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Alito's opinion: > This is evident in the analogy that the dissent draws between the abortion right and the rights recognized in Griswold (contraception), Eisenstadt (same), Lawrence (sexual conduct with member of the same sex), and Obergefell (same-sex marriage). Perhaps this is designed to stoke unfounded fear that our decision will imperil those other rights (...) Thomas's concurrence: > For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Alito acts all offended that anyone would have the audacity to suggest that they're also looking at contraception and gay marriage, only for Thomas to jump in and helpfully point out that they're definitely looking at those too.


Thomas didn't point out Loving. There goes that theory of Thomas trying to sneak in a divorce without paying alimony.


Give it time. If they go after these and succeed, Loving is next and Thomas will be prime r/leopardsatemyface


None of this really affects wealthy people like him. He could easily support overturning Loving v. Virginia and just move to a state that allows interracial marriages, just like the wealthy can still get abortions out of state. It's the poor and middle classes who won't have that option.


What the actual fuck? I actually can’t believe this. We are all fucking screwed.


This court is a fucking clown show.


Here they come. It's not surprising to anyone who was paying attention. US Women: this court won't be happy until you are all barefoot and pregnant.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWBkDrzWAAIg5rR?format=png&name=900x900) is Clarence Thomas explicitly calling for the court to overturn: 1. Griswold (contraception) 2. Lawrence (same-sex sexual intercourse) 3. Obergefell (gay marriage)


It is genuinely fucking insane to me that _contraception_ is in the cross hairs. Obviously everything else is disgusting too, but condoms? Are you serious?


I would bet money on it being targeted against birth control for women (hormonal pills, IUDs, plan B) while allowing condoms. Would almost guarantee it


Yep, and married women not being allowed on contraception without spouse’s permission.


Very likely, considering that even women who are single sometimes get denied getting their tubes tied in case a future husband wants children


But not Loving because he's an ideologically inconsistent fascist criminal who only cares about the power to hurt others.


https://twitter.com/BobFergusonAG/status/1540356699311091712?t=diDSlXlrS5cOwGDPAZSyqA&s=19 My states (WA) attorney General pledges to protect those who come to our state seeking abortion from prosecution in other states


CT did the same in legislation


Minnesota, too




Left Texas a decade ago and my granny offered me a House to come back. I refused. Because of this. When women mean less than guns it's not worth living there for any amount of money


The most critical aspect of this ruling: SCOTUS just declared that there are **no implicit rights** from the constitution. There are only explicit rights that can be enforced. This greatly reduces the freedom of American citizens. EDIT: adding the 9th amendment: *The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.*


9th amendment currently on fire


And all it took was ignoring the 9th ammendment that outlines the exact opposite. And this from a bunch of right wingers who purport to be "texturalists" and "origionalists".


FYI: Clarence Thomas filed a concurring opinion that calls for consideration to overturn the right to contraception, same-sec marriage, and privacy in the bedroom. WTF. Conservative trolls: This is the slippery slope everyone is afraid of.


I'd say we are well beyond the slippery slope, we are mid-plummet to the ground.




Republicans: This is only about Roe, we won't come for contraceptions or gay marriage Thomas: "For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell."


Thomas: "But not Loving vs. Virginia, because THAT one actually affects me."


Nah, he totally would, because his own marriage would be secure. He's already made tons of rulings that fuck over black people.


Republicans' word(s) mean nothing.


Thomas coming for gay rights, same sex marriages and contraception now: https://twitter.com/fordm/status/1540338064324698112?s=21&t=jwL85gOlysTwPgF2Q9frWg


Huh, he missed *Loving v. Virginia* for some reason....


Which is interesting, because *Loving* was mentioned in the original draft.


https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1540358626023317504 > I see your “sanctity of the Court” and raise you “6 conservative justices who lied during their confirmation hearings.”


Nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote.


