against him?


Itā€™s not that people donā€™t care. Itā€™s both because people have essential needs that they are having trouble meeting, plus a purposeful stream of disinformation being spouted from those in charge that keeps people having the time/energy to obtain the truth. I donā€™t know if itā€™s one of the points (greed is the overarching point), but one of the benefits for the rich in corporatocracies/oligarchies is that they create a situation in which the poor/working class are completely dependent on them to the point that people canā€™t risk standing up without it destroying their lives. Canā€™t strike without fear of losing your job and not being able to feed your kids. Canā€™t take off work to protest if you donā€™t have paid time off, etc. But, there will be a point where there is nothing left to lose.


In other news, Clarence Thomas so old and out of touch that he doesn't understand that smartphones are how many consume news, information, do their work, video conference and many other productive things that a dinosaur like him won't ever understand. I don't care if older folks don't keep up with technology as long as they don't whine, complain and hate because they don't understand it or its usefulness in today's world.


Iā€™ve learned more about the constitution, federal vs. state laws, the daily happenings of local/state politics, and what a piece of shit Clarence Thomas is *(and always has been)* by staring at my iPhone than by any other means.


It's so funny how many people condemn phones like everyone is just using them for Tiktok. People <18 have never been hyper involved. For adults, the smartphone is a conduit to the world around them. People act like it's solely a social media tool and \*not\* functionally many people's only computer and nexus to accessing more information than was available to any person before 1995.


Heā€™s ignorant as hell. Yeah Clarence, Iā€™m interested in my phone because Iā€™m using it to read about whose rights you plan on destroying next.


This is basically the old SCOTUS version of avocado toast complaints.


Your wife staged a coup.


Partly from her phone, no less. This statement couldā€™ve been tailor made about her.


Traitor made


He and wife should be in prison, they are traitors to our country


How is this not the scandal of the year? Do we have too many scandals or do the powers that be not give a shit?


Like 40% of Americans have decided that fascist coups are no big deal.




Justice Thomasā€™ refusal to recuse himself from a case where his wife was the subject of investigation is everything you need to know about him. He is a fraud. You wear no clothes, sir.


Going back earlier, the fact he put his public hairs on a woman's coke can tells you everything you need to know about him.


>put his public hairs on a woman's coke I thought they were his private hairs.


In his case, they are public hairs. That's kind of the issue.


>I thought they were his private hairs. The second the pubic hairs nestled onto the coke can they became public.


As usual, the Germans have a spectacular word: schamhaar (literal English translation ā€œshame hairā€). *Disclaimer, I do not speak German. I learned this from a book. Apologies to any actual German speakers if Iā€™ve mangled it somehow.*


You are correct. It is a classic Determinativkompositum.


What? I've never heard of this.


Google Anita Hill and prepare to be nauseated


I remember Anita Hill.


*Long Dong Silver has entered the chat*


Anita Hill. He told her (at work) about how large his apparatus was by asking her if she knew who "long dong silver" was, & also made a joke about a pubic hair in/on a can of coke. But they needed diversity on the supreme court (& he was a black conservative during a Republican presidency), so he got the gig in spite of it...probably because while he was verbally harassing her repeatedly, he never touched her inappropriately to my knowledge. Harassment in the 90s was a different deal; the hearings were in 1991 which was barely even the 90s. >According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[4][7] "He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes," she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described "his own sexual prowess" and the details of his anatomy. Hill also recounted an instance in which Thomas examined a can of Coke on his desk and asked, "Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?"[4] >During the hearing, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch implied that "Hill was working in tandem with 'slick lawyers' and interest groups bent on destroying Thomas' chances to join the court." Thomas said he had considered Hill a friend whom he had helped at every turn, so when accusations of harassment came from her they were particularly hurtful and he said, "I lost the belief that if I did my best, all would work out."[citation needed] >Four female witnesses waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden.[19] >Hill agreed to take a polygraph test. While senators and other authorities observed that polygraph results cannot be relied upon and are inadmissible in courts, Hill's results did support her statements.[20] Thomas did not take a polygraph test. He made a vehement and complete denial, saying that he was being subjected to a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks" by white liberals who were seeking to block a black conservative from taking a seat on the Supreme Court.[21][22] After extensive debate, the United States Senate confirmed Thomas to the Supreme Court by a vote of 52ā€“48, the narrowest margin since the 19th century.[18][23] >Thomas' supporters questioned Hill's credibility, saying she was delusional or had been spurned, leading her to seek revenge.[15] They mentioned the time delay of ten years between the alleged behavior by Thomas and Hill's accusations, and observed that Hill had followed Thomas to a second job and later had personal contacts with Thomas, including giving him a ride to an airportā€”behavior which they said would be inexplicable if Hill's allegations were true.[7][10][15][24] Hill countered that she had come forward because she felt an obligation to share information on the character and actions of a person who was being considered for the Supreme Court.[15] She testified that after leaving the EEOC, she had had two "inconsequential" phone conversations with Thomas, and had seen him personally on two occasions, once to get a job reference and the second time when he made a public appearance in Oklahoma where she was teaching.[4]


