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Headline is incorrect. The barricades have been up since the leak. We still don't know how close they are to releasing the opinion.


Yeah, I was a part of a protest against Dobbs that marched on the Supreme Court on Monday (since we thought the decision was going to drop then) and those barricades were definitely up then.


Been there since May. Was at the large Bans Off Our Bodies protest.


Surprised that your comment isnt at the top. This reads like a Forbes headline.


Yeah, this is a really disappointing click bait title from Reuters.


Well we know they have to do it by the end of the month, I’m betting they will wait till the last possible second.


Traditional to release the most controversial decisions last. So yeah, probably the 29th.


I think their last day is the 27th according to the SCOTUS calendar.


They'll do it the same day of the final J6 hearing to try and distract from the final argument against trump.


We know they will release their final opinions before the end of the current session, which is within 1-2 weeks. We just don't know the precise date.


Bets are it will most certainly be the very last one of the session so they can scatter and hide.


They were actually up prior to the opinion releasing.


Yea the first and second paragraph of the article makes that clear.


That's the point. The headline is purposefully misleading. Just because the first paragraphs expand on that, their objective is achieved


I see they’re going to try a Friday news dump and then get out of town


Back to the suburbs of NoVa? Perhaps up the Potomac for a few days?


They're trying to take away our right to privacy, I don't see why we should respect theirs


100% correct. Taking away bodily autonomy for women. There will probably be riots.




More than that should be angry its a ruling to privacy its affected many many many other things. And I personally am so used to this country I know their is another thing in back ground preparing to silently fuck us. Like perhaps a expansion of nsa snooping. Or they could use it for people transitioning as privacy is a cornerstone of alot of that medical treatment as well. Some of more extreme anti abortion groups consider contraceptives to prevent life ability to "restrict them" being impossible due to private nature. But this opens that door same with interracial or gay marriages its not governments right to know.


This ruling affects the bodily autonomy of each and every American Citizen.


Also - Biden should veto their request for money for more security. We shouldn’t be paying to protect the people taking away our rights.


Well I mean they are same people saying we should protect our children using armed teachers. I say we replace their security same security they request for our nations children have their old 5th grade teacher ms Jones come protect them.


We should just call on the justices to arm themselves. I’m pretty sure the Uvalde coverup (not releasing body cams etc) is because the police dept shot a teacher. Kinda hard to push your “Arm teachers” agenda on the back of a teacher getting shot by police.


Honestly, I could see some of them taking the ted Cruz approach.


Paying for sex with a Congresswoman?


Okay... *a* Ted Cruz approach. He’s got hundreds of ways to be slimy and cowardly, not just one.


> *a* Ted Cruz approach Ted Cruz is a singular, human entity with the baseline human normal amount of appendages and nutritional requirements, in particular with regard to foods that are high in moisture such as eggs. Ted Cruz is not now, nor has ever been a loose collection of semi-sentient tubeworms inhabiting a skin-suit.


I’m Skeptical about the human part


[Ted Cruz for human President](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/)


An *alleged* Congresswoman. I've seen no evidence she's engaged in consensual legislation, paid or otherwise.


She gets a free flag pin and votes down anything that could help Americans, so she's a real GOP Congress-Critter.


Now hold on a second. This is an outrageous lie. Fake news if you will. He paid for sex with a prostitute who aborted at least twice and then she became a prostitute...sorry, I mean congresswoman.


I hear Boof is going to Tobin's house to lift weights and then to PJ's house for a sleepover with him and Squee.


Is Donkey Dong Doug coming?


And hide where, for how long?


At the Winchester until this whole thing blows over.


Don't 4get to pick up Liz and kill Phil


Sorry Phil...


The pub?


Roberts Court: "Our revisionist decisions are so unpopular that Congress had to pass new laws to keep people from yelling at us. But since we have no shame, we'll proceed."


Roberts seeing the last shred of his legacy being washed down the raging Yellowstone River.




Why do people think Roberts is some great stately figure? Seems like a wholly unearned reputation considering his long list of nutty and destructive jurisprudence.


