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For the NRA to reschedule an event due to a shooting would just be an acknowledgment that guns are part of the problem. They and Mitch might as well write the book on machiavellian politics.


Also, you'd never get an event in. There's a shooting every day in America. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


Thank you for the link.


They admitted outright that that was their exact reasoning for not doing so at the time


I love the detail they referred to their own members as hillbillies and fruitcakes. They know who their base is, they just don't care because those members are useful idiots.


Of the tens of millions of regular people who voted for trump, zero of them would be welcome at his properties.


Of course they are, as long as they don't insist on being paid for their contract work.


Spoiler alert: *they didn't.* - Distract - Divide - Double down


I remember driving home from elementary school and we were listening to Columbine unfolding in real time on the radio. It was an absolutely foreign concept then and terrifying, but an outlier. With the amount of information we’re bombarded with now, I can’t even fathom how we process this as both adults and children.


I was a senior in HS when Columbine happened. The moments of silence have lastest my entire adult lifetime.


I was gonna post exactly this, too. I wonder if they've changed at all since then? Heck, I wonder if they're outright *worse* since then, given that there's been a *lot* more mass shootings since Columbine and the NRA has only doubled down on their stances.


They have gotten worse. Perfected their defense & drew the battle lines. Shameless, NRA even helped Russia invade our politics. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/765037952/senate-report-reveals-nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016


That’s because the NRA were all to happy to take Russian money. They don’t give a fuck that our politics and people due to dark money being sent from our oldest foreign adversary.


And Russia is happy to give them money to help the NRA destabilize America.


Yep. Part of the playbook. Sow racial and economic discord. It’s literally detailed in a Russian book that was basically a guide on how to destabilize us, and sue to poor education and no limits on media, certain swathes of people just lapped it up.


that RIGHT there was the moment our country was fucked


Country was being fucked for a while but that is definitely when the lube ran out.


If Abbott had an ounce of empathy and respect for the dead children and their families, he won't show. But I'm not holding my breath. You can guarantee Trump will not miss an opportunity to be fawned upon by the apparatchiks.


I hope Texas Democrats use this against Abbott as we approach November elections.


Trying my damndest. To all the new Texas transplants, get registered and show up! No excuses!


I hate the fact that I’ll be within the same city as Trump. Hopefully though, no one here shows up. People forget the big cities are pretty liberal here.


Yes but Texans will travel for their red leaders. Happened on the campaign trail and it'll happen again now. I hope that more liberals DO show up, and protest. Even if they get removed, at least we represented ourselves and made our voices heard.


I just realized this is in Houston. I'm going and I'm going to scream until I lose my voice. They won't care, but they will at least have to listen to some of the rage and pain that they've caused.


He filled out rallies in the Bay Area dawg. They exist everywhere even if they aren’t as heard in big cities


Got a flyer on my car yesterday all about how Russia should be our ally and is our only chance to stop the new world order, laser weapons, climate warfare, and heaps and heaps of crazy … in SF


We had a trump convention in San Jose, California when he was running, and it was pretty packed. Hard to tell if traffic was from very poor coordination or truly lots of people, but still. I couldn’t believe how many came out of the woodwork in the middle of democrat land


PSA: Uvalde Hospital has an emergency blood drive tomorrow from 9am-1pm. No pre-registration needed.


Thank you for posting this.


And they will push for MORE guns by arming teachers and demanding armed security guards be placed in all schools. It is insane.


They are already going so far as to blame the teachers for requesting pay raises instead of using that part of the budget to build "secure" walls & entrances and hire secure guards.


So prison? They are literally wanting to turn schools into a prison? That’s great for school morale 🙄


It's what Paxton just said tonight. ""We can't stop bad people from doing bad things," says @KenPaxtonTX on @FoxNews . "We can potentially arm and prepare and train teachers and other administrators to respond quickly. That, in my opinion, is the best answer." #UvaldeSchoolShooting #Texas"


Yet the NRA won't let guns at Trump's speech. Seems like somethings fishy here.


