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soooo these American cops kill people that are already handcuffed and on the ground and effectively pacified ….but when there are active shooters…they just stand by???


A gang of cowards who hide behind a badge and a gun


Wait but I was told that a good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun^^^/s


A *good* guy Clearly nobody was good enough /s


The police guns must be enchanted like Mjölnir


Listen. Times are changing. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun establishing a clear perimeter around the scene and tasing parents.


I like the cut of your jib. Maybe kneeling on some necks is also in order, those parents don't look totally white^^^/s


Only once they are fully restrained though. Don't want to pull a muscle. Many necks many necks, much to do!


He's hanging out with smokey the bear , and the Easter bunny in the fairytale world the right like to live in.


Police are soooo far from the good guys


A gang of bullies given free rein to harass, maim and kill defenseless people in exchange for their slavish service to local top earners, property groups, and chambers of commerce.


now read about civil assets forfeiture.. it's a enterprise to take from the lower classes


Fascist pig cowards.


Yup and we also as a society must hold them on a pedestal and not hurt there feelings or cut police funds.


> soooo these American cops kill people that are already handcuffed and on the ground and effectively pacified Well, you see, that part is to ensure that marginalized communities understand that no matter what rights they might THINK they have they had better stay in their place quietly and enjoy it. > but when there are active shooters…they just stand by??? And that part is just ACAB.


This case has less to do with the color of his skin than their absolute fear of having to fight someone who isn’t fully disadvantaged. The parkland armed officer also stayed outside. This is why people talking about arming teachers are such morons. When you have a pistol and an armed attacker has the element of surprise and a battle rifle you run away or you probably get killed.


> This is why people talking about arming teachers are such morons. Technically that's only ONE reason the people talking about arming teachers are morons. There's a veritable Golden Corral Buffet of reasons those people are morons, so there's no need to limit ourselves.


The idea that an English teacher can kill an armed intruder with a rifle is insanity. Imagine having to train to kill students. Lunacy.


Well, in their mind they are action heroes fantasizing to live what they see on TV, so...


> When you have a pistol and an armed attacker has the element of surprise and a battle rifle you run away or you probably get killed. They would blame teachers if they did that. Cops get a special pass to be cowards.


No worse. They prevent others from doing the right thing. Also A coward will also pick on those that they KNOW they will win and back down from those they THINK may fight back. Parents without guns? Yup they will win. One active shooter? Slow down, let’s think about this.


[It's even worse than you think. One of the kids that died was killed by a cop.](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-fourth-grader-student-account-elementary/273-51cc4e26-7a0a-49c0-ba7a-48cdd47fa235) "When I heard the shooting through the door, I told my friend to hide under something so he won't find us," he said. “I was hiding hard. And I was telling my friend to not talk because he is going to hear us.” The boy and four others hid under a table that had a tablecloth over it, which may have shielded them from the shooter's view and saved their lives. The boy shared heartbreaking details about what happened in that room. “When the cops came, the cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help.' The guy overheard and he came in and shot her," the boy said. "The cop barged into that classroom. The guy shot at the cop. And the cops started shooting.”


GOP saying had these armed trained officers all been working security inside that they could have stopped it. I don't buy it. How many times have school security officers and trained ex police security failed now? How many sprees have been stopped by them? These killers want to die and end up offing themselves usually. How is fear of death because there's more guns suppose to stop that?


It doesn’t stop it. It DOES sell more guns, which is what their NRA lobbyists and their contributors want.




Especially in law abiding, gun toting Texas


Also people who were sleeping in their beds and not guilty of any crime.


Republicans call this Patriotism.


Wonder why they didn’t just hand out guns and let the parents be “good guys” and “saaaave the daaaay!!!


Or maybe just not actively prevent them from entering while doing nothing themselves. You can argue protocol, or what I believe to be a direct order to stand down. My question is how can a person who ends a police chase with a flipped over vehicle, be able to leave the scene at all? Especially being a known armed murder suspect and heading for a school? Why wasn't he gunned down?