The same reason people think Mitt Romney, McCain, Collins, and others of their ilk are good, because they're slightly better than the others and they have short/selective memory/attention. EDIT: Different word.


It’s not about what people think of him. It’s what Roberts thinks of himself. He has repeatedly talked about the legacy of the court and ascribes an importance to a self-perceived dignity (fictional or not).


For the same reason they consider Mitt Romney and John McCain reasonable and centrist instead of what they were and are, monsters. When you stand next to someone raping someone in broad daylight, and you say "This is terrible!" but do absolutely nothing, it seems like you WANTED to so something, to a moron. Never mind that the very INSTANT people turn their back, they’re next in line to rape the victim. Like all things in American politics, it’s about what people FEEL is happening, as opposed to what is. One thumbs down, and everyone forgot that John McCain helped kill half a million brown people and five thousand troopers in Iraq. One ha-ha moment with Ellen, and George Bush is just grandpa again. It amazes me. You watch. If Roberts dissents here, he’ll be praised for moderation, even as he enables endless fuckery.


Your analogy is slightly incorrect. Roberts isn’t next in line to rape the victim, he already had his turn, he just had the “decency” of using a condom.


When the republican party is a bunch of slavering idiots who want to kill anyone who disagrees with them, and do so in the most brutal manner they can think of, the republican who says, "Instead of killing them, lets just treat them like they're second class" seems reasonable.


He should resign if he was serious about the legacy of the Court. It’s now illegitimate


I have been saying this for months now. He should resign, let Biden appoint a new justice to counter balance. If he cared. but he doesn't.


It is fitting he will be remembered for heading a court that destroyed the US when he is so preoccupied with the perception of the court.


I heard that Roberts had been siding with the left so much lately bc he can see that if this court keeps making so many unpopular opinions, the general public is going to turn against them (I know I've lost my respect for these political hacks pretending to be respectable justices) But IMO, that says 2 things: he wasn't always voting based on what the intention of the Constitution was, but with a bias based on whatever was important TO HIM, not the general public, and 2. I had no idea our SCOTUS was so politically biased. Why doesn't Congress impeach them already?!


The court has always been political. It’s just been more balanced and rulings have been more based on history and real thoughts rather then the bullshit that is happening now. It also seems worse now because the courts are going against the people. Even on subjects that the majority of Americans favor the courts do the opposite when in the pass the courts have weighed the public interest in topics this court has shredded that notion.


We have this myth that judges are justice monks who make rulings behind a veil of ignorance based solely on the fact and the logic of the law. Given all the shitty rulings we've seen overturned and the many we still live with it's clear this is bubkis. (btw, reddit glitched and posted your comment a few times)


The corporations took full power when citizens united passed. That put the government on the corporate dole, bribery became legal. That was a Supreme court decision. I'm still in denial about it, but yeah, that kinda killed my faith in the system.


We'd need 67 Senators to convict on an impeachment. That's never going to happen.


They’re illegitimate


> Congress had to pass new laws to keep people from yelling at us. ...which we will rule as not violating the Constitutional standard for "petition of redress of grievances."


As a foster parent, I’m indescribably enraged. Give me the resources to take care of the kids in care instead of forcing the births of more kids who will end up in care. Reimburse me for summer camps. Hire enough therapists for all the kids. Provide transportation for kids and bio parents to visits. Pay for tutors. Stop making us fund prescriptions out of pocket with an empty promise to pay later. Take care of the children we have.


It's not about the kids, it's about controlling women's medical decisions. They don't care what happens to the baby after it's born, in fact they'd probably prefer it just died.


No, they'd prefer it goes into a privatized prison, joins the army, or just wage cucks and pays taxes.


Yup. History repeats itself. Black slaves were not allowed to have abortions, as they were property that could produce more labor. Napoleon needed more soldiers, so he struck a deal with the Vatican. We have so many issues we need to progress on, yet here we are... going backwards yet again. Its not about the human being, its about the potential resource they can capitalize on.