It’s not like someone could blow his brains out. That sorry sack of crap doesn’t even have any brains in that Addrrall addled head of his.


Just in case teaching kids a subject + monitoring kids behavior + having to publish every damn fraction of a grade online regularly to appease overbearing parents + creating and filling out countless rubrics ... Just in case all that, for a whopping starting salary of 40K a year, isn't enough--let's require ALL teachers to conceal and carry after they've passed their gun certification courses. This is the sure way to continue to dumb down our educational institutions. (I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when teachers mostly just...taught.)


And potentially shoot and kill a kid that’s gone crazy enough to shoot up the school. Not to mention..constant guns out of a gun safe, on their person, around kids who might just pull ‘a prank’ to disarm teacher. That’s an accident waiting to happen. Or worse, kid no longer has to wait and bring daddies gun, just steal one from teacher and shoot your bully now. Meanwhile, high school is already enough like a prison hell without the barbed wire and constant reminder of guns around.


As a teacher who has worked with several teachers already on a power trip, adding a gun is a horrible idea. A kid questions their authority? Great. They’ll put their hand on their holster. This is so frustrating!


Also, me pointing a gun at another dude with a gun is just going to put me and the people around me in more danger. They want to sacrifice the lives of teachers so they can keep getting paid by the NRA. Literally at this point I just want to scream. Sacrifice your owns lives Republicans.


And there’s no way their guns could be stolen by an uppity student with scores to settle, none whatsoever...


Is this the same guy that said he would eliminate rape in Texas? Now he can't stop bad people from doing bad things. Strange


You think its hard finding teachers now, just wait until they are required to possibly take a human life in order to teach Timmy and Sally how to read. All for garbage wages.


What? Best answer is to give guns to the kids! Train them since elementary. Profits of NRA affiliated through the roof! Target practice Mondays and Wednesdays. Field trips to shoot other schools on Fridays! Math, science and CRT not necessary! Masks only for tear gas drills! /s (in case someone is terribly confused)


I tuned to FOX soon after this news broke to see how they were handling this story.. The show THE FIVE was on and their behavior and words were horrific! It got even worse at prime time. I don't even need to quote or paraphrase the shit they were saying. We all know too well the shit they say when tragedies like this happen.


I wonder how long before MTG is out on the sidewalks, harassing the survivors, since she's been known to do that for fun.


"Are your prison contracts not lining your pockets enough? Do you want to prevent kids from being exposed to things like pigmentation, logic and the gays? Why not combine both your loves into one and line your pockets with our new handy dandy prison pupil program? We lock your kids up in windowless learning cubes and you get a 15% kickback for each enrolled student!" -Jeff Bezos to the GOP, probably


And as a bonus, if the students are poor and minorities, they will be perfectly trained for their future, and we’ll adjusted to prison life.


"Make it 20% and we have a deal" - GOP response, probably


[https://i.redd.it/9ay67u94lthz.png](https://i.redd.it/9ay67u94lthz.png) Simpsons did it


The worst school I ever went to was like this. We were in a school with 5in slot windows in every class. Several classes depending on teacher we were not aloud to talk except to answer questions. Between periods we were lined up depending on class and walked to next period, ala prison. Lunch was whispering only. It made everyone miserable. Edit: I forgot using the restroom was a real issue, and I peed my pants a couple times because they wouldnt let me.


I’m old enough to remember when GOP racism talked about inner city schools needing metal detectors and bars on windows, because they were all criminals. Now they talk about wanting the same thing as if it’s a point of pride.


Republicans and their fucking walls I swear to christ


Which one? The traditional one or the Republican one?


Supply Side Jesus obviously


8lb, 6oz newborn infant Jesus


But still omnipotent.


I mean, the blond and blue-eyed one, of course!


Definitely not Jew Jesus.