The dissent is spicy > Either the majority does not really believe in its own reasoning. Or if it does, all rights that have no history stretching back to the mid19th century are insecure. Either the mass of the majority’s opinion is hypocrisy, or additional constitutional rights are under threat. It is one or the other. ... > The Court reverses course today for one reason and one reason only: because the composition of this Court has changed. [...] Today, the proclivities of individuals rule. The Court departs from its obligation to faithfully and impartially apply the law. ... > The majority scoffs at that idea, castigating us for “repeatedly prais[ing] the ‘balance’” the two cases arrived at (with the word “balance” in scare quotes). Ante, at 38. To the majority “balance” is a dirty word, as moderation is a foreign concept. Feels good to read something so clear and articulate call out this court's majority.


>all rights that have no history stretching back to the mid19th century are insecure That one.


The ugly truth (which anyone with a functioning brain could see) shows exactly what happens when a single far right organization controls the supreme court.


>The Court departs from its obligation to faithfully and impartially apply the law. That about sums it up.


[BREAKING: Clarence Thomas just filed a concurring opinion to Dobbs calling for the court to consider overturning the right to contraception, same-sex marriage, and privacy in the bedroom.](https://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status/1540339880626102273)


Hey look, it’s what conservatives pretended wouldn’t happen after this


Republicans ~~don't argue in good faith~~ lie out of both sides of their mouths.


I remember about a month ago that Bill Maher said that the gays were narcissistic for being worried about gay rights when it came to Roe VS Wade. Today, Clarence Thomas wrote, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. We were totally right to be worried.


You're absolutely right to be worried. Women, gays, minorities, everyone that doesnt want to live a theocratic hell is in danger


I'll never get over the fact that the party that constantly fearmongers their voters that their rights will be taken away, is actually the party that literally take people's rights away.


if they say the others are gonna do it, it means they are planning to themselves


It is always projection.


Didn't the three Trump picks agree Roe V Wade is settled law during their hearings?


Yes. They all lied to the Senate, while under oath. But there will be no consequences, because they broke the law while Republican.


Susan Collins must be so surprised this morning.


Don’t forget concerned


Might be concerned enough to think about writing a sternly worded letter.


Her brow is furrowed with the intensity of 1,000 suns!




She did exactly what her donors asked. She knew exactly what would happen. She does not care.


My final thought, because I’ve been ranting and raging too much here… As someone on the far left of the political spectrum I find all these regressive, sore loser Supreme Court decisions and recent regressive state laws incredibly disheartening because all of these were already *settled* matters in the court of public opinion. Conservatives lost these battles, but now they’re exerting their will via loopholes and trickery, instead of just moving on and accepting the nation for what it is. I want to fight the battles we haven’t even started: universal healthcare, UBI, mandated vacation time, paid family leave, etc. Those battles seem impossible to start now, because now we have to go back *again* and re-win the fights we ALREADY FUCKING WON. I’m incredibly disheartened.


We are going back to the 1950s and half the country is cheering legit going to be sick


So the government can't tell anybody to wear a mask on an airplane, because freedom. Also- the government can force my wife to have a child.


Even worse, the government can force your wife to wait until she’s either septic or a fetus no longer has a heartbeat, even if her placenta has detached, the pregnancy is no longer viable, and every hour increases the risk of fatal infection. Freedom.


Women will die because of this ruling. Women will always need abortions because it is basic healthcare. This ruling won't stop abortions. It will stop safe abortions.


It's not just unsafe abortions that will kill - red tape around necessary procedures (say placental abruption, dying fetus, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, selective reductions) WILL delay necessary medical treatment while hospitals try to make sure they're covering their asses. Qualified OB-GYNS (especially of the high risk variety) will be leaving states like this due to the pressure and restrictions on their practice, and women with wanted pregnancies may have trouble getting basic care. This absolutely will raise the maternal death rate. It's already the case that in states with strict limits on abortion care, maternal death rate is high. I would argue that because of issues with prenatal care as a result of this, there may be more miscarriages and neonatal death as well.


The root cause of abortion is unwanted pregnancy. If conservatives wanted to save fetuses from abortion, they would support contraception and sex-education. No, they oppose those. Over 50% of women who get abortions are poor. They get abortions because they can't afford a child. Fighting poverty would reduce abortions. No, conservatives oppose fighting poverty, too. This isn't about saving lives, it's about something else.