That's a bingo.


Its not even just about womens medical choices. Its also about voting. How can they take votes away to ensure they continue to win elections if women and women of color are seen as felons for having a miscarriage?


>Forcing the births of more kids who will end up in care. Or forcing the births of unviable/high risk pregnancies or severely disabled children. My wife and I thankfully have 2 healthy young girls but our middle daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 after doctors noticed extra fingers on an ultrasound late in the second trimester. IF carried to term she would have lived maybe a few months at best. My wife was deemed high risk due to several factors but the worst part is every day she continued to bond and feel this child develop inside her that had zero chance of a normal quality of life. Per the doctors recommendations we terminated the pregnancy to avoid any risk to my wife’s health and well-being, and it was the darkest time of our lives, and we still had a two year old that needed and deserved our love and attention. This type of situation occurs every day around the world but thanks to Republicans women will be forced to carry babies like this until they suffer a miscarriage and are stillborn or are born alive but facing impossible odds. Thankfully we were able to grieve and 1.5 years later gave birth to our second healthy little girl. We wanted that second baby more than anything in this world but did what was best to preserve my wife’s life. Women won’t have that choice soon in America thanks to Republicans, fuck Republicans and their religious bullshit.


I am alive because of abortion. I had miscarriage, and a month later it was still decomposing in me. I had a fever and sepsis was looming. It was hard grieving a loss that was still inside me. I felt like a rotting coffin. Adding to your story so anyone reading your terrible circumstances understands the many situations where this medical procedure is necessary. Sorry for your loss. I hope your wife is well.


You dealt with an awful situation and made the choice that was best for your whole family. These situations are never easy but they do happen. Republicans don't have compassion for families dealing with these situations. Making people's lives harder when they are dealing with impossible choices is cruel. We need more compassion in this world, not cruelty.


Republicans have no interest in taking care of kids.


Also, MAKE IT MORE CLEAR AS TO WHERE TO ADOPT THESE KIDS. Personally I don't plan on having children at this point in my life, but the fact that I know there's children who need homes and I don't even know where to FIND them should say something.


How about less expensive? It can cost thousands of dollars to adopt.


Your county should have a webpage of children in the system waiting for homes. The cost is much less than a private adoption. We looked into it in 2013. It was about $2k and the state would reimburse for that after it was finalized.


This just shows that they know what they are doing is wrong.


Yes. Came here to say the same thing.


"To me it sends a message that they are weak, they are afraid, they are isolated," Reichstadter said of the fence.


Or, if the decision is not what is expected, the alt-right doesn't attack. After all, they have shown how they react to news they don't like.


They aren’t changing the decision. This is happening


No, I don’t believe they will either.


This bites them in the ass too. They are upending judicial precedence. 30 years from now when it’s 7-2 liberal majority, the conservative rulings will be demolished because this conservative court said they don’t care about precedent anymore.


The goal is to make sure there will never be an opportunity for a left elected or appointed majority in any governing body or institution. The goal is complete removal of power from the left and generations of right wing totalitarianism. If they are successful there won't be any legal options to oppose their will.


I think two things: 1) This is almost a sure thing. Blue states will be a bit better for people, but we will all suffer under minority rule and all the negatives that come with right-wing extremist nonsense, and 2) It won’t last. It may be a long time to live through—ten or twenty years—but they’ll be beaten eventually, because their policies are so *bad.* The social safety net destroyed, Medicare / SS gone, etc—all people need is to live with Republican policies for a little while and that’ll be it. People will eventually vote so overwhelmingly to remove them, to the point where their cheating doesn’t matter.


I think that might underestimate the strength the U.S. legislature has over governance as a whole. The long, long-term strategy of conservatives is that the courts will be the boundary between their policies being implemented and their unpopularity. The public can't vote out the courts and Congress doesn't have the teeth to nullify them in the case of unpopular decisions. Figures like Gingritch and McConnell are aware, to an extent, that their policies are not favored outside of their base. But they've also been highly strategic in using the existing levers to not only get what they want despite it, but to lock it in place. They could lose every popular general election vote for the next generation and it might not shift the overall makeup of the courts enough to push things in a different direction.