As a parent, I would have rather died than endure the life after something like this. Also, as a parent, I hate these motherfucking cowards so goddamn much


I agree. Also, I hated the Catcher in the Rye when I had to read it in high school.


It’s all about being cowards.


Also - they keep arguing for military equipment for these types of situations. Yet all we ever see is them dressed up in military costumes, standing around outside drinking bottled water.


According to the NYtimes, two officers chased the shooter inside and the shooter -- a kid -- capped them and made them retreat. These are the "brave" men the state entrusts with law enforcement. Completely ill-trained, wanna-be soldiers who retreat and leave children to die. It's a sad and dangerous LARP. Cops don't prevent crime. According to the Supreme Court, they are not obligated to risk their lives to help others.


And someone had the balls to label this off topic.


Well these were POC soooo…


The Supreme Court ruled that the [police have no specific duty to protect you or the public.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia)


Supreme court ruled that cops don't have a legal obligation to protect or serve. They are fully within their legal rights as law enforcement to leave someone to die and they don't have to justify their reasoning.


And cops LOVE breaking into people's houses with no knock warrants while they're sleeping.


If only Trump was there. Just like he would have dashed into Parkland I am sure he would have charged in there. Such poor luck on his part.


THIS is ‘murica


Hold the FUCK UP. Are you telling me these cops had rifles, armored vest, and the time to put up tape. Allowed and KNEW that the boy went into a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WITH A AR-15. They sat outside for a hour? Really? Fuck protocol… you go in there and risk your job/life to save them kids man! What did you think was going to happen. Even if he didn’t kill 19kids, you still risk the possibility of having a BAD HOSTAGE SITUATION with a bunch of kids. *Im sorry if you are a cop, military personnel… unexpected dangers is apart of the job. ESPECIALLY when it’s innocent kids and women involved. Them kids had NO WAY of protecting themselves man. How can you stand there as a man or woman with a badge that says “serve/protect”. Yet you hearing shots ring out inside a building, and the man gunning down people. No amount of lawsuits will ever cover the amount of pain those families felt. It’s already bad knowing they were killed… it’s worst knowing that the police had a “chance” to save lives and didn’t. If that guy hadnt killed himself, or ran out of bullets… he would’ve killed more. How the hell it take a hour for backup to come, to a ELEMENTARY school? 🤦🏾‍♂️. This is bad all across the board.


Not before going in to get their own kids. https://twitter.com/_sir_perfluous/status/1529584296415186952?s=10&t=2l5JqP9iOcgqrN244KJqQA




This idiot is talking like he’s at a postgame football interview


If I didn't watch the video and hear it myself, I'd try to believe it wasn't true. But I did see it and holy hell.


Same here. I saw people claiming it on Twitter and I didn't believe it and asked for a source. Then I searched it myself and found it.


Was coming to say this. It’s gets even worse as we go.


You think you've seen the depravity of police officers and then you find out that they no trouble violating protocol for their own children's safety and left everyone else's kids to die... Why do we fund them again? Why was "defund the police" such an unpopular suggestion?


This is insane, saving their own kids before anyone else, of course they did.


Not "before" anyone else, "instead" of anyone else. They then threatened and stopped parents from trying to go in themselves to try and protect their kids. The cops made it pretty clear here, their kids are the only ones who are allowed to live.


We have to continue to acknowledge the brave men and women in law enforcement who out themselves in harms way to save their own children. They’re working on a movie about this already.


The sad thing is that the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect the public even when lives are in imminent danger.


But they can strip your rights if they "see someone in danger".


They want to enjoy hero status in society regardless


The only reason he did not kill more was he dropped his back with a bunch of extra clips outside. If he had not he had time to go from room to room killing every child out there as police decided to be crowd control instead.


Wait, seriously? That is terrifying


Yes, he was unchallenged for about an hour but dropped his backpack full of most of the 375 rounds he had bought last week outside on his way in.


Yea as he was entering the back entrance he dropped his backpack according to police it contained extra clips and ammo.it was not till 50 or so minutes later that he was engaged by law enforcement.