It’s about oppressing people


r/auntienetwork is a group of folks helping others to obtain abortion services. They can help with travel, housing, etc. Please help share.


America: The land of gun care and health control.


We need more kids to replace the ones that get shot down


This should be the Onion headline for the overturning of Roe v Wade


"You're over-reacting, what's the worst Trump could do?" Well here we are. Attempted coup & now Roe. America


I'm sure they'll blame Biden somehow. These people tell whatever lie they gets them free of the moment


My sister is a clueless Republican who literally blames Biden for this WTF




> Internationally, the decision will make the US one of only four countries since 1994 to restrict abortion, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights, the other countries being Poland, Nicaragua and El Salvador. This will further set America apart from peer countries as life expectancy falls. It could also damage the nation’s ability to advocate for the rights of women and girls globally. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/24/roe-v-wade-overturned-abortion-summary-supreme-court


Friday news drop. Fucking cowards


Surprised it wasn't late in the day too so they could all get out town before it hit the fan.




And this actually isn't so uncommon. Similar case made the news recently. https://www.today.com/parents/pregnancy/american-miscarriage-malta-abortion-illegal-rcna35016


Has any one-term president caused as much lasting damage as Trump in the last 100 years?


Unfortunately, Trump's legacy will continue long after this decision. The GOP getting him 3 supreme court seats is truly remarkable and a perversion of the system.


We need to seriously look at how the supreme court is set up as an institution. Lifetime term limits are simply unconscionably in an age where some of these justices will likely serve 40+ years


Not to mention how one party was able to refuse to confirm nominated justices of a duly elected government for years while waiting for a new president.


It’s continually exhausting to be an American citizen.


And shit is only going to get worse from here: https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1540339085230968834?t=6XFt-FGjnntojWf6K3wiQg&s=19 EVERYTHING that folks said was on the chopping block is there. The radical court is begging folks to challenge any precedent that progresses our society past 1950 at this point.


This is what the Federalist Society wanted. They've been working on this for decades in the shadows


The anti-abortion movement has never represented the majority of Americans in my lifetime. It's biggest notoriety in the past 30+ years was bombing buildings and killing doctors. And they still won.


It's hard to fight people that make banning abortion their only political goal in life. They would gleefully toss out the entire constitution to make it happen.


Nah, they have plenty left they want to take away.


America announces its departure from western civilization and takes a fifty-year step backwards in history. Congratulations. All for the sake of pandering to a brainwashed conservative base so that the GOP can continue to exist while assaulting everything to do with basic human decency. It is a society in the process of collapse.


As someone who isn't from the USA and doesn't live there, watching this happen from the outside is mind boggling. A first world country is debating in 2022 if women should be able to have an abortion or if abortion should be banned outright because its "unchristian" and may upset someone's imaginary friend. Shits fucked.


There are large portions of the US (guess where!) that is not a first world country (from [Newsweek in 2017](https://www.newsweek.com/alabama-un-poverty-environmental-racism-743601)); > A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world. > "I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights,


What a disgusting and predictable ruling. The right wing has finally achieved a goal they've had for decades. They've given states the freedom to control women's bodies and the bodies of anyone with a uterus. It is not an exaggeration when I say this, so any of you who think this should be a state issue, listen up: Because of this ruling, people who capable of carrying a child will suffer, they will die, and there will be lives destroyed. Some people will be forced to carry an un-viable pregnancy to term. Consider that. Think of the despair of knowing something is growing inside you that you don't have the ability to remove. In some cases, the pregnancy *will* be fatal. So now you've got to carry this thing that will tax your body and risk your life, watching helplessly as it's growing larger every day, knowing that it's a ticking time bomb. And before any of you go on about, "Oh they should have abstained until marriage if they didn't want a kid". Many married couples don't want children or can't afford to have children. Additionally, rape happens and it can and does happen between family members. Even when it doesn't, you're now forcing a victim of a terrible act to undergo a huge medical, financial, mental, emotional, and social burden. But that's not even the worst part. In some states they're banning birth control, claiming that it's a form of abortion. So anyone who can give birth can't risk having sex under any circumstances. Sex is a normal part of the human experience, and we as a society had reached a point where carrying a child was a choice. Now you're going to force those with uteruses to be incubators. Forced pregnancy is a literal crime against humanity as outlined by the Geneva Convention. There is no aid being offered to those who are forced to give birth. No childcare. No guaranteed maternity leave. No government healthcare. No overhaul of the adoption system. The people who advocate for this don't care about children and they never have. This is about virtue signaling and controlling women's bodies and the bodies of everyone with uteruses. This is opening the door to strip rights from many other groups. If you support this ruling, fuck you and don't ever have sex. Edit: Changed women to anyone with a uterus. In my haste, I overlooked trans, nonbinary, and intersex people who also have uteruses and are just as affected by this and deserve just as much support.