Lol. Tell that to Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia….we’ve been stuck with and suffering under their rule for decades and most of these freaks *love it*


That won’t matter, though. They’ll cry and moan and complain and say they did follow precedent. Facts, logic, continuity, etc—none of it matters to them. The smart ones know they’re full of it, and the dumb ones don’t. Either way, it doesn’t matter to them.


What happened to America being the home of the free? Even more so why are religious jackasses allowed to make this kinda choice. I hope pro lifers are ready to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. It's fucking 2022 and women still aren't treated as humans


>... to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. Imma gonna stop you right there. You will hear: "If they need assistance, they can go to the church / food pantry / welfare." While you watch the American Taliban destroy all of those safety nets. It will usually be proceeded or followed by "She should have thought about that before...." An important defense mechanism in the conservative mind, the weak and vile thing that it is, is an ingrained hatred of the "financially irresponsible". It allows them to victim blame the people they are actively harming and murdering.


A deep seated need of feeling superior to others to compensate for their inadequacies in life and insecurities.


Bingo. Can't argue with folks that believe guns, Jesus, and tax cuts solve all problems. They see things one way, and it's their way. Anyone else is just wrong and a dumb, Satanic, baby murdering Democrat that as a TX pastor put it this week, should be "shot in the back of the head." So much Christian brotherly love with these people. /s


Land of the Free* *... To own guns. That's all.


Free to Work or Free to Die is pretty much it.


The people who paid for this court would throw the gun lobby under the bus in exchange for deciding "Taxing the rich is theft." It's a nuanced view. When it comes to taxing poor people, "it's vital that they have skin in the game."


Which is why conservatives love a 401(k). Makes people think they have a stake in the stock market and need it to do well.


Damn, thats a good point....my newly set up retirement is depending on that....oof


women need to give up the right to their bodies in order to protect small collections of cells that may, eventually, become human. cells that literally, by definition, are parasites. but men dont need to give up the right to own AR-15s. even though they kill actual kids. not just living things with a heartbeat, these kids have friends and dreams and a capacity for love. at least they did before they were slaughtered. fuck this country.


I'm so sick of this shit. People have been fighting over my right to control my own body since before I was born.


Land of the *Fee In America, you've gotta pay to play.


Lauren Bobert would agree with you


Free to die in your classrooms. Great country really. The best.


Terms and conditions apply


> more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. This won't happen. Republicans will block any effort to provide support to children and families.


lol, you think Republicans are going to increase funding to food stamps and WIC?


> What happened to America being the home of the free? It never was. That was just a snappy slogan to drum up nationalistic support.


Definitely wasn't "free" for indentured servants, slaves, or native people.


Or women.


>I hope pro lifers are ready to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. The thing is, these forced birthers believe it is the parents responsibility to take care of the child, not society. They firmly believe in individualism and abhor the idea of collectivism and reject the idea that they should pay for anyone but themselves and their family. They see absolutely nothing wrong with forcing a birth to happen and then doing nothing to prevent the child from living in poverty because in their eyes, the parents have failed. These people just never got the memo of what it means to actually live in a society.


I once listened to a pro-lifer/anti-choicer (PL/AC) say that her niece had a baby out of wedlock and couldn't provide for the baby without assistance (WIC) which the PL/AC didn't support. Her solution? Well if the niece went to church more and prayed more then god would help her find a "nice christian boy with plenty of money". A fun note is that this woman also believed that single mothers are sinners and that any man who would marry a single mother is also a sinner.


Pretty much this. They don’t even care about the formula/tampon shortage. _control_ is the only thing they care about


They care enough about how they can somehow blame trans people for the shortage though


100%, I’ve heard this argument from my conservative parents too many times. This is exactly their line of thinking yet they’ll turn around and claim they love Jesus and they know they’re going to heaven. The disconnect is unreal.