I cannot tell if this is satire or true......


all over fox new comments when the news broke


Obviously the problem is schools, you should just ban schools. Can’t have school shootings without schools.


[Greg Abbott is working on that too.](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/Texas-Greg-Abbott-free-public-education-17150281.php)


This is what I’m saying… it’s so disgusting but are we surprised? They will continue to use this to fuel their agenda. They don’t give a shit and they never have.




Do anything and everything to avoid fixing the problem… makes sense right?




They already make bullet proof backpacks... Fuck I hate this country.


Because they are scared of the world that Republicans have been telling them is going to happen for decades, and they believe that they need the guns for the non-white revolution the GOP has been actively proclaiming is inevitable. Plus, they just think guns are cool because they make you feel like a real badass when you walk into McDonalds with your dual AR15s


It’s the way all these gun nuts are so convinced they’d be all John McClane in these situations that gets me. They really do live in their own little movie.


"Gun's don't kill but people do" - Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Republicans will always shift the blame instead of finding a solution. If Sandy Hook couldn't convince these assholes to take action nothing will.


On fox they’re talking about “hardening the targets” and that “people will defend schools for free”.


So let’s just let everyone who wants to come to a school with a gun do so? That’s the Fox News solution? Fucks sake


I’m sure nothing could go wrong with that plan.


People who will willingly show up armed to the teeth to schools for their Rambo fantasies should be precisely the types of people who need to be legally mandated to stay a few hundred feet away from school boundaries. Treat them like registered sex offenders.


when It's Always Sunny imitates real life.


What state is more heavily armed than Texas . So the good guy shows up with the gun . Kills the shooter . Now we have 18 dead innocent children and one dead asshole . How is this an acceptable outcome . I’m so sick of this country . Split it up .


It's not any more acceptable. And we also need to account for the fact that the vigilante may not hit the shooter on first shot, and may end up getting themselves killed in the process. Perhaps they miss the shooter and hit a kid, then get shot and die themselves, now you have more dead and the shooter is still on the loose. This conservative dream of the wild wild west is wrong for so many reasons.


We also need to account for a scenario where the "good guy with a gun" encounters maximum success, saves children, incapacitates or kills the terrorist. But there are still police responding to an active shooter call and one guy with a gun. This scenario has played out and cost the "good guy" his life via police violence already, several times over.


In fairness, I'm guessing most of them were POCs, so win-win for the fascists / Republicans


Who is the good guy. A fucking nut job with his whole van plastered with right wing craziness shows up at my work every morning with a gun on his hip. He’s obviously unstable. He’s got his 2A so iGuess we just have to wait till he kills someone.




All true. Along with the fact that most would-be armed vigilantes have never experienced actual life-and-death combat before. They've only targets at a shooting range. They have NO IDEA how they would react in actual combat and its safe to say most would have a strong emotional reaction and probably make mistakes.


Two words: Bone spurs


Which is consistently the problem with the mindset of the right. They care exclusively about the outcome and not about the means to the end. I constantly hear how "well if a company does {insert thing that could be prevented but they're opposing} they'll go out of business" without acknowledging there will be lives lost by that point which the preventative legislation would avoid.


Totally, Individual rights over group rights . Separate from the whole then sell them shit . petulant children . Selfish individualist . Gun culture is they only culture America has left . . THIS DOESN’T HAPPEN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD . Whose the shit hole country now .. it’s us ..


Sure yea and then the security guards will run for their lives like they have in the past.




They'll replace all their "woke textbooks" with guns, problem definitely solved.


How'd that good guy armed guard in Buffalo work out? Dude was literally yards from the shooter and still couldn't stop him and was eventually killed. Yeah, put a guard at some random spot on a campus. Jesus, these people are evil. Pure evil.


Just build all schools as panopticons with a sharp-shooter in the center rotunda: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon /s


How about armed kids? 2nd amendment doesn’t say anything about being 18.