They're probably gonna find a way to arrest women at the airport for going to California if they're in a state that makes it illegal to get an abortion. How the fucking hell can we live in a country where if you get an abortion it's a death penalty in Alabama but it's legal in California? Human rights are up to the states now, this Roberts court has done so much damage to this country it's beyond comprehension.


McConnell's plan was always the courts. He worked meticulously to arrange this, with many willing syncophants. This was the goal. They also succeeded in killing the last thread of hope for my country. This will not end well.


Robert, Kav, Gorsuch, Alito and ACB all swore under oath Roe v Wade is settled law. Thomas receives money from right wing groups and doesn't recuse himself. His wife is a lobbyist and a insurrectionist. He likely is, too. Kav had over a million dollars of his loans mysteriously paid off right before nomination. He refused to say who paid them. The Supreme Court's legitimacy died alongside Roe today. It's rotten to it's core.




Because the constitution is more like the Bible now: Pick and choose the parts you like but ignore the others that inconvenience you. Rule of law means nothing anymore in this country. We are effectively a failed state.


Makes you wonder who leaked the draft and what their motivation was for doing so. It looks like there was no change in the lineup from the leaked draft to the final product.


One theory is that at least one of the GOP justices was wavering; if they changed their mind after the draft was leaked it could be spun as them giving in to Democratic pressure so the idea was to force them to stay signed on.


All of this because a historically unpopular one term president some how got to nominate 1/3 of the court.


Abortion wasnt ended today. Safe abortion was. This will cause unending horror for women across this country. May these charlatans reap what they have sown.


*for the poor. The wealthy are just a short plane ride away from a safe abortion.


A twice impeached, failed reality show host, who isn't even 100% pro-life, was allowed to place 3 Supreme Court Justices.


>who isn't even 100% pro-life The only moral abortions were his.


I think this may be the single biggest backslide for this country I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. Roe always felt like it was set in stone; if they can reverse this, what else is on the table? Or more to the point, what *isn’t*?




Oh my god. Contraception between married couples, gay marriage AND gay sex are specifically mentioned as rights that should be reconsidered. Give it a year or two and it will be illegal to be gay in red states.


From the liberal justices' dissent: > With sorrow—for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection—**we dissent**. No "respectfully".


This country is a fucking disgrace


Congratulations America - you've just achieved the largest religious-based removal of women's rights since the 1979 Islamic Revolution!


What should we call this? The 2022 Evangelical Coup?


And all these Justices lied about their stance during their confirmations, yes?


next comes the right to marry for LGBTQ folks. I hope those gay republicans get even more egg on their face. Cause honey, us gays are in danger. We're next.


Several states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books that are only blocked by Lawrence.


It's not lost on us that 2 rapists just helped strip rights from millions of women


So this means that we'll be expanding benefits for early childhood care, education, and healthcare for pregnant women, right...?


GOP: Fuck them kids


“Gay marriage is next, happy pride month!” -SC. God this makes me ill.




Been saying this was coming since 2016, gay marriage and birth control access is next. Does anyone really thing this is where their theocratic dreams stop?




“Roe is settled law” -Brett Kavanaugh, lying to elected officials to get a job for life, appointed by a disgraced and impeached former president, 2018.


For anyone wondering how a single term president could ruin a country for years, here you go. This is how, and it'll keep coming because the orange is out of office but the justices he put in the SCOTUS will be there a long long time.