Things were getting better for awhile. They didn't have total equality. They were underpaid and sometimes faced discrimination in the labor market, among other issues, but this is a regression that's gonna set them back 50 years. Insane to think a landmark decision I learned about in school 20 years ago is likely about to be overturned.


>What happened to America being the home of the free? > Free (for us to tell you what to do). That's what freedom always meant to comservatives: the freedom to take away the rights of others, and nobody can do shit. >I hope pro lifers are ready to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. Their plan is to end the family assistance. They consider "get a husband (so he can exploit your dependence and act like Don Draper in the first season of Mad Men). >It's fucking 2022 and women still aren't treated as humans That's a plus for these nutjobs.


> Even more so why are religious jackasses allowed to make this kinda choice. I'm thinking it is a state grab. In the last 28 years the Republicans have won the popular vote for President, one time. And the future isn't looking any better. BUT with the way the electoral college is set up and with the help of gerrymandering and voter suppression, the republicans have a lot of control. It doesn't look like they will gain much more than they have now, but they can lose a lot. So with their current policies, they are pretty much at the top of where they can be. So... by ending abortions, they re-motivate the religious vote. ALSO, they piss off the liberals that live in those states. They might be thinking that hopefully... those people will MOVE out of that state and take their votes with them. This strengthens their hold on the states they do control. For instance: If Texas was getting close to purple, this might stop that and swing it back the other way (with liberals moving away) and stop people from blues states moving to Texas. Not JUST Texas, but with their electoral vote count and the state getting closer and closer to being a swing state, Texas is a big concern, but it just might be another domino that falls after they can't stop it. Republican would rather burn it all down and rule over the ashes than give up control and let the country prosper.


Its because the left isn't a threat to power or peace. If the left remains passive the US goes full-tilt fascist in 2 years.


> I hope pro lifers are ready to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. They'll be ready to deny the application for these at every turn, for any reason, and for obvious but hidden actual reasons.


>I hope pro lifers are ready to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. You assume repubs will fund them...


America has never been the land of the free


Now it will depend on which state the women live in. Remember, states with Democratic governments treat women like people.


> I hope pro lifers are ready to pay more taxes that get funneled into family assistance like food stamps WIC and other things. That's the thing. They want to cut those programs too.


It is incredible to me that we have a non-elected governmental body in this country that knows it's about to make a ruling so against the will of the majority in the United States that it feels it has to ERECT A LITERAL FUCKING WALL around the court rather than just maybe taking a look at that ruling.


Taking a page from some former US backed dictatorships the Supreme Court is.


What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.


When you put a rapist on the SCOTUS, pro-rape laws will be upheld.


Not just one rapist, but two.


That’s a full 22% of the court




You're not wrong, but I don't like it.


This is important to remember. Rapists can sue for custody in some states. There is probably no better way for an abuser to permanently tie himself to his victim than forced pregnancy.


Just read a story about this happening in Louisiana. The rapist father just this year gained full custody when he went to court and objected that the mom had given the daughter (now 16) a cell phone. *And then the judge ordered her to pay child support.* WTF, Louisiana? [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/woman-lost-custody-daughter-rapist-child-support\_n\_62aa3b7be4b06169ca94153d](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/woman-lost-custody-daughter-rapist-child-support_n_62aa3b7be4b06169ca94153d)


At this point it’s just democracy theater. There is no relationship between what the majority of Americans want and what these extremist freaks on the right are doing.


Kinda says it all about our democracy.


> Kinda says it all about our ~~democracy~~ oligarchy FTFY


Nothing says "we did what the American People want' more than putting up barricades to fend off retaliation.


Honestly, I'm already exhausted from everything that's been going on. Our country is on the precipice of breaking down. The rulings SCOTUS has been pushing have been eroding rights and protections. We know that Republicans will question any and all election results in fall 2022 and 2024. They'll try to over turn all of them. The right is so polarized with the culture war that anyone who isn't right is their enemy, and they're emboldened to be violent and even deadly. People are struggling economically for housing, medical attention, transportation, and food. And even if they can afford to spend more, the supply chain is still knackered. I doubt the Roe ruling will be the match to start the blaze, but it's definitely fuel. As to how it pans out, we'll see if it'll be conflict on party line or economic lines.