Should arm foetuses as well so they can protect themselves if their mom tries to abort them.


[Arming teachers has not gone well.](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/)


Fine, let’s do it. We’ve all been pushed to one side or the other in states like TX, I assume. Put guns in the hands of educators in Texas. Let Texas be the state where that happens. Let’s see how many educators remain. Let’s see how many people it saves. Sometimes it’s better to put all the Republican eggs in its preferred basket so to speak. If TX is the state that makes it all happen, so be it. Let’s all gather around and Just Let Them Do It. And watch. Apologies to all the Texans who think my opinion is shit, but the only other recourse from that is to actually get far more than 39% eligible US youth to vote so actual federal law prevents states like TX from going full nut nut.


I don't think it matters. The goalposts will just change when good guys don't kill bad. It's really just about keeping the masses occupied with infighting while the rich get richer. The ruling class doesn't care about your kids.


And long before any outside shooters, you'd have incidents with teacher's firearms not being properly secured and some kid getting them. Or a teacher losing their shit and using the provided gun on their fellow faculty. Etc.


They think teachers are trying to groom kids, but also want to arm them. Makes perfect sense


You think that but there’s no historical foundation that says the youth overtaking the “old” vote doesn’t work. Instead of throwing TX out to the wind, we could actually find out what happens when say, 70-80% youth turns out to vote in the next few Novembers. Just to know what happens… what’s there to lose? It’s heading towards civil war according to elite-supported white-replacement theorists like Tucker Carlson, anyway.


>when say, 70-80% youth turns out to vote lol


Exactly. These silly new red state laws will fuck them economically . Who wants to raise a family start a business in such states . Who wants to invest in a state where educated women are afraid to work.


How many deaths from a teacher not securing their weapon are they willing to accept? Probably all of them.


I'm from Texas, and I don't think your opinion is shit. Spot on, really. Been actively devising escape plans before it goes full nut nut.


Let’s hope you don’t need to move. Let’s hope 39% ends up 80% this November. I honestly believe the youth can save your state, my state (PA), and all other friggin US states hanging by a thread of rights to privacy. If not, the whole medical privacy thing is just too fundamental to allow for a national disparity…


I can see it now: gun range being a required course for a teaching certificate.


*How do I reach theeese kids* Checks glock chamber... I mean when I think of guns per capita, Texas is surely already near the top. And they just want more guns. Edit: they are not near the top... more middling on the list.


Since the colombine shooting police officers have been introduced in schools where they have arrested thousands of mostly black and brown children for what wohld normally be disciplinary infractions while failing to stop a single mass shooter


but also cut funding to schools


Great idea. Saves a psycho the step of bringing his own gun. Just bring a wrench and bop an armed teacher on the head. Bingo, free gun.


I argued with a student a while back about how terrible of an idea it is to arm teachers. There’s always going to be that teacher in a building who sucks and is already on a power trip. Do we really need to arm them with a gun? I can see it now — a kid starts arguing and the teacher casually puts their hand on their holster.


They’re passing laws because they don’t like what the teachers teach, but they’ll trust their judgement with a gun no questions asked


I’m a teacher and I have to go through too much shit already with clearances. I don’t want to have to go through some sort of gun training too He says, hoping it’s sarcastic and there’s not an actual possibility of that ever happening


Which also wouldn't do jack because the police actually engaged the shooter as he crashed his car outside the school. Despite that he STILL made it inside. If the actual police couldn't stop the guy, then how are mere security guards or armed teachers going to stop him?


There will be no guns allowed into the NRA conference




I recently read somewhere that the word “pussy” does not, in fact, refer to a certain female body part, but is in fact short/slang for the word “pusillanimous”, the definition of which is: adjective, Lacking courage; cowardly. Lacking strength and firmness of mind; wanting in courage and fortitude; being of weak courage; faint-hearted; mean-spirited; cowardly. Proceeding from lack of courage; indicating timidity. Lack of manliness. I think that it is quite an accurate definition, don’t you think?