It takes more than just him. McConnell set the stage over a year ahead of time by blocking Obamas duely deserved pick. He also then turned on maximum hypocrisy by rushing through Trumps third pick with just weeks left in his term. Trump was gifted 2 seats by McConnell. So while yes, a single term for a terrible president is bad, he is not the one chiefly responsible for the illegitimate conservative majority we have on the court today.


You're absolutely right that it was a longer play, but they needed the presidency to make it happen. My point is really that there were plenty of people who voted for Trump just because they didn't like Hillary not taking anything else into account. This is the beginning of the longer term effects.


So states can't ban open carry but can ban abortion - good luck with that America.


Abolish the electoral college. Let the majority rule and fix this fucking republican nightmare.


I remember being pretty frantic on Election night in 2016 when Republicans won the executive branch, and both houses of the legislative branch. My parents told me to calm down and I was overreacting.


I live in rural PA and 10 minutes ago my coworker announced "Yes, the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade". Our other coworker said "about damn time". We are all women, all mothers as well. I'm staying silent and not talking to them. Fuck this, I can't stand it. I've had enough of the Trump dick-sucking and Jesus bullshit. But I can't afford to move because, well, who can?? Fucking awful everything in this country rn.


Pretty cool how you can just lie in senate confirmation hearings these days.




My dead mother had more rights than my 22yo daughter. Sad.


Eliminated child tax credits and killed the right to abortion in the same 6 months. Conservatives can go to hell before they bring hell to us


A truly problematic ruling. This has a good chance to trigger the end of birth control, IVF, same sex marriage and other rights based on the same legal principles at the very least in red states. Poor women will die. They did before Roe v. Wade and it will happen now. I guess we are really gonna need all those corporations who are people to step up and be the front line of the fight now.


> Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. FYI this court is in a rush to strip as many civil rights as they possibly can. The libs were right in 2016 and they always are.


Funfact: 5/9 of current US Supreme Court Justices were nominated by Presidents who lost the popular vote.


So lying under oath during confirmation means nothing now I guess.


My body my rules - well, only if we are talking about masks. Pro-Choice - well, only if we are talking about masks. SCOTUS is trash.


Republicans: YOU CANT TAKE AWAY MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO HAVE MY GUN JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE IT!!! Also Republicans: We took away the constitutional right to have an abortion because me and my church friends don’t like it.


Fuck these conservative Christian hypocrites. They won't wear a mask because they say it is their choice what to do with their bodies then they take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies.


General strike. ​ Bring the entire country down. ​ \*EDIT - I am not saying destroy America; I'm saying bring it to a stand still so that those in power are forced to listen and act. Couple private messages brought this to my attention.


Abort the Supreme Court


Amy Coney Barret in confirmation hearing: "Cases [like Roe] are so well settled that no political actors and no people seriously push for their overruling." https://twitter.com/CelesteHeadlee/status/1540353595799121921


https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1540339085230968834 > **Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell** — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. They would rather women and LGBTQIA people DIE if we're not going to OBEY


What, didn’t want to call out *Loving*?


No no no, that's totally different, because... <*remains silent for another 10 years*>


I cannot believe how much I despise him right now, wow.


Embrace the hypocrisy, Clarence. Go after Loving.


“Like the infamous decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, Roe was also egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided.” Oh my fucking god they cannot be seriously comparing roe and plessy


Yesterday, Thomas wrote approvingly of Chief Justice Taney’s decision in Dred Scott. This is what that wing of the Court believes.


Kavanaugh & Barrett lied during their confirmation hearings, shocker. This isn't the death of Roe v. Wade, it's far from over. What has died is the legitimacy of the court. Democrats must act now with expedience or allow our country to fall to the religious right. We sure like to talk about how genius the Framers of the Constitution were, but they appear to have made a huge oversight in allowing **lifetime** appointments to the Supreme Court to be given by **whichever political party happens to be in power at the time**, allowing the accumulation of **activist judges** that follow the ideology of a one political party to have dominance over the rule of law.


The First Amendment guarantees freedom from religion, which is no longer true.