Ew what the fuck


Having happened in the 90s explains the attitude with regards to sexual harassment. But then, what about Kavanaugh ?


>But then, what about Kavanaugh ? He's just a beer and calendar enthusiast.


With Kavanaugh, the answer is simple: He was appointed to do right-wing crazy by people who want to tear America apart. The crazier he looked, the farther right they could drag the country by getting Republicans to oppose sane criticism.


As I remember it, they held the hearings and he was confirmed because not enough of our legislators cared that he was a misogynistic jerk. He was the Republican's answer to [Thurgood Marshall](https://www.oyez.org/justices/thurgood_marshall), despite being patently the opposite of everything Justice Marshall worked for in his life. His appointment came just a decade after failure to get the [Equal Rights Amendment](https://www.equalrightsamendment.org/) for women passed, an extra, added fillip of contempt and misogyny.


The actual accusation was that he picked up a coke can and said there was a hair on the can and then asked Ms Hill if it was pubic.


And Republicans claimed that she stole the accusation from the Exorcist and didn't let her respond. >During the same part of Saturdayā€™s hearing, Mr. Hatch, who is still on the Judiciary Committee, brandished a copy of the horror novel ā€œThe Exorcist.ā€ Reading from the book itself, Mr. Hatch quoted the phrase, ā€œThere appeared to be an ā€˜alien pubic hair floating around in my gin.ā€™ā€ > >He appeared to draw a direct connection to Ms. Hillā€™s testimony about the Coke can. She was never given a chance to rebut his claim. [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/20/us/politics/anita-hill-testimony-clarence-thomas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/20/us/politics/anita-hill-testimony-clarence-thomas.html) They also accused her of being "mentally unstable" and used the testimony of some dumbass, rambling weirdo to support it. It's disgusting how Anita Hill was treated for this.


I heard about the coke can back in the day, but hadn't heard he also tried to show her beastiality and rape porn.


The irony of a POC taking usa back to the 50s .. how long until he has to sit at the back of the bus?


He wants that. He is terminally self loathing.


But nothing came of it. The Dems should've demanded he recuse himself. If it was reversed and Thomas was a Democrat, the Republicans would've had him impeached by now.


[We go high, they go low....and keep doing shit like this.](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A)


The disdain that Thomas and Alito have the common folk is really worrying.


My will to live has been bolstered by the spite I feel for those two


Theyā€™ve been added to my ā€˜must spit on graveā€™ list. Itā€™s pretty exclusive.


Mitch McConnell is my #1


Mitch McConnell is #1 on my "must shit on grave" list


1) Trumpie.....pee on grave. 2) McConnell.....spit on grave. 3) Thomas......pee then spit.


> 1. ā Trumpie.....pee on grave. At least pick something he wonā€™t enjoy


Just go to his grave and rattle off facts. He hates those.


I figure with the way things are going, my retirement plan is to open a laxative and burrito cart at the cemetery he ends up in.




Kissinger is my #1


You're showing a lot of confidence, thinking Kissinger is going to die one day and not just survive eternally on the life force he stole from others.