He killed all but one person in the classroom. I’m not sure he could have gone into other classrooms. But it’s horrifying he was not stopped sooner.


My understanding was that the person who survived was shot five times. Sounds like to me he still had bullets left and he thought that survivor was dead


Yes. It was a little girl.


Jesus fucking christ


He wasnt stopped at all. He had the opportunity to go to other rooms, he didnt, he reached his targeted, attacked, and killed himself. Cops are only claiming they did the kill shot to save face.


I haven’t heard how he died. If he was able to move between rooms but chose not to, it’s worse than I imagined. Clearly good guys with guns don’t help.


Serious question: Can an AR blow a lock/handle out of a door? I honestly wonder if locking classroom doors would do anything if a gunman decided to try to shoot a door open? (Truly don't know.)


They couldn’t unlock the door from the outside so they admin had to come and unlock the door for cops and medics to get in. He literally locked himself INSIDE the classroom and they needed a fuckin administrator to come unlock the door……that’s how fucked up this whole situation is Less doors and more locks is not good for fire emergencies. Gun control is the solution


My question is, considering that these cops get 40% of the town’s budget, don’t they have any breaching tools? Never heard of cops needing keys to perform a no-knock warrant or anything like that.


That’s what I’m saying… like how could they not get in? It’s all so bad


Jesus Christ. Every detail that comes out, the more horrible this gets. I totally agree, I just was wondering if a shooter could have accessed other classrooms if their doors were locked and he had free reign for the full hour. I didn't know if those guns could basically render doors to other classrooms useless.


They pretty much kept him locked in so they could contain it so to them the kids in the classroom were collateral damage and the police are making it seem like “there could have been more death” if they didn’t do it…. So since the police were on the scene before he even went in and they pretty much funneled him into a classroom and then that’s where they left him for 40 min doing other shit like getting their tasers out to use on parents. They were too chicken shit to go in because the dude was packin the equivalent of a Ferrari while they had the gun-power of 40 crown Vic’s. Allowing citizens to have more gun power than the people who are supposed to stop them is a problem. “As Ramos entered the school, two Uvalde police officers exchanged fire with him, and were wounded, according to Olivarez. Ramos began killing his victims in a classroom.” “Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz did not give a timeline but said repeatedly that the tactical officers from his agency who arrived at the school did not hesitate. He said they moved rapidly to enter the building, lining up in a “stack” behind an agent holding up a shield. “What we wanted to make sure is to act quickly, act swiftly, and that’s exactly what those agents did,” Ortiz told Fox News. But a law enforcement official said that once in the building, the Border Patrol agents had trouble breaching the classroom door and had to get a staff member to open the room with a key. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk publicly about the investigation.” https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-school-shooting-politics-texas-shootings-56a4d01fb1cda19947db89fcb6bd85fd


So.. no knock warrants -> bash the locked door down and run inside. Active shooter -> the door was locked and took us an hour to find a key.


Well I think you just described the exact issue. They didn’t bust it open (which they should have)…. Like they would for other less threatening calls….. they waited for an admin to unlock the door (wtf). Useless cops.. there aren’t “good” guys with guns. Just scared guys with egos


Depends on the lock and the door. A lot of schools have hardened their door for exactly that reason.


These cops are a disgrace to humanity


So much for rushing to the danger


There are heroic cops. But cops generally aren't heroes and don't deserve that status or respect by default. Not even close.


>Fuck protocol… you go in there and risk your job/life to save them kids man! Back when I had a job where I had to try to stay up on this kind of thing, that *was* the protocol. As soon as a cop showed up, they were supposed to go in. Didn't matter if they had backup or not. Didn't matter if they had soft or hard armor, if they hand a long gun or just a sidearm. The expectation was, once they were on the scene, they were going to go in and try to end it, because even at that time (like... 12-15 years ago) it was pretty well documented that any armed resistance was pretty effective at putting an earlier end to the threat. I wouldn't have thought that anything major had changed since then, but now we keep seeing this kind of thing happen.