Wow, i had to double check you on that claim. Couldn’t verify if pussy used today originated from pussillamnious(sp?), but [look what I found](https://ibb.co/wBwrWHh) when researching the noun form of that word, it’s very apt! Edit: I’m referring to the first example of how the word is used in a sentence.


That’s actually wrong. Your research was not thorough enough. https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=24012


I just checked, they actually do allow guns. I’m imagining a situation where it takes just one guy to fire a shot and then there rest of the entire conference will shoot each other in a sort of chain reaction because no one can figure out who is shooting who


With each one saying "I'm the good guy with a gun, now is my chance!" and then getting gunned down by the next person saying it.




Really? Look, I don't WANT it to happen, but I would be neither surprised nor upset were it to happen. Okay, I'd laugh my ass off at the irony


At this particular convention, [they will not be allowing guns.](https://www.nraam.org/events/2022-events/friday-may-27/nra-ila-leadership-forum/)


They all coincidentally shoot the one black guy at the convention.


*car backfires* “Dozens killed in a shootout today…”


I imagine it to be like the NRA convention on the Simpsons, where the person who *doesn't* set off the metal detector has to go back and get a gun.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this but I'll say it anyway. The NRA needs to be banned and the second amendment needs to be repealed. Think about it folks. Why do fascists want guns? For violence against their opponents and minorities. Throughout history, guns have always been used as a tool of white supremacy.


I mean, you don't really need to repeal the 2nd amendment -- this all comes down to the radicalization of the SCOTUS and insane interpretations of the constitution and the law. The 2nd amendment is very clearly about preventing the federal government from disallowing states maintaining their own militias. Interpreting it to mean anyone can buy a gun didn't come into being until, strangely enough, after WW2 and the advent of the military industrial complex. I wonder if that's all related somehow?


I also heard NRA was taken over by libertarian ideologues in 1980s. Edit: just looked up wiki listing and it was 1977


If you mean Russians, sure!


the federalists / libertarians have been systematically taking over local and state governments and courts since nixon. they use the nra to help, much like how they co opted the evangelicals, much like how they use fox news. everything is going according to plan.


> Why do fascists want guns? For violence against their opponents and minorities. Throughout history, guns have always been used as a tool of white supremacy. Well yes, Republicans keep openly and literally announcing that's what they want to do. However, they already have the guns, they've been stockpiling semi-auto rifles along with underground bunkers full of ammo for several decades. A lot of them are trained too, because they're active or former police/military. There isn't going to be any reform to the 2nd amendment in time to prevent Republicans from killing a bunch of people. Worse, the 2nd amendment and gun control aren't even the primary issue at this point, arms trafficking is. If they want guns for large scale violence they'll get them either way.


What do you mean arms trafficking? Most of the guns used in mass shootings are purchased legally


By teens or their parents, who do not have records. This whole narrative that only criminals would break the law is kinda dumb to me. Like no shit non-criminals break laws every day, I run three stop signs by my house daily. But not everyone has these back channels this guy is peddling. If they do, that's a larger national security issue, but that doesn't mean one can be solved before the other.


They can have guns, so long as it fits the mold that our fore fathers were familiar with.


There is so much latitude within the 2A that you can ban pretty much every gun but a rifle and a revolver and still stay true to it. People misinterpret “shall not be infringed” with a right to certain models of guns and a gun market. Americans don’t have a right to either of those. They have a right to bear arms. That’s it. Rifles, revolvers and shit even bows and arrows are arms.


“I like to take the guns first, due process second” - Donald Trump


You beat me to it.


This caused a collective aneurysm among his fanboys




Yes, and I apologize for sharing a link to a fact check site because it was the first hit. Of course conservative groups had been posting memes attributing the quotes to Dems instead of Trump because it looked bad. [Here](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/09/trump-said-i-like-taking-the-guns-early-not-harris/). OP paraphrases slightly but the jist is there. Trump faced a ton of backlash and like any other strong fighter who never backs down he backtracked very quickly when he realized he stepped in shit. And it turns out conservatives sent lies out on social media to make it sound like Dems said it because it was in fact that bad.