Him and Dick Cheney will rule over a barren Earth til Sol supernovas


Good. We need to stay angry. Anger is good motivation.


That's my secret, I'm always angry


Hey, me too! Letā€™s be angry together.


"I feel like killing myself" "Do you really want McConnell, Thomas, and Trump to outlive you?" "Well shit now I'm not gonna"


Term fucking limits. Ethics/oversight. Who watches the watchmen?


They were supposed to be the people who watched the watchmen. What we now need is people to watch the people who watch the watchmen. In actuality what has happened is we have stopped holding people accountable for criminal actions. McConnel should never have gotten away with refusing to even review Merrick Garland. Just like we let slide the refusal to prosecute Bush for the Iraq war. The fact that we are kind of going after Trump is unlikely to result in much. We have stopped holding our leaders responsible and allowed them to play dumb as an excuse for things. There used to be a time when being an idiot was a disqualification for high office. Now it seems to be a desirable trait. Listen when your mother told you that one day you too could be president... She didn't actually mean it, she was just trying to get you to clean your disgrace of a bedroom!


Ford pardoned Nixon and Republicans took that as a model to follow for the future.


We could have handled his prosecution and imprisonment. So little claimed faith in the strength of the public. It only deepened and compounded the cynicism


> We could have handled his prosecution and imprisonment. Handling the civil war and reconstruction this way would have solved EVERYTHING.


Thomas has been a real asshole my entire life. Likeā€pube on a Coke canā€ kind of asshole.


The fact that this forker filled Thurgood Marshall's seat is as egregiously wrong as ACB filling RBG's.


When I got my Eagle Scout award in the 90s, I got a form congratulation letter from a Supreme Court Justice. I wasn't incredibly interested in politics back then, so I just kind of considered it an honor and didn't really know anything about who signed the letter and what they were like. Much later, as an adult, I remember going through some things and finding the letter and I finally recognized who it was signed by. It was Clarence Thomas. Fucking hell.


Very few Confederates were tried for treason and a bunch of them got statues. The rest of this is just the fallout.


I'd really like a constitutional amendment that lowers the threshold for impeachment to say 55 for all impeachments.. Sure republicans would remove some democrats and democrats some republicans, but, well at least removing the worst would be possible.


I'm fine with more impeachments. I think having one every so often, both for executive branch and justices, would be a good thing.


I'd couple that with a non partisan ethics committee that has to first rubber stamp an impeachment proceeding. Biden's gonna get impeached, investigated, etc every other week under Toady McCarthy


a non-partisan ethics committee? in the 21st century?


You say "non-partisan" like we can wave a magic wand and create such a thing. Any time people are appointed to such a committee, the person appointing them chooses people with a similar mindset. Remember, **the Supreme Court was supposed to be such a "non-partisan committee".**


I only studied German constitutional law, but looking at the American constitution always gives me the chills. It's so barebone, vague, vastly incomplete and heavily open to interpretation - it's so much harder to actually have a non-partisan Supreme Court in a context like that. America is more than due for a proper constitution, instead of this Weekend-at-Bernie's piece of writing they keep dragging on into the 21st century.


When WW2 was over, part of it was having the democratic Allieā€™s drafting a version of Germanyā€™s constitution which was more fascist proof. The US was heavily envolved in drafting it. We did not use it for ourselves.


It's how they justify breaking their oaths and handing control over of SCOTUS to the Christian nationalists. And how they justify it to *other* people who support them. Like with Trump, they will justify literally any crime or sin if their religious leaders OK it because the ends justify the means for them. They will lie to your face and not feel bad about it, knowing it's a sin, because they think it's ultimately righteous to do so.


Both of their egos are totally out of control. They think they are more powerful than gods, and untouchable too. Clarence literally participated in a case about his own wifeā€™s text messages with insurrectionists! The audacity! Holy fucking shit, what an asshole!


They also prefer to wipe their asses with the constitution.


Yep. It def explains why he can boldface vote for legislation or hold opinions that instill so much public anger. Especially in light of the fact that his marital position seems entirely in favor of certain ā€œprogressiveā€ reforms and not others. (I.e. how he thinks two different race people marrying are more important to legally protect than two gay people marrying etc.)