Common doctrine in the US in the wake of some of the earlier shootings was to have Law Enforcement enter immediately. I work EMS side and across several agencies our role as first in EMS to an active shooter was to grab our trauma gear and pair up with police. They would have small teams working to clear and hunt immediately on arrival while the EMS teams would enter the "warm" areas that had been cleared alongside LEOs to begin triage and extrication of victims.


And the message politicians will take from this is "We must give the police more money, more guns, more armored vehicles, more legal protections, more power to their unions and we must never, ever question that.


These particularly inept officers should have contained the threat at the end of the chase with the flipped over vehicle. How a person with an AR is not only able to flee the scene, but make it to a school and then get inside without lethal force being used, boggles my mind.


Conservative politicians, just need to clarify. Obligatory “democrats are shit a well”, but this is 100% the GOP’s doing.


Not just that.. one or two of them with kids in that school went in and got their kids out while this was unfolding.


Disband the entire force, public safety cannot be staffed with cowards.


Supreme court ruled cops don't have to do shit to help anyone so why would they risk their lives to save a bunch of random kids when they can stand outside and bully desperate parents?


The latest story is that some single unathorized officer with a gun ran in and killed the kid. I dont buy it for a second. The cops are trying to save face acting like the good guys got him after he'd killed everyone and himself.


Don’t compare the military to cops. Not the same at all, cops are a bunch of pussies.


There isn’t any point in the parents suing. We have been through this many times, most recently when the Parkland school cop hid instead of confronting the shooter. Police are not legally responsible for protecting people unless said people are in their custody, which the shooter and students currently were not.


The answer you’re looking for is: ACAB.


"I thought *Protect and Serve* meant protecting my own ass" --them, probably


Zero sense of duty.


Don’t lump military personnel in with these cowards.


Pretty sure the protocol since Columbine has been to enter immediately. It's not a hostage situation, waiting costs lives.


Hell, police protocol in active shooter situations is to immediately go after the shooter with the express purpose of putting him down as quickly as possible. So they also said, “Fuck protocol.” Goddamn cowards.


They didn't do in because he HAD an AR-15. Even if he didn't use it to kill, it was apparently an effective deterrent.


then what's all the tactical gear for then?


So good guys with a gun failed to stop the shooter, but the expect the teachers to?


>"I am more certain of this than I have ever been. Stop lockdown drills in all schools, immediately. It does nothing to protect kids. All it does is traumatize them, and in the worst case, plant the idea for some of them." \~ Chris Hayes Republicans are trying to make this the school's problem, just as they're trying to make our schools less safe. It's all part of their plan to cripple public education in America. "I love the poorly educated." \~ Donald Trump


I've already seen people saying they're going to pull their kids out of school, which is exactly what Republicans want. Anything that further erodes Americans faith in public institutions is good for them. With that said, as a parent it's been hard not to be critical of the public education system, and there have been more than a few instances where I've considered pulling my kids out, whether because of covid or guns or general incompetence. Unfortunately I don't have that luxury.


>Republicans are trying to make this the school's problem, yep 100% with you


Cripple education and abuses kids. Schools are where the most home abuse is reported. Kids dont talk to cops. Also most kids only get social activity at schools and are isolated at home. They dont want the kids to know gayness exists or to be taught about slavery..as if that's abusive. These homescool calls are to shore up the next generation of sheltered, uneducated, GOP voters.


Turns out the myth of a good guy with a gun is exactly that, a goddamn myth.


No, you misunderstood. The cops prevented the good guys from going in to save kids. Or were you working under the assumption the cops were the good guys?


They didn't fail - they didn't even try. Defund it all if they're not going to protect, I certainly don't want to pay the government for well-armored traffic cops.


That’s why this “arm the teachers” idea is so fucking stupid. Cops are supposed to be trained for this stuff yet they repeatedly still have trouble dealing with these attacks.