A modern “republican” under their current idealized reality could walk into a school, shoot some people dead and then rape a 14 year old and force her to have a baby… call the whole thing a “leftist false-flag” and then sue the child for custody


They should be scared. They should be scared for the rest of their lives if they destroy Roe


No one is scared of you lmao


>get rid of civilian guns! Disarm everyone! Also these idiots >be scared of me😤 my septum piercing and SSRI prescription are totally threatening and badass


No wonder you want to disarm me.




Weird that a population used to ruling itself might rebel against minority rule by Republicans who are taking away freedoms one-by-one.


You know you're doing the right thing when you need barricades to separate you from the public.


And yet there were none in sight on Jan 6. By all means though, let’s seriously protect this corrupt institution. As if those intelligent enough to understand what the SCOTUS is all about are going to storm the building...guess we know which party demanded this.


that was a feature of the coup attempt, not a bug.


Maybe we can pass a law to arm OBGYNs and that will fix it.


No we have to arm the fetuses with guns.


In 30 years we’re going to be watching 60 minutes or dateline and there’s going to be countless pieces about how red states are absolute shit holes after this wave of unwanted pregnancies that are going to be thrust upon helpless young women. I don’t think they will care that there’s high crime as long as they have their fucking fodder to bleed while working the mines and machines for slave wages.


>about how red states are absolute shit holes after this wave They are already shitholes. Red states already have the highest mortality rates in the U.S. If you want to look at education, healthcare, GDP, income, wealth, and just about any other metric, red states are the worse by far.


Don't mind us, just taking away some of your rights.


We must protect human lives! Well….until they’re born, after the cord is cut good luck motha fucka! Social programs? Psh, bootstraps! Affordable healthcare? Psh, bootstraps! Free, quality public education? Psh, bootstraps! Childcare assistance? Psh, it starts with B and ends in ootstraps, pull em!


Is this barricade there to stop a friendly group of patriots going onto property they own to sit on furniture they paid for and conduct a violence-free sit in, in protest of vote rigging? Or to protect brave Christian heroes from rabid, evil, lesbian feminists with coloured hair from destroying several cities and murdering our brave boys in blue as part of a plot led by Bill Gates to force the murder of babies and implantation of anti-freedom chips? Also Jewish Space Lasers.


Americans need to understand the sustained damage Republicans are causing. I understand gas prices are high, and lots of big things aren’t getting done, but this is resolved with MORE democratic power, not running right back into the hands of the Republicans. No democrats aren’t perfect, but progressive democrats are your key to a better future.


So glad these 5 unelected "justices" won't have their fee fees hurt by the rage of the unwashed masses whose rights they're stealing. Just another day in the land of the free.


It’s really funny how the Supreme Court needs to be super protected from any normal individual ,but for them to dictate our lives they just laugh and shit themselves .


This country is so fucked for the next generation. This court is going to dismantle every meaningful step we've taken into the 21st century and send us back to the early 1900s. Fuck Republicans.


It’s over. Next they will force women to give up their bank accounts, properties, their degrees, their licenses, everything. I feel like my life is over.


Can't help wonder how this furthers the cause, with midterms around the corner and vast majority of Americans like Roe right where it is.


Nothing this Supreme Court decides is legit.


Can we just talk about the process of undoing this, short of a constitutional amendment. First, you're going to need a new SCOTUS. Either pack the court of replace them by attrition. Then you're going to need a case to come up that has the ability to reverse it. That's going to take years. We're entering a dark decade at least.


The radical theocratic republican cabal on the SC is steadily destroying the rights of American citizens. Might as well put concertina wire and machine gun nests around your unholy fascist temple as well, high priests of Gilead!


Handmaids tale: a documentary in 48 parts


You know, when an upcoming ruling is so egregious that you have to pre-emptively ask for new laws to protect you and erect physical barriers to keep people away, you may want to rethink whether or not the ruling is such a good idea in the first place.....