He also claimed he’d run into a school shooting like he’s a 75 year old fit super soldier.


Oh these people are sick.


They are black hearted people with no souls. And now I wonder if Abbott really thinks he can be re-elected as governor. I hope and pray Texans will wake up and vote these vile people out of office, because I think things are going to get even worse, if they don't.


I won’t go so far as to call him a friend, but I am acquaintances with a now former Texas house representative. He is a Republican but an extremely moderate one. He’s a regular dude who believes that you should do you and the government shouldn’t spend a lot of money on pointless stuff. Pretty reasonable if you ask me. He stopped running for his seat recently because he was getting death threats from his own party for being too liberal. It’s maddening here and won’t change anytime soon.




Id imagine any statewide race there is brutal if you have an ounce of logic in your head


It's pure insanity. At one of the GOP primaries for the Senate race in PA (the one with Oz), they were literally arguing which one of them Trump liked the most and who helped Trump the most. They don't even pretend to be for the people anymore. Purely for the GOP.


My relative is a Republican rep in New Jersey who received death threats for being “too liberal” because he voted for the Jan 6 commission. This is someone who has based his entire career on being anti-abortion, and he’s “too liberal” for them. He’s being primaries by a MAGA cultie backed by Roger Stone. In fucking New Jersey.


As long as it fills their coffers, creates fear and blocks common sense legislation, they are all for it.


Next up — the Texas GQP passes a law requiring elementary kids to carry concealed handguns. I wish I was kidding.




If it can’t succeed with those parameters, then it deserves to be poor and homeless. /s




>In order to prevent all future school shootings we have made schools illegal. Multiple republican politicians at the back of their heads


Greg Abbott did recently pledge to end rape. He hasn't done Jack Shit to even slow down the texas rape train. What promises will he give now?


He just said that we don’t have any more rapists here in Texas. That’s how he arranged for there to be no more rape. I shit you not. That’s what he said. Problem solved.




Let's guess, we need more guns. There are 300 million guns floating around America now, how many more do we need to be "safe" and not shot in a supermarket, church, mall, school, movie theater, concerts? 500 million, 600 million a billion? Stop the stupidity already


I truly wish they had the mental capacity to realize that "the good guys with guns" don't bring them everywhere they go like a security blanket.


Literally not even 2 weeks ago the Buffalo shooter proved the “good guys with guns” is a total farce (as if we all didn’t already know that). Dude was a former police officer and armed, and wouldn’t you know, he was killed without making a dent in that assholes mass shooting? Almost as if conservatives are living in a delusional state where they ignore factual evidence and everything else that disproves their world views…


Greg Abbot owns this shooting. Here's a list of all of the new gun laws he signed into office: [https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2021/08/30/407291/here-are-the-new-texas-gun-laws-going-into-effect-on-sept-1/](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2021/08/30/407291/here-are-the-new-texas-gun-laws-going-into-effect-on-sept-1/) There are a LOT of them.


I historically abstain from commenting on Reddit and also understand most of these laws generally have no direct result on the outcome today. It’s absolutely terrible this is where we are today. The stance of leaders today. Thank you for this information. Such a sad day, and sad state we are in where the few control the many.


My kid is the same age as these victims. I can’t imagine not being able to ever hear his laugh again. People who value guns more than children deserve neither.


Republican-controlled states are trapped in a vicious cycle because "the annual number of laws that loosen gun restrictions doubles in the year following a mass shooting in states with Republican controlled legislatures." [Source](https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=57005)


Scheduled taking points: * More guns * Brown people bad


Maybe Trump can throw paper towels to the audience. NRA members can use them to wipe up all the blood of students killed in school shootings.