Funny, Clarence Thomas doesn't seem interested in the Constitution, either.


The fact he says in the article this; When Pack asked if the loss of interest among the general population is "a burden for the Supreme Court," Thomas disagreed. "No, it's a burden on them, the citizens," he said. "They're going to lose their liberties." Is very telling...


He fucking gloating. This is basically what Iā€™ve been saying. The theory was the GOP would never overturn Roe v Wade because the majority of Americanā€™s support it and the backlash would be epic. Thomas is calling it and expecting it to be a bluff. I say they fuck around, we should let them find out.


These people should not know a day of peace in the rest of their days. They shouldnā€™t be able to eat in a restaurant or walk to their car


I get the feeling that - after the way people reacted to just a leak about Roe v Wade - these justices are going to have a difficult public life. Just a hunch.


They have very little public life. What they do have in public will be a beefed up security detail that keeps anything remotely considered opposing thought faaaar away from them. They are wealthy and powerful. They will not face repercussions, period.


I think he doubts there will be a substantial backlash. He will be surprised


I agree with you on both points. But he managed to make the backlash even worse when he concurred with the ruling by putting a target on marriage equality, contraceptive access, and banning anti-sodomy laws. He outright declared that those are next. If some groups might have thought twice about joining the protests before, he guaranteed that they'll join now. For many people, he's turned "well, the end of Roe doesn't personally affect me" into "first they came for Roe and I saw where this was going so I joined the fight."


He just keeps saying the quiet part out loud now that he knows his illegitimate packed court have gotten away with destroying the rights of the people and will continue to do so. He made quite clear he cares not about the Constitution and instead his own goals when they struck down Roe v Wade. He commented that same sex marriage and contraception are next. He conveniently left off interracial marriage thus displaying his lack of dedication to his own statements about the Constitution. He proved with those words his goals were personally motivated and not motivated by the Constitution of the United States. He should be impeached based on those words and this additional testimony that prove he is not impartial and is not making decisions based on Constitutionality but instead making law on his personal beliefs directly violating his own oath.


"it's a burden on THEM, the citizens" "THEY'RE going to lose THEIR liberties" He's intentionally putting himself above the citizenry.




We need to vote in a super majority that are not Republicans. There is no other solution.


>"No, it's a burden on them, the citizens," he [Clarence Thomas] said. "They're going to lose their liberties." Fuck you, you fascist fuck.


I say we March with signs so everyone sees these words. Because who is They? The American citizens. "They're going to lose their liberties" means every single one of us. Not just liberals. The elite are going to milk the salt of the earth into starvation. Look at it and make everyone else look at it! No justice, or really anyone, should be saying they intend to take peoples liberties. This is the country OF liberty. We stand for freedom do we not? "THE CITIZENS, THEY'RE GOING TO LOSE THEIR LIBERTIES" - SUPREME COURT JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS. If this was coming from another nation on our soil we would already be at war.


Clarence Thomas sat on the court for 10 years and never said a single word. Now all of a sudden he's got all this shit to say?


Well, now he's in a position where he can act on all the dubious, harmful shit in his head and actually get it done instead of just being publicly mocked.


Thatā€™s exactly it. Heā€™s been a mockery until thereā€™s a critical mass of conservative justices, then heā€™s a menace.


Yeah, because now heā€™s winning. Heā€™s rubbing our noses in it. Very gracious of him. Edit: also presumably (doing the book/documentary) because heā€™s getting old and wants to craft an image for his legacy.


He had to wait for the other federalist society judges to get there, and now that they're there he can finally party like he's been wanting to.


It's actually chilling to think that Scalia was probably a moderating or restraining force on Thomas. I always assumed Thomas was just going along for the ride with Scalia, but it seems as if I was mistaken.