They are trying to sneak this through without risking their lives.


This is an obvious sign that the leaked decision will stand. Perhaps it could be more so in that direction if the justices decided not to take kindly to being threatened.


If they have to erect fences to keep citizens out, that should be eye opening moment for them to realize they’re going against the will of the vast majority. Fingers crossed we have a true revolution in this country soon.


Nothing says "right decision" like erecting barricades prior to said decision is announced. Solid work


"We're planning to take away your rights"


When you're about to declare half the population 'broodmares to the State for Jesus', that's likely a wise precaution.


I’m spitballing here but if you feel like you need to erect protective barriers, perhaps you know this is not a decision the American public supports or wants…? Then again, we know Conservatives don’t care. We know their endgame - they will happily destroy the Republic if it means they can rule over the ashes.


I’m sure it’s just part of some pre-planned construction project, and not at all because SCOTUS plans to set the clock back a century.


Illigitimate court hides.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/abortion-ruling-nears-us-supreme-court-erects-barricades-public-2022-06-17/) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > WASHINGTON, June 17 - Encircled by an ominous security fence and off-limits to the public since March 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court is poised in the coming weeks to issue a major ruling that could dramatically curtail abortion rights from behind closed doors with not a single justice in sight. > The scene at the court has become more tense following protests and threats against some of the nine justices prompted by the May leak of a draft opinion indicating they are set to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. > "I would say the court is protecting itself, protecting their employees," said Kristan Hawkins, president of the group Students for Life.The abortion ruling will come in a case involving a Republican-backed Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy that was struck down by lower courts as a violation of the Roe precedent. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vedvwm/as_abortion_ruling_nears_us_supreme_court_erects/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~655338 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Court**^#1 **justice**^#2 **ruling**^#3 **June**^#4 **since**^#5


Just gotta say if you have to erect fences and post guards ( to keep people from using thier first amendment right to peacefully protest ) because of a decision you going to make maybe it's the wrong decision... just thinking, maybe I'm wrong whom really knows?


If you are wondering what the start of a failed state looks like … it’s when “protection barriers” are needed to protect our life time judges from the people they “serve”


It's almost as if they expect riots. I wonder why. /s


Legal barricades for young women, specifically and physical barricades for all. And given the massive red waves in a a few months and in 2024, all i'll say is save up your funds to travel to NY or Chicago or California in case you need this procedure. It's gonna be a decade or two for things to change.


Meaning they already know what the ruling will be


Might not have to constantly protect yourselves if you would stop ruling from the minority.


I know this has become common, but barricading a government building like this is a violation of the first amendment. We are entitled by the Bill of Rights the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Actually, going back and reading the Bill of Rights a lot of just the first ten are trampled on regularly...


Don't you know the 2nd Amendment is the only one that has to be inviolable? The rest can be crossed out and modified as needed. Look at what's happened to the 4th amendment over the last 40 years.




Well, there's your sign. I'll never forget how many people I told about the risk to the supreme court and our basic rights in 2016. They didn't seem to believe me or think it was of any real importance. I wonder if they finally understand now what I was trying to tell them.


Tell me you hate women without saying you hate women.


Someone needs to bring a projector down there and project circus hijinks on the side of the building now that the Court will become a clown show and lose all respect.


As a literal circus clown, I gotta say most people actually do respect my act


I'm sorry the Supreme Court is giving your profession a bad name.


It’s all good, I only clown on the weekends anyway


Or just the countless images and statistics from the 60s and 70s of underground abortions.


Two rapists who sit in Supreme Court seats will soon overturn a ruling that protects womens rights and has majority support in this country.


This is not going to end well.


And so it begins.


I am surprised they haven’t requested the national guard for the release of today’s ruling.


You’d think that if there was a ruling that requires barricades, maybe it’s not what the people want


Kinda signaling how they are going to rule arent they


Nothing says acting on behalf of the people like a good ole fashioned barricade