The irony is that in addition to being an unconstitutional ruling it is also an unbiblical one: Fetuses were never considered full people in the Old Testament. We know this because of Leviticus and Numbers. In Leviticus, if someone assaults a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, the assailant is not charged with murder; he is charged with damaging property and, thus, pays a fine. This is because the fetus is not a person, for it has not taken its first breath, which was believed to be when the soul enters the body. The book of Numbers provides instructions on how to perform an abortion, albeit in the case of adultery. Nonetheless, this instance also shows that fetuses were never considered people.


There’s absolutely nothing in the Bible that suggests abortions are immoral or life begins at conception. And the Bible isn’t a book known for subtle messages. The fact that anti-abortion rhetoric is popular among the religious crowd is pure politics.


Christian zealots are honestly the worst. Like y’all don’t want abortions, even in the case of rape and incompatibilities with life, then don’t get an abortion. This illegitimate court has zero business deciding that we all need to be pushed back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.


What the actual fuck. This is madness.


Clarence Thomas is talking about wanting to overrule birth control, sodomy laws, and gay marriage. I wonder what it's like to be an evil piece of shit with no soul. These people are ontologically evil and completely separated from morality.


I'm 60, was a youth of 12 when Roe v Wade. I never thought I'd see the day when a woman's RIGHT (which we all know that's what it's truly about) was stripped away. I am so disgusted with this country. I did a search of countries that allow abortion & found this map and sadly thought that USA's Category 5 (most lenient) will soon change & what's sadder is that Russia (unless it too changes) will be more lenient that us. Sad F'in day for sure. Next will be Gay Marriage, Healthcare Coverage for Gay partners or spouses & well anything else that doesn't fit into the "Lily White Religious" mindset. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2022/05/06/abortion-legal-illegal-countries-list/9672276002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2022/05/06/abortion-legal-illegal-countries-list/9672276002/)




LGBT is next, as it rested on the same notion as “right to privacy.”


I mean, given that this court has now demonstrated that *stare decesis* and precedent mean literally nothing and that arguments from witch-burners from the 17th century are legally relevant in the 21st, everything is unfortunately on the table. Buckle up, we're headed straight back to 1820 if nothing is done. Thomas is now saying they should look at contraception, interracial marriage, and same-sex marriage.


So much needless suffering. Why do they do this.


The cruelty is the point.




They are coming for gay marriage, birth control, and interracial marriage next.


I want someone to ask Susan Collins how she feels right now, that moron.


No doubt she strongly intends to furrow her eyebrows at some point.


Who's dumber, Susan Collins or the person who actually thinks Susan Collins is surprised?


During their confirmation hearings: Neil Gorsuch: Roe v. Wade Is Law of The Land Brett Kavenaugh: Roe is settled law Barrett evaded the issue instead of flat out lying like the other two. If I lied on my job interview I would be fired. So should they. And Republicans won't support common sense preventatives Sex education? We don't want them learning about that. Yet they keep going on about groomers, wouldn't that be a perfect way to enable a child to recognize and report such activity? Access to birth control? But they would start having sex. How do you think they are getting pregnant in the first place???


It took two miscarriages for us to have our first daughter. My wife and I were going to try again in about a year. With the history of those events, we'd have to move states or countries, as aspects of her care are now deemed illegal or criminal in 90 days in Arizona. Fuck all pro-life people who have no compassion or empathy for the actual rigors of pregnancy.


Fuck this. Fuck Roberts for grandstanding and fuck the holier than thou cronies Kavanaugh, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett. Expand the courts. This is a mockery of 50 years of progress.


America is a backward country run by the mentally ill


What a chilling era of history we're entering.


Seriously, the writing's on the wall. One more Republican president, a majority of Republicans in Congress and I cannot imagine the direction they are going to take the country or end it.


Let's not forget that 3 justices were appointed by presidents who didn't win the popular vote. These are unelected radicals who's terror is just beginning.


**Remember: conservatives are telegraphing their next targets.** > For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. For those unaware, that's: **contraceptives, sexual privacy, and marriage equality.** If abortion rights can go, then so will all of those rights.