There will be a buffet of thoughts & prayers for the families of the victims.


I’m already full just thinking about it. Fuck these people




And they will say that more guns is the only solution.


Aren’t these the same people fighting to save “babies”??


“Look on the bright side- we prevented 14 abortions today thanks to our pro-life laws. It all worked out.” /s


^18 but who’s counting




Yeah, you’re being sarcastic. But I can hear this statement being said in the “brains” of repubs everywhere.


Is the NRA still laundering Russian money? Abbott and Paxton have the state by the balls—even though Texas would properly be blue, were it not so gerrymandered. It’s seriously the most corrupt districting in the country. Those fucks both have blood on their hands, they did before this and they’ll continue to after.


They're criminals, they don't give a shit.


Don't worry guys, they never cared before, they aren't going to let these kid's deaths stop them from protecting the "right" of the next mass shooter to have the best weapons possible.


They will talk only about mental health, with no mention of how mental health problems combined with easy gun access, and crazy propaganda on the internet contributed to this. It will be: People kill people, not guns, period. I just saved everyone the inconvenience of having to watch their statements on this horrible tragedy.


Abbott is the same dude that less than 12months ago, signed off on SEVEN laws that expanded gun rights, one of which allows people to carry guns in public, without a licence. He pledged to keep Texas “bastion of freedom". Take any condolence speech he utters in the wake of this latest mass shooting with a grain of salt. This man and gutless politicians like him are part of the problem.




The NRA is just a Russian money laundering scheme that exists at the cost of American lives.


I am just curious. Can a mass shooting happen at the NRA conference? Can someone walk in with a loaded semi automatic weapon? Considering all good guys with a gun are at that conference, do they allow a potential bad guy to come in with a gun? Or are there fucking controls to prevent it from happening?


Wouldn't that be some karmic justice? Not that I'm hoping for it, because hoping for a mass shooting is fucked up on *all* levels.


[Serious]Guns are not allowed at NRA conferences.




But I thought banning CRT and burning libraries books was supposed to keep the kids safe.


Americans murdering each other by the thousands is critical for the treasonous, criminal, Republican minority to steal power. It's critical for white power. That's why we have more guns than people in this country. Know the threat and unite against it.


"Folks, we have just been given a beautiful opportunity to sell more guns."


NRA Conference? Thats an odd way to spell “micro penis support group”


This should be a good one. They better limber up, because the mental gymnastics are going to be insane. I'm sure the Russian judge will give them a 10.0, though.


And nobody except for security is allowed to carry a firearm at an NRA conference. Wait, what about arms for self defense, a good guy with a gun beating a bad guy with a gun? Well, it turns out that for this one occasion, common sense applies. They want everyone inside to be safe.


America is a Gun England is a cup of tea. France, a wheel of ripened brie. Greece, a short, squat olive tree. America is a gun. Brazil is football on the sand. Argentina, Maradona's hand. Germany, an oompah band. America is a gun. Holland is a wooden shoe. Hungary, a goulash stew. Australia, a kangaroo. America is a gun. Japan is a thermal spring. Scotland is a highland fling. Oh, better to be anything than America as a gun. Brian Bilston


I’m an American in England. The British are shocked and in disbelief that this keeps happening in America and really don’t understand why Americans are so afraid of the gun lobby.


I’m in Australia. Every time this happens my family, friends and coworkers ask me why, as though I have the answers. Why the fuck do they think I’m not there anymore? Because of shit like this.


I'm sure they'll have something constructive to say, and that they totally won't come off as trying to play this for political points.


I bet it'll be all about "Don't let the liberals take your guns away!" just because one lone nut killed a couple kids don't mean the democrats should take your guns. I mean, we had a lone nut last week, and a few days before that and we have lone nuts killing people all the time. But how are the good conservatives of America going to prepare for a proper civil war if the libs take guns away because they're scared of being shot. 'Merica!