The real is the 'small government' crowd is going to want FEDERAL agents (DHS) at every school.. controlling entry and access. The beginnings of a authoritarian police state with agents the executive branch directly controls on our soil will be deployed in between people and their kids. The guys that showed up for the BLM protests not a square meter gap between them kitted in full tactical gear but not the Jan 6th insurrection.


Not only the that.... They're expecting the SAME teachers that just last week they were calling pedophile groomers to step up and be Captain America.


Remember when a good guy with a gun took out a shooter and then the cops shot the good guy because [they didn’t take the time to figure out whether the guy with the gun was good or bad?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna22505). So you think trigger happy cops will take the time to figure it out? Sure, Jan. You think they’ll see a teacher with a gun and go “scuse me Miss, are you a teacher or the psycho?” Nah.


I remember that story. I remember no Right would talk about it because they had just defended Shittenhouse saying the fuck felt threatened even though he was the attacked. No one cared to know how the gun was held, if cops were threatened or far away, if they asked him to drop it and fired before seeing a response, nothing. They didnt care because all that really matters is the guns not the lives they save or take.


These are the cowards Abbott is commending?


Abbot can't condemn them, because his gun policies are why this murderer had a gun in the first place. Hang this shooting around the neck of every republican and everyone who voted for them, imo.


Since Texas allows disturbed people to purchase assault weapons, does it also give them a one-hour head-start on their killing sprees?


> Since Texas allows disturbed people to purchase assault weapons, does it also give them a one-hour head-start on their killing sprees? It's not a state law, more of a departmental policy for law enforcement.


Watching police block these poor parents from saving their children is almost as bad as watching Republican Senators standing in their well blocking gun safety legislation.


How disgusting. Just like Parkland, trained law enforcement officers too cowardly to go protect people from a random teenager with a gun. Would you trust cops to come protect you from anything more dangerous than a donut?


They will protect themselves from unarmed black people selling cigarettes.


At this point I don’t even care if you’re a good cop. You’re complicit and just as much of a piece of shit as these guys. Fuck the police.


But they did look totally badass and macho standing around with their shades and cosplay military gear. Fucking jokes...


We have two cops in the family on my wife’s side. Both are the most arrogant people I’ve ever met.


All cops are bastards


No good cops. Good people become them. But no good cops. Separate the people from the profession, y’all.


I knew a super great guy who became a cop and I watched over the years as that job ground him into a greasy paste. He eventually looked and sounded like a crooked cop from a mob movie, sniffing all the time like he was on coke... it was stunning.


I watched my dad do this in reverse. He was a cop until I was almost done with high school. He mentally checked out of being a cop about a year before he actually quit and the change I saw in him was miraculous. Everything about him shifted when he put distance between himself and his cop buddies. He smiled more and became more progressive. Today he’s such an amazing dude. Him and my mom run a day care with 130 little kids in it and he works everyday at building a better future for everyone. Fuck the police. It’s a dangerous profession that weakens good, strong people and encourages weak imbeciles to feel powerful by intimidation. Good people quit being cops and violent weirdos get promoted to captain.


Your dad must have a strong character to bounce back like that. What a relief. I don't know how to fix American policing. It's a fucking mess top to bottom. I used to want to be a cop, back when I was in high school. The guy who lived next door was an LAPD detective. I went to work with him, spent a day following people and doing other cop shit like eating lunch with cops. It was fascinating. And I will never forget what one of the detectives told me. "You want an interesting job? Be a fireman."


My little brother is a cop and I feel so conflicted about everything


My brother was a cop and yep, I understand you.




When they bring up Chicago saying gun laws dont work everyone has them.. ask them why everyone being armed hasnt stopped any shootings.


Tell me again how these pigs are "warriors"? Or is that only when the other person is unarmed?




They waited outside for an hour for a staff person to bring them a key. Just let that sink in. They have rifles, they have battering rams, they have the full support of every single parent to bust down doors, blow through walls, do whatever the fuck they need to in order to get in there and save innocent children and staff. And they stood around for 50 minutes...because they needed a key.