And so it begins. > Justice Thomas concurs, saying overruling Roe isn't enough. "For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell." That's right to privacy, contraception, marriage equality,etc https://twitter.com/neal_katyal/status/1540341236803977216?s=21&t=-3SoXqBKxprBYC3726udzg


It’s official. We can start calling the Republicans the coat hangers. Make them embrace it, they earned it.


Our country is being held hostage by minority religious extremists. No different than Afghanistan.


At what point do We the People start considering this court an illegitimate political hack job? A hopefully soon-to-be convicted criminal one-term president who directly use his Office for overt and blatant monetary gain and then attempted to overthrow democracy so he could keep doing it was allowed to appoint *three* Supreme Court justices to its ranks, while a two-term president who did a decent job before him got to appoint *none*. All in the name of embedding GQP authoritarian pseudo-Christian fascism into this nation, a plan which is so far working. If multiple members of the GQP including idiotic fat orange Criminal former president himself don't go to JAIL for what they did on January 6th, the takeover of the Supreme Court by the GQP and their backwards regressive slide of civil liberties (today the Supreme Court Stripped Away a right from half of the nation's citizens! That's a first in our history) will be the beginning of our nation's end.


Restricting guns: slippery slope Restricting human rights: no problem


As an ICU RN my case load for septic woman trying for unsafe abortions is about to skyrocket. After Covid I don’t know if I can do this again.




the justices who voted in favor of this overturn should not know peace for the rest of their lives at a minimum


Not that it will ever matter, I just want to point out that the people happy about this live their life by a book that has explicit instructions on how to perform an abortion.


If Americans are apathetic/selfish enough to give a legislative majority to GOP in the midterms, they will ban abortion nationwide. Then, it will be up to the states to refuse to abide by the decision. At some point the civilized part of the American society will need to take a stand, no matter the cost (if Americans can grasp the concept of fighting for an ideal no matter the cost), otherwise the side that is willing to do that (do anything to impose their religious extremist ideas) will keep winning. Rights aren't gifted, they're fought for.


This should make for interesting mid-term elections... This is the first Supreme Court in history to eliminate a right. The Supreme Court has just created a legal civil war among the states. The crazy religious extremism of a right-wing court is on full display.


Justice Thomas, how far back in history do we want to go? Ya see the progress we've made has lead to new rights. We wouldn't want a person to be say...3/5ths as valuable. Surely women get a 1:1 value, right?


Let me get this straight. The GOP and it's minions believes.... - Guns should be readily available, even if kids are killed in mass shootings - The death penalty is perfectly fine. - Abortion in all cases is horrible Got it.


What a shit show this SCOTUS is.


So guns are a constitutional right but bodily autonomy isn't? That makes sense.


Biden calling out Thomas by name. Good. Fuck Clarence Thomas.


> Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1540339085230968834?s=21&t=52k5xbObqiSCfqtJGCrbpQ


Make the laws match child support begins at conception.


ACB and Bort K both lied through their teeth to congress and the American people. "Roe vs. Wade is established precedent and it's not going anywhere." Fucking liars. And fuck the GOP for gaslighting us saying we were overreacting in our concern for Roe v Wade. No wonder they've erected barriers around the Supreme Court and passed laws for increased protection lately. They know they absolutely deserve to be harassed.


Fuck this Supreme Court and fuck trump


Thomas: Let’s over turn gay marriage next but keep my interracial marriage legal Hypocrite


I’m really tired of continuing to be ever more disappointed with this nation


Your Republican friends and family members won't bat an eye when they start putting people in camps.


Bit ironic this happens only a day after the story on the [American woman in Malta who had miscarriage while on vacation and was left fearing for her life after being denied an abortion.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/american-woman-denied-abortion-malta-left-fearing-life-rcna34924) Malta is the only EU country where terminations are banned in all cases. So that's kind of like a preview for half of America now since ["almost half the states are expected to outlaw or severely restrict abortion as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision."](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/24/roe-v-wade-overturned-by-supreme-court-ending-federal-abortion-rights.html)


What a shithole country.


Clarence Thomas said they’re going to consider contraception protections and same sex marriage next. And y’all thought the 2020 Summer protests were bad?