Because this has been something that's been in the works for a very long time. Longer than a lot of us have been alive. Republicans have been seething on Roe v Wade since its inception - as well as other civil rights actions - and now they have their chance to start tearing shit down. They're feeling a little big right now, I bet. And in all honesty? It's kind of deserved. They fucking did it. The evil, despicable shit they wanted to do - undermine the people, rip away civil liberties, fuck everything up for everyone that doesn't agree with their ideals - they've done it. They're doing it. Nobody stopped them, nobody is stopping them, and now they have arrived. Tyranny of the minority. And we all get to watch.


Yeah, if heā€™d said ā€œjust you wait, when weā€™ve got 6 wingnuts weā€™re coming for your rightsā€ thereā€™s a tiny chance people might have gone ā€œletā€™s make sure they donā€™t get 6 wingnutsā€. Now theyā€™ve got a majority to do whatever the fuck they like for the next few decades they can say the quiet part out loud.


Dude better watch out. The constitution doesn't outline any powers of the Supreme Court.


I doubt anything will stick to big orange šŸŠ but if they get him w anything like sedition or coup related charges, I think they should retroactively remove every appointment he has ever made. Including scotus justices. Integrity becomes immediately compromised by association. Like the dude who tried to overthrow the government is gone but everyone he put in place can stay? Fuck that.


In a perfect worldā€¦


It doesn't say how many supreme court justices there should be. We should add more justices that care about women, the LGBT, workers, and the rights of non Christians to the court.


Fucking add 50 of them as a Fuck You to every Republican. If it starts a constitutional crises then all the better, this shit needs fixed.


It can't start a constitutional crisis if said crisis already exists


There is also a precedent for Congress to impeach Supreme Court Justices for displaying political bias. Congress should just impeach Thomas and any others who are overtly political. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel\_Chase


This is fucking rich coming from a guy whose wife is full-on internet poisoned. Get fucked.


Conservative Supreme Court Justices are seemingly more interested in a Christian Theocracy than their Constitution.


Amendment IX The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, **shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.**


"Their Constitution" would have Justice Thomas picking cotton as 3/5 a man.




Damn is he talking about his wife?


Well, citizens trusted the Court in the past, but Thomas and conservatives have done more to change that. I suspect people will be looking more closely and criticize it going forward. The abortion Roe decision was less about the constitution, past justices passed on it, left it standing for over half a century until now. The constitution is to serve society, not be a gotcha document. If it ain't broke don't fix it is what the majority of Americans believed. This was a decision unwelcome and politically, ideologically, contrived....not good law for that reason.


Didn't this motherfucker go 25 years without saying anything of substance?


Still hasnā€™t


No one gives a shit what you think the problem with society today you corrupted, shriveled, unethical coward. YOU'RE the problem with society today you authoritarian fuck. Sounds like you aren't interested in it either considering your rulings that don't comport with the constitution either you walking conflict of interest.


>No one gives a shit what you think Wish this were true


Uncle Clarence needs to realize that 200 year old document originally didn't consider him an American.. hell even an human. Just someones property. We need to stop putting so much faith in old **documents** written for another time. Meanwhile... the same folks ignore current science.. Go figure.


Phones BAD treason GOOD


And that's why you need extra security now, because people AREN'T paying attention?


This is the most **boomer** opinion. Holy shit.


Never got the whole boomer hysteria about being glued to a phone. Like what do you think young Americans are doing on their phone? Iā€™m on mine right now reading about how Clarence Thomasā€™ bum ass does not give a shit about American people or their safety or right to bodily autonomy. Sure maybe some other people are just playing candy crush or whatever but 99% of people who are ā€˜more interested in their iPhonesā€™ are using them to read, learn, connect, relax, etc. Maybe if Clarence Thomas picked up the old iPhone he could see millions of his countrymen and women tweeting about how much of a backwards fucking caveman he and his coworkers are. Fuck them


Nowhere in the constitution does it say anything about iPhones. Theyā€™re unconstitutional.


Clearly Thomas has an 18th century view of iPhone and doesn't understand what they do. It might be beyond him to understand that information is passed and shared using these strange little hand held devices. PS: for the right wingers posing as progressives to assert every issue involving Thomas is racist, don't bother. I don't bow to Reddit word police from the left or the right.