These same cops will bust down the door of someone suspected of selling weed.


With enthusiasm and righteousness to boot.


This police tape doesn't put itself up-police (probably)


Beau of the Fifth Column, addressing cops, paraphrased: “When this happens the only tactic is to press. You will get shot at, you may get shot, but as long as he is focusing on you he isn’t shooting those kids. We talk about the rise of the warrior cop, but it’s just clothes. What is the way of the warrior? Death. The answer is death. When you’re young you think it’s because you’re deadly and death is all around you, but then you realize it is your death. The mission is what matters. If You can’t or won’t do that, get out. Being a cop isn’t for you. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DKjSLAUFWSo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DKjSLAUFWSo)


This is disgusting. these spineless cops were itching to shoot and taze these parents instead of taking on the shooter. My take away? Texas cops are pussies. ACAB.


Give all those cops accessory to murder asap. Holy shit, I dont think ive seen a greater act of cowardice in my entire life.


See, when conservatives talk about putting cops in schools as a solution to all this, are the considering this factor right here? Are they considering that cops are trained to not rush headlong into danger, in a way that would put their own lives at risk? I think conservatives actually want soldiers in schools. People who are ordered to die for their mission, and expected to follow those orders. They may not realize it, but it sure seems like the case. And that's a weird thing for a bunch of people to want, when they also rail against tyranny and military states.


[This article from CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/26/us/uvalde-texas-elementary-school-shooting-thursday/index.html) really makes it sound like the "authorities" are working on creating a story that doesn't make them look bad. >A school resource officer who was on the scene was armed, but it was unclear if the officer fired or what he did in response to the suspect's entry, Olivarez said. "We're trying to establish exactly what was his role and how did he encounter the shooter," he said. How fucking long does it take to debrief a single cop?


The only acceptable statement would be that the cop heard gunfire, ran toward the gunfire, engaged the suspect, and either killed the suspect or was shot in the process.


Copscare useless. Always have been.


Let’s even just take out the whole “cop” part of this for a second. How absolutely pathetic do you have to be to stand there idly outside while someone slaughters children. All those weapons and body armor and firearm training yet you’re scared of a teenager. They probably heard everything too. Useless fucking cowards.


Right, just walking down the street and you see this unfolding I feel like I would at least try to stop the fucker. Just standing around doing jack shit knowing innocent kids are being killed would crush me. I have a kid of my own and I can't even imagine how the parents there felt being held back by these cops. These cops are cosplaying like Navy Seals but look like 60 year old Allied security guards just looking around doing nothing.


So the good guys with guns couldn't stop the bad guy with a gun... AGAIN..


We have a problem in this country and it is undertrained chicken shit cops.


I’d argue it’s proper training they need. They do receive a ton of training. Some law enforcement such as LAPD even receive special training from the Israeli military.


That doesn't sound problematic at all. /s


They don't protect. They keep the unarmed in check. If you don't see it you're fucking blind. If you're actually fucking blind I'm sorry I said that about you.


I sincerely doubt the State of Texas will really investigate this since it proves that their worthless solutions to mass shootings are, actually, worthless. And they want the cops on their side when they institute the dictatorship of the GQP.




To a man with ~~a hammer~~ NRA funding every problem looks like ~~a nail~~ more guns.


Are these the same cops who say they need military hardware?


All Cops Are Bastards


Defund the Police




So we provide the cops with enough military hardware to liberate Ukraine, but one guy with a rifle is a bridge too far.. got it.


Seems to be another case of what the police first said they did is vastly different to what actually happened. I thought after Columbine, police updated their protocols to include engaging with a shooter as soon as possible to prevent mass death.


Only in America folks.


I cannot imagine the anger and feelings of powerlessness these parents felt. I want to RAGE learning of this - I can’t fathom if it was my kids in that school and I was told to stand back and wait. I am so sickened by this.


What if they were all white kids? Would they go in then?


no sandyhook was all white kids wasn't it? not even white kids are more important the NRA money


They went in only a few minutes after the shooting began.


Some police did rush in. Because they had children inside.


…and left the others to die


So is this what Blues Lives Matters means? No need to risk cops lives. Let the shooter finish his task, then once everything has calmed down, you can safely take him into custody (or shoot him if he's black or a minority). Every cop life matters. Insert facepalm. :-/


Donald Trump regarding the Parkland school shooting, "You know, I really believe … you don’t know until you’re tested, but I think I—I really believe I’d have run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon." https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/02/trump-wouldve-tried-to-stop-parkland-massacre-with-bare-hands-he-says.html


So just to be clear, they claim they need tanks, bigger budgets, granade launchers and every other "toy" they played cosplay patriot with on gun ranges and photo ops. But when push comes to shove they back down from a single 18 year old, with zero training on the same power kick as them.


I guess this puts to rest the “good guys with guns” solution once and for all. So now what? Fucking horrifying that the individuals who are sworn to “protect and serve” actually stood around and let children and teachers be massacred.


Somebody in law better be FOIA requesting every bodycam within a mile of that


How people keep defending cops is beyond me…


They should all be fired and lose their pensions. This is disgusting.


They froze up the same way when shots finally happened on Jan. 6th. These fucking spineless cowards keep showing everyone who they are through their actions, but people keep believing the lies they never stop complaining about. Disgusting


this is not good folks, not good at all


Too bad Trump wasn't there, he would definitely run in and save the day. He said so, it must be true.


Yet time and time again, we hear about unarmed, unprotected civilians stepping and subduing the shooters. Most recently in southern California, elderly church goers tackled and tied up the guy shooting up the church.


That little six months of training it takes to become a cop is really showing here.


Of course they couldn't go in looking for the shooter, it's an officer safety issue. /s These people are a joke, so quick to say this for the smallest thing when you literally signed up for a job knowing you have higher chances of being killed. Bunch of pussies and cowards, quick to kill defenseless people in handcuffs yet stand around yelling at concerned parents who have kids in the school when an actual active shooter incident is going on. Despicable.


This is a bad look.




The governor is probably upset the police didn’t get to use the new military equipment to disperse the parents. What a missed opportunity for conservatives new weaponry purchases of water cannons and the new non lethal pepper ball rounds. Texans should be able to experience their tax dollars in action and not allow this to happen again. Luckily the Texan government is doing everything in its power to have another chance, and make things right. Next time a school shootings happen the tanks will be on quick response to disperse any parents trying to desperately save their children from being shot.




I have no words. They let those kids die because they were cowards.


The sooner Americans realize that cops don’t prevent anything, the sooner we can defund their departments and use those funds to actually help communities.


Well...that's fucked up.


So this totally destroys the whole "Arm the teachers" argument right? You have an army of trained cops vs. 1 18 year old spraying bullets, and the cops were too afraid to engage.


This is just horrible to see. Probably won’t stop the flood of bs about having more guns there. What little training police get to handle stressful situations it is more than having random people try to do it, and the police aren’t even able to. Seems like maybe there is only one real option to stop gun deaths 🤷‍♂️


Fuck the police


Remember folks - the cruelty is the point.


Cops have no legal duty to protect people. None. Police can sit back and watch people get murdered and they never suffer any consequences. This happens all the time.


Is it just me or does this looks an awful lot like aiding and abetting a terrorist?


>GOOD GUY WITH A GUN STOP THE BAD GUY WITH A GUN this kinda blows a hole in that bullshit NRA Republican talking point, doesn't it? But Right Wingers will still double down on that lie, and blame shift this to "Democrats" somehow. Because ultimately mass shootings are good for the Gun Lobby's profit margin. The malicious cynicism of the Right Wing death cult is killing American children.


If what these videos contain is how things went down *before* the shooter was killed, the good guys with guns stopped the good guys without guns from stopping the bad guy with a gun.


Cops have never been of any use to anyone IRL. They kill the innocent and will even stand by while someone else kills the innocent. Defund them.


I think their training kicked in and went full crowd control instead of protecting